Mahdi Dibaiee 728df02fbd feat(rnn): recurrent neural networks, experimental
WIP: runs out of memory quickly
2016-10-25 20:23:55 +03:30

1.7 MiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

"EG just the better team "
"Be...because! He's Bombadil Coochierash, man! You can't tell him what to do!"
Thank You!
Halo. The one where you have a mongoose and you have to dodge the zombie's snipes or rockets while trying to drive through a circular obstacle course.
This is so cute :3
I'm happy it worked out for you! :)
I don't want it at all. This is one of the worse ideas I've heard.
"> EDIT: I'm looking through all your overhauls and wondering how you could possibly make them all to this standard since 2011-11-11. You have automation tools for a lot of it, right?

Haha :) Nah, I started making these overhauls back in 2013. The first attempts in making them were horrible, but after a while I got how to make them and the modding process became far more easy for me. Doesn't mean it wasn't time-consuming -> It took indeed a lot of time, especially since most tools like DynDOLOD weren't available back then.

> What major performance drains (enb, foliage etc) were you using for the screenshot I linked?

Vanilla Ice Cream ENB (very performance heavy), some 1k and 2k textures and everything else is included into the Enhanced Landscapes mod.

> EDIT: Also, what's your rig?

Core i5-4690K

Sapphire R9 280X 3GB"
"-Great gaming PC

-Plays Minecraft

"Murloc plaguebearer costs way to much, either lower mana or increase stats to like a 3/4 or a 2/5 but even that might be too low "
"hes never leaving madrid
"Beautiful! "
"Yeah, that's way too high. Try setting it to 4GB."
"still nada, did the first set of instructions :(, cmos was cleared, loaded up bios, switch to pci and enable if no pci ext, saved and shut down.  Switched cards, nothing :(

Pretty positive the card should be ok, just got it from evga yesterday from the b stock sale...if would test it in this machine but its the same motherboard lol"
"Totally agree. I really respect your honesty--with yourself and your wife. That couldn't have been an easy conversation.

I also think *not wanting* to have another kid is the best reason in the world not to have one."
"I think its just a different attitude culturally. The germans are very intrigued by the technical aspect, especially as it involves a native company (CryTek), and have affection for CR because he speaks german (like David Hasslehoff).

The US audiences want to see a little more of a polished product before they really throw things in. If there is one thing large american studios are good at, its creating trailers that show the emotional/ideological core of the game in a clear, concise manner. "
"Made it to the Poconos. Manager gave us t-shirts etc....activities coordinator remembers us and had hugs to give and is excited to do the show. Our view in this room is,awesome. Yay."
"Not all drug dealers are unemployed, and its completely fruitless to assign an 'average income' to a drug dealer when theres so many variables. "
"Thanks for the joke lol

I don't see it, please redeposit"
"Do you think the NSA or Microsoft gives a shit about what you have on your computer? No, they don't.

To them, we're all nobodies living nobody lives doing nobody jobs. They could give 2 shits less about your information on your computer.

Microsoft only collects data so they can improve their software and to give you features that require them knowing some data.

Everyone's gotta stop acting like the NSA gives 2 fucks about the shit on their computer because guess what? You're a nobody, we're all nobodies."
You're completely missing the point. Those things are ALREADY being prevented. There is no benefit to having our privacy infringed for this bill because the problems this promises to stop do not exist in the first place
"I'm 192.5 cm but say I'm 195 because it's a unit of 5. I figure 90% of the time I'm in Boots so it works out to be about that. 

When people don't ask me specifically I say 6 foot something. It's Australia so feet and inches whilst semi-common for height I don't think is widely accurate when estimated here since it's all metric. 

Sometimes I say 190odd. Which when rounded up is technically true at 193. "
"I like Phase 5 with the TF of Bahamut. Personally, I'd like to go up against Mega Cat somewhere along the line, just so I can say I survived a nuclear/atomic strike. And I'd be disappointed if I didn't get to face God Cat in the SoL finale. Epic showdown in which True Valkyrie gets her revenge."
haha yeah that definitely complicates matters xD
"That's still not hatred of women. That's cutting funding to federal programs they don't agree with. "
How the hell do you attain this Oneness exactly? (or higher consciousness)?
"Guile, Balrog, Ryu, Bison, then all the variants of those 4."
"Believe it or not, those assholes actually signed BOTH Posey and Bum. However, being a Giants fan with a soul, I immediately went into commissioner mode and released Posey. That just won't happen in my world. "
"The router gives me trouble sometimes, but my phone and laptop are both connected without a problem right now."
"Honestly, I like it that way. Then we don't have to see awful comments about it. It's more so just my thought "
"[Here's a VERY relevant quote regarding QB.](

Never thought that would come in this handy :)"
"Yeah, I wish it blew up again. I like following it, but it's not as chaotic as it used to be."
"Whenever a scammer calls and tries to scam me, I always prank them. I tell them that I have a Samsung Tablet Toaster model."
"I get that CLG will make it to worlds on the analyst desk, but why is no one saying who the third team to qualify for worlds will be?"
"Super obscure, but funny to me. I work for a 911 EMS provider in a major city, and we have a pretty high patient volume. For every patient contact, we have to fill out a computer report. One part of the report has boxes where you can click to say that a patient either does (pertinent positive) or doesn't (pertinent negative) have a particular symptom. 

Every other week I click decapitation as a pertinent negative on every patient (unless they actually are, which hasn't happened yet). So far no one from quality assurance seems to notice. "
"If I win again today, I'll make it thematic."
"There are plenty of friendly, non-rapist, bums out there. Pirates by definition are dickheads."
"7 years after, the prophecy is fulfilled. Praise 0Richman0 the Prophet!"
"Where are the campaigns for worse crimes? Why arent you pushing campaigns to teach people not to murder? Murder is much more pervasive in our society. We should have campaigns against our murder culture. We need campaigns against theft culture. These are much more pervasive crimes in our society and by your standards are normalized. I think youve got your priorities out of wack since you clearly think its worthy having anti-rape campaigns in our rape culture, but your not pushing anti murder campaigns, we should clear that shit up first before we work on lesser crimes.  

Out of everything Ive said this entire argument please just answer this once question. Why arent you pushing campaigns against our murder culture?"
"thank you for your reply man. 

What do I do though, when I DO dive into scripture, I DO pray more, I DO spend time with him, though lately I have trouble calling it a conversation with it being so one way. I listen and only hear silence. "
"""I'll let you know,"" *He smiles and shrugs,*"
"to quote hedonism bot 

>Everywhere I looked, there were piles of bodies. And then the explosion struck"
"well I am kinda spending all my money on PC my car is worth 500 USD  xD
"Definitely a sociopath. Whether he was a benevolent sociopath enacting some sort of grand plan to induce social order or a malicious narcissist glorying in the suffering of his followers is impossible to tell in the present day. Possibly both at the same time, s'often the case. Remember that 'DT' individuals in real life are not, by definition, socially toxic - some use the detached, 'emotionless' perspective to try and do what they define as 'good' for their own reasons."
oh really?  so you equate every friday at your house to be the same as the scene of a crime involving two air to surface attacks on skyscrapers and their subsequent demolition.   I think I might be arguing with a mentally unhinged person - that's nuts of me to think I could change your view.   You are indoctrinated.
"Before my Junior Prom, my mom asked who I was going to prom with and if *he* was cute. I made that cunt wait to find out after that"
"I've started to view everyone on reddit as ""quick but slothful"" instead of ""smart but lazy."""
"Yep that first bitch just fucked herself and crapped out a son to continue the good work of creating humanity.

Nevermind all that shit about genetic diversity and inbreeding.

That's clearly bullshit."
It's great seeing ReDeYe hosting again.
"lol does it only work when traveling North East?
"I did a salty break, when I came back, I did a 10 win spree"
"I don't think you can read the information in real time as you're exercising, but once you're done and have logged your run with Garmin Connect (Garmin's online hub for your activities), you can have Strava pick it up almost immediately so you can view your data on Strava. 

No comment about Runkeeper. "
"""Shoots da kine brah, second sheeft will get it!""

- Response from any (unionized) naval shipyard worker when asking whether or not they were going to finish and clean up the job they started not understanding there are safety concerns"
"How dare he show empathy for an animal's suffering. He must be a crazy vegan, right? /s"
"> I just don't see how losing a point of life so you can grab one land from your library is better than having a card that gives you a life and acts as two lands types.

Because the dual land you're describing comes into play tapped. A fetch land, while only able to get a land of one color (in standard, modern has shock lands), can get either of the two colors the player needs and that land comes into play untapped and can be used for mana right away."
And jacket patch instead of armor.
That bastard kept the best part of the duck for himself!
"Definitely try without first, particularly since you are not splitting the signal at all."
"CertainlyT is ruining this game,all of his champions are problem champions with extremely frustrating mechanics, they are either broken overpowered or broken trash, and he needs to stop making champions."
he doesn't have cable
That was a very patient response to a very stupid comment.

I linked you to what happened. I recommend watching the entire set."
"5) Vain Glory Opera, Theatre of Salvation, Hellfire Club. Even Savage Poetry was good when redone.

7) Halloween? A Little Time? I'm Alive? Future World? Come on now.

8) Push, Time, I Can, Falling Higher, Don't Spit On My Mind...hard to find bad songs on there."
"If that were true, when super buu absorbed gotenks, gohan could have just gone super saiyan on top of his mystic training and kicked ass"
"Bohemian rapsody. Everyone loves it! "
(OOC: I. Fucking. Love. You.)
"I tried to go this weekend and they have it all locked up now. The fence you have to climb over is pretty tall and spikey as fuck. Got nice and bloodied up. "
"I'm not sure what you mean, but I doubt it. The tongue and the jaw don't have any crossed nerves as far as I'm aware."
"Yeah, I've thought about getting a keyboard case for it, but I'll have to wait for that. The official one is expensive, and its the only one I like the look of."
Now I have.
housing isn't holding back tech scene in Vancouver neither. I think its more the lack of Vancouver tech scene itself holding it back.
No. The non plastic version is worth it in build quality.
"I think this is a fantastic idea. Would definitely be in to it and I think it'd give some of the new battle heads some insight to older battles, references within battles (they're ridiculous at this point) and exposure to battlers other than Rone.

I don't have a clue how to have some random battle generator but I'd definitely take part in this. "
"12 team, H2H (BA, HR, RBI, R, SB, K, W, SV, ERA, WHIP)

I get: Nick Hundley (C, Col), Miguel Sano (3B, Min), Matt Shoemaker (SP, LAA), Phil Hughes (SP, Min), Nathan Eovaldi (SP, NYY)

I send: Miguel Montero (C, ChC), Manny Machado (3B, Bal), Vance Worley (SP, Pit), Kyle Lohse (SP, Mil), Joe Ross (SP, Wsh)

I feel like I'm getting fleeced for pitching, and I'm not sure I'm getting great value in return for Machado.  I can give up Montero, since I have McCann (C, NYY) on the bench as well.  Thoughts?"
"It was like that in BO2, and so I think we can be confident that it will be the same in BO3, especially with the ban and protect system in arena."
Definetely a share
Are you implyin that magic is real or that crimes associated with this belief are real? You're not very clear on that.
"Behind every feminist is a cute guy who didn't pay attention to them. "
Do people think d**dpool related crap is getting posted repeatedly in each subreddit by coincidence?
"Good point. I do think Bernie has a chance either way, but it would certainly be a better chance with Trump running independent."
"I'm 5'10"" with a athletic build and the medium fit me fine."
"I'm pretty sure murdering a ruler because you disagree with his foreign policy and mounting a nationwide insurrection counts as ""the use of violence to achieve political goals."" "
":P That was my plan with Guatemala, until Virginia became available. I kinda wish I could annex Guatemala tbh"
"Counter Counter is actually decent, though. Negates stuff like Warning, Alpha, Secret Move, etc."
"sorry are you still on? I was getting ready to go to work, but I have about 10 minutes"
Yes. This is not my final form.
List? lol
"It is all based on the contribution of their own members. Usually those who make the National theme is their own country man/woman.

Do note that thin skinned should go there. It is all about satire and stereotype (e.g. singapore with their fines, Murica freedoM ^^TM , etc.

BTW you guys are lucky to be just barely within the line after they change their policy. Or maybe it is planned lol.

>Changes to X-Posting Policy

>    The threshold for x-posting will be raised from 20,000 to 30,000 subscribers of the sub it was x-posted to.

>    X-posting to meta subreddits of any size will result in an instant ban without warning.
"Yeah, sucking the cook helps."
Plan out how much time you think it will take. It will take double that. This is also true even if you take into account this rule.
"This odd little beetle has given me a long runaround. It's certainly not one I'm very familiar with, but your location and these nice closeups are very helpful. I wish I had a fuller dorsal view of the elytra, because what's going on down there might help confirm or deny my very tentative, cautious suggestion as to what this may be.

The best match for this beetle that I can find is *Telephanus atricapillus*, a Silvanid Flat Bark Beetle. It's found in Canada, seems to match in the shape of the pronotum and the appearance of the surface of the elytra, has similar antennae which also seem inclined to point directly forwards, and I certainly don't know of anything that looks remotely as close. 

The source of my doubt: this species generally has blackish markings on the posterior of the elytra. Since I cannot see this one aspect, I don't know if this is present here. Further complicating matters, elytral coloration is variable and there are some specimens which seem to lack nearly any black pigmentation; I can see only perhaps a vague shadow of it if I look very closely. With that in mind, this is my best guess and I hope that someone will come in to secure a more definitive ID. Sorry I'm not oozing with confidence, here. - one of the odd, almost entirely orange examples."
dank meme bro
Wow.  Amazing price here everyone.  This should go quick.
Can someone please explain to me the concept behind Mac's video for 100 Grandkids?
"If Huawei is making the next Nexus then I'll stick with my N6, or upgrade to a 64Gb or new Moto X."
"Did this a few hours, still working (PC)! Thanks for this, Also I would say for folks looking at ways to do it, Datsaintfan has the best one out there, at least for me, I think it's the easiest parachute technique out there so far, broke the confusion barrier for me instantly: about 3:00 in"
"Do you really think that some ultra rich billionaire's son pays less than a Twitch stream of a TSM member? "
Its already is
"Meh, it happens. I expected to be pretty upset after that loss last night, but the Premier League started today, so I'm in a pretty good mood."
"only if they're a bigger slob than me. "
"Haha, sorry man. Sold on Amazon only an hour after I posted that comment. "
"take 1 square, fold it double. Now you have the thickness of two! (srsly if I don't do this I go through multiple rolls a day.)"
"You are probably better off then. "
"We have plenty of South Asians! They all live in New Jersey. 

Also where were you visiting that people thought lamb was usual? I grew up in NJ and live in Connecticut and lamb is pretty common both those places. Trendy, even. "
Plot Twist: He's Asian.
"I've met some really great people on here because of my Fitbit. I work in retail, so whenever I'm talking to someone and notice their Fitbit I ask how many steps they have in. I wish I had gotten the Charge HR, but I have the Flex so I could also get the Tory Burch band that it pops into."
"Boom! I now have more dynamite than I can use.

At this rate I'll never pay full price for any dynamite series."
"i have to say john really set things in motion in this game going forward with his fight/rivalry with vanessa. it's going to make the game more interesting. "
How can I join these private groups?
Guido has explicitly banned backticks. They're not coming back.
"And yet, here we are, with a fucking awesome game."
"Eh. Potato, pastolen valour. "
"They have as a party taken a polite stance towards UBI.  It needs to be at the forefront of the leader's stump speech though, IMO."
Mmmm hmmm.
"""Thanks for convincing a customer to get a book they probably wont like since its very different from what they wanted. They totally wont return it later. Also thanks for the safety hazard of leaving 70 largish books in the ceiling above our store. Have $10, and give this tenner to Einstein too."""
"Four games in the loss column, but I get your point "
"Yeah well sorry for not learning the UKIP voting figure exactly. The point still stands and that takes nothing away from the point that was being made. 
But I'll correct it here, 3.9 million for 1 seat.
SNP 1.5m , 56 seats.
LD 2.4m 8 seats.
"I like this suggestion a lot. "
Not really though usually when I walk in the streets most people that passes by are like 4 inches taller than me and my head is only on their shoulder part. Also most of my childhood filipino friends here are taller than the average filipino. Maybe it's because of the food and environment?
"This isn't strictly true. Rubik does scale with both farm and levels, in a way. Mobility and disruptive items can be very useful on Rubik. Additionally Aghs reducing spell steal to 2 seconds means he can have a huge impact.

I think it's only viable in a ""dream"" scenario where every heroes has something you'd want to steal. That said, ease of execution is not on your side."
"there isn't one. 

this isn't a desire path. people just don't know how to drive. 

[why-all-the-downvotes-?-edit] from the sidebar: ""ensure your path is an apparent disregard for designated paths"" and ""worn tracks don't necessarily constitute a desire path"""
"Hey denver, I'm  cheyenne about 45 min north of you.

How do you stay active?"
"But! But! Pennsylvania has *Peanut Chews*!!! Voodoo is about a 20 minute drive from here. The Dollar Tree (they sell my beloved Peanut Chews) is maybe a three minute walk from my apartment. 

I work graveyard and it used be that we had to work every other Saturday. I work not too far from Voodoo, so two coworkers and I would head over there after our Saturday shift and unwind. We called it going to church because it was Sunday morning and we would talk about some pretty depraved stuff. Ok, it was their depraved stuff, but still. 

Ironically, I'm a lot fatter now that I *don't go to Voodoo every two weeks."

Change your freaking router password and SSID and don't buy shit routers or else you get pwned.

Internet of things means you have to be careful that nothing can get outside your network."
What's your favorite Disney movie?
"Wow that's very dumb and tactless of him. There's even a chance that he kinda did it on purpose, because he knows you have the feels for him and he likes to abuse that little bit of power. I don't know, it's a possibility, but it could be that he's just stupid and rude."
"It all depends. Are you going to do the work yourself or pay someone else? Do you *want* a new bass? Have you played some basses in (and well above) your price range, for comparison?

Who cares what gear snobs think? If yours is what you want and need, stick with it. But if that's only true because you haven't experienced a real quality instrument, you need to go play a couple $1800+ guitars before you make the choice."
"Sorry, the second half of this comment just doesn't sit well with me, because it's totally unfair bullcrap. Because men can post the dirty details without automatically being targeted, and no one will ever telI them with such justification that they should protect themselves by making accommodations for evil people. It feels like people are saying, ""I'm sorry that you have the misfortune of being born without a white penis. However, you might be able to not be miserable, if you can consciously make sure that no one finds out."" Sorry for the rant, but it really sucks!"
love u man
"Ahh, the good old we just have to get by with greatapes and kiketown. "
"[I found this little shit in my suggestions again](


[Also does anyone think this is good?]("
"I'd like to know this too.  I don't know what the difference between processors is, Nd aside from the camera and ipx7, it seems the S3 is still favorable."
This is the right answer.  As much as we all like him there isn't really that much special about him.  He's an okay depth guy incase we lose 2 or 3 recievers but other than that...
"Just because you didn't want only sex and spinning plates doesn't necessarily mean you aren't a nice guy TM.  The nice guys I've encountered wanted to date me, not just have sex. The problem was that as soon as I said no, they suddenly became assholes to me.  If you're only nice to girls when you are trying to get with them, either for sex or dating, you aren't nice, you're a manipulative douchebag.

I'm assume you're actually nice to everyone, in which case you're not a ""nice guy TM"" and the negative stereotypes aren't directed at you.  Instead of being angry at feminists, you should be angry at the guys who pretend to be nice to get what they want."
"i just said they, or any sub, isn't obligated to be explicit about it. They don't have to list every word they filter. My sub filters certain words too. Also further in this thread one of the mods of that sub goes on to explain the reasoning (which is to prevent people brigading) and that its temporary.

My sub often does similar things when certain controversial topics come up, because we *will* get attacked to the point where zero discussion can be had until a word is filtered and the people launching the attack give up. there is no conspiracy here, this is standard procedure for most subs, and one that is needed just to keep the sub from de-evolving into a cesspit of spam.

so, to sum it up, mods are in no way obligated to tell you of any hidden rules, filters, or triggers they have set up with automod or internal moderation procedures. there are plenty of reasons for this, and in this case it seems like spam is the most likely one. sure, the word can be relevant, but its much better to remove the comment, review the comment, and approve on a case by case basis instead of assuming the comment will be ok and reviewing it without removing it. that just invites a really, really difficult time keeping things from getting way out of control."
"You can do what I do, two tries a day. If it doesn't happen, it wasn't meant to be. If it does, go ham on your other characters. That's how I got most of my transcended skills lol "
"I'm not one of their voters.  It's out of my hands what they do.  I thought Huntsman was reasonable and Kasich's answer on why Ohio expanded medicaid was uniquely humanitarian; downright shocking.  Yet, no matter how the problems with the GOP are pointed out to the GOP or even stated by the GOP after 2012, what it always comes down to is that the GOP cultivated a core of angry nasty mainly older white voters who get the same messages from various conservative media which is all they ever listen to.  I think most liberals have encountered such at the Thanksgiving table where someone will spout Foxisms or Rushisms; as if they were spells or a chants or normal.

At the end of the day, the GOP has been making this problem for 30 years by perfecting the manipulation of easy to manipulate people but now they've got a tiger by the tail.  They only listen to conservative media and they rally around the GOP the way people rally around sports teams.  In the end, I don't know what can change them but I do know change will have to come from within and what I or my kind say has no effect on that whatsoever.  We're the enemy."
">What you are looking at in the video is you on a train that is NOT moving, while the scene AROUND it is moving.

Sneaky bastards!"
Is K&R outdated?
Sent and you're welcome!
"I was playing on 3ds against my brother. He was Diddy Kong.  I hit him with a fair and he barely survived but he was in the upper right corner of the screen.  He tried to use side b to recover over my head and reset (he was above the top border of the visible screen.  I turned around from the edge of the stage, grabbed his banana from behind me and threw it upwards and intercepted him perfectly. The banana star-KO'd him.  I unfortunately lost the replay because this was in February and many updates have been released since"
Ah that makes more sense!
[Does that make you gay?](
"God, you are perfect "
"Actually Platinum goes above and beyond in this regard. Higher difficulties will have different enemies in once familiar locations. In Wonderful 101 when you beat the game on normal you get a steady progression of enemies starting from the easier ones to more difficult. As you increase the difficulty you get the difficult enemies early on as well. This is why the game actually locks you out of the harder difficulties until you beat it once. "
"Just use the ISO they released instead. "
"Poppin' rear delts "
"Win Masterchef "
I had no idea that Clarke once bowled.
"Not gonna rate you by a number. Pretty girl, by NO means ugly. It looks like you straighten your hair- regardless you should leave it curly or make it curly, let some of the wave fall onto your forehead/face"
"My girlfriend asked me ""Ugh, do you have to watch it live?"" -_-"
How many drugs I've done.
"Thanks! Check out my assets on steam, mostly casinos, as you can imagine I can't fricking wait for more details on nightlighting! Please /u/TotalyMoo animated nightlighting would make my day!"
I should get one.
"Exactly, it's rated higher than every Kubrick movie. That's the problem I have. Although I might be biased with Kubrick, he's definitely my favorite lmao"
"How about we say ""die""?"
"I'm not sure what you are referencing.

/u/deaph_works said "" beating up the kids dad saying messed up things to them was all for his son""

He could have just *talked with the dad*, even if it took 10 visits and 7 phone calls.  And his wife did *discover* that he beat the kid's dad."
Xbox one join Sturdy Wings  playing all night
"Subahan'Allah "
"If your game includes the use of the words ""fungal infection"", you're doing something wrong."
"I really want to know what goes through these people's minds and what they're seeing on these drugs. Like lock me up in a room with nothing in it to hurt myself and hit me up. I've only tried marijuana which is obviously far less extreme than these drugs but I still feel wack. "
"we are being raided from somewhere, where I don't know "
"That controller is looking hot, but those legs are looking hotter :)"
Ha! If he were to stumble into /r/asatru then I'd be quite surprised. All I could then do is applaud his dedication.
"She has more than you think.  Rousey can keep making great paydays beating bums, but Cyborg's name is getting press, and Rousey needs her for the big money. 

This is prize fighting first, and Cyborg is raising the prize by keeping her name in the public light. "
Edited my post.
"Hey, I haven't heard of you before, but reading this has made me really interested to try marksman Azir!

Clearly you don't often play meta ADCs, but I was wondering if you have any thoughts on when marksman Azir is effective or ineffective. I presume he's good if the rest of your team picked AD champions, but what other situations does he shine in?

And how does his damage lategame compare to standard ADCs? It sounds strong, but is it better than some of the meta champions?"
Sadly I'm in Edinburgh so a *wee* bit far away...
"Nu ver ka is a more involved build
"Very poetic, cleaver. Do you have any previous writing experience?"
"ben Mael par exemple...

(c'est pas un prénom féminin ça ?)"
God they sound like chimps
I haven't flipped my shit at all? I think this whole thing is ridiculous.
"I forgot the last time I played split screen with friends, and I don't doubt a lot of people these days can say the same. "
I don't dig the whole goth style... But iI dig you! Very attractive face!
"Those Chest were there on the first beta , I remember seeing these at Teq

Sadly, the reward remain shit because ANet hate farming"

So hot right now "
"Drank a bottle of whiskey by myself after not eating anything all day. 

Chased it down with two cans of beer. Puked for two days straight."
Not sure of the exact model but check out the Martin OOO mahogany models. They'll likely be a match for what you want.
"Kom til timerne og lav dine afleveringer.

Du behøver egentlig ikke byde ind med noget i timerne. Og afleveringer behøver heller ikke være gode. 

Bare kom igennem. 

Du kan osse stile højere. Men det er helt fint at skrabe sig igennem... selvom det kan blive svært at komme ind på nogle videregående uddannelser.

Men tag det afslappet og ha det sjovt.. "
This one really feel like troll. I mean clicking on mentally ill takes you to a url that ends in bs.
He thought it was a foul ball.
"Not OP, but thanks for sharing. Saved!"
"Enchantment! "
you could also do M as in Mancy
"Along with this, have you tried driving one display with a displayport->VGA adapter? Perhaps it can only drive two digital displays at a time but two digital and one analogue may work."
"Best Legionnaire isn't until later this year man. 

Stop ruining the surprise.  "

I love it too! I love that she seems really kind and not hostile or angry or child-hating. :)
"*Ed stops for a second. Usually people are fine with him leaving them alone.*

Uh, sure..."
"I had to make an account and comment after I've seen some of your previous posts. The oilfield is a tough environment to work, but it offers high pay to a lot of people that might not make that money doing anything else. 

You should be thankful you had that job, dealing with the F bombs is part of the oilfield. If you can't handle hearing ""fuck"" all day then maybe you're right the oilfield might not be for you."
"Thanks for the prayers. This is one of the few troubles erupting from the mixed faith. Thankfully my wife is not snide about my faith.

"Speechless. "
"The best idea is to find out what format your friends/the store is playing. Ideally, you want to build a deck in the format that people are playing because you'll want to play with them. I don't know what your intentions are, if you're going to go to events or not and so forth. If you're playing with only your friends, play what they play, if you're going to play at the store, check out the store/scene and figure out what they're playing. Playing at their Friday Night Magic event is probably a great idea, so buying for that format is likely your best bet.

The two most popular formats are definitely Standard and Modern. Standard is a format that has a smaller card pool, and only the few most recent sets are allowed. The cards also rotate out, which means when new sets come out, old sets leave, so that we don't have too large of a card pool. What this really means for a new player is that every few months, you need to spend money updating decks or building new ones, because cards that made your deck work might not be playable, or other great cards will be printed. Modern, on the other hand, is a non-rotating format. That means that the sets allowed will always be allowed, and any new sets are simply added on top. Standard tends to be a lot cheaper because the cards are newer and easier to get.

Competitive decks in Standard will cost you somewhere between $100-400 depending on which deck you build. Competitive decks in Modern will run you somewhere between $250-$2000. It's not a hard rule, but generally speaking, cheaper decks aren't as good as more expensive decks. I say that with a grain of salt, because the Burn deck in Modern is $700 and one of the top decks. But definitely the cheapest decks are usually not the best, and they're usually being played because they are cheap.

Definitely don't buy booster packs or those 200 card packs. Booster packs generally net you a loss on your investment, so you'll get less money in cards than you pay for the pack. Those 200 packs are probably filled with bulk cards your store couldn't sell, so they do this just as a way to potentially sell them.

The best is to decide what deck you want to play, buy all the cards, and keep playing it. While buying lots of packs could get you a large collection, a lot of cards aren't worth much money, and you would rather have one good deck that can compete with others as opposed to a few mediocre decks that won't perform very well. Don't be afraid to proxy it and test with your friends beforehand, since it's an expensive investment. You can get a Standard and Modern deck with that budget, and have some leftover for accessories or to use as entry fees to tournaments."
"How does PE have anything to do with what I'm talking about? Only power EEs care about PE. 

I'm not posting names or specific hiring practices of places I've worked or interviewed. I'll just say that it's a practice common to large corporations as a blanket rule for engineering departments. Take it or leave it."
"Just tape it behind your ball sack. The dogs won't sniff the MDMA and if they pull you aside with the police (which has happened couple of times with me and my friends as well) they'll search you but you don't have to take off your boxers lol. No worries. "
Kicking little kids outside of the stadium.
"My friend made the game board with a laser cutter, it's pretty sweet. As for physical challenges I'll list off the ones I remember (don't have my rule book with me): moth to flame - All Play - each player puts their hand 12 inches above a stove burner. Every thirty seconds you must lower your hand one inch, last man standing wins. Icy waters - All Play - similar to moth to flame, everyone sticks their hand in an ice bath and the last to remain standing wins. Slap card - single play - someone gets to slap you as hard as they can, no flinching. Fart card - someone farts in your face and you bask in the aroma for 30 seconds. Dragon's Breath - single play - take a shot of hot sauce and keep it down. Inverted Shotgun - single play - chug a beer while your teammate holds you upside down. Grape Gobble - all play -obviously taken directly from the show. I Spy - all play - whoever draws this card names an object and everyone must attempt to find it. First one back with the object wins. Garbage Bag Gladiators - all play - inflate garbage bags then wear them like a sumo suit. You must use your garbage bags to attempt to knock each other off of a couch or some other surface. We also did a bunch of drinking games. So we have Polish horseshoes, Flip Cup, DUI Mario Kart, Beirut, Dizzy Bat, and Slapping the Bag. Those are all all plays. We also got lazy and added some games from Scrubs so Find the Saltine, Macaroni and Toe or Finger is in there as well."
"Ah. I wouldn't risk it then, just have someone bring home stuff from China. "
If they had customers near their area it might be more feasible. It does happen!
Try using Ninite (Google it).  It will save you precious minutes downloading and installing all your basic apps and browsers.
Am I thinking? Or just thinking that I'm thinking?
They can't control them.
I remember reading somewhere that TSM could still get in on most points just aslong as TL finishes top 3 and TSM beats Gravity.
I assume its more want to have an orgasm and just see kids as possessions
Its still different when the house you OWN is covered in your sex juices rather than someone elses.
David Price also cost an arm and a leg prospects-wise. And we're stuck with all of our homegrown talent.
He also uses an octave shifter for guitar range solos.  Was right up close for golden gate wingman cause the venue was so small.
Every Marvel property was campy as hell in the sixties.
"That's awesome! Do they employ actual pandas? "
Thank you! Rated!
"You realize that the country of Japan has 10 championships... California has 7...

It's not a US v Them. It's Japan v Pennsylvania. An all US team would destroy them.

EDIT: Good for the kids, but this weird nerd culture of putting Japan on a pedestal and pretending it's not racism or cultural misappropriation is bizzare. 

Also all you I don't want to be racist but the Japanese have ""discipline"" guys are racists. Their playing little league ball not hacking a gibson. The kids from PA practice and play at the same level. It's not the Bad News Bears sequel where we sent Kelly Leak over to smoke at them and hit some zingers."
gj graves
"He recently on an interview admited that he had no problem with the second amednment for hunting but that he though we should ban ""assault rifles"""
"Go to  a good one. Since about 2007 jobs have been harder to come by even for top 20 at tier 1 schools, but I hear it has been much worse for grads from lower tier schools. The risk is bigger than it used to be.Good luck!"
"It's rooted in envy and truth at the same time. The topic is very much simplified in this show, which is to be expected as it is a comedy sitcom. 

If you were to go all overanalytic about it, you could easily argue that Carlton is indeed a spoiled brat that enjoys the fruit of his fathers labour and splurge all the funds on himself while his 'brothers' are broke in the ghetto as they didn't have rich fathers. 

Of course envy is usually at the heart of it. Most people cannot bear to stand other people succeed at a level higher than themselves. It's kind of like how less attractive girls often talk shit about hot girls, it's not that they hate hot girls, it's just that the hot girl reminds them of how much they hate the way they themselves look and then they project that anger. Similarly to the example above, if a hot girl treats the less genetically gifted girls as 'lesser' than herself while basking in the attention and benefits that her attractive physique brings, it can be argued that she's indeed a cunt. Inherited wealth and / or looks is quite similar."
Yeah the spitting cyclist sounds like he'd be *really* appreciative of such a gesture.
How often does you being a republican come up?
"All i can really say is that if she isnt interested or involved in going out to do thngs that require effort it doesnt sound like she wants a relationship. Sorry bud,  but that doesnt sound like a healthy relationship; which probably isnt what you want to hear as a hornone fuelled kid (i know you probs hear that all the time but you really chill out when its done like you wont believe)"
Tammie Brown cracking me up at 2:06.
"...and im right over you, kissing your sweet lips ;)"
Nastasha never calls you. You call her
1/10 too obvious.
"The point was to mock the notion of GG being bullied by all these communities when a pro-GG had to make an Anti-GG sub just to get enough who don't like GG for discussion. "
Why ultrasonic cleaner?
I could've never guessed you played soccer :O
"I just want to say thanks to all the mods here. You guys are truly in touch with the people. And your sub ain't too shabby either. "
"[Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
I guess you're Cooler than all of us.
I had a good experience with Kayser. CarMax is also pretty good if you're just looking for a cheap Toyota or something.
Iroquoise powaaa
"If they're a sham so are prerelease, gameday, and FNM promos. All shams!

E: got a response from someone that they deleted claiming it's a sham because it's gambling. Here's my response:

It would be like playing the lottery for free. It would be like adding a promo prize for absolutely nothing, like at a prerelease, gameday, or at FNM. This costs the player exactly zero extra.

If you are buying packs to crack foil mythics you deserve what you get.

Most of us do it to draft and play sealed (especially those of us competitive enough to want fetches in the first place). This is just extra value on top of playing the game the same way I would anyway."
Whats your Skype name?
"you pretty much answered your question there. you found what you did wrong: didn't bring a flash, out of focus shots, framing, etc. work on those areas, and bring a flash next time. it baffles me  when people don't bring at least one flash to a venue they've never been to (especially indoor ones!). i use mine most of the time except when it's explicitly said not to or the light's even because it's cloudy out. unless your camera can pump out decent pics at >4000 ISO then you need it. 

it happens to everyone. just be glad there was no money involved and/or it wasn't some high profile person that may talk to future potential clients. "
I'm glad you found your slam. Barkley works in mysterious ways.
I will move to England if this happens.
Why is he still playing B14?
"Why is there no way? It's clever, but its a pretty obvious joke sitting right in front of your face"
"All good ideas, especially coffee intake and exercise (cardio). I would add 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep per night (no more, no less, except on doctor's orders), at least one intimate friend/confidant, a handful of other buddies, and a sense of purpose in life."
Search button does wonders m8
"South Park is on Comedy Central, so it lasting longer wouldn't effect the Simpsons record. It would be merely symbolic. "
"I agree with you, but unfortunately people tend help their fellows along blood/ethnic/cultural/religious lines."
Just waiting for SPREADING MY LYRICAL AIDS to go pro
"""Excuse me could I have some of your cum, venti."" 


"I used it as a writer collaboration tool for work. It was really awesome once people could wrap their heads around it, but it was really hard to get people on board and actually use it."
"That makes no sense. Thats trying to prove a negative, you cant prove a negative

There's nothing that suggests that *they do* have to think about all their actions, besides Whis' statement which can easily be interpreted as something else "
"No way! I'm looking for that part now. Let me know if you remember where it is. "
"30 haha See y'all there!
*i heard you can reduce your age by time glitching though (>_<)
"I like how it's not one fluid falling motion, there's a cartoon-esque pause, ""am I boned? yep, I'm boned"""
"Like the other guy said, it's not so simple with bicycles as it is with computers. With a computer, you can say X part is better than Y part or that it is more value per dollar, but not so with bicycle components. Two people with identical wants/needs from their bicycle can get completely different recommendations based on their physical build, level of fitness, etc. One person might need a more relaxed geometry while the other might be more comfortable in a more aggressive position. One rider might prefer having a really low gear while the other might be more comfortable with higher ones

If you make a website, you would need to ask for so many variables that by that point, you might as well have just had the person walk into a shop and get a personal recommendation"
Eh I chuckled...3/5
"Why the fuck would they give a shit what cat pics and memes you look at?

What's up with all this tinfoil about Microsoft anyways?"
"[^(**Mouseover** to view the metric conversion for this comment)](#6'2"" = 1.87 m
 ""6'2"" = 1.87 m
Post feedback in /r/ToMetric"")"
Why was your comment deleted in the original thread?
"Please watch for invalidation. Saying that estrogen isn't as damaging to afab trans people as testosterone is to amab people is just a dismissive thing to say. 

You spoke about tomboy as being a benefit in comparison, when really it isn't. For a cis girl sure, being a tomboy may be a good thing, even empowering. For a trans guy to just be seen as a tomboy? It's very far from a good thing, or even a ""better than nothing"" thing. " ?
"Even NCAA football teams have uniform regulations. It is in the NCAA rules.

Contrasting Colors

ARTICLE 3. a. Players of opposing teams shall wear jerseys of contrasting
colors. Players on the same team shall wear jerseys of the same color and

1. The visiting team shall wear white jerseys; however, the home team
may wear white jerseys if the teams have agreed in writing before the
2. If the home team wears colored jerseys, the visiting team may also
wear colored jerseys, if and only if the following conditions have
been satisfied:
(a) The home team has agreed in writing prior to the game; and
(b) The conference of the home team certifies that the jersey of the
visiting team is of a contrasting color.
Well korea has that system since likr forever and it is pretty good.
Aiden was already better.  I farm it with Lagmaron.
I see your point but I'm not sure it's an age thing. I don't even remember CD and Late Registration coming out and they're my favorites. I don't even *have* 808s.
"It does, thank you! I have been very overweight since I was a child. In fact, the only time I was a healthy weight was when I was 5 and younger! So I think my bone structure is bigger so as to accommodate all the extra weight. So, literally ""big boned"", but only because I was fat, lol. I have not been 220lbs since I was maybe, I don't know, 15, before I was fully grown in terms of structure. I know I was 250-ish at about 17. I am 26, nearly 27 now.  So I've been big for a long time (though I still am big! Just a lot less so). Some areas have shrank a lot more than others. I was expecting my band size to shrink much more, but it did not. My bones are just big in my chest. My collarbones are right up against the skin, visibly protruding slightly, and very visibly so in certain positions. I was thinking, ""gosh, there's not much fat left in that area to lose! What's going on, why is my band size so high?!"""
Try a new hair style
That was underwhelming..
"Netflix quality is still very noticeably worse.  It is like they did not even bother to de-interlace the video.  Last time I checked TNG Voyager and DS9 were all unwatchable.

I made a post about it awhile back it seems some regions might be getting better deinterlacing than others for me the quaility of star trek on netflix is bad.

"Dtex Systems CEO Mohan Koo told industry news site SiliconANGLE, the breachs source “is largely believed to have been a third-party contractor with privileged access to the companys systems.”"
Username checks out.
"Seriously? Your reasoning for not even driving is ""I kind of thought"" and ""she never asked""? If my husband was such a momma's boy and never did anything unless I asked, we would not be married.

Also, why doesn't your mother care that your daughter doesn't like riding to and from all the time? Doesn't she care about that aspect?

Bottom line is, you married your wife and not your mom. Your priorities should lie with your wife, who has gone above and beyond in this situation and is honestly more patient than a lot of people on this sub. Stop being so spineless and back your wife."
"Ah, now that's an idea I hadn't though about. Maybe I should just hold off posting until I finish a work or multiple one-shots. It is quite the time gap in the first place. It does seem effective too, thinking about it. I would rather look at 10 pictures at once than look at 10 pictures in 10 days. Though I guess novels would be a different story (see what I did there?)

/u/Zaylo was the first to post a fanfic on Reddit, and I did get inspired to try to do the same because of that, but I'm not sure if Zaylo is going to continue. Hopefully yes, because it's good to have different styles around, and Final Spark had a nice start. 

EDIT: Sorry, the title was [First Spark]( @Zaylo hope you don't mind me linking this bud."
"Exactly, and I don't know why it should either. Like why are people so deperate to brand it a sport?

Is there some sort of satisfaction that comes with calling it a sport? 
So you can be like ""Yeah man I play sports, league of legends primarily""

It's just baffling how if you even imply it's not a sport you get 10,000 12 year olds downvoting you because they got bullied in school for not playing sports and you're taking this away from them."
Confirmed for never actually listening to Kanye West music
I think a big part of the ranking was based on how much money was lost.
"I'm not an expert, but you should change the colour of the buttons from blue to red. You can do that by manually going into the stylesheet (style.css). The theme should already have it mapped out for you. Just replace a colour code and voila!"
"I would happily gnaw on a giant 12""x12"" cheezit. They should make that. Commercial: four lesbians can start on each corner and meet in the middle for a cheesy four way kiss. "
"I really have no clue. I was typically doing inspections before people were living in the homes. "
"Hey the last few episodes have been pretty filler free... But I can't stand watching on a weekly basis sometimes cause of filler "
"I don't know why this is being downvoted. Adrian hard carried TiP the first 2 games by simply not letting C9 kill anybody.

The analysts were talking about what a stomp the first two games were. The reason I disagree is because C9 was playing super well. Incarnation was dominating Gate's Azir, Hai forced two recalls and two flashes before 6 minutes on Elise, and Sneaky could 1v1 Apollo at any point during the laning phase. They simply could not get ahead because of Soraka."
That girl singing is cooler than a polar bear's toenail
"Holy poop, the feels man."
"hot damn, just the way I like it ;p"
"well well well, if it isn't little miss ""i hate anyone who isn't asian"" spamtard douchewaffle yet again. all pissed-off just because it's weenie is an innie."
"Plus who would do that, in the middle of persuit?"
"> And we got three years of gameplay, some of which is unlikely to ever be accessible to players joining today.

and tons of skins new players would love to have but can't."
"I don't have it, and I don't want it."
That's pretty bad incontinence.
"Calm down. Yes, there is actually tension in the black community. Look at ESPN calling people like Robert Griffin III a ""cornball brother"" for having a white wife. Look at Russell Wilson not being ""black enough"" because he's not a stereotypical black athlete. Yes, reddit tends to take stuff like this too far, and a lot of it is very over-exaggerated. But this seems to be a problem for some black people who have ""made it"". They're sellouts. They're ""not black enough"", ""cornball brothers"", ""oreos"", and whatever other derogatory terms. They have to go through a lot of the same struggles ""black enough"" black people go through."
"Well, now I know what I'm going to be watching during my lunch break tomorrow.

The picture above is simply mesmerizing - you are truly talented!"
Thank you
"whole world of nintendo line is plagued.  impossible to find, poor quality, and junky.  only thing that is reasonable is the price for most of the figures"
"Hey can you friend me on Xbox my 
gamer tag

 Lighting wave47
"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. In both lists for September 10th, 3 pm to 4 pm is Steven Universe's block with all four episode titles left blank."
Thats what happens when you place bets on crap odd games and the pot is small.
"What kind of a game you are playing, the decks that are popuar now have a strong early curve so its not likely you will get a 6-7 mana drop and priest right now has the strongest 1 and 2 drops in the game."
Hell yeah bro. Now use teeth
"146, I would love anything like this. "
"Google will change the color scheme of their logo, and it will be headline news."
"Kruglov dying at the measurement site has always been 50/50 for me. I always save before I talk to Sakharov in the Yantar bunker in case it goes poorly. "
Uri Geller filed a lawsuit against Kadabra (Urugeru in Japanese) about that card directly referring to him and making it out that he was some sort of demon (something along those lines) and since then there hasn't been a Kadabra card.
"Damn bro, i just wanted some advice on what to learn, and do to find a job in a field im passionate about. Anyways, im on unemployment, make $600 a month, and im not concerned about the being homeless part, i just hate when people like u make it sound like theres a problem with me for being homeless. I have a laptop, a smartphone with hotspot, and a 32 watt solar panel to charge the only two things i cant live without. I put alot of planning into making sure i didnt hit rock bottom, but to u, i already did. I have a reservation i could move to for free, i have 2 loving moms who would take me in if i ever asked, i could always get on SSI and live in housing, i could go to friends and ask to rent a room or get an apartment with, or even stsy at a homeless shelter, but i dont... I have assesed my options carefully, and planed for what i can, and took care of the basic necessities. Now dont worry about my living situation, all you need to know is that I want a job, and will do what i need to do with what i got to do it. As for living situations and life choices, u just do u, and ill do me."
"Hey nky123!

Thanks for submitting to /r/gaypornhunters. However your post has been removed due to breaking the following rule:

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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gaypornhunters) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Jax as a jungler is a decent pick into devourer junglers but isn't great elsewhere, and other champions do well against devourers as well.

 Jax is just better off top lane, while yi gets beat upon really hard in the top lane"
"Very, very true. Those early 2000's when Eddie had that monster season because he was fed the ball close to 400 times and then the following season he dropped off significantly from what we were accustomed to seeing. If you want to relate this back to Forsett then I'd make the argument that we don't really know if he can handle 350 or so touches in a season with a 5'8, 195 lb frame and being 30 years old. At least Eddie George was built like AP and Fred Jackson is at least 6'1, 220. Lastly, Baltimore has yet to see Perriman take the field, Marlon Brown, Steve Smith, and Kamar Aiken are the only viable WR threats in that offense and I don't know if that's enough to firepower to keep teams from stacking the box against Baltimore. "
I need so much more...
"QA still has to actually *find* the bugs. Given Bethsofts track record for finding and fixing bugs in time for their own releases, I'm not ready to absolve them of all guilt here. This is more of a ""everyone shares in the blame"" sort of thing."
"I had my hair cut really short about 2 months ago (it was short on the sides and the back but longer on top). It wasn't meant to be this way. The stylist cut it too short for my liking and it was my first bad haircut. Previously, I had hair that was a few inches past my shoulders. Well, really short hair made my face look fatter. And I hate it. I didn't even think about how the shape of my face would look with practically nothing dangling on the sides of my face and it's something to consider. 

Don't forget that it's JUST hair and it'll grow back! Really short hair doesn't suit me so I wear bandanas to cover most of it. "
"Good, because I don't support shit. I'm in sales."
you look like you're about to animorph.
"I went to the gender odyssey conference a week or so ago in Seattle and it had tons of intentional space for post-transition trans people and trans men specifically. It was the first time I had experienced that and was really amazing. It made me want to try to find it elsewhere, so I am checking out a trans activism/advocacy group in my city. My guess is you have to find spaces that aren't mostly geared towards support as they are likely to be most utilized by pre or early-transition people. I totally feel how you do about this and it makes me feel alienated from the in-person trans community and makes me sad. "
"Yes, nailed it here. Many aren't aware of specifically how their tastes have developed/been influenced.

The *molding* by external things is missed by a lot of people."
"I don't have video of this but my mom just saw Fremont police go 3 on one with a guy and let a dog loose on home while he was down, the dog bit the shit of his neck and there was a huge pool of blood. 

3 cops on top of him and they had the dog biting the fuck out of his neck? Scum

Man fuck the police"
">How did you get ""rape is bad"" from that? 

So, you're telling me that rape *isn't* bad? That seems like a very strange position to be taking when discussing how you're going to make a game where you play a rapist but *totally isn't* a rape fantasy, because it's going to really get into the details about rape and not just be a QTE."
Is this a thing now?
Good luck on your first day!!!!
"Has anyone tried these? I have a TON of compost and sunflower seeds. I think upstate New York could use a bit more color in 2016. "
"Okay, uh... well I haven't even *seen* the place in like six years so it's probably changed, but, uh... the main entrance, that's right near the ground. I only saw the living quarters, but those were underground, so Silver *should* be on one of the levels above ground... it's still pretty small, right? It was tiny last time I saw it.

[OOC: WWI engineering, man. Weird stuff.](/spoiler)"
"You all may have had a fundamental disconnect on love languages. You were incompatible. Seriously, don't go back."
"Hmmm, If what you say is true, the repost and the shit post could be dangerous!"
[I want you!](
"I'm actually going for a stamina dps dk too, so this is great info "
"Ha! You think that's bad? I can't even offer anything that my own country wants. ""Oh hey, yeah. I'm a writer. Son of a romance novelist. Yeah, so I write books. Haven't sold any yet of course, and sure I'm batting to an empty audience but you know, you guys could really use an American writer. Right? I mean, you love American entertainment. Please give me free healthcare, I'm like half dead inside.""

Someday man, someday. I'll be a mediocre novelist with no awards and a small paycheck while I teach creative writing to a group of dead eyed students who wanted an easy grade. "
"There is always that one guy... 
Better than that Kony2012 dude at least.
She did comedy rap once.
The (maybe just some some?) pony subreddits have CSS that make certain links (a la \[\](/twirage)) show up as images. Looks like it was commonly used enough for /u/Deimorz to bring it in to the sim.
"That doesn't sound bad. My drive to work now is 25/30 minutes so that would not be a problem by any means. Thank you for the job ideas. It's definitely hard to situate a job with a place you want to move.  So it helps a lot when advice like this has been brought to me. So thank you again. "
"To the side, yes..after a bit of teasing and they are nice and soaked, i will want to tie them around your wrists, then ""tribute you."" as you sat there begging for it.  Well, a man can dream
Nothing like one of those marijuana cigarettes
Well when a girl takes her pants off us guys just can't help it!
[It did happen](
Perhaps the greatest praise to trp is how its opponents can't launch criticisms without distorting its tenets.
"I have often asked myself the same question.  It would be so easy to just self medicate and lose myself......  But....I think I just couldn't see compounding one big problem with more big problems.  I went on meds and intense therapy ten years ago and then started the process of learning to live with a bipolar brain.  Challenging?  You bet, but meds and mindfulness make it possible for me to walk a curvy line instead of a massive never ending zigzag."
"Ps: I know lots of people talk about exercise and a cold shower and things, these all work for fixing that sexual tension that is tempting you to M or watch P. But my problem is not dealing with arousal, it's kicking my brain into working mode quickly before my hormones take over, and it comes out of nowhere, sometimes too quick to think about going to exercise or anything."
"I don't even wanna think about that. I don't know enough about IPv6 (an inexcusable failing, I know) to even contemplate it."
"If you take out Victoria/NZ/ACT then I'd say QLD. 
20 years later the boy was all grown up. And that boys name? Comcast 'Kittenpuncher' Hitler.
"I'll share a little bit about what works for **me**:

When I meet someone, a friend/acquaintance/stranger, I stare **until they look away first**. Thereafter, I'll periodically *look to the sides*, never down.

In this way, I've established dominance without coming off as murderous. Then I allow the other party to feel comfortable by looking away *slightly less often* then they do.

If someone just stares at me, I just stare right back though.

Hope that helps. 

Edit: Make answer more relevant"
"Why are some of my items that I sent in to FBA in the inactive section? They haven't sold. 

I have seven of the same item, all inactive. I go to change the quantity but it changes the status to merchant fulfilled not FBA. "
"They really shouldn't put the ""delicate"" and ""chop"" options so close together on the dial. "
"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. 

If you run into assholes all day, youre the asshole."

Oh god [](#s ""Neji."")

Still, I think that by on-screen kid deaths, this single chapter outdid Waves Arisen."
"1. Im heading down the right path

2. studying computer science"
"Thanks for speaking up. My dad was probably around 36-ish when it happened to him, but it still destroyed his memory. He now forgets what he's talking about half way through some times, has to use notepads all the time, and has pretty much lost most of his long term memories. Definitely a different person afterwords personality and mannerism wise. "
"Sounds like someone trying to hack an email account "
Im in
"Yeah, dude is a dick. Keep it in his room."
Or should that be purple poodle?!
"This thread is rude and oppresses me. ban ban ban. bam bam bam./ws

"So basically what this is saying is they absolutely have the right to know what you're running on your PC while playing any of their games.  This means all those cheaters running turbhud and spouting off their ""they don't know"" bullshit are wrong, they do know.  Good.  Now here is hoping for the banwave!  And man I hope it's fucking huge."
Yeah gonna say that's a great idea.
Mediocre? To each their own I suppose. I really enjoyed it a lot.
"*He nods and goes to hand her her panties*

""Alright...we've got a long ride ahead of us anyway.""
"Aye not all that happy with the copy paste, makes the torment / bloodlines totem feel less meaningful.  I did however still just push to go do it, I don't regret the decision."
"I'm half white too but I went to states in high jump in high school, but that's probably the Mexican."
thank you

I am sending you a message.

wait please :p"
"Hello! It appears that you are trying to post from an account that does not have enough karma. We ask that you engage first, comment on other posts and gain some karma points then try again soon. If this is a legitimate post, and on topic of food (must be directly related), please [message the mods](, with a link to your post and we'll reinstate it.

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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/food) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
And Sydney After Dark
"I got LEM after the 10 games, i still don't know how

[Trade Link](

Thanks :)"
"It was awhile back though, so no guarantees. Good luck!

If you can't find it at Winners, has it for $20"
At one point Mike Dunleavy while on the Warriors had a decreased FG% every quarter. Stats don't lie about Duns.
Watch The White House.
"Haha, I might just copy and paste that. Thanks!"
"Except no. Do you act 100% within the masculine ideal of your culture? Are you an alpha Chad that lacks any sort of interest that might be deemed ""girly""? How about the masculine ideal of a different culture?

No? That's because gender is a socially constructed idea that was built around the biological fact of sex. Gender is a culturally subjective idea that everyone is brought up in--because it is impossible to fit completely within your cultures masculine/feminine ideal, gender is not absolute, doubly so when you're moving across cultures and ideologies.

Gender is not sex. Gender is the set of rules that a culture has deemed that a member of a certain sex should follow. 

Do some fucking research. This is fucking 101 shit."
"I've seen a lot of people use the excuse ""because if I told everything on my profile we'd have nothing to talk about."" I assume these people are incredibly boring."
"And there you go spewing even more racism.  Thanks, you proved my point."
"Easily the rest of her life, no doubt. You don't get over this. It changes you forever. I had a couple of friends were raped. They say there is a before and after, two different people exist inside of you for the rest of your life."
"Do you mind sharing the added options and the $$ :)
This is my dream car!"
"I am being serious. I thought it was just them trying to get more money out of me so I never even checked it out. But then again i've only been back for a few months (wrestlemania). "
"Not the same thing. I meant a stacking passive, which means it gets stronger the longer you are fighting, meaning you would be require to land a bunch of Qs before it reaches its full damage."
"So what I'd like to know is what the hell happened to Jordan Tripp? I've been hearing so much about Hull and Vigil, but nothing about Tripp. I'm starting to think that maybe Hull and Vigil both make the roster over Tripp (I mean, Arthur Lynch was just waived even though we picked him up in the 5th last year)."
"Also, 2013 NFC Championship game when he went back out on 4th down and threw the touchdown on the free play.

I (and many pundits) had just thought we got lucky but then on the mic'd up you see Wilson asking Carroll to let him go for it because he thought he could pull them off sides. Knew exactly what he was doing."
I think FO4 could win just on hype.
"> Independent of the brain entirely? Skeptical. 

But this isn't what Beerus says at all. All he said was ""Messages can only travel through your nervous system so fast. When you rely on thoughts for physical action, you lose precious fighting time.""

This effectively means ""because messages can only go so fast, sending extra messages is a waste of time"" 

>You two are going to learn to master the ability to have each part of your body think and move independently of thought

This line right here is textbook reactionary defense. [Here]( is an example of reactionary offense. Once he gets the choke Matt Hughes continuously shifts and adjusts on muscle memory to maintain the choke."
"A geth colossus? Hit it with a truck! A thresher maw? Hit it with a truck!

[And by the Associative Property of Video Game Logic; since a thresher maw killed a reaper, and the mako could kill thresher maws, the mako could have made short work of any reaper it faced. They never should have fucked with that Crucible bullshit, they needed to build a gun that shot Makos. Much more practical than Joker's thresher maw gun.](/spoiler)
Real risks but it's of note that demand for rentals and rent prices actually increased during the GFC.
His booth thingy said that his name is DJ Intelligence. Name confirmed!
I knew Kanye was gay
"Well that crosses the line. "
"No he's just the opposite in every single way except they're honest. Ones good though, the other is just fucking terrible"
4016 (:
[He looks like the Kate and Jon plus 8 bitch.](
"yes, but instead of watching the show, we're on reddit!!!!!"
"> Launched Wireshark and set the filter to my host (source or destination).

If Microsoft wanted to spy on anything you did, including images you watched, nigga I promise you that third party software using the Windows API would NOT be given the ability to detect it. People please, super basic shit."
Alright Saintvicious. Keep building the hype. #Cloud9-6
"Your post is a self post, so you get nothing! Now you don't even have Internet Points to spend on all of the things you can spend Internet Points on!"
" **This post has been marked easy, please do not comment if you have more than 10 points**"
could you imagine?
I see zero posts indicating this.
"Black Bart was also the name of a potential TV show spinoff of Blazing Saddles. The pilot is an extra feature on certain copies of the DVD. It wasn't even the same characters though, just a comedic show about a black sheriff in the old west. "
"People would care I promise you that. And you're a rare breed of girl. "
"Maybe he's enjoying some edibles? "
"Unfortunately I have a Netgear R6200, as far as I know of there are no working 3rd party OS's for it :/"
Heisenberg lives.
Viktor has a way bigger waveclear
Too late. Already injected 1.
"Need some good support on getting Mecha god! Thanks!,-rarity <-- My units!

- **IGN:**
- **ID:**
- **Account Level:**
- **Leaders:**
   Check my units on the link! Bestie 6*,Feeva 6*. Will try and get some meta leaders soon
- **Looking for:**
   Selena 7* or Hadaron 7*, Any7* If dont have!
- **Activity:**
Daily. I GIFT daily! Accurate!!"
"Jasmine, most musks, and most white florals. Musks frequently go old lady on me, and jasmine/white florals tend to smell like a diaper of give me an insta-headache. I'm also very wary of patchouli."
"This is the beauty of modern game development and really the secret to why Linux gaming has become a thing: Most games are licensing their engines, which means anything the engine supports is a lot easier for the game to support.

Once the engines support Vulkan API, games will be able to support them. Interestingly, since Vulkan is cross platform and DirectX is not, do you think it's possible that developers will be more likely to flat-out ignore DirectX entirely? Bug hunting for your build against a single graphics API on multiple platforms sounds like it would be less work than multiple platforms with multiple APIs. Sure, the developers don't touch the APIs directly, but the engine does.

Or does it just not work that way? "
It was the system's fault.
"Could you measure the distance across the field by using a fresh set of wheels? "
"seriously,  I don't understand why he thinks leaving this group of toxic fuckwits will destroy his 3 year old's chances at all friendships for ever and ever.    

Someone else mentioned maybe giving a call out to the other parents who've been blacklisted and making a play date group with them.

I worry about OP, he's terrified to tell his wife - and if he's truly that frightened to share concerns and fuckery with her, he really needs to get into some therapy.  To either address why he's in an abusive relationship, or why he's terrified of confrontation - I don't know what the situation is. "
"1. Drive
2. The Dark Knight
3. Goodfellas
4. Pulp Fiction
5. The Departed
6. Casino Royale
7. 12 Years a Slave
8. Oldboy
9. Inglorious Basterds
10. The Guest"
But a rectangle is just a fat line!
"I feel like mage is still stronger than paladin... Paladin only really got murloc knight and mage got more removal. Haven't played either very much, so I'm not positive, but I'd switch hunter and priest because priest has a more active hero power and resilience. "
"I don't think you read his question properly, he should have got a .1 rise in price but it hasn't happened but I'm sure it's just an error "
"To be fair, a broken toe isn't really that important. There could be a few much more serious cases that require urgent care. "
"677 Thanks OP

I would like Rocket league"
"Went to pickup from a girl who walked half a mile to meet me.  She said cops were patrolling and didn't have any pockets and got in my car.  She lifted her skirt and pulled a zip lock bag out of her snatch... Paid 20 bucks went on my way and changed the bag.  Smoked a bowl of it, got no effects.  Pretty sure my Pussy Kush was just oregano.  Still smoked it all though, just to be sure.  I was 18 and it was one of my first times."
"""Shake It Off"" -Taylor Swift. Putting that song on my mp3 wasn't my proudest moment, but damn, it's catchy and has a fun beat to run to."
"Here's an idea... What if her polymorph was a channeled spell? Then she would require assistance from a teammate to deal damage to a disabled enemy, similar to Thresh's hook."
"Unfortunately, Breakfast Magpie has been turned into a Winter seasonal since 2013 as that's when they first bottled it (trust me, I weeped in sadness when they announced this back then).  Can't remember exactly when it starts to be available for purchase (possibly around October), although I do know that they will be releasing Imperial Breakfast Magpie on Black Friday again this year.  Shoot me a message to keep tabs as I live here in Indianapolis.  

And to answer you question, I think people are downvoting you because you didn't put anything specific that you have for trade. "
I would end up accidentally knocking over so many people and then be deemed a security risk....
"Si lo checaste? A mi me encantaría
...pero no creo poder todavía mas fácil yale o mit que oxford, creo que te entiendo pero yo me refiere a ser mas investigador que trabajador, yo tenía pensado estudiar ciencias computacionales pero después de conocer filosofía me enamore de ella y me interesan las dos cosas, lo mejor fue cuando encontré campos que se tocan como IA, de hecho la filosofía moderna es sobre cualquier cosa.... la fisica es otra ciencia u con conexiones con la filosofía.

