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post Typoclassopedia: Exercise solutions 2017-09-27 typoclassopedia-exercise-solutions/ programming

I wanted to get proficient in Haskell so I decided to follow An [Essential] Haskell Reading List, there I stumbled upon Typoclassopedia, while the material is great, I couldn't find solutions for the exercises to check against, so I decided I would write my own and hopefully the solutions would get fixed in case I have gone wrong by others. So if you think a solution is wrong, let me know in the comments!

In each section below, I left some reference material for the exercises and then the solutions.



instance Functor [] where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
  fmap _ []     = []
  fmap g (x:xs) = g x : fmap g xs
  -- or we could just say fmap = map
instance Functor Maybe where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
  fmap _ Nothing  = Nothing
  fmap g (Just a) = Just (g a)

((,) e) represents a container which holds an “annotation” of type e along with the actual value it holds. It might be clearer to write it as (e,), by analogy with an operator section like (1+), but that syntax is not allowed in types (although it is allowed in expressions with the TupleSections extension enabled). However, you can certainly think of it as (e,).

((->) e) (which can be thought of as (e ->); see above), the type of functions which take a value of type e as a parameter, is a Functor. As a container, (e -> a) represents a (possibly infinite) set of values of a, indexed by values of e. Alternatively, and more usefully, ((->) e) can be thought of as a context in which a value of type e is available to be consulted in a read-only fashion. This is also why ((->) e) is sometimes referred to as the reader monad; more on this later.


  1. Implement Functor instances for Either e and ((->) e).


    instance Functor (Either e) where
      fmap _ (Left e) = Left e
      fmap g (Right a) = Right (g a)
    instance Functor ((->) e) where
      fmap g f = g . f
  2. Implement Functor instances for ((,) e) and for Pair, defined as below. Explain their similarities and differences.


    instance Functor ((,) e) where
      fmap g (a, b) = (a, g b) 
    data Pair a = Pair a a
    instance Functor Pair where
      fmap g (Pair a b) = Pair (g a) (g b)

    Their similarity is in the fact that they both represent types of two values. Their difference is that ((,) e) (tuples of two) can have values of different types (kind of (,) is * -> *) while both values of Pair have the same type a, so Pair has kind *.

  3. Implement a Functor instance for the type ITree, defined as

    data ITree a = Leaf (Int -> a)
                | Node [ITree a]


    instance Functor ITree where
      fmap g (Leaf f) = Leaf (g . f)
      fmap g (Node xs) = Node (fmap (fmap g) xs)

    To test this instance, I defined a function to apply the tree to an Int:

    applyTree :: ITree a -> Int -> [a]
    applyTree (Leaf g) i = [g i]
    applyTree (Node []) _ = []
    applyTree (Node (x:xs)) i = applyTree x i ++ applyTree (Node xs) i

    This is not a standard tree traversing algorithm, I just wanted it to be simple for testing.

    Now test the instance:

    λ: let t = Node [Node [Leaf (+5), Leaf (+1)], Leaf (*2)]
    λ: applyTree t 1
    λ: applyTree (fmap id t) 1
    λ: applyTree (fmap (+10) t) 1
    [16, 12, 12]
  4. Give an example of a type of kind * -> * which cannot be made an instance of Functor (without using undefined).

    I don't know the answer to this one yet!

  5. Is this statement true or false?

    The composition of two Functors is also a Functor.

    If false, give a counterexample; if true, prove it by exhibiting some appropriate Haskell code.


    It's true, and can be proved by the following function:

    ffmap :: (Functor f, Functor j) => (a -> b) -> f (j a) -> f (j b)
    ffmap g = fmap (fmap g)

    You can test this on arbitrary compositions of Functors:

    main = do
      let result :: Maybe (Either String Int) = ffmap (+ 2) (Just . Right $ 5)
      print result -- (Just (Right 7))

Functor Laws

fmap id = id
fmap (g . h) = (fmap g) . (fmap h)


  1. Although it is not possible for a Functor instance to satisfy the first Functor law but not the second (excluding undefined), the reverse is possible. Give an example of a (bogus) Functor instance which satisfies the second law but not the first.


    This is easy, consider this instance:

    instance Functor [] where
      fmap _ [] = [1]
      fmap g (x:xs) = g x: fmap g xs

    Then, you can test the first and second laws:

    λ: fmap id [] -- [1], breaks the first law
    λ: fmap ((+1) . (+2)) [1,2] -- [4, 5], second law holds
    λ: fmap (+1) . fmap (+2) $ [1,2] -- [4, 5]
  2. Which laws are violated by the evil Functor instance for list shown above: both laws, or the first law alone? Give specific counterexamples.

    -- Evil Functor instance
    instance Functor [] where
      fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
      fmap _ [] = []
      fmap g (x:xs) = g x : g x : fmap g xs


    The instance defined breaks the first law (fmap id [1] -- [1,1]), but holds for the second law.