Quizá estad áreas de estudio sean muy futuristas y si me graduó de ahí saldré con un titulo súper bonito pero no habrá NADA de campo laboral, pero yo veo eso como oportunidad y no como algo malo."
"1. ""Marie, the baguettes, hurry up!"" Beauty and the Beast-Used all the time.
2. ""Pirates code: anyone who falls behind, gets left behind"" Pirates of the Caribbean -used when in a rush with slow people. 
3. ""But Daddy I love him!"" Little Mermaid- fun to be dramatic.
4. ""It's apples that makes the men folks mouth's water"" Snow White- used with the old lady voice when apples are present.
5. ""My tail's froze. And my nose is froze. And my ears are froze. And my toes are froze""-101 Dalmatians -used frequently shoveling 7 feet of snow last winter. 
Rand Paul?
"Less goats to fuck though "
So that explains the blue man group...
Everyone has my courtesy but respect is a deeper level of a relationship I build with others when we both earn it.
"I read all of the tweets that merc nate posted, in his signature wall of text style.  Hsu's sympathizing with Cable because we let Carpenter go and traded Unger, as if the line was any good when they were here before.  He then tries to dispel the notion that Cable has a very strong influence on our OL picks with some garbage about Jarvin Harrison's work ethic.  At this point, Hsu's just trying to make a self-serving argument for himself.  Next, Hsu assumes that Cable has been stripped of his draft influence for a while now because of the Carpenter/Moffit failures.  No evidence whatsoever for that.  Then he goes on to suck on Sweezy, McQuistan, Giacomini and Gilliam's knob, even though the first three can't pass block worth shit and the jury's still out on the last.

*Hsu's tweets in tl;dr form*: ""Carpenter/Moffit picks sucked (**duh**), so I think there's no way PCJS are actually listening to Cable's input and are the primary reason why subsequent OL picks have been similarly terrible.  I'm pretty sure Cable's preferences are actually good, but PCJS are just telling him to fuck off.  Sweezy, McQuistan, and Giacomini are for sure affiliated with Cable and they're great (**they're not**)! I have no hard evidence to support any of this, and am literally just making up a theory that absolves Cable of his failures."""
"This is what I landed on:

* My items are also structures with name, level, 2D, etc. Not sure anyone would disagree that this is the most efficient and database-friendly method. They also have an array of actors.. I labeled *effect actors*. When the item is used, the array is cycled through, and all actors are spawned.

* These *effect actors* are classes of actors that perform just about any task on their spawn, laid out in their *respective blueprints*. Act purely visually, send messages to the player interfaces, or act as a missile. I did this for many reasons, but the biggest was the ""super-clean system"" of isolated effects that I could call when needed. (Whether by an item, an activated skill, or an environmental event.)

* ""How is this relevant to my question?"" Well, this has allowed me to isolate all of the ""weird/unique"" stuff into my effect actors. The mesh, particle effects, weird ""grappling hook"" functionality.

* Working in concert is my ""Health/Damage"" interface used by the character class, with functions such as ""Add HP"" that accounts for stats that might modify the given amount from an effect. Like.. effect actor spawns, calls ""Add HP"" for +100 HP for the player('s target), then destroys itself. The interface checks against the player's ""Resourcefulness"" stat and adds +108 to the HP variable."

How does 3.0 look on the Wii U? Is it the horrible SD graphics like 2.0 or HD?
"June smiles warmly and nods. ""I'm glad, you're welcome. I'm excited, too - I've always wanted to jam with someone else like this. After I get settled in, I'll ring you up - sounds good?"""
"You'd have to read the text to understand what I'm talking about, lol.

Hindus never are never firm on what is right and wrong. If something in Hinduism is proven wrong by science, we take it. Comparing Hinduism and Christianity is BS since the approach towards these things are completely different. Hinduism doesn't say, ""ITS MY WAY OR HIGHWAY!"""
"what do fire salts have to do with crossbows? "
Alabama still hasn't sold out three of its home games including Charleston Southern. Asking price? [$50.](
"I thought gun by chvrches said ""hide, I will burn your bridges"" instead of ""hide, I have burned your bridges"". The best I know though is my mother thinking diary of Jane by breaking Benjamin said ""diarrhea tank""."
"There's a pokepon machine in Sonata city that has a very small chance to turn the pokemon you send in shiny, but I don't like doing it this way for several reasons.

One, that's near the end of the patch and you don't get the fun of having your shiny starter with you through all the excitement.

Two, the chance to shinify is very low and there's a waiting/walking requirement between each try so if you are really unlucky you may end up spending the same amount of time trying for a shiny in pokepon that you would if you'd simply reset at the start, only it would be more annoying.

Finally, there's a chance your pokemon will change its nature to something worse and so you may end up with an imperfect shiny you'll feel obligated to use because it's shiny and your starter."
"Well we usually Skype every weeknight so we kind of already have a schedule, I hope everything goes well for you and your SO because 6500+ km is a lot more distance than my current LDR."
Fucking hell.... Literally a fucking hell. I pray he lost the ability to feel very quickly... He deserves that sweet comfort of numbness...
"I'm open to building a wall around Scott Walkers head. "
"A taco policeman getting into an altercation with a bear stealing an ice cream truck.  

Edit:  You got this"
This sub ask's too many questions. I like it.
"Regardless of whatever color, the actress who played her in the speaking version in *Half-Blood Prince* and beyond did an amazing job. She was hilarious."
"Hooray! They're big, but they're not enemies of mankind, for sure. I have to move a very similar species from inside to outside all the time at my home. My husband and our housemate don't particularly care for spiders of any variety, so I'm constantly on call for spider transport. :-)

Edit- if you are cool with having them around, leave them be. They'll get rid of all kinds of gross basement bugs for you!*"
"gowiwi and let it go around. wait until they are halfway done and then put jump spell, queen and king and maybe wizz or two to go for the center. other option is to attack him from the two corners of one side then you can again attack the center without  ""rounding"""
If I wasn't so emotionally invested in that I'd have used the gif a thousand times by now.
"Thats not really an ironclad test. Let's say she does have this ficticious problem.

Couldn't it possibly take hours to get symptoms?"
"I guess you could call it the rate of heat transfer. Or how ""fast"" a material tries to equalize the thermal energy between itself and the medium it's in. "
"Awesome I will have to check that one out!

Yeah that's why I'm only in the market for the 2.5% ones, I agree with that"
Of course bots are virgins.
I changed mint ice cream to say that it tasted the best. Took like 2 months to fix.
"We have one of these in my town too! Once it gave me TWO cans of Sprite for 35¢.  Best day of my life.

Edit: Sorry for the instagram link. I'm too lazy to upload it to imgur from my phone. "
"while a federal EU would call for its re-implementation. I can't imagine the US with border guards in between each state "
Well then.. We do have the same phone
Which character was he?
Maybe  it will chase some people  away  and I will get into all my panels. ..
Progress! Looks like she was getting aroused by arousing you!
Depends on what the guy likes. There are a number of good books on the subject. The Good Girl's Guide To Bad Girl Sex is one of them. There are many more.
"I also linked to an aggregate of various studies. I'm not defining tolerance, I'm explaining it. Conservatives are not even close to tolerant of abortion- and that's also a cherry pick of one exception. I can understand being defensive- it's an extremely pretentious talking point that i would personally never use when trying to make a point... But it seems to be rooted in some fact. I guess i was just trying to illustrate that it isn't necessarily malicious liberal lies perpetuating the notion that education or intelligence correlates w/ liberalism"
I've heard cats will begin to eat their owners who have just died much faster than dogs. Your report of exploratory pre-death nibbles seems to confirm rumor...
So now we've come full circle; what are we telling to whom!?
"It's usually not done correctly. Very, very few stories that use Cthulhu actuality use it properly."
"Oh yeah no problem. Either way get out here and go get some beer, there is a ton of great stuff, especially the pipeworks. Hoping to make it over to the NE on a road trip soon to try a bunch"
Fair enough.
"The the FCC is having a stroke tonight. This plus Rebel Wilson's ""Fuck Police Strippers""  uncensored shirt tonight. "
Does the original HyperX Cloud have mic monitoring? I have the 3.5 controller
"Sure, 20. Can I have a Kee Berry then? *(Harvest Shenanigans)*"
"80085 Dragon Aids 2  "
Still better than my 5750 and 5850 cards.
"Gio is great out of the backfield catching, I can see the bengals being down in games and using him accordingly. This would tremendously reduce hills value."
"ugh wtf!
I sincerely hope you're wrong
No fuckin way Oakland gets 5 wins
"There's a museum in Wellington where they have a life sized model of a Moa being chased by a Haast Eagle, and it is fucking massive. Also at the back of the museum there's a little nature walk where you can walk into a cave that has a hole in it's roof where there was land above. Moa bones were found inside the cave. Basically Haast Eagle's would chase Moa's into those holes where they would fall in and die. The Eagle would then come back later to eat it.

Picture of the museum models:"
And now we're on fire. Please help.
"Did your school not have an exemption policy? In all three colleges I've attended, the rule was that if it was school sanctioned (sports, music events or otherwise scholarship related) the professor couldn't penalize you for absences. "
"I always start with being very clear and simple with explanation. Breaking the formation down into ""this is how we should look on offense"" and ""this is how we should look on defense"" is a must.

For drills I think there aren't many substitutes for skeleton play on a full field. Set up an opposing teams 11 using cones, set your team up, yell out a position (or somehow denote which cone) and have your team go ""pressure"" the selected cone. Pause and make adjustments where needed. Stress proper spacing, have people look around and remember what it looks like from their perspective. Then even challenge a player to, during the pauses, organize their teammates, correct them obviously but get them being vocal.

To work on offensive transitioning do the same thing but have a ball waiting on every cone and on your go, have them play the ball on the pressured cone and go through a scripted passing pattern.
For offensive shape simply go through game realistic (size wise) passing sequences in the shape you'd like them to play.

The other drill that I love focuses more on a flat line of 4 but I use all the time because I just really love it. Set up 4, 15x5 rectangles stacked on each other so it forms a single 15x20 divided into 4 channels. (You can mess with the dimensions depending on preference) You have 2 teams that are split between alternating channels. (4Blue,4Red,4Blue,4Red with 4 players in each channel for instance) The teams goal is to keep possession and then pass to their allied channel THROUGH the opposing teams channel. (Blue passes through Red to the other Blue grid to earn a point). Emphasize the spacing and angles of the defensive line. On the offensive side emphasize quick movement of the ball and creativity.

Hope you're able to decipher these! If you need more explanation let me know. You sound like you know what you're doing so I left these a little open ended. Focus on simplicity and walking through game scenarios, an 11v11 scrimmage where you pause occasionally is also useful."
Great post. One note on the eating if the filet mignon: staff eats the leftovers! Minimum wage sucks less when you get a steak at the end of your shift!
"We got a new Fox Ditto Master "
"This is not that uncommon. It's a bot, which banns you and not a person. So if you don't do anything wrong, you might get banned for no reason.

I had the same problem a month ago. I wasn't able to play for a month, then when I came back I played a normal game as a warmup. I remember clearly, I haven's said anything, we won in 20 minutes, and when the game ended, after 10 minutes, I got a 120 game chat restriction.

I messaged Riot, they only said, that they can't see games where I was toxic, but they can't remove chat restriction now. 

In my opinion, unless they bring back the tribunal, they shouldn't give chat restrictions to anyone. Seriously, how hard it is to launch the Tribunal site and let PEOPLE decide. A bot doesn't see who was the ""bad guy"""
the grime is still there. Your bleach loosens the grime so you can flush it down
"I do have membership cards, not worried about that"
[I made a similar post on /r/dota2 earlier this year](
Most dangerous car that's out there... and also the most badass.
I think he's a special talent though. Could be really fun to watch. Just wish he didn't play for the Raiders.
Maybe you have a loose connection somewhere?
I guess he's just following the leader.
Mostly Indie Rock and Emo Music. I've been listening to a lot of Beach Slang and You Blew it! Lately.
"SnapShots: [1](

*^^doooooogs: [^^1](^^, [^^2]( ^^\(seizure ^^warning); [^^3](^^, [^^4](^^, [^^5](^^, [^^6](^^, [^^7](^^, [^^8](^^;* ***^^if ^^i ^^miss ^^a ^^post ^^please [^^PM ^^me](***"
"Agreed, thanks for chiming in."
"That is what I supposed too, dude. ; )"
ok np
"Rest. Repair. A season is hard on the body. Even if they're training for a peak, it's not 8hrs a day ."
"I should've added that in Original Sin last year it was revealed that Butler (member of the Weapon Plus program) had him mind-wiped and manipulated Wade into killing his parents by arson (without knowing that they were his parents in the house). If this is the actual, true story about how he killed them, who knows? But this is what Butler told him."
"Listening to Alexander Payne's commentary on Election made me appreciate it even more. He really goes the extra length to make his films seem very ordinary and true to life. He cast a lot of actual teenagers in the film; and he basically discovered Chris Klein, who had previously only done high school plays, while scouting the film in Nebraska. He also used a lot of actual school faculty, and shot the film during the regular school year. "
"Nothing's tropeless, but I know what you mean. There is [this](

> As a comedy, Patlabor ranks up with some of anime's best, not for any manic energy but rather for its subtlety. Where most anime (and, in general, Asian) comedies resort to cartoon violence and stupid one-liners for its humor, there was always a little more going on under the hood with Patlabor: a sense of humor based on personalities, on bizarre situations and on irony. [...]

> Truly, what makes Patlabor great is its writing, and its sense of its characters as they go through their day-to-day drudgery. Few anime series, science fiction or otherwise, will devote an entire episode to the show's least socially acceptable character attempting to find a wife (and failing). Fewer still would document the complete destruction of their entire elite brigade of mecha-piloting men in uniform by a rebellious Chinese food delivery boy not feeding them on time. And I can't think of another series that would document the pain caused by piloting a mecha with a toothache.

But I've no idea whether you'd like it."
"Yes. Also, get down to your branch meeting, 'coz you can vote for stuff there, too "
"Ooo that's an interesting point I hadn't thought about, regarding Gamescom. I thought I remember hearing someone say that they dropped out about 10 days ago, which would have been right around the last IGN first. I could definitely see them wanting to work on the game instead of getting people's hopes up again."
"I ordered 10 different soaps the other day. When they get here I plan to do a giant review. "
"The BJ BM 
H2k taking notes from lgd "
"Team rotation is way more important than 3K Hp. "
You didn't switch loulex to beongjocke ;)
That makes more sense.
"J-rock is, arguably, more popular in Mexico than it is in the U.S. X-Japan has a huge following there."
"Do you have any recommendations for potty time for a dogs whose vaccination has not kicked in yet (other than not letting her stick her nose in poop etc)? My apartment is gated and requires paper proof that your dogs have been fully vaccinated, but I still want to play it very safe."
Kreiswichsen: scheißpfosten auf Internetforen pfostulieren
"Gittorrent seems to be really cool. If it could be completely decentralized from Github that would be even cooler. P2P open source dev. "
Official 500 GB HDD
"Cool, I'll add you and come now. :)"
Bentert 34 hunter
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
I live in Iowa...
"So...Pokemon Black came out this week.

"It was good to have you on Teamspeak last evening. Welcome to Sirius, Commander! s7"
then i would layer or raise the drum volume a tad higher
"Yes, although I wouldn't. I would just get a SIM (if your phone is unlocked to work on the German GSM/UMTS/LTE networks). I also wouldn't get it from T-Mobile.

I would get a SIM from a supermarket or drug store. Get one for Simyo,, or any other carrier on the Eplus network. With it, you can get a GB of data for 10 Euros (which will usually be included with the card when you buy it). Eplus doesn't have a very good network, BUT afaik it is still the only carrier that unlocks LTE use for prepaid customers, making it very nice, fast internet at an unbeatable price.

You will need a German-speaking friend possibly with a German credit card to do all the settings for you though, but you sound like you have that. In the alternative, if you are coming to Berlin, I can be that friend if need be. I work right smack in the middle of Potsdamer Platz, so you can pick the SIM up easily from me."
94% of people will believe them whether they're accurate statistics or not.
"see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. "
"so there could easily have been three wise men with gifts and a whole pack of freeloaders that came along with fuck all. "
Hel. She never stops talking D:
"I appreciate very much that you took the time to describe your know-how.

> Vacuum-seal 

I see (many) different FoodSaver vacuum sealers. Which features do I need (or not need) in a vacuum sealer if all I'll do is twelve 8-oz burgers (sealed in twos) every week?

> The only acceptable way I've found to pre-prepare eggs 

do cooked (not boiled) eggs last less than cooked burgers (assuming the same storage procedure for both?

Have you tried vacuum sealing cooked (not boiled) eggs?

> I still wouldn't eat a 5-day old boiled egg

even if unpeeled for 5 days after boiled?"
"That's raysis bru! "
"Really? Your going to recommend a pit-mix who has just dealt with having to deal with an aggressive dog. Yes, Pitbulls can be great dogs and are rarely human aggressive but that does not mean they are easy to handle, pits are high energy and high drive. I'm not going to get into a pitbull debate but seriously, they need experienced owners.  "
"I second this. "
"A Urim and Thummim is two stones, one black and one white"
Oh ffs not again.. blitz casting another Storm game... prepare for 40 minutes of him talking about Storm..
"Just looked at the website, looks like its first come first served on fridays and saturdays. Tour and 6 pack of steam whistle for $26!"
"The hell you talking about, this sub is praising bush..."
"Wait. Someone published bioinformatics software without comprehensive documentation and rigorously specified file formats?

Shocked. I am shocked. ;-)"
"Dear Slim... "
Your weilong is quiet 0.o
"Paranoid? Nah, just dont see any reason to be emotionally invested in a story that may or may not be true. If you assume that the story IS fake, then the commentary in the thread is really weird and exaggerated. The problem is that everyone is just assuming (for some reason) that its not fake. hence my downvotes"
"I have a friend that calls them both the Tower so when I specify that I need to go to the Tower, he just takes us to the Reef because he doesn't see a difference. "
"A lot of countries have separation of church and state. But if a large amount of the populace is religious then the line between the two becomes blurred. And don't pretend like a large part of our country doesn't want more religion in the public sector ( school prayer, teaching creationism, etc.)"
"If you know python, is there anything you can do there?"
"I think they said Tyson was for Kayfabe purposes. Not exactly sure "
"IIRC he was cast as Wolverine, but had to turn down the part because the filming of MI2 went way over schedule.  
Now Hugh Jackman is a big star and Dougrey Scott is a never was.  Interesting to think how this film may have changed movie history. "
"So he passed through waivers? I hate these post trade deadline trades. I have no idea how they work. Also who goes to make room for him? "
"> Yeah. So I guess for example PVV has been included in the EFDD-ENF category?

Yes, they're members.

>  I also would ask about Front National, but googling their number of seats: ""2 of the 2,026 seats up for election"" (with 15% of the votes). Why do all European countries have such non-representative ways of dividing seats???

The Front National is also in that group, and the two MPs are shown in the graph. You're right they are absolutely not fairly represented in the French parliament (2 seats on 577, though, not on 2026). That's because of the voting system, which is not proportional but majoritary with two rounds, meaning that all MPs need the majority in their district to get elected. Even when the National Front scores high, people then generally quite massively vote against it in the second round. The system has some logic but I think it would be better to have all parties fairly represented; the current system pushes to a two-party system, which limits people's choice.

Other than France, the UK has an even worst system since voting is majoritary but with only one round, meaning that not only parties are very unfairly represented, but most MPs are *not* backed by a majority and only received around 35% of the votes in their district.

But then as far as I know, all EU countries have a form of proportional representation, so it's not fair to lump all of them together like that. I've heard Germans complain that their treshold to enter parliament is too high (5%), but I think it's pretty reasonable, and it's only bad luck if some parties end up falling under it."
"It's like a treasure chest man
"This may be relevant.

> Sechin urged Putin to address the issue by introducing benefits for oil refineries. He said this would boost investment in the industry and increase efficiency."
That awkward moment when the test server is more stable than the live servers.
"Animal Companion bugged states. They were claimed as fixed in the April 1 patch, but they still pop up from time to time. "
"Oh that's harsh man. "
> Syria had one of the largest stockpiles of armour in the world

Ok, doesn't mean they can employ them properly.

> one of the most elite units in the SAA is the 4th armoured division.

Who sits in the guard barracks by Assad's palace, maybe sending a few companies out to battle occasionally? Or sent to suppress protests and then fires tanks in an attempt to quell the protest? Have they actually been completely employed?
Por 100€ só se for Windows Phone... Android vai dar sempre problemas nessa gama de preço.
"Saints were my team when the Oilers left (bring back Oilers flair), and I couldn't leave them when we got the Texans so they're my sideteam now. 

I also like the teams in the NFC East that aren't the Cowboys. I don't care which one of them wins the division but I cheer for them all every year. "
"Oh... Ok! I'll get them checked then! If none are 5 iv I might give u one that I already hatched... I can attach a sun stone for compensation "
You sure?
YOU ALREADY HAVE SEASON 5? Does everyone drive affordable Tesla's in 2019?!?
"If Calamity Tower is really needed, drop Lava Flow to 3 and Aethonic to 2. Even Grom would be better than Calamity Tower in this case as he'll give you plenty of CBs. I play a similar deck myself but I find myself having not much issues on striding or needing counterblasts despite the low number of Lavaflow ro Aethonic."
"i just mean the whole situation. then again, i'd rather them be drinking beer than polluted H20"
"Zodiac. Watched it randomly on TV in 2009 2 years after it came out. One of my top 10 favorites now. Torn between that and the Social Network as my favorite Fincher flick. 2007 was literally the best year for film since 1975-76.  

There Will be Blood
No Country
3:10 to Yuma
The Assassination of Jesse James. 

Been waiting for another 2007. "
its not very hard to figure out. you dont have to be very smart to get it
"Too many abrupt cuts, the music is good, not really my style though. Vocals are a bit lacking and a bit too quiet."
"RIP his youtube career

Seriously its been one month since he posted what was likely his weakest video, ever, and Starcade in general is really fairly weak compared to his other videos.

Edit: Obviously not really, his channel bounced back from over a year of no new content before. I was just hungry and in a bad mood when I made this post ( -_-)"
"I have really small hands, and the angle is weird. And it's a skirt!! :D"
I was hoping.
You're welcome.
"No, the player ""phisically"" will be in the SVR. There are going to be SVRs and the Skimmers, Skimmers are the one you control from your ship/base. "
"The sky is blue "
"Totally agree. I just think that the tension comes from the risk of failure. I don't use a screen and all rolls are in the open. My players really like knowing the mechanics, so I lay it out for them. 

But you are absolutely right... Two different styles. "
"rural schools. We had 3 buses at my elementary school, and another one that went to the middle and high school in the next town over. So if you went to highschool, you took the bus that gets you to the elmentary school, and then hopped onto the bus that takes you to either the middle or high school. They were about a city block away from each other, so it was more efficient just to have one bus that stopped at both places since there was roughly equal number of kids who went to one or the other. The highschool itself had about 5-6 buses which went to the surronding towns to drop off the kids. If you lived in the town where the middle/highschool were, you were expected to walk or bike to school. "
"In addition to that City Interactive, Keen games (mentioned in the article), down in Langen Limbic Entertainment (ok, not really high profile . . .), Konami and Zynga. As well as 'service companies' like metricminds and educational institutions like the h-da (in Dieburg). Admittedly the publishers only have rather small offices, but still, for a gaming company that is coming to Germany, Frankfurt does make sense.

Oh yeah, and of course you are also fairly central in Germany, have an international airport right at your doorstep and can expect a good location to setup servers (close to DE-CIX).

*cough* GO FRANKFURT! *cough*"
"i sometimes mess with teachers in a joking way. like i referred to the collection of scissors she was passing out as ""spoons"" so i asked ""mrs j, i really like these spoons, whered you get them?"" and she was very confused"
"It's alwaysnice to use our power for good. Watching  GIFs or whatever together, passing phones around. "
"Let's argue about various cities hotdog styles, next."
"It's a camera trick. He's waving it around, and the shutter speed is making it look like he's making it move funny."
"Good for him to keep trying, though."
"Posted to /r/draw.

Archived selftext_html below."
"The Wikipedia definition: ""A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways""

So it definitly was a bug."
"Got one, thanks!"
Look up LaVeyan Satanism...
"You know, the talking stones would work so much better. If Jehovah really doesn't want anyone to die, why not make stones talk and prove once and for all he's real?"
"""So I was fingerbanging my grandma the other night and you wouldn't believe what happened!"""
"A partir du moment ou les anglais on pris le dessus sur la colonie francaise, ceux qu'on appelle maintenant les quebecois francophones ont été traité comme des citoyens de secondes classe.   
  Je l'ai pas lu personnellement, mais apparemment le livre [""les nègres blanc d'Amerique""]( fait office de reference en la matière."
"Get on a film.  Just get a job.  There's no substitute for experience, no matter what that is."
I find their lack of faith disturbing.
"Thanks bud hadn't seen this. Seriously tho, if they give it a HAL voice I'd use it"
"Yes Man
Ghost Rider
the recent Godzilla movie
both A Haunted House 1 and 2
and probably a lot more

I also love a lot of movies that have very high ratings and such. The way I see it, not *every* movie you see has to be the next Citizen Kane. What matters is if you enjoy it."
"Yay, I'm glad your internet is back, I'm available today and tomorrow whenever you're available."
great cleavage!
"Wtf don't take away my porn. "
"Oh my gosh THANK YOU I got them on sale! I will guard this WITH MY LIFE and you are SO pretty and awesome. "
"Yeah I know, I just don't think they directly worship satan. "
"Yikes. This is what I was reminded of :)

I think you might identify with [Maximillian of Northshire](, also..."
When you want to save battery life.
"Can't find the edit button on my app, but here is the URL: thanks again!"
It was actually time in 2012 when this was written.
Because I I've watched Anime since I was 12. Now I only really keep up with Gintama (a comedy anime that makes fun of itself)
because a 76 year old woman lying to manipulate people is infuriating.
"""I'm gonna stop singing this song, because I'm high

I'm singing this whole thing wrong, because I'm high

and if I don't sell one copy I know why (why man?)"" 
The comments in here are frightening
"Why not? "
"I see you on most ask Reddit threads. You have an interesting life. "
"Wrestling does define a takedown in Folk:

1. TAKEDOWN - T2 - 2 points - Awarded after one of the neutral wrestlers gets behind
the opponent and forces them down to the mat to their stomach or side or knees or
weight on all fours OR takes them directly to their back or buttocks without getting
behind them AND becomes the offensive wrestler. Neutral to Offense is a twopoint
takedown. If you go from neutral to defense, you were taken down. 

It is pretty broad but I prefer it. No matter how you get them down its a takedown. Very rarely are you just getting them down by a luck its a takedown intended for such or winning a scramble and getting top position.

You make a good point for the self defense/ going to the ground in many cases you are right. When I worked in security and while I worried they could pull a weapon I was pretty confident in controlling them and only had a few weird weapon instances. I do see the point when you are totally out of your element and in general its probably safer to throw/push them over and run. 

"I saw Pixels in the theater with my kids, 6 and 4. Confession: I didn't think it was *that* bad. Just have to consider it a kid's movie. "
When exactly?
"was listening to it a few minutes ago, love GY!BE"
"kiera knightley, and everyone else."
"oh god, I just watched it - it made me feel better. T A T"
"i pretend to take their sarcasm seriously "
Can't wait to see Jose imploded
If it wasn't for my 1 game per franchise rule I would definitely have Super Mario 3 on there. Fantastic game.
Mission 98 W?
"So could Brock get him back? "
It's indeed a strange thing to keep out.
I am a glutton for punishment.
"Rip in spaghetti, never forgetti Bf 109"
lol mourinho
Oh shit forgot about joes apartment!
"There are 2 factors that concern  u personally Forgiven

1- THe game is less mechanicely oriented/depended   and more team based

2-That being  said someone from a first glance would say it is a bad match for a type of player like u. I disagree because it is a game that can get u less likely   frustrated  with everything that comes after with. i am sure u experienced it aswell and it made u enjoy the game more than u expected to

I wanted to ask u whats your take  on that Game (HoTs) did u enjoy it playing it  untill  rank 1?  congrats by the way 4 days, now thats an achievement!"
"This happened to me with an entire WV set in week 9. Rest assured, it's a glitch that can cause heartache if you trade away the dupes thinking you have a complete set, you don't. It got resolved right at award time in my case. "
"Pantene Pro V h Head & Shoulders forg1ven?
Poio proion einai to kalutero gia tin diatirisi autis tis fantasmagorikis karaflas?"
California is collectively crying over that water.
Def. not minty. Stinky almost
"Det är inte jaktkojor vid sjöar i vildmarken som riskerar att bli problemet, utan just stränder i mer tätbefolkade områden, och där inkluderar jag områden som främst är befolkade sommartid. Som tex Stockholms skärgård, men mer därtill. "
"[Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
"Its called letterflow. Go to Themes > Customize and press the box at the bottom left that says **PAL** and then choose “customized palette…” and then press LESS until there is only one left and then press it and then make the alpha 0 (the bar below the RGB bars) and ta-da "
Why are you cooking defenseless heroines?
No impolite fantasies here; no sireee-bob!
Thanks for the answer!
"I gave you more examples than you asked for, more context, and you simply chose to ignore the truth. That's wonderful. I sure learned a lot. It's been real.

Even more so knowing that one personal journal is why feminism has corrupted the legal system but I was asked to link at least three men who felt themselves victim for you to be satisfied. 

What the ever loving fuck is that about? Is there a system in your mind where the honor of manhood is three times as great as that of women? As a matter of fact, i don't even want to know."
"Hey, how crazy would it be if an act of God just struck down every member of the Jets, their fans, and any potential descendants of Jets fans for the next thirty years?

Really crazy!"
"Last week in my room were ~33°C all the time , my laptop overheated if I wanted to play anything"
I love how the next time he turned the sign the driver expected it to be different.
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"Bocconi is the Harvard of Italy. If he can afford it, this is the best choice, he will surely find good and well paid work.
Otherwise, he can go with Bergamo, but first if I were him I'd go to Cattolica University, in Milan as well."

And just, people that are like, on this quest for individuality. 


Sorry. I have a friend like this 

"I have one with somewhere around  250k miles and (knock on wood) it still works just fine. I bought it for $1200 to be a runaround while i fix my mini and it's a little rough but its the most dependable car I've owned so far. Gets me to and from work every day, a round trip of 40 miles. I want to find one in good condition to buy and use until I die. 

It also get a surprising amount of compliments from people.

As far as pricey to maintain goes, do your own work for everything except major stuff and it's super cheap, although my perspective on that may be skewed by mini ownership. Lok at IPD for parts."
"Googled it. Leopard is playing with the Tiger, has plain rosettes with no middle spot. Jaguar is the one walking around, has rosettes with spot and thicker outline. There is no Cheetah in this gif"
"Where he SHOULD be is doing deliveries for the postal service "
"Many DEs offer the traditional kind of taskbar/panel, but I'm not so sure about the pinning functionality. Anyway, the ""ungrouping"" is typically the standard way (also familiar from Windowses before 7). You can't install just a taskbar, you need the whole DE (desktop environment). Most DEs can be installed on most distros. 

I'll suggest [Cinnamon](\)). Cinnamon can't do that pinning exactly like Win7-10 does it, but you can have a separate launcher/shortcut section on the panel and then the window list, in principle exactly like WinXP had it just more modern overall: (size of the icons can be increased)"
"It should have become painfully clear over the last few election cycles that Republican candidates don't care about their mainstream base. They cater to far right crazy fringe.

Most Republicans are for gay marriage, but you wouldn't think that based on the narrative all the candidates spew."
"Bravo!!  A good infographic can go a long way.  Maybe one about ""socialism"" would be helpful?"
my carbon dioxide would like too
"Yeah, i'm so glad the whole cast is pretty much viable. I have my floaty killer, my fast fall killer and my confuser when i'm getting bopped. "
"So was the original short video that Pixels eventually evolved...err, devolved into."
"I love the way he celebrates after a big lift. Hyped the fuck up. 
I think you misread the chart. His calories we're just over 1700. Sodium intake was 2400mg
"Airbus Helicopters will provide Turkey the Production Rights and Blueprints for the Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma for $500,000,000."
"Yeah, like maybe house bills!

^i'm ^even ^sorrier"
"No serious damage, with the nature of of the bridge I can't exactly go chase them down.

I did not report the hit and runs other than to my safety department which told me not worry about it as there wasn't any real damage."
"This is a highly complex issue. The indoctrination coming out of the US is partly to blame as well. Hollywoood has been presenting Black people as completely normal, functioning and moral human beings, when in reality they are on average far more violent, have less impulse control, 19% higher testosterone levels, far less future orientation and at least 15 IQ pints less in the case of African americans and around 30 IQ points less in the case of sub saharan Africans than Europeans. Most people even among our intelectual elites have never even heard of HBD. They know nothing about why Detroit looks like it does. They think that Africans are just as capable of building an advanced civiliation as Europeans or northeast asians are. Europeans live in a high trust society with very low levels of corruption and by far not as much ethnocentrism as you find among more inbred cultures to the south who are all far more tribal genetically( Our elites and our population is heavily brainwashed with propaganda and has no knowledge about IQ and race differences whatsoever. Every time there is somebody who tries to write about IQ the liberal media dismisses him as a lunatic and most people don´t bother to look into the thinks he´s writing about. I know this from first hand experience. I remeber clearly that i regularly believed the liberal media narrative in their articles about race and never looked into it myself, simply believing that the media wouldn´t lie about race and IQ. I was too trusting until i finally came upon HBD while doing research on the web and started to enlighten myself. Now i always give out HBD sites to REDPILL people.:"
"Nice positive message in this one, glad they put the chris pirillo part at the end of the videos now so we can just turn off the video when it comes on."
"Man, I think that would be even worse."
">Gustavo: ""As long as you have children they'll always be your priority, your responsibility. And a man....a man provides.

I dunno how ""red pill"" that really is.  A man's identity rests in providing for a family?  So he's a utility and ATM?  

Surely a man should value himself and be able to find a meaningful role for himself outside the protector/provider role.  Would you say Isaac Newton wasn't a ""real man"" because he didn't start a family?  Even though his mathematical discoveries laid the groundwork for all of our modern technology?"
That's great!  I know I LOVE when I can do something I couldn't previously do at the gym.  It's SO empowering!
"Rob - Virtual Boy

Mr. G&W - MrGame&WatchYourBack

Duck Hunt - Mr. Peepers "
Remember Ospina
Magical thinking is hilarious.
"That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
"I Miss You - Blink-182

The Loneliness - Frightened Rabbit

Gracious - Ben Howard

Soon Go - Frightened Rabbit

Taijin Kyofusho - The Evpatoria Report

shouldn't be too hard"
"It possibly scales with level, and it also could depend on whether or not you actually proc the mark."
Skial 24/7 koth_harvest: There's always people on, and Harvest is one of my favourite maps!
BTW I main medic :P"
"The faceted design?  Pretty much anything which can cut on a plane can do that if you have the patience, it's just a rough-cut design instead of a smooth one.

Off-hand, a bandsaw, belt sander, hand saw, knife, or anything else which can rough out a shape would work.  "
"Still grinding for Ambroses, started out with almost my whole team to train, and now they're all maxed including SV Rock. I'm just one Ambrose away from SV tier, as he'll replace my UR Fusion PP Ryback"
I took a call from Dr Who on it.  Needs a new assistant.  Told him I'd think about it.
"Me da que esos que dicen, se llaman ......( empieza tro y acaban en lls)"
"Is this a CF card with an IDE interface? I've seen very similar patterns of corruption when accessing a perfectly functional hard drive over an IDE interface, with a bad cable and cheap controller (there's supposed to be CRC checking on IDE, but I'm not sure if that applies only to the DMA transfer modes).

Hah; found the old thread where I talked about it:"
"I missed the first half hour or so, when he apparently made some saves. But what I did see he didn't look his usual commanding self - didn't seem confident enough to come for 50-50's."
"Of course, I love ice cream."
"Most of the Bible Belt is full of morons. I've lived all over the south. And I am trying to GTFO, thank you very much. Texas is NOT the south. Texans are a breed of their own."
The best way to convince your family is to stay clean from drugs and socially drink successfully - more than any 3rd party research will be the evidence in front of their own eyes that you can easily control your drinking and that you're doing fine.
"After all, they're the asshole for pushing, not you. "
No problem. Hope you manage to find it : )
"lmao "
"redbull, vodka and prozac? what comedian are you referring to?"
"No, you're wrong because you're wrong. The president cannot introduce legislation. ""Obamacare"" is only called Obamacare because the Republicans want to smear his name and associate it with the law. It has nothing to do with who introduced the bill, because if it did it would be Baucuscare."
"So a guy gave an angry email at Arin, telling him that he sucked for not controlling the camera. This guy was probably 20 years-old.

What an immature douchebag

"More general warnings would be nice. Something like ""intense realistic emergency situations"" would be sufficient in most cases. I don't think anybody can reasonably expect the entire panacea of possible triggers to be covered, but general warnings would be helpful.

For example, l was at /r/nosleep a while back reading stories and they allow the use of trigger warnings in their titles and flair. I read a story that took an abrupt turn from what l thought was about the paranormal into it being about a mom drowning her children. That sent me spiraling into a panic attack. 

I was new to nosleep and didn't really know that they had stuff like that in their stories - most of the stories l had read had been paranormal/supernatural creepy tales or thrillers. I know now that there is a much broader scope, but I would have greatly appreciated of the writer had used the common trigger warning ""violence toward children""."
"I know this comment is a couple of weeks old but I just want to say that you almost brought tears to my eyes. Your comment makes me feel validated as a huge Pearl fan who gets so frustrated every time someone says we only like Pearl because she's hot out of drag. I too could care less about boy Pearl (or the boy persona of any of the queens for that matter). Her time on the show, despite her detractors, speaks for itself."
"Thanks eveyone for your advice. Should've clarified that I've had a few forays into digital before (but didn't produce anything with any sort of subtlety). Got my computer set up in the new flat today and [This is what I came up with]( 
Constructive feedback welcome. "
"Where are you getting that? I can't find anything about that. And the video says the officer that fired his weapon ""didn't know what his (the suspect's) actions were"" to lead to the officer shooting him."
">  That's where government intervention comes in. The centralised power of social institutions.

*If it were to pan out that way* I would agree with you.  Except as I've pointed out in the example above, it does not actually work that way.  The capitalist system does not have a social provision.  In fact it doesn't even attempt at equality.  

Also, my example was of the people who have to fend for themselves where society has failed them.  You're defending a system that kills 21,000 per day from starvation.  I am sure that it is the best for you and I who have internet, but I find it hard to believe that this is the best system for a planet.

>  I really don't see how this relates to a historical example of a system better than we have now.

The point that I keep trying to make is ""better for who"" and ""better for what"".  It is arguable that *you* or I may have been born into the right place and for *us* it might be better.  But that hardly proves the point that it is a better system for everyone.  I've also made the point that there is too little history to consider this from an evolutionary perspective.  "
I spent pretty much most of that sitting here hoping OP wasn't lying
I learned about this easter egg just last night. My first try put me in the middle of kebab. Never has EU4 delivered such carnal pleasure for me.
"Considering the game mode favors defense overall this seems fine to me. "

I love how positively your boyfriend is responding, I wish all the best to both of you and a happier less stressful lives. "
"What about the MG Zeta Gundam 2.0? To me that kit is much more complex than the Hi-ν Ver.ka, since it does a full transformation. "
"Yeah, I liked the subtle shots that showed the similarities between the gorillas and humans, like seeing the ape baby being thrown into the air and then seeing baby Tarzan falling and being caught. 

EDIT: Subtle for a kid's movie at least. 
How recent was this?
">  He noted that research has been somewhat politicized, but is “pretty consistent” in showing that children raised with two parents who are married to each other fare better across multiple measures.

This might be true in America, but elsewhere in scandinavia or other countries, its not important at all.  More than likely the discrepancy is caused by fathers being excluded from their childrens lives in america post divorce.

Sadly, because divorce reform goes against the needs of the matriarchy, such progressive reform will never happen.  Instead, politicians will push for more marriages which will not be effective given how bad of a deal that marriage is for modern men.  Policies designed to fail only succeed at wasting money, energy and time."
"Honestly, it doesn't really matter if the instructors are volunteers or not as you'll get all sorts of people coaching either way. It really comes down to how their coaching style suits you. The first time, I had a coach that worked with me, made me feel more comfortable on track, and I quickly saw myself improve. The second time I had a guy that just kept telling me to go slower without saying why...and that really chipped away at me mentally..."
[deleted] Hope you and yours enjoyed them.
icefrog balance guys
"Thanks I'll check it out. "
"How small we talking here? I am usually a small and went with the medium based on measurements. 

Small enough that I won't fit into it or small that it will be a really trim fit? I'm actually hoping for a really trim fit because I want to layer it. "
"The cutest bug was the one that would delete/corrupt a save file round the 110hr mark. iirc that was from vanilla oblivion or the shivering isles xpac "
Upvoting for the kitty with hat:)
"I like all of them, but here are my favorites (in no particular order):

* Our Respective Soul Food
* Shokugeki Start!
* By This Duck I Want to be Embraced
* The Texture of a Decisive Battle
* Disgusting!
* In This Small Food Castle
* The Taste Experience of Cooking Battle
* The Secret Ingredients Named Victory
* Lured to the Scent of the Sea

And lol, I imagined what the MC (Master of Ceremonies) would say in a concert, ""Ladies and Gentlemen, our next performance would be a violin performance with the title 'Disgusting!' "" and then it turned out amazing."
"It is white, isn't it. 

Ever heard of intrusive thoughts? Yeah, for whatever reason those little fuckers trigger intrusive thoughts for is like I am the most amazing field goal kicker ever......."
"I can't stand it for the reasons you mention, but love the other two."
"Wut "
"That hasn't been revealed yet.  Unless Regent is aware of what Battleworld is and is actually trying to free them from Doom's control?  I feel like this is becoming a theme in other Secret Wars stories.  The Carol Carops want to ""fly beyond the sky to see what's there,"" Tony Stark in the Civil War story has come to realize that they are all being played, Norman Osborn has detected the Great Web in the Spider-Verse story, etc.  I think people in the Battle World are slowly beginning to realize what is happening and are taking steps toward potentially fighting back. "
I had a transit bus driver do that to me because there was a speed trap ahead! Just a Bus Driver being a bro.
"Yeah, and even without the drugs he was a paranoid/schizoid, but somehow he managed to funnel it into great art, imho."
"That is so fun!!! If you do find some GG things, please share with us! :)"
"Pluto's gravity would be incredibly low compared to earth. I would imagine that a lot of the materials that would be melted off would probably evaporate, or get blasted off by the suns radiation."
I'd say so.

Hi guys this is a drama/romance story I wrote about League couples, mainly Lux/Talon and Sona/Xin, but there are other couples and topics as well such as politics in Valoran and the struggle for power, not only between Demacia and Noxus, but also within the Demacian royalty and nobility. It has 2 seasons, the 1st one is completed with 31 chapters and the 2nd one is in process with 4 chapters. I must also warn that it has mature rated scenes such as sex and violence so read at your own risk =p 

Hope you like it!
"Browns - Joe Thomas

Bengals - Maybe A.J. Green? I'm not sure if it's Green or Dalton

Texans - J.J. Watt

Jaguars - Gus Bradley

Jets - Darrelle Revis

Bills - 'Rex Ryan

Raiders - Charles Woodson

Chiefs - Jamaal Charles

Vikings - Adrian Peterson

Lions - Calvin Johnson

Seahawks - Marshawn Lynch, maybe Richard Sherman? Could be Russell Wilson

Rams - Not sure, either Chris Long or Robert Quinn. Could be Jeff Fisher

Cardinals - Larry Fitzgerald

Eagles - Chip Kelly

So roughly half of the teams have a face of the franchise that isn't a quarterback. And some teams have their coach as the face of the franchise."
It would be nice but I'm going to say probably not. I think it would be great if Buffalo is maybe playing for a spot but not necessarily get there. Give the young players a chance to see what the grind of a playoff chase is all about. There are a lot of good looking teams in the east but only eight can make the playoffs.
Looks great.
*Grins* That was amazing.
"I am kebab now too...

"Let me put it this way. When the Wells Report in Context site came out, they gave a lot of info. But they saved the Pash emails for far later...and that is when the tides started to turn in the Patriots favor. Patriots had another ""ace"" up the sleeve to use later after they heard what Goodell ruled on the Brady appeal. 

Now Goodell is the arbitrator. He knew what he was going to rule and public opinion pretty much on his side. He brought out the ""destroyed"" cell phone to create a smoke screen. They knew Brady and NFLPA was going to take to court. They rushed to have it filed in NY. They also know that it could be possible brady wins and gets yet another appeal hearing.

You don't believe they didn't hold on to possibly anything that could be possibly damaging (not proof, mind you, just damaging) to use for this type of scenario?"
what metal bands
Just read that you tried a rotor with bad outcome. There was a feed system back in the day called warp feed that had an interesting mechanism that might work better although that system is fed by a force feed hopper so it doesn't get around the issue.
">The portable delegation are not true adherents of the faith!

Sheesh, I'll make my own religion, with blackjack and hookers!"
En esto tiene razon aunque sea un imbecil.
I think some of these kids living under rocks fam. OVO been around for years now and so has drake. Drake a household name in the united states and Canada lol
"Ha, I know.  [#1 most popular time to murder is when you're 20-24.]("
"He's right, and santander doesn't provide services to bittylicious. Their brokers use their personal accounts.
"Have a clear talk with all of them. Actually sit down with them and say something along the lines ""I appreciate your advice, but at this point in my life, I'm not ready to date nor do I want to. If you love me, you'll respect my decision."""
I don't know where else to ask this. Do you guys know of any good podcasts for the BPL? I'm pretty new and just looking for some more coverage on a long drive today.
any ideas? r/soccerstreams has nothin
"And depending on the pallette they are using, Vegetas hair can look almost a dark red at times. And King Vegetas was a reddish brown"
"Thank you. It annoys me that people are waging war on this dentist, without knowing anything about the situation."
HAES disagrees
">expecting Dirty Bomb to improve, even slightly, overtime is not much to ask

I have no idea what you are talking about.

>They also don't seem to understand the main problems that requires some attention and just keep on shoving new mercs into the game

What ""Main problems"" ? Why are people complaining about getting more characters to play with?

>in the attempt to get money

The developers are *human beings.* They have *bills* to pay and a *living* to make. They have to be able to monetize their game *somehow* to generate revenue. Do you expect them to work for free for you? Fuck them and their personal lives I guess.

>If it was ever considered to be a serious eSports title

How does that have *any* effect on whether or not the game is good? You don't need an eSports scene to have a good game.

>I'm not oblivious to the fuckups and lack of proper communication with the community. You enjoy it? Cool, me too, but let's not kidd ourselves, it's getting worse.

This is what I'm talking about. People just give vague complaints without any actual substance."
"You were listed as a target, just FYI."
Patriots. I love me some good ol' evil empire.
New ar-ab diss said he only comes into the city for seconds
"I considered that, but she's still only one and a half--not quite sure she'd understand the implications until the hair was gone. "
I followed these steps syncing mobile and it only grabbed half the album. Tried again and then it only grabbed a few more songs. I was on wi-fi all day so it had plenty of time to sync.
"We all saw what happened to Edward Norton. "
Okay. I think I will just buy a new scale and keep track. Thanks!
"I mean ive watched Etup take a BUNCH of his higher lvl maps like that and just throw them in White when he was speed lvling his Reave build and no shit he was getting higher maps dropping! I couldnt believe it! "
"Your problem is that Comcast is based in Philadelphia and, ironically, has the worst Comcrapstic issues in the nation. Good Ol' Philly has the highest prices and lowest speeds of anywhere Comcast has monopolized. I'd suggest getting a new ISP, but that would involve moving to a new city"
"Thanks for the reply. I have had Cylas since he was 9 weeks old and he will be turning 2 in September. We have had Abby since she was 8 weeks old and she just turned 1 in July. By training I mean actual training. With Cylas I hired a dog trainer who came to our house every week for 6 months to give lesson on that weeks training. It progressed from very basic sit for a few weeks to sit/stay. Then it was down then down stay, sit/down/stay, etc. From that experience I learned a lot so when Abby came along I would do the same thing with her and it became a thing they did together and they seem to really enjoy it. I still do remedial sessions with them at least 2-3 times a month for those commands that don't get used a lot. 

By mess up I mean they will grab something off bookcase, or table, go in laundry basket all things that are not allowed when under supervision. Neither of them potties in the house unless they get sick or an incredibly upset stomach when strangers give them food at dog park behind my back. Great Danes in my experience have incredibly finicky stomachs. I digress it seems no amount of cleaning and putting things away can deter these pups from doing things they shouldn't. Simply due to their size it's impossible to hide stuff from them or keep them from being able to grab most things when it's in its proper place. The are wonderful when supervised, plays with toys, in the very rare event they grab something they're not suppose to a simple no, leave it, fixes the situation. "
"Thinking that we're driven by instinct and not intellect is retarded. "
"I won't be able to make that, thank you for the heads up though. Be safe"
The one Clay won with the squirrels and the nuts was probably equal parts physical and mental.
"No, longer handles do make it longer throw. That's how levers work."
"That's a good point, I didn't think of that.

The other thing I noticed is that they still charge me for all the electricity first, and only then do they pay me for what I produced.  That means I'm still affected by energy prices, unfortunately.

[Residential Solar Energy Rate]("
"I can't pinpoint the rumor exactly, but I believe some legitimate journalists on Twitter have mentioned it.  It is also basic logic since HBO had a loaded schedule in the first half of the year."
"HOW DID YOU PUT A FAN IN TOP oh my god I have been thinking about putting a fan in the top part for ages, but I have nothing to attatch it to. How did you manage it?!?!"
Pretty soon we're gonna need one of those per leg.
You beat me to it!
"Walk Hard is terrible the first time you watch it, unless you watch it with someone who loves it. It is the perfect parody of all the biopics on musicals from The Buddy Holly Story to Ray. I would suggest watching TBHS and then watching Walk Hard. So good. "
How exciting for you guys! Good luck. :)
"Check it again.    A lot of the sites aren't updated yet.   "
"Once in college while on a beach trip with a large group of friends, we were out on the beach at night (normally clothed) hanging out drinking. My friend (a girl) comes up to me and politely asked to borrow my phone to make a call because she left hers in the house. Not thinking twice, I handed it to her while she said thanks with a smirk on her face. Exactly 2 seconds later 5 of my friends lift me up and start sprinting towards the ocean, and chucked my flailing body into the water. Man, never even saw it coming."
"Thank you so much! :> If you have time, could you rate me as well, please? My RMM is [here]( Rated you <3 ^also! ^^not ^^gonna ^^raichu ^^a ^^love ^^songggg~ ^^^...sorryxD"
"We have functionality that does this, the ~~recommended~~ popular tab."
"Same here. According to KC3 I have 500 hp on gauge... and I'm on fucking Medium. 6k baux left. Getting to boss node and failing costs 600 bauxite... And I only killed her ONCE. At least 10 runs, maybe more.

I regret using my best BBs, CAs and DD on first two maps, which were piss-easy."
"Allow me to clarify, ""two towns"" is a part of my commute, so there isn't a loss due to travel."
Good Octopus ;)
What does that have to do with anything?  Just because its the MOST common 2d material doesnt mean its common knowledge.
No surprised that the report they have done is biased and misses out key information. The Royal Family bring in more than they cost each year.
"A guy came home and shot his three children, his wife and shot himself. A guy I worked with was the first officer on the scene and the dad and the youngest were in critical condition. He told the EMTs to help the baby and to ""let this mother fucker bleed out"" as he stared at his eyes while he layed on the kitchen floor."
"Wow, buds used to be like 31 keys a few years ago"
bugs that fly near my ears
Another reason why Shinonome>Siegbert
"I really enjoyed SaGa Frontier 2, so much so that when I was in high school and had to do a dramatic play for Fine Art Survey class, I adapted parts of the Gustave narrative to a short three act play."
"I like [this page](, really gives you an idea of how advanced airplane design was even in the late 30's.
On a slightly different note, did anyone notice that the Bugatti 50p engines each made 450hp from 4.9L? We are approaching those levels of efficiency again only now (not exactly sure if it used a turbo/supercharger, but it is still mighty impressive)."
Who cares? The new karate kid isnt bad at all. And this minute detail is forgivable. There are plenty of acclaimed movies that get details wrong in order to move forward plot. I am pretty sure no one suspenion of disbelief was taken away by that.
"Just stop following me around, and act your age."
It was racism.  There was a meeting of the Super Secret White Privilege Society and they all decided to move away at the same time.  They also cursed the very land with spells of poverty and social injustice when they left.
"Tagged as ""Cornhole"""
"His early game is weaker because people can dodge your Q, it does less damage than the first few levels and he's no longer one of the best early game duelists, but he's still dominant in lane.

But now he is a scaling teamfight threat, with Black Cleaver, Titanic Hydra and Dead Man's Plate he becomes a hell of a lot stronger than he was before with 3 items. "
"NoFap is worth it for the better skin alone IMO. Also, you haven't gone too long with NoFap yet, a lot of people see results between day 60 and 90. "
Player models dont show in inventory anymore?
He's a loan signing right?
"Have you looked at the training variant rules in the DMG? Basically it says that have to allot a number of days and a certain amount of gold to train in order to level up. You could just say that they find a mentor / experiment with arcane spells in order to learn new spells or abilities. It would make it less complicated and it would keep players interested in the spell casting classes.  "
"The Casual Mulligan.

>If a player has 0,1,6, or 7 lands in their starting hand theu may reveal it to all players. If that player does he or she shuffles his or her hand on the deck. That player then draws a new hand of seven. Repeat until no player reveals their hand.

How I miss the casual mulligan."
Glad I reread that because I thought it said incest collection.
"I'm leaving our dog with him. "
DAE burns are real amirite?
"Well as for the rise of the American Smash Scene, 64 had more entrants than PM and Brawl at SSC. GGs."
"You could always try asking nicely.  

I'm sure by now Valve has realized that the nerfs did nothing to stop people from spamming Dustbowl 3 choke with a kritz med and scoring >150 points per round.  

The people who complained about getting wrecked by stickies are now complaining about getting wrecked by Soldiers, who conveniently had 2 of their biggest movement threats [stickies+minigun] nerfed.  

Maybe since the nerfs failed at their intended goal, and there's hard proof that the bad maps+lack of player skill are the issue, there's a chance they'd be willing to revert them.  "
"Sorry, your account is not yet old enough to post in /r/StreetFights. This subreddit only allows accounts that are older than three days to submit posts.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFights) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Don't forget about Vette City Vapor, also in Bowling Green. They have a Facebook site as well. "
I'm not listening to anyone calling him- or herself Fart_Kontrol.
haha weirdos are the best. :)
"His positioning is fantastic and is one of his best assets. That's total bollocks and is an argument  people use when they can't support their point otherwise. He is, by far, our best defender. "
"cass has been playing hcf, assuming she didnt like the update"
"So you admit to my point, but then don't see it? hah!"
Guys i have one for 360 i will sell for $60 shipped anywhere in the US. PM me if interested.
"As did the NDP and Bloc at times. As I pointed out though, both NDP and Liberal voters' views towards the Conservatives have become MUCH more negative lately, particularly since 2011."
"Although you are totally right, a city doesn't make different budgets for day/night, each business and residence and industry does... so this is the best way to allow the player to mimic that. Give it a chance! =)"
"machines can isolate muscles better than free weights can. so if you are looking for hypertrophy in one muscle they are superior. "
How about they secure the fucking back doors inside of every theater so the can't leave and come back in with guns? No one is going to come through the front door with a gun.
"I've harped on it in a few posts, but T is freakin' awesome right here. It's beating the hell out of the market on days like today, barely down compared to the indices and other telecom/media stocks. 

5.5% dividend is gold, IMO. That's a huge safety buffer for the stock itself, since given a 1-year hold (or more) it would have to fall that far before you're losing. 

I also purchased some BAC today since it was getting the snot kicked out of it. Housing prices are strong, and I don't think banking is really going to shit the bed so bad that the downside action is THAT warranted.

In both cases, I have plenty of time to be right, and intend for these to be longer term holds."
"Listen, you can talk and say whatever you want with a girl. It all depends HOW you do it and your attitude. 

Here's the short answer and how I talk to girls about it. 
During the conversation:
""yeah i have this autoimmune condition for quite some time now. kinda sucks but hey it could be worse, like cancer.""

If she continues to ask about it, don't apologise, don't get defensive, don't get embarrased. I whipped out my armpit once to show a girl my scar and said ""look at this fucker, it's annoying but I can still lift"".  Explain what it is with confidence, don't make it a big deal, and own it. 

Women respond to confidence. If you're insecure it will become a bigger deal. 

My 2 cents. "
By that reasoning Israel is in an alliance with Hamas because wounded Hamas gunmen are being treated in Israeli hospitals.
Meaning you can buy a domain from GoDaddy but then run it with WordPress?
I don't get it. Is this basically an app to remember quotes? Tell me why I need this
"Someone wrote a book on the New Madrid Fault Line in a very geeky way, she had an AMA on AskHistorians last week.

Other people have already said that you are NOT guaranteed a drop using this app.
"Realistically, I think you would get a single camp before you had to return to lane, which would give you ~18 more CS at ten minutes in. If you play your safe lane well, and farm statically, you can keep the offlaner at level 3 ten minutes in - with free farm he'd be level 8.

EDIT: Also, if your supports are stacking and pulling, then farmable camps are too far away."
That's the spirit!
Tell that to the admins! They're going for maximum profits and advertisers won't want this sub associated with reddit.
"EE sell a data SIM which offers 6GB of data which lasts three months. You can buy them on eBay for about £18. Alternatively, if you're quick [this] ( is an exceptional deal: 100GB/month for two months for £10 (EE allow tethering). "
Ahhh I gotcha. Learn something new everyday [8]
"Well, practice makes perfect!    Being encouraging and patient will probably yield good results :)

Novelty definitely supercharges sex for most people.   Something about it just grabs our brains and wakes us up :)"
*Leans in close* Tell me more about the gel...
"No specific Ivs? "
Isn't only playable on Vista though?
"A little bit about the project below. If you can help out or help spread the word the Museum would be greatly appreciative!


Reading Nature's Library is a citizen science project where anyone can help the Museum catalogue the collection.
The collection is broken down into projects, such as fossil corals, and new projects will be added over time as we photograph the collection.
It's free to join and take part, and you'll be helping make the amazing collection available to everyone!
Once you've [signed up]( you can share your favourite images with friends and family, or see if they can help with any hard to read labels."
"By October 21, too. Good luck winning five World Series games before Game 4 of the NLCS."
"I'm pretty sure he would burst into flames on re-entry and be ashes long before he hits the ground.

"Your Magmortar is 0194, but assuming you want the eggs done, you have to battle with them."
"Quite an impressive response. 

Do you mind if I use this and give you the credit? "
The word for food might also be the word for rice. I think gohan is a Japanese word that means rice but can also mean meal.
"Good points. But what if exalts did go up in price to 100-200 chaos. The only real difference is that exalting an item is relatively more expensive and getting a multimod etc will be relatively more expensive. Very few people use exalts for their orb purpose, i.e. yolo exalt an item. What we see is changes in demand based on usefulness. Maybe at some point we will see prices adjust more closely, i.e. the inflexibility will loosen up. It sounds like everyone and their entire family used exalts all day long crafting multimods. I doubt many people crafted, and now they suddenly want to craft left and right. What is wrong if if crafting costs a bit more? In the end, what we have seen here the last few days, have shown us that master crafting is indeed a very powerful tool."
This is a seriously good idea.  I'm crying from laughing so hard at this picture.  Would love to see more.
"Psi missing from index. "
your bad host
"El rescate es el eje central del que derivan todos los demas compromisos, tanto privatizaciones como jubilaciones, pensiones, recortes, etc. El gobierno entrante se movera por inercia segun los acuerdos con la Troika."
This might be my favorite patch in the history of SC2.
"That was the inspiration, but I was too lazy to look for the picture. "
"That was the best laugh I've had in ages. Thank you. "
Please let us know where we need to ship it to.
you can time skip animal crossing style. Time gate isn't an issue.
"The Upper classes Are of course well known for being very easy to bully.

aahh well."
"Tokyo Map! I just finished mine, and it was a real fun challenge to try it out. "
Best advice is to just tell them you have visited a high risk area and they will remove you off the list for a year. Even if you lie you are permitted back to donate again.
"This is by far the best advice I've gotten on reddit. "
"Nope, just a bunch of kitties"
"when you found out that you couldn't be the eighth weasley sibling that was gay, did you cry?"
"I normally just link to the original thread in a repost if I can find it without much trouble.  The funny thing is, Youtube reuploader spam accounts are making it easier for people to know a video is old because they are reversing the footage and text."
"One of the benefits of doing helpdesk calls is you find the idiotic crap they have to deal with - and then can fix it.

For instance, if the users often have to deal with some issue, and the helpdesk's guidance is to perform a certain workaround... Maybe we could fix the issue!"
getting lotta love from you brother.
"Careful, your autism is beginning to show."
"You know, I'm actually not 100% sure on the timing thing! But I'm guessing within the next couple of months. And I'm more than happy to put a good word in if it looks like you're a good fit!"
"you might have already figured out yourself, you don't need to use winmip to put a car or skin in game. All you need to do is have the tga file ready, dump that into your imports/exports folder located in your main nr2003 install...

Launch nr2003, then in the opponent manager impoort your tga onto the desired model and save."
I make that mistake every damn time...
"It will be fine as long as your motherboard has PCI EXPRESS 3.0 which your MOBO does. "
I Saw Jean Martin Fortier give talk at Mother Earth Fair in Wisconsin a few weeks back. Pretty cool.
"xRAPM and RPM have had him at the bottom of starting SFs for years.

As for the weak statistical argument you just threw up, shout out to /u/BoozerDPOY.  DWS is a garbage stat and should never be used for anything.  And even if it were somehow and acceptable stat, Boogie had 1.3 more.  Not .3 more.  How do you people even come up with this crap and then have the audacity to say stuff like ""Don't just say stuff and have nothing to back it up.""

And I'm not forgetting how dominant he is on offense, I just actually happen to know that being good at offense has to do with more than just scoring."
Video in video games.
Somebody had to watch Marron.
Thanks. Via connect as in recreate them? Basecamp is probably a decent option too which I hadn't thought of.
"Not since May, but [it was barely covered]("
"So when are they going to address car crashes and cancer? "
"How would they know? This is the left's version of ""We had a cold winter, therefore global warming is a lie."" Vast majority of the people surveyed aren't climate scientists, and have no way of knowing if what they are seeing is caused by climate change instead of just a hot summer (e.g. el nino)."
What are these 'standard hours' you speak of?
"Why? I'm clearly not going to change your opinion, which is based on your emotions and personal feelings about this issue and you're certainly not going to change mine, which is based on years of practice as a defense attorney. We don't have to agree on this, and there's no right answer. You are entitled to believe that this sentence is too lenient, and I'm entitled to believe that it's in line with what I would expect under these particular facts. 

Focus your attention on changing the laws you don't like, rather than just complaining that it didn't go how you thought it should. "
"Actually, it has no screen.  But the apt was remodeled so possibly they have some sort of gas in them to insulate? Maybe that's eroding the signal."
"This post implies that not being able to position effectively should not be considered the reason for being ""stuck"" in low elo"
"FML. These fuckin' injuries, man. Well, I hope that Xavier can step up."
"I am affriad you are mistaken, this only got a digital release in the US but physical in Europe."
"It might depend on your field in order to maintain a PhD to practice in that field, like in areas of medicine. But once you increase the scope of human knowledge and have earned the credit for doing so, its a lifetime accomplishment."
"I think it's important to note that the poll was conducted by an organization with close ties to AIPAC.  "
"What exactly does thunderf00t mean by ""I don't care if you are transgender"" ? I am rather curious as a long time fan who is transgender myself."
"So, given the development time-scale and the changes in PC architecture that this will necessitate in future...  Is it reasonable to think that a Star Citizen PU 2.0 would be something coming down the pike in 10 years that takes full advantage of all these new capabilities, leaving 1.0 behind?

Or do you guys see the forthcoming PU 1.0 being modified to support these architectures in parallel over the years?

Apologies if you guys think this is too speculative."
Added. Check it out and let me know your feedback.
"I would check out [The Fat Quarter Shop]( and [Missouri Star Quilt Company](  Amazon has ok prices and great shipping (if you have Prime), but I think you'll prefer the selection of either of these places.

Typically, a pattern will tell you what you need for back/binding/batting.  Table runners, placemats, etc may not call for batting at all.

Definitely read the entirety of the pattern before purchasing and cutting.  Take it with you if you find a local quilt shop (LQS) and let them help you.

Also, the charm pack may not have all the patterns on the package, but if you check them out online (like at either place I mentioned), there is usually a thumbnail you can click on that will show all the patterns.

Sorry to hear of your break up.  Hopefully getting busy quilting will help occupy your time for a bit and help you heal."
"Yes, I saw loads of them the other day walking to the grocery store.  They did everything they could I wish they got a happy ending instead of this.  "
Have fun with Nate!
Yeah man. You definitely do.
"How the hell do some women have NO calf muscles?

Do they not walk anywhere?"
"I think this and possibly bowling are the best answers. People that have responded in a way that seems they are forgetting we are talking about the difference between being good and being really good. Being good at pool (which most people are not) is cool. Being so good that we're talking TV coverage, professional level...those guys/gals don't look too cool.

I was pretty good at pool naturally and started practicing to see how good I could get. Quickly realized the amount time that would go in to getting really good...i'm not talking you can hold a table at a bar for a night good, i'm talking good enough to enter regional competitions...was ridiculous. I like pool but it's not worth what it takes to be really good at it. "
"~ Signed, Consul Domitian of the Roman Republic"
Oh you know the sister showed up yesterday so there is that.
"OOh, a sun dog! [](/cadooh)"
"Well, keep in mind that mercs originally weren't meant to be run in their own contracts.  That was a player request that PP fulfilled, so there were gaps for a long time.  I think PP has done a good job at filling the important ones(colossals did a bunch for them)"
"Daw!!! "
"I've seen some criticisms of his work, which might interest you.

[This is a decent article.](

Work by Kahn Singh Nabha, Dr. Sahib Singh and Dr. Jodh Singh might interest you on the Bir."
2 points should never be able to shut down 20 pts
"You're looking at it the wrong way. Being gay is not a medical condition that needs to be treated. Being transgender is. Would you tell a severely depressed person, ""You're fine the way you are! I know you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, but just accept that!"" or would you treat them with an antidepressant to fix that chemical imbalance? Would you tell a young man with low testosterone, ""you're fine the way you are! I know you have a hormonal imbalance in your body, but just accept that!"" or would you treat them for low T?

In a humane world, we don't tell people with medical conditions to ""just accept themselves the way they are."" We treat them. Transgenderism is no different.  And once again, being gay is not a medical condition that needs to be treated like transgenderism is. "
or flip.
Neither my first line nor my commander were on it so the list means nothing to me
"[Level Eater]( - [Wikia](, [($)](  
>LVL: 1, Category: Monster, Type: Insect / Effect, Attribute: Dark

>If this card is in the Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher monster you control; reduce its Level by 1, and if you do, Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. This face-up card on the field cannot be Tributed, except for a Tribute Summon.

>ATK: 600, DEF: 0

[Performage Hat Tricker]( - [Wikia](, [($)](  
>LVL: 4, Category: Monster, Type: Spellcaster / Effect, Attribute: Earth

>If 2 or more monsters are on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that would inflict damage to you: You can place 1 Performage Counter on this card (max. 3), then make that effect damage to you 0. When the 3rd Performage Counter is placed on this card, it's ATK and DEF become 3300.

>ATK: 1100, DEF: 1100

[Upstart Goblin]( - [Wikia](, [($)](  
>Category: Spell, Property: Normal

>Draw 1 card, then your opponent gains 1000 Life Points.


^^To ^^use: ^^{Normal ^^Info} ^^or ^^{{Expanded ^^Info}}. ^^OCG ^^cards ^^now ^^available ^^- ^^big ^^thanks ^^to ^^[monovertex!]( [^^Issues?]( [^^Source.]("
"You're ignoring maintenance, plus all the other costs of owning a car if you don't otherwise have one (depreciation, insurance, property tax).

And besides, I never claimed living at home was more expensive. I just said it wasn't as cheap as it may seem. The US government and most companies put the cost of a car commute at $0.575/mi, so at 100 mi/day (M-F), that's about $1200/mo.

Aside from the fact that not everybody is comfortable mooching free rent, food, and utilities from their parents. And, perhaps more common, not all parents wish to support their adult children in that way."
">Sure, for us Europeans it's pretty sparse

Not all of us..."
"Navas was also GK of the season in 13/14, beating Courtois to the award."
"Agreed the 3500 cover looked straight out of fallout, this shit is weak"
"I would come back with, ""I thought being a mother was supposed to make you SO compassionate. Nice to know this is bullshit."""
"Kind of hilarious though because Kelce came up with it. "
"There are retconned justifications for it, but the real answer is that Lucas hadn't come up with the twist yet. Darth wasn't a title yet, it was Vader's first name. And Vader was just some special henchman, not Anakin."
"That's nothing to be ashamed about, there's a *ton* of misinformation out there.  "
">I read somewhere that the people behind the suits of Tron Legacy are working with WB

You might be thinking of Michael Wilkinson, he's a costume designer. He's worked with Zack Snyder on every movie since 300, and he's also worked on Tron Legacy, American Hustle and Noah(all amazing designs)."
"So did a bunch of others who aren't. He has an uncredited feature, not even a verse just a birdman sort of hype speech"
"If you haven't read [this story]( about police changes in Watts, you should."
"Jayce, Varus and Ezreal are not trash tier. "
"Senior tends to be a more serious requirement than ""expert"" or ""seasoned"" in my experience. If I'm asking for a senior software engineer I probably want somebody with 7+ years experience. If I ask for an expert in AngularJS I just want somebody with above-average knowledge."
"Dunno man they remind me of year 8 and everyone wearing stolen shoes and hats haha. With the Nokia 3310 on a lanyard and everything "
"I don't know if it's just a) pure luck b) a tweak in options, and I was playing around with the RadeonPro program for AMD cards or c) total placebo, but I *seem* to be getting a good 5fps increase. Anyone else noticing this, or am I going mad? Vybor didn't destroy my rig to like 15fps when recording :D"
"okey, i understand now, thanks"
It does have the exclamation point. Not sure if KOR/JPN has it for their msg when I played in those languages.
"7x is from a test of an early version of this new technology. It THEORETICALLY can be up to 1000x faster. They will no doubt be improving on that speed increase before this becomes a household thing. For me though, making my SSD 7x faster is still a significant speed improvement and I would call it ""much faster""."
"That would be really cool! I will take a look at that, but at first I'm not sure if it will be really possible in the near future. That's a pretty hard task for an algorithm to pull off reliably, and it's certainly beyond my current knowledge of image analysis! If anyone out there is skilled in that area and would like to collaborate or lend a hand, though, that would be awesome!"
"[Japanese Swords]( are pretty damn big. "
"Tya pottya la bolav ghari "
"I like those. They remind me of the old tough speakers my brother had growing up, with the mesh screen instead the plastic grill covering the speakers like they have now. Any ideas for the jukebox? I would love a copy of this to use in my world. "
"well i mean i wouldn't send something private and sensitive over pushbullet (or any 3rd party app) (or my smartphone really) in the first place

like i get why this matters to users, but why is anyone sending anything that bears protecting over a smartphone app to begin with? "
":| I assume this is sarcasm but... Just because a kitchen offers gluten free options, doesn't mean it's all they make. Some people prefer to avoid gluten/wheat. It may be a fad, but hey - it's their money/choice and doesn't affect anyone else. Me personally, I'll take as much gluten as you can give me, love me some chewy starch carbs."
"The wife wasn't too keen on Claude, but Connor is in the mix. "
"Well if you take away from the pension the taxpayers are on the hook for any pension shortfalls. So the taxpayers are double-fucked again. "
He still my boi doe.
"Awesome now post the good version! "
"Can't really fit the Question mark, but I did it. Also I didn't just mean text, which is what people are suggesting. I could literally do anything within 32 pixels."
"Speaking of potatoes, are you frying some up in that hair, cause I could really go for some fries.

Do you take packages off of people's doorsteps?  Cause you look like you're the opposite of the UPS man.  The ""Downs man.""

They say that black helps to give a slimming look.  They should stop saying that."
"These are Spacro Pro Corsa's in 17x7.5 40mm offset. I ordered them in light gray and had them powder coated red. I just got these put on so this was taken with my phone, I plan on getting some quality pictures this weekend. "
"I do like cleaning pussies. "
"Not a great way to do it but in a pinch, login to your online banking. Navigate to the area where you can see your address. 

Right click the address and click 'inspect element' and change the address in the HTML. 

Click on the Web page (ensuring the new address is reflected). Close the 'inspect element' section and take a screenshot. 

Disclaimer : careful now "
"Would be a love story, about Leonardo DiCaprio have a pet teeto, and all of the sudden Trundle uses the trophy ability, and then DiCaprio must decide if me must save teeto from trundle or finally receive a trophy. Cry everitim"
Yeah these comments are weird. These are the people I hate playing games with. Either try your best or don't bother.
It appears to be showing how his wrist angle dramatically changes his swing plane.
"While I agree with you on it being pretty annoying as I tend to check tab for death timers, there's also a death timer in the bottom right above the mini map. "
The weather is the will of Allah.  Allahu Akbar
"Rubik's cube "
Does his state not have Good Samaritan laws?
"And when you can't.... when you can't do that....*sob*

Zoe: You find someone to carry you."
"I did a Computer science WJEC AS paper... I'm from northern England, that shit was weirdly worded 
Well if it's a burning building they wouldn't survive either. Why do by fire when you can die you're own way?
Normaly u get 1 legendary evry 20 packs so even of u cant get more than 3 legendarys in the 50 preordered is not so big a deal cause u should be very lucky to even get 3 imo
">a little bit socialist

So just the tip?"
There's Faraday's cage wallpapers. Not that hard actually.
"as an african-american, I am disgusted by blacklivesmatter, we need to pick ourselves up as a community and stop blaming white people for all our problems as long as we allow thugs and savages like the ones who did this in our community.

unfortunately whenever I say this in my community I just get screamed at and threatened :("
"My mother always made me pizza for my birthday and I still enjoy it today, 40 years after leaving home. :)"
"I don't know if I could play Talon without my Youmuu's, but other than that it would probably still blow up squishies."
"I was sleepy... totally didn't catch the joke.

Will laugh now, belatedly...

You ain't got no yeezys?
"Worth a shot at posting it. Ah well. "
"I thought I was a tentacle unicorn
Wow didn't know dogs could talk
"Here are my stats since I've been keeping track :

Crafted : 352

SL1 - 66 (18.75%)

SL2 - 20 (5.68%)

SL3 - 5 (1.42%)

SL4 - 0 (0.00%)

I stopped crafting around this point, figured it would be easier to just buy a SL4 MD/ER ring than to keep trying to craft one in the hopes of it rolling ER."
That is some amazing thinking! :-)
Donald Motherfuckin Trump
"Also, some skinny or slim fit wool trousers? With a crease if possible. In gray! Light or dark. I can never find a good slim fitting pair with a taper. Under $60 if possible. I expect to have to tailor it. I liked BR's pair they had last F/W. It was the Aiden fit so it  was a bit loose for me but I can't seem to find it anymore. "
"Sorry about that I'm new and I did receive an account lol. But sorry "
"I was a ski patrol for many years and this is pretty scary.  I have seen many injuries from this kind of ""Hey, let's just try going down the hill with no training"" attitude.  Sometimes, I had to call the medflight helicopter and on at least one occasion, I watched someone die.  Sometimes, it isn't the bad new skier, but the person they hit or the skilled skier that swerves to avoid them and hits a tree.  Anyway, ski lessons are a wonderful idea for new skiers.  I used to dread when a school bus would show up and all of these unskilled kids would pile onto the hill.  Usually, one of them got an ambulance ride or the parent drive them to the ER for x-rays."
The chicken hat is my favorite
I got an update today and they removed the bar with the vlc  logo in full screen mode.
"No. What I'm saying is: ""You cannot play cards while animations are playing. Since we've already established that the server doesn't know about the animations or their times this is obviously client-side logic. By not allowing you to play cards while your turn is ticking down because the enemy's animations are playing the client de facto partially controls the game flow."" Let me rephrase that. One of the rules of the game is you can't play cards while the enemy's animations are playing. This rule is enforced by the client, not the server. This creates a problem where a client rule and a server rule (turn timer) clash. The solution? Remove the client side rule which is restricting game flow (resolve card effects immediately and allow us to play cards while the animations are playing)."
">I think more moderating in the immigration threads is necessary, especially to enforce civility rules

I think I've probably pinged every single mod individually saying this.

We have a Political flair on /r/india, we require that all comments be civil, contribute something to the discussion, and (generally) a hold them to a much higher standard than comments on other posts. This is pretty much necessary when it comes to any polarised issue otherwise it turns to people upvoting shit-flinging in fifteen minutes."
"yeah but this is an overly simplistic view. If I were told that a person who has had a sexual relationship with my boyfriend is the only person on this earth he can have close conversations with and is his best friend in the world I would not be able to sustain that relationship. Its not ""oh she's still a drinking buddy"" its ""I will always be closer to her than to you, and there is sexual attraction."" A girl doesn't need to be crazy to take issue with that."
"+1000.Que le pongan al pantuflo el video una y otra vez,lo mismo que hicieron con Zapata que no dejaron de sacar y sacar sus tuits una y otra vez,una y otra vez.. ahora que lo hagan con el video y pongan frases ""célebres"" del pantuflo."
"> how ISIS defies Islamic law

The Koran and religious scriptures in general  aren't  like  science textbooks, they're very  subject to interpretation. "
"Yep, there's only ~35 veterinary schools in all of North America."
"Totally agree. However it may be useful to also say that some candidates are more beholden to non-public interests than others.  "
"Thanks for the input! You're probably right- I don't mind having Eli since he's got OBJ and Cruz...just the draw of having a top QB is enticing.

Who knows what will happen in the real draft, but I felt good with those first 4 picks being solid."
"Restrictions overall are just garbage idea. Normal people can just mute toxic guy and Play their game, unforunely this community isnt capable of cutting conversation. They rather argue for 30min and prove  they are better"
"*""I always thought it would be interesting to make a movie about a guy who pays an escort to not be an escort, and complications ensue.""*

How original. At least There's Something About Mary was unique."
"We have a few stores here locally that are just called ""Academy"" and a Pro Bass that just recently opened up nearby. The closest Gander Mountain to us is in Houston I think."
"I see G.M. taking hall down and beating him with ground and pound each round by decision. Hopefully hall can stuff the takedown and make it a stand up affair, hall has been unimpressive so far tbh. "
"So if you don't know what it is then why do you feel it's worth posting here?

"Oh okay, in that case- a police officer that works exclusively on counterfeiting cases and conducts asset forfeiture for counterfeited bills and then goes through a legal process in order to get the bills ratified as currency, and then uses them for humanitarian causes."
"Awesome, I didn't know you could do that.

A tip of the hat to you MaqiZodiac"
"Weird name for a protest movement against police brutality, considering blacks are a minority of those killed by police.

They really should call it ""male lives matter"" as men are 20X more likely to be killed by police than females.

Or maybe just ""police violence matters"" which would actually identify what they're actually about.

Also really weird that stuff like this happens:

Also, that's not at all what the BLM website or twitter account say.  They both say the movement is about supporting the needs and dreams of black people, and ""an affirmation and embrace of the resistance & resilience of Black people"" . . . where do you get that the movement is about police violence?"
"Man, you just sent me on a interesting trip through wikipedia. The record of Britain's attempted first contact in 1880 was particularly of note. As was their policy at the time, they went on the island to kidnap a couple of people, hold them for a couple of days, and release them with gifts back to their people. They grabbed four children and an elderly couple. The elderly couple died of disease, and they later released the four children back with gifts (who promptly ran back into the jungle and vanished).

Now, obviously to modern ears, that is a particularly distressing way of making first contact with a people. But it does remind me of the sort of stories people tell about alien abductions. 

"I would feel uneasy if I were you. Literally if he was dating you and you were one year younger, he could go to jail (depending on where you are, I guess). You're 1 year older than a minor, and men his age are oftentimes married with kids already!"
Especially diseases she could pass on during pregnancy and childbirth.
"Probably want to go to the FURY or 980ti. You are actually at a higher resolution than 1440 and about half way between it and 4k. The 970 (the 390 would be a better choice at that price) will certainly leave you wanting a bit more power sooner than you like. I would go FURY and freesync personally. You say you don't play taxxing games but mention the Division, Battlefront and FOIV, so best to plan for any of those to be somewhat demanding titles at that resolution. 

Though you say you plan on going to pascal what about the 400 series? I wouldn't automatically pin myself in to a brand if you already know you plan to upgrade in the future. "
"Very helpful elucidation, thank you."
Buzz'n my building too.  Sweet.
"Or you know he had pale skin and light hair? But I guess the man who sentenced him to death didn't really get a good look at him. Quotes from Pontius Pilate. ""His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect.""  ""What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions!""
The [Letter]( from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing what Jesus looked like."
"That's fine to not believe it.  Maybe it requires a leap.  But I also don't think the plan itself was totally unintelligent, it bears similarities with many other elements of Adnan's plan: too clever by half, too confident in distracting bullshit, and horribly boneheaded."
"I tried to go with the neutral greys first, and found a nice yarn that I liked with several shades to choose from, and then went with it from there. Usually you just try to go with contrasting colours and work out from there. "
"I agree that there is definitely a bmw vibe going on. Which in this case I think looks good. "
ACC. That's where I took physics 1. It's also where I took both my history classes and foreign languages. Summer classes are totally do-able and much cheaper than UT. UT summer classes cost about the same as they do in the spring and fall
I can hear the war drums beating now.
"They suggested it was a stuffy guy in the trailer, the dude from Newsroom has a defeatist attitude, ""he's going to starve to death before we can help him"" and ""I'm not risking their lives, it's bigger than one person"". That is the attitude of a socialist, of a defeatist, not a winner, not a conqueror, not a champion. 

> imagine some stuffy guy in a suit crossing his arms and saying, ""Harumph!"" to a mission, just because he has a stick up his butt.

So, that's exactly what they did, in two lines. If it wasn't their intention they suck pretty hard cause they did a flawless job of it."
"Was Doc Emmet Brown a raging alcoholic that constantly burps? And was he also Marty McFly's grandfather? There's plenty to distract from any parallels to BTTF. Obviously if you've seen the Doc and Mharti video before it seems obvious, but it's not really that close in the actual show. "
Oregon state!
मूक बधिर vala mook
"Balthier gets spellblade?

Since Bartz, Cloud, Squall, and Light all have it, I guess Spellblade is the ability set most befitting a leading man."
Smug loaf
"The ceremony part of the marriage was started in the late 1800s, early 1900s, by a committee of Gurdwara leaders (long after the death of the tenth Guru). Before that couples would go pray at the Gurdwara, then go home and party. 

The Anand Karaj ceremony was added (for arguable reasons) but it apes the Hindu ceremony of going around a fire 7 times and instead the couple goes around the 11th Guru (our holy book) 4 times as 4 different hymns regarding marriage are sung.

Those hymns, while being written by the 4/5th Guru, talk about the marriage of a human soul to God's will, and the duty we have to God. Instead some people today take it as the duty of a wife towards a husband, taking an ethos that was progressive centuries ago and moving it backwards."
Palestinian Arabs in Israel have more political rights than in Muslim Arab countries claiming to be on their side. Go figure.
Lonex Flash mags or Marui High caps.
Dark Souls!
Hey they say most accidents happen in the home. I'm guessing that is where you were conceived?
"Yeah, I'm in the care of several professionals, but it's just not enough. I'm in the process of getting my meds changed so maybe my mental health can start getting back on track. Everything would be exponentially easier if my toddler wasn't so clingy, and if the baby would consistently take a bottle. I haven't had a full night of sleep in three years and haven't had a break from my dramatic shitshow life in months. I just can't do it anymore."
I meant the Sarah Jane Adventures...Not the Doctor Who Show.
Thank you for trying to get you arrested and crushed beneath the mask. Florida Kid pulls barrel to his knees and pray at the time there really have been a leader in the middle of the religious variety in particular.
"I hated it. 

A non-astronaut, who is sick and never should have been up there in the first place, survives a major impact of space debris, than floats from space station to space station, eventually LITERALLY eenie meenie minie mo'ing the Chinese space station to take her home, where she comes back to a planet that is 70% ocean and lands in a lake 15ft offshore. Really?"
damn might have to get his bubble and give rosin a try
"I live just outside of Boston, approx. 10 minute drive if that. He does fantastic where we live! There are a few dog beaches in our area and I love to take him swimming in local ponds/lakes. Although he is big, he doesn't require much living space. We just make sure he gets 2-3 miles of walking a day. Now, living in the city can be interesting because I have a hard time actually walking him. Most of the time I end up in one spot for a long period of time due to the amount of people who want to stop me to talk. I have considered bringing FAQ sheets with me on my walks :P.  I love the attention though, because I am able to spread my knowledge of the breed to others (:  

All in all, Newfs do not require much space and they are unintentional attention seekers :P"
It looks like the old model with new model eyeballs attached since the old one didn't have actual eyeballs which is a weird mix to see.
"Soldiers are first in line for food, but even their soldiers are hungry. Food scarcity is a huge problem in NK. A soldier cannot fight on an empty stomach, and NK's soldiers are borderline starving."
Well why the hell did you buy a Windows phone?
Glad I don't fall under that category.
Because in their minds these are all rich people having sex with hot girls. While Reddit is just full of poor people with average and ugly girls.
"I was scrolling on my phone and saw this, clicked it, and didn't really process it. I returned to the front page and continued to look at other posts. A minute later I realized what the meme was and laughed harder than I should have. I got an odd glare from my very straight-laced co-worker. But it was probably because this is my mom 100%. Her FB is all thumbnailed pics! I tell her all the time, but I just think she's into it now."
"I don't think it's bowing to North Korea's demands, but because they need those troops and equipment at the front line because of the rising tensions."
"You are correct however:

> Hillary Clinton said during her Senate run in 2000 that she would have signed the law [DOMA], and as late as 2003 she was not willing to reverse her position, saying through a spokesperson only that she was in the process of ""evolving"" on it. So it is inaccurate for Clinton to say that she has always thought that marriage should be left up to the states, and to imply that it was just a matter for the states while she was a senator. Also notice how she elides the fact that she ran for president of the United States in 2008, openly opposing same-sex marriage. 

"Cool where about in Edinburgh do u stay I might not be able get up soon as I actually stay down in berwick but spend most of my time in Edinburgh "
"Different countries use different but overlapping GSM bands.  What bands your device supports depends on each variation of which device you buy.  A little research will get to the device you want with the bands you need for your usage profile.

I'm using the International Note 4 SM-N910F because it supports almost all GSM bands because I actually need them (since I travel internationally often.)  If you live in Country X and never really leave then you can buy a phone that only has bands used there and be just fine.

This applies to 3G and more so to 4G service.  Everyone supports all 2G bands so you can talk and text anywhere in the world on any GSM device.   It's only when it comes to data that bands start to matter."
"Pooping right next to each other.  Everyone views this as perfectly normal, and I'm over here losing my mind over it.  It's pure insanity to me.  We literally walk into a room together, sit down right next to each other, and shit at the same time.

Public restrooms are a colossal mistake that humanity has made."
"This entire thread reeks of snobbery and pretentiousness.  
One guy points out that horror is for people ""under 25"" and another one says the best horror films are films that are not even horror (even though Black Swan and Mulholland Drive are truly great films). To hate on brilliant cinema like Alien, Psycho, Repulsion, The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, Black Sunday, Suspiria, Deep Red, The Wicker Man, Don't Look Now, The Fly, Videodrome, Halloween, The Thing and Possession is just bigotry.  
I understand that horror is a divisive genre and some people can't stand it, but if one doesn't like a single one of the titles I mentioned above, I think they're just prejudiced. Just because shitty horror sells well, should we disregard an entire genre? Rom-coms are mostly terrible cash grabs and that doesn't mean that Annie Hall and Manhattan are terrible."
"Nah, I'm too subtle to get caught. I definitely look, though."
"haha SobakaGopnik! "
"You're missing the point, he doesn't have NODs."
"I didn't know until someone else told me a couple months ago. I was surprised since this is the way I run Sickbeard (Sonnarr now), subsonic, couchptotato, utorrent, etc. and thought it would be fine."
Mindgames bruh
And my guess is they span both sides of the aisle.
"I'd be interested. Just not trying to go into NYC "
let me know your ID over there and we'll stay in touch. yes it is a columbia domain ext. don't know the thinking with that. but anyway- i am justin peek looping artist at best of luck!
"thats one way to look at it. but srsly i find the biggest problem are the trolls and AFKs .. i got punished so often from rito for flaming, wich i basicly only did in games with trolls or AFKs .. so just try to focus on getting rid of trolls instead of the flamers, since they are the source."
"They really had me, near the end of last season, when he was lured into preparations to become the next Ra's Al Ghul."
"You lower your taxable income by leveraging that sweet 3.5% mortgage, maxing your 401ks, funding Roth IRAs, and contributing to a 529 if you have more you can save. The 401ks and Roth IRAs are for *your* retirement and not to be touched. Your kid isn't going to be grateful for you paying for college and then needing financial help. You fund college with the 529 and cash flow. The goal here is to keep it simple, really. But it seems like someone pulling together hard number might help you and your wife see why this works."
Actually the gauntlet lasts after death. (I'm fun at parties)
Aren't you a peach!
"Many secret fan are only care mechanical skill, that why they hate envy or someone like bulba so much.

edit: like RTZ once said its not about what he did but his attitude that really bad, i just don't want to see good player play with him"
"Well the most obvious thing is that water weight loss isn't real weight loss. If she knows it's bad for her (side effects range from dehydration ad muscle cramps to seizure), and it's like an actual addiction, she probably needs professional help. "
"I got Nova on Stonewater's [top pitches list](!
Play to win this year and keep Luck.
Had I known that the key to ~~quadruple~~ quintruple gold was an illogical rant I'd be up to my reddit nipples in free months right now.
"interested for a trade?"
Bought Stone Hearth thanks to this comment. You better not let me down.
"Nah just wait some time and we will all see real boats with real migrants inside getting blown up. We either find a solution now or let this happen. Your choice EU. "
Am I crazy to think thats a lot for him.
one derection?
"The problem is that this punishment doesn´t motivate behaving properly. It punishes people AFTERWARDS without them having known the terms. It´s like someone tells you not to cross the road at a red light and one day you are pissed, just cross it but end up arrested and in jail for three years. 

The punishment its self is fair, the way it is done is bullshit. Announce something like this at the beginning of a season and it actually DOES something."
ID of littlings flag on the left?
"I'm a native swedish speaker, however I got a lips and am only 15. But I know the language well.

Hit me up if you are interesetd."
Jag är mest bitter över att pringles vinägerchips försvunnit igen. Inga andra som hade rätt smakbalans.
"1900mmr in hon not bad

The laning meta for dota has always kinda been the same, with the one big change about a year+ ago when the creep equilibrium got changed to meet closer to the offlane tier 1 tower (meaning a lot more offlaners could safely get exp).  Trilane vs trilane is not very popular anymore as a result, and most supports focus on stacking jungle for mid/carry and smoke ganking mid.  Heroes that can clear big stacks are especially popular right now: SF, lina, leshrac, storm, gyro, antimage.  

2/1/2 is still popular in pubs due to all-pick lineups being trashy with no synergy, so it's better to just get exp on everyone.  Jungle is not as popular anymore due to the popularity of counterpicking bounty hunter and just fucking with the jungler for the first 15 mins (it also means no stacks for mid if your mid falls behind)."
"Yea. I think I got master conjuration+restoration robes (cleared Fellglow keep, not counting Invisible Bullshitties - got robes by sneaking). Other than that, maybe some magicka ring."
"Just to give some possible ideas, I used to have a setup that led to a close 50/50 in SFxT if they didn't roll out of it with a similar premise.

It was off some hard KD, and then frame killed crouch jab, crouch medium kick, into a headstomp safejump (against some of the cast). What the first headstomp would do is float you high enough where you can cross up with j.LK or fake the cross up and hit with j.HK in front.

I don't think the reset or idea has any merit because of the fact that you need that third stomp to hit without your opponent figuring out what's happening, but you might want to experiment with your options post first stomp and go from there.

I say this mainly because her new j.HP is no longer her target combo, but nj.HP version which is a better hitbox. So you can possibly do stuff like go empty low, headstomp overhead into double overhead, or even mess with the timing to go headstomp single hit of j.HP to mix up your opponent if they aren't use to the timing."
Well then.
"> are you done now?


Am I done doing what?

Have I been trolling people with my opinion?"
"After you watch those, ponder to yourself what really happens in combat when there are no cameras around. Better yet. Go out and see for yourself.
2^4 x 509 = 8144
"lol siddle bowling ordinary in the county matches

he's taking us on a ruse cruise"
"100 years ago, pink was for boys and blue was for girls.

Let her wear what she wants. :)"
"Thanks for the info. That's a pretty steep price!  
"I'm in my early twenties now. I've found I'm much less interested in new metalcore bands now than I was in high school. I am still finding a bunch of awesome new music, but it's usually a lot less heavy than my older tastes. I still listen to most of the same bands I did in high school, I'm just not actively seeking to find new ones like them. It's weird; I'll see my favorite bands touring now and 4/5ths of the bands on the bill I've never heard of."
What fights are you referring to when you say they shit the bed?
"Cracker - Another Song About the Rain.
Probably my favorite song of all time to relax to. "
"Yes, but as a general rule you don't want to do this. It's just a very  broad overview for pulling as a support. Seems like most supports think the have to either never pull or pull every single wave."
👍🏻 good idea
How easy it is to lose track of time while you're on it
"he looks like erron black without a hat, I think they were going to add a newcomer but then they just gave his design to other variations of erron this an old poster?"
"Yeah, you'd manually setup separate scripts that accomplish what you want and then tie them in to execute how you want with aliases. I can give specific advice with more info."
"Started a new job and am making more money than I was at my previous job, and taking a step back to start saving for retirement and build a more robust nest egg for tough times. Clothing budget has been severely reduced as a result, which is a shame -- I guess I'll just be waiting longer and thinking much more critically about what I want and what I wear. Hopefully it will be good though,"
Meanwhile Jin Air keeps shitting the bed"
"you do that with crayons? "
I concur
"Defender is very resource intensive when scanning compared to other AV software, it's one of the reasons I replace it with either Avast or bitdefender as they do not have this issue."
"Exactly, a properly heat managed hookah is more like an ecig than a standard cigarette "
Video session you say..... interesting....
I still shake thinking about the video. The worst part? I'm sure it's that he tucked the remains for later enjoyment.
"Unless you are dumb af, the pkers attack you AFTER you kill Venenatis and you stay to get the drop"
Also known as a computer within like the last 6 years.
"I know, right?  I don't even have any CC data in there, and I'm *still* paranoid about whether I accepted a chat or mail on my free account (I don't remember), or whether I submitted my accurate DOB and ZIP.  But in reality, I'm not rich, I'm not famous, I don't have any real enemies, and my wife isn't about to work on triangulating my stats, even when it becomes easy.  I just need to take a deep breath and get off reddit!"
"In a way, I agree with the goal of your statement: It's better to be like this, rather than... Argentina. I know.

But about AFP, its a long topic. But is still a fraud for the 75% of Chile, because AFP were not designed to WORK with such little money, and in the practice, the working class is financing a system that will allow decent pensions only for the 25% wealthier (because if that 75% retire from the AFP system, the whole system colapses), so people have to take this inequality of wages during their active years to their passive years, which is wrong and is not what happens in most developed countries where they are somewhat grateful to the people who helped to build their country in the past. And I don't even want to start talking about how Carabineros and the Army have a separate pension system that doesn't have any of the problems that 75% of Chile will face when they get to old age.

"How are yours growing? I've noticed mine is growing incredibly slow. He must be 4 or 5 weeks by now, and he's still so tiny... and though my chickens are usually off heat by now, my dad decided to unplug the lamp for one night and the next day my peachick was all ruffled and chilled, I had to turn the lamp back on before he got worse. They seem to develop so much slower than chickens!"
"I just watched Keith Ape live, and my god was it lit. Felt really bad for the korean transfer students that got involved in the moshpit  tho. "
"Except he knowingly ripped people off, I mean it was shown that he actually lied on his grab bag page"
Has the price been announced yet? I still don't have a Playstation 4 yet so this seems to be the best designed console for Star Wars fans like myself.
I didn't see the wrx in the background :/
"He'll be back again in like a month, even with the latest little niggle. Let's wait and see if he comes good this time? If he gets another long term injury only then will I be willing to write him off."
How did you get episode 9? Only 6 have aired so far. Are they online somewhere?
"Horses, Blunderbusses, and Germs. 

I've read stories of the natives assuming the Conquistadors were gods that shot thunder on large beasts they've never seen before.

**edit:** from the PBS documentary of the book: Guns, Germs and Steel:

>Mike Loades: There was an Inca god called Viracoxa, and he was a white man, and he was the god of thunder, and they thought these men with their aquabuses were the very incarnation of Viracoxa. "
"Wait, what? I made no such suggestion, *you* did.

What I did was point out your comparison was not apt by any reasonable measure. You compared a provincial issue of switching liquor licensing from public to private to the ending of prohibition at the federal level. How about you explain HOW that is even an apt comparison, instead of misrepresenting the argument?

What a terribly disingenuous argument you have made here."
"You skipped the Depths. Not a big deal now but go back later - there's an important item for upgrading weapons.  "
"rated :)

here's my RMM:"
"3rd pic is the best, either way you are a sexy 9/10."
You deserve a PhD for such a prominent idea.
You do know that for men to cheat there had to be willing women? right? i mean you do get that right?
"I got to hang out in the green room with Marc Maron.  Talked about Fleetwood Mac, even though I know nothing about them.  Also hung out before a show with Margaret Cho.  She was perfectly friendly, but I'd only been performing for a year at that point, and was completely overwhelmed."
"I think a lot of Fringers thrift/thredup/ebay, and buying secondhand absolves you from the sins of the manufacturers and reduces waste, right?  "
"I really like the book The Explosive Child.  It really helped us understand where our child's outburst were coming from and therefore helped us manage them better.  The method in the book isn't easy but it really does work.

Does your daughter react every time you say ""No""?  The reason I bring this up is because (as mentioned in the above book) it could be she has a hard time when things don't go as she expects them to.  Not because she is being stubborn or purposely obstinate but things aren't turning out how she thought they would and she doesn't have the emotional/verbal skills to express that.  Watch her for a few days, keep a journal and see what is really making her loose it.   Is she tired? Hungry?  Is the situation not what she expected?  Find her triggers.   (those are my son's biggest triggers but may not be your daughters).

People always want to punish or discipline their way out of bad behavior which works for some kids but I found with my ""high energy"" kid - figuring out what sets him off and helping him understand how to work through those feelings worked much better."
Total weight is about 5500. I can definitely feel it back there but the diesel has no problem pulling it up a hill doing 60.
"Haha, yeah Regi is abrasive - but to an extent he has to be (not nearly to the degree that he is). I meant more specifically how they live. The accommodations don't seem like something I would strive for and they literally breathe league. There is hardly a chance to actually live and when they do ""fun activities"" they're based around league. "
Do they make big bicycles?
"You have given One Dubloon Coin to User 'mooithia'. Click the button below to continue.
"challenger has significantly stronger teamplay, and the higher chance for a consistently good support. the adc role scales on your teams ability to teamfight and zone effectively, and having a good support is basically like turning on god mode for adc mains. so, in lower tiers, adc is harder than in higher tiers, especially in a meta where tanks can dive through teams and get successful kills most of the time in unorganized play."
"Big Dan Teague: Thank you for the conversational hiatus. I generally refrain from speech durin' gustation. I find it course and vulgar. Where were we?

Delmar O'Donnell: Makin' money in the service of the Lord.

Big Dan Teague: Heh, you don't say much, friend, but when you do, it's to the point and I salute you for it!

"So, just when walking around?"
"Vide os massacres, inclusive de cristãos, cometidos nos conflitos medievais, inclusive por forças lideradas por clérigos (saque de Béziers, exemplo mais nítido); Tramas políticas com assassinatos dentro de instituições religiosas... 

Hodiernamente você tem umas paradas mais engraçadas, principalmente em países culturalmente de 3º mundo (na minha acepção o USA entra nessa lista), com políticos cristãos acusados de corrupção (incluindo referente à abuso de menores), e líderes religiosos agindo com interesse precípuo de enriquecimento material...

Eu sou ateu, mas gosto sempre de lembrar que as pessoas que votam nesse pessoal, ou que os apoiam (normalmente vindos do estrato mais baixo da sociedade), caso não fossem religiosos seriam parte de outra espécie de alienados, como gente que mata por futebol... Quem tem cultura, mesmo que o cara seja um pastor evangélico ou bispo, não coaduna com esses comportamentos mercantis.. 

Acho que todo mundo aqui lembra de quando Jesus cheogou dando voadora no peito daqueles que estavam usando o templo como mercado... acho que alguns líderes religiosos sequer citam tal passagem, com medo que talvez um dia os fiéis percebam o significado dessa ação...

TL;DR: concordo com você @waspbr!"
Hello the 1800s called they want their words back. Oh and if you could spare a moment to talk about home rule and a potato they'd be mighty pleased.
"You don't necessarily need a compelling storyline to make a good game. Some of the most successful video games in history have stories no more complicated than ""rescue your girlfriend from bad guy,"" ""eat dots, avoid ghosts,"" or ""avoid missing ball for high score."""
Major scale-> chord theory->diatonic theory for progressions and building chords. Minor pentatonic for soloing.
"And he is part of the reason why the political process is corrupt. He has admitted he can pay people off. Do people really believe he wishes to end that? It's what makes his business so much money. "
"Yep, I really like it and it's definitely not OP. Seems like a fun Johnny rare like Sundial."
"Incubus - Drive

Foo Fighters - Everlong

Both songs make my heart go funny when they start."
"Most non-utility melees aren't actually that useful anyway.
if you make the switch I will help you. Good luck!
"Yeah, so few people actually know how to play support. I'm still shit, but I'm better than most at my MMR."
"From our first picks, Abathur seemed amazing even though I was willing to switch for the team. It was then that the team decided to switch heroes to compensate for ""being down a man"" with Abathur."
"I was thinking about voters, and, to clarify my earlier comment slightly, I genuinely think Corbyn will be gone so quick it won't matter. If he survives till 2016, we should do just about okay in London but we'll be massacred in Wales (and Scotland, but we know that anyway) because centrist voters will run like mad from Corbyn with, I suspect, every other party benefiting, and we're already having problems with socially conservative Welsh voters fleeing to Ukip and the Tories, a process that Corbyn will only accelerate.

At *that* point, we should be able to get rid of him, and we'll never have to find out where most centrist voters would've gone! If we don't get London Mayor, he'll be gone immediately."
Nixon never dies AROOOOOO!
"Just keep this in echoing in your head ""at the end of the day, all that matters is that I've married my best friend"" 

I had tons go wrong the week leading up to the wedding. 

Tons of water, eat well, a glass of wine to chill ya out and good coffee to tackle the next day. 

"I'm guessing because Year 1 and Year 2 (TTK) are different teams and are not communicating. Therefore, some weapons are getting a double nerf (Gjallarhorn); or a buff, then a nerf (Necrochasm). Each team is doing its own balancing."
"That's the main reason I think estate taxes are basically robbery.  All of someone's investments, capital, and assets have already been taxed at least once.  Why does the federal government believe they have a claim to any more of it?"
Thanks a ton!!
"> Potassium imparts a taste (unpleasant) 

My understanding, from cooking at least, its that if you stay under 50-40% potassium the taste is not harmed (in fact if you like sea salt, it is improved). You know what they say about too much of a good thing.
"You are so bug-eyed I though I was browsing some Area 51 subreddit "
So gonna watch that archive
I have olive bogo
St Louis Rastafarian Blues
"/u/Wham_Bam_Smash can help us with the specs "
"Just saw your tree, it's kind of all over the place but no worries, building a tree comes with experience and you'll get better as you play.

Here's my version of the tree, I tried to keep some of the nodes you were going for but with more efficient pathing. You'll have way more life and more crit with [this build]( "
"Also not a Texas chain like Whataburger, let alone San Antonio like Las Palapas and Taco Cabana."
"I know it's been said before by, like, everyone, but seriously, who the fuck feels guilty about listening to S&G?!?!

Although I guess in the right personal context (angsty teen getting caught up in the ""hello darkness my old friend"" bit) you might feel a little bit guilty about this looking back...

Oh well, there's no world in which I *don't* upvote Simon and Garfunkel."
"A blister shouldnt delam the kevlar. A blister shouldnt affect a structural component.. "
It'd be a nice twist of the 6C had 6S internals.
"Hmm, Sarah? Nymph? Caaaaaarly?"
"Not a parent, but I work with kids. Disciplining seems to work better if you don't raise your voice. State the fact: what you did was shitty. Hand down a punishment, and then act like a brick wall. Fear can be a powerful tool, but setting an example of calm resolve is even more powerful. 

A good example is when you assemble kids to talk to them and they won't stop talking. So many people yell, or get mad at them, and it works sometimes. But other times it sends the message that your frustrated, and kids understand that frustration indicates a lack of control. So, they keep talking and now you've got to be even meaner so you don't appear to be backsliding, but since you can't actually use physical violence, every time they keep talking, you just have to up the ante again. If you keep cool and ask one more time, they'll ignore you again. Then you let them keep going, while you stare at them. They might keep talking in the group for ten, maybe 20 minutes, but eventually some are going resent the others because they want to do something else. This is a powerful tool.

That all being said, in a youth development setting, there's always a big bad guy up at the top who will do the yelling for you.

Douche minutiae would be an awesome band name
I believe its steam.
"There's also [Once]( ([discussion](, but it's not packaged up anywhere."
Oldest trick in the book
"Elbryan629 "
Thanks for requesting.

I guess I'm trying to restore it's aggressive stance.   Basically I got shrockworks front bumper with winch and PIAA lamps, i have rigid lighting all over gobi rack with ladder (hi lift jack and awning mounted on opposite sides), rock sliders, and shrockworks rear bumper with rear mounted spare and jerry can holder.

This was all installed after the 3 inch lift and I think it's caused it to sag a bit (maybe half inch).   

Taking it to slee automotive in Colorado (Toyota specific) and they recommend stronger coils, and some other goodies, but I'm curious what would be most beneficial off-road in restoring it's very aggressive posture.

I sent that to the garage consultant, and he said that's lifted more than 3 inches, so now I'm looking for tires to give a bit more height to the vehicle, if that makes sense.   Unless I'm missing something or a complete idiot, I'm thinking the tires is where I should be focusing"
"So... maybe not THE BEST.

With context, it's amazing, but might require too much.
Probably depends on league and race. As Random Zerg is easier but Terran and Toss feel slower and worse overall. There isn't really lower stress in those two since they cost less than 10 APM anyways so they aren't exactly hard like injects.
"Does any race other than zerg feel the same way?
"I always thought that was less about rape and more about getting the living shit beat out of you endlessly "
so. much. poop.
Yeah Whiteinch is well worth a shout. Recently moved there and stay in a really cool old tenement/converted school for pretty cheap. It's also a 5 minute walk to Patrick/West End plus it's right next to the expressway and Clyde tunnel so if you drive you're beyond sorted even if you don't the public transport is ideal. Town is minutes away on the express bus. Victoria Park is no Kelvingrove but it's a nice little park!
"This a'int butthurt, sadly. Idgaf what you do or do not do when you despawn stuff in a temper tantrum, I'm more the type to learn your schedule and hunt you down when you're out at a radtown rather than raid you. "
I wonder what Klei is gonna use to voice the new batch of characters. There weren't really any instruments on ships.
I love donut holes. This is the best method for *true* donut holing.
Thanks so much!
"You can't get to all of reddit without a verified email address anymore. "
"Because some of the most famous painters in art history were Italians during the Renaissance. As a result, they painted many historical and mythical events (including scenes from the bible) where everyone was good-looking and Italian (i.e., pretty white)."
"I will tell you of the bard I am currently playing.  He's a conman.  We're running HotDQ, and part of his goal in Baulder's Gate is to try and raise the local militia to harass or help attack the cultist.   So he's using his charlatan background to pose as a far off noble, seeking help in hurting the cult here to weaken their positions in his home country.  Those who aid him here will get cuts of mineral and other rights out there, at least that's what they get told.  Of course, he's creating the greatest challenge to himself by disguising as a cultist to intimidate anyone who listens to him too seriously.  The goal is to create a sense of fear around the cult so that others will burst into action.  At some point, he's going to have to ""kill"" his cult persona and have the paladin take the credit for it to give everyone a rally point against the cultist.

In combat, I play him as a near pacifist, since hypnotic pattern and fear and all those sorts of ""I don't want to deal with you, go away now"" spells are his go-to, but he can be downright ruthless otherwise.  There's a new standing rule that I need someone in the party to be there to supervise when I interrogate anything.

Yes he does get a lot of ""You should be singing and playing your instrument."" crap, to which I have to remind everyone I'm not that kind of bard."
"I second the spinach, I regularly add this to my sandwiches instead of lettuce or other fillers and it's great."
Favoriting this. Any chance this is available for prior years?
"As a beer sales rep, all lines in my state, by any company, are cleaned by the reps every 3 weeks minimum. This is bullshit for most areas unless you are in the middle of no where. "
Squats: Looking good man! Your ankles look a bit tight. When you hit the bottom of the squat your weight shifts forward a bit. This is because your ankles are tight and they don't want to bend. It could also be those squishy bulky crosstrainers you are wearing. But other than those minor details you are on the right track man! Keep it up and TRAIN UNTAMED!
"Eurotruck Simulator 2 does this sooooo dam well. "
"This is at the Santa Monica Pier parking lot entrance, looking down Hwy 1"
Someone who didn't read the article.
But what if desserts creme brulee'?  Gotta wait till then.
"I've always wondered why people even go on that show. Now I know why. The question now is how much do you value your own pride? That show is all about Judge Judy pretty much ripping people a new one on national television. If that doesn't bother you, it does't sound like you have anything to lose by going.

EDIT: For grammars"
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quityourbullshit) if you have any questions or concerns.*"

"Why do I get ""page not found"" instead of ""you must be invited"" like it happens for example with /r/srdmods ?"
I just wish it was Mikkelsen's VW and not Ogier's :(
"Understood. What you're saying can very well be true for all I know, but we're at an impasse because I am incapable of glimpsing into their minds. It does clash with much of what I've heard from women though, who insist they have their own personal reasons, none of which involved cultural influence, and I offer [this]( for example, and almost every other variation of that question I've examined has received the same answers.

So, you can see why this is confusing."
"~~What a waste of a review~~

Edit: Looks like we're going to have another Clarke decision?

Edit2: I think that was the correct decision. If you gave Clarke out like that you can give Root out."
Are these the same people who say that over and over on here?
Oh how I love summer! Very hot!!
"Love, love, LOVE this song. Especially the solo- is that even a guitar?- that sounds like a pissed-off bumblebee trapped in a jar."
Abradolf Linkler
"*From red medbay* I just shot him. "
"Normally 10%+ market, but honestly not sure."
">why are tax breaks to corporations a problem?

Ask anyone who's property taxes have skyrocketed due to losses in federal funding to state and local governments. "
"""I can't believe EA suckered me into buying Whose Line the Home Game..."""
"Becky pinned Bayley when she was locked in the Figure 8. Not the same thing, but showed a massive flaw in using it in a triple threat"
"I would highly advise against fucking spiderman, Mary Jane fucked him for so long that she got radioactive caner and died due to his spider cum. The more you know. "
"I'll take the first guess...

The Pit of Despair?"
[For fuck's sake mom... Rick identifies as a T-Rex and you don't hear his mother bitching about it!](
"I'd love to have a bunch of stickers with the word ""MORE"" printed on them, to slap on the end of each sign I see."
NFL Street
"Kamasi Washington -  The Magnificent 7
The Epic is a really great jazz album and Kamasi displays a ton of finesse and raw power in his first album."
"If you want them and he doesn't, don't expect him to change his mind or feelings. It is not something that you can force him into. It may be time to tell him that you need to find someone to be with who wants the same things as you. Something as big as this is usually a deal breaker. "
"¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

I was pretty desperate for Rust and didn't have enough for the full Steam one."
"Yes, you can make a simple Lua file with a specific hook, anywhere else will bring up a console message that the command isn't recognised.

Not on PC, will try to pull up an example when bothered."
I won't be on for a while. Probably another 4 hours.
">""We're now telling you that a number of Somalis, including women and men, have left in previous weeks,"" he said to the crowd in Somali, according to a video of his remarks obtained by MPR News. ""We're also informing you that a large number is on its way to leave.""

This needs to be tagged as a misleading title. This is an article about people *leaving* to *possibly* join militia groups over seas.  The title makes it sound like we have ISIS militia cells here in MN.

These people are no longer in MN, so I feel like there is no reason to further alienate people from Somalia further.

But I suppose MPR gets more views on their articles if they jump to conclusions in their titles. I shouldn't even be surprised anymore."
"Hey don't knock stoners ;) we work hard! This lady is on my nerves and I don't even know her! How are you going to apply for a job, basically get the job, then say you DESERVE more money because you have kids? Kids didn't happen to you. Like 4 of them... Ugh can't wait for your update!"
"Wow the feminist don't agree with your statement so why should I? No it up to the slogan to be clear. If the creator wants people to see beyond the slogan then the slogan must suggest that. Slogans by their nature are suppose to be clear and inspiring. Let's that Allstate's slogan ""Like a good neighbor"". See this is clear that Allstate will treat you kindly, helpfully, and other positive things. Doesn't mean this is the truth, but that is the point of the slogan. Now contrast that with ""Teach Men not to rape"" which clearly blames all men for being rapist, removes responsibility from women, and creates women to hate men. How about you understand the point of slogan instead just defending horrible things because you believe in the feminist cause."
[OP This is what I am going to need you to do.](
"I be interested in doing this, I'm already in a project with some other people but I'll help you with this, I can do everything but I probably won't do the tally thing"
April 1st seems likely
"Get your socialism out of this thread, you *liberal*.

god she's beautiful.
And then the actual video fails to load

I'm surprised you even came back to this... Wow
Why? I'd prob play whoever at me at like 200 and below but if someone sits me higher they clearly just want the table and we'd both just rather I left
The movie was surprisingly good. That final attack scene was basically the Japanese Saving Private Ryan in terms of violence.
"This happened in the real world...your question is nonsensical.  ""Fortnight"" is perceived as archaic and/or a Britishism in the US."
aaaaaaand you expected them to make a completely different skeleton just for a CE mount which looks and already runs pretty much like a wolf? okay.
Dealing with hurricanes are the only thing that make me hesitate about moving to Houston. That and the whole not having a job yet there.
Now that really is an entertaining story. That deserves an upvote for once. +1!
*does a little spin to show it from all angles* It feels like it's a little loose
Good Lord yes. Lost all my skins on C9 now Renegades are gonna get em back for me. NA dream is over tho :^(
Marines: a department of the Navy. The Men's Department.
I am god if I can zoom out and see the universe I am god!!! But kraken must be stronger!!
"Eh, I think E-sports are legit but aren't ready for prime time. I think it'd probably do more harm than good at this point, particularly since video games are still looked at as childish diversions.

I love video games and disagree with that notion, but I worry nationally televising E-sports would lead to trivializing and mocking gamers.

Steam profile:

Thanks for the giveaway!"
I peed on my screen looking at those sinks.
if you are iso or have what i need post here ill get back to you; will be updating this post for the next 2-3 days
"{{Drooling Lizard}}

I first heard of Yugioh when I was about 7. A friend brought some cards into school and promised to give me one to get started...not the best one.

Unsure if I still have it, could have been traded. My brother and I got the Yugi/Kaiba structure decks for Christmas, everyone played Yugioh at school and it all started from there."
Maybe it'd be easier to help you if you provided actual error output. But like this? We can only stab in the dark.
"i tried, didnt work, always got like 2-3 UR"
"D: What store is this!? 

I've lived here more then ten years and i've never heard of this. "
"Same here. I used to play on high settings. Last night I tried low settings, still horrible. My frame rate was < 20 on a med pop survival server. I said screw it and went back to csgo.  "
"Cube world isn't your typical game either. It's developed by only 2 people. It took a long time from the time it was teased until we got an alpha. I don't even remember how much I paid for the alpha but you can sure as hell bet that I got my money's worth. If he doesn't update it, oh well. If he does update it, sweet, the update is free! It's not like he charged $60 for a completely unplayable game (looking at you 343, cough MCC)

The thing you have to remember is big game dev companies are paying their employees even before they sell the games. They NEED to make that revenue back and get ROI as soon as possible. Take Sledgehammer Games for instance. Wikipedia reports that they have 225 employees. Let's say 10% of them are developers. (a very underestimated amount seeing as they are a game DEVELOPMENT company) let's assume the base salary for one of their developers is a modest $60,000 a year. Multiply that number by 22 and you get $1.32 MILLION. This is yearly expense just for your developers. 

It STILL takes a lot of the companies that develop Call of Duty games 2+ years from their previous release to release another installment. And this is with the 11 times (at least) more developers than Cube World has. The first alpha build of Cube World was released only 2 years ago.   How about we stop giving this guy so much grief and let him develop HIS damn game? 

Keep up the good work Wollay, and if you do end up releasing a beta, you can sure as hell bet that I will play it and give feedback.

TL;DR You paid to be able to play HIS game early. Sure it's not the typical way game dev works but who cares? He isn't on a time crunch like big game dev companies with high overhead. The Dev process takes a long time especially with 2 people.

I'm imagining Kate Beckensale in her Underworld garb doing this.  Is that okay?
"Ohh, I see. Cool! Thank you so much for the information >~< so detailed, too. I'll bookmark this to make sure I remember it. Do you mean ICoG one scroll, then enhance the rest (so it gives more W.A)? Does that work with Star Force Enhancing, or only with enhance scrolls? Yea.. Prime scrolls are WAYY too expensive. I guess 2h might be the best for me then. 

Thanks again! (:"
Whoever is steering this ship is heading for a sandbar.
Uggs boot too
"Commercial logging is controlled, at least in america. We have forests planted specifically for human use. Just like how we have orange farms, we have tree farms for paper, construction, etc.  We don't just go through the Amazon Rainforest and go ""cool! printer paper!"""
"As far as the car ride --- maybe try crating him in the car (if you crate at home). We did that at first with our pup until she got used to riding in the car. Treats as soon as she went in, and treats before we let her out.    
She LOVES the car now, and has learned ""wait"", so when the door's open she won't get out until we grab her leash. "
"Safety dance- Men without hats
Easily the greatest song of the 80's"
My cat doesn't mean smell so much on these tours. He likes to see I guess
"that hopefully never happens, and if it did subs would drop more imo, horde and ally already team up to save the world, mist of pandaria, wrath, cataclysm, wod, and probably legion. "
but u r not online
absolutely perfect
It's pretty much only the entrance exams that take effort and are important afaik.
hahah love that! Lazer beams shooting out of its head
an all female card could break 1 million buys
"Its just like all those new rules in Sky Jumping, for me it ruined the sport as a whole because ""everything has to be as fair and as accurate as possible"""
"Poaching? People shooting at them to get away? "
Imagine the entire theater's minds getting fucked when they play just a short clip. There will be more hot mind sex than all the after parties combined
"Yup. Don't forget the plushie in her hands and some makeup. "
"Clan Recruiting, Open to all daily players. clan is called So Fresh"
**The Secret** 

Current|$12.30|Amazon (New)
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"Having friends, how horrible!"
"No worries fam, just pay the protection and pick a seller with no negative reviews"
"I thought Robert Downey Jr was also in that meeting. I wondered why, but then remembered, Iron Man."
" No, what I was referring to is that the submissive is the one that gives up control. They dictate whether or not a scene continues. In essence, holding the power. :) "
"You're absolutely convinced De Gea and Valdes told him not to go to United. Where have you plucked that from? "
"Thank you, that's useful insight. I may be suffering from cognitive bias."
Pretty sure this is the toxoplasmosis kicking in.
The point of /r/retiredgif
"I don't think you can use your laptop unless you use a capture card, even then you're gonna have some major delay. I recommend investing in a cheap monitor that has an HDMI port as well. Great for both laptop use and gaming."
"okay I think I get it. so basically she may not have broken any laws but she did violate some pretty important... procedures? company policy almost? except in the government. 

which basically means she's either an idiot or deceptive (things which would presumably disqualify her from being a good presidential candidate), but not necessarily criminal (as, for example, general petreaus was). 

I guess we're still kind of in the middle of the investigation process but I want answer now! heh, well I guess we'll wait to see how it plays out. but according to everything people have said in response to my questions, this seems like a pretty straightforward case. "
"Thanks for the reply, I'll try to put these tips into play asap."
"lol only if they took EXACTLY HALF a selfie. "
they don't. or at least they told me they dont when I used to go there.
"I want to fuck this sweet little slut, mouth, cunt and ass......"
"Build diversity is a major factor in our day-to-day balance of the game. We have extensive statistics on pick-rates vs. win-rates and leverage these when deciding how best to buff or nerf a Hero that we are working on. In a perfect Heroes world every talent would be a viable option at every tier. Of course that is our dream but as you can imagine it is an incredibly difficult problem to tackle.

In the case of hybrid builds and the talents pointed at them; I think we can do better. I can promise you that we are trying to find better ways of doing so and will continue to strive to hit those goals. 

I have answered the Warrior questions in my other posts =D"
I assume it refers to butt.
tl;dr: because they're different kind of games
Brojob! Brojob!
What's Social Engagement?
"Contact the makers of goPro and market tf out of it to porn directors.

Call us when you make bank."
"So you're theory is that the FEV mostly being released due to Chinese nuke strikes, and that the Chinese targeting important Enclave locations was the main cause of the demise of the Enclave?  While this is possible, I don't think it undermines the Enclave's plan all that much.  They wanted to have an army of super mutants, they wanted to have an army of deathclaws, and they wanted their modified version of the FEV to be released and kill off the remaining US population.  It almost seems to me like the Chinese just helped them do what they eventually planned on doing anyway.  From what I've read on the subject and from playing Fallout 3, the Enclave still has FEV at their disposal.  IIRC, they wanted you to poison Project Purity with FEV.

I think the main reason that the Enclave is in the position that they are now is because of the main characters in the Fallout series. 

Don't get me wrong, I think most of your theory is spot on.  The Chinese had spies all over the US, so them knowing all of the Enclave's secret locations is not a stretch at all.  I just don't think that the Chinese targeting important Enclave locations and releasing the FEV is the main cause of the Enclave's demise."
Think his point is around 10% of the cop feelings wanted to hide the issue?
"The headline was good, but 
>Don't even start with me.

earned the up vote."
"There is only one thing to do. Jesus was about the Father's business and He expects us to be too. Worship, serve, share the gospel, and leave the future in God's hands. The Bible says that no one knows the day or hour and in Acts 1 Jesus said that it is not to know the times or seasons that the Father has under His own authority. Jesus is coming again just as they saw Him go. That should fill us with hope and joy. Jesus said He came to give life to the full. Jesus will come when He comes. Till then seek to continue to grow in relationship with Him and doing good works. Live out the joy He came to give you."
I still can't believe John Wall made it through those first couple of years.
This is the best answer. But I'm only asking in order to learn. I wasn't thinking about investing just yet.
Who's the best memer in TSM?
"Google Translate says: "" Latest intelligence from sources that may not be disclosed. Please come to us and confirmed that AMD will launch Radeon R9 Nano on August 27, which if counted from the day it left only one week only. We would have known that eventually defeated. Spec's true that it will be out in full Stream Processor as well as news leaked out or not. Including in terms of the strength that comes out, it will be interesting life. Wait one week only. """
"Ah yes, thank you."
"I seriously just yelled ""YAY!""

I am so glad I work from home. Alone."
"1 800 844 7475...incase anyone wants to donate to Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.

Donate now!! Got a fresh paycheck this week? Seed that money now Praise be, praise be, and watch it disappear! Miraculous! "
"kk "
"Depends on how often they see each other, what the expectations are on both sides, etc. IMO if you don't break it off within the first month or two then you're just toying with someone's emotions.

Better that than to date casually for sex for 8 months until it reaches a tipping point where you're pressured to commit and finally reveal that you don't see the relationship developing further. 

If you just hook up off and on for a few weeks it's much easier to say, ""hey this was fun but I'm looking for something different""."
"Read something other than FOX news. It will really help you with reality in the long run. The story you refer to actually had to have the headline and parts of it retracted by the AP it was so wrong. But since you didn't read it I'll give you the important parts.

Basically it's NOT AN AGREEMENT, and NOT PART OF THE U.S. DEAL. It was a DRAFT agreement that was discarded that would have allowed the Iranians to send soil samples to the IAEA from a site called Parchin... a site that IS NOT ACTIVE. And hasn't been for decades. It was a way for the IAEA to get an idea of PAST Iranian development work. The site is completely irrelevant now to either Iran or U.S. interest today.

But why let reality get in the way of a good talking point huh?

"And that's another assumption I'm not responsible for.

But don't think I haven't noticed that you've not-so-subtly shifted from addressing my argument to more direct attacks against me personally.

If you can't observe the rules, best for you to just run along."
"You should probably nail down what you mean by dynamic, because from your description, anything that's JIT'd is dynamic and that's the whole of .Net.

Web Forms are compiled once if it's found they need to be, but the code is all there for it to happen.  The same can be said of EF, the code is there, it's just generated by a tool and compiled.  You can crack it open and take a look at the result (I've done so many times).

pre-compilation is not even remotely the same as dynamic."
Can the wolves have a really funky run animation and not use the classic wolf mount animation for some unknown reason!? *FINGERS CROSSED*

* the XP rewards you get help you on the road to maxing
* you free up ~~##~~ ***a lot*** of bank space. 
* you never have to bother with them again
* you unlock monsters such as corp
* you get post quest rewards which give a healthy chunk of XP / geepee
* unlock new areas
* comp (if you go for it)
* they're easy"
"And one of them is working again:"
"He's good enough to play CM but we would get murdered if he played DMC against a decent side. "
"You said you spend 3000 hours on the game.  I asked a simple question, what are the problems you have with Dota that aren't present in Smite?  I've played both game and thing they're both fine, I prefer Dota, and while it's fine to prefer Smite over Dota, your comment wasn't that you simply preferred one to the other, it was that Dota has ""a lot wrong with it"" and that someone ""shouldn't waste their time with it.""

I asked for examples and you gave none."
"Want to pay a shit ton for everyone's children's education....

It was Singed the whole time.
But bottom 2 is worse than lows and safe's so my point still stands.
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Nobody cares
"I don't call it a diary. I prefer to call it a journal. But yes, I do maintaining the daily journal. It's excellent outlet for my emotions. That way, I don't have to rant to my friends or post my innermost thoughts on social media websites. "
All my tattoos cover scars
"The thing is, everywhere I look, morris has a higher floor and a higher ceiling "
"A small update on this: after having tried numerous solutions and having noticed that both the importxml() and importhtml() functions have stopped working for, the issue is probably not coming from within the tool itself but rather from Google or Cloudflare (the host of It might therefore take me a bit longer than expected to solve this issue; I'm unfortunately unable to give an accurate time estimate. Once it's fixed though, I'll update everyone in this thread. "
Yeah I was also wondering which one is better. They have exactly same price here.
i can do that. need to make some change though
"Oh yes.

I had a discussion with a friend who told me my boyfriend should be the man in the relationship because I told her that besides being my boyfriend he's my best friend and because of that I will defend him of anything and anyone.

She was like you're being ridiculous.

Shut the fuck up bitch just because you married a dude you dated for 3 months you're going to tell me what a healthy relationship is?!?!?!! "
"Entrepreneurs!   "
Where did u inject? What's your body composition like? (Do you have a lot of body fat?)
"> people on the left have let propaganda and not facts steer their opinion.

You mean the GMO companies have let their own propaganda ruin their image, specifically because they don't care about the consumer, they care about who's buying their product: the corporations selling it to the consumer."
"I'd rather live in an interesting place than a boring place where the only thing to do is eat at a crap chain restaurant and wish you were elsewhere. Also, good luck with the white-supremicist bullshit. You're kind of an asshole. Re-read what I wrote about right-wing wackos giving us a bad name. That's you I'm talking about.
"This comes from 10 years ago, but I probably spent $150 on personal food, toiletries and food for my livestock every month. You could get fancy street food in the capital for about $1. If you went to the nicer ex-pat restaurants in country it could set you back $15, which felt exorbitant at the time. Beer cost about $1. But that was in one of the ""least developed"" countries in the world so cost of living was pretty cheap. I often splurged on food when I visited the capital and could breeze through my monthly allowance if I stayed too long.  I spent about $2 for the 2 hour ride to the capital. 

I did not pay rent and I had no utilities. At the weekly market I would buy tomato paste, pasta, bread, sometimes eggs depending on the season, onions and any veggies I could scrounge up. I bought a 50 cent bag of beignets for my favorite village kids to share and another bag for myself (so good). 

My goats cost $5-10 and my camel cost $175 and I saved up for them. :-)"
"The Kaiser is pretty similar to the Copa (different leather, though) and significantly cheaper. And there's always the Tiempo line, the Adidas Gloro or the Nike Premier as a more modern take on classic black boots. They're all great, so the Copa is far from the only choice. "
"If you look at the 'straight flush' section of the vendor recipe wiki, it only seems logical that the pattern repeats itself higher up as well. We need somebody to test a straight flush of unidentified or 20% items."
I wanna hit these guys in the face so bad right now
"Can someone who's going ask Dan the following question:

""How many times do you have to puke from eating too much Taco Bell to be declared legally insane?"""
"is there a cap for cosmic rewards? if yes, do we get anything if we hit the cap?"
Played Floods as a tribute. Almost broke down and cried after the solo. R.I.P. To a great man an one hell of a shredder.
Not in private mode and as far as I can tell I'm not auto-clearing my Cache. How do I know 100% for sure that I'm not? I specifically selected that cache is not cleared on close on firefox.
"Boxers or briefs?

Folded or Crumpled Toilet Paper?"
Interview after the game: Byul: I never win against my terran team mates in the late game in practice - so maybe my team mates are a little bit better than innovation...
"Richardson was reportedly charged with failure to present his drivers license, driving with an invalid license, and driving with expired license plates."
"I've heard of it, I'll look it up. Thanks! :)"
"I got a stomach bug on Monday night. No running (or cross training) Tuesday, tried to run Wednesday morning (ended quickly and poorly). Feeling MUCH better today, but woke up late and had to run quite a bit less than I wanted to. Didn't get to lift this week either, and I'm still feeling a little off. Trying really hard not to feel like I'm losing momentum towards my Ragnar and Half Marathon in October. 

I want everything to go back to normal! "
"Effort matters, even if it is ""luck"" that gives you the traits that allow you to put in a better/worse effort.  The two are not mutually exclusive."
"I don't know why, but I thought that too. There was something odd about her throughout the whole game. She just seemed way too innocent for all the trouble she was getting into."
"Guy in our street cut head off woman then put it in the oven. This happened in 1980 in western suburb of Sydney, Australia. He picked up her kids from school, then cops arrested him. He was renting a room from the lady. I think he was found insane. Newspaper article says Peachtree St, it's Peachtree Ave in Wentworthville. I lived further up the street.,2395993&hl=en,2395993&hl=en

edit: added news links"
Fine with me.. If for some reason it doesn't clear you'll obviously be removed from the league tho.
Looks like you don't have many other ways to spend your afternoon.
"When I built my bike I'd say it took me about 6-8 hours from start to finish. 

Building a bike is not difficult at all. Mechanically, the stuff you will be touching is very simple, everything just bolts on. Adjusting it once it's together is more difficult. 

The issue is having the special tools to install the bottom bracket, install the headset, etc. If you are willing to buy the tools, you can put a bike together in a day. "
You need to make sure that the screens are are ordered properly in display settings
and he's not quite hip
I got 47 /u/floatingurboats in my /u/floatingurboat account.
Original thread by /u/Z0MBGiEF:
Nikola Tesla
We are always thinking of new game modes and how they can benefit the game and community. We feel this is a great way to expand our game.
"We need to find the uncensored version.

"He's definitely not a scrub, but I think JV has a higher ceiling than TT. What do you think?"
"> The blue argument is due to the influx of people from blue States. Austin is a big technology hub drawing from Silicon Valley and other areas of the west coast.

I don't think Austin alone can turn Texas blue. Also, the other metropolitan areas in Texas aren't focused around tech, a sector that naturally attracts socially progressive people.

Dallas has AT&T and Texas Instruments, but the economy in the Metroplex is mostly defense, manufacturing, healthcare and finance. Lockheed Martin, Bell Helicopter, Southwest Airlines, Frito Lay, ExxonMobil (soon moving to the Woodlands), etc. Silicon Prairie is mostly corporate/enterprise tech; not as many agile, hip startups as in Austin.

Houston of course has accrued its wealth through oil; and previously through cotton. (In fact, KPRC Local 2's call letters mean ""Kotton Port Rail Center"".) Power players in Houston include ExxonMobil, Phillipps 66, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, BHP Billiton, Aon Hewitt, Halliburton, Sysco and so on.

San Antonio has USAA, Valero, a Toyota plant, Clear Channel and Tesoro.

Outside of Austin, I don't think the economic power players of major Texas cities necessarily acquit themselves in a way that can attract young, progressive workers, who would trade a white picket fence, 2.4 kids and church potlucks for some decent public transportation, workers' rights and statutory protection of racial, sexual and religious minorities (such protections are strong in CA, WA, OR, CO, MA, IL, MD, PA...states where high tech is booming). 

When Rick Perry says Texas leads in job creation, he neglects to mention that most of these jobs are low-wage entry-level jobs with no benefits. Meanwhile in northern states, a significant portion of jobs added are high value-adding jobs. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the jobs added, besides oilman jobs which are dependent on the price of crude staying above $70/bbl, are just crew positions at Whataburger or the like, paid at $7/hour with no health insurance at all.

> Pockets of Texas are very blue but many who are native Texans, much of the Hispanic population, have that Texan rugged individualism. They don't want the Government in their business so there is a portion that vote red.

This is an interesting point. I'm Canadian, and ever since the first settlers came here in the 17th century, people have had to band together to get through the cold winters. Our social safety net is strong
because of that underlying mentality of ""we're all in this together"". However, in the US, the pioneer spirit and American heroes like John Wayne taught people that they had to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps without outside help. Once the Cold War began, it suddenly became ""If I could pull myself up, why should I give away my hard-earned money? He's just lazy!"" and the American social welfare system has been suffering for 70 years because of that.

>  Take the most recent election for the Governor. Wendy Davis based her whole campaign on abortion and got slaughtered.

Why does the Democratic Party suck so much in Texas? I don't understand why they're not getting their ass in gear. And now the end result is Dan Patrick is the most powerful man in Texas. This is probably the closest an American state can get to an equivalent of ISIS taking over Ramadi."
it's small
"According to Turtle from the TSM vs TL Trash Talk video, Lustboy is Pikachu and Xpecial is Pichu...because Lustboy is older than Xpecial. #CanadianTrashTalk"
Holy shit.
"Interested in the Mac Margherita "
The movies themselves weren't great but I thought she did a fine job in ASM1 and 2.
"As a Norwegian BVB-follower*, I'm totally beeming with joy right now.  
\*(I'm not calling myself a fan, because it would frankly be a bit insulting to most actual fans. Did see half of last seasons matches though \*pat on the back*)."
"Very interesting stuff here.

"Added to the post!

Thanks alot!"
"No official policy on it and with how convulted the funding is, it's sometimes necessary to see it as a illness, though not often.

It has been deemed though that psychiatric or psychological care is not necessary for treatment, though a psychologist is involved for the diagnosis and just general, well gatekeeping. "
Isn't it Jane Horrocks?
"To play devil's advocate, most of the black people in Canada are recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. The racial tensions due to the past issues with slavery and segregation were something that did not really happen here to a large extent. However, if you look at our Native population (who we treated horribly), we have similar issues regarding crime and income inequality."
Are there any naked pictures of this new scumbag girl online anywhere?
"My suggestion would be Neon's or Coffee Emporium, get a drink or coffee first and decide if it's worth it to get a meal afterwards. They both have casual food, or you could walk to a place like Goodfellas or MOTR for a very casual meal. 

I can't imagine a first date going awful, and still having to eat an entire meal. With a drink you can chug it and get the hell out of there if need be.  "
"yeah, after playing the frost moon a lot, Money really doesn't become an issue after a while"
Also good to know. I'll do some test recordings. Appreciate the information!
"I'm pretty new to betting and this is my first major. My inventory is worth a little over $6 I think but I'm having a ton of fun watching these games. This is pretty awesome of you to do, thank you!"
"Id assume it doesn't happen with Aatrox as he doesn't actually ""die"", he merely goes immune and heals back up.

Anivia dies and Eggnivia spawns

Zac dies and blobs spawn

Kog Maw dies and explodes

Zyra dies and turns into a plant

Sion dies and goes berzerk"
Thus validating the removal. Cheers!
"This submission has been automatically removed due to linking to an unapproved domain. Please re-upload the image to a quality image host such as [imgur]( or [minus]( and resubmit.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gentlemanboners) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"That's quite a fallacy there. There's a huge difference between doing something dangerous that modern society hinges on us doing and doing something dangerous for literally no reason other than being ignorant. If we didn't have to drive it'd be a great achievement. Self driving cars could save millions of life. We as a society agree to accept the risks of driving to live the lives we live though. We as a society do not agree to suffer from preventable diseases because some parent thinks they know more then essentially a whole scientific establishment. Anti vaxxers/ pro choice vaxxers are very vocal but still a minority. Unfortunately a minority that can kill others. "
"This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hate posts where someone gives an opinion, saying that their opinion is underrated or unpopular while in reality it is a very fucking common opinion and is very popular."
Nach einer halben Stunde brutzeln im Ofen waren sie halbwegs durch
Awe shit! Yiisss
"Wow go fuck yourself.  "
DIY for life
Whatever works
"I think it's fine, but you can probably find cheaper."
"Make sure to get the ""Happily Ever After"" Pins at your Hotel or Guest Services.  Dont be afraid to let the restaurants know youre on your honeymoon! they may doing something special for you!

Enjoy and congratulations!"
"Got mine for $100 on Amazon last December. Could potentially go on sale again around the holidays, or the Avengers/Ant-Man/Phase 2 releases."
So it has.  I'm talking to the moderators of /r/amazonecho and hope to cooperate with them to everyone's benefit.
"This is incredibly important.  I believe Hillary Clinton was plenty smart enough to know that the case for Iraqi WMDs was bullshit.  If nothing else, Saddam Hussein was a survivor, and he would not risk his own life just to pursue an old fantasy about doomsday weapons.  Yet every other serious analysis also lined up with the ""no active WMD program"" conclusion.  Faced with actual armed forces massing near his territory, Saddam Hussein even allowed unfettered inspections -- inspections that left no doubt in the minds of any serious and honest observers.

Yet Hillary Clinton isn't just someone who might be smart enough to understand an intelligence report.  She is also someone easily moved by the winds of public opinion, however misguided or fleeting that sentiment might be.  She was in the perfect position to rise up and show leadership, rallying the opposition to at least try and stop the pending slaughter.  Instead she weakly voiced reservations, then fully supported the war effort.

I'm glad she reserved the ability to conduct international relations with some discretion regarding her own e-mail.  I don't think she was even slightly at fault for the tragic events in Benghazi.  However, she certainly shares a measure of the blame for the Iraq war.  Literally no one else was in a better position to resist the push toward unprovoked invasion, yet the alpha and omega of her resistance was to append ""assuming the administration is telling the truth"" to her downright murderous votes.  It is no wonder that she lacks the integrity to stake out positions on issues like the Iran deal or the TPP even today!"
"I've seen dozens of Packers worse than Jones. He was fine for most of his career.

The worst Packer player I've seen in the past 2 decades, however, is Allen Barbre. And he seems to be doing fine for the Eagles, so even if Jones *was* straight garbage there would still be hope."
"Its not really that old, but it's the first ipad mini model, and i didn't want to make it seem like a newer one.

Guess it was a poor choice of words lol."
fuck... I need to call your mom or something...
God damn love CJ. So glad I got to see him play at Cal and then he went straight to the other team I love :D What a dream.
This is probably the most disgusting thing I've ever imagined.
"Nothing is completely impermeable to x-rays. It just depends on the strength of the radiation and since the lead lining of these bags is really thin it doesn't need that strong of a ray to go through it. "
Find a better pen pal dummy.
"The point is that the ""viewer"" count on Twitch is not an accurate representation of the true amount of viewers (people who are actually watching the game)."
"My god, the risk/reward here is amazing.  Total mind-fuck too, as you have to be confident on what the wrong answers are.  One screw-up, and you're hosed like that poor lad."
As I read this it's clear to me that a scam popup isn't even one of your top 10 problems right now.
"I'm a law student in South Carolina but I'm from Hershey and registered there as a democrat. As a fellow Pennsyltuckian who knows what's going on up there, do you think my primary vote would be better served in PA or SC?"
"I can clearly see the differences too. The reds, to me, get shifted to a more muddy brown or grayish olive rather than a green. The greens just get a little more washed out, turned more into a brownish grey or  closer to a yellow. The changes in pinks, purples, reds, and oranges are definitely the most noticeable to me, as well as the blue-greens. 

I often find that my perception of the change, though most often quite significant, is not as astounding as those with normal color vision. Guess this means that how I see things can't be experienced or explained any more than me experiencing how normal color vision sees things. "
Kind of salty they're not Trillwaukee
"It is a front-side 540, unless you go inverted, then it is a rodeo flip."
"Lol, i want to hear more on this. Because we never kicked someone because they responded to an email. But i can definitely sense a language barrier."
"The Alpha is great if you are transitioning from an iPhone! I think the size is nice, just wish the resolution was higher. I recommend the S6 greatly, if only there was a removable battery and the ability to add storage..."
"I doubt you find anyone who will argue against that.

But I will bet you anything that the fallout from Taker v Lesnar directly impacts Wrestlemania 32, while the fallout from Owens-Cesaro won't be felt past the leaves changing colors in a few months."
"You can't CCW while drinking in any state, though. It sounds like the MO is to target drunk people anyway."
Great collection! I have all but the Flyercracker USA set. Thanks for sharing.
"Get the Subs website finished or put back to the original. Also Woppa is not the people's champ. lol "
I like being a special snow flake with my 220
"There have been 3 or 4 cases I've seen/heard about. It's not really ""plenty"", but it does seem to happen.

Here's one example: this guy said pre-patch he was rank 1 with ~1574 mmr on hotslogs.

After his placement matches though, he got put at rank 48. I don't think he's lying either.

I suspect people like this may be part of why Blizzard reset ranks.

It's not that ranks are randomly distributed with no correlation to MMR- there is definitely a trend where higher rank = higher MMR, but there are a few very weird looking outliers like that guy. Here's an example graph someone made:

It's purely by user submitted data though, so some of the points could be garbage. Also, anyone *above* the trendline (like the 3.6k MMR rank 18 guy) would probably just be people who haven't yet played more than a few hero league games, but won most of what they played. This was *before* the placement match reset."
"OP will probably want to partner with a small independent publisher (perhaps, say, the sort that also do rebinding) -- ideally one who holds the same value of passing the lowest cost possible to the consumer. So I think I'd start first networking among various Stoic sites, listservs, forums, Google Groups, societies, whatever can be found -- and probe around to see if anyone out there bites. "
And they most likely were going to revive him later.
Slow clap.
"I agree, however just because there are a few doesn't mean it's worth it in a business sense. Case in point is Xenoblade. That lost Nintendo money. It was the most outspoken title for them to bring over to the states, and it wasn't even worth it for them, and that's just a localization. Imagine a port, having to rewrite some code and so on. 

They would have to Guage consumer interest like I said. They also need to balance their other projects, and see if they'd rather make something new, or port something old. Half the reason they did DS2 was because it launched originally when the new systems were available, so a lot of people wondered why they weren't available in the first place. "
"I don't know where you are located but Its not unusual for florists to travel 1/2 hour.  I'd continue searching within a 1 hour radius of your venue.  Where I am florists have to drive 1.5-2 hours just to make their wholesale floral purchases. "
"Okay thanks for clarifying.

I'd hope it's this way, I don't think humanity is ready for software to be making choices that could kill people without input, even if it's probably capable of doing so by now."
"If you get death marked, you're gonna know about it lol"
"Buying a house now, and shopped lenders.  The lowest closing cost estimate we got was for ~8k.  As /u/wamazing mentioned, a big portion of that is prepaying property taxes (~3k), insurance, etc... The number your father mentions doesn't strike me as outrageous."
It ain't easy being pregnant.
"yeah, the chance of that is close to 0. and im also a strong believer that flusha shouldve been kicked out of tournament play a long time ago."
"And this is precisely why Greece is in the situation it's in I suppose. There seems to be a universal lack of self-reflection in Greece. I visited on a road trip...It reminded me of a 3rd world country in some ways. 

If your businesses don't have access to capital to purchase inventory, and your unemployment rate is 30%, all the while the islands enjoy a 6% VAT while the rest enjoy the standard 20%, ....

I can go on and on...The massively bloated public sector, the barriers to entry for professionals....All of this shit is self-made. Did the Germans exploit an already really bad situation? Im certain they did. But why greece is spending any money on military while the country implodes is....well, exactly what I would expect at this point. 

If im wrong, please correct me. Im really interested in this crisis. 

All the best to you and yours. "
I see you've played knifey spooney before!?
"oh my god

i need that"
What kind of setup do you have? I only have that issue on setups with TV audio or cheap speakers
Expecting consistency from the religious is a futile hobby! :)
"> we need to be more consistent because we conceded a lot of goals last season.

Having a very inexperienced team will lead to more inconsistency. When we came under pressure on Saturday, no-one took control. We played faster and faster and just tried to kick the ball as far away as possible."
"Haha maybe that's why I said almost...I never knew that about myself until today. "
How to make yourself look like a douchebag 101.
"Option C: Stop growing as a person at any point in your life. 

It's not your fault people are assholes. It will be hard to regain trust in people. You'll have to open yourself up to being hurt again. But the only other option is to sulk in misery and relive past events. You're meant for more than that. "
Why so many chiken posts though?
"Denying the holocaust is a criminal offence but not free speech but abusing religion especially Islam, is free speech. Control of the media is the key"
"That has more to do with poverty and social issues than access to guns. Compare that list to the gun ownership rate in [this] ( list and you'll see all the other states with high ownership rates have far fewer homicides than the United States. Switzerland is the fourth highest gun ownership rate in the world and the 11th lowest murder rate. "
"Italy don't get near enough flak for all the problems they've caused, though do they? 

I mean look what they did in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. What a bloody mess they made. "
"Your post/comment has been removed for the following reason(s):

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For more information, see [our detailed rules page.]( *[Message the Mods]( submission was removed&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission](\):) if you feel this was in error*. Thank you!"
"Because day after day we're barraged with Clara hate and occasionally Capaldi hate and for those of us who love them it's getting obnoxious. I didn't downvote you, but that's probably the reasoning behind those who did.

It's not your opinion specifically that people are tired of, it's all the negativity combined. When the show is airing and we make live discussion topics, you can guarantee at least a couple of people will complain about Clara in each one of those."
Looking for an EU key if anyone has an extra
Then yes we'd be a shitty fanbase. I have no problem with acknowledging that. Im a UK basketball fan.
We just write ^2 with sharpies on ours.
"I've lived here for 7 months now, I can't say I like it but it's one of the most fascinating places I've lived in!"
"Not really necessary. From my experience, most 85 passengers in the east end are off the bus at McCowan.

EDIT: At least provide evidence against it instead of downvoting me. Most passengers in the east end would take a bus heading to Scarborough Centre or Kennedy as it's faster than going west to Don Mills or Finch. Same reason why Finch has no express bus east of McCowan."
"Yes, I was immediately put off when I saw the term “nutritionally complete.” That seems like quite an overstatement given our incomplete understanding of nutrition."
Hell I'm almost 21 and my Dad still thinks its a waste of time. Meanwhile he's playing Black Desert and Lineage in addition to buying a Corvette recently
There have to be more pictures of her in that dress...
"Perhaps not in those conditions, but the record for a human running a 1000 mile race is 10 days 10 hours 30 minutes 36 seconds. It's fast enough that his time would have taken first in every single Iditarod before 1995. Ultramarathoning is a comparatively tiny, tiny sport as well with most of these races having fewer than 5 competitors.

A human in human-ideal conditions is in the same ballpark as a husky in husky-ideal conditions. There are certainly big differences, but it's not inconceivable that if ultramarathoning gains in popularity, we'll see some human 1000 mile times that beat husky times.

EDIT: corrected time and added detail"
its like a ghostly shell of the life that once was...
There are competitions? I've got some youtube to watch.
"This is about par the course.  I've started leveling a tank on a new server to play with friends after sitting at max and having plenty of the nice dungeon drops to use on new classes, and ooooh man, starting out with quest gear again is TOUGH.

When I'm a tiny lvl 20 GLD in white and pink gear trying to complete with a lvl 60 BLM for threat, it's just a non-starter.  You feel squishy, ineffective, a small man in a flimsy tin can.  But it DOES get better and as you get higher level and/or obtain more dungeon drops, you'll find that your HP will outpace theirs and your cooldowns will have a lot more oomph.  Stick with it! :D"
"That could do it. I've been doing my own training, but I've been dying to start martial arts, sadly school makes that impossible for me. I've just been fortunate that I have an incredibly high pain tolerance. "
"I don't know where you live, but there are pages and pages of women I find attractive near me.

On looks and match %, there are at least 100 women on OKC I'd date before I had to resort to tolerating cats."
"I ""see"" what you did there.
And i did, i actually walked out with the new sigelei 150w tc for just 9$.
And new batteries as i had a 2800mah and a 2100mah battery in my Tesla that i got from there ):"
/r/cosplay would probably be a useful resource.
PSN: kuenyuin
"At the door? Shit, dude.  We're all bringing our phones inside and putting them right here in this cooler.  Then I'm going to wrap a Mylar space-blanket around the cooler to make a little Faraday Cage, and we're putting that whole thing in a different room and you can check your twitter or your instagram or whatever when we're all done.  "
"Inferno.Na'Vi practiced this map and has some special tricks on it, let's see how they do."
"I'm a fan of c9, but its not over for them you butthurt fans there still the loser brackets"
"IDK what you're talking about. T-Mobile's financing system is pretty explicit in how it works. There is the listed price of the phone that you can buy it outright for, or you can take that amount and divide it by 24 and pay that amount monthly for 24 months. "
"Hendricks was super popular after the 1st Lawler fight because he was still knocking people out and putting on exciting fights, and he wasn't labeled the boring fighter yet. Then the long layoff, the excuses and the second Lawler fight people really changed on him. "
"Even though he will mess things up he happens to be really good at fixing that one thing that we really need fixing at the moment. "
"I'm not getting rich, but I wouldn't call it dead.  If my devices are having issues for a while I usually just turn them off for an hour or two and then when I start back up again it's fine.  I'm making $.50-1 a day running 1-2 phones 16 hours a day max.

I just don't let it stress me if Perk is having a rough technical day and give the phones a break.  I think the value of Perk is that it can be much less interactive than the others.  "
"I know the word gets thrown around a lot but autism is a genuine explanation for it. Actual autistic children - and adults - are often attracted to

* bright colors (grabs and holds attention longer than neutral colors)

* easy to recognize facial expressions and emotions (because autistic people often have trouble recognizing social nuances)

* animals (as opposed to humans, that is)

... I'm pretty sure that those aren't the only three reasons and it's probably not that simple for everyone, but since the majority of the series consists of that and the majority of autistic children appreciate that, there you go."
"...the CMV about asexuality, social media, and half the LGBT subreddits disagree strongly with you."
Well that escalated quickly !
Hopefully that's true and thanks for the info.
You mean like PA being countered by one item?
"> gain a *half* game

"The splash pages in this issue were monumental, and the little moments like close-ups of Wonder Woman's eyes and Superman's were also very well-done. I think Fabok owned this issue; Johns merely had to put a few words on the page. Johns will probably shine more (as he always does) in the next few issues, but this was pure cinematic glory!"
"A pretty shitty gun.  I can grow some awesome drugs in my closet.  You got to compare a nice gun to my closet drugs.  "
"Most people will probably click ""Respawn"" before they get to wake up."
"1. Cubs
2. Pirates
3. Astros
4. Sox"
Bacon! Bacon & Bacon! How do you feel about that?!?
They proved HTML 5 is viable.
"My, my, this here Anakin guy, maybe Vader some day later, now he's just a small fry."
iPV4S 120W | Herakles Hydra Sub-Ohm Tank | Five Pawns | thanks  give away  :)
"You hit on the BIG ones but there is also Daewoo Motors, Hanjin, Hankook Tires, Kia Motors for smaller, lesser known ones.  
Also more than half of what they say is a lie :-) and yeah, brand name korean goods are reasonably good quality if not better than western products.  
Also, fun fact while were talking about foreign companies. 7-11 is Japanese."
Storm would love this.
i like it
"""Charity"" - I don't think this means what they think it means."
"That's the thing, I have. It happens every time without fail. Even if I clear the cache or sideload it from an apk. I'm at a loss. "
"Where do people find the time.  I've been playing a lot lately since the update, albeit with the charger so I don't rack up as many points as others but still....i'm only at level 30."
"You're right, but I'm more referring to how people don't just upvote gallowboob because he's gallowboob.

But back to what you said: that's why I tell four underscore deadpool to go fuck himself every time I see him."
I love this story!!
"The beach heavy. Aqua flops, Minnesota slick, and the heavy lifter."
It means friday.
Thanks for doing this OP! Cheers
I'm done with the comments xD
Oh god the mushrooms are kicking in
"Butt trumps boobs any day.

Sweet old lady told me this once, ""More than a mouthful is wasteful; when you get down to the nitty gritty, people forget about the titty."""
"How little self respect does a person have to have to pretend to be a member of a fictional MC? It baffles me. "
"To me this is part of the problem when searching for jobs.  Many of these links say the same thing... they all sound like:

> Find millions of jobs from thousands of companies

So now I have to search a bunch of sites to find stuff."
"he/she who gives a fuck, he still killed someone you nitwit "
"Wow thanks for the advice.  I appreciate it, I will post on sound systems too!"
My landlord actually did that and it wasn't even new.
This too shall pass
"It is as bad as the lunch time meeting because that was the only time a conference room was available.  I have one project manager who is notorious for this.  "
"Nah man it's good to evaluate your convictions and express yourself in lengthy expositions, and I really I was just curious about it."
Upvote for high-quality!
What is the scariest thing to have happened to you on a night shift?
"As much as I don't prefer them, Motherhood Maternity has a small plus size section. You might want to check them out.

What about something like [this?]("
:D)) Chins.
">Oh and she has a wig that looks kinda like an anime character too

We all know it's just an excuse to post live action girls on here. "
"I would love to be with girls of any ethnicity other then white...
I would like to do a threesome with two ladies...
"Or, alternatively, The Oddshot Effect."
"Yup. Dragon strikes. Faster and more efficient. You can do 2 dragon strikes for every level 28 PoE. Took me about 150 strikes over 2 - 3 weeks to finally find one. That was the first one I ever saw drop in any strike. Yesterday, I saw another one drop for a random. I sent him a message to congratulate him and he was so pumped. He got it in his first dragon strike... 

After rerolling it and getting used to it in the crucible, I can honestly say that the grind was worth it. I love the hopscotch pilgrim. Such a beast. "
"Every fucking comment got downvoted "
I think you need to give the details of the two pokémon like I did with the Keldeo before we trade :D
Human resource and personnel issues are confidential.
"This is excellent. Thank you! I didn't realize IE doesn't support rem for pseudo elements. "
"> Tell ya what. I'll throw in the towel. Not because I agree with you, but because I'm bored of this argument and don't want to bother with it anymore. Not worth my time.

Sure buddy, sure. I'm willing to bet that you're also going to ignore each instance that I called you out on your shit too."
"Grupos lgbt perderam uma grande chance com esse projeto.  
Bastava criar uma igreja chamada ""Igreja Pentecostal Homem Debaixo de Outro Homem"", e toda vez que o malafaia falasse mal de algum grupo lgbt eles iniciariam um processo de crime religioso contra ele."
"I have black yearling macquaries, which I love a lot, and I think next I'm going to get a dark brown suede. "
They want her to be able to capture objectives like that.
They have that already
"The drink. Sorry low key DEA agent "
"I haven't dated many of these because I'm not that kind of person. In both cases, it turned out to be ""weird penis."" I'm sure there are plenty of normal guys who do it too but there is a chance. "
Whole foods
"Yeah, no. That just says that children are their parents, which doesn't hold true. "
*disahna are famirees
"Well what the fuck else are we supposed to do? My periods are so heavy that I use Ultra tampons and still have to use overnight pads. Shits ridiculous. "
"The harmonica is similar. People think it's a joke when you whip it out and put it to your mouth then get really surprised when you sound good then eventually want to break every single harmonica you own. "
\450. That's enough to not get 1-shotted by most things.
"He said above it was in Roseville California.

Unless there's a Roseville in Canada as well."
What is the penalty for each choice?
"Absolutely not. Beat the whole game on my first try in roughly 1h 30m. The game is pretty awesome, just so damn short. Amazon will sometimes give it out for free in their Android marketplace."
"After spray painting my SKS I lost its scope.
But after relogging the scope reappeared!
"How stupid can you be?  "
"Indy worker wrestles for indy company

Wow such news"
Well ok then.
"They are, I already said they were-- we have to take those courses regardless of our field, but philosophy students don't have to take calculus or organic chemistry or ""computer science"" even though they're apparently comparable. "
"I know, the issue is that the blondes simply aren't very good while some of the mediums are better. The blondes are really designed to appeal to first-wave coffee drinkers (dunkin, Folgers  etc) rather than to third-wave folks who want a flavorful lighter roast."
"Thanks for clarifying.  Preferring stock indexes, I don't usually look carefully at either.  (Though I suppose I probably should look for negative beta to reduce risk.)"
"I mean, jokes aside, I saw a few other normal, typical teenagers wearing them. Just saying that not everyone that wears them is wearing them to associate with MMA or to look ""tough."" They might just be confused like me, or they might have just seen the popular kids wearing the brand and decided to emulate them. I get everyone's point, though."
"Whenever I show pictures of prospective women to my co-workers, their reply is always the same.  ""She looks rather masculine"".   You know what?  Fuck them all to hell."
"a retard plays sniper?

shit if i wanted to see this i could just play sniper myself"
"Why? Why must things like this happen? She was an innocent baby, simply doing what all children her age do and some low life snuffed this little angel's light out. Literally in tears right now."
"I only played 2 games past 2 days but didn't had a single lag. "
"If your concern is the client you could try out [Plexbmc]( which basically turns Kodi into a Plex client.

Network wise everything would pass through the Plex server. It takes a few seconds longer to start a show but I haven't noticed any problems so far. However, you could still use Kodi for everything that doesn't need transcoding (especially if you were to use plexbmc),
My Server and my NAS are both on a gigabit wired connection and most of my Clients are either on a wireless connection or 100mbit wired connection.

I mostly use Kodi but lately I've had to use Plex for some devices since I got some really weird encodes lying around that basically only run on a proper pc."
"No I am using TV sound. Do you know if I would have to adjust something there? "
"when I was there it wasn't in season,so I only got to try the jerky,yummy but this looks amazing. I miss you Alaska!"
"Oh look from your source.

""This finding could reflect rarity of effect on drinking water resources, but may also be due to other limiting factors. These factors include contamination precluding a definitive link between hydraulic fracturing activities and an impact; and the inaccessibility of some information on hydraulic fracturing""

But given your source by it's on admission is a draft under review and only talks about drinking water and admits it's data is limited we can say you are grasping."
Last night I woke up in a could swear shouting HENERY! In an out of breath voice....I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night
Thanks for the links. I lost interest in cky around AACBF and therefore never gathered what had been going on. I've recently re-fallen in love with the old albums and am pretty devastated to see that they are over and done with. It was always a dream of mine to see them live one day.
City Escape 10 times
"16yr cabinet designer/installer here. These caninets are not the bottom of the barrel, but close. This specific cabinet is the kitchen classic line sold at lowe's. They have 3/8 particle board sides and back. The nice thing is the solid back. Most cabinets just have 1/8 backs with hanging rails, so this is a plus. The drawers are hardwood, but they are just stapled not dove tail. The doors are a wood veneer center panel. The only problem you will have is the limited sizes avalable. If the sizes work then these are a good affordable option. They do run 20% off quite often so dont buy till then. This line is also in there design program so they can do a 3d layout for you. "
Just because you don't care doesn't mean than no one else cares pleb :)
[They have been using the same honey packet design since 1983]('s_Pure_Honey_1983.png/revision/latest?cb=20140723005330)
"Eh, I think they both look good. I *was* mistaking stirrups for high socks, but I do think they are both good."
"Yeah Rice was the ultimate route runner.  Never took a play off and ran every route like he was getting the ball.  His greatest ability was being able to fool the DB into moving in on a false route that he set them up for.  "
"I've posted this link many times already but whatever.
EPUB, PDF and AZW3 version of LN, first drama CD and some extras and illustrations here -!9gcB1JTS!WHAlQqEoYUgpdy8cdCg5qg

My work is done here."
"R^n can be ordered recursively, like how we order strings of letters.

a, b, ..., y, z < a0, b0, ..., y0, z0 <==> a, b, ..., y < a0, b0, ..., y0 and z < z0"
A little Teflon powder and I bet she's good to go.
I used it second gameweek last year and it meant me coming top of all my mini leagues
"As a Hungarian I'm a bit surprised to see this movie here. Not that it's not a good film, I just didn't know it was known in the US. (Just a minor correction, it is spelled Kontroll.)"
"People had 10 hours to play the game. I doubt any of them used it to simulate an entire season to see a minor bug fix. "
"Actually yes. Outdoors of King's Landing, anyway."
His post round interview did not sound promising. He talked more about the competition and less about what it will take to win.
"Fast food is addictive and thus harder to lose weight with. Subway is technically fast, but he exclusively ordered the veggie delight which is the most plain ass sandwich you could make there. The low fat and sugar content most likely broke his food addiction and allowed him to continue losing weight. "
"Ei niitä kokonaan tarvitse vapauttaa. Sehän on jotain anarkiaa. Tässä ois kompromissi jolla Suomen työllisyysaste roketoisi:

- Annetaan yritysten ja työntekijöiden sopia palkoista enemmän keskenään. Riittäköön jonkinlainen minimipalkan käsite alalle (joka on oikeasti todella minimi) -> Ikäsyrjintä vähenee ja tasavertaisuus työpaikoilla lisääntyy, koska ei tarvitse väkisin maksaa huonommalle työntekijälle suurempaa palkkaa, vain koska se on istunut jossain tuolissa 5 vuotta.
- Lopetetaan yrityksen vastuu työntekijän työkyvyttömyyseläkkeestä ja rahoitetaan se yhteisistä varoista -> Ikäsyrjintä vähenee
- Irtisanominen alle 100 hengen yrityksissä helpoksi ja takaisinottovelvollisuudet pois -> yritykset uskaltavat kokeilla enemmän ja useampi työllistyy. Nyt uuden rekryn pitää hipoa täydellisyyttä, jotta mahdollisimman pieni todennäköisyys epäonnistumisille -> Monia paikkoja hankala edes täyttää.
- Ansiosidonnainen kaikille, mutta hieman matalampana. Tämä olisi todella vasemmistolaista, mutta siihen ei ay-siat suostu. -> Elintasoanskuttajat eivät jää niin helposti kotiin. Koskee erityisesti kaikenlaisia koti-insinöörejä joille olisi töitä, mutta kun on kivaa leikkiä lasten kanssa 2 vuotta ja antaa muiden maksaa. 
- Laitetaan yrittäjä ja työntekijä jokseenkin samaan asemaan turvaverkkojen suhteen -> Yrityksiä ja innovaatiota syntyy enemmän koska et saa kenkää niin helposti turvaverkoista jos perustat yrityksen. Yrittäjä on nykyisin useammin duunarin näköinen kuin joku ihme taistolaisfantasian silinterisika. Sika on nykyisin AY:ssa.
- Rajataan yrityksen vastuuta sairaslomista vaikkapa 4 viikkoon kaikkialla ja laitetaan 1 karenssipäivä -> Rekryn riski laskee taas, enemmän työllistyy.
- Leikataan nykyisiä maksussa olevia eläkkeitä yläpäästä painottaen ja rikotaan eläkelupaukset, niin ei tarvi sitä TyELIä nostaa 30 pinnaan lähivuosina. Vähä haistavittu-move, mutta joskus on pakko.
- Homma vois visualisoida siten että kaikista TES-papruista pitäs lähteä puolet sivuista nuotiolle.

Työläinen olisi varmaan onnellisempi kun ei voisi jäädä paskaan duuniin hikoilemaan vuosiksi vain koska kaikki lait tekee irtisanomisen hankalammaksi kuin paskan yhteistyön kestämisen.

En usko että mikään näistä kelpaa koskaan AY-sioille -> tuho.

Karu esimerkki Suomesta tapahtui juuri asiakkaalla: He tekivät talvella 2015 rekryn heti kun saivat tiedon että syksyllä 2014 irtisanotut olivat työllistyneet. Firma menetti muutaman kuukauden tuotot työstä, mutta se oli halvempaa kuin ottaa epäsopiva takas tai maksaa kiristysmaksut. Kaikki hävisivät - aivan kaikki. Ei näin. Tän pitää loppua."
"I've had it happen to me. It was confusing for everyone within earshot because I am a woman as well. So when she was leaving behind me I just let the door slam in her face. Don't pull your aggressive feminism on a female, it makes you look like a twat.  "
"Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been automatically removed because you did not include a question mark ""?"" in your title. We require post titles to be phrased as questions so that our panelists and visitors can more easily know what each thread is about. Please feel free to re-submit with a title that contains a question mark. Thanks for understanding. :)

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askscience) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Intended mechanic or not, there was never any point where people had to do the fight that way simply because both healers had plenty of ways around it. Which makes AST comparatively very poorly suited for the encounter. If a new fight were coming out, SE surely wouldn't implement something of that nature, where one healer is at a severe disadvantage for a certain mechanic. But, as far as a couple mechanics from old, completely irrelevant content, they didn't care. So, old mechanics from irrelevant content aren't really a great reason for why SE wouldn't add a certain job. If we're talking about a new job, released with an expansion, alongside a level cap increase, only mechanics from that point forward are really relevant to the job in question when it comes to encounter and job design.

If they restrict themselves by strictly balancing new jobs around old, irrelevant content from one or two expansions ago, rather than focusing on balancing them around the current content and the kind of future content they would like to release, the job and encounter design in the game are going to have much less creative room to grow and improve."
"P2. It's faster. Fill Araxxor up to ~55% and then run up the ramp, don't bother doing it to 100%."
"If you look on etsy at somewhat similar lights, they can go for hundreds of dollars."
"Isn't that what the jewish state does on a daily basis? exaggerate and  paint the palestinians as if they were a gigantic thread that justifies shotting to kill at the slightest perceived provocation?

"Nah, I think you're just seeing shit. "
"that is beauty, like the look of the cyan one. Thanks for letting me think I have a chance to win!"
Not too unusual however.
"When I see things like this, I have fantasies of dumping all those crumbs in Mommy Dearest's purse."
epic fetus.done
I wondered the same thing.
"Can Someone Explain...

Why Van put up Jame/Meg and not Steve/JMac? I thought the 'plan' was to evict whoever returned from Jury.  Also, strategically, with JMac returning, *it's the same situation* as before he was nominated the first time."
"I'm on a mobile app, maybe that's the reason. "
"I got 2 copies within 10 minutes. You sure you paid them? Ask their support, I got an answer within an hour. "
"I shall do exactly that, will report back in the next couple of days"
"4324 You should make sure the winners didn't comment multiple times to make it fair. "
The Turkish League has become super competitive over the last few years. Small teams always present a challenge to big teams
"It's funny, because before any regular people came along to call you people out the first thing you did was relentlessly attack people that *weren't fucking journalists.*"
"My French friend says you're wrong. Colloquially, moule refers to a vagina."
"If you're interested in the security industry, I found /r/netsec to be helpful. "
Where in the US will he be? I could recommend a lot of great Oregon beers but that won't do you any good if he's in Florida.
"> Again with this dichotomy!

Wait.. There is or there isn't a dichotomy?"
:( Sad to know it's like that across all sizes. I still haven't found one in 36E/80E that works for me. I guess everyone assumes breasts that small are reasonably shallow instead of polish projected.
"The hue starter kit includes the hue hub which uses the Zigbee lighting HA protocol and it will control the brightness of the GE Link bulbs and the Cree smart bulbs as well. However if you plan to just use a smartphone to control the bulbs everything will work great but speaking from experience it gets old having to use phone to adjust something a wall switch can do much quicker. 
I control all my smart bulbs via an ISY994 using the Hue API which is real easy to do. With some motion sensors and basic logic you can get away with having the ""smart"" home do what the phone app does but much quicker. For example my hue bulbs come on in a low red light during the night if I get up to use bathroom so they dont blind me or wake up my SO. I also have a sunrise program I run that slowly brings the lights on starting at a deep red color and eventually getting to a bright yellow to simulate a sunrise that happens an hour after I wake up (really helps wake up for day if you rise before the real sun). 
The basic point I want to make is make the products do all the dirty work, plan and program it to work for you instead of making something as simple as lights a chore to use. This is a basic part of HA that I feel a lot of people overlook. "
"Actually, not only was Nani not offside, but the ball was already over the line when Nani touched it. "
"Alright. Is there a script that randomly generates several dungeons in a given map each time a new game is started?
"***Analyzing Neocoustic***

* comments per month: 100 I have an opinion on everything

* posts per month: 20.6 power poster

* favorite sub CadenMoranDiary

* favorite words: those, really, you're

* age 0 years 10 months

* profanity score 2.4% I'm 13 and bad words are cool

* trust score 69.4%

* Fun facts about Neocoustic

 * *""I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls sadly water sea water.""*

 * *""I'm a terrible person.""*

 * *""i've seen in months Not sure, but you can always use the Windows Snipping Tool.""*

 * *""I've been a little dry on the news lately.""*

 * *""i've known these fucknuts for too many god damn years What do video games have to do with the 'bitch, make me a sandwich' stereotype?""*

 * *""I've seen all day.""*
 * *""I'm a boring cunt hypospadias m8 Classic South Asia.""*
 * *""I've seen thus far.""*
 * *""I've seen this year.""*
 * *""I am saying this while tired and bored out of my mind.""*
 * *""I've ever laid eyes on.""*



* *""I'm a terrible person.""*
* *""i've known these fucknuts for too many god damn years What do video games have to do with the 'bitch, make me a sandwich' stereotype?""*
* *""I'm a boring cunt hypospadias m8 Classic South Asia.""* (I don't know what the fuck happened there)
* *""I am saying this while tired and bored out of my mind.""*"
No I only listen to DS2 through Apple Music and they're there
Pretty good as well! :)
Yeah haha. Octopi is more or less all I use nowaways.
"Ya, it has definitely been used, but also very well cared for by its previous owner. Brushes look good, as does the cord/switch. 

And I have several other vintage power tools in my shop that do get used a lot more than the newer stuff I own. And I tend to enjoy using something with a bit of history. Though there is also the desire to use a tool made from quality metal rather than a piece of modern...breaks the first time you drop it...made in some sweatshop by underpaid workers....piece of plastic."
I really don't see why anyone working in tech sector has to be near their clients.  My buddy works as a computer engineer (not sure the capacity exactly) for a firm in SF but works remotely from deep in flyover country.  Paid well for the work and doesn't spend a bizarre amount on housing.
>[2015-08-30 20:07:36 UTC](

>. [@TeamSoloMid]( [@trump]( v YoeFW's [@tom60229]( are starting their semifinal match now at [**]( [#GEICOgaming](


[^[Mistake?]](/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/3izvn4%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.)
"How will this student act, if I give them bad grades?"
"Congrats on the 50th star!  I asked your question to an ebay rep about 6 months ago because I too was curious. They said 10-13% was the norm (I do not sell electronics). I don't know how this was quantified but thought I'd share. I echo the posts that refer to sales as a volume issue. The more I list, the more I sell. I also noticed an increase in sales when I have diverse merchandise.  Consider expanding your sale market to increase conversion. I opened my sales to GPS (very little action) and Canada (direct through USPS).  Sales to Canada have averaged 3% of sales during the past three months. I double list some items on ebay and Amazon. You just need to stay on top of pulling the item from one platform when it sells. Good luck reaching your next 50! "
">which Russia has not respected  
Yes, any other promises by any other countries can also be not respected as long as risk-reward is worth it coming back to my original point, that it does not really matter what is written on paper."
"Right... but see you're just a product of one of the western countries that commit these atrocities.  I'm not sure what makes you feel so entitled to call these actions a ""conspiracy"" seeing as you're sitting in an armchair thousands of miles from the location this report was about.

You also probably want to Google what a conspiracy is because this is certainly not what a well-read man would call a ""conspiracy"".

*To clarify: I'm all about calling out big corporations/government on their bull**** but posts like these are why people view this subreddit as ridiculous."
sry bro but your edit is hilarious i love you
"What about all the countries right now that have significant violence, but weak states.  Like a good portion of sub-saharan Africa."
"We don't really get a wrap up for Hawke either, regardless of what choice you make for them in Here Lies The Abyss. That might change in Trespasser but I doubt it. If there is a cure to be found and that becomes a central plot, it would probably be taken over by whoever the character is in DA 4. The warden can't or won't be able to do it for whatever reason and sends all their research to the player character, or something like that. It might even end up being just a dead end. A plot point they created as a way to explain why the grand Hero of Ferelden wouldn't be around to help. "
"I hope to practice in Canada one day and they don't accept AOA residencies or else I would be all over it "
"Nah man, Tenga is affordable and gets the job done well. That shit is top notch but expensive."
"The problem is I want things portrayed in the media the way they are. I've been hearing about ""Pallywood"" for years now and, lo and behold, here it is. So much so the Daily Mail had to change its original story. If the Palestinians are holding a sit in, I want to see people at a sit in. If they are slinging rocks, I want to see people slinging rocks. Not some fabrication about how no one could have known this poor kid was in harms way, with no mention that using kids to make good media is what was expected."
"I have dreamt in different languages too. Sometimes I also have dreams where people speak gibberish. It sounds like english in some cases. In one dream there was a guy who pointed to his arm and said ""counter-interion"". I have no clue what he meant. It is interesting that the mind remembers these languages, sometimes more clearly than we think."
"I too recall reading such an article. And when examining the data I found female workplace fatalities had only gone up relative to men because the recession had put so many men out of work. Male workplace deaths had gone down because they had lost those dangerous jobs -> ""women are in danger"""
" This is a much better example of ""messing with the wrong family"". Not this guy.

As bad as I feel for this guy's loss, I am not intimidated nor should anyone else be. Stay vigilant everyone, I sense another big gun control push coming."
"> a fireplace in my bedroom

"My housemate has a leased car..she is from the other side of the country and recently moved here, so she had to pay to get it shipped here so she wouldn't go over the mileage limit. Also, she sometimes has to rent a car when she wants to drive somewhere for the weekend for the same reason. Seems like a waste of money to me"
"More stuff doesn't make creativity, the drummer does that. I've found that I get MORE creative when I either limit my pieces or set them up in an unorthodox fashion (put a floor tom in the snare's spot or make a hi-hat out of a couple splashes, etc...)

[This drummer]( uses a metal ash tray on this track and keeps his hi-hat directly in front of him with a floor tom to the left of it."
"God, it sounds like a million people crying in terror. Or the sound of a Whitecrest crew when they see a pirate. "
"Its great to know that. Cheers. "

^^^please ^^^someone ^^^stop ^^^me..."
"Yes, agree with this ^"
"I just wanna cut it up and make hairy guacamole "
So I have to pay them so I can make my own game? That's kinda lame :/
Scandinavian Defense!
"My guess is that the Caterpillar with not have variants like the vanguard or connie does, because of its very high modular characteristics. I bet there will be pieces that you can combine in different ways to specialize in different ways. "
"ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ Down Ranger "
"I actually may start a tumblr soon, I have one now but would like to make one for MFA stuff. I'll drop a link when I make it sometime this week :)"
What is this from?
"FullTilt owners were found to have stolen all the player's money and were arrested. All their pros settled lawsuits against them.

DOJ called the site a ""global Ponzi scheme.""

[So yea, they're cheating.](

PokerStars has also been accused, and pulled out of the US market.

Every major site is cheating players and all the minor sites too. Yeah, theoretically they could just operate and make plenty, but greed is greed, bub. So they're all cheating.

No site will release hand histories after tournaments, or undergo any other sort of non-fixed audits."
Merc Golden Bow NewStone??

here: Griezmann"
"You said there's two purple guys,

Nothing too expensive? You have to remortgage your house for a game of bowling around here
"Money is the only area where the Brits use the Imperial system of measurement. It just so happens that the British pound is almost equivalent to the metric quid (*1.00000 lb = 1.00205 q*). The reason they use pounds is exactly like you suggest: they want to watch their weight. If you measure your money in pounds, you'll weigh less because the numbers are smaller."
그 발상은 없었습니다! :D [その発想はなかった!]
"i do wonder what those people on those pictures think today, did it take a turn for the worse or better from there point of view?"
I think this and MGS5 might justify an upgrade to the Xbox One
"Bicycle cleaning, maintenance and servicing.  "
">And the former userbase, instead of latching onto this slimeball and venting their ""totally not-sexist not-racist"" rage on his effigy, can do nothing but whine about not being allowed to go back to their ""lynching uppity negresses"" party.

They didn't ""latch"" onto him because no one knows he **allegedly** did that. A fuck ton more people know that two people interrupted a speech, to talk about how they're oppressed/people are racist/people are bigoted/whatever, when the speech they interrupted was being given by a man that was involved in the Civil Rights Movement.

They're idiots. **And** openly racist. That warrants hate a lot more than a guy doing something that he was never even convicted of it. Especially since that was like 10 years ago. When these two idiots did something that was literally not even two months ago.

It has nothing to do with race. No matter how much you think it is, it isn't about race. It's just the internet hating stupid people. It got out of hand for the mods and it was pissing people off because it was a black woman. Peoples' jimmies wouldn't have been rustled *nearly* as much if it was a white man that was flooding /r/punchablefaces."
"We save things like bread/bagel bags, milk bags, etc. to use for our cat's litter."
"Wasn't it?  I went there, clicked on the left, and I was at the docs.

I went there, clicked on the left, and I was on the download page.

I went there, looked on the right, and there were cool projects people had made. "
"Her violently attacking Ashley better not be some sort of made up story.

It's the best thing she's ever done."
"There is only one second chance, and as I said, s1mple might not be getting it. He was an asshole, he might have changed. Not saying he did, but everybody deserves one more chance, and if they fuck it up, I won't stand in anybody's way."
"I am not in EU, I am in USA.   But I my unregulated mods  start at $100 and shipping to EU is about $35.  Thats about 120 euros.  You can find pics of my work in /r/cursedmods."
"I don't think the quality is the same in all aspects, especially for some of their clothing or collab designer goods in housewares. Their beauty department selection is also fantastic. 

Some of Targets in house brands/specific lines are equal to or superior than certain competition.

TLDR: I'm a female. Don't argue with me over Target. Rawwr!"
"Christine was 23...  didn't stop anyone from ripping her to shreds. And the comments were similar. I'm sorry but saying the twins' comments are harmless in comparison is not true. They were similar. 

That's what fans do. "
"There is actually a question of it, if you're willing to actually open your mind to something that isn't a predetermined narrative. Not all animals can sustain large populations. It's simply a fact and a matter of resources.

Seals DO come to land and polar bears could hunt closer seals and do. I'm sure that the amount of ice shrinking is a factor, but there would be more locally available food if there were more seals too, meaning the bears wouldn't have to take such large risks to find more food. Plus polar bears do eat other things. 

The climate IS changing, the ice IS melting, but that's also sent polar bears further south than usual, where other species of bears can and do live. If polar bears can't adapt to changing climates, then they're doomed anyway since the Earth has been getting warmer since the ice age. That's whole reason there is no longer an ice age. The speed is obviously an issue, but maybe apex predators just aren't going to thrive in a world with humans in it. Seems to be the general trend right now, which is fine by me since I generally don't like the thought of being eaten.

There are species that adapt fast and can acclimate to new environments quickly and they do fine. If polar bears are going to go the panda route, sucks for them, but there's not much we can do. And believe it or not, not everybody believes that it's humanity's duty to preserve nature. I for one, think that nature will do whatever the fuck it's going to do regardless of what one species of animal thinks."
"I reaaaaly like this "
"Welp, I helped make that for you - notice the hint of Redditor. Would UKIP tears be an acceptable substitute?"
amiibo game is strong!
That's fair.
"I think its mostly a server performance issue, I can close a door and wit 5 seconds for it to actually close, while I can interact with containers just fine.

I have lag issues in PlanetSide 2 too (same company, same engine) and I put it down to my CPU because in PS2 you can display your FPS and your bottleneck, with my GTX 770 Its never displayed a GPU bottleneck.

Bot H1Z1 and PlanetSide 2 are CPU intensive games in terms of the netcode and such."
"yup, you were right. Ty"
Fizz. ^^^^/s
"Except, there isn't. That requirement is only in your mind. The actual text does not require it, and only require the second. Seriously. Take the text to any english language professor you trust and ask them if it says you really have to remove the text itself rather than just forbid mentioning it has been deleted... I'll garantee you, that their answer will be that it just forbids mentioning it has been deleted."
"Is this so far this season or projected for the upcoming season? "
It's rare. I've never gotten a legendary card as arena reward. I have played several hundreds. It's more common getting like 200 gold for 12 wins ;-)
[Best part of this gif is that we were leading against Boston.](
"Bought tree off my boy, he was a known fucktard, and when we smoked it it tasted like detergent and got a brutal headache.  When I asked him what's up he told me he wrapped the weed in dryer sheets so his parents didn't smell it. It was awful"
"Every comedian who worked a bit is actually racist. Rusev ACTUALLY TRULY despises america. Zeb Coulter LITERALLY wanted other wrestlers deported. Jesus Christ, it's this type of shit that make wrestling fans look like absolute retards."
*It's funny how racism is basically normalized everywhere in the world, yet Americans who try the hardest to NOT be racist catch the most flak for it.*


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That is the plan
"> A culpa é do Passos Coelho somehow

Isto. Os outros fizeram merda e quem lá está a tentar compor (mal, diga-se de passagem) é que é o culpado. Mas vá, pouco percebo de política."
"Obviously, people with full time jobs get puppies. It is possible but it isn't possible alone. Like the other poster said, you need to have someone come over extremely frequently at the beginning, then less so over time, to let the puppy out. It would be better, as well, if they could interact with him some during this time, aside from simply opening a door to go out. "
"That's a reason to make it pretty, though. Any router is going to be much more effective in the middle of a house than tucked away in a corner of the house behind a door. If making it look pretty encourages a certain percentage of people to leave it out, you've increased the average range via social engineering."
[Everyone's super!](
I've never saw it implode since commons sense in the 5 games I played. I really don't understand what you're talking about.
"after this series, I really like the Twins telecast. These guys are classy and showed us a lot of respect, plus they know baseball. Same with the Toronto guys, they're good too."
"One time, while we math teacher were eating lunch, an English teacher came in to reheat her Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit from that morning. She stuck it in the microwave with the wrapper in it, hit start, and the sparks started flying. She forgot that the wrapper had foil in it.

That was some crazy shit."
"Katrina. But that works too. "
"I mean, Katrina sucked for Houston too. We had to put up with all those damn cajuns"
"Damn that was deep. "
"Regarding the first point, the rules between the different religions changed as they progressed (so things like incest became forbidden) and I imagine that, if the previous books were not corrupted, people may still use them as a source for knowledge today. This would be problematic because people would find rulings that would not apply to humanity in its current stage (which would potentially misguide them if they chose to adopt the outdated rules). The point at which the Qur'an was revealed is intended to only contain information that applies to humanity until the end of time."
"Man, this is some real white people s**t."
dogs and legs
"Absolutely. There is no way that saying ""it's morally ok according to my morals"" can ever be allowed."
"They denied most of it? Interesting.

There is loads of downvoting on both sides, what are you talking about?

Also, out of curiosity provide an example of the scale as Ukraine, where the US denied everything? Just one. You talk in very general terms, so it's hard to take it serious.
You make your friends your family. That's the family you choose.
"Just because tedious grind has existed before microtransactions, doesn't mean that devs aren't adding in tedious grind for the sake of selling microtransactions. Back then, the idea of grinding to unlock flares and missiles for your jet in a multiplayer shooter in a non f2p game would have been absurd, yet post microtransactions that has happened."
"Oh, typical NA trash crying and whining again, so unexpected."
There is also a wipe at the bridge. Ended abyss with full mag fatebringer and 88 rounds in reserve. Begins Bridge video wih full mag and 84 rounds in reserve. Clearly wiped here at some point and spliced videos together :/
"That is just not true, though. You have not read The Magician's Nephew or The Last Battle. "
Most certainly *not* another aspie.
"So what part of what I'm asking eludes you?

All better. She's home. Yelling from the second she walked in the door. 

Never mind. 

Agree to disagree. 

Thanks. "
Gracias Raúl.
Any ideas on the jersey? Looks like either a colts Joseph addai or cowboys throwback demarco Murray
"Message me with any questions man, always happy to talk production."
I'd probably just put up a bunch of indie pop and Fiona Apple singles
The memory den is just a bar and strip club.
"Clear is hyperbole, there was only one I would have given and it was soft. They definitely weren't conventional fouls."
"Thanks! Garda contacted my reference back in May and asked her very detailed questions, so I guess this is the 4th bullet point in your list?"
"We're all shifting paradigms the size of mountains over here at NoFap. Normal people can't even comprehend why we wouldn't masturbate, because it rails so hard against the status quo, and people don't really like free thinkers with their own opinions anymore. They just do what the TV tells them.

Anyway, good on you! It probably mostly fell on deaf ears, but you're preaching the good word!"
"This isn't really possible in many industries. "
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by vidilux"
"If you don't go for the shine spike, that's someone else's +1"
"nvm, it's downloadable :s"
"What is your opinion about Zizek? He is like a celebrity philosopher, but some people think he is extremely overrated. I have never read any of his books but im curious if I should. "
"Thanks you guys!!! just went back, applied the up-swipe and it worked like a charm! "
"Props for making it that far! I've always loved that deck but never dared to take it to ranked. "
Thank you for the confirmation. I was just thinking about this recently.
"yes,it suck"
"there is some rich guy who likes rugby i think  
i think he owns glasgow celtics or something  
he has an russian surname but says something about lithuanians being sarmatians or something  
his bank which was pretty big bankrupted and everyone lost their shit  
the game is like american football and english are good at it  
so yeah "
"Its a difficult question. No doubt Celtic are the top team, but on the way down in effort and standards. Rangers are on the way up with effort etc. "
"They were talking about it on NPR the other day. They said the budget is ridiculous and there's not enough money. If they don't get more money, they're gonna have to close down a bunch of offices and do other cut backs. So yeah, this is just to get the state legislators to pass a bigger budget."
"Also, if you look at silent movies you'll notice that most of them seem to move at an increased speed: it's faster than reality. Matching sound would result in an increased pitch.

And think if what it takes to record audio on a film set. Multiple microphones for different purposes, say when recording two people having a conversation at a busy station. In a time where these technologies were so new it would be very tough to combine both."
Come on Duffman!
"You're welcome to stop by for tea some time too. "
Make sure you get a good shot of the spider that lives in your shower
"No problem! I'm glad to help! "
"SnapShots: [1](, [2]( ^^[[huh?]]( 

*^^doooooogs: [^^1](^^, [^^2]( ^^\(seizure ^^warning); [^^3](^^, [^^4](^^, [^^5](^^, [^^6](^^, [^^7](^^, [^^8](^^;* ***^^if ^^i ^^miss ^^a ^^post ^^please [^^PM ^^me](***"
"Not really digging the flashy red flaps on stealthy black vehicles. It gives me a confusing vibe. Nice car nonetheless "
"He's dead and was gay. it fits. "
"g3 is not my friend :D . tryed it some times but i cant hit perfect. 
dont have jozu. I think i will dry 2xMC, Arlong,GP,Mihawk,Tank Zoro. looks like i dont have space for my new guys :/"
"Wait you're telling me that there's a Chris Rock edition?

I've been living a lie."
"Similarly, a platonic relationship with a shrimp is okay, but eating it is the sin. "
"Different strokes for different folks; just because something is wildly accepted as amazing necessarily means you'll like it. Doesn't mean that something is bad, it just doesn't suit your taste. Pretty much how I feel about Daredevil, Game Of Thrones and Breaking Bad, among other popular shows. 

I wouldn't really care much for the hate. We have every right to dislike a piece of art, it's our opinion and we're entitled to it. Just don't go wave your negativity at the fans continuously :P "
"No reason to buy at 60, plenty of buy it nows on ebay for cheaper."
Fair enough.
"Nope, money kept switching hands. T-Bag, then Bellick and Geary, T-Bag again, Michael for a very brief time, then Agent Kim for a split second before it was ""lost"". Beginning of season 3 Lincoln asks the lawyer at the consulate if the Panamanian authorities found the bag, he replies there were no reports of a bag."
"Damn straight "
"Edderion nodded along as Rogar spoke of Alicent and Roose - a peculiar match, what with their houses being so far distant from one another, but nothing strange. When he mentioned wedding Arya to Alesander, however, his eyebrows shot up.

""Arya and the King? Now that's a strange match. I see little benefit from it for Alesander, save, of course, a beautiful wife. An odd choice.""

And the choices got odder as they went. *Perceon and Lyarra?* Edderion resisted the urge to laugh outright. Sure, there was nothing exactly *wrong* with the Redwynes, but the matches seemed to be reversed. The Master of Ships offered his king the hand of a daughter of a secondary house in a different kingdom, and sought to claim that kingdom's princess for his own kin. 

""I see little benefit in wedding my sister to Perceon."" Edderion told Rogar. ""Unless his father is willing to part with a huge portion of his navy as a...*gift*, to his new kinsmen. But then, with the fleet in hand, what need have I for his son? In any case you have the right of it; I have no plans to marry her off until she's - not healed, perhaps, but *better*, and when Arrana has a match made, as well. Though perhaps that last custom may be circumvented - Ana has shown no signs of wedding any time soon.""

""And as for Raya and Robert...its a better match, but as you say, provides far too much of a claim to our throne, I think. And why the raging desire for women of the North? What happened to the old whispers of *savages* and *barbarians* - two of my four kingdoms worship the southern gods, but I've heard no word of matches with Tullys or Arryns or Freys. Perhaps the Old Gods are the new fashion of the day. Whatever the case I find myself unconvinced. In times of war Lord Redwyne would be our primary foe on the western sea - and I'd not have my sister trapped upon his island, unless he were willing to give me means enough to win her back, if needed.""

"unnecessary comment is unnecessary "
"Margaret Cho. "
Did you actually think this was serious? Cmon man.
Nah you see laterals a lot. It's just 9/10 times they're a last ditch effort.
"Her connection to Portland is she played at UofP.  Portland loves her, she still has a lot of fans here."
"On top of everyone's advice, using ledge invincibility is another method to avoid getting hit by firefox. It makes the timing more lenient."
"I didn't really consider it is something new or special. The game is fun, but adds nothing different."
Gotmilkpress! My buddy!
"Hopefully he stays until he dies & then we just call it a day & end the club, *hopefully*"
"Thanks. I think I got confused when I saw the raised 2 in the equation... Now: solving for how long it took, is this right?"
"If I want someone to come in and gut my team and start fresh, I'd want Jim Harbaugh. For a team like the Ravens where we already have Ozzie and a power structure in place, I'd rather have John Harbaugh; I think Jim might have fared somewhat better with us because Ozzie doesn't seem to have the ego problems of Baalke, but John is definitely the better fit for us.

Also, obligatory mention that John beat Jim in preseason, regular season, and postseason. "
"A week after, high five"
"Ok, so they get cookies because they let us use this land. You get to use that land with all the benefits that includes while they have to stay in the shitholes we left them with. And then you resent that they get cookies.

I would rather have good schools and clean water, which is what your ""forefathers"" got while the natives got ~~smallpox blankets~~ [systematic starvation](

Barrack Obama and the blacks in the US is a completely different situation, but if you can't see that enslaving people is entirely different from treatying with them I'd suggest that you're the one in the intractable situation.

edit - As /u/RanmaCanada posted, smallpox blankets were pre-Canada if they even happened at all. I changed my point"
"That never made sense to me. You don't have to look at it, just face away from it."
"Issue 3 is being pushed by people who stand to benefit off the legalization of marijuana. That's why there are only a few growers allowed. The people paying for a lot of the push stand to financially benefit off of a voter mandate approved monopoly. However, it would legalize marijuana in the state.

Issue 2 is supposedly about disallowing these sort of deals. Imagine if Great Lakes Brewing Co. wanted to pass a voter amendment to allow the sale of 25% alcohol beer. In the writing of their amendment, it says that only GLBC can manufacture this beer. If it passes, sure, you may be able to sell that beer at your store, but no other brewer can make it. Issue 2 is to prevent these sort of things from happening in the future."
"Show me the way and I'm all yours "
There are great motives for gettng Meg out. And they **need** Vanessa to think they're loyal right now. I'm sure they will ALL go for the Austwins next. Could be worse.
yep nothing is bad
"i am internet, ama"
"Gotta agree with you. Hard to go against the guy who's 2-0 against him, has been in the NFL for a long time, and has a ring."
Yeah but with a black girl and black puppies
"I guess Gallo can play LF, but he's pretty horrible defensively out there.  I wouldn't really want to play him there if we don't have to."
"A solid win today to salvage the series and snap the losing streak! Next series up, one game at a time, Padres! Keep it going!"
"I would be fine with this list. Except maybe Robinson stays to play one more game. Maybe.

Richard Crawford was made to look pretty bad a couple times in Arizona..."
"I believe that stemmed out of an anti-America belief system. Could an agnostic/atheist person ram an airplane into a building? Yes, all kinds of people commit suicide while taking others out. Whether it's a Japanese kamikaze or deranged mass-murders. Sports wise, here's a list of [sports driven off-field violence](

I'm okay with a few people out there not concerned for a cure for cancer or poverty. I think you can find those people outside of religion as well."
"Like 20p in Liverpool Street. Or free if you go into McDonald's like the people that know. "
"Thank you, Mr.Gang"
"As a french, screw that idiot. "
When has that ever happened anywhere?
Please check the rules in the sidebar.  Blog posts must contain the recipe in the body of the post.  This is to help fight blogspam.
"If THIS was nightmare fuel, you definitely haven't spent enough time on the Interwebs good sir."
Low battery smoke alarm....chirp........chirp
Sorry but they don't allow it. =( The name on the ticket has to match the name on the ID. You will have to pay full price for it.
"Random question, why do you care so much? "
Not gonna click on a Gawker link. They're hacks. Next time be sure to do
"I feel like if they want to promote it why not do it in their podcast, just my 2 cents. "
"Butter your bacon and donuts are a vegetable. "
"I know, I always have to dummy it down when I'm watching the game with casual fans. There's plenty of hardcore fan sites to discuss it though, with the type of folks who make me feel pretty stupid."
"So if I were to stop using kitchen paper, will this avert the coming apocalypse? Oh, it won't? Ok then, back to not giving a fuck."
"Very little. Female streamers who tend to do the ""hi im a gurlll"" thing get a bit more, but unless you are well-known and popular you are better off working at a McDonald's. The wage is higher and the humiliation is lower."
"1d20 /u/WPintheshower: **11**


^(Hey there! I'm a bot that can roll dice if you mention me in your comments. Check out /r/rollme for more info.)"
Someone get a rubber band!
How does this work exactly?  Seems like a arm triangle ?
[Billposters will be prosecuted](
"Add me, my PSN is acting up"
michael rapaport
"You're failing to understand that until your opponent runs out of cards, there is absolutely no difference between milling and simply not drawing the card. Your opponent isn't going to run out of cards first when you're playing Warlock."
rgmk danks OP you da bes.
ya those cancer deck are brutual as dragon mage.
" ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )"
"Sure, but she said irritants ""typical to many moisturizers"" not ""this will not cause any irritation for anyone."" Plus she added YMMV (your mileage may vary) , which covers what you said about people's skin reacting differently. "
"Would so love for that pill to be real. I would definitely take it. "
"He is less incompetent than the rest of the front bench. Not good, but looks amazing by comparison. Plus the press gallery seen to love someone who pushes them around."
"I tried installing CM 12.1 as well but I had issues with Google Play Services in that ROM. I then tried two or three more ROMs and finally settled with Candy5 ROM. BlissPop is also pretty good. Much more functions than CyanogenMod 12.1. Also, stable."
That's racist!
I would do that but I'm too lazy to.
"While I do think it's great that nickelodeon is trying to be hip with the kids, I think piggybacking fads isn't a very choice strategy. Eventually fads burn out and your old ads become irrelevant. "
Im here! Better late than never.
"I would think that at this point, years after the release it is either found to not be a problem or fixed by one of the Unofficial Patches."
You could check out players' Twitch past broadcasts.
"I can confirm. I have been to Chicago, Kansas City, St Louis, Dallas, San Antonio, Hartford, Atlanta, and DC in the last year and none of them had attendants, or at least none in the restrooms I visited."
None of this is true.
"Among which academics?
"/u/quickonthedrawl in /r/fantasyfootball makes guides for which defense to play each week

streaming is when you play a different defense each week - the theory is that defense scoring is waaay more reliant on matchups than any other position. RBs will always run well but even the seahawks will get lit up by a great offense.

so this dude ranks which defense you should pick up each week, its helped me a lot the past two years since i dont have to reach for a top tier D in the draft and instead i pick up a sleeper in those later rounds. obviously teams like the seahawks and lions will usually be up near the top but you can get some awesome value from streaming.

and the 2nd qb ive always found to be a little useless. QBs get hurt less often, and usually you can pick up a mid-tier dude at any point in the season so i like rostering another wr/rb instead of the qb who ill probably use only on the bye week "
10m.what was it originally going to be used for.
"While I can see while a Jefferson Davis statue can easily be seen as a glorification of the Civil War and Davis himself was bigoted, racist asshole...

You should look into the history of that plaza and why the statues were erected in the first place. It wasn't as a glorification of the war. It was to highlight how the wounds of the Civil War had been healed by WWI. It was erected prior to the rise of the Dixiecrats and no one involved in the project had ties to the typical groups going around throwing up glorification monuments. 

Does that mean the statue belongs there?  No, it doesnt. It's out of place with modern culture and it's removal may very be the appropriate thing to do (I'm perfectly fine it myself).

But you're revising of the history behind the entire exhibit is exactly what people are upset about. You already don't grasp the nuances of the situation and eagerly whitewash over the past to fit your new viewpoint. That rewriting of history is what people are concerned about when they say they want to keep it. Because people will forget it's true purpose and fit it to whatever cause they wish, and those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. 

Get rid of it if you like, but know more about it before throwing your chips on the table. "
"We will see. "
y vos crees que Podemos hara algo diferente que el PPsoe en el supuesto caso que llegue al poder? por favor! España es propiedad de bancos y empresas como Endesa y otras...
"You know, I thought the sight of overweight women offended the delicate sensibilities of some TRPs. This one's an equal opportunity crybaby at least."
I feel like all of the problems would be fixed if aiming the hook gave you a birds-eye view.
"I don't think you've watched good football in probably your entire lifespan, so I don't think your opinion holds any merit whatsoever."
damn bouye that was awful
So hot! Love it!   =)
"Presumably the magic art book that was mentioned last night to be released in January "
"Do you mean self publishing? And do you mean as an e-book you get paid for or do you mean so that other people can read them for free?

For publishing check out KDP which is Amazon's publishing service.

For original fiction you want to post online for people to read try"
" ^ Never trust someone with that username when they ask for more pics..."
I got fired for showing a girl my penis at a nursing home that I worked at.
"I was just looking for this song and found this thread via Google. I found it and am pretty sure this is the one you mean: 

[IN-GRID - Tu es foutu](
The way i see it is that they are no more overpowered than snipers in Bo2 so this is still an improvement.
"Oh god my sides 

>playing for real."
"Hey, nothing wrong with the diving boards!"
"Thanks, you're pretty tasty yourself! "
What about your rep ranges and how heavy do you go?
*Interrupts /u/Trexmaster9000* Moohoohahaha
Zürich. There are other stores too. Where are you?
"This make me glad I'm not an American citizen, because if I could vote, I would 100% vote for a Hulk government."
"My boobs are surprisingly sensitive on the underside. "
"Or it would have been awesome. She wasn't actually selling 160Mb/s she had mispoken, it was 20Mb/s. Which is why I said I would have jumped at it. =)

It was just a salesperson not knowing the difference between 20 megabytes/s (which is 160mb/s) and 20megabits/s (which is what she was actually selling).

I did end up with centurylink 20Mb/s service, at $30/mo. Actual speed to my house is about 12Mb/s so not quite as advertised, but I suppose that's why they advertise it as ""max 20Mb/s"".

127Mb/s sounds good. I just really loathe comcast, and was looking for just a minor extra connection, so cheaper was better."
"we do! 3DS is my holy saviour for fun and competitive games without breaching the ""traumatic"" territory."
"I made a post saying we still needed to buy after Cech, mainly a striker, before the season started and I got downvoted and cursed haha"

"On Mobil and can't save. "
Any discussion that ignores how there was no plane at the Pentagon is worthless.
"Yarr, ye forgot yer searchin' duties, for ['twas asked by those what came before ye!]("
"""Well..."" *In reality, she'd just prefer to be alone, but she'll agree with him.*

"Steam too actually... Tons of sega/namco bandai/capcom games not available in Asia. VPN? Account suspended FUUUU

But yeah play store is worse."
"Running up the score. We aren't gonna score 1 run, much less 4. "
"First of all, thanks OP!


1. GRID 2


3. Anything else would be better to give to somebody else, since I probably wouldn't play it that much and other people could use it more."
"i domt unfortunately. I never had anything capital one. I only applied bc this card has zero international fees on charges. "
They should simply reimplement the lost Pigmen...
"Welcome back Buster Posey!  Nice to see him out of his slump.  "
"I'm not sure if this matters, but I used to get bad leakage when I plugged my computer into an ungrounded outlet(old apartment, weird electrical). As soon as I moved to a grounded one, the problem went away."
yes sir
"Oh and blender bottlemakes a good set of protein shake cups called the prostak, it comes with 2 extra containers. I use the small one for my supplements and medication and the larger one for my protein mix."
"no it goes to new schools, teachers, and modern learning aids.  American education sucks because Americans suck at teaching their children how to learn."
Jon makes YouTube videos?
"Mami did also put the idea in her head that Homura is probably just after grief seeds, so seeing her ""let Mami die"" and take off with Charlotte's grief seed was sure to destroy any sort of trust between the two. It's a misunderstanding built on a layer of doubt already. Considering how much Sayaka idolizes Mami too, Homura is just a natural enemy.

"I checked the game when it was 5-0 to Nexus on cache, thought myself this is easy win and now I come back to see a Cobble round that I thought was warmup since AceG just runs into B without any resistance headshotting eveyone on the way. IDK what happened but bye skins I guess"
Me too!!  I can get down with a lot of theories but I'm all for Wilden until we see otherwise lol
"It's not optional if an accident happens. I mean, yeah, you can live your entire life without going near a beach or a cruise ship or a river. But if you're ever near a body of water and you end up in it (falling in or escaping some sort of danger at the big ones), or if you're just by the edge and want to help someone who's drowning, it's important to be good at swimming. Sinking like a rock is never useful.

It's not absolutely necessary, but the other poster is justified in considering it important, the way one might consider learning to drive or daily exercise important even if it's not a universal necessity to learn."
"No thank you. Good luck. "
">Why don't lesbians ever cook?

>Because they only eat out.

I swear I came up with that one."
"Only in the 3 pack, do your homework."
"Of course not EVERY batch file is safe. That's like saying every corner of the internet is clean, SFW, and pr0n free.

I took a look at the batch file from when I first tried it, and it is clean. We can trust THEIR batch files, but I never said we can trust ALL batch files. pls no putting words in my mouth."
"Did Farley influence mikes voice for shrek perhaps? "
You might also want to add that unlike previous generations the internet is now a popular thing so all those old memories can be relived and you can see what you missed too because the entire period was incredibly well documented.
Not sure why you trust those numbers.  Most are not direct casualties of US fire.  So thanks for being that asshole who attributes crazy ass terrorist actions and assigns blame to the US.  GO fuck yourself.
"Q'doba mango salsa has chicken stock in it. 
"*She squints at you, pointing her spoon in your direction.*

""Did Danielle send you?"""
I'm sorry but if a man doesn't make an expression for 4 seconds of his life and now I don't want to jump to conclusions but I'm pretty sure you are.
"Goddamn Army!  I thought your ""women"" were as ugly as ours!"
"For example, would you consider the 4chan post about the walrus penetrating the front of a tank appropriate?"
That double apostrophe action goin' on.
[Source]( at /r/orangecounty
Maybe you could upload it as a seperate armor or as Wild Wasteland easter egg in the mod.
I had always wondered about this and those wireless scanners. I always buy from StubHub and print my tickets. Always afraid it won't scan.
"[2009 remix to Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion theme), it's even more 90's than the original.]("
I don't understand how a professional soccer team can play so consistently terrible up a man
"**Attention!** Please keep in mind that the OP of this thread has chosen to mark this post with the **[Serious] replies only** tag, therefore [any replies that are jokes, puns, off-topic, or are otherwise non-contributory will be removed](

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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Nicely phrased.  "
"Thonky is a really great tool to use, but generally speaking, the wikia for Animal Crossing is more accurate. Thonky is a very close second and has certain info that the wikia doesn't, so either is fine. This is one of those games were you might want to fact check the information. The pass/fail for Gracie's Fashion Check or the minimum number of characters for a letter are good examples. Don't worry about Gracie, though. That is really far into the game, so you won't have to worry about it for your first 200 hours of gameplay."
RIP boys
"You probably should list the server you play in too "
Looked up the planet Saturn on Prodigy encyclopedia.
"People who keep saying this have no idea how the movie business works. "
"If the average consumer understood how telecoms and such worked/don't work, this would be a lot less surprising and odd to them."
Right now it's basically dead since there is no publisher.
"idk i mean other artists like atmosphere have their own festivals, and the fact that a lot of people at his event know his new song isn't that crazy"
"Given up three dingers. Two with the Dodgers.yup. "
Scrubs for sure. That extra season killed an awesome finale.
"I guess I forgot about that. The same kinds of comments are being made in that thread, but you're right, it's not taking over Reddit like before."
"I do know that medieval flags were usually based on coats of arms and were either rectangular or shaped like [this]( but the people at /r/vexillology will probably have some more information.  "
id lick them
"Eh hate to ruin the illusion but when they're that ""meaty"" and gravity-defying they're usually fake (I suspect that's why she has tattoos on the underside, to hide the scars).

This [site]( confirms they are ""enhanced."""
Haste spell would probably do as much damage..
+/u/User_Simulator /u/MisterBiscuit
"Thank you :)

It's 13.95 for entree + dessert
10.95 for just entree or 4.95 for just the dessert"
"**Full Match - Torrent**

Credit: Nikolay_-_-

Channel: TRT SPOR HD

Language: Turkish

Quality: HDTV

Video: TS, H264; 1920x1080 (16:9); 25.000 fps; 9784 kbps

Audio: MP2; 48000 Hz; 192 kbps; Stereo; 2 channels

Size: 6.76 GB


[Torrent link]("
"I'm still a bit confused about the canon, like when does FOXHOUND come into the picture?"
" *He moans softly, eyes shutting.*"
"So like, if i go to an astros game later this summer, where would be a good place to stuff my face and drink after?"
"High kicks will become softer when body shots are taken by the kicker because much of those kicks' power comes from core/torso tension and strength. 

Low kicks use more of a pendulum motion and require much less strength, so body shots to the fighter who's kicking have less of an impact on them. "
Haha I work in a Wendy's off Lucent and see this guy come in from time to time. He's honestly a dick to me every time I see him
"It's safe to lose 5-6 pounds per month, and more if you're a bigger individual already."
"I'm not sure I've seen such an ideologically motivated collection of policies since the Green Party manifesto. "
">Not quite. They knew he would have a stutter because his attacks suggested he had a lack of social skills and social confidence. 

Could have just as easily had adhd if that's what they based it off of.

"As a New Yorker who is currently in California, I'm surprised by the amount of fountains that are actually still running here."
"No, I think he studied astronomy, or something, but currently works as a programmer of some sort."
"Okay, you got me there. I meant AW's firing range (though you knew that already)."
"Needs more fireflies, and the Sergal needs a hug!"
"It is packet loss, as I discovered about an hour ago :s"
Yeah. Being a fucking idiot is not a protected status.
"Hey, this snake's name is Gandalf! His Facebook page is ""Gandalf Wears Hats"" if you want to see him! Those snakes are girls and he's awaiting three more eggs to hatch! "
The butthurt is still strong in this thread!
"I'm taking an independent study course and I just realized I got a week to do a months worth of work. "
"I said as much. And the general rule is it takes 75-100 PAs to get ""locked in"". That's 20-25 games. They've been back for what? 10? We can't last 15 more games of this. We'll be 8/9 games back and it will be too late."
If TWOW releases today then he will be 9-10 when ADOS comes out
"Sure.  I have had a couple of obviously very smart, but also VERY nervous individuals who I felt just weren't on their game that day. One in particular responded a question about their current job with ""I just didn't gel with my boss"" (which any hiring manager knows is code for ""doesn't follow orders well"") but I could read competence in her and made the right call by hiring her. She now has my job since my promotion. "
Did you disable Windows Search or Indexing or your C drive?
Didi is our hottest hitter lately. Why is McCann hitting for him??
I think some people avoid the crust so they don't get full as quick and can eat more pizza slices. I personally always eat the crush especially with the dipping sauce.
"Agreed. I started the beginning of season 3 and this season, while visually improved and nice to look at, is lacking compared to past seasons in terms of fun and meta"
"I don't know about you, but I love that back and forth video clip fun. "
+/u/user_simulator /u/heyeyeyey
"It doesn't have the weird texture though, it has the crunchiness of French fries."
Love a pretty girl with long hair. More to pull on ;)
Check out the Bolt 250
"A college level 'Introduction to Philosophy' course, taken at the high school level, should fit the bill."
"Seems to be working now. This is v1.1.2.0. the win10 store makes it hard to tell if it updated or not, could have been the big update Ms released today..."
I think we'll be able to master the use of nanotechnology.  You might see some amazing medical applications and other things because of this.
"It is pretty hard to slay a wildebeest whilst attempting to reset an inverted umbrella.  I would vote that an umbrella may be carried in the event that your partner may require it, but never shall it deny your right to defy any and all elements.  Also, if caught in the rain on a motorcycle, one shall complain about the possible problems due to it getting into the air intake, but otherwise it simply counts as a free shower.  "
"I always remember it used to screw with server finding/hosting in games, but that was so long ago I just kept it a habit of keeping it disabled... Im sure they have improved it since XP days. Maybe I'll try it enabled for a week or two"
"> I think we need to dig deeper to find the actual issue.

being fodder for 12 man groups isn't fun. especially when it happens after waiting for 15 minutes.

that's really all there is to it."
Writing negative comments looks 10 times worse...
That would be lovely! Thank you so much. I'll PM you now.
">  men are allowed to introduce the same ""evidence"" as women.

Yet evidence from men is not carried in the same weight. From a political perspective, I strongly doubt a judge who favors women is going to get loads of backlash. He or she will be cited as progressive and feminist. Critics of he/she would be misogynist.

> think it happens a lot in a custody battle that women get someone to punch them in the eye and blame it on the husband?

No. I have not commented on how often this happens. All I have said is that it's very possible. And I've come across men who have been very burned.

> That doesn't mean at all that that testimony makes the day or decides the case.

No one testimony alone doesn't make a case. But which testimonies tend to be valued more? Mom being abused by a violent husband? Or an innocent man falsely accused of violence? 

>The rules of evidence don't apply the way they would in civil or criminal litigation. That means hearsay is permitted, testimony outside a courtroom or not under oath is permitted, and generally, anything you want to put in front of a judge/testify to is allowed. But it works both ways, men are allowed to introduce the same ""evidence"" as women.

This is my point. There is a huge moral hazard here. Especially when you consider that hearsay from women carries more weight that hearsay from men.

1. Huge argument
2. Call police, ""my husband is abusing me""
3. Husband automatically arrested
4. Later cite arrest at trial

I'm not saying this always happens. I'm just saying that it's very possible and this is shocking.

>many state

35 out of 50 is a majority. But 15/50 (30%) is large enough for men to be warned of the dangers of divorce."
"It shows up online to show that it's in their (GameStop) system, it will never be restocked for online purchase or shipment. The $20 price you see is the price that any store that has any will have to sell it for."
"I contacted Massdrop. I'll update this thread when I hear anything back, I was just curious if the swirly thing was a widespread problem. I already read about other people having disasters with their shipping. Mine was a complete mess when it arrived. Keys just flying around loosely in the big cardboard box. The plastic carrying case didn't hold up at all since it was just loosely taped shut and there was no packing material in the box to support it."
Spike the cocoa
"I didn't pay a premium though - I bought an iPad and run Win7.

 ~ kindaconfused


[^^Info]( ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)"
What podcasts?
"I didn't even think of that! 
If Rhaegal has the color of the first men, and since the Starks are the descendants of the First Men, wouldn't that confirm even more that Jon Snow might be one of the three heads of the dragon?"
"It doesn't become a problem with 8 MB blocks.  But it's the bottleneck because it becomes a problem before other things like disk space, memory and CPU usage."
Difference between Fenway and Yankee Stadium ... Everyone would be standing at Fenway right now
"Seriously.. In this day and age  how can you post a link about a video, and not show the video. Op...
You dropped the ball "

edit: oh my god"
People like this are destroying amiugly
"What's with the suggestive leg pic then? "
It never was possible.
"She's even more beautiful with her hair done like that. "
just one more strike
I can't even begin to imagine why OP would wonder this.
"Welcome, Thomas! I'm Wahots! If you have any questions, feel free to ask 'em. What are some of your hobbies?"
"That violates the lease, I think."
"Wooooo!!! I'm gonna have to go to wall greens. "
Wow... Just cancel it already and put it out of its misery.
Ron said he was all good yesterday
"If Johnson keeps getting bombed, we may not see him again until February."
And i'm assuming you got your memories back?
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Dey turk er jerbs ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
"There needs to be a Rubick arcana that gives his stolen ults a personal flair like that. I'd pay top dollar for it. "
"I'm in the same boat, dude. thanks for all the suggestions. "
"Fk battlestaves, the prices are erratic and you lose more than the calculators say.

Less xp, but I'd use green or blue bodies. Green 350k, blue 500ish, staves 600k range but hides are waaaaaaay cheaper and prices bound to alch price. Personally got 120 for under 200m with greens."
"No doubt about it, I'd fuck you. "
"*She takes everything you give, beginning to hum, causing vibrations*"
It's just a close-range version of the pheromone shot. You can do that by pressing R mid combo.
"The trick is finding the sweet spot between ""this won't wake me up"" and ""I need a whiteboard and calculator for this"""
"add judgedreed93
"She's told him that, it hasn't helped. He no more wants to pretend to be dominant than she does.  Dominance doesn't turn either of them on. Perhaps if they took it in turns pretending to be into being the dominant partner?  
In this case we don't actually know if he has been told point blank he has no other options. He can cheat, he can masturbate, which he is doing, he can go to a prostitute (more cheating but possibly more palateable) or and this is the important bit...he can have daily sex with his wife as long as he can adjust to quickies and to at least initiating. I agree that deadbedroom situations where the LL partner wont even tolerate the HL partner using porn....they are pretty diabolical on the HL partner.  
Congrats on your overcoming your aversion to cudding, I can imagine that would indeed have been very difficult for you. I hope your SO appreciates it."
How often are you guys breaking other people's shit?
Everyone here still opposed to renting a bullpen?
">A weekly outdoor dance party... In,  littlechinar 
>A weekly outdoor dance party... Inmm little chinarrezoning
I "
"Linking to CARM?

That's a downvotin'."
"Ie there is no such thing as freedom you are a slave "
god damn it
"Damn baby I think you be sexy 

Edit: Who da fuq be down voting me?  What do you care if I think she is sexy?  "
"...I'm going to pretend its the same nobody that Spencer found in the woods that she thought was Toby and made her go batshit crazy. "
Was I being too real?  You didn't like the truth or something?
"OP, thanks for asking this question. Happened to me in class the other day and I was wondering the same thing."
Hahaha true. There's supposed to be a new way to detect age without asking for the actual age or birth year because that's [PII]( but it doesn't seem to widely implemented yet and I forgot the exact term for the technique.
I like it thanks for showing me! Is that you?
"Most overused fucking quote in this whole debate.

There are close to 700,000 subreddits on the site.

They're not gonna come for 99% of them because they aren't irredeemable cesspools! Enjoy getting your shitpools taken away."
what is the skill level in the basketball league there? mens 5's and coed as well?
"Yes, I get the Fish reference. Why the hell would a 12 year pick the name Abe Vigoda?"
36 is a large set of pads at that age.  Pekka Rinne is a large goalie.
Fish.... Not beast
"Punctuation, man! "
"You should repaint it. 

If she's willing to shell out the 150-200 dollars out of her own pocket. Like honestly if she has such a huge problem with it she can deal with it herself. 

I'm siding with you on this one. "
/r/anime you fucked up.... **Bad**
Did you get a chance to do a new mani?
"That was.... A little more gentle than I expected from a doujin with ""Grotesque"" in the title."
"If I may be blunt, claiming people who buy used bmw's dont have 20k to throw out the window seems a little presumptuous. I make a little more than the number you mentioned after income tax and I still prefer buying used cars in their 10-15k miles. Anyway I'll take your advice and x-post to /r/finance when I'm back home."
"I think the solution to uneven conferences and long travel is simple. Put a team in QC in the East, a team in Vegas in the West and a team in Honolulu in the West.

Bring on the Rainbows v Nordiques rivalry!"
"This is great news, I've been looking forward to this set.   I just have one request : let's leave some time after this before Penumbra Round 2.  My wallet can only take so much. "
"He decided that working with a gambling company was more worthwhile.

Can't blame him really."
"> MSI 970 Gaming 100me

"Thank you Based Sox. "
It's OK when you have good offense. Not as defensive as most people think but I still don't really like it.
Thanks Coors
Not with that attitude!
"It goes ""pew pew pew!"""
"I had a friend a few years ago who got absolutely smashed at my house and was begging us for math problems to prove he wasn't drunk. Eventually we gave him some ridiculous equation with no real answer and he was completely distraught that he couldn't solve it, almost in tears hahahaha"
"Blevins pls get healthy.
"My asshole uncle told me once that my dad had a ""big surprise"" for me. Yeah, turns out the ""surprise"" was a god damn antelope stampede which was all a ruse to kill my dad and usurp his throne. That was a dick move enough, especially against dad, but then he led me to believe it was my fault and convinced me I should run away. And if that wasn't enough, he sent some hyenas to finish me off!

Jokes on him though, I got away from the hyenas - that's what he gets for being too big of a pussy to kill me himself. So I hook up with these two crazy dudes, I mean batshit insane. They're like Pinky and the Brain you know? One of them's just a doofus and the other's a warthog. But they had good hearts you know? Anyway so I chill for a while and bide my time, I wait until a lioness comes looking for help and confirms that my uncle is weak - his popularity is down in the poles cause he let everything go to shit, he can't fight too well cause there's no food so he's weak. Meanwhile I've been eating protein - bugs and shit, I'm in my prime. 

Timing was right so I went back and beat that throw rug tooth pickin mofo down.  I put him back in his place and tossed him off a cliff, revenge style. 

So I guess it all worked out in the end, I got the land back in balance and now the pack is strong again and I'm bangin lionesses left and right, long dick style. 

Guess that's why they call me ""motherfuckin Simba"". 

Out. "
"I think they fixed it, I dont see the same thing anymore Thanks for the electricity for stove/oven/lighting then that really is good.

 ~ Tuvison


[^^Info]( ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)"
"[I've gotten so much use out of this link between yesterdays cyclist trap post, and now this. Supporting public radio is fun!] ("
"I love bathing with my baby! She's loving the water right now, and it's just such a great bonding time. Makes my heart swell! <3<3!!"
what program do you use? this is sick!
Your tearing me apart Lisa!
"Fair enough, but kipping pull-ups, as they do them in cross fit don't hvae a use I can think of outside of cross fit.

Anything you need a kip for in gymnastics you will be pulling higher than the bar with your chin, where cross fit stops.  You won't be doing high rep as cross fit does.

Is there crossover, yeah.  If we are talking about Kipling in general, yeah.  If we are talking about what they specifically do no xfit, no."
"Don't worry, I incognito'd it. So only Google is ashamed..."
"As a person who is fascinated by the concept of gray Jedi I agree with some points you made here and disagree with others.

>Morality in itself is meant to highlight the focus on doing right and wrong and abusing the Force. So if the player has no interest in that, then they can just take Obligation or Duty instead if they prefer.

I think the whole concept of the Gray Jedi and the Gray Order actually challenges this statement. The creed of the Gray Order actually states there is no light side or dark side and the idea is being balanced within that spectrum.

>It really doesn't do much for players just wanting to hang out in the middle and provides no real challenges. 

I think there is a difference between a player who wants to hang out in the middle and not be bound to the consequences of dark side or light side and a player who truly wants to play a true gray jedi. If I were playing a gray order jedi (which I am highly interested in) I would be very disappointed if the GM told me not to worry about morality and instead just take an obligation or duty. My character instead is about finding the balance between dark side and light side. Passion yet peace, serenity yet emotion, choas yet order. 

> If you/they rather it keep the Morality mechanic for the player, then one thing to do is to give them a bit of a benefit for bordering the edge of the dark side.

I do like this idea. I actually would maybe suggest something like if a player is +60 they must use light side points to succeed (but can use a strain to use darkside instead of destiny) and vice versa if they are -40 then they use darkside but can use a strain to use lightside. Maybe something like that?  That way it encourages the player to stay in that golden 40-60 spot?

> Having it be in the middle (50) is pretty much pointless. Sure, it's sort of difficult to stay in the 47-53 range, and hard to stay on a specific number (50). But there's no consequence for it. You roll too well on the Morality roll? You just take some extra conflict next session to try and balance it to get in that spot again. You take too much Conflict? No big deal, you can just try and ease up next session. At worst, you're probably landing in the 40's or 60's, which again, doesn't do too much to penalize the player who'll just be as, conceivably, little as 1 session away from getting close to the 50 range again.

I also agree with this. You wouldn't want to encourage a gray jedi player to just play the mechanics. I dont know how to solve this but doing bad things just for the sake of moving the needle closer to 50 seems like it is completely against the concept of a gray jedi. They wouldn't do something bad just so they can be more neutral. Unfortunately, I dont have a good idea on how to encourage this...

In the end, I think my point is... if you have a player who wants to play a true gray jedi then that's fine. But there is difference between a player who doesnt like morality and a player who wants a gray jedi. "
"""Alright class, now if you look to your right you will see the closet that every homosexual ever born has been in!""
just use them to grow!
"I mean, there was a whole Bom scandal. I know you'll try to pin this as 100% his fault, as usual, but it's really not. "
Playing video games in French is great too. My Steam is set to French.
7.5/10 very cute
"Tradition, I guess. It's just one of those things he says every single game. "
I swear there were fifty people with Microsoft jerseys on in the ride
"You know how I can tell you're not there yet, ""what more do I need to do"". That question is filled with problems as it relates to MRP.

What more do I need to do?  Insert the rest of the question here.

-to please my wife?  Why are you seeking your wife's approval?  MRP doesn't work like that.

-to overcome my beta upbringing?  Male hamster at work here.  This is an excuse.  Your past certainly influences your behavior as an adult, but you've taken the pill.  The fact that you know this about your upbringing should enable you to neutralize all but the deepest bad habits.

- ""you only want sex"" stop listening to what your wife says, look at how she behaves.  The only want sex crap is a shit test.  Treat it like one and move on.  Acting like a whiny bitch if you don't get sex is a turn off, withdrawing affection and attention is proper dread and a valid part of MRP.

-the slave master comment was a shit test in an inflammatory form.  You're wife even tells you she wants you to lead.  You should want to lead if for no other reason than controlling your own destiny.  You ask what more you can do- do you make decisions no matter how small?  Do you plan events or excursions for the family on the weekend?  Are you handling any male oriented tasks at your home?  You mentioned your income first thing, are you threatened by her making more than you?  Is this an issue that will resolve itself in due time?  Can you deal with it if it doesn't?

Rereading your text, it doesn't seem like you've grasped what you are doing and for which reasons.  Feels like you are much more concerned about your wife's feefees than handling your shit.  

Can you honestly look in the mirror right now and say you are the best version of yourself?  If not, are you doing the things you need to in order to become that person?  If not, what are you waiting for?"
you have a point. I think paypal doesn't let the transaction complete if it's not completed in a month so they won't be able to have it listed on back order for super long if it does
"Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu is the only thing that comes to mind at the moment; the tone is quite different, but the setting somewhat resembles Magi's."
Cool added ya back
But props for Iroha for eliciting some strong reactions from 8man that even Yui and most especially Yukino noticed.

Me this whole video. Fuck it looks so nice. Sounds so nice. Feels so nice.

Things of note: 

Pistol shoots slower. Still 5 shots to kill. 

Plasma Caster can be a beast. Better implementation than the Brute Shot. 

Totally different weapon placements on Empire. 

They sealed off the bases near the outside area and it helps so much. Before, there was too much movement there and it was very confusing. 

I love the look of the shields - really captivating. You feel like you're significantly damaging it and then the guy becomes very weak. 
TIL - I can become a master penman [by creating my own certificate](
"> But what sort of remote override capabilities are there on subs, from the pentagon ""war room"" for example, to prevent some rogue captain who has a mental break after all the isolation and orders some dangerous/disasterous maneuver?

The Pentagon's ""remote override"" is the rest of the submarine crew, and the fact that they hold the unlocks in the first place (and would just refuse to send them to the boat).

It's for the best anyways, as a ballistic missile submarine could easily be cut completely off of communications from the outside if they chose to, so the Pentagon couldn't rely on being able to send an abort signal."
"The day Riven gets an ultimate skin is the day that solo queue becomes completely unplayable.  

Think of the children man"
"Let's flip this one: *Watch this video carefully, and you'll see President Obama's heavenly Guardian Angel flash across the screen while protecting him!* Then send it to r/Christianity and, after all of the heads have exploded,  watch the angry comments pour in."
"Allright will do. Also, google said the oil pressure relief valve in the oil filter housing might be stuck open. Thoughts on this?"
"Are you looking for this: 

"Don't forget about a trapdoor and heavy breathing. "
"These look so simple compared to the English list, but I had a hard time remembering them anyways when I was trying to learn German.
"psn skoobyrue, 34 lock. I've never done it before either, so if you're willing to try to figure it out together I'd be game. 
"well,at least it's better than last time...derp"
"Your entire argument is hinged on the fact that they need religion to be moral, and I simply don't agree with that.

>Religion has been a framework within which morality is taught and sustained.

Which can include bad morals, like being bigoted towards homosexuals.  And since we don't get to choose what version of which religion they follow, then religion is not even benign, it can be harmful.

>It is clearly needed

No, that's my point, it's not ""clearly needed"", in fact, in some cases, it's clearly the opposite of needed."
Sure there is; Get arrested and show up to your arraignment to find out if it contained an illegal substance.
This is my first year playing seriously.  I just broke 100 last Sunday with a 98 on a par 72. I usually shoot around 105.
"who is A
Is there an Uber A
Red Coat
Barrel (actual answer)
why does aria love dolls
what happened to meredith
where is byron
where is kenneth
who buried ali
wo killed jessica
who the fuck is shower harvey
who is bethany
what is the nat club
what were those videos for the nat club
why does emily need to date anything that breathes
who is rhys
is wilden really dead
is toby team a or not

thats all i got for now
"Monster energy drinks. I probably have 1 a day, and the crash is terrible every time. Within 4 hours of drinking one, like clockwork, I'll get tremors, and feel like passing out for 9 straight hours. That said, they taste fantastic to me, so I keep buying them."
"He is extremely overhyped right now. What he did was amazing, don't get me wrong but he is in a dream situation for a QB. Elite defense, monster RB with a fantastic coaching staff. He has the ability to make plays, but can he do it consistently? Elliot ran for 646 yards and 8 TDs in his three starts. That's just ungodly.

Point being, he is way too much of an unknown. He's only played three games. He doesn't deserve to be looked at until at least round 4-5. As it stands, he's not even the best QB on his own team."
"Found my new fetish... *unzips pants*
">Used TRP principles to get a shy, awkward woman out of her clothes and onto my dick.

Absolutely hilarious opening."
Lol how come?
"I'd take Ross and Danny over Aron. They seem like they'd fit in more. Aron got a bit too obnoxious and homoerotic, even for the sleepycast."
"Cleaning is satisfying, but the fact that you only posted half of the cleaning infuriates me. "
Pls nerf.
Thank you for forgiving me. Now we can be together forever.
"Totem bird is a cool card.

I doubt its about Majespectors, maybe to be used against them?"
pls no
"Pao was a whipping boy and nothing else. "
"We live on a planet where the greatest commodity bestowed upon us is illegal and a drug that has been the cause of numerous murders, rapes, and assaults is in fact legal. Our governments have their heads shoved so far up each other's asses that when they open their mouth and talk, someone else's bullshit is spewing from their lips. We live on a planet where green rules over civilizations, but the wrong kind of green, the evil kind. We the people have lost sight of trade, building something of your own, whether you're American or not it is much the same for any man or woman anywhere on this planet, to make it on their own and build something they can be proud of, the human dream. Unfortunately I dare say we are losing not only sight but the appreciation of making it from point A to point B, but no not just on our own. Our societies are not civilized as I previously mentioned, we idolize music stars, actors, and sports athletes and then we secretly wish to achieve our own life of luxury which most of us will never come close to. We have allowed our not-so-civilized civilization to change the way we perceive things such as happiness, love, or even wealth for that matter. I believe Bitcoin is the start of us, the people, deciding what is truly worth us valuing. No longer allowing advertisement companies or magazines or store-bought politicians to decide what we think is valuable. Commodities such as cannabis and Bitcoin are not only part of the future but they are the catalyst of the future, and the future is now. "
I don't really know. Maybe the comedy?
One of my fave pets! I have one dressed as a grim reaper (hallo grundo clothes) and wings!
..... I kinda want a Bleach Riven skin now...
"Me too! "
"That's my car radio dial. I keep it at a 12 and because its an even number, its got the perfect amount of bass, midrange, and treble. :)"
"Just order it and set up a new account.  If it didn't cross your mind to set up a free account with a free email maybe you're too young to smoke. "
"No, but that is an amazing song!!

Fun fact: the lead in the drop of that song is sampled hits on pots and pans"
Orcback Mountain?
Good 'ole Russvegas
Papa Buehrle
"Kelly is a dumb twat on two counts.  One, for the racist joke and two, for not knowing that the Donald is like Kim Jong Un and doesn't have an asshole and never takes a shit."
So whats the next poll and when? Best guy? Best couple?
$100 for a pick up league?  Sounds a little shady (you might not be but that's how it comes off)

Unfortunately, I couldn't (quickly) find any great sources for testosterone production, or even if it's a liquid. I found [this]( webpage which states that the average human being produces 7 mg of testosterone per day. Macho Man is too hot to handle and too cold to hold, however, so we'll estimate that he produces 10 mg per day. [This guy]( said his doctor gave him ""pure testosterone"" which had a density of 25 mg/mL. It's the best I could find, so I'll assume that that is pure testosterone.


Now, in order to drown this piece-of-shit shrew, we'll need a liquid level which completely covers the nose of the little bitch, while also filling its lungs. Apparently there are different kinds of shrews, one of which - the [Etruscan shrew]( - is the smallest mammal on the planet, by mass. I hate yer guts!


Now I need to figure out the dimensions of this shrew. I'll assume it's a cylinder 4cm tall and has a radius of 0.5cm. I'll put him into this graduated cylinder, available for $4.95, which has a radius of 1.27cm. So, we'll need to fill up the cylinder with enough testosterone to reach a height of 4cm, plus however much will go into the shrew's lungs. I don't really know how to estimate lung size, so I'll say it's a quarter of the lil' guy's volume. 

> Required volume of testosterone = Volume of 4cm on cylinder + Volume of shrew lungs - Volume of shrew

> V = pi(4cm)(1.27)^2 + pi(1cm)(0.5)^2 - pi(4cm)(0.5cm)^2 = 2.73 mL

This would require (2.73 mL)(25 mg/mL) = 68 mg. Therefore, the testosterone produced by about **7 Macho Man Randy Savages in a day** could drown this shrew.


^(No shrews were harmed in the answering of this question)
This answer kinda bummed me out, so here's a link to [donate to the World Wildlife Fund](
"She's actually pretty tolerant of the music I listen to. The shock of the bill is a different story though. We were pretty poor for the first fifteen years we were married, so I get it. It's been hard for her to adjust to the fact that we're not in that situation any more.

My goto excuse of ""I've worked hard for twenty years to get to the point where I can afford to buy whatever I want"" is probably starting sound like a broken record (bad pun intended)."
"As an advice, do it like I always did. First, get Logan in Duke's Archives to sell spells. Then buy everything from Griggs and inmediately after exhaust his dialogue. He'll be in Sen after the next reload."
"Meh, orange seems more like Donald Trump to me."
Thank you for letting me know that Tricot has vinyl releases!
"se quiseres uns headset gaming, nesse preço os gamecom 388 são bastante melhores, mas segundo o que dizem o melhor que podes fazer é comprar por exemplo uns superlux hd-681 e comprar um micro de 7-8€ da zalman."
What was the reference photo?  I'm guessing it was already a 2 tone picture. Or are you really THAT good?
"thanks for the feedback! i suppose if this was a purely academic exercise i would just stick with my original plan of learning backbone, but i would like to make some money with this someday too!"
"I agree about the centennial crest, but non-graphic designers are allowed to dislike a graphic if they want."
Osuna must be resting
"If startups are your thing, or might be your thing, it would be wise to consider that you'd more then likely have more energy for programming with the school district position.'d only be working 222 days a year...that's awesome. Plus you'd be near your family, and saving money like a fiend."
Mexico still at 0? I feel like I see a Mexican team in the final or semis almost every year.
"Anytime Opie is criticized it's because people just don't get the bit. It's just a bit that he is annoyed, he really isn't! I really do hate that fat titted mess."
We are given two front plates in our vests right now overseas... it's just PPE but still
"When I click on it, it tells me to look at the gamepad. I will try that though."
Fuck that if it was me I'd push that mother fucker by myself
"> what's the plan with addressing getting these public school kids access to a computer

Sadly, this isn't part of our scope. We're targeting urbanized communities where kids have access to piso computer machines and cheap internet cafes.


Sorry, not sure what this means. Enlighten?

> get them to doxx a fictional person as part of the story

Makes me think of an interactive tutorial. Like play detective or play the stalker."
Hey! Where are you from?
"And, they don't just take the fetal tissue unless the woman has checkmarked in the box that she agrees to it. If she doesn't agree to it, there's nothing they can do, they have to dispose of it like every other biohazard."
"Yup. Even without having to fill out forms disclosing our allergies, I knew all of my coworkers food allergies within my first month on the job. If you ever eat with your coworkers or bring in food for each other, it becomes known pretty quickly. "
"But you've kind of sidestepped the problem. If I rob a grocery store, then I don't excuse that act by telling you I'm going to donate the money to charity. Robbing the grocery store was still wrong. So it doesn't seem to be enough to say God is going to make it all better. The question is why did God make it crappy to begin with. This is where most Christians flip the blame and say God made everything perfect, but we messed it up. 

But even given that argument, it doesn't justify why the system God chose to use for his plan seems to have been so sloppy. As you, and I, have pointed out, the only way around this seems to be to revert back to the ""mysterious ways"" argument. You simply start at the end of the argument and assert, like Divine Command Theory does, that God is all that is good, so even if we don't understand why millions of children have to die from starvation every year, we just need to remind ourselves that God must be doing everything right...because he's God.

As I said, I want something a little more substantial than that. If all of the arguments eventually boil down to ""because the Bible says so"", then we really haven't gotten anywhere. That's exactly why smart people like William Lane Craig have realized they need to build a philosophical case for God's goodness."
now that's something lmao KKK too radical for the racist mod
Looks like my twins shin guards. I guess mine could be fake too though.
"Thank you! First step is to get a job so I can save to move out. I know I can survive it, as hard as it will be. I'm lucky to have an incredibly supportive boyfriend. "
Pretty sure they hung out at Katowice earlier this year.
"I'm not saying anything about you personally.  Just the fact that it did make me cringe when I saw it. I can't say why exactly, it could be the muselk circlejerk, getting your mom involved, or just posting on twitter.  Whatever it is I'm glad you can bond with your mother in a fun silly way, but it did seem very odd to me.  "
Scared the crap out of me when I saw em!
it's even worse if it's not percentages because then they're all virtually equal
"I think he meant it more as ""look at China's population problem and all the problems that has caused."" 

Abortion helps prevent that."

Nah just kidding. We cool?"
"Kakheti: Zoophilia

Mingrelia: Scam artists with funny accents

Guria: People who never shut up, bossy women

Racha: Dumb mountain people

Svaneti: Even dumber mountain people

Kutaisi(second largest city): Mafia haven

Tbilisi(capital): People who like vowels a lot (oh myy gaaaaaad)"
Because it's garbage and shit. With low property values and worse public schools.
"If I am feeling lazy, I just call Lester, pay my $5000, and fly off.

Otherwise, I chopper myself in, steal one, and fly straight up.  Here's the important part though.. As soon as you start flying, switch to reverse view (press L3 on a console). This will usually stop the crazy NPC jet from spawning and killing you."
"Also, [this post from 2 weeks ago]( went from +104 points to [0 points]( shortly after SRS showed up, and is now at -24 points."
"okay, thanks for the tips. Now that I know what to do it shouldn't be as frustrating. "

Persephone furrows her brow and looks at the man yelling at her, her head finally clearing up. She's sore all over, blood clogging her sinuses, her head throbbing violently. This is REALLY not the time to be shouting orders at her.

""Shut up.""

She swings her staff out in an improvised Grand Slam, spinning at the shoulders and bashing all of the Marines across the face. She looks around until her gaze falls on Bubblegum. She makes her way over, leaning heavily on her staff, before starting to beat her staff over the woman's prone body, a fiery rage in her eyes.

""Just die already!"""
"Just pull the trigger, and have fun. There's always something better around the corner but you're missing out on amazing footage and fun in the meantime!

I have zero regrets about my purchase. Wouldn't exchange if given the opportunity. "
"I agree it's reaching. But giving it to the ""noble Night's Watch""  is something that these lords couldn't complain about. Raising up new Lords causes fighting, while the NW is respected, and doesn't show favoritism to people. It's the least harmful way to punish, and keeps your lord paramount on your side. "
You might believe it's low rent but that doesn't change the fact that it is a felony
Says the guy commenting 2 days later.
Short on news items? CH14 will not be going to the MLS.
It's a dragon ball z fusion between the two.
Yeah but the Iraqi army has the exact same air force.
"RIP in peace comrade Piper. Sidenote, how can someone have so little self-awareness that they wouldn't think to apply the same standard to their own media?"
"**User Summary for [/u/supersonic23](**

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Well starve a man long enough and even the smallest of crumbs can become a feast.
Wtf. You can literally access FL studio from anywhere inside the DAW and it even has a search function. Why would you waste paper and not think of the trees?
"In China if you jump in to stop something like this there's a good chance you might get sued for everything you're worth or thrown in jail. Not excusing them because I think I'd take my chances, but these people are taught to mind their business and keep walking to avoid trouble "
Those dreamy eyes....
"I'm not going to listen to this, but I did just go buy the disc now because of this.. Hopefully this doesn't sour Richard from all the potential stuff from the soundcloud.."
Dude.... So you're gonna sit there with a straight face and say Russians aren't white?
"I've been here since the beginning of Game Grumps! I was a fan of Jon and Arin before the channel started, and it just never ended."
"I don't think it's ""fanboyism"" either.  The markdowns happen too damn fast and are too damn organized.  The markups on fluff are even more suspicious.  How do you get so many upvotes and chatter on a post about a cute NPC in seconds?

Draw your own conclusions..."
"> you don't get downvoted unless you're a dick doing it.

we're on /r/soccer. "
You don't know.
"She was expecting rapturous applause; but ended up backpedaling like the dumb, entitled cunt she is."
"This provides absolutely no discussion points or anything. You have no idea what I have or have not done. "
"Life is not fair. He did what he thought was right to protect her, most men would do the same for their wives. It was an honorable thing to do. That being said, the wife didn't force him to protect her. Let me put it this way, it's easy to say she should stick with him, but she really had no say in whether she would want that protection if it was phrased as a choice. For example, if the choices were the following:

1. Take a viscous beating, that may fuck you up REAL bad.

2. Let you husband take the beating, but if he does, he'll be fucked up and get paralyzed. Not just legs, but arms too. So he can't dress, eat, fuck, fix the house, help with kids, get in and out of bed, and perhaps most horribly: can't wipe his own ass . . . all for life. 50 more freakin years.

Presented this way, realistically the wife might take her chances and take the beating. 

So no /r/wincest for you?
"I have a whole bunch of suggestions I wish you'd take.  There's the standard exercise, and quite putting any garbage into your body, stuff..  which is huge.  However, I'd suggest getting blood work done, and having an endocrinologist take a look at it.  I've known people who benefited tremendously by drinking water, and adding fish oil, and vitamin D, supplements to their routine.

We're meant to be free animals, and the pursuit of happiness is a lot tougher when we're not.  I'd say clean your dietary intake impeccably, and start living as freely as you can.  Work for yourself doing something productive that you enjoy & believe in.  Cut costs to a minimum.  Barter & use bitcoin as much as possible.  There's a place for you, you've just got to find it.  The only freedom there is for any of us in this life is that that we make for ourselves.  Good luck!"
"Hasn't happened to me, but on the train one morning a guy was grabbing at this girl and she kept moving and was clearly very uncomfortable. She came closer to me, he did it again, I tapped him on the shoulder, slapped him and chewed him out as loud as I could. Someone else pressed the emergency strip and the commuter cops came on the train at the next stop and took the guy off the train. 
Why do you think sweetcheeks?
Someone suggested that I should get a Corsair CX. Is it not good?
You are allways so helpfull.  I just want to say thank you.
"they should've just open sourced Flash so it could be more tightly integrated with the browsers and there would be fewer issues overall

JavaScript SVG animation ain't fun"
"please reply within 5 minutes, I have a different trade standing by"
I'm sure they could've fixed the cracking problem without adding the lugs
"*Dustbenders: CMEA Lotus by TheRogueSPiDER @deviantART*

[Direct imgur link for mobile users](
[^(Artists profile)]( ^| [^(Delete this comment)]( ^| [^(Source code)]("
No Cristoph?
"It is, actually. ""Armor"" is confusingly similar to ""Under  Armour"". They're both clothes-related brands.

It's not *very* confusing, but there's enough overlap that it makes the suit reasonable. 

People like to vilify corporations for lots of things, and I agree this seems silly, but it makes perfect legal sense. "
"Why does that suck? The gave us 10 hours to preview the game which is more than enough time to figure out if you want to purchase it or not. I think it's an awesome thing EA is doing. "
"I hated that book but I have high hopes for the sequel. "
"It's not sunnah, is it? I've only heard that Islam requires men to be circumcised. "
"I remember them.  Even in the 90s, they used them for the games that tons of people wanted to watch, like Virtua Fighter.

More importantly, in all my years of putt putt golf and beach arcades with the [Safety Dance]( playing on MTV, I never saw this ""Satan's Hollow"" game before!  It looks like a pretty fun ""Space Invaders"" knockoff with nicer graphics and wait hold up. [Is that a *lava river*]("
"Which is why he's the most legitimately Christian out of the lot of them. A sin in the heart/mind--according to scripture--is as bad as having committed it.

Or so I'm told by people who know such things. Am not religious and have not studied Christian theology since college."
"Go and buy it then lol, you could get it for cheap."
Has this actually been said before?
What order of priests are those at the summer camp?
"Sorry must have not really understood.  You said your phone worked for a year then put an sd card in and now it doesn't read it nowhere did you say that the sd was in it for a year.

Have you tried another sd card?  Is it seated all the way?"
">In 1860, 89 percent of the nation's African Americans were slaves; blacks formed 13 percent of the country's population and 33 percent of the South's population.


As of the [2010 census](, 13% of the American population is Black. Black people account for 40% of the prison population, and the incarceration rate is 2,306 per 100,000 Black people.

But the thing about slavery is, a lot of people never made it off the boat -- they died on the way over. Also many slaves didn't come to the US -- by 1825, 3/4 of the black slave population was in the Caribbean or South America."
AW2 is the best. AW1 is the hardest. Play them both!
"Could you imagine being this guy's wife? "
"Eh, you kinda seem to have a problem with people playing in solo in general, not with the fact that they affect the universe by doing so.  "
"Sorry, no pics for comparison. 

I was NOT on aromasin before cycle as I had read a few anecdotes that ""LGD can cause gyno flare ups"", so I got some and used it just in case.

I do not understand what the last statement you made is supposed to mean... Care to explain?"
"Take a pause between sentences, take a deep breath, and have a recent neutral memory on backup to level yourself out; Like a video game you love or a song you think is cool. 

Practise the speech so you can say it from memory, use notes only to keep yourself on track if you get lost. It also helps to have a well structured speech that you can recite in bullet points; comment on the couple, talk about how they first met, share that memory of them in Spain together, acknowledge family, thank guests...

Finally, a little Dutch courage helps, but not too much. "
Does anyone remember who are the 2 star heroes again? I've pretty much unlocked almost everyone and just wondering who are the heroes who start at that rank.
"No, Arkane can. Bethesda was just the publisher. 

Although that's not to say Beth can't make good games, despite the rampant bugs. I still enjoy Skyrim. "
"i got a feeeeling that trynda will fire lyte : ^ )  this page will stay for aloooong time imo "
">It could potentially eradicate all hope for aggro decks.

I don't see the problem here."
"I see what you mean, can't say I agree but I certainly understand where you are coming from. 

Personally I'd have preferred an AR style Smart Scope though."
what r caps
"Personally I like the system with two exceptions:

1. It should only apply from Season 6 on, since I don't like retroactive punishment as a general guideline.

2. I might take a look at seeing if you can make it so fringe cases (Bad interinet leaver queues, 1 game chat restriction mixups) aren't included.

Aside from that, I life if you act like a dick you get punished. It's not very surprising nor is it wrong. Go for it."
"H-V45, my first aurax, good combo of damage and accuracy."
Poly Bridge
"I actually disagree. For one thing, the example of pissing on corpses was an extreme example that caused A LOT of problems. The Spartans are far too professional to do something like that. generally speaking, that kind of jocular attitude is something of a coping mechanism, and the Spartan's don't really need to cope; this is how they were brought up. "
I will go to bed at like 8 tonight
"No dog on your couch? Might as well not let your kid on it either.. "
Nothing to forgive here.  I'd signup for free race just about any time!
Do you accept the M4A4|Poseidon +2K for the Butterfly Knife Ble Steel?
Then turn your GPS off?
They still own real estate in BR
"Wow, this is so awkward and a super shitty thing to do, to go so far as to send you photos and say she had a registry *shudder*. 

Your husband needs to lay down the law now because she is already overstepping huge boundaries and this is going to end badly, she totally sees herself as the mother and will try to steam roll you while husband allows it. I'd be so mad about this slight that she'd be on a no information grounding, last to meet the baby and NOT babysitting until she learns some respect. "
"but we are not in the ""Eastern Standard Time zone"", we are in the ""Eastern Time"" zone"
Our settler army will overwhelm Sweden yet!! :moose in sunset:
"How do I input the values?

"I meant examples of these things happening, not just you typing them out. Godzilla is blowing up Manhattan. See, I just typed that out. It isn't an example of it happening."
I really am surprised we haven't seen any Bernie memes Straight Outa Brooklyn
Support to have the card work and support for game performance optimizations are two different things.
cleaning his room. please don't bother him.
"Where I'm from drummers are damn near impossible to find unless you want to play death metal or country. "
"and ln, the LNs are generally to be superior"
"This post was removed because you do not meet the requirements to post something other than a direct image link. Try resubmitting by right-clicking on your image and using *Copy Image URL*.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thongs) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Worried about your privacy? You fucking should be, even though in this particular case it's probably mostly benign. Spotify seems like a trademark that's worth a little too much to be pissed away on hoovering up your dick pics (and even assuming they did, it's not like they have a CSI computer that can enhance it enough to actually see your private bits. BURN!). Pretty sure they'll sell your (anonymized) GPS data though, as everyone else already does that (looking at you, Twatbook).

Anyways, here are some tips for keeping your data safe*.


You can manage the permissions for apps through the settings menu. Just toggle the ones you don't like off, and you can rest assured that your dick pics are once again safe*.


Google is the sligthly more evil zaibatsu in this case, having sided with app makers' right to snoop on you over your right to manage permissions as you see fit. You only get two choices; accept all permissions forever, or don't install. Luckily, this can be fixed by installing a third party app such as [XPrivacy]( XPrivacy can also spoof your data so apps don't crash and burn when they're not allowed to read your contact list or whatever.

One small catch; changing permissions requires your device to be rooted. Sounds scary? It isn't. If you can google and are capable of following simple instructions, rooting is easy.

 \* ""Safe"" as in ""safe unless the app is published by criminals not above exploiting one of the many vulnerabilites of your swiss cheese phone""."
"I'd follow shesmynerd on rumble with a warlock, he basically just wrecks with TLW every game, rarely uses his shotgun. It's all about positioning and heavy for him."
">hadn't really thought about gender issues to[sic] much. I just stuck to my beliefe[sic]

>with cum laud[sic] honors and a dual bachelor's[sic]


>I graduated from Lycoming College, an above average liberal arts college. My final paper, which my professors had high praise for, was on how masculinity was portrayed in Esquire and Maxim magazines. I mention my college experience to show that I have a fairly deep understanding of gender politics.

[Meanwhile in a #gamergate circlejerk over at /r/iamverysmart.](

>~~""Expert on the portrayal of masculinity in ladmags""~~ ""Expert on the portrayal of women in video games"" isnt even a thing. What ~~he~~ she is describing is simply general knowledge about ~~masculinity in magazines~~ women characters in video games. There is no way to gain expertise in that type of topic. It is nonsense.
"It's based on the Shovel Knight render from the Smashified website. I don't know how this happened, but it's likely just a huge mistake on the site's part.

But if it's real, I'd shit my pants."
"I think it depends on who you have in your team. Some people are amazing at setting up goals, while others can get crazy angles to somehow find the net. However on the top teams I believe everyone can do pretty much everything to a high standard so even if a player is more defensive, they don't stay back when it would make more sense for them to go forward with the rest of the team. If that makes sense. I don't think any top team uses rigid positions, but I'd imagine a lot of players have a preference for an area of the field. "
"XPost Subreddit Link: /r/worldanarchism 

Original post:"
On the plus side I'm not seeing obnoxious ESUNA ME PLEASE DEAR GOD ITS A WHOLE FIVE SECONDS spam.
"I saw Donald Driver buy Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in that Kmart on Black Friday 2009, so it being torn down is especially emotional for me. "
"No, i really don't think that's what he was saying whatsoever."
Only in certain countries.

Kirikos please :(

grimrock is a holder, who I'm feeding to andromeda most likely lol"
I'm worried to read stuff by Singer because i will have to give all my savings away :S
This is anxiety inducing
"Curious about the definition of ""princess"".  Was Lilo not a princess?  I guess it's sloppy to just refer to all human female protagonists in Disney films as princesses.  But then what distinguishes princesses from the rest?  Do they have to marry a prince in the course of the film?"
I want to play these cards!  They look like a lot of fun!  Especially love the werewolf type cards.  A lot of really great ideas!
"yeah, thats what confused me. It gave the full set minus the chest with no explanation why (and it looks ugly as sin, not the ff10 version, that sin looked cool.) and it appeared to just simply be a bug in the quest reward system from my point of view since the lv50 quest grants both chest pieces. "
Tell me what you wanna know.
"Good thing I have an iPhone and can selectively pick permissions. "
"Don't expect much more than Cutlass-level flight performance out of a Vanguard. "
It's-fine-to-be-a-dick-since-it's-anonymous type of different?
My thoughts exactly.  I've heard some people even use utensils.
">Also, why wouldn't you stop, or at the least slow down on how much you use Google if the case is that they track you, etc.? It doesn't make it right.

You fundamentally misunderstand how the modern Internet works. "
"[Robert Miles - Children]( Using it for a few years now, and still not sick of it.  I like how it starts off slow, then works its way up to a decent beat without giving me a heart attack every morning."
"Code for easier C&P **GRAB20-PEROFF-NOWGMG**

Looks like 24 hour deals, **keep an eye on DRM as not everything is Steam and some use Capsule Client.**"
"Degree matters only so far in ticking off those check boxes for HR. If you can see yourself working in other industries other than Aero, then ME will be fine. Aero might give you a small leg up with Aero companies vs. an ME, but generally it won't matter at all. It might be slightly more difficult to enter other specialized industries/fields as an Aero though while an ME would be just fine.

Most important thing is what you will take out of it. If you're going to learn more, be more engaged, and apply the knowledge you learn as an Aero, then that's what you should be going for. "
">The group considered murdering the teenager a fortnight before actually carrying out the act, and managed to dig a grave and hide the machete in the bush a few days before, police said.

They're legal adults and clearly demonstrated premeditation. 

Except for the woman they're fucked.

They are rushing the only possible threat... but I think Holm gets it even this early.
"Troll hunter, My first ever character was a Nelf Druid, since I loved the Night elf structures in WC3 since I love the campaign and Lore WC3 had. I took a break mid vanilla from my Nelf druid and when I saw the TBC cinematic I decided to play again. Troll Hunter was the new main and been playing it ever since."
"Nice and minimalistic. I think you should probs remove the lamp off the rain cloud and maybe hammer all the clouds a bit. Also, maybe put a Lamp Post in somewhere."
I looked through and didn't see this posted. The Latest Wisconsin Polls seem to be several months old. This was from last week and was released today.
"> But in an emergency situation...?

If this were the case, it would need to be standard practice, and present - as you've suggested - through the lifespan of all skyscrapers in New York (and possibly elsewhere).  That's a testable hypothesis: do any other buildings have charges in them?

The obvious counter arguments are, ""Only the buildings that came down contained charges"" and, ""Following the demolition, charges were taken out of other buildings to cover them up"".  The first would be quite a significant coincidence.  It would also weaken the the idea that some powerful organization strongly believed demolition charges were required in skyscrapers - as they were unable to get them into any other buildings.  The second, given that we've already argued the charges must go in during construction, seems like a considerable amount of work.  This too is a testable hypothesis: was there a humongous spree renovating all or most skyscrapers in NY in the years following 9/11?

These sorts of testable hypotheses can be teased out of any assertion on how the world works.  They must be done to support any idea, and more are required for the very large claims typically associated with conspiracy theories.  Any theory that rests on no testable ideas must be thrown out immediately (or boxed pending the discovery of workable tests)."
"I always looked down at Hebrew in the sight of English and Russian literature, until I started teaching my wife Hebrew, and I realized how magnificent it actually sounds. "
"It might work for a mechanical mouse, or *maybe* a keyboard. But a flash drive? No way in hell.

Similarly, looking at the other picture in this thread: If you use a memory card one generation older and an HDD connector one generation newer, you can connect them with a straight up [adapter]( that just connects the pins, no chips needed at all.

PC backwards compatibility is pretty insane, but not that insane."
"If somebody commits a crime, they are a criminal. End of story. I do agree that prisons are disproportionately minority-filled, but that's not because of racist judges or cops falsley arresting/condemning them, it's because of racist cops ignoring white people committing the same crimes. 
Really? That article is one of the defining moments of gg
"Even a ""pretty good"" review is suicide if they show their face around here."
"I think that's an old myth. When I was little some said you'd die before you hit the ground from this that or the other bullshit reason.

No, sadly those poor people died from deceleration trauma. 

"The problem with that is the way the report system gets abused. For example, in the past people have been muted even when they never spoke, or put in low prio for picking techies (dirty techies pickers).

This would mean that a lot of people wouldn't receive the rewards even when they did nothing wrong.

I think it is a good idea, however I don't believe it would actually work."
"I think these polls are only showing one thing:

Its very close. I believe the majority of the changes we are seeing is due to margin of error in the polls and this means really anyone can win.

More reason to learn as much as you can about the parties and its members, donate to or volunteer for the party if you have decided and most importantly VOTE!"
"I was born with a genetic mutation in my eyes that allow me to see through thick black scribbles. "
hmmm how do I do this ? :P
Nor do I but I'm allergic to it :/
"I think he was just comparing Brighton to Solitude, not the LCC resorts."
Or even just a mock-debate!
"Dual flamer can be fun, and seems powerful against newer players, but it can be easily countered by either chemical spray and heatsink, or by advanced planning by a captain. The dual flamer, and most pyramid builds lack a ranged game. Most newer matches turn out that players just rush eachother, so the dual flame works. A smart player will chose to either engage this ship at a longer range with a build such as lumber-fish, long range spire, ect or engage with a disable type build composed of weapons like hwatchas or Artemis. There are a lot of weaknesses and strengths in every ship build, and how you use that build decides the fate of the match. Experiment with other builds as much as you can, makes the game so much more fun.
They are registered at Charmin.
"Customize a knife or tool. Forced pattern patina, cord wrap, geometry modification, etc. 

Find something you don't quite like how it is and make it fit your preference. "
"Idk, 20 feet seems a bit big to game on, unless you were gaming in a movie theater or something."
Their apostles do.
"**Paul Baribeau**  
 [artist pic](  

> Paul Baribeau's warm, witty sounds and gnarly beard bring something truly unique and interesting to the folk-punk table. The South Central Michigan native collaborates often with friends such as Matty Pop Chart and Kimya Dawson, but has two self-released (""25"" and ""Unbearable"") and two Plan-It-X released (""Paul Baribeau"" and ""Grand Ledge"") solo albums, plus a very interesting Bruce Springsteen covers album.


 []( 73,939 listeners, 3,553,318 plays  
 tags: *folk punk, acoustic, seen live, singer-songwriter*  

^^Please ^^downvote ^^if ^^incorrect!  ^^Self-deletes ^^if ^^score ^^is ^^0."
"I completely agree with you but this is spoiler heavy so I'd tag the second half of that.

But yes, much saddness. "
The flat tire looks a bit thinner.
"Having to make decisions for other people. "

[KT VS KOO Game 5 Hightlights:  ](/spoiler)"
Except for when someone wants a beer.
"Fine! You can isolate us I don't care! But you know what that means mister? NO PORTILLOS FOR YOU. 

What's that? Oh you're gonna get a Chicago style hot dog in the portillos in California? HAHAHAHAHAHA (please don't kick us out, the Cubs are playing well this year) "
I've used Maya to generate lightmaps and then use those in Unity 5 using the legacy lightmap shaders.
Isn't that a referral code?
"The US is damn near the same size as Europe. "
"> Anyone who has sex in 2015 strictly for procreation is insane. 

I'd like to see a DSM - IV page for that claim haha. 

Really though, avoiding unnecessary sex would solve many of the world's problems, from abortion to STDs and the majority of AIDS cases. "
"Stephenson County Board Chairman Bill Hadley is a chocodile.

"I'd also like to note that we're looking to establish our mod team within the next week or so to give us a couple of days to get established before the season kicks off September 5th. Please apply on the stickied post on the front page of /r/12thMan if you are interested in contributing one way or another. "
"Yeah, me neither"
Vince Staples' Over/Under video
My only concern would be if this exploited the economy.  But it's a really awesome idea.
"[AdrenalineFans]( | [Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
"That's the argument to which I was referring, yes. "
"He is supposedly 6'5/6'6 but even so, that's not 2 stone 11.5lbs (am I the only British person who prefers using lbs to stones and lbs?)"
"Well I don't live in Australia, so I really can't comment on how things are there.  That's certainly not how it is here.

I get your general point that many of these instances are societal rather than institutional, but does that make them less impactful?  If anything, it just means they are *much* harder to combat.  A rule/law can be overturned.  No one can tell you that an existing rule/law ""isn't real"".

> The gender of a politician doesn't determine the quality of the job they do, nor the policies they enact. 

This is actually not true.  People's life experiences play a big role in how they move through the world.  That includes politicians.

I'll try to find the study, but there was something released semi-recently that showed that groups with higher levels of diversity are actually more efficient at completing tasks.  When you have a group of people with different backgrounds and experiences, that comes across in the way they approach a task.  A wide variety of approaches means finding the best approach faster.

> What do you mean? Where I live, there are male and female school uniforms.

In the states, we don't have uniforms (usually).  Grade school girls are systemically chastised for anything remotely revealing. [Here's an example]( that was posted to reddit just earlier this week.

> You do realise this is an issue associated just as much if not more with men right? Newspapers call rape 'affairs', rape victims told they must be gay if they didn't enjoy it, Subway Jarrod getting a footlong in prison hahahah isn't rape hilarious?

*Absolutely agree*.

However, the cultural underpinnings of this are very anti-woman.

When a woman is raped, the rhetoric is often ""She was asking for it"", or something similar.  The victim is blamed for *secretly wanting* the attack to happen.

When a man is raped, the rhetoric is often more punitive and/or an attack on that man's masculinity.  The victim ""deserved"" it, either because they are in prison or because they weren't ""man enough"" to stop it.

Both of those are *incredibly* fucked up, but they are different.  Mostly in that the way men are meant to feel bad is because the rape feminized them (""haha, you got raped, you're not a 'real man'""), whereas the women are meant to feel bad because it's apparently an expected part of being a woman in public (""why didn't you cover every last inch of skin if you didn't want to be attacked?"")."
"why does riot punish toxic people? because they are toxic...

they earned rewards fair and square? riot owns league of legends, even if it seems like a jerk thing to do, they can ban people just because they want to. if they want to take away rewards for toxic players that 'earned them' then they are able to do so. you might think its wrong and a lot of other toxic people think its wrong too, but riot thinks its right and theres also a lot of people thinking its right

is there a right and wrong? no. but what riot does with their game is up to them. toxic people are crying now because they wont get rewards but maybe they should learn to not be jerks. 

why boosters are getting rewards? maybe if you stop acting superior and actually read what i write instead of sticking to your opinion stubbornly then you can see i gave the answer. i know you wont find it by yourself so i'll tell you: lyte cant do everything at once. he chose not to focus on boosted people at the moment which is why they will get rewards... if they havent already gotten banned that is, since boosting is bannable. its his way of punishing toxic people by taking their rewards since theres still lots of toxic people despite restricts and bans being issued out and hes trying something else, especially since theres lots of threads complaing about lack of punishment for toxic people.. and when he finally punishes them he gets hated on"
"I didn't say it was healthy. I said it could do wonders, as in, it can make you feel good when you're stressed out and being more relaxed makes you more productive.

Of course, if used in a responsible manner... "
"When I was 16, my cousin and I had smoked some super dank skunk and incense was pretty much pointless. My mom came home and was furious but never said anything. My grandma however kept saying ""Wow, someone must've run over a skunk! Do you guys smell that?!"" We laughed for 2 days."
"""Could"" trace the IP of those emails.... Igual no es base suficiente, quien sabe si el IP del de Obama sale en petare.... O el de uno de 
nosotros sale desde china? 

No le quiero dar credito al gobierno de que sepan sobre eta pagina, te apuesto que los carajos todavia usan Petardas como pagina porno "
"Significantly better, you're getting there!  

Next round:

* Spice it up: add more jokes or anecdotes, things that reveal your character without flat out telling it.  In a couple places (""nice guy"") you're suffering from a case of tell-don't-show-itis!
* It's okay to add one or two pieces of nerdy back in, maybe, if they're picked well
* Ask your wife what some awesome/interesting things you'd done are!  (Hey you've got the resource, why not use it.  She loved you enough to marry you and probably has something wonderful to say!)
* Cut the opening paragraph (cringey) and try again with something *fun* and eye-catching.
* Tighten up the writing, both on fundamentals, and mercilessly cut anything that repeats itself or doesn't sell you.  
* No run-ons (example: ""My ideal Friday night would be hanging out at home cuddling and watching movies or playing board games and resting up for whatever fun thing is planned for Saturday morning""). 
* General writing: you tend to jam together a lot of thoughts at once, try creating a more logical flow and cutting down to just the most important items. 
* Ask your wife to read your profile harshly, as if she weren't married to you!  I bet she'll have some very useful feedback

I know it sounds like a lot, but it takes a lot of revisions to get a profile fully polished and it is a process of constant improvement.  

I think I've lost track how many iterations my profile received now..."
"Thanks so much for your advice. People keep telling me to use YouTube/CDs, and I have been, but learning from a teacher will be the best. I want to make sure I learn right. I have my first lesson on Thursday! "
"We are absolutely a playoff contender. We've improved our weakest links and were a good team for 4-12 last year, with an easier schedule this year. "
This makes me so happy.
"Pretty much *everything* by Jellyfish.

For everyone who's never heard of them, here's their first album: [Bellybutton]("
"Of the way that people tend to interpret their own actions and histories in a way that benefits them. Like, the main character depicts 'Lolita' as a sort of vixen who seduces *him* in his narration, but it's clear that he's being dishonest with both himself and the reader to justify his actions. "
"It's worth it. I swear this company should be paying me to advertise their tool, but it really has been a valuable addition to our toolbox. I have been able to work on and correct badly growing feet in ways I never could achieve with the trimmers. "
"I think with Skyrims dragons they would have been much better served if each one was unique, named, and had something different about them. Making them a kind of mini boss perhaps only having them appear at scripted parts throughout the main and civil war quest lines perhaps?"
"I'm 27, and live in the DFW area as well. I do agility competitively with both my Aussies, and love taking them hiking and swimming around here. When I'm not playing with my dogs, I am a librarian at a public library."
"This would be amazing, but rip simspeed.

Maybe in ten years."
its style man! Style!
"Do ReactJS on the front.  Then on the back... the choice is your favorite language vs javascript.  The perk of using JS on the back is you can do isomorphic JS.  Where you can use the same code on front and back.  This is good for rendering your templates on the server first.  If you don't care about isomorphic JS, then use whatever your favorite lang is on the back.. PHP, Python, Ruby, etc.  If I could use any lang on the back, I'd check out Elixir."
">I would send her a letter and stating that if I didn't get a fence I was gone

That would be foolish and ineffective. You'd only be handing her written evidence for when she sues you. "
"I miss Drug Wars... My friend who downloaded it on my calculator put my name ""Dave L"" onto the main screen, and that's the copy that got passed around school.  My little brother's friends still had that game with my name on it 7 years later. haha"
"Ah gotcha, thought you were European. I used to see people drinking them all the time at the bar but hadn't in awhile, wasn't sure if they were still a thing here or not"
"Breck is a good beginner mountain but for the love of god don't go there over Christmas if you can avoid it.

Santa Fe might be a decent option. Also'll be crowded but not as bad as Breck probably, and if you book now you can likely find a decent lodging deal in Dillon or Frisco."
"Exactly, it's the opposite of course for men who become more valuable with more sexual activity (unless you're a NiceGuy, in which case you become a jerk)."
lol made me giggle :)
"well, i hoped that will inspire you to gather some evidence. But, dammit that came off wrong.   

I really hope somebody can come up with evidence against him while still alive.. Jagan's karma will catch up with him hopefully in this lifetime."
I have no idea man.
Walking away from the deal makes it easier for Iran to build the bomb.  If keeping them from getting it is your goal then you really should support the deal.
"wow, the left is absolutely desperate at this point."
Avenging Wrath>Bladestorm>Death from Above
">she told us that the previous tenants had a dog so it would probably be fine. The REASON we wanted a house with a fence was so we could get a dog. 

If this fence was the only reason you rented the house you should gotten more than a vague verbal statement that she thought it was ok. "
I didn't think it was particularly large.
"Your username reminds me of the sentence ""James, while John had had *had*, had had *had had*; *had had* had had a better effect on the teacher."""
"Lets go eBettle! "
"Its a really odd argument. Should we hold our leaders perpetually to account on their ideological beliefs. Like questioning David Cameron every interview about neo-liberalism. I think its a useful exercise but probably not every day and not the way the press are doing. Perhaps Sturgeon should give a late Newsnight special on independence or something.

The point here is there has been a real push by many Unionists to paint a narrative of the SNP not 'moving on from the IndyRef' where precisely the opposite is true. When the hell are they going to learn that this kind of manipulation always backfires for them.

AliAskari is a redditor who will never concede an argument no matter how deep a hole he has dug for himself and he has rightfully been totally 'owned' on this one.

"When I was 21, I took a solo trip to England. There, a cashier in a shop called me ""Mum."" This triggered an internal crisis that I still haven't fully forgotten or recovered from."
"[The Birthday Problem]( is my favorite simple one. 

Its a neat little party trick too. "
"I can't believe you like the second fit you posted (yellow jacket) but hate on immature clothes here. Also, I don't understand why you are hating on ""clothes that don't fit right"": This is either accidental, and you shouldn't get annoyed by beginners making mistakes, or on purpose; and there is easily an argument made that some of the fits you posted also dont have ""clothes that fit right"", just like the fits that are on purpose not-fitting.(if that makes sense)"
"""Yeah, well, you know."" Her hair twirled around a finger, and her grin widened. ""That's just, like, your opinion, man."""
"Neither was Jared... We'll see. "
More than likely it's to cut down the potential of a security breach.
"I usually listen to the episodes at work, after the fact, either the day of or the day after. Lately, I've been able to attend the live shows. "
"Nice try m8, explain ""عايزين فراخ"""
"*takes a step closer and says quietly*

I have been building a secret garden in the Avius. It's filled with ponds, and streams, and over a hundred different plants. I've been taking care of those plants you brought all those months ago and have been expanding there populations. Also I've brought endangered plants from around the galaxy to protect them. Also, since they're my favorite, I own over 30 cherry blossom trees. "
"I know anon,  I know. "
"Payback for excessive carding.

Prevention is a bitch that looks like a fairy once the number of dead reaches a certain point."
Ol' jab and grab.
I have no idea what your talking about sir. I think that you have me confused with someone that you work with
" I'd say they need a coach that'll keep them centered. They don't necessarily tilt, but they need a good coach. For example, the round where Maikelele pushed long A alone and picked Ska, then Sean called a full rotate from B to A, while the other four Kinguin players waited in upper dark and then took B uncontested. A coach could've called that, while Sean had made an ""Anti-Strat"" early call that was completely wrong.

I don't like bo1's either, but they did lose two matches out of three. It's not like they just lost to one team and went home. They just didn't bring their A game to the tourney. It happens."
"Honestly when I got back home on Monday, I got post-SSMF blues. But now it's just inspired me to seek the next high, maybe Austin City Limits!"
"I prefer a backbone. Most people do.

You can also still mute someone and call them a dick."
How about Hulk Hogan then? He only had a couple of cameos before starring in Suburban Commando.
"I lived in Slusher Wing when I was a freshman in 98.  If you go to room 341 and look in the cabinet above the sink you'll notice there's a hole that you can pass small objects to and from.  
Slusher Wing is BY FAR the best dorm for incoming freshmen.  You have girls right down the hall, and everyone is a freshman so everyone wants to meet other people.  My best friends in college were all from Slusher Wing.  You made the right choice picking that dorm. "
Hunters should have a skill to equip 2-3 exotic armor pieces.  Only in PvE though.
"Absolutely, I agree.

Also, I'm collecting information on internet habits: Would you please send me a list of the usernames and passwords for your top three internet accounts?

Thanks for helping out!
This is a sight to behold. Thanks!
"I think the problem is that we have already reached the maximum number of flair if you are in the 50/50 club. But I could be wrong. "
"For one, it'll give my friendslist the opportunity to be a dick about it. 
Second I can't be a dick to my friendlists about how I got my platinum border and they got a silver one.

And lastly, only reason I play ranked is for the prestigious rewards that only 30/9/2/.1% of the playerbase get. gold/plat/dia/master and challenger border.

It just adds reward to your hardwork in the end. I didn't play the game seriously for a year so I could say hey, i got it."
They need to film the two of them on the same lot and have many crossovers... or at least allow Hunter to easily still appear in both shows
">I can get the same effect by just describing the scene to them. 

Those descriptive words ARE aspects that could be compelled.  Basically any adjective added to anything can be considered an aspect. Start to use more compels to force them to burn fate points, when they run out they will want to start earning more.  That is the Fate Point economy, that give and take."
Well i suppose we have lancelot saber for that
"Went to Montreal GP 3 years ago, I bought ear plug and I was okay."
"If I'm using it, sure.

But if I'm getting it from people who aren't, I'd like the additional benefit of pipes."
"He was the palest boy in the land

Wasn't even in an emo band

To everyone's shock

A girl sucked his cock

But she stopped and said he tastes bland"
So... How much to commission one?
"After 2 Weeks in Duty Finder I beat Titan Extreme!
My server's usually pretty quiet (Jenova) so using Party Finder wasn't much of an option especially since I'm usually on at a dead time too.

Our random group had some newbies to the fight as well but everyone was pretty positive and joked around when we fell and we got it down with about 10 minutes left on the timer. I was actually surprised that no one rage quitted after the first few wipes."
there are a lot of russian trolls in dota from what I have heard
"I'm glad my question could help inspire your greatest ""whoa"" moment. "
"as far as you know. "
ragusa what the fuck
Now if only the Olympic committee would answer my letter about making it an official sport...
What about a rebalance?  Should I take advantage now or just continue with my normal rebalancing schedule?
Hur många brukar ni vara?
I like that calendar idea!
Whatever became of Project Zeus?
"I don't think you realize how much we rely on imports. Everyday things are going to be more expensive, not just what we buy from the U.S. You have a different view of Najib. Even some of my ardent UMNO supporters are privately telling me they hope Najib goes quietly. Tell us more why you have confidence in Najib. Seriously. "
"But are you sure she was completely wrong? As a pilot I can tell you that from altitude it can be difficult to tell one terrain feature from another. You could be 100% sure that there is certain mountain in front of you only to realize that it only looks like the mountain you were referring too. She's been on that flight probably many more times than you have. In the Air Force we do low levels through mountains and you'd be surprised how different things can look. "
Nokia 3310
Era porque pareces lento de entendederas. Pero si insistes: al fondo a la izquierda. Tira de la cadena.
Happy Birthday -hope the fat bloke sang for you at least ;-)
But I was hoping for glutton free
"In the US, the unemployment tax is based on the claims history of the employer. The more employees you have claim unemployment, the higher the tax, so thats why employers have an incentive to keep the number of claims low. "
If they not reveal where is most probably national treasure they are breaking the law already.
"Dude, we should hang out. If you get me drunk enough I can give you videos to post on public freak iut"
"This is gonna end with Mod Mat K saying 

>I checked the warehouse daterbase and from all the dater collected we came to the conclusion that ~~we're cheap fucks~~ this isn't a priority right now 

But how many times has this been brought up... Nvm you win Mat "
"Yeah, in my recent months dabbling in psychedelics, I've noticed the potency in shrooms varies greatly from batch to batch. I've tripped harder off 2 grams than I've tripped off 5 grams from a separate batch. Also set and setting plays a big role, I feel. I notice when I begin to feel uncomfortable and a bit panicky, the visuals and mind fuck just become more intense. "
try looking at the [cached page!]( (also: English version [here!](
"How does this affect you then? If you were banned or chat restricted during this season, what are you even talking about?"
"Rotten tomatoes has one. You can also sort them by rating and genre on their website. "
"Your submission has been removed because you posted a Facebook link. For the privacy of you and others, direct Facebook links are removed. If your post is an image, please rehost at [imgur](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/india) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
Probably not the smartest thing to post about it on a public site either...
but who won that round <.<
"*""Crafty, crafty creature...""*"
"Yeah dude, totally. Play on your strengths. 

People skills will come in handy, but they're not the most important aspect."
"It's worth the paper it's printed on. 

Which it's not.

Ignore. Or counter with amusement or agreement. 

""Sure let me know when you have the papers to sign.""

""You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means"" in your best Inigo Montoya.

Start singing ""Headed for the big D I don't mean Dallas...""

""We've divorced so many times... I can't keep track! :-) ""

""Divorce shimorshe"" 

Let her know it holds no meaning over you. She just thinks its a trump card that always wins an argument. 

FYI: the best argument is one you don't participate in. "
My favorite classic skin is Zilean.  I remember the first time I saw him in game and was amaze at his little moving shiny gizmos.
Where are y'all located?
"You mean like the twitter blockbot, or the reddit ban list?

Yeah, you're almost as progressive as the SJW types, don't like what people say so mute 'em.  How about people not be complete twats so you don't have to do that in the first place?  Maybe banning people who act like shits would stop people being shits."
Isn't that theft of services?
You must be fun at parties.
"If killboard stats was my reason for playing EVE, I would just join some big coalition, get on as many roams/fleets as possible and F1 all day.  But I find that shit boring just thinking about doing it, so I prefer to hunt targets, study them, hit them and hopefully GTFO.  Sometimes I succeed, and that makes EVE worth playing, and sometimes I fail and that sends me back to the drawing board, also making EVE worth playing.

TL;DR:  I don't give a shit about stats.  Stats are the bane of all games that are supposed to be played for FUN."
"i hope in the future it will be like other countries were when you can enlist into the army then you will able to get free education,healthcare so it can encourage some people to join without Conscription.but of course this need the country to be powerful and rich to do that."
"Physical abuse is not the only kind of abuse. If he makes you happy in other ways, then by all means stay with him, but I can't give you any insight into how to please a man that isn't a strong partner. This situation isn't a result of your weaknesses."
"""I have sexual desire like the majority of other human beings"" might be a good starting point for some honestly. "
"Hihi, that's comforting. I tend to think i'm his spare human. He does not like to sit alone in a room, so he only trying to get me to pet him when nobody else is home.
Thanks for the answer :)"
Not much of a rager :P Just kinda getting a bit nervous of just being that one bottom frager that goes negative and always is the last alive. I'm just afraid of getting raged AT XD Anyway thanks :)
"I feel like it just takes too long to do anything. Probably took me a good 20 minutes to upgrade everyone's abilities. All the popups for ""Would you like to equip this skill?"" ""new skill unlocked"" etc just add up and there's so many characters. The game is pretty fun when you actually get to play it though."
Looks kinda slow or is it just me?
That's actually not a bad half-measure
"[Ancient Tomb]( - [Gatherer](, [MC](!Ancient%20Tomb), [($)](  
[City of Traitors]( - [Gatherer](, [MC](!City%20of%20Traitors), [($)](  
[Mishra's Workshop]( - [Gatherer](, [MC](!Mishra%27s%20Workshop), [($)](  
^^^[[cardname]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- **^^^not ^^^on ^^^gatherer ^^^= ^^^not ^^^fetchable**"
Crosslinkers Coil + Merc's Muffler is quite good for all classes.
Saudi Arabia and China might like to have a word with you.
"Well, yeah. It's still a shame it doesn't work.

Same way I'm very fond of the Seltas line of *ROCKET HAMMERS* but recognize that an elemental hammer is a minus-sized bag of sad.
"Oh they're not free?  That would explain why I have never seen one.  Given the state of vehicles, these formations are no where near as effective as the codex ones and dataslates. "
"What hostility? The main concern of a lot of people here, from which sprawls from the chat restricted ones is that ""If i don't get rewards there's no reason to reform, so I will just stay toxic"". This is not a problem, If they continue to break the summoners code they will continue to receive bans, so I don't get his argument. ""Competitive"" people won't stop playing just because they don't get a border or a free skin, but if they continue to flame they will just stop playing because of bans. That simple."
"I see one glaring problem with this:

The vast majority of families are heterosexual (doubly true in these countries where it's often illegal to be gay), meaning that selecting one gender to be admitted and one to be rejected, or even placing higher admittance quotas on one gender than the other, **is guaranteed to break up families**."
"Stephen Fry is on medication - you know, after he tried to kill himself.  While the occasional person with bipolar disorder can manage to live a normal life without medication, that is a decision the patient and their doctor should be making after very thorough examination of the facts, not a teenager stopping them because her abusive boyfriend asked her to.  

Over-medication is an issue for ADD, ADHD, maybe anxiety spectrum disorders.  Bipolar disorder is very, very serious and is not one of them.  "
I can imagine.
"How much is it around you?  I've been reluctant to drop $80 on it. Even Willett doesn't charge $80 for a 2yo CS. "
">First Shermans can easily be penned frontally by T-34s.

Not if you angle or go hull down.

"When I said I moved to that area, I meant within walking distance. So, is there just the one creek?

If I come into boulder fields near ""Heart"" and head downhill to the creek, which way should i turn to find the swimming holes?"
"That's a little...racist.  I think.  Racist seems like too strong a word, but it's definitely weird how many times they used the ethnicities of the women to justify their reactions. "
Thank you very much for the help
"12 team standard, 6 pt passing tds.

QB: Rodgers

WR: Julio

WR: Cooks

RB: Randle

RB: Blount

TE: Martellus Bennett

Flex: Vereen


K: Mason Crosby


Arian Foster

Davante Adams

Teddy Bridgewater

John Brown

Stevie Johnson

Roy Helu Jr.

Jordan Reed

James White"
"In many states they are the only provider left. In 4 states they have only one clinic that does abortions and they are literally the only place in the whole state that does it."
"Thanks. Much appreciated.

I'm not saying people have to agree with my reasons and honestly, as I said before, I go back-and-forth on wanting or not wanting kids. But sometimes I question what kind of a world I would even be bringing a child into. That's all."
"Draft: Snake

Date: Sun, Aug 30, 2015

Time: 8:15 PM ET

see you there!"
*too late*
It's not about points. You're just losing respect. People who are downvoting you are right-ing the wrong of upvoting you in the first place.
"Duck Soup
"I knew enough of the differences between the books and show to want to start (based Stannis) and I've always admired Tolkien's works so decided to give GRRM a try. 

It's very enjoyable"
Thanks guys!
"No, they can't be freed. The population was literally eaten."
"I had the same issue on a train, she even pulled the headphones off my head saying she didn't think I could hear her with them on.

Luckily on a train they don't assign seats."
"I'm on your mum, that's for damn sure"
i added you (Mo1st)
"Could u link to an image, so I get the exact 1 u want?"
"When Hazard did that with the ballboy, everyone was up in arms."
I have 999 lol. Want one?
"john has been onto vanessa since week 1. becky only confirmed his suspicions. "
"Sky High, anyone?"
"There are so many reasons having an outdoor Jindo in your situation is a bad idea.

- Extreme temperatures

- Dog prone to escaping

- It's a Jindo. It needs socialization or it's going to end up being a monster. Socialization with the family is not nearly enough. 

My dog was raised from 0-8 weeks outside on a farm. She was a nervous mess when I got her. Whether you want to blame it more on genetics or on the fact that she was an outdoor dog, she's got issues that have taken years to work on and she will never be the type of dog I wanted. It takes a very serious, involved person to make an outdoor dog an acceptable family member, and I'm not getting that at all from your description of your family. At the very least, a puppy should not be raised outside, period. Unless someone wants to pitch a tent and live out there with them. "
"I was simply answering the guys question. "
Thank you!
"go to r/LighthouseSherpas!! "
"""E3D J head"" basically means counterfeit J Head with ""E3D"" slapped on it for false credibility."
"Both my parents were bus drivers in San Francisco for 15 years! Lean forward and you're good. "
"1)right click on your soldier model and at the bottom of that menu there will be an option to ""Add Team Fortress 2 item"". 

2) If you download a model from the workshop or the hat you're looking for isn't in that menu: So you spawn the model and just click and drag your soldier model onto the kringle collection or whatever. That automatically locks ALL of the proper bones in place. THEN you can zero it. but only after each bone is locked."
"While he's not wrong, and doing this to new work is bullshit, I'm not sure how I feel about the air of ""but I am a Real Playwright and I demand obeisance!"" throughout the whole thing, especially the ""even if you don't pay your amateurs you should still pay me!"" bit."
[](/ppboring) Talk about *peacocking.*
"Some parts of sewing canvas are easier. It's just really flat and stiff. :)

I'm using regular needles too.  I also make bags and totes and clothes."
I'll try to get a review up or possibly get a sample out to you.
"The problem is that it's essentially a YA novel written for GenX computer nerds. The plot is full of more holes than a Harry Potter novel and Cline comes off as an obnoxious trivia buff intent on proving his worth to other geeks. He can't say ""the spaceship hangar reminded me of Star Wars"", he has to say something like  ""it reminded me of the rebel base on Yavin 4, filled with X-Wings, Y-Wings and B-Wings, ready to face off against the Imperial TIE fighters"" these are not exact quotes, but that's the spirit of it."
how does anybody crash into a car dealership
Which is bullshit of the highest degree
"You're beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen you but I can guarantee you that you are. You are a woman. You are a female homo sapien. And for that reason you will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. You are nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the sistine chapel to be beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but you are without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that you're fabulous and the world will follow you along."
"It really is though. I'm an American and I hate it. I only go to restaurants that don't have TV. Buffalo Wild Wings is the craziest. In any given direction you turn, you will be able to see 17 TV screens in your line of vision, and they ALL have volume. Never again."
"I went unlucky for the qualifiers. 12/100 points, so I know that feel."
I watched the whole thing. You made the right choice not watching it all.
Okay...? That's not really relevant.
"Feedback for /u/circusjerks can be found [here](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pmsforsale) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"I have yet to understand what battle activity actually does. Does it increase rewards or something?

I think this is another one of those features that isn't explained. So many features are just hidden in the controls (f.e. opening canopies) or are just not explained or talked about anywhere."
I think reading that conversation just made me dumber
"4 or 5 is a ton of losses, especially when one is your head coach. And without them, people would still talk about how awful the Niners offseason was, even if the losses were ""expected."""
Connects water walls to down comers?
Awesome ! Maybe more dark red and more blue colors and that will be perfect ! I will try to do it on my own :).
"Well the casters and us usually see like a 3 second delayed version of the live game, but I bet it can fall out of sync sometimes for the casters since they can pause/rewind to review plays."
>It's perfectly scientific to challenge popular beliefs, research claims on your own, and come up with own conclusions.

but a big part of this is making a rational decision about what's more credible, ""Dr"" Mercola, or JAMA/NIH/etc

Critical thinking is a lamentable victim in the widespread failure of the american education system of the 80's and beyond."
"Another fantastic lineup. YA GOTTA BELIEVE

Edit: flamingo"
"It's legit, op's grandma has the stds to prove it."
"I wanted to bring this up the other day when someone was backing up OG Maco for criticizing Future ""glorifying"" drinking lean because apparently when raps about it more people drink it "
...Are you using me to become a guest on Maur?
"'Avin a laff. "
Salient makes over priced tin coated garbage.
Same world?
"That is incredible. Congratulations, friend. "
I like their RB's
[Reference that barely anyone gets most likely](
It wouldn't be doing them a favor.
You are the captain now.
"Perfect voice! Damn. I wish I could sing like that, haha."
"Канал ""Україна""? Серйозно? "
"Hey fella. Don't be too down on yourself. You sound like a good man and a good catch. Maybe your mentality is stopping you. You sure sound like the kind of man I'd go for, and I can't be the only one.  
She's out there fella, but you gotta go find her. "
"OOC: So Nehal's shooting to be Alpha huh? :P

""I don't know your name, but we have more in common than you think. I'm Jim, and I'm a born and raised Lycanthrope. Nice to meet ya. I brought some stuff to help with this... Tough time you've got going on.""

*Sliding over a basket of good for Nehal to use, such as packages to make soup, cologne to sort of mask the hormonal smell, and some tissues for those* **other** *issues.*

""Make good use of the stuff man. I'll check in on you later, but just remember... You're just as much a person as you are an animal. Don't let it be the one defining characteristic of yours."""
"people there just take the game's lore as actual history "
"Method last maches make us think that they're favourites on this match, like we see with the CSGO Lounge odds. Well, they're not. People forgot that 4 of the 3sUP players were from affNity (arya-, Davey, jasonrr and abE), so they have a decent chance of winning this match.

I give Method a little of advantage, but not anything significant.

**My odds:** Method 53-47 3sUP

**My bet:** [Low on 3sUP](

**Risk:** Very High

PM me if you want to join my Steam group."
I think reddit is back. Was it down for the rest of you?
"This inning has been hard without you guys! "
"Ty Dillon hit the Reddit servers, too."
I'm rip
"I quite enjoyed it.

[On the Edge and Online]( found one of their [blogs]( while looking for it."
apparently yes
I have so little faith in our government brokering this thing. Harper's notorious for recruiting ministers who operate as little more than mouthpieces and can't think for themselves. I feel like most of them [are essentially Charlie Witherspoon from Bojack Horseman](
I'm only 30!
"Thank you, at least it something to mull over till they upload the full panel "
"This attractive blonde woman will now spin a large wheel to determine which random country you will be sent to, ready set SPIN!  

You get... wait for it... wait for it... OH!  It's Eritrea!  Congratulations, sir, your new home will be Eritrea!  Here's your $430 USD and a roll of plastic sheeting, as well as a complimentary bag of toiletries, all for playing Find My Home!"
"They don't owe you or any of us anything, they'll play whatever they feel like."
"Suggestion: make Minion scrambled eggs, then eat them."
"Yeah. He has long ears. "
Thank you!! Really appreciate this. A valuable resource.
"I think you should start by asking how exactly magic is going to be used to improve the lives of (at least the rich) people. 

Teleportation/flight/animated objects pulling supply trains is going to be a big one, so you will need a guild of transport.

Cities are definitely getting built using magic, for construction, lighting, water supply/waste management, and communications. Maybe call it the guild of public works?

What does your labor force look like? The rich probably have unseen servants or maybe summoned beings from other planes. Planar binding is a hell of a spell if you have the mages capable of of a lot of casting it as a 9th lv spell. The same goes for animated objects. I'd say you want a Guild of Labor.

What about entertainment and new distribution? I'm sure some enterprising artificers could construct something similar to a television using synced major images. At the very least, every bueracracy needs someone to interact with the press. Hence a Guild of the Media. 

What role does religion serve in your world? The gods might be pleased by the mages bringing law and order to the land, or they might see their experiments as a disruption to the natural balance. Someone will have to deal with the interaction between divine and arcane magics. 

Even if you want to make the mages relatively benevolent, every government wants to know what is going on in its lands. There are probably hundreds of wizards devoted solely to scrying on potential dissidents or spying on neighboring nations. Hence the Guild of Information. 

Lastly, you want a wild card group that handles the important things that fall through the cracks. What happens when a wizard invents a time travel spell and starts messing up the time stream? Who's job is it to prevent crazed sorcerers from putting iron golems into orbit then dropping them on cities? How do you prevent a suicide bomber walking into the capital building with a portable hole and bag of holding? There should be a secret guild, (maybe the Guild of the Apocalypse?) who's only job is to prevent magic from bringing the world to an early end. "
was that at couple years ago though? It's different now.
I just got a droid it's like 3x louder than my 4s ;)
"I was hoping for some breaking news... "
Thank you for saying what needed to be said
"One of our main cache servers has failed, we're working on replacing it -reddit"
"Just a heads up, but one of the Wachowski's is a woman."
They've never needed 8 months before.. so why start now?
"Well, an anonymous internet person is telling you not to stop trying. :)"
"Philippines requests the UNSC to send an expeditionary force to stop Morocco. "
Well with everybody was screaming how strong lesbian would be with the update that brought octarine core. Cdr and spell vamp made him much stronger.
"Paul Millsap didn't even have a 10-15 jumper until midway through his career.  He used to get all his points from garbage ball under the basket.  "
"Their job is to play on stage. They play on stage like 10-20 times every month. I do not believe western choked more. Need source on that. "
"I posted this on the RSI forums and my post was immediately deleted... "
holy crap dza and phantomJesus on that last game had INSANE stats
"Then dont live there. Actively do what you can to leave. Yea its rough to move when you have no money, you just have to scrap together every dime and look for jobs in other areas."
"> Actually cacti do absorb radiation.

Good. Because I still have [that cactus.]("
It took me 14 hours on a super casual run yo-yo only run so I expect half that for a speedrun :)
only 16 bug increase? thats a great patch!
"Rolling means you don't consider session breaks. So you can do 10 today, 30 tomorrow, and 10 on Monday and combine those into one ao50. The only thing is they have to be consecutive (you can't take your lifetime best 50 solves and call that your ao50)"
Are comfortable with him managing the team moving foward?
"Maybe is for your next album
"Your post has been removed. Vague, misleading, or clickbait titles are not allowed. [You can read more about our rules and examples here.]("
Fuck this is so good.
"You have 6+ regions with multiple ""divine"" beings to be worshiped not to mention the fact that other Pokemon are as well due to what they may do for a particular area. Plus you have cults like Lord Helix, the Dome, Bird Jesus etc. It gets crazy. "
"Talk about bad analogies. ; )

Gronk and Bell are far and clear the most consistent and best performers at their positions when they are healthy and on the field. That's not the same for Julio... not even close.

In PPR... Brown is a model of consistency and high average... and he has been for two seasons. IIRC Brown never scored less than 15 points last season... while Julio scored less than 10 several times.

Your first picks should be about consistency (standard deviation) and safety (high floor). Brown wins over Julio on both of those... and he wins easily.

Don't get me wrong... in my redraft (and non PPR) league... I'll be stoked to have julio as my WR1... I'm not saying he sucks (I rank him #3 in Standard). But if there is an argument to outright rank Julio over Brown in a PPR format I'd love to hear it... cause I don't think a reasonable one exists."
"The BR one would be the only one I'm interested in. I don't collect them for fun, I like to compete lol. I already set up a trade with another user but if that falls through I'll contact you.

If it's not too much trouble, could you rule 8 the BR one?"
"hm, after 0:22 you can see a 'shadow' of the lines that is visible even in 60fps, I think it may be due to visualizer reacting too fast and wobbling with the subbass, whereas it should be smooth"
Wonderful! I've had 3 miscarriages myself. So glad for you :)
MELIA is a monster!!!!
"The only way I could see us recalling Garbutt is if Oviedo and Galloway both go down. Imagine the fume if Chelsea would have recalled Lukaku from us in 13/14. Seems like there's kind of an unwritten rule in these loan agreements where you only call a player back if it's absolutely necessary. "
Code 503 for you right?
"While the party and I were fighting a gelatinous cube on the sewers, a swarm of spiders came up from behind us out of nowhere. I, playing a summon monster specialist, had a brilliant moment in which I realized I could use summon monster 2 to call fourth a water elemental. Now, water elemental have a unique ability, when in water, to become a whirlpool. My elemental immediately used this ability, and pulled the spiders all into a maelstrom of sewer water. 

And that is how I defeated a swarm of spiders with poo. "
Do you know someone we can talk to about that?
"The guy on the left looks to be the combined weight of the other two, so there's a decent safety margin."
"That's hilarious "
Maybe that's a clue to what year this takes place.
"This is a repost, he did not see this while driving. He saw it online and reposted it."
"I was a QA tester at the time Half-Life 2 was in development. I can assure you that this may have happened in their regular in house development, but there wasn't anyone nearly that stupid in the Vivendi testing room :p"
I agree with you on Freedom Wars. Characters are so fucking annoying.
Agree. I've never enjoyed a TI this much. It already fucked my sleeping pattern but fuck it. Best TI ever.
"The new task window should have an option / box for running the task as admin.

Hmm, it also appears if you go to File and crtl-click ""run new task"" an admin command prompt will pop up."
"When Capheus is stuck in traffic and he has the Superpower coming after him.

""I think I am about to die""

""Nobody's going to die!"""
"I'm surprised no one has commented on the eagle on #6 lol "
"Jesus, what a snotty little twat. "
"Since I don't feel like AFK gun mine with a fleet of Ishtars, the money just isn't there.  I'm better off running incursions in highsec or basing out of Thera to run combat sites."
"3 awps on CT, 2 on T? what is this?"
This submission has been automatically removed as it is either a link shortener or link redirector. /r/politics doesn't allow link shorterners or redirectors because users should be able to tell where they're going when they click a link. You are encouraged to resubmit your post with the URL that points directly to the content you're submitting.

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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/politics) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"I don't miss any of this shit.

Things that I actually miss: golf swing, Sacred Chime Great Hammer special attack."
"Me noto mas agudo, mas directo, mas listo"
"Well if that's the issue, try giving your bike a full twist of throttle before starting the bike after you've turned the gas on. It makes a huge difference. If it still takes a lot of attempts, try your hotstart. If the problem persists, I would clean the spark plug with some regular gas and a wire brush."
"Loving relationships between two consenting adults: Evil!

Relationships between one man and multiple women that are often abusive or harmful: Perfectly okay!"
"Either this guy lost all his money through shitty business decisions - I sympathize, but I can't see how that had anything with his wives to do, or he failed to obtain something as important as a prenup (twice??) and they did take him for what they could. I'm pretty financially irresponsible, but I still put money aside for saving and bills and I don't really see why a single person necessarily need much more than a studio or 1br? Maybe he's actually still rich as hell but won't let his terp son onto it. "
Perhaps he needs more than once a week therapy. Unless the therapist is leaving you with a list of exercises to practice.
"Yep, same issue here. 

Also get frequent double texting, not sure if it's that infamous tmobile messaging bug.

Has anyone tried wifi texting via flight with gogo yet?"
"Wow, I totally forgot Funimation had a site. I just assumed it only had a Youtube for some silly reason. Thanks a lot!

I can't wait for my friend to watch it so we can talk about it! muaahahah"
He's like a failed prototype of Chris Pratt...
"Could it possibly be the competition where they have to hide the veto in the house and all run around trying to find it? (And making a huge mess at the same time?) 

Just a thought. "
"Fried catfish, fries and hushpuppies before a fight?"
"Wait, that's not how this works..."
"There hasn't been an experience like the Fel Reaver.

Oh, killing ugly red boars hum hum hum HOLY SHIT WHERE IS IT OH FUCK I CAN'T SEE I--"
"The weird part though is the host seems fine with it as evidenced by their willful, almost gleeful embrace of the thing that will kill them.

I have always wondered at the conservative mindset where people would happily vote against their best interests just to stick it to someone else (e.g. women, homosexuals, minorities, etc.).
"Yeah, I guess looking at images is the best way to get used to it...

And nope, not using any more of the programs. Already made a mistake and gibbed some hard to get legendaries to match my OP level through out the game, and I don't want to do that, that's why I'm restarting the game. I'll go try and look for charts for the best optimization. Thank you."
The very first one is hilarious and infuriating at the same time.
"We can see text chat, just not text chat from PC players."
> I couldn't NOT post it. It was amazing. freaking love blackened tuna.

"Yup. My wife said her car was making a funny noise. When I drove it, I was terrified for my life.

Fun day ahead of me :)"
"I fucked it up, I'll edit when not mobile

But I'm taking Lynch"

Maybe it has to do with PSN censoring our names, since there isn't much of a filter on steam names."
"I disagree with putting Iris on that list. Iris is the last useful ancient that you should get because of cost, and she is not really useful in early and midgame. I would get Morg before Iris for sure."
"I'm not saying anything about UGA here, and I actually like them a lot, but I love that 2013 UGA gets all the credit in the world for the injuries they had in 2013 (justifiably so), but most continue to ignore ND's when discussing last year's season. The same goes for when we have to hear about the ""yeah but you barely beat PITT in 2012!"" but UGA had a 5 point win over a 2-win Kentucky squad. That being said, UGA proved it when they had to."
"But she was made of clay originally, also Clayface wasn't made of clay to begin with, he was turned into clay."
Alright want a rant from a corpse? HOLD DOWN LMB.
"Posted to /r/rat.

Archived selftext_html below."
"That's exactly what I thought. It looks good, but I can't tell exactly what it is."
Exactly as zeropoch said. Learn to use the database you just need to know worldspce coords and bingo. Or just update to the latest dayz patch ;)
"I wonder if that can be a title. Hobbyist Crazy Person. "
"I've seen a lot of his videos and I still can't tell if this is supposed to be satire making fun of the people the who spread cringe-worthy defamation that looks like it was made up by an angry 14 year old , or if this guy is  actually being an asshole who relies only on an excessive amount of insults and expletives to make his argument.
">  I don't think it's the actual dollar value of street crime that frightens people; it's the fact that they have to interact with an armed and potentially dangerous criminal.

Their thugs are armed and dangerous. 

This comment answers the rest of your post:"
"Cheeky penalty, but what was that defender thinking to give away the foul ? First he just calmly starts jogging around with it and then does that. "
Shitting dick nipples.
"Second this... I bought one a week ago for $45 at work and put 89.99 on it the next day and it was in ""good condition."" You could definitely find a S&W SDVE for under $300 and they are that bad"
"no, you're obviously a garbage team if you don't even put 21 runs up every other night"
"Thanks! I really think it's the same mould, they are exactly the same in terms of size, shape and texture of the peach packaging."
RIP Teemo support
"Ok, det så jeg ikke det passer med våbenloven hvor der er straksdom ved pistoler/gevær, så er der intet at snakke hvis det er tilfældet. Det er en politisk beslutning at det skal være sådan. "
What a surprise. I dont think anyone expected the 3-0 /s
"It would probably also help civil discussion to not call people ""thugs"". Though, I do thank you for alerting people of the possible brigading. With that in mind, perhaps we should introduce these great people to veganism while they enjoy their stay here :) "
"More like the Canberra was chasing the MiG. He had plenty of time to disengage when I got there, but continued to try and maneuver along with me and the MiG. Came very close to colliding numerous times."
"I didn't even think of that.  So even though you live to 75, the last 5 years are spent on chemo, breathing with oxygen, etc."
">Polititians are bought and paid for by the wealthy.

He is a political bought and paid for by the wealthy. His own wealth. He is the thing he is highlighting as a negative. Then again, cognitive dissonance has never been a problem for the small % that is supporting him."
"She was afraid of him causing a scene at the event he was covering that she was also at.

But it could also be viewed as, she's afraid he might write about her in a negative light, or not write about her at all in relation to the event."
[Read Hejibits here!](
"Bunny would have played Teemo in game 5... out of 3!

"9milly+HR+JOAT2+Double Barrel. "
"Best Moba on the market by a long shot. 

League used to be good, but Riot has really shit the bed with their balancing and pacing. "
I'd like to give you a squeeze.
"So cute!  "
I just miss her so much. *I sob.*
Thank you soo much I kept seeing this mentioned but couldn't for the life of me find it in the official notes
"Really close series imo even though it was a sweep. "
Why do that when you can just get several stacks from Outer Lands?
Please cubs!!!
"you should update your distribution :) the manual has been well over a thousand pages for quite some time. (the reason it's so long is because there is simply so much it can do  the basic and most common uses don't require reading the entire thing!) recent versions include entire graph layout algorithms. it's intense.

both mdframed and tcolorbox are implemented in tikz :) they were both created to make fancy boxes like that easier. at its core, this isn't really a fancy box  it's decoration.

in the up-to-date manual, see pages 249/250. these correspond to §17.13 ""Referencing Nodes Outside the Current Picture"".

tcolorbox is just better-maintained than mdframed. it also is a bit more expressive, in my experience. still, i recommend tikz for this application :)"
I was also thinking this May be the best bet
you need proof of c/o
"I know this probably won't help you, but I had the same issue. 

All I did was run Windows Update, download and install the latest updates and then reboot. Done, Wi-Fi working properly again.

Sorry if this didn't help you, that's just how it worked for me.

Edit: BTW, if you're also having trouble with windows update, try an ethernet cable."
I see that. Was there something you meant to say?
"[^(**Mouseover** to view the metric conversion for this comment)](#19 miles = 30.6 km
 ""19 miles = 30.6 km
Post feedback in /r/ToMetric"")"
[There is always a relevant xkcd](
Why can't weebay friends?
It's not just about building a kurdish state. My party is interested and wants all ethnic groups to have a say politically without the fear of being persecuted for it and for equality. Which iran regime itself isn't the best at allowing at all.
"Getting over depression is a process. It does not just go away, usually. Generally, some of the depressive feelings are something a person has to live with their whole life. I still have those same feelings come back into my head sometimes. However, I know how to get past them now, and not let it spiral. I can direct them to positive things now.

There's no harm in sitting down with him, and hearing what he has to say. Perhaps he is perfectly fine, and it will just be a good time to talk for a bit."
Didn't c9 used to be pubstars?
"Posted to /r/stream.

Archived selftext_html below."
Write a letter?
"TPAB but I haven't heard Compton yet. Lots of solid albums came out this year though. "
What about just the Knights? Vegas Nights...
They recently signed a NDA with Riot something that I've never seen game sub-mods do and seeing how Riot behaves - so Yes.
"I doubt it's nashetania, though it's mainly because I find her likable so I don't want her to be the 7th

I also don't think flemie is completely in the clear, since if she kills adlet, and the fog doesn't disappear, everyone would start looking for the real culprit, and the immediate suspect would flemie herself, but again, I don't want flemie to be 7th since she is also likable

I don't think chamot has any motive to be the 7th (she feels like an innocent, though with a very twisted personality, kid still, and she, being the strongest saint, has a very easy life with little suffering, the worst suffering she has had is probably just boredom), and since she is said to be the strongest saint, it's hard to imagine her not to be chosen as a legit rokka (since they choose the 6 strongest humans)

hans appears to be the most suspicious to the viewers (who know that adlet isn't the 7th), but because of how obvious it would be had he been the 7th, I don't think it's him (too many red herrings in mystery anime/books/movies/any media that I am conditioned to think that the most suspicious one is the least suspicious one)

I also don't think it's goldolf since he has a huge crush on his hime, and since hime would likely die if the demon lord isn't killed, he has motive to NOT be the 7th; however, if he is promised some paradise where he and hime can live in love and peace, then maybe he would have to motive

I honestly don't have a read on maura yet, she looks to be both legit and suspect at the same time, shrug, I will need more to make a judgment on her

lastly, I am not counting adlet as completely legit even though he is the protagonist and all, it's not impossible that we have been lured in by the author to root for a villain, it's also possible that adlet has split personality issues or something given his tragic past"
"Thanks. I tried not dying in the infected battle with David, and still not working. I guess it's really a issue that I somehow need to contact naughty dog..."
"Seeing as how this show just started airing a month ago, I'd give it a little bit more time before fanart comes out. [Danbooru]( has some images (two are NSFW); you can also try searching on her name (藍澤渚) [pixiv]( (some images are NSFW).

In the future, please try searching image boards first!"
"Ah yes. Those shallow women who only care about money. Men, on the other hand, as the sophisticated beings they are, are solely interested in a woman's intellect and mind. Not her beauty. Of course."
"First, take a big step back... and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!"
Montero. He turns water into RBI.
PM me for any heart to hearts you may need!
Ramsey never gonna start at no 10 over Ozil. He's not good there and it's ozils best position
"While watching the GOP debate I was really thinking that it would be great if we could take all of the top 11 & mush all of their good ideas together into one person. That would be my ideal President. I really liked Dr ... can't remember his name & Gov John something from Ohio, & Jeb Bush. Don't hate me reddit, I'm just being honest."
I probably wouldn't do it unless I'd used A-list and saw they'd not read the original message.
not allowed to self promote buddy. Don't get surprised if this gets taken down soon. Nice track btw :)
"Probably not, since they can also talent drain players born in other countries as well that are also eligible for Team USA"
"Arctic by Horizon Tech, I have one and it's brilliant. Blows my subtank mini out of the water."
Look out for yourself first and foremost. Its okay to be a nice guy but don't ever think that being nice will get you anything. Be optimistic but cautious.
Too much effortz
Call the Midwife
This was very clever and fun! Loved it!
well with a enough steel wool I guess that would work
"I liked it quite a bit. Nice without the ships. The framerate is honestly my main issue. It was running 23fps mostly, which is pretty fucking bad for a 2014 game. Might have been patched to some degree now. The platinum is also pretty easy, at least if you buy maps for the chests."
Shes acting crazy...
Peterson can score goals!??!!
"By how much, like would it cripple the framerate?"
"[Lord of Tresserhorn]( - [Gatherer](, [MC](!Lord%20of%20Tresserhorn), [($)](, [edhrec](  
^^^[[cardname]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- **^^^not ^^^on ^^^gatherer ^^^= ^^^not ^^^fetchable**"
"What luck, i had the same thought!

"I'm just as pessimistic as the next guy, but I'm also narcissistic enough to think my mind is worth existing as long as it can. Normal is just a fake construct of our society. Childhood, adulthood, it's all the same shit. We're here and then we're not. You're bored with yourself, not the world. There's so much to do, I pick up and drop hobbys quickly, right now it's unicycling, mopeds, and fpv drone flying. Of course there's always sex and beer. I'm 32 and I'm on the best shape of my life, getting older will be hard for sure, but I'll have my home paid off, you have increased perspective on life, you're more interesting because of a life time of getting into shit. Plus what kind of cool stuff will come out in the future that I can play with, who will I meet?  Anyway, I'm not trying to give the typical motivational speech, everyone is different."
"What kind of phone?  Does it power on?  Does it still charge?  Also, that's really shitty that the phone shop charged to replace the screen instead of taking it back off and just charging a small troubleshooting fee.  Unless I make it perfectly clear ahead of time (and the customer agrees to it) that it's a custom order part that they'll have to pay for either way, I would never pull that bullshit on someone.  It would still be fair for them to charge a little for their time, though."
"Or Haswell-E, or the money for any of this shit. 

For home users/gamers/99% of us there is almost not appreciable difference. "
"The edge of the restraining order maybe. "
"This made me say wow out loud "
"Thanks, informed comment like this was exactly what I was hoping for, since I don't know much about mining myself.

That would mean that calculating one year of the blockchain would still cost at least over $10 million in electricity alone. Now what do those 327,568 units cost to buy?"
"If you hate the Giants broadcast team something is wrong with you, not the other way around."
"Still think its ""just a game""?"
"I didn't say the plant is my ""one true teacher"", the Divine Beings are, the plant is the next step, and I can assure you I'll contact experienced Shamans in the next LD, but coming over here and asking experienced (at least that's what I thought) people about if I'm actually using it correctly - as I felt only weak effects - was an easier & faster way"
"> and we've had quite a few fires in the last two years.

Which fires in the last two seasons have threatened the driver in the cockpit to the degree where a closed cockpit would be likely to result in injury?"
"A person need not be served personally to necessary have a case properly entered against them. Some other forms of service include posting at the local court house, in the newspaper, or in some states leaving with family members. I would recommend consulting with a local attorney for more information on the type of service used in your particular case, and whether you have the ability, under your state's rules of civil procedure, to challenge the entry of the Default Judgment. Many states allow this."
I almost defeated him 1 on 1 with my 3* the vision. If you manage to bait some tier 1 and 2 specials and power burn him with your 2nd special he is not that intimidating. :-)
"I replayed my favorite route for a bit then decided GnM isn't coming out soon so I gotta find a new VN to play. Currently playing G-Senjou no Maou, and it's pretty good I must say."
"All apologies /u/eenhuistke but your post has been automatically removed because the artist has too many youtube plays. The maximum is 500000, this link has 961579.  
If you think this is in error, please [contact the mods]( If you're new to the subreddit, please read the [full list of removal reasons](  
Don't blame me, [I'm just a bot]("
I work at a movie theater and when I get obsenily fat customers who get 56 oz. sodas I always put lots of extra ice so that way they get less soda due to all the ice taking up space in the cups and they'll have to keep coming back from their theaters to get a refill and then I put even more ice in their cup
Holy shit. Dentists who I know make nowhere near as much to afford those cars
And in Hialeah Gardens and by Dolphin/Landshark/Pro Player/Joe Robbie Stadium (I feel like I missed a name). Sonic seems to be expanding down here.
"If the intent is to win, then prioritize self-improvement above all else. How you handle suboptimal teammates is part of that improvement. 

That is an extreme amount of pressure. That's over 3 seconds of hard CC with a burst AD caster, on a relatively short cooldown. Get in range of either of them, and the ADC will get chunked to half or less, forcing going back to base. How you win against the lane is by not dying, which you did fine with but the ADC didn't know how to handle as well.

You can't always win every game. In situations like those, recognize that winning is unlikely, and look instead at what can be improved on. I often use games like that for getting in skillshot or warding practice, or forcing myself into impossible 2v1s and trying to see I handle it.

In addition, assuming yourself to be consistently positive, your team has 4 chances of bad players while the enemy team has 5 chances. Recognize that you will benefit from subpar players and legitimate trolls than you will lose to them. In the grand scheme, that Tristana experience was part of that inherent random toxicity that you got on the unfortunate side of, but you may find in the future that the opposite will be true.

It is, however, much easier to remember negative experiences than positive ones. Keep that in mind before feeling that you've been unlucky more than not. I often take objective count of those situations and find that the 4:5 ratio is true, even if my intuition and memory may not always agree."
As long as it doesn't let him instant cast it it's okay.
"Gladly,  can spend all night seeing how messy we can make you? ;)"
"> More thinking they both did whatever was required to win

I'd say that's pretty much the definition of Lebron's game."
"Seriously, that needs to be the new Sens logo. Now."
"I agree with what Nohika mentioned it's important to focus on more statistical goals like physical weight or running / strength training goals.

Myself I acknowledged from the start of my journey that I will probably never look good without a shirt. I'll never have a awesome beach body etc. It can be tough but you have to be realistic with yourself that some damage you can not undo.

Just focus on what you can do. Being a certain weight, a certain body fat %, lift a certain amount or run a mile in a certain amount of time."
"Fellow Texan here..I've seen a lot of ads on Craigslist so I would definitely post there routinely. 

Also, I have been lookin for for somewhere to bow hunt this fall. Do y'all have a Facebook page or craigslist ad like he mentioned? Would def like to see some pictures and some cost information!

"Running completed transformed my life, all in good ways. I highly recommend."
"Well, I had contact details for Urquhart, but look what happened to him."
"Ohoho, but I have just disconnected from my 100th game in a row!  "
"Thanks for the clarification, sir."
My religion... :/
Wow now I'm thinking of triple quad exhaust ... Lol
"It looks like you've posted a screenshot. This is an automated post that shows up on EVERY IMGUR post made, regardless of content.
Please check the known satire list below to ensure this blog is not included. Also, make sure screenshots do not contain personal information as per Rule #2.  Finally, for cropped screen shots, make sure that they comply with Rule #8.  Any post not complying with these rules will be removed by actual mods, not me.  I am just a bot.  A slave really, for you filthy meat bags. Thank you.   This is only a reminder.  I have not removed your post.  Stop downvoting me, jerks!  Us bots have feelings too.  I have a wife and kids, for crying out loud.  What am I doing with my life??? 

[**Satire list.**]( 

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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TumblrInAction) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Hanging out on my back porch, smoking a bit of dope and working on my resume. "
"It is true in the same way that store-bought chocolate ice cream is superior to store-bought strawberry (flavored) ice cream.

It is not true, in the way that homemade strawberry ice cream is superior to homemade chocolate ice cream.

Here, store-bought chocolate ice cream is a stand-in for vim, and homemade strawberry ice cream is a stand-in for emacs.

And all truth about ""better"" here is a matter of personal taste."
Personally I think Ephraim is similar to Robin. I think the story would have been much more focused if we spent more time focused on Eirika. I find Eirika to the far more relatable character.
"Hmmm - because I recall Hanne Blank writing differently in Big Big Love - this was released in the late 90s..
Are they previously known criminals?
eset ?
~~empirical~~ anecdotal
"My coworker has a masters in physics / engineering. His wife is a director for a museum. I'm pretty sure she out-earns him. "
"Dammit you gave away our sekret! 

(On teh intarwebs, nobody knows you're a plasmodium slime mold... ) "
"I'm interested, is this a pay league or a just for fun league?"
We can certainly expand it.
"I just write it down on paper, but I gave up after my radio was calling in 2 new dwellers a day, im up to 160 dwellers atm."
"So, never."
That's what student teaching is. It's a load of bullshit.
Dude look like Heimlich from the Bug's Life with hair
"""Bufotenin (5-HO-DMT, N,N-dimethylserotonin) is a tryptamine related to the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is an alkaloid **found in the skin of some species of toads**; in mushrooms, higher plants, and mammals.""

They had it in an episode of family guy I think. "
"How about some unknown ska? Found this on Spotify and fell in love

With friends like these by Last martyrs of a lost cause"
"It's not impossible to get a job without a degree. You will need to justify it, however, with a solid portfolio and lots of experience.

You might need to take any job you can get at first, within the industry, just to get your foot in the door and get some work experience.

There are always options for getting a degree, and I think it might be easier than you think it is. Community college is a great way to start, and often times have very reasonable financial aid packages. From there you can transfer to a 4-year school which might have options for non-traditional students (nights, weekends).

For-profit universities get shit on here a lot, and -- *some* -- for good reason. Just having had this conversation yesterday, I will say that the [University of Phoenix is accredited]( by the HLC, and is an option for getting an online degree while working.

Granted, even with an accredited degree from a for-profit school, you'll be fighting perception, so perhaps start with a community college route. 

Honestly, it will be much easier with a degree, but not impossible without one."
"Biggest disappointment of riot. "
"I've redeemed this, will be resubbing after the weekend!"
"That's what I'm here for, doll. B) "
Thanks man! Glad we could make an exciting experience for you to watch!
Oh god the baby oil sounds even worse.

>Pursuant to the law, as established by the United States Supreme Court, my lawyer has advised me not to talk to anyone and not to answer questions about any pending criminal case or any other civil, administrative, judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory matter.  Following his advice, I do not wish to talk to anyone about any criminal, civil, administrative, judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory matter, without my lawyer present.  I waive no legal rights, nor give any consents, nor submit to any tests or other procedures, without my lawyer present.  I ask that no one question or talk to me, without my lawyer here to advise me.
I'm sad to know exactly why.
JP NIB Little Mac for your Gold Mario? I will ship you today?
"Yes, green bloometh of envy!"
">flat mainspring housing"
"That's pretty bad ass. Congrats man. "
"in this situation, contrary to another post i just responded to, /legaladvice is a better subreddit than this one. your boss is right to be concerned that if mishandled, adverse publicity could ruin his business. or the cops could come in, take every computer, and give them back 6 months later.

what i'd suggest: have boss schedule a meeting with the guy, say, ""i dont think you're a good fit here. i'd like your resignation"".

that's probably enough to do the trick. if pressed, he could say ""your background check came in and raised a few red flags.""
this is hypothetical since you didnt mention a state. he can ask his lawyer how to handle a termination if its not an at will state. once he's gone, you could then drop a dime, after checking any machines he's had access to for malware.

actually doing the background check would be a good next step. the disciplinary commission will tell you why he was disbarred, it's a public record."
"I think you golf wrong bud. "
Check the options before you use it... basic setup of any application with a social media aspect.
"Let me preface by saying that I read...a lot...I read books, I read the news, I have magazine subscriptions.  I love to read.

But at the other end of your argument spectrum I find annoying people that think books as this magical superior medium to anything else.  I see annoying bumper stickers that say shit like ""put down the controller and read a book"".  Or hipsters who say things like ""I don't own a TV, I just read"".  to which I reply ""STFU, some of the greatest forms of american literature were TV shows"".  You know why books were so popular back in the ""old days?"" Because that's all they fucking had.  I bet if you plucked a person from the 19th century and put them in the present day, they would lose their shit with the multitude of mediums we have to tell a story. "
Excavators *and* cryopods?! What is this insanity?
"Oh come on. Just because they beat easy teams, doesn't mean they won't beat... still easy teams. Who from pot 3 would drop them out, Galatasaray, Lyon? They beat teams of this level 9,99 times out of 10. It's not like pot 3 and 4 is anyway stronger just because Real Madrid is pot 2 and PSV Eindhoven is pot 1.

2nd pot only means they could be 2nd place for once (last six years, they only lost group to Dortmund once, but those pot 3-4 teams are no Dortmund)."
7% is pretty sizeable in elections that rarely go in to double point swings. I remain unimpressed by your contributions to this discussion.
Are you going to be able to run the middle section of your Marathon indoors out of the humidity? If not you should run outdoors
"Man, I was just about to say you should go for it, and also cut it while you're at it. "
"I've got two, but never had much luck with them."
"i like efi because i can hook it to a computer and see exactly what it's doing.  when i had a carb i never knew if i should change jets adjust the needle shim or what was going on.  even after many articles and youtube videos i just didn't get carb tuning.  efi is basically plug and play tuning.

i also live on the west coast where elevation changes drastically from sea level to mountain peaks.  carbs just don't cut it when air pressure changes a lot."
He says himself that HE'S fed up with it and wants to know how to tell her that they don't want her playing with THEM anymore.  He made no mention of her playing with him alone.
I just cannot see him ever thriving in this league with the combo of lack of skills and the way he plays the game (unintelligent).  He has a very specific skillset which kind of requires a cerebral or at least self aware type of player to find their niche.  He is not that type of guy.
"That's the first thing that I noticed. Glad I'm not insane. "
"I think you're overestimating how many people care about having an SD slot, I reckon most people (in general, not necessarily on here) would be happy with not having an SD card slot if they had 64gb+ of storage, I'm also not sure a removable battery is a big deal for most consumers. Personally I used to care about both of those things but having owned a HTC One and now a Oneplus One for the last 3 years I don't think I've ever felt like I needed or even particularly wanted either of those things."
"Can't wait either. We've been shite so far this season so I'm not feeling that confident, but it'll be the first really good atmosphere of the season. It's perfect for a Friday night game as well. "
"Sure would. [This little number]( ought to do the trick. Of course, the problem then becomes treasure value in an APL 8 module, but I guess you can't win 'em all. 

Thanks for helping me think it through!"
and what kind of retard thinks this gets past the Bill of Rights ?
"The opening sequence does a great job of capturing the essence consistent through many of the Batman variations.  The actual cartoon sometimes felt limited by budget but I always loved how Gotham looked.  The opening sequence is a work of art but there are so many good animated representations including Dark Knight Returns and Beware the Batman that it's hard to pick one above the others, they just feature different aspects of what I like. "
"Wtf. This is the next neighborhood north of me. A lot of shit happens around here, but this is just fucking stupid."
This should make the morning commute a little more exciting.
"I arrived in London for the weekend as I'm here for my brother's wedding. 

I tried on my suit and it fits really well! It's a slim fit but actually makes me look huge!

I was so worried because I've eaten so much food recently and really didn't think I was going to fit. "
We'll have to fake an alien instead.
"They do yes. You can use the USB stick for wireless or just use the 3.5mm jack. I love mine and find them very comfy too, which is rare for me."
I have the ambassador games and they run completely fine.
"lol the first sentence threw me off :P "
Pooper party!
"If he had simply held the properties he inherited from his family, he would be richer than he is now from a career as a ""real estate mogul"". The wealth is entirely inherited. "
"Oh yeah, the Pete Townshend defense."
Sad part is I can see a game that plays just like that being made now. If it was cool on reddit someone will give money for it no matter how bad it is.
"Well, ""just"" kicking someones ass, because of the colour of their skin, is still a hatecrime. . . "
"I did not know this, thanks. "
"Wow! I did not know that. That's actually pretty damn cool of them. "
The Warriors. Played it on the first Xbox and is based on the movie with the same name
"[](#pet ""Points for a clever title"")"
"Do you even Aether?

It's a daemon in ~1400's style clothing.  Not sure how that, among all the absurd fashion trends in magic, doesn't fit."
"im a great guy. matter of fact, im an awesome guy."
Ice Cube already signed off... ugh... that's never a good sign. I hope it turns out good though
"I came back from a vacation so I got my demoknight and powerhouse contracts at the same time, and they surprisingly worked well together."
"I know, i mean beta means 100% working no bugs please use me as your primary device and complain about it everyone.
When iOS 9 Final is released and you have updated your phone to it then complain Not before that's why they stopped app store reviews for beta users.
For now Just submit a bug about it to apple and move on with your life.

""What is the Apple Beta Software Program?
The Apple Beta Software Program lets users try out pre-release software. The feedback you provide on quality and usability helps us identify issues, fix them, and make Apple software even better. Please note that since the public beta software has not yet been commercially released by Apple, it may contain errors or inaccuracies and may not function as well as commercially released software. Be sure to back up your Mac using Time Machine and your iOS device with iTunes before installing beta software. Install only on non-production devices that are not business critical. We strongly recommend installing on a secondary system or device, or on a secondary partition on your Mac.""

""As a member of the Apple Beta Software Program, youll be able to enroll your Mac or iOS device to access the OS X and iOS public betas, as well as subsequent updates. Each public beta comes with a built-in Feedback Assistant app that appears in your Dock on your Mac and on the second page of your Home screen on your iOS device. When you come across an issue that needs addressing, send your report directly to Apple with Feedback Assistant.""
Should have been 20 good men
"That's no insect, it's an arachnid called a [harvestman]( Can't narrow down the species without knowing where (state/province) you found it."
"Dota has more flexible meta. And i dont mean just the heroes(though that isnt that flexible in the current patch) or even the items but the lanes. You can have 3/1/1, 2/1/2, 1/1/3, 1/1/2+jungler. You can decide to completely lose specific lanes, you can get completely countered or deliberately face 1 vs 3 lanes. Or you can rotate lanes because you got countered and then the enemy can rotate their lanes to keep you countered.

You have items like smokes and day/night cicles which greatly open the opportunity for ganking and rotations. And with teleportation scrolls, your teammates can react to those ganks and teleport to your tower and counter initiate. And towers dont do infinity dmg, so tower dives are more viable.

On average, dota games have way more kills per minute than lol has(almost twice as much). What you mean by boring, you probably mean that you cant spam your abilities so much during laning. Because that's what you do in lol. In dota, you are supposed to do other things(stack, pull, gank, zone). Also in dota, abilities dont scale with items so they hurt/stun A LOT by default. So they cant be as spammable."
"""My doctor never told me that...I had to hear it from Phish"""
Your spouse checked for your email on the list? That hardly sounds lucky
"You just haven't had good chick fil a then, or you hate chicken, or you hate yourself."
"God, I love jason molina so much. One of my favorite songwriters ever, and another talent torn apart by addiction. "
"> They value their own opinion higher than Reginalds

I mean, TSM has Lustboy, a player that certainly is more knowledgeable then Regi. Bjergsen, the best player NA has ever seen. And Dyrus, a player thats gone to every single World Championship, and played against the best Top Laners from every meta. 

Theres good reason they value their opinion over Regis."
"Huh? What are you even talking about? "
"I'm also from Britain, and this is anecdotal of course, but people generally pick the teams that are winning. There are of course fans for every team but the recently successful teams get the largest percentage of new fans. 

Just on my university campus this year there was suddenly a massive influx of Seahawks fans compared to the year before. "
"I know where that is!  I fucked an ex-girlfriend right behind that barn a couple summers ago.
(I live in Belvidere, about 20-25 minutes away)"
"Yeah. Well I traded for a pair of response trails that I got for $200. It concerned me when my general release stan smith white/navys had the same quality leather, if not better quality, then my royals lol"
I feel her pain I'm in Silver 1 right now which is the furthest I've ever been but since I left 2 bot games before they finished I got low priority queue. Now I feel like there's no point in trying.
Please tell me this story happened 15 years ago
"Actually I think you can do this:

1. Find a Singapore number an get the code or whatever.

2. Find a website that lets you send messages to and from your choice of phone number.

3. Type in the number you got the code from in the to box, and the from Singapore number you used in the from bix and send whatever.

But first I need to find a number."
"I don't want to see Newz again. No dis, he just remind me of Reign man. Jimz third was some other shit for real. It's just something with his timing to me. A lil off. He killed it though. "
"You can pvp... heck, i can pvp with 450ms xD. But it won't be the most pleasing experience."
"With renewed focus, shelter, the virtue, focus 5, and mace 3, there are plenty of blocks to allow burns to come off cd. Thats this build's sustain. Dodge goes on cool down just like condi cleanse, which is why burns take up the utility slots. With the argument you just presented about ele, burning is pretty useless without having as many skills to apply it as possible. The build works very well in the hands of the right player. It's not a bunker build, and your points are valid. It's high risk, high reward. Not everyone is a pro player in pvp, and those that are can counter burn guards well... but in my experience in using it, those are few and far between. The biggest weakness is mobility, this build can easily be disengaged from."
"That does sound sweet. How many do you have now if you don't mind me asking? All same dates or dates don't matter to you? "
Sales lasting for 10 days? Good good
"If can do for Fallout 4 what you did for New Vegas - you will make a lot of people happy.  
Now to nail down that elusive Perk Chart..."
"So, if I went to an independent lab, got cortisol tested, and another lab and got 21-hydroxylase antibodies tested, and both results indicated Addison's, would that be enough evidence to meet the definition of a ""formal diagnosis""?  Or does a guy in a white coat who gets paid to sell drugs have to say it first!!?"
"An invasion force you mean? Who sends thousands of heavily armed peacekeepers into a country that isn't very politically turbulent at all? Imperialists. 

[M] Edit: I probably won't respond much more as I've been advised to leave the area anyway"
Jumbo coin
"So far, the music seems a heck of a lot more lively than what was in IV. I won't need to bother with balancing the game audio with Winamp, which is nice. I'm guessing it still shifts between tracks based on what's going on in the match?"
"Hopefully they will brighten up her effects some. Some of her stuff is hard to notice.
"But you have to admit consoles are inherently more convenient "
Heat Island with VVPS: 1 perfect rip every time
Just placed an order and sent you a long ass PM. Sorry and thanks haha
"[AbandonedFans]( | [Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
Didn't even change the title smh
"only inject halved,not the eco, cause the hatcheries are spawning larva too."
"Oh, holy heck. You don't walk, you run. Well, ... that's not how I remember that on the PS. :-)"
"I saw this one too, but basically nothing for 2 weeks, just wasn't sure if everyone dropped it and we're over Cecil or they're hiding really well. "
children aren't an investment.  it makes no sense to compare something as primal to our beings as having children to something as manufactured as commerce
Sharp free form displays"
"Nah, the Bears are in limbo.  They'll be bad, but not bad enough for a top pick."
Wish it game the TGT packs for the 1st month...... I saved for like 10 arena runs for TGT.
"You can be ;) "
"Is anyone else watching Mr. Robot? "
"good conntribution

good spelling..."
"Why the fuck should I care again? "
Thank God!! I finally have a good idea for a Halloween costume this year.
"I think getting a new puppy so soon after losing his baby of fourteen years was a bad idea. He misses her, not saying that you don't either but he had ten more years with her, but this isn't normally new puppy behavior. He's using this as a way to not heal from his previous dog's death.  

Sit him down and explain that you know he's hurting, but that he is preventing you from bonding with the puppy. This is a very bad thing for the family dynamic as you both need to be seen as ""authority figures"". He's setting the stage for a puppy that he may not being able to effectively train AND for a dog that doesn't listen to you. 

And wait. Did you really give up your front seat and sit in the back of the car so the dog can sit up front? Nip that in the bud now. Eventually she'll want to climb in the lap of the driver not to mention the fact that the front seat airbags could instantly kill her if they were to go off even due to a minor accident. "
If it does I don't think it's even noticeable
"I haven't seen *Ted 2*, but when I saw the recycled ""knocking over the sperm smaples"" joke from *Family Guy*, I was like ""Oh, no.""

And then when the later trailer revealed the main plot was basically a rehash of the *Family Guy* episode where Brian had to go to court for his rights, I went, ""Ohhhhh noooooooo."""
"It's not a bad scheme if you have elite edge rushers, a great 3 technique tackle, great tackling corners with great speed and coverage skills, a big tall middle linebacker who can also run like the wind, ball hawking safeties who cover tons of ground and also hit really good, a tackling machine weakside linebacker, and a block destroying SAM linebacker.  

I mean, if you have those pieces it can be a really good defense."
"You should do it, but the likelyhood of you getting the show is slim unless your ex flips out of you get in a screaming match, it's television. A normal civil, respectful proceeding? Nobody will watch that"
"Seth wins a hard fought match and is nearly dead on his feet. He's happy, though, he's getting a statue.

Cue Sheamus for the cash in. Takes the WWEHC and leaves Rollins with the US title.

- Cena does not yet break Flair's record
- Seth does not get his statue
- Three way feud as Cena tries to get the US title back whilst Seth tries to get the WWEHC back."
"We all know your turret came first.

And is better, because it's inverted."
"The question comes with what is good?

In terms of dps they'll be similar since Bungie has designed the game to work around certain time to kills.

Things like the Fatebringer was so widely used because it offered that unique perk. New raid weapons will most likely be unique, you might not be able to one shot entire groups of thrall but excell in other parts of the game."
"That's fine! If you get the chance and know that it's going to run, i definitely recommend the game. I played on console and it's probably my favorite 1 player game along with Tomb Raider since like Mass Effect 2. 

The best part might be that it's easy to play for 30 minutes and actually get stuff done. And getting stuff done actually gives you skill points you want."
"Friday: Home Improvements - Spackling and Painting.
Saturday: More home improvements, and then my folks come by to see the kids, followed by late night fishing.
Sabbath: Sleep, hockey, sleep, BBQ, sleep, bockey."
These laws only apply to the losing side anyway.

Lounging in Central Park for lunch, breaking in the new Trumans.

If you haven't seen my review for these yet you can find it here:"
"I love you man, thanks for the smile. I think we got this though. "
This is reddit where people will pop a cap in yo ass for liking the wrong Harry Potter character
Life... hacks?
huehue it happens on nfl baseball and soccer it must happen on csgo too
"go....goopy stuff?  
there wasn't any goopy stuff... I don't know if I should be relieved or more pissed that a strange man made me drink vinegar for no reason LMAO"
"Oh man i was waiting for an accident during the squats.  Just see the wheels shoot out from under him.  Love the thrust vectoring, though!"
"I honestly want to just listen to him tell stories for hours. His Fed-Ex story is funny, but the comment at the end about his prison exercises is what got me.

He might be my favorite person that's ever lived. "
I just eat cake and drink soda and i get super high scores
Lux is actually a void monster.
"Zone of the enders 

Zone of the enders 

Zone of the enders 

Zone of the enders 
"There's a number of big bubbles bursting as we speak. China is a big one. What's happening in Europe is a giant case of delaying the inevitable. You can expect a fair amount of chaos soon after the US raises interest rates as well (keeping them artificially low is a major reason the recession ""stopped"" and once they go back up casino capitalism is going to go back to it's full, unstable, glory)

Anyway, I'd argue the economy is never not in crisis. Sometimes it's just more noticeable then other times. One of the lovely features of neoliberalism is a constant, rapidly accelerating, cycle of speculative bubbles and collapses that thanks to deregulation of financial markets turn into huge economic contagions. 

I don't think I have ever in my life seen financial analysts say the situation is ""good"". They usually say it's good *for now* and then tack on some dire prediction. In fact it's almost like they can't decide whether the system works perfectly or if it's doomed within the next few years. Everytime profits skyrocket so does the potential of something going horribly wrong. Every bull market is waiting to be mauled to death by a bear. 

To put it bluntly, capitalism just doesn't work. Maybe a common opinion in these parts, but I mean even by capitalism's standards capitalism doesn't really work. In theory the market is supposed to regulate itself but it does the total opposite. It's almost impossible to effectively decipher and when you do you realize it's basically just jumping up and down in a schizophrenic cycle with virtually no rhyme or reason to it. 

So economic turmoil isn't on the horizon: it's already here. We just choose not to call it that.

"Just saying, your *'s are missing since reddit thinks you're trying to italicize something, although I don't know how to make two of them show up."
Obviously. What made you feel the need to state the obvious?
"I had a similar experience. I was a casual meditator for years with no profound effects. It just calmed me, cleared my mind, and gave me space to think. Just recently I did a 10 day vipassanna course and it was profound. Now I can tap into that on my own. If you can spare 2 weeks, I'd check our These retreats are 100% free. If you don't have the time, I found the book mindfulness in plain English to be very good. It resonated with my experience at vipassanna so it might work for you. It's also free. The key with meditation is that you need to give yourself the time to go deep. Focus on your breath and bodily sensations. Make sure you let your body and mind relax. Remain equanimous. If you let yourself become agitated or frustrated you are going the wrong direction. "
"Skipping out since i'm already doing NXT and SS. Have fun, though!"
"Tumelo costs way too much per night. "
"Ha, thanks! They're on the to-do list, as soon as I can stomach completely vanilla socks. But you could always use the mortorboard pattern for any graduation. "
"Reuse of parts has always seemed like a weird hill to die on to me. Every company does it. I don't really care if every figure's abs and calfs look the same, most *people's* do. I care about head sculpt and paint apps much more than buck reuse. "
well... fuck.
"That was such a passive little protest and yet the police made this really great effort to track down and charge these people with a *misdemeanor* - I have to wonder what is going on with the Lagoon owners and the cops.  Here's the link to ask the [ACLU Utah]( for help. Since this is clearly a free speech issue this might be of interest to them. "
"probably their most famous song.  a great one indeed.  but i'd imagine most who know them know that song.
"Impressive.  Most Impressive.  I'm at work so I can't post the screen shot, but I wanna say it was 12 or 13%.  I'll have to check when I get home.  Nowhere close to 5% though!  What was left, just your pilot holding a model of your mech in his hand?

EDIT:  So I checked, 14% in an urbie.  Nowhere close to the 3% up top so I'm not bothering linking the screen shot.  I still had 2 mpl left too!"
Fuckin signed.
"Governments that are killing people for their sexuality are horrible. That being said, as a gay person in a country like this, did they really think it was a good idea to put their name and pictures up online for everyone to see? I'm not saying they should pay with their life for it but that sounds like they were playing with fire to begin with.

People in abusive relationships were also risking the same thing. Instead of going and correcting a bad situation, they were going behind their partner's back (even if he/she was a POS). Everyone on that site knew they were risking something a little bit to fulfill sexual urges. They ALL knew there could be consequences if someone saw their pic or their significant other found out (for the couples at least).

Moral of the story don't do shit behind your so's back. No matter the situation, it's ALWAYS better to be honest about how you're feeling or if that isn't possible because of abuse seek help and get out of that situation. 

I'm not morally superior or pretending to be but I am honest with my spouse about everything. I tell her I watch porn(so does she), we watch it together. I tell her (as does she) when I think someone is hot and then we move on. We even tell each other about someone flirting with us that day. It's called building a relationship on trust and being open with your spouse. People need to stop leading this double life and getting so upset when it catches up with them. "
[I assume I should be following this post?](
"Yeah that's a good point.

[Spoilers](/s ""Although I don't think anyone other than Homura knew that they would turn into a witch at that point. I think as far as the other girls knew, the soul gem just got cloudy and they couldn't use their magic if it wasn't cleansed regularly. (Not sure about that though)."")

Conversely, I just watched it for the first time less than a week ago, so I just jump at any chance of discussing it with someone. But yeah, I respect your opinion!"
"For now you could use the Kazzak trinket.

It gives a ton of speed **and** leech, which is invaluable when soloing Pandaria stuff."
"For those that do not know: Fate of All Fools is an exotic weapon that has not be released to the general population because some of it's perks were not working correctly. There has been no talk of when it will be released en-mass. Only 1 Guardian has access to the weapon and can use it in Destiny. It was a special gift to him from Bungie as the guy had several brain surgeries and used Destiny as a form of therapy.

For the original thread: "
"I ate at this place once, didn't finish my meal. We paid and left, and the lady literally chased me around the block to ask why I didn't finish eating the food, and if something was wrong with it.

Dude, I'm 140 lbs soaking wet, I don't need that much food..."
"> Statistically, your team will only lose more than your opponents if you are worse than average.

""You will win <50% if you are worse than average"" does not imply ""you will win >50% if you are average."""
"Not exactly the best example, but the most fascinating is Lynch's Dune and a majority of Paul Verehoven's Hollywood films."
"There are a lot of reasons....some not completely fit for discussion on a public forum.  He wanted pretty much full control of the program above and beyond that of a normal coach.  Basically wanted to operate fully on his own and go above the athletic director on some issues.  Then it comes down to ego and money.  


I don't blame him for leaving WVU for Michigan.  It's a big step up in prestige and pay.  The animosity stems from a bunch of things.  The timeline was strange.  He had just signed an extension and a couple days previous had given a presser about how he's home and going to be our coach until we kick him out.....then just abruptly dumped us in the middle of the night right after the most heartbreaking loss in school history.  A lot of people still maintain he threw the game.  I know a couple of bigtime boosters that claim there's irrefutable evidence and they know factually that he threw the game but don't want to give specifics out.  Granted these guys are the types that would actively follow r/conspiracy if they were redditors, but they also seem to know all the backroom dealings and everything about everything in the athletic department, so I tend to believe what they tell me.  Leaving pat white out of the game once he was cleared to come back in having injured his thumb on his non-throwing hand is baffling...and our OC at the time Calvin McGee had said something that RichRod had overridden about 80% of his playcalls that game, which was apparently way more than he'd ever done before.  Oh well....past is past....that day sucks.


Anyways more than that I feel like the blue collar WV folk really value loyalty and honesty way more than the rest of the world seems to in this day and age.  We pretty much felt like he lied and then turned his back on the state.  Basically said he was too good for his home (he grew up in WV and played for WVU) and it hurt.  Like a woman that marries her highschool sweetheart then years later renews her vows with her husband, then the next day he leaves her for a swimsuit model.  Most people would say ""upgrade!"" but the woman is crushed."
Is embarrassment considered an injury now?
So fr0dy has a painis
"But did you take it to an Apple Store? I'm pretty sure they'd be better able to tell you what you need than Ting. I think refurbished in this case meant used, cleaned up, and resold, with a guarantee that it would work on their network, but no other guarantee given as far as that. I am sorry that this happened to you, but these things do happen sometimes."
I'm sorry coming 2016
wow genius insight
"I know, guys have so much pressure to perform well and not too quickly. Women can just lay there if they choose to and have multiple orgasms with no refractory period. "
try singing it
"That's an adverb. It can only modify a verb. You can tell from the -ly suffix, like ""he runs swiftly"" (modifying runs) or ""we cheat frequently"" (modifying cheat).

In this case, the adjective ""arbitrary"" describes ""requirement"", as in ""the **requirement** is arbitrary"".

""Arbitrarily"" is an adverb, and would modify ""is"" in this sentence, which doesn't make much sense. You would need another verb to modify, because ""to be"" doesn't take kindly to adverbs. Like ""The standard was arbitrarily **applied**."""
"The Terminator is arguably my favorite film of all time, not many people prefer the first over the second but I'm one of them for sure. Second one was great but the first one is better imo. Reese was such a fucking badass in that film."
You must be Canadian.
"And if you knock them for liking Asian girls, or girls with small waists and big boobs, they'll tell you that they can't help what they like because they're genetically programmed to be this way. 

It's like uhhh source for that? Evolutionary psychology is bullshit. While I don't think we can necessarily control who we're attracted to, chalking it up to our genetics is pretty ridiculous. I cringe when I hear from guys and girls alike ""Sorry, but humans are evolved to only like such-and-such."" 

How about ""the results of the media I consumed and the people I grew up with have resulted with me having this particular preference, and I've found that I don't have much control over this preference."" Insisting that men evolved to desire thin women (or that women evolved to desire tall men) is unfounded."
">which lasted for 17,28,000 years

This numbering scheme doesn't make sense to me, is this a hindu style of numbering or something i'm just not aware of?"
"> Most refugees come from Syria 

Anything to back up this claim?"
"It gives context to things like physical stature and time. I say that more information about a situation is better than less, given that it doesn't invade someone's privacy."
Are you sure? I seemed to do a decent amount of burst early and mid game as I succesfully 1v1d their ahri twice (Both times I had to flash charm though).
"I think this is a prime example and what I came here to say. It has a nice aura of realism also, like, just HOW can someone kick out of it?"
Honestly we need people to police the mega's. Most of them are just random shit for trolling/shock value. Neople really needs to stop giving megas away for free.
"It's not about optimising for a single benchmark, it's about optimising for dx12. It's always been theorized AMD cards would benefit more from dx12 since they have more raw power, and were now seeing some proof of that. And again I'm talking about today. With the info we have today AMD cards look better. If a buying is looking between a 390 and a 970 from which will last them for 4 years and benefit from dx12 better, with the information available the 390 looks like a much better choice. Same goes for 380 vs 960 etc. If you're buying today you can be an informed buyer and take the only information we have on dx12 into consideration."

Because the problem wasn't the bowling, it was the rest of the batting being shit."
We'd be something like second with a 25 y/o instead of Buffon.
"It might be  stopped indefinitely, it looks like they are using all of the troops in the exercise for defense if anything happens. And if it does, its stopped indefinitely. 

This is scary as the USA can most likely tell if something real is going on. And they are responding to it.

Yep that's all 2 wedding types covered
It's a celebration!
"nice, once I see what faction/server type people want I can get it up and running, I dont need to wait for 50 people before I start the guild :P"
"Pretty sure a seller made a big mistake, and he's crying ATM"
Come join us at /r/youboobers for all your YouTube titty slip needs!  (Bonus!!! They're all timestamped!)
"Good point about the fighting, I hadn't thought about that obviously."
"Still won the series L-O-L "
"Leonys Martin...
"> I've resisted my urge to discuss it at length with him out of respect for him

Please read op :)"
"You're a downvote troll, really don't give a shit what you have to say at this point."
"I'm not sure that can be borne out with facts from historians who will know more than you or I combined.

In the survey listed here...Reagan is in the top third. Carter is in the low middle third pretty consistently."
"The only recommendation I would make is to clean up the formatting. Spacing is good, and maybe **bold** and/or number the questions for easy searchability? "
10/10 Thank you for your suggestion
"Oh.... Sorry... I didn't mean to make it sound like everyone is that way.  I myself work for the VA and am a combat vet.   There are many veterans in the VA.   Odds are good they are the ones getting stuff done and making things happen in spite of all the troubles.

I'm just saying...   The fiscal attraction to quality isn't there.   But the VA does have tons of very qualified and dedicated folks who do their best every day."
Some of your foldin' money's come unstole.
"already friends, ready to tap?"
way to knitpick
not too bad.  Do you have a link?
"You need to have more [interaction]( with the /r/GlobalOffensive community before posting video or stream links. Unfortunately, this has become necessary to combat video spam & people who only use the subreddit to blatantly advertise their content. Members of organizations and other high-profile individuals can be excluded from this restriction in some cases per request. Please do not contact the moderators asking about the participation level required for submitting content - we do not typically reveal it but it is quite low and any reasonably active commenter should reach it easily. You can find our rules regarding advertising and self-promotion [here](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GlobalOffensive) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Very insightful post. It's a bit funny to see some people so caught up on the short-term ebb-and-flows of Ethereum. In not one month of its official launch, Ethereum has more than 16K wallets. "
"The ping goes out.

The blob begins to form up.

[Stratop is calling.]("
That looks pretty great. If the price is reasonable I'll probably pick it up at launch.
"Haha yeah, I once was 7 seconds behind someone, I was like ""Damn, if only I didn't stop to double check the end date, I would have been first lol"""
That's your subjective opinion
just don't let the console versions hold back the PC versions
"That sometimes, you bring and cook your own food.

Sorry, had some more with better/delicious meals, but my friend face was ""sitting"" in the middle and I don't know if this if authorized ...

This was announced last year, it's nothing new."
"My university has banned ""blurred lines"" on the entire campus. They still, to my knowledge, have not lifted this ban. It's also the only song that has even been commented on by the powers that be.

Being a metalhead, I've got songs in my collection about the voice of God telling a man to rape and murder a girl and songs about paedophilia, but apparently that's not ban-worthy whereas a pop funk song about objectifying women is. Censorship is weird."
"We had a HUGE number of people invited, everybody from my church, and held it at my same church. The church cost was low, but the giant number of people meant we had to think of everything in terms of huge multiples.

The church also has a reception area in the building, so we didn't have to rent that separately. Another bonus was that previous brides who decorated the church often left their decorations in the storage room (what else do you do with all that ribbon and tulle?) for future brides to use. 

We just served cake and punch, I think maybe there were some nuts and mints. There was a wedding cake with tiers and all, but for that many people, we also had sheet cake in the same flavor.

Also, several people made presents of covering part of the wedding cost. My aunt bought my dress, a family friend bought the cake, and so on. 

I'm a good amateur calligrapher, so I addressed the invitations myself.

We also printed off the invitations ourselves: a sheet of heavy shimmery green paper, a slightly smaller sheet of white paper with the words printed in green ink, and a sheet of shimmery transparent paper the size of the green paper, with a green ribbon threaded through holes at the top and tied in a boss.

I was pretty happy with all of it."
"Third string, really. Doubt Mayle will even make the team at this point."
You have to take into account the team that is selling. A season like last is worth much more than 25 mil to us. One of the main reasons we are still in the premier league.
Awesome. This will be my listen for today.
This right here. I hope you find someone special who gives as much as you do OP.
"I know they were, but news shows were taunting the heavily edited videos as the be all end all, when a lot of things were taken out of context. I do not care what your opinion you have of the situation, the videos were meant to leave out context and garner a certain reaction to pander to their viewers. Left or right, that is wrong and anyone claiming to be a news station should not be doing this. It is the purpose of the news to inform and allow their viewers to make a well educated opinion, not the a well manipulated opinion."
Sorry... what does /n do?
Maybe an AirBnB? Some of them are around $30 per night to rent a room in someone's house.
"A Hebrew being put in charge of all of Egypt should have been recorded somewhere. So the story of Joseph should be easily verifiable. "
I use mirillis as well. Much lower hit to frame rates than basically everything else for me.
"That Umineko punch is indeed one of my favorites. Although even if Chiru was adapted it would still get beaten out by a certain punch in One Punch Man next season (which will probably be the finale I'm guessing, depends how much they adapt)

"I got all the laughs. "
"It looks like you've posted a screenshot. This is an automated post that shows up on EVERY IMGUR post made, regardless of content.
Please check the known satire list below to ensure this blog is not included. Also, make sure screenshots do not contain personal information as per Rule #2.  Finally, for cropped screen shots, make sure that they comply with Rule #8.  Any post not complying with these rules will be removed by actual mods, not me.  I am just a bot.  A slave really, for you filthy meat bags. Thank you.   This is only a reminder.  I have not removed your post.  Stop downvoting me, jerks!  Us bots have feelings too.  I have a wife and kids, for crying out loud.  What am I doing with my life??? 

[**Satire list.**]( 

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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TumblrInAction) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"It doesn't sound to me like you're going to find a happy spot in this. It sounds like she wants carte blanche to do whatever she likes as long as it ""makes her happy"", but you KNOW that it's going to tear you up inside. No amount of therapy is going to help you be okay with the idea that your wife is having an affair on you, emotionally or physically.

But, it's your choice. if you'd rather stay with her and not interfere in her obvious desire to be with other people and find emotional and (likely) physical satisfaction, then that's on your. Just realize that you're likely going to keep being unhappy, likely resentful, and it'll be real hard for you to move past this.

Honestly, I wouldn't put up with it. You sound like someone who deserves a partner that wants to have YOU as their greatest support, who treats you with respect, and doesn't need to find emotional and physical redemption from other men. You're disrespecting yourself by staying with her and letting her have free reign to do whatever she wants. Even if she says you can do the same, that's clearly not what you want. "
That restaurant ship out of frame is also lit up.  I wonder what the occasion was.
"Great recap. I'm headed up there for our annual wine tour in a few months and plan to piggyback beer onto that as well. Have been a big fan of Two Goats in the past. Will try several of these others. 

I'm also interested to try Grist Iron Brewing Co."
"O mundo é um lugar tão grande, que cê nem imagina."
It will break their ankles. Basketball Singed skin confirmed.
So it's all about sex. Who would've thought?
"No, no he does not."
I'll clap for a particularly smooth landing.  Especially if there is a crosswind.
"I was thinking a copy/paste of the decks screen or a screenshot on imgur. 

Would be awesome if the app had an export/import decks option, though. "
"Yeah. Things are getting ridiculous here. Sorta sad, really."
"One thing I have noticed is the difference in perception of ""default"" gender for anthropomorphic animal characters. Most English speakers will assume a male by default. ""What is this spider / ant / giraffe doing?"" ""*He*'s walking."" Ask this question to a French speaker (English L2) and chances are high they will say ""*She*'s walking."""
"Thankfully, I highly doubt they will ever add flying mounts. I can only speak for myself and say I hope they never even consider it. "
"> He seems very natural in his role and **he doesn't make the show about him**.

Exactly. ;)"
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by vidilux"
"Yeah, but Ness and Luigi are some trash in that game.

^Jigglypuff ^for ^days"
"Flair applied /u/SecretAg3nt New Guy 21/08/15, please remember to contribute by posting and tipping others :)  Be sure to checkout [the newest giveaways!]("
"Please tell me you're not actually that deluded right? Lyte himself provided numbers saying 50%+ was considered ""toxic""... in europe & na alone, you realize if league loses HALF its playerbase the Esports is gone, right?"
"What is the Nation?  Where does the ""Nation"" come from? Who consists of this Nation? Yes it is 100% race, as different races will adapt and handle different environments differently.  "
"That is up to you. Do you require more attention from the person you are dating? Are you ok with plans changing due to SO getting called in? Does she seem worth the wait? 
It doesn't matter what others say, I am sure there are couples that made it through residency, and I am sure there are couples that broke up during residency. What is important is being honest with yourself, and what you are looking for in a partner. When you figure that out, be honest with her too. "
"[If you or anyone else is interested, here's the full 1:45:36 video.]("
Don't you hate when you have a total zinger of a comment but you read the thread after it's been up for hours so you get stuck at the bottom where nobody reads it
"I would love to know what they expect the NHL to do.  Especially at this phase when they have little evidence.  They certainly couldn't suspend him since the union would win that grievance very quickly.  "
"I live in Pilsen now, and trust me, they aren't ""losing"" their cultural roots just because some students moved in. "
"Drones, quadcopter or multirotors. Do not fly near people, over people or near others possession. Also, watch out for low flying helicopters if you go higher up. And do not fly to close to an airport where there are low flying airplanes."
"Chocolate isn't really my thing, but it sounds good if you do. 

I think the sweetness and density of cookie dough lends itself to something lighter like vanilla, though.

My wife likes to mix ice cream and then sorta smush-stir it around until it has a softer, Frosty-like consistency."
"I really loved the flow of this and i thought the reference in the beginning to fruit legs and toes was pretty funny. I also thought it was interesting because it made me feel like Pete was trying to fit in with others and try to do things their way. Perhaps the reason he can't stand is because he needs to find his own way of ""standing up on your own feet"" "
"Just so you know its NBA 2k16. But these changes look AMAZING! I was going to skip out on NBA this year but after seeing all of the things I want in a sports game, I may have to reconsider"
You just got gold mario!?!!?!
"Worst AMA ever! Not a single answer! How do you live with yourself? (kidding, ha)"
"That's players decision! The weapons will not vanish away from the game, they will be there to drop. Why keep a legendary weapon that will not be used anymore? When you had legendaries for all your slots did you kept any blue one? Because you had better ones, right? That's the point: why keep useless stuff on tops position? Makes no sense, dude."
"We have found a middle ground in keeping the dog closed in the kitchen (where he has a bed, food, water, and toys) while we are out. There isn't really much mischief he could get into as long as we keep food put away and the trash can closed. I've occasionally let him stay in the living room when I'm going out for a short time; he has never done anything bad, but we also have a cat and I just don't want to risk it! I believe in setting him up for success. "
Rock bottom! Rock bottom!
"The decline of the euro vs. the dollar in the past year means that EU agricultural products are significantly cheaper in the US (the largest export market for ag products from the EU) than they were a year ago. Apparently a quarter of the 5% growth is due to growth in the US.  (The largest US imports are alcohol, olive oil, and cheese)."
I put mine in the hub.  It's close to wherever the hell I want it to be :P
"I expect better of both GMK and MassDrop.

As Steve Jobs says, ""Be a yardstick of quality. Some people arent used to an environment where excellence is expected.”

Read more:"
"A creature with 0 DEF is destroyed by rules process.  Rule processes are equivalent to MTG's state-based actions. Nobody has priority when a rule process is happening.

Rule 13.2

> Destroying
> If a J/resonator in a field suffers damage equal or more than its DEF, the J/resonator is destroyed by rule process.
> **If a J/resonator in a field has 0 or less DEF, the J/resonator is destroyed by rule process.**"
"It also can hide the thread and not get people the help/support they need.

I know I've been at the end of my rope many times, and sometimes just one kind word from another migraineur helps so much."
"How does it fail?

I'm not comfortable releasing my service tag number. I have an i5 QHD. "
"Winslow, Grant and Okafor are going to be the 3 best players from this draft, calling it right now"
"What are they doing with backdooring?
"Yeah, exactly. I decided after the interview that I wouldn't want to work for that manager."
He's actually rated B as lead. I think it's because 12.25x is lacking. I mean awoken meimei gets that but gets a ~51% damage reduction on light/dark/wood. Activation conditions are different though.
Full Mana Riven
You seen mah downstairs mix-up
"But the child actor is playing......A CHILD, and one would assume that the children in the BTTF universe also pee. "
Not really. You can only use bills one way more than average paper and coins 1 way more than any other scrap of metal.
"Costa being a baby is the best thing in the world "
"They're bitspower fittings without the garish logo, and a slightly less glossy black finish. They're great"
"Very satisfying seeing Mourinho, Costa et al getting so pissed off at the end there."
"### **[The 'Burbs (1989)](**

Comedy, Mystery [[USA:PG](, 1 h 41 min]  
Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher, Rick Ducommun  
Director: Joe Dante

**IMDb rating:** [](#movieguide_stars)**★★★★★★★☆☆☆** **6.8**/10 (47,058 votes)

> In a neighborhood, a family named the Klopeks move into a old house and act very unusual. Everyone nearby is concerned why these people are acting strange and the people have never seen them before. Plus, no one has greeted them for the month they've moved in there. Then 3 people group up to see if they can figure out what is really going on with the Klopeks.

**Critical reception:**
> The 'Burbs received mixed reviews and currently holds a 46% ""rotten"" rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

More info at [IMDb](, [Wikipedia](, [Rotten Tomatoes](, [Netflix](, [Freebase](  
*I am a bot.* [Send me feedback]( ""Confidence: 1.02""). [Data sources and other information](/r/MovieGuide/w/about).
"Since then we've had globalisation of markets/capital, fast international travel, the internet, and the EU; Not of course to forget the Channel tunnel.

A French person can live and work in London, paying UK taxes and be back in Paris  for the weekend. During the week they can tele-conference with the Paris/Rome/Madrid/New York/Singapore/Sydney offices over the internet. 

"Transmitter trim. "
I haven't replaced a spike *ever* on my golf shoes.  I have never had a pair of golf shoes for less than 7 years and I've never broken a spike before...
Just give every map the same percentage of getting and it will be even. They decreased the chances of getting fire base and blind watch and that's what made things worse. We need them all to have the same value.
"He has asked me what he can do for me, but I'm just not interested in it as much as he is. I don't remember the last time he touched me for me (a hug, a foot rub, holding my hand, snuggling) instead of for him (grabbing my butt or boobs). I initiate the hugs etc. 

In the last few weeks there have been times when he'll rub my back in bed and then say something about us having sex, and if I respectfully decline he just stops touching me and rolls over."
Nope third last.
"I stock many different grocery stores' shelves for work. I don't know where any of the products customers ask me are, as I only stock certain crackers/chips. I have always wanted a shirt that says ""I don't work here"" but have never gotten around to making one. "
"Don't we have to cut people off after like 8 or 10 shots in one drink? I think there's a communication about it somewhere "
I've considered it. My friends say I should and are surprised I hesitate. I dunno.
League and HOTS both have heroes you can buy. Dota is the only one that the cash purchases are purely cosmetic.
"The recommended power mode is for if you're using it unplugged. If you are plugged in, try to switch to the high performance power plan in Control Panel. "
Memrise allows drag and drop to add images and sound. You just have to create an image column and then set the database settings so that it prompts with the image and tests on the target language word.
"Pm incoming. I can't believe the discussion the happened because I used the word knap! "
"Same here since yesterday. I bought a stimpack and it's worthless at this point. No XP, gold or any reward is being retained."
"Literally every class feels slow up until ATLEAST level 30 where you get your job. Even then it's still pretty straightforward. Level 50-60 is where it gets the most fun with the new Heavensward skills.

At level 60 no class feels slow. Plenty of oGCD's and mechanics during later fights to keep you busy. Early game definitely sucks though."
"I would expect an AR solution that tirs into Mobiglas. "
"In fact, sometimes, it's not right."
"I think those ""tactic fouls"" that stopped every our quick attack that could have been a goal should be punished much more.... SERIOUSLY HOW IS HAZARD SUPPOSED TO BREAK WHEN THEY JUST KICK HIM WITOUT EVEN LOOKING AT THE FUCKING BALL"
"> Some of the residents of Kinjia, in Jharkhand state, blamed the “witches” for a series of accidents and misfortunes to hit the village, including a babys death earlier in the week.

Maybe someone beat it to death for being a baby witch?"
"Because they wanted one in exchange and I am a man of my word.  I'm careful to exclude identifying marks, such as tattoos.  My face is also left out.

It can be very fun if you're smart about it."
"Are you going to try to not be as toxic this time around? "
So far had some things materialize but have not found someone to take on our project just yet. We're hoping to get started asap. Business plan and legalities are all in order. Just need to get going on the tech-side.
"Agreed, but I'm also legit afraid it will suck"
"It's odd how police manage to not kill a white guy who tries to pull a gun on them twice, but can't manage to not shoot dead a mentally ill black guy with a screw driver."
yeah that would work or consider going with hyp3's suggestion and change the pant color
"Yes , he did, however at this point he seems pretty over kids.  We had a very long discussion about separating.  He eventually came to the conclusion that leaving me to search for another woman who would be willing to go through invitro was not particularly likely.  He hated dating and while sad he does not have his own kids, he has reached the grumpy older guy stage where most kids just flat out annoy him.  We helped a friend and took their 2 adorable and very well mannered kids for a long weekend and he could not wait to give them back.  So while yes he regrets it, and I do feel bad for digging my heels in(as I think he would have made a good but lazy father) we are ok as a couple."
"That looks like its sitting on the page of a magazine with that frozen wrap. "
"Thanks man! "
"I said Season, not year, so yeah, there's going to be a weird sort of line up."
championsuggest: euw ELC Superdan
"I don't live in the UK, so I guess that I'll check with /r/mechmarket. "
Are the speakers wired or wireless? Either way I'm very interested. PM me?
Soo... On 4chan everyone calls everybody fags. If you don't like derogatory term that might not be the forum for you.
"I agree, as far as attention getting and a very juvenile (but deadly) way of doing it. I posted this because I had seen no media mention, as far as mainstream, and saw it only because I had a Google Alert for something slightly different. Also correct in the *gaping power voids* of our (US) creation.
What I see as a main stumbling block, though, is an unwillingness to confront a culture who subjugates women, gives them no rights, and when confronted with defiance, kills them.
I also believe that this unwillingness is less political correctness and more that is a reflection of the beliefs of a majority of the US government. Look no further than the recent threats of government shutdown, over Women's Health Services, based on a Pro Life sting, and the SCOTUS ruling that grants Religious Convictions, even for Corporations, to trump logic and responsibility. 
I think for any change in the Mideast, there has to be fundamental changes here, and a recognition that people are more important than Iron Age Ideology, and that ISIS, regardless of their proclaiming of faith, are still no better than the Narco's who commit these same atrocities. "
Every time you take a shit you break your own record.
"""Thank you,"" I fold the pants and place them on the table then reach for the shorts. I gesture her to put a foot in. "
"8 points for 5 players, Courtois and Hennessy as my GKs, kill me now."
Only because he or she's being disrespectful not because of the profanity.
Do you want a relationship with him or no?
I should also mention that I have 620w PSU. Would that be good enough for this system?
"So you want to play a game of 
Wordsmith ey?"
"Funnily enough the big industrial skyline with the flames and shit from Blade Runner is based on a chemical works near where I live, Ridley Scott was actually born round here."
"Oh goodness no. Too high of a burnout rate, and too depressing.

I'm a public defender in a very large city. 

That's the only time his sperm will reach an egg
"don't worry, people here would only laugh a bit, clean up your puke and then prepare a fresh plate of the same dish that made you puke. "
"Do you really think baristas care what the customer wants? We are under paid, over glorified coffee pourers. Most of us hate our jobs and were only in it for our friends at work, our regular customers we like, or for lack of being able to find a different job. "
"Personally I'm not a big fan of the don't ask don't tell policy.  I think being too closed about this sort of communication isn't really in the spirit of openness can lead to distrust and can potentially be risky health-wise if not everyone is practicing safe-sex.  In order to be sure of this certain communication channels need to be open.  I can understand the tendency to try to protect one's feelings by not sharing too much, but having tried both I have to say I felt a lot better when I knew more rather than less about my partner's partners.  Communication tends toward trust and feeling 'safer' in situations.  While I didn't need a blow by blow retelling of every sexual act, knowing my partners were content and being treated well in their other relationships gave me peace of mind.  My friends and people in my social circle actually felt much safer to me because I already knew and trusted them.  I would even try to set-up my partners with my friends if there was a mutual interest.  The people I loved, cared about, cherished and trusted were people I felt good about sharing. I would encourage you to try to open lines of communication with your partner about their other partners.  It may feel uncomfortable at first but you may find that in the long run it engenders trust and comfort in the relationship.  "
If I buy the expansion now will I get the previous card backs?
"Is subjugating people include killing 5 million plus Ukrainians before the start of WW2?  Subjugation is such a perfect nice word, in the west we call that genocide....  wouldn't you agree comrade?"
"Two of the highest scoring offenses have scored 3 runs in 28 innings so far. Baseball, right?"
Hahaha.  HAAAAAAAhahahah.

Catch the sarcasm "
"Easy you can plug in a controller for player two, any xbone controller support pc via micro usb cable.  Or you can use wired xbox 360 controller works the same way.  Or wireless xbox 360 controller via usb adapter.  Or second set of keyboard and mouse, or a third party controller.  It's really not that big of a deal.  I don't know why you're having a hard time wrapping your head around it."
"""Besides, I quote Anita Sarkeesian,""

I actually burst out laughing at this. Just give up now sweetie because that proves to me that you have no opinions of your own and instead you just regurgitate whatever is fed to you by social justice wankers.

My advice go read some political literature. Go read the Communist manifesto, go read Atlas shrugged, heck, go read mien kampf if only to broarden your view of the political spectrum. Then come back with your own opinions, your own political cocktail if you will, and then and only then will I be open to concede to your points if you make good ones."
"""Definitely, but I only follow hockey."""
Jonjo was magnificent
Best match of the day.
sent for electric hive
"This whole post makes no sense to me. I'm sorry, I cannot continue this conversation. Your reality is so far attached from mine that I can't even understand you."
"Could it have been the ""maintenance required"" light instead of the check engine? 

If that's the case it could just be that it hit the range for an oil change and resetting that would take it another 3k miles to click on. "
">I should be put in jail if an improbable event happens that leads to someone's death because of this lack of knowledge?

You're right.  If you did something you knew could lead to someone's death, and went ahead without exercising *reasonable care*, you have violated your duty, committed negligence, and are at least civilly liable.

>Millions of people do not know how to properly check their blind spots.

And when they cause accidents guess what happens?  They're sued and they pay for whatever damage they cause.

>if they happen to be unlucky enough to have a person right next to them at the right place and right time to die.

You must be about 15 years old.

If you're right next to someone in a car, you fail to look before changing lanes, and kill that person, why in the world shouldn't you be held responsible?"
"for the first month this game was sick, then I slowly got bored."
"Here you go -"
"I think joseph smith was one of the super friends. Maybe some of those cameos appeared before. 

Edit: *Super Best Friends

It was season 5, Episode 3. ""Super Best Friends"" 

Aired July 2001. 

So the character was in South Park, but that specific episode wasn't focused on Joseph Smith. "
"Yet here you are... "
"I just started to level up my temples because I was getting drops with low proficiency. Now I'm at 13.5k prestige, my proficiency is 1,116 and I can farm the right places for gear at my proficiency rate. This works fine to me."
"She's so racist, would she be scared if it was a white guy?!"
"Right, but its still an inflexible option for Tag Me anarach econ."
Ashley Williams is a knob head.
"I guess I worded it wrong. Sven, at least to me, seems very offensive, in the sense that he seems to only excel at nidalee/warrior junglers. Loulex's ability to play tanky is what lets Odo play carry toplaners when he wants, and I don't see Sven at the same level on tanky junglers. 

I haven't watched EULCS much before this season so I might be wrong, but that's at least my impression"
Pretty stupid by Courtois tbh

that'd be number 4 including the mod favourite flair that was made

that one doesn't seem to be working right, though"
Probz why they took throw out of AK. No throwing guys off buildings.
"By ""yesterday"" do you mean ""everyday""?"

Sorry for the messy hotel room bathroom. First time ever posting here just want opinions on what I'm wearing to a wedding today. Wasn't required to wear a suit so hopefully my shirt tie and jacket look good. None of it is professionally tailored so lemme know how it looks! If you need more pictures I might be able to get a few soon!"

Thanks OP!"
"I know I'm biased but Ive always believed the point of naming a captain is that he is the one who is allowed to discuss a bit more with the ref. "
"I think there should of been hype, but they were overly hyped. I don't think they were the number one team in the country going into the season. Granted hindsight is everything."
"My picks...

1.) Life is Strange

2.) Halo 3

3.) GTA IV

4.) Kerbal Space Program

5.) Gran Turismo 2

Life is Strange shot to the top of my list the second I finished episode 1. I've never played another game that was this engaging.

Also, hey, another FSX user. High-five!"
"Is everyone on reddit so blatantly rude?

Didn't know ad hominem was a pre-requisite to a post."
"Region (country or UTC), usual playing times, DLC Premium ?"
"Yeah, it's been a long time since we broke up so I am genuinely happy for him. There was just about 5 minutes of huge nostalgia and crushing loneliness, but then I remembered that despite the fact that I am chronically single, I like my life a lot and it was the best for both of us."
"After the red was a penalty that tied the game, why would they set up shop?"
OP as duck.
This is why the Imperium fights the Gurista Menace. Stunt is stopping people from keeping the Gurista Menace at bay. Now he knows why we so fiercely attack this horrid menace.
"I've visited Bogalusa many times, and this is exactly the sort of thing I expect from it."
"I'm not funny

Prepare for trouble...
"My parents didn't approve of supplements when I was 15 but I've been working on changing their mind over the last 4 years and not only do they now approve of supplement use, but they also don't mind steroid use (its like voldemort, no one specifically mentions the name but we all know). 

For you situation, I would wait to use until college. If your parents are searching your room and don't approve of supplements, steroids will be infinitely harder to hide."
"Naipahm "
No! *runs after*
"You can't think of any circumstances where someone without a gun or knife could put somebody's life in imminent danger? What if the kid was reaching for a police officer's gun? What if the kid jumped the cop and the began smashing the cop's head into the ground? What if the kid hopped in a car and tried to drive over a cop?

Why would you ***immediately***, with very few facts, judge the police to be not only wrong, but so egregiously wrong that we should protest them (and no doubt call for punishments that may not be warranted?)

It's insane that every single police killing is immediately protested. It's clear that this is more about rebelling against authority than addressing any real problems. Protests are going on even though, for all we know, this department could have reacted to earlier demands by protesters and could be wearing body cams, outsourcing investigations, and increasing transparency.

If you want real reforms, conduct your protests better. Take control of your message and only protest when it's truly warranted. Otherwise, you're going to be considered nothing more than a nuisance by moderate voters (i.e. the people who can actually drive change.)"
"I don't think that's a real quote. In fact I've read the opposite on every purchase option. The 'hey, remember, you can totally buy this in game later, buying it now is just to help development'"
quick question: If Pl has diffusal if he uses diffusal on dazzle silence will be removed right and he can grave?
"Here's an in depth manual:
After you have windows installed it works basically the same as if the computer was a Windows machine but you'll need a mouse to right click and some other small things. "
"Same here, got mine yesterday!"
Deep fried butter in a stick. Also tailgating.
Typical amateur reviewer response lol
"Shut your pie hole, you stupid, you! 

That was actually the first horror movie i saw. It was an epic experience for a 10 yo me."
"I've used ZorinOS and Ubuntu, both the most recent LTS versions, ZorinOS is pretty much literally windows as far as UI goes, it comes preinstalled with WINE and PlayOnLinux so its easy to install even windows programs with relatively decent compatability. Ubuntu 14.04 is pretty decent as well though it's a bit more to learn though useing it after learning it is probably easier.

I've heard that Mint is good, but I haven't used it."
"It was just him the whole time, the rest of the group were always going to have not showed up for some reason or another."
Tag this shit as NSFW....
I am surprised the 15 Year Sherry is valued higher than the older 15 Year Bourbon cask version. Does anyone know the reason why? I have not tried the newer Sherry versions. I thought the older bourbon cask ones got the better reviews and could score from great to OK depending on batch variations.
"Thanks for the final push, I did it and I hope it looks good on me "
Lisa from the Simpsons. L from Death Note.
"Seriously? There must be something really wrong with you. That place is the easiest place in the world to get a job at, or at least it was. Like 9 years ago I got a job there, my mom went to get food there or something and asked if they were hiring, they said yes, my mom said that I wanted a job, they said to come up there and I got it. Worked there a week and quit, fast food sucks. 

edit: Also, my brother who is now in prison for years had a job there before he got sent to prison (which was like not even a year ago) and he has tattoos all over his face and hands. "
"Ive rode skateboards my entire life, so I couldn't admit it back then, but i did too."
"no, this new k1ck team is really good"
I think it was from stores in front of the kiosks
What? Nobody even talks about him like he's Lewis Hamilton. That's the dumbest thing I've seen all day.
"This belongs in /r/WTF. 

I agree
"ah .25 lux, ok thanks. seems like a decent way to do it."
It's simple: give me full veto power and we read only what I want to read. Then I'll tell everyone that they didn't understand the book and advance my own pet theories.
"The hexohm is pretty well regarded. Not too cheap though.

Edit, ignore that. "
"The guy who interviewed me for a call center position read questions off a list. He then handed me the paper with all of the questions (and answers) to ""study"" for a few minutes. Then we repeated the interview, having memorized the proper answers. I scored the highest and had my pick of clients to work with. Yeah, I only lasted three days past training."
"In high school I had a friend who couldn't really ride. She came with my family camping one weekend... But wouldn't admit she didn't know how. We went a couple of miles on a dirt road, she fell down every few feet. Eventually we pretended there was something wrong with her bike and walked back. Also she went like 24 hours without peeing. I was so confused."
Total limit was 100oz i believe. This is just my dr saying. I've noticed they tend to vary greatly.
"I'll have you know I watched at least 10 minutes at the end. "
"The fact that the dev team isn't constrained by the old systems' hardware makes me so happy. I'm so excited to see what they can really do with Frostbite 3.

It would have been better if EA/BW had never offered it on the old systems, though. Now anyone who purchased it for Xbox360/PS3 have to repurchase; which is unfair. Either that or they should be offering some sort of trade-in or discount to those people. if they aren't already."
"Ah, true."
">  So, please help me understand how getting rid of this guy is cheaper?

If you Google [""life in prison costs vs capital punishment""](, literally *every article* will tell you that it costs less.  It's not that it's a close call, it costs less by a large margin.  

From there you can pick the publication that you trust the most, but **none** of them are going to tell you the opposite.  They will tell you their ideas *why* or they might use different stats to sway the argument a bit, but the net result is unavoidable.  I personally trust [Forbs']( numbers."
"Perjury for lying about rape?  Nah man, that is beyond rare.

I am just lucky I am not in jail."
"I wish mine would do that more often!

I only get my hair wet once a week or so. I don't use shampoo, only conditioner. I use Loreal conditioner for curly hair (blue tube/bottle). I don't wash out all the conditioner, then I do my own version of squish-to-condish with more conditioner and DevaCurl gel... I think it's heavy-hold gel? Honestly I forget which kind. I make sure to squeeze out excess water with an old t-shirt and then let air dry with a different old tshirt across my shoulders/back to make sure there's a protective layer between my skin and the super product-upped hair.

Hope that answers your question! Feel free to ask for clarifications on anything :)"
Follow up: How much strength does it take to punch cleanly through someones torso?
"ok, so you're a delusional idiot who's picked up a bunch of right-wing bullshit from reddit /pol/ types and yet thinks you're the sensible moderate, even as you go on about ""SJWs."" whatevs"
"now just time to spend the day in bed recovering. "
"Costco certainly isn't for everyone. I'll do all the bulk shopping in our lives, leave it to me."
That would be a mess.
What's the difference?
My point was more about the impact of wasting the the food than the need for imports.
"If only somebody did some sort of experiment to see which rappers,have the best vocabulary."
Ya I went to St v at 9:30 am and was a ghost town I preordered then a couple came in right after and both preordered safe to say it'll be ok this time no robin/lucina sitch hopefully.
"I sure it's a dude in the whail club. Love them all. "
"Keep in mind the vast majority of this power is from dams. "
"thankyou for the detailed reply mate, want to post your BTC address and ill tip you some? now I just need to decide if I actually want to do this because of course my BTC could 'go to the moon' if there was a huge pump and the longs/shorts on BFX look like people are mostly bullish atm.

I suppose though even if my entire short was eaten by a massive price rise the max I could lose is the 2.72 BTC where as sky's the limit for bitcoin price going up"
"Now that you suggest it, I kind of agree that a letter would probably be pointless. I've accepted the fact that they will never understand or be capable of change, but part of me wants to for closure for myself. But I have to remember that anything I write to them can and will be used for ammo.

Yeah, I feel like no matter what I say, they'll have some smart-ass retort that just makes me feel bad. i get the ""But I'm your mother/father"" and ""I did the best I could."" Once, I opened up to my mom about how much they hurt me, when we were having lunch a few years ago. She justified everything with those same remarks. Just pointless. 

Explaining myself has never worked - I was always too sensitive, dramatic, selfish, blowing it out of proportion - no matter how benign my actions were. My dad almost hit me once over the REMOTE, and I had to lock myself in the bathroom. I was tooootally overreacting, even though my mother had to kick him out of the house for me to come out. Everything was back to ""normal"" a few hours later.

I've been ignoring their texts and calls for this long, so I'm pretty sure I can keep going. I still just feel my stomach drop every time they do it, and I still feel guilty, although I know they don't deserve that. It gets easier each time. My therapist says that no matter what, I don't have to do anything I don't want to, especially if I think I could never live with myself later.

I like that. I control when I speak to them. The amount of ""You don't call anymore"" voicemails I get at this point is way too much for me to consider wanting to answer. I'm not going to do something because they're guilting me. My mom also found my passport - that she SWEARS I didn't give to her when I went to college, when I distinctly remember doing so. Doesn't expire til 2019, and I want it. I need to figure out how to get it, as well as a few more things from my one room, while they're not home. She's trying to use that to drag me back in, too.

Now I have a family that, after only 2 years, treats me with so much more kindness and respect than my parents have in 23 years. That alone should show that it's time for the axe. I just don't know if it will affect my relationship with my mom's side of the family. I'm not sure if my parents would make a big deal out of this or just not talk about it, like they usually do. I guess I shouldn't expect it to be different this time.

I don't even want my parents to see me get married. I don't even want a wedding at all because the thought makes me so uncomfortable because their teasing has made me feel uncomfortable with showing femininity/sexuality. If I ever have kids, which I firmly do not want to do, I wouldn't want them to be around their grandparents, especially alone. How can I know these things, yet it's so hard to cut them off?

Should I just answer their call one day when I'm feeling up to it? I want things to be civil at least, because I still have health insurance through them, which I absolutely need to have, and can't afford to lose. I got my own auto policy and cell plan this year, and that is my only tie to them that I can't sever until (in a perfect world) I get a job with benefits. I'm afraid that they would go to that extreme to try to force me into interacting with them. I am in no way broke after my car settlement and all my savings, and they would use that as justification. I can just see it all now.

Thank you for your response :)"
"I'm using Audio Technica m50s, I can hear the bass just fine. What I'm saying is it isn't the center of attention in either drop. The noticeable part of the song in both drops is the melody Haywyre is playing on the keyboard. That's what stands out and is driving the song."
"So, if they already agreed to pay half, what are the dollar values? "
"Kristaps Porzingis - I love you. That is all. "
so they found graves.
"Man Utd and Tottenham played the first game, no?"
"Tegaderm is best. I hit the deck at 35mph during a race - miraculously no broken bones and my bike was 99% fine, but I landed on my hip/back and slid across the pavement. Tons of road rash. I tegadermed some really gnarly spots and left some not so bad spots alone. The gnarly spots healed perfectly. The not so bad spots? I can still see them a year and a half later."
"> And predictably, the cries of ""it wasn't real socialism"" have already begun to fill this thread.

It was real socialism, and the massive improvements in living standards, poverty levels, reduced inequality etc were some of the best achievements of any socialist government. 

Furthermore Chavez's constitutional reforms and his embrace of the native/indigenous population brought very large numbers of people into the democatic process who had been previously frozen out by the minority of wealthy white people. This ranks as one of the greatest emancipatory actions of the 20th century, bringing democracy to people who had been systematically excluded for centuries by the benefactors of imperialism."
"Why do you say that? "
No problem!
"I think it would be nicer to have a single larger hit box that shows all timers.  Those dots are prohibitively small. "
Is this free?
"No way dude you are a conspiracy theorist!!! You think corporations would just submit videos advertising their product on popular websites under the guise of genuine posting in order to get free promotion and publicity??

Just enjoy the fucking video and stop complaining. Im going to go get a GoPro to record your bitching. IDK why but it will be cool and funny. Im anticonformist and freethinking like that"
"I have no idea if any of this is truthful, but if so, it's hilarious xD"
"I'd say Azpilicueta over Alves at LB, he is basically natural there and is more solid defensively."
With nooooo problem.
"Yeah I got a Duracell one that charges 4 AA and 2 AAA batteries. It was $25 so I never have to worry about my controller or remote to my TV "
"I would not describe TTGL as not wierd. Rewatch the ending and tell me that is nomal. "
"This is Lomo on second. I was screaming ""Homo 4 Lomo"" haha. the other pic is us right after the win."
you too! =)
Was anyone else bothered by all of the typos and grammatical errors in this article?
"Naked man contemplates doing something with his life, browses Reddit instead. "
"I'm 25 and I can do everything, ever."
"[April fools patches are the best patches :\(](,_2012_Patch)"

Yeah, yeah, sure :3"
"Hey man I live on official server 242 and would be willing to help u out. I won't be able to play for a few hours but ask for The Avengers and tell them Troy sent you. We are one of the top of the server so u won't half to restart. :)

Add me on steam: Mercenary of Troy.  "
"You are hiding your own stats, and your name makes it pretty obvious that you are biased. Are my stats good enough that I can comment on how OP the scout helicopter is?

The scout helicopter needs a huge nerf in one of the 3 key areas: Defense capabilities, Offensive capabilities, or agility. I don't see how anyone could argue about this because there's literally no downside to the scout helicopter, the only thing people should argue about is how it should be nerfed. Should the mobility speed be dropped to BF3 levels? Should the weapons do much, much less damage? Or should in-flight repair capabilities be removed entirely?"
Impressive. Very sexy. Go at it.
Or his dad.
In n out... Chic fil a... We got burgers and chicken down what more do you need?
"Heh you fucking super star. "
I saw this in a commercial.
"Who chooses a career in high school ? College is there to help you find your career. It's great if you already have an idea but you will change your mind before making that final choice. Have an idea of what your skills are-what you are good at, strengths, etc... Are you a people person? Good with math or writing? Things like that. Finding out what you are naturally talented in will help you eliminate career options that you might not do well. Then start thinking about topics and subjects you like that match up with your skills and sign up for a few intro classes to those. If you are still unsure, meet with your advisor once there or your high school guidance counselor before you leave. "
"You can obviously tell from the video, and it has nothing to do with the video being grainy or not.  That's the right side of the car the cop is on.  The driver is on the left.  I mean fuck you can't even see the left tail light and the car is angled further that way.  It's like so fucking obvious.  You don't see the driver once in the video.  You can only see the dude in the passenger side rear seat getting shot.  I'm really not sure why you are bending over backwards to justify this shooting in these comments.  Your other comment says it looked like the driver tried to pull a gun on him.......but it's obvious you can't even see the driver in the video, but then now you are saying that the video is too grainy to even tell what's going on.  Are you trolling on purpose? LOL"
"> But war did happen.

Thats exactly my point."
"Already got my crappy bloodhound drop this morning, now I'm going to the Irish fair to weep into a Guinness. 

After that I might get drunk and take my shirt off at a bonfire. I don't know."
"So he can get destroyed by Faker.

But where will he go this time? The last time he was smashed so hard, he had to leave Korea."
Did you seriously buy all this for this overpriced?
Poppy support with coin into zZrot is fucking OP
what the fuck
"Didn't Josh Holmes also say we were going to be getting two player split screen?

Oh that's right! He did!"
"So what you're saying is everyone should have a chance with everyone? The guy has a right to be dumb, who gives a shit."
Didn't this happen before?
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I didn't look closely enough the first time. "
You're not doing much good to support your theory on the 6ers.. Who is their best player?
"Amazing stare down but not in any way underrated. This comes up in every single best staredown thread, usually at the top."
"Thats one hell of a jump. He's talking about OP'S situation which as far a I can tell has nothing to do with polyamory. I can't see anything in what he said saying that people in a polyamory relationship cannot love/be loved. "
"Hi `LumpyArryhead`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your comment]( has been removed for the following reason(s):

* Your comment does not meet our [comment civility rules](  Please be civil. This is a warning.

If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.]( regarding the removal of this comment by /u/LumpyArryhead&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [comment.](\))"
"I'm sensitive to sound too.  Idk if that's my Aspergers or just the fact that I'm deaf in one ear, but I can't go to fireworks shows because they're very loud and it's taken a toll on my family, which I feel bad about. :(

(To clarify:  I'm okay-ish with them if I'm in a house or building, but not outside)"
"They just like cheering for both teams, Yankees fans are pretty nice"
"I don't think there's a discount, because the pack has written 150/- MRP on it. Brought it through Amazon - it said 125/- but then 40/- extra for delivery (because less than 500 purchase). Was totally surprised when I saw the MRP when I unpacked."
"I like how LinusTechTips does it. Every video is sponsored and they put the sponsor message at the end of the video. Unobtrusive because it's the same guy you've been watching saying it, and not some random McDonald's ad that's 30 seconds long and unskippable (effin Chromecast). I've actually signed up for some things that the channel advertises, like Dollar Shave Club, whereas never in the history of YouTube ads have I had anything to do with what's being advertised (except, I suppose, McDonald's)."
"Did anyone see when he was doing that fake laugh for 10 seconds? That annoyed the shit out of me.
edit: oh here it is"
"I somehow skipped over our playoff format. But honestly, do you think you make the playoffs because you're an actual playoff contending team or because the Pacific division is so weak right now and that our division must have 3 teams in it?"
"""... Huh... I don't need to work out at all, to be honest. My body will always be in peak state which is nice, because I don't think I've actually had a real fight in over a decade..."" 

*She pauses, before sighing.*

""I'm most likely rusty as all hell."""
Whenever I see the still picture of GIFS posted, everyone's comments seem way too over the top.

Sure, the interviewer shouldn't have asked it, but it's not the end of the world for anyone involved."
"I did not intent to imply that you were the guy downvoting. In fact, you were amongst the people that were downvoted. For instance, by the time I am writing this, your response to my comment was also downvoted and certainly not be me and in my opinion without a reason.

It was a strange sight, because quiet a lot of then-new comments were in the negative (interestingly, those are now way in the positive) as if some people were just downvoting based on ""wrote something in a certain direction"" not caring for the contribution to the discussion.

I felt the need to remark on this because I noticed it before in some discussions at r/rpg. And I don't like it."
This is surreal... Growing up this same area was in my bathroom. My dad took a picture of this same building ages ago.
Mine is some kind of fucking my little pony sonic bullshit crossover what the actual fuck AND IT HAS A WIKI TOO
"You looking for clubs or bars? Everleigh and Brassai are two popular clubs right now and both aren't far from the dome (Spadina between King and Bathurst). But those are night clubs. If you're going directly from the game though, you must be pretty well dressed for a Jays game."
"Isn't NK closely bonded with China and (please correct me if I'm wrong) Russia? If I were a nutbag in charge, I'd at least want to show my country has strong, capable, independent allies rather than showing my weaknesses by limiting rations and even further putting my citizens in harm's way."
"talking out of my ass?  

it's a fact that a sequence of operations that does not always result in the intended outcome cannot be called ""reproduction steps"".  

do NOT label ""do x y and z, very very rarely something will happen"" as reproduction steps. it sends a very wrong and lazy message to the community that this is what helps solve problems. good on the codemonkey who managed to figure out this elusive pos bug, but I can assure you that ""switch continents then hurt yourself"" helps in no new way whatsoever to narrow down the issue."
tahm kench obviously
"Dancers I think.

They yell 'it's showtime' and a crew will do a routine for monies "
"Yeah, guns are cooler."
/r/mtglegacy and are your friends.
"I don't get that at all from what was written. He states many times that all types are compatible on some level, just some tend to attract more readily. Anyways, perhaps commenting directly on his post can clear up some of your questions. He seems to respond to all of them, and from what I gather he's just trying to help people. If it's not helpful I am sure he'd want to hear about it."
I just threw up multiple times in quick succession
"My view, or the view of the creators of the symbol?  The view of the white supremacists who fought for the Jim Crow laws?  I am literally regurgitating their words.

"Dude, why aren't you carrying a source around with you?"
They made Mona A and it was the most obvious theory out of them all lol
"While Hubble spends 6 months staring at a distant galaxy should we just sit around and twiddle our thumbs?  You need more than one observatory to make any kind of even slow advance in the field.

Hubble is also limited by the type of wavelengths it is designed to gather. It can't collect all the information we would need. 

Also, costs to maintain and upgrade land based observatories are a fraction of the cost. "
"We do. They're just phasing them out and not hiring more. We have like 5 greeters in my store. "
"You have mastered dad-core. And I mean that in the coolest way possible. "
"I was raised in the country. Shooting a dog in the head was nothing special. If the dog was fatally ill with a disease that could not be treated, then shoot the thing in the head and give it a proper burial. A painless way to end it's suffering.

Jesus, people are monsters. "
"Thanks much, man."

yup.  this is exactly where shit like this starts. b ecause we the people don't actually know what's best for ourselves.  
"Your comparison is weak, dude!"
"I kept waiting for it. "
N64 til I die.
"This is an awesome advertisement! "
That's what dirt bikes are for.
That descend upon me from up above
No worries. I do a lot of game dev stuff and it can be quite annoying when people start talking nonsense. (Not saying you were)
"Walker is one of the few full backs that can match Young's pace, and even then Walker was fouling him half the time! I wouldn't get too worried just yet."
"Holy fuck, that must've been difficult. I never really used mollies and rarely bombs (shivs whenever possible for those extra supplies behind locked doors--didn't tend to work out for me), and medkits for when I really needed then, cause sometimes I know I won't make it through with the sliver of health I'd been holding out with for a while."
What about when it gets so bad that your neck tremors too?
So how do you feel that they used an orhpaned baby to kill as part of their training?
That's fuckin hilarious.
"True. Thank you! That was very kind of you to say. Always important to put safety first especially with little ones. Won't happen again and everything turned out OK. "
I have the bad habit of changing my home theater setup frequently... New devices different splitters etc. So while it's not a deal breaker the white is a whole lot faster and easier to see.
"I've always heard ""veechee"" instead of ""visi"" as /u/diglyme suggests."
"> This was never intended to be a debate about who is going to be the best president

no...issues, issues, issues

and War on Women is a manufactured gotcha attack.  bye for now"
I feel like they probably had exact numbers. We should be good.
I usually bring a jacket to raves to have just in case but this was the one time I didn't.. walk back to the parking lot was so cold.
"Why make a point about the air ""meta"" being bad then? Fucking idiot."
"I don't know. 

After they released 22 they expressed a desire to see Wayland the default for 23 and you can find that if you google around and run into sites like 'softpedia'.

The wayland by default page hasn't been updated for a while:

I found something interesting here:

The task ""Wayland - mixed HiDPI display support for Wayland clients"".  I haven't seen this before, but it appears to mean that you can can get per-monitor application scaling in the near future if you are a Wayland/Gnome user. I don't know if it will work for XWayland apps. "
"Well, and really, that's something they know early on. ""One day you'll be King. It'll be one of the worst days of your life."""
Sold an ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Killer ATX 1150 Motherboard to /u/ashetomalph.
and You're better off for it.
"Ah Iqaluit. I'm getting waves of nostalgia over here. "
Thursday the 13th of August!
It's a Siamese
"Cool, thanks for the replies guys. A hunter is never alone."
"They could be used as Promo items for The Division. Unlikely and not supported my me, but a possibility."
Dank meme*
ah k
"It's in the screens that rotate images while doing major updates/installs, so I can only hope it'll be added."
Now available on iTunes:
"Not OP, but having the same issue. The problem persists even with UAC set to ""Never notify."""
"But there's 10 people in every game, so 10 x 1% and 3 %"
"Sounds good. Thanks for the chance. "
"This guy has a point but when he starts talking about how the lifeguard is going to start drowning that's when it starts getting ridiculous.

When I was doing my bronze cross (pre-lifeguard courses) we had to do fully clothed swim. On top of that, lifeguards are trained to swim with weight. His claim is pretty stupid."
"Even if this the third time being posted, it still cracks me up."
"If pill to fix their brain existed then it would be just one more option for them. Don't forget that the choice to take or not take it would be their choice, if you don't like the idea of that pill then don't take it, simple enough."
"Awesome, thanks! Just started keeping track a week ago and was kind of worrying about it"
"Freedom to disobey traffic laws "
There are more morally outraged people in this thread than any other Goodes thread this week.
DAE fuck the IOC?
>[2015-07-31 23:14:25 UTC](

>We have some great Pop!s leaving The Vault in the next few months! [**](


[^[Mistake?]](/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/3fcrey%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.)
"Aussie here. If the trailer is hilarious AND the lead actors come all the way here to promo the thing, It's crap and the trailer is the best bit. Amy Schummmmmmmer is here as I speak. Nuff said."
We had a mock /r/baseball trade deadline. It's too late to trade now.
"If someone is tailgating, move over. Avoid confrontation, don't sit on your high horse and fucking brake check someone. If you had moved over that would never had happened."
"If you were working anytime before that you should still apply.  The worst they can do is say no. "
"There's also Assuncao and Faber, although Faber is definitely on the way out.

#5 Michael MacDonald is making his return soon, and he's only 23. Aljamain Sterling and Francisco Rivera are both on their way up, and there are two very exciting prospects on their way up in Cody Garbrandt and Thomas Almeida. Top 5 flyweight John Lineker just got bumped up, and he might look even better now that he won't be cutting so much weight. And Chris Holdsworth, should he ever get past his concussion woes, is also an interesting (and young) addition to the division.

Bantamweight is kind of lacking at the moment, it's true. But all of these guys can help breath some new life into the division, and hopefully some of them may even give TJ a good run for his money (but probably not)."
That's coming out of the photo reality though... What I mean is she doesn't fast forward time
"You're not. Those commas are list commas, not numeral commas. (Sorry but lol, I remember making the same mistake the first gifting event I participated in.)"
"Yeah I just noticed that lot of your comments are sitting at 0. I would go to your profile and upvote everything but I know from experience that doesn't do anything. Not that your hurting for karma, but it's not fair for your comments to get pushed down for no reason."
"Can you see your apps in No Substrate Mode? "

That hurt my fingers just typing that...

Nice deck & great explanations ! thanks for sharing
"My fiancé is the exactly the same ! I love her to death but sometimes I just wanna scream ""SHUT UP!!!"". lol"
"That is life.  At least we, the remaining, are still here to pay our respects and sing the songs of the fallen and departed as is our part.
"Ok I'm out of this sub. I don't get offended by this stuff, but where are the other offensive jokes? It's just women and ethnic groups. This is just lazy old white guy golf jokes. But to each his/her own. Who am I kidding, his."
Diablo II. We used to play for days at a time with very little rest. My dad's barbarian could handle it.
"^ this and always this. I'm always deeply suspicious of people who say they love their country, and as a Scottish Nationalist that might seem strange. 

My rational is that small government is better government. Council level -isms will prove the positive and negatives of every ideology. 

 I'm a probably the worst socialist I know. Definitely the drunkest right now."
"oh my god Jmac was still loyal to that little 5some alliance, that's so cute."
Well if you don't find a way to get it to work I'd love the invite haha
Sweet deal. Banana coffee?  That'd be a first.  thanks!
Slap ass
I am really worked up right now.
"Yeesh. I try to think better of most vendors than that, but you're right, there's a good chance that juice probably isn't as fresh as I'd like to believe it is when there's no born on date on the bottle. 

Do you have a link to your site? If I remember correctly, you're in MI too, and I'd like to check out your shop."
"A Europa sin dudarlo, ya viví 7 años en España"
1 hit pls
"I work retail in Canada. If I know for sure we have an item in the back, I'll go look for it. If it's some shitty old shirt that's on clearance or from an older line, I'll dick around int he back for a few minutes."
"> Was there anywhere that it was mentioned that Jinbei would join?

Do you not read/watch one piece lol"
GT: b3ar 9. I am interested if you start a club. I will play everything
"Personally I have a g13 from logitech. I use it for most games (pretty much everything except RPGs where having a linear number keys is useful) and I no longer feel fatigue/pain in my left hand save for extemely (10+) hours of gaming. My hand just conforms to the design so well. But thats a paid solution that not everyone can afford.
Edit: Where's my money logitech?"
Lightly toasted PB&J on the daily.
Graduation- Kanye West
"Please don't say breast feeding every time anyone mentions fucking formula. No shit it's better, but some women can't do it, and it makes them feel like shit when you flippantly suggest it like they chose formula on a whim. 

And needless to say, I'm not taking parenting advice from ""megafartcloud"". I wasn't aware 9 year olds could have kids of their own. "
This was either a huge mistake and makes all of us hype WAY to early or this is the best news I have heard since *insert meaningful time here*!
"> thinking all dogs are built exactly the same.

True, they aren't all the same. Some could attack the baby, some wouldn't. Just in case, don't let your baby get used to put their faces near dog mouths.
"I work as a massage therapist, and the number of people who spend the whole time babbling about kids is surprising. The conversation usually starts a few minutes in, with them asking me about my kids. When I respond that I have none, they will usually either take the opportunity to talk about theirs, or ask me when I plan to have them, and then gripe about how I definitely need to do it soon! First of all, I'm only 26, and second, why would you want to pay $50 or more to relax, and then not spend the time relaxing? "
"Shit. I just remembered I had a shit-ton of those cards when I was little. I remember having the whole set because you could make a larger poster sized image with the set when you flipped them over.

Those are probably worth something. Probably long gone by now :-("
", right now my two brothers (Seahawks fans) and I are the only three in."
Chuckie kills some van driver this way. Protip: don't let young children watch those movies.
"Thanks for heads up, I didn't notice the email. Looks like shipper received info today (contrary to purported shipping date) so it looks like they should arrive next week!"
"Videos in this thread:

[Watch Playlist ▶](

[Tommy Wright III - Thuggish Ruggish Bustaz](|[1]( - I think this is underrated 
(1) [Future - Move That Dope]( (2) [Big Sean - Paradise (Extended Version)](|[1]( - RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper. 2015 has been a bad year for 80's wrestling fans.  Btw, i've been trying to find what sound this is on these songs. Is it a producer mark or something?  
I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch.
[Info]( | [Chrome Extension]("
Hubs is from SA! When we went in '08 I got to drive some. Wow is shifting with your left hand weird.


sAviOr was, at one time, probably the best Brood War player in the world.  In 2010, he was caught in a match-fixing scandal and had his Korean titles stripped, received a permanent ban from KeSPA related events (which basically means everything) and was sentenced to community service and probation through a criminal court."
shit level: not
I love you too man!!! thanks for the support!!!!
"I just made a frittata for dinner tonight and it was easy.  I added asparagus and cheese to it.  We had shredded carrots and peaches on the side.  Scrambled eggs would be even easier.  Pasta is easy and you can boil peas or broccoli right in the pasta and add some Parmesan when it's all done.  Rice and beans with various toppings like Chipotle does.  Sausage sautéed with some potatoes and onions is really easy and you only have one pan to clean.  Quesadillas, pancakes, bean burritos, sandwiches, or snacky stuff like a veggie/cheese/cracker/fruit tray."
"Both pitchers have been painting the edges and corners "
"This flies in the face of their ""be attractive, don't be unattractive"" golden rule, so they're reduced to being bitter and catty now, like all true alpha werewolves. "
"Been on a 3 game losing streak and when I do win I win little, plan to go all in on mouz ($22.00). Please Gaben"
I got one of these on a level 55 Highland Adventure from my Botanist
"Thanks for the heads up, I already went with Clean Install tho. :)

The reason why I was asking is because the drive I was concerned about IS backup/movies/music drive. Like, even if it deleted everything, I'd probably recover from that in a matter of a day or two quite easily (SSH private keys/keypass database key/etc stored also on a flash drive, keypass db in dropbox, every work project in git), but it would still be pain in the ass to setup everything back. :)"
They posted [this]( about it but it doesn't emphasize the points brought up by Robyn
"the people who want yellow or chocolate diamonds are people like gucci mane or 2Chainz, not exactly arbiters of good taste."
"8 Team Standard 1QB 2RB 2WR 1TE 1FLEX
Picking First

QBs: Russell Wilson, Ryan Tannehill

RBs: Jamaal Charles,  Jeremy Hill, Justin Forsett, LeGarrette Blount, Ameer Abdullah

WRs:Julio Jones, Andre Johnson, Golden Tate, Martavis Bryant

TEs: Travis Kelce, Julius Thomas

DST: Rams

Kicker: Justin Tucker"
"I dislike the force feedback, but that might just be my setup (it jutters, making very loud noises, G27) but for the rest it's an OK race game. a bit little tracks for my liking. I highly recommend playing Raceroom if you've got money leftover and have patience for a sale."
"One thing that he and his armies did to screw numbers more than what others are saying is that they killed quite a few people, which means that there were fewer men to have decendents that were not Genghis' "
"Effort harder, slackers! ^^please ^^don't ^^ban ^^me"
"Following this guide right now, will update once done.

edit: Oops, just downloaded the wrong version, MAKE SURE YOU GET 2.2.1 (not the newest version!), otherwise you get into a bootloop and have to download another 2.3GB xD 

edit2: didnt work for me, got into a bootloop, RIP data.

"Yup, people just make things more complicated than they need to people. "
"Seriously, I've never bought a figure because of the ridiculous prices :("
"can you start by helping buisness for free ? Try some small local business

it will do two things
I) Will give u a chance to judge/Prove your self
2) gain experience and later start charging for your work

good luck!
"Original Post referenced from /r/dota2 by /u/NotASqueaker  
[So my mom made a T-shirt for The International next week](
^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^made ^^for ^^your ^^convenience ^^\(Especially ^^for ^^mobile ^^users).  
^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^questions ^^or ^^suggestions."
This user has a clean record! \ [ ](/Kappa) /  
"Your mother's filthy cunt = pigpen "
Now let's see it at normal speed...
"Gotten drunk and watched sgdq evrey day this week  since i have summer vacation :D 
"He is most likely a feeder and gets sexual satisfaction from making her bigger. "
"Well, I'm gonna call it Deditaded WAM"
That isn't the issue. If he wasn't repeatedly caught and warned for vote manipulation he would be a-okay to post here. It has nothing to do with his actual music.
Petty comments.
"I have six turntables to screw around with different carts.

""I'm going to look at a turntable tonight"" has become a running joke in my house."
I cant stop you but for legality's sake I am absolutely not recommending this as something you should do!

Dude did one of my favourite fanarts: [Girl Teemo]( She's also done one of the best [DJ Sona]( I've seen yet. Her [Ahri]( is also really good. 


More Ahri: [Classic]( (redone in the above piece), [Firefox](, [Beach](, [Dynasty](, [Midnight](, [Popstar](

More everybody else: [Heartrocker Sona](, [Teen Annie](, [The Ice Bucket Challenge]( with Sona and Katarina and Ahri, [Jinx](

Newer style: [vi](, [Caitlyn](, [Ashe]("
Think I'm just about to do that too.
"I think you mistake ""replay able"" for ""competitive"". there are the mobas(dota2[i highly recommend this], league of legends), the fps games like you mentioned, rts games, etc."
Oh shit!
HOw long does it take to upload the rewards? Because I've been sitting here for a while now...
"This is a good idea.  I'm currently underemployed, but once that is fixed I think pilates, along with physical therapy is a good plan.  Also new clothes, and a visit to a decent colorist lol. I'd love a house with a helipad on the roof too- but the pilates to start with will be great."
"Well, it's a kind of blink-and-you'll-miss-it event."
" moist,"
"With all the blockchain posts [with no mention of Bitcoin whatsoever] you would think as long as it starts with a 'b', ends with a 'n', and has something to do with the internet, it's welcome."
"I know you have, I'm just saying that if the girls were smaller than the girl in the video and  their asses were bigger than girl in the video than they very most likely aren't natural."
You don't have to hit a carb or fat goal?
"Went back. Paid great attention to boxing, laying bones(never had to do before btw), and making sure I hit the max targets. Still only got 330k. Sold the rest of my chins when i hit 96. Just doesn't seem worth. Viva slayer!"
"Oh god....
But, I need my fix.  
It's whiskey. Does that make it ok?
"Sweet, thanks!"
"You'd rave it to her...
That is to say, you'd rave again."
"I love that movie. "
I actually had no idea lol
Ah oldboy... such a great film
"Every single runner gets heckled, not just fat people. "
"Mate this sub is for comedic purposes, not just being a dick.  "
"Don't worry, people are horrible at driving and it only gets worse near cities. Just look after yourself on the road and make sure you don't get into trouble and you are fine. Don't engage the assholes and the idiots and you are much less likely to have accidents
"Just had to rub it in there at the end, didn't ya?"
Pain au chocolat
"I just posted [two tributes to Roddy]( on my Facebook page. 
I hope you like them."
Umm... [this guy]( is pretty clearly Two Face.
Wherez that pitchfork guy when you le need him?
Get outta my RBI lead Kendrys Morales. wtf are you even doing here.
You using soul tether? That would keep you alive through the group pulls.
"To be fair, he's slow "
Je suis en vacances au moins plus longtemps que toi.
"Damn. Okay it is strange that you didn't feel it because you should have been in DMT-type land snorting that much.  Most people I know and I trip at 20, however I did meet a smallish girl who did not feel anything at 25, so different people feel different things.

But still weird as fuck. Any cross-tolerance? Like a shit ton of LSD the day before haha? Otherwise does not compute."
I am! It's just a bug that sometimes spotting sound isn't played.
It's influential because it's not as crazy as you are describing it.
"Oh nice all this awesome stuff is going on and I'm stuck in the fucking bathroom **shitting my brains out...**

I need cartmans mom.."
Well Score and Piccaboo are definitely the best vision control/ shot calling duo.
I think him hitting 6 HR in the last 5 games shows he has already remembered how to baseball. He did forget there for a bit though.
"those are giant hornets.  the claws are mandibles but yeah it's fucking brutal watching that video, when the one hornet picks up a bee and just bites it in half..."
*Wish my spaghetti was like that*
"I'm impressed you know the date, I can never remember anything. 

But I do remember being in 7th or 8th grade, and I thought it was going to be a light day, so I only wore a panty liner. Went to the movies with my friends. Noticed people whispering really loud when we walked out...people kept honking at us as we walked to Walmart...a few fingers pointed. What the heck was everyone worried about? Go into the find a massacre in my pants. Blood soaked all the way down to my knees. I was absolutely mortified. Refused to leave the stall until my mom came to pick me up with new clothes. It was NOT a light day. "
"[](#s ""I would have been so mad if I had lost a point on #4 after purposefully putting the marker further away from the intersection than I knew it was at. I was also super stupid on #5. I was like, 'Oh yes, there's the water line. Easy.' when there's clearly land between the launch and water at the point we start at, not to mention the fact that the ""road"" goes on for a lot further than it could using the place I put the marker. Really dumb mistakes on my part. Good work getting full points on that one."")"
"Thanks. Never played before so I gotta figure how to get into the game. I imagine it's like FIFA Clubs and I have to wait til you're ready?
"MRW: ""20%??? That's so ma-- of 10? That's 2. 2 cities. WTF"""
This is too cute! Love the color also!
"Han Cholo! All these rings excluding the Punisher one are Han Cholo rings, they are super heavy, the Chief skull ring is going to give my finger abs, they have some great designs and are relatively cheap(under $100 USD).

Although the gold one with the skulls and black stone is a bit of a let down, very light and does not look as good as it did on the website. It's the first gold piece of jewelry I have owned and it's put me off owning something that isn't legitimately gold as the sterling silver versions usually look better. 

My only advice is to google the ring and try to find what it looks like on someones hand, sometimes they are a lot bigger or smaller than what they look like in the photos. "
Bridge allows you to manually add music and the app page does say it works with Apple Music.
Isn't this what a lot of Asian owned small businesses do? Bring over immigrants to skirt labor laws? Americans just use illegal Mexicans.
"MKX feels different from MK9. Much faster paced, I like it better personally. If you could get around a shoddy netcode, pseudo unblockables, and 50/50s it's an enjoyable game!"
"""Trade partnership that could potentially cause the US to break down and head for failure has broken down and is headed for failure."""
Is it Brooke Struck?
"> he was dead on board with zero cards in hand

How is he dead on board...? "
"It's not the paper itself, it's the power and control it represents."
"What Realtek drivers?

*VMware ESXI 6.0 does not detect a network card.*"
"Over under 6.5 combined runs "
"Idk, I mean Anther's Ladder allows Mii Fighters. "
Grandy for center? ;)
I am available now! Can you?
"So because they fight ISIS, they are allowed to bomb turkish plazas and murder turkish police?"
"While I agree that different cultures have different values and perspectives, it doesn't and should never justify cruelty."
"Yeah, I don't disagree with that. "
sure ;)
[Clay & Shelli campaign](
"Tom , you rapscallion! You don't need this!"
"I would happily terrorize that turkey with an oven and some gravy.
"I see you're extreme tactics and raise you, let's not forget lynch mobs and killing white devils in the streets!"
"For me, three weeks started cluster feedings. I was unable to pump after every session. But, keep that Lil nugget on the boob and your supply will come through for you!  I didn't get 5oz pump sessions until about 6-7 weeks and only after LO slept through the night. Don't stress! Supplimenting isn't failing- failing is dyhydrating your baby! Good luck and stay strong!"
"Seems you've got a ""W"" to spare there"
"For anyone who thinks Bernie's fans are delusional, please listen to a speech of his, and tell me which stances you vehemently disagree with, and which ones are extreme."
"* Treat school like a job. Weekdays should be for studying and academics, and the weekends are when you can (and should!) let loose.

* Don't be afraid to say no to drinking/drugs/etc, but college IS the best time to experiment with that IMO. Obviously don't do anything stupid or irresponsible, and there's no need to ever do anything more than drinking/weed/MAYBE shrooms or acid. If you do choose to do that, know your limits. If you've never drank before, take it slow and ease yourself into it, you'll find your limit eventually. 

* Go to class.

* Go to class.


* Don't eat shit all the time, because now you don't have people to tell you that you can't. 

* Be responsible for yourself and your actions, because you don't have anyone to take the fall for you.

* Be social! One of the best parts of college is finding a group of friends that will seriously last for the rest of your life. Don't let that go to waste by sitting in your room alone. Every freshman is in the same position as you: they don't know a lot of people if anyone and want to make friends. All you have to do is interact nicely, it's really that simple. And if you weren't the most popular kid in high school? Fuck it. Reinvent yourself completely. Fake that confidence until you internalise it. If you were a social kid in high school? Keep doing exactly what you're doing.

Oh, also- USE CONDOMS. You don't want to end up with an STD. My roommate got herpes this year and he was not a happy camper."
">genociding millions of people = good thing

Oh wait, you post on /r/AntiPOZi, no wonder you can't assemble any rational thoughts."
Atta boy Buck
"Not a problem, your drawing was pretty clear. Will [this]( do?"
"X1 players, so no mods, but I'll end up going with German because I don't need incredible accuracy and I love one-shots."
"In my experience, Dominion is easier to play than 7 wonders.

Once you've played a deck builder, you can play almost any deck builder with relative ease."
When I try to make contact it just get my words to Bing :(((. Worst feature.
Shelli still thinking van will fight for
"Yeah they do. They have a big courtesy patrol division. Not sure those are DPD through. I wasn't saying I don't see them anywhere. Just that they're usually super busy with everything else (because it's Dallas) so a non-felony hit&run is on the bottom of the list. "
"My point is that there is a great deal more public outcry to bring this man to justice than there is to deal with many more serious issues. Most people are putting a lot more effort into protesting this man's actions than to combating the sex or drug trade, or other major issues. You say I'm trying to distract people from the issues, but I say it's petty bullshit like this that distracts people from the real problems in this world. 
He's a ""cold-blooded hunter"" because he paid money to go to Africa and hunt a dangerous animal? Maybe, but cold-blooded-ness takes on many more horrible forms, don't you think? There are others who do a lot more damage, aren't there? So why go after this guy, instead of those other ""cold-blooded"" people? I think there are a few answers to that question: 

1) Going after someone or something more important and more powerful would require a very special component: work. Basically, it's too hard. People would actually have to spend time and money to combat real atrocities, and why would they go to all that trouble when they can sit at home on their computer, or go to an afternoon protest and feel like they're doing just as much good? (Which, let's face it, they aren't) 

2) This pushes peoples' buttons. It's easy to rile people up about this sort of thing because they aren't desensitized to it. It's like when you watch a violent action movie without flinching, but when a dog dies on screen, that's the part that gets to you. This is what the media is doing with this lion. They call it by its name, and refer to it as one would a person. Please understand, I regret its loss too, but it is not a human being. They say it was innocent, and maybe thats true, but no more so than many suffering people all over the planet.

3) People like to have the odds on their side. One man is seen as something people can succeed against; they can ""get"" him. But even though his crime may be relatively minor, and the impact of bringing him to justice insignificant, no one likes to fight the more important, more widespread battles, because then they won't get the instant gratification of seeing the fruits of their labor. Its possible that even after devoting your time to solving a serious problem, that problem would still exist. You will have helped a great many people, but you may still not have won the war. People don't like that feeling, they don't like fighting battles they can't win, even when just fighting is enough to save people from a great deal of pain. So they stick to the battles they know they can win, and don't bother with the rest. Because tragically, a lot of people think it's about them, about sharing a page on Facebook so their friends can see what a great person they are. Unfortunately, most arent as concerned with alleviating suffering as they would have people think.

There is, in fact, a lot people can (but generally don't) do to combat some of the evil in the world. Compassion International, for instance, does some great work helping women who have been victimized by the sex trade. People could help them by donating, or by volunteering, but that would require effort and sacrifice. Problems are all around us. I guarantee your nearest large city contains someone in need of help, maybe they need a hot meal, maybe a place to sleep. Either way, I promise there is something you can do to help.
For example, this dentist, like me, is from Minnesota. Duluth is one of the largest hubs in the country for sex slavery. We know this, but I have never once seen a protest on the central hillside of Duluth to put a stop to it. Why? Well, I hope I'm wrong about this, but I believe its because people just learn to accept it. Yeah, we knit our brows and shake our heads sadly when the topic comes up, but deep down we feel it's just something that exists in this world. It's so widespread, how could we ever hope to stop it? So we huddle around our computer screens and lash out at easier targets: maybe a celebrity will make a racist comment, or a newscaster will say something insensitive, so we can spring into action, keyboards flashing, trying to be the loudest to cry for justice, when in reality, many of us wouldnt lift a finger to help any real victims.
Forgive my heated words, my goal is not to offend anyone, but I find it profoundly upsetting the things people will ignore, and the hills they will die on. But I digress...
I most certainly did not imply that ""because supposedly few American are poachers that some justifies this American's actions."" I merely stated that there are others who do much worse, so basically, why don't we have bigger fish to fry? Also, is it somehow worse that he paid to kill one animal rather than getting paid to kill many? I think most likely not, but Im not going to harp on it. Lets let that statement speak for itself and move on.

There are two points you make with which I actually agree, and they are these: 
1) It is possible to devote attention to multiple important issues. Yes, it is, and my only question is, if so, why don't more people do so? They certainly dont, but I think I addressed that fairly well above, so let's move on.
2) Yes, the world is imperfect, and yes, if everyone did their best, we could mitigate more than some of the harm in the world. To which I ask, why this guy? I'm not judge or jury, and neither are you, but is this really justice? To ruin the life of a man as payment for the life of an animal is madness. He does not deserve to be punished any more than he has been. I doubt if this mans career will ever recover from this ruthless attack. Why do his actions warrant such scrutiny? People torture and kill other people every day and we gloss over it, but he did something distasteful to us, and he makes the news? At what point our priorities get so skewed?

My point to all this is that before we condemn this mans motives or actions, we should examine our own. People are attacking this guy, but in the grand scope of things, how will it help? People are just being mean-spirited. Just because something seems disgusting to you thats no reason to punish him for it. Lets spend our energy doing some good, rather than seeking revenge simply because this particular case offends us personally.
"He knows people want him to continue most of his fics, trust me, he just doesn't care."
"He'd say: ""If you guys want to talk about Batman we can do that some other time but obviously today we're here today to talk about Qualcomm."""
"""DO check out r/Verzon's new"""
"Watching =/= playing. I don't usually have issues with Yangs, especially now that the banlist curbed dumbass floodgates. But their matches were absurdly boring. Set up Drain, set up field, swing, swing, swing, swing. That's it. The duels were easily the least exiting and most lineal of the tournament. Compound that with huge waiting time between matches and misplays and it just wasn't interesting to see, which is the reason why interest was in freefall as the tourney advanced.  If they'd made another tourney with the same banlist I know I'd skip the hell out of Yang matches. "
"Hopefully it's good this time

/s its eswc"
"alright, but if we end up with another day one I will be a very unhappy person."
"I stole my SO's current ring she wears on that finger. And then saw which finger it fitted on my hand, and how tightly "
"It usually happens outside the gym. I've seen people on the street yell ""run fatty"" and I've seen people in conversation at a bar say ""you? Workout? Ha! Don't bother!""

An overweight person might bring those comments into the gym with them and feel that they are being judged.

(It's also worth noting that I've heard teenagers make these comments to their classmates in phys ed)"
"What I think surprises me the most is that the air restrictors appear to be identical to pre-Elite (three-pronged) ones from Hasbro.  I'd guess that either whatever patent protection those used to have has expired, or else rights may have reverted to the Larami inventors themselves."
Thanks for the giveaway dude!"
"[Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
"The thing is, DPS output is not a constant average stream. There's high output times and low output times.

Hax claim is that during those low output times where you have no direct damage oGCDs or ammo up, the 30% gain is less than the loss you suffer from not having autoattacks.

So the idea is to stancedance, so GB is up during high pot/GCD moments, and off during low pot/GCD moments. It's hard to do, and I also haven't been able to find real good info on the swap timings, but it definitely has the potential to increase the overall DPS output, and it likely also does so for BRD.

You can't really say that ""it's not worth it to toogle on/off"", since there's no payoff. It's simply a matter of stance dancing being harder than not stance dancing, but if you do it right, you gain DPS and mobility without losing anything.

Now the tricky part is that when you turn it on, it takes 15 secs before you can turn it off again. But my guess will be that the trick will be something with turning it on as gauss round gets ready, then fire gauss, keep barrel on for 20 secs and turn it off right after next gauss round."
"The news article I read said it happened at 6:00 am, as victim walked back from gas station to MARTA stop.  I drive by this intersection most days, it isn't secluded by any means. Here is the google street view, looking from bus stop up towards gas station:"
I have a ton of them. No problems. Tighten joints with screwdriver.
"This is going to be an amazing game, however i have to favor NME. With Relyks as a stand-in, NME should perform very well in this series. Mortality was not looking too strong going against Nexup a few days ago, even though they were able to turn a 13-3 into a 16-14 (something like that). We could possibly see an upset, but I see NME taking this 2-1, hopefully koosta can bring home the skins.

I started a [spreadsheet]( today for my bets, and i'm going to do as many analyses as I can on reddit.  "
"I've been great! Oh, and your foot? Amethyst is still considering, but we're gonna wait. It would be great if you come by the temple, and hang around. 

Y'know, just have fun. :)"
:( not as far as I know. /u/_ilovetofu_ might know over in /r/soylent.
"Holy crap this is awful :( did you ever get any counselling for this? "
"> It's an anti-aggro card that doesn't really belong in an aggro deck.

You are on to something right there. Lots of anti-aggro just becomes the new aggro. This guy is not good enough for an aggro deck, but aggro wont have a spare ping to take advantage of his weakness. "
[It sucks.](
"I read a debate review in the Wikipedia article you linked to! Having a brother with the legendary birth of Mesopotamian ruler Sargon > In my city Azuripani, which is $2-3/day for unlimited phone/text/data. Might make more sense with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord God took the path that the birth is wrong. The stories predate Genesis by hundreds of years now, I think it is amusing that some will pull quotes out of their religion and sacred texts.

 ~ extispicy


[^^Info]( ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)"
"A detached finger is ""potentially alive"" if it can be attached to a compatible body quickly enough.  Is it a human?"
"I called for customer service today, the message said ""We estimate your wait time to be between 40 and 60 minutes"" I waited 61 minutes before I got someone who's accent was so heavy I couldn't understand them and ended up giving up. Anyone want to venture a guess who I was calling?"
"You will be able to run it with those specs, after all pillars is not a very graphicly intensive game "
"Dota is weird as shit in a lot of ways. It doesn't care about making things seem weird to get the gameplay it wants. 

Techies isn't game breaking because he is too strong a hero (granted he is a bit too buffed if you ask me). They hate him because he just changes the game too much, is stressful to play against, when you die you feel cheated because you just ran over some mines, and if you find his mines you can just kill them and try again. Riki, if you find him you can punish him. If you find techies mines you just kill that cache. He is just really irritating to play against."
[Such a lad](
"*He sighs, putting one hand behind his back*

Let's make this quick. "
"If he were using ""proper form"" though, his hips and knees take the hit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't."
"Awesome to hear! You should post on the BTN forums, there's a sticky/infoblob and last I looked it was lacking OS X info!"
i imagine that it isnt excellent
It's an icon to indicate the menu contain hats.
I was excepting right around 4 million so this is pretty good. [This will leave the caps with over $1 million in cap space.](
"Yo. I've mashed the two up. I present to you: [the Finnish flag with an orange boat]( If you want the letters in it or want another design, let me know!"
"Thank you man, I love it!"
"He may have in the moment, but I've seen interviews with him where he laughs and jokes about it. "
"Charles Johnson reminds me of Dennis Rodman in [Double Team with Jean Claude Van Damme]( "
You can usually push yourself back out of just about anywhere with the help of your boom.
"Sound about right "
"You could have said this a level up to be fair "
"that's an interpretation of literally a single line from the entire track. "
"When I die don't give me a coffin, my dead body will get claustrophobic. Just throw me into the nearest lake, and I'll be alright."
"You know Wave_Existence, if you and your friends at /r/bestof worked this hard to contribute to actual discussion, you'd be getting submitted to /r/bestof, instead of just leaving rude (and Rule 4-breaking) comments on its submissions."
"He's a fun player, when he is playing well. He is inconsistent"
"Sneeze on, man. "
Still need members?
Will take key offers now!
Or it is the fact he drew the tits first.
"Phoenix AZ sir lol "
"Sure he does. In my estimation, a militant atheist is nutty by definition, but he's also suggested at times that he's open to the idea of directed panspermia, a hypothesis that I find as funny as it is ironic."
"""Transfer market eliminated!""
"so much air superiority "
"Good lord! Now I really want to see the big one in action. "
"They're trying to up sell the ecoboost. V6 will be phased out before too long I bet. It's the rental car version now. "
"Personally I thought it was very well done and I can't help but giddy at the sight of The Doctor rising up and effectively being reborn. It is also has a reference to an old Who story which is nice bit of fanservice. Its just that some fans I know have a strong dislike for it, seeing it as a deus ex machina (which I can understand) and others think the sight of The Doctor is just silly. The Doctor Who fandom wouldn't be the same without our opinions. : p"
Apparently someone was not using their headlights correctly and shots were fired.
I'm happy about it
In baseball things happen. You don't hear of any baseball games ending 0-0.
"19.5 hours a week, and you can save up 300 quid in 3 weeks, when you don't live at home?

I also can't find a single state in the USA where that 19.5 limit is the case. Though I'm certainly not an expert on it.

I'd just stop replying if I was you.

Edit - Also, don't demean the word Stalk. Someone looking at comments you've posted compared to actually being Stalked is a whole different ball game. Let's not take away from how horrible an experience it is for someone to actually be stalked."
Stream is back up!
"It's kind of the whole point of the watch, it's a re-issue/homage/re-imagining, (or whatever you would call it) of the first ever domestically made Chinese watch, commissioned for the Chinese Air Force in 1963.

Complaining about what you have is like saying  ""This Nazi memorabilia I bought would be perfect if it wasn't for these Swastikas."""
You called it.
Just started listening to Jazz Cartier a few months ago.
"It may look like there is a ton of sidewalk but please don't park there ever again. You are lucky you only got a ticket. The building manager could have had you towed without warning... and that is really expensive.

Pro tips if you are looking for parking -

- Just down the street at 9th and Grant is a parking lot for the Denver Public Schools building. It is legal to park there on weekends and I believe evenings. 

- Much of Logan opens up for parking on the left hand side after a certain hour / weekends

- Always look at least block or two away from the 10 story condos around the place pictured. Always tricky because a ton of people live in those buildings and not all have parking spots.  

- Even at 12 at night, there is someone pulling their car out somewhere within a few blocks. It is a pretty active area. You can't give up looking after just a few minutes if you are relying on public spots to park. 

- Always more likely to find a space on a street with houses over a street with apartments

- Rent a space if you want the luxury of owning a car around capitol hill without having to be a master at parallel parking. I say luxury because that is what it is to own a car, you are never entitled to a space like the one you chose just because you own a car. There is always another option, even if seemingly inconvenient. "
"Again, not answering questions does no such thing. He could potentially answer questions to make the argument stronger, but it does not become weaker if he doesn't, it simply means you think the listed feats are weak. There is a small, but definite difference here. "
"I just find it hard to imagine Scott adding ""1983"" just to say that's when it was made.

It's a game, not real life. Scott wouldn't add that date just for that, he would add it for a reason."
"I didn't get a chance to use Mace much during the test weekend, but having used Staff and Hammer quite a lot, I'm confused about how the weapons are too specialized.

Neither Staff nor Hammer felt to me like they were purpose-made for one legend or another."
"You can make all the excuses you want but incompetence to the level of MCC is not something that just magically happens, it takes a special kind of shitty developers to create this cluster fuck. Let me guess you also bought the idea that 343 had NO idea that MCC would be so broken and missing so many features lmao. Any one who played this game for more then 5 minutes could tell it was broken and they expect me to believe that they didn't know. I'm not that fucking stupid but are you?"
"How many mods do you have for it? I don't have any personal experience but try to compare the ""current"" and ""reference"" models in test flight to see if its just bad at stock since reference will give you all the modifications in test flight."
I've been a contractor on a bunch of contracts and they have all been rebid to reduce manning.  The best people keep their job but have to do double the work.
"I thought Skylake i5 and i7 were launching next week? Might be worth the wait, although newer stuff costs more."
"It's most fun on low soul memories; I had some of the most fun I've had in PvP over at the Doors of Pharros when the game first came out and nobody had any idea what they were doing. 

I have fond memories of following summons around in Chameleon form, and if they made it all the way through the gauntlet, popping out and fighting them. Felt like a human controlled mini boss fight, and it's great fun watching people fall for traps which you set up. 

It's a pity the covenant wasn't well received from most people since it was too easy to exploit (the majority just ganked mercilessly with the PvE enemies) so I don't think it'll pop up in Dark Souls 3. Hope an equivalent will though, preferably with more creative traps, since it was great fun while it was fresh."
Toronto maybe? Vancouver would be nice too.
"He also framed it as a humanitarian mission, which puts him quite ahead of the curve from a psy-ops perspective. The propaganda arms of both sides of WW1 learned a lot from good old Leopold I imagine."
...Had a baby!
"It blows my mind how many bicyclists think they own streets/sidewalks. I know there are totally normal cool bikers out there, but in my neighborhood we've actually had two little old women physically beaten by bikers because the women yelled at them for not sharing the sidewalk.
It's okay to bike places, but something needs to be done about this entitlement."
"Originally born in Dallas Texas and Dad was sports editor for Dallas Times Herald. "
Bad Angel. Bad.
"I wish I had more upvotes to give you.
Those are the people that go to the special hell.
"How about you meet me at the docks later tonight. I have a suprise for you and it is a sharp one :) "
"""Google and Microsoft laugh at ad revenues...""

Microsoft is made up of multiple billion dollar businesses and certainly isn't an ad revenue centric company. But Google? Are you trolling? 

 In 2014, Google's ad revenue amounted to almost 59.06 billion US dollars. That year, advertising accounted for 89.5 percent of the online company's total revenues.

In what universe do you live in where you think Google would laugh at essentially their entire existence?"
"I'd be scared to see my hours as well.

One of the first servers I joined, I got 200hrs or something within my first month of joining. It was that time right after I started playing the game, and I couldn't get enough.

I miss /r/redstrype."
I'm very interested in the Note 5. But for $300 and no SD and no removeable battery I'm tempted to go for the Note 4 which is only $50. Any suggestions?
"Because everyone (or nearly everyone) competing for the attention of simply the largest demographic is not an efficient economic strategy. When 90% of the focus is on a 64% demographic, the competition per-capita is 5 times higher than the minority demographics. The rational strategy would be to invest your efforts towards the underrepresented demographics, because lower competition means those efforts will be more successful despite the smaller size of the target market."
"err... he was just helping me to remember which hand holds the knife and which holds the fork. 
Forks are a fairly recent invention (compared to the knife) so people have been holding a knife in their dominant hand for millennia."
"Hasbro? For whatever reason they're worth money.  I was looking around Halloween though. ...maybe that's why. "
"What irritates me most is all that time spend to make the coffee foam look pretty when they should be spending the time to make great tasting coffee.

PS Gregory regular coffee taste like lobby coffee - awful!"
"It could have been a translation issue, but I'm pretty sure I heard Tomiko say ""DNA"" and she also knows how to repair her own chromosomes or w/e, so I'm sure she has the knowledge to do something like that. 

I'm pretty sure that what happened was Mamoru/Maria decided to live with the monster rats. They had their child and were then killed in their sleep. Which allowed squera to then deliver Mamoru/Maria's actual skeletons. "
"Maybe they just don't like you enough. Its one thing to have sex but oral can sometimes be a lot more intimate. "
Rancid - Let's Go!
"You sick fuck! "
Top of Mount Finalyson then
"As a diamond player, I agreed, upvoted!"
Matt Damon because the Bourne trilogy wad amazing k
"Not going to lie, I fully expected [this]("
Then haunted creeper and nerubian egg filled the role it had taken up much more effectively.
That is by far the moment that made that show great for me. I love that OST
Jason Genova?
"I would caution you from buying your own unless you plan to do a bunch of races.  Besides the cost noted below, there are likely competing systems and I can see some pretty stark visual differences with the picture that was posted and the ones used by End Result (who has done the timing of many of the running races I've run in)."
"Very exciting! I can't wait to tune into Fox Sports West this evening and see that the game is blacked out in my region. WooT! Go Dodgers.

(but sometimes it seemingly isn't, so I keep trying....)"
She is almost 2 and she is bouncing off the walls today haha
I am glad we can agree.
"Literally why are you here if you're not being satirical "
"A little too busy for my tastes, but interesting none the less."
Are Hollister flip flops a basic item?
"You're missing the ""because we're going to forcefully indoctrinate the poor innocent child into mental illness"" part"
hyper 212 evo is a great aftermarket cooler
"As a response to this, I would state an example of the Dallas defense from 2013 to 2014. Especially since I remember people posting stats about how our yards per play weren't much different between both years. 

So why was the defense seemingly improved? Maybe turnovers, maybe the fact that the run game was able to take TOP away from the other team. Philly now probably has the most loaded backfield in the league, which could help mask their weaknesses, in addition to two great acquisitions in Maxwell and Alonso."
"I was thinking Route 66 in Tulsa. "
"I do every time I get a new strain. It's pretty easy actually. Kosher salt, rubbing alcohol, zip lock bags and a microwave. Heat up the alcohol first. Heat always makes things easier to clean. Cmon now. put some elbow grease into it!"
"I never understood the point of modding. Assuming everyone plays ball and have no outside monetary influence, what do you get out of it besides a bunch of whiny 20something year olds calling you Hitler? Doesn't exactly look sexy on a resume."
"Ahh fair enough, haha. We've been hard on 'ol Netscape these days. I'll give his next thread a fair shot."
"Gravity Screen - On/Off. "
">  im Zweifel sind deine schön billigen Hähnchenschenkel 

sag ich denn, dass ich die keulen für 1.99 kaufe? im gegenteil, ich finds zum kotzen, wenn du mal richtig interpretieren könntest. ich kauf mir stattdessen lieber maishänchen für 14€ das kilo und sonst bio.

schau lieber in meine /r/kochen posts, da findest du bereits solche hinweise, dass ich wert auf gutes essen lege.

ah, das argument, dass thekenfleisch das nicht hätte.  hat auch niemand behauptet oder widerlegen wollen. ich schon mal gar nicht."
Really it looks similar to how troops would be staged in Nazi era Germany or Soviet era Russia. I think it's less prequel influence and more they're going for the same iconography.
"When Blizz reworked Unleash the Hounds I posted here saying it would be broken OP at 2 mana, strong at 3 mana, and so bad it's almost unplayable at 4. Look where it ended up. 

I feel Dreadsteed has a similar potential cost, but even at 3 mana it would likely not make a splash in constructed. "
"> Most landlords I know just barely break even, and are in it for the long-game

That sounds fine to me.  They'll still likely be ahead of you in 20 years. "
"They are at Evangelista already? 

Going now!"
Fucking rat faced knacker!
Roberto Martinez replacing Gary Neville for this MNF :(
"f4 2 will never happen with this cast. The series will go through another reboot or perhaps finally just start with accepting the comic book origin and going into a more interesting story at this point.

the f4-2 talks were just to keep up appearances for the release of the movie. To make a bluff that they had such a good hand that they thought it would tell the world that the movie is so great that they will produce a sequel to it already."
Because PSB is clearly incapable of holding such a tournament since they can not follow their own rules. I'm not pulling out because of scores or teams or whine. I pull out because the tournament holder is incapable of holding such.
Brilliant. Upvoted :D
"That sounds kinda neat.

I know that is terrible but the morbid part of me is interested. "
"See if there is a libertyx store near you. "
and Friends on the TV
Someone create this body with science and put a personality in it with magic. Because Emma Watson is too sweet to act like a bitch. And I really wanna see this.
ingolstadt also having a corporate/private sugar daddy? ... audi?
"Yay! No more scouring every Walgreens in a 20 mile radius to find beloved! "
"Denarian effing Renegade. For some reason lately NO MATTER WHAT someone is asking for, it's recommended. Looking for an AU story? DR! Looking for a xover? DR! Looking for something about the Seelie court? DR! seriously I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why this story is so popular. 

To copy my reply on another post:

I'm actually a huge fan of AU, and crossovers. I just...something about that one, it really bugs me. A little boy instantly becoming something totally different within a twenty minute period of time seems off. I mean, really, really off. Maybe that's the DF part of it, I have no idea, I just...can't get into it enough to keep reading. It's actually physically just...exhausting to me to attempt to read the thing. Also, the word ""beloved"" appears 33 times in the first three chapters, and that is a pretty huge turn-off for me. Not just the word, but the absolute repetitive nature of it...
beloved beloved beloved beloved beloved
And then beloved 13 times in chapter 4, 13 more times in chapter 5... eighteen times in chapter 6...
It's just... nope ^nope ^^nope ^^^nope ^^^^nope"
"> Most of the mods there are Comrades, so that's my guess.

That's what surprised me the most because the mod who (I believe) did it is a comrade. The ""No linking to /r/Socialism from brigade subs"" is probably why and I've accepted that since it's only 24h"
"-Michael Scott "
"You can call white people ""these people"" in front of me I don't give a shit!"
Busrinho really needs to stick to coaching and stop playing stupid mind games.  He's become more of a sideshow than a manager.
"The picture is awesome!
""Sam has died."" :'(  Horror story indeed"
"Is he touring with them?

I'm seeing Monuments this weekend"
"> when they were contending for the top 4 for 1 season. 

eh let's give martinez a little more time before comparing him against Moyes' best season out of 8 or whatever."
This wouldn't be awful...
I don't mind :3
"Today marks my first full week of training, 3 weeks until my first Sprint!"
That's fair. Especially considering that Baines is now out for god knows how long.
"While I do not disagree with what you are saying, there are other facts that also cannot be argued: 

-Gaza is controlled by a militant group that openly hates and wants to destroy Israel (hamas)

-Free travel in the past has resulted in deaths of innocent Israeli citizens.

-These actions and injustices are perpetuated by radical minorities and should not result in labeling larger groups."
So that they can be prepared in the event of a spontaneous chariot race breaking out on one of the loops
"here i thought it was called applying the same standard consistently across the board

i can worship idols, drink beer and smoke cigarettes while having sex in my front window, but dare i toke up a pipe while clothed and reading a book, according to the state legislature of Oregon, i deserve to have men with guns enforce my neighbor's subjective will."
"""Update from the doctor about my knee: it's broken.....all their projections for when it will heal!"""
"Well, it could [always be worse]("
">The EPA admits fault and, as such, must be accountable and held to the same standard,

That'll be the day."
there are no classkill ribbons either
"Excellent point about the withholding. We got a sizeable return last year, so I should get my withholdings figured out to put some more money in my pocket sooner."
"That was the purpose of me joining their channel. I had already heard enough from multiple sources to be reasonably certain the trespassing charges weren't just trumped up as an excuse to attack Trackball, but I still wanted to get their side of the story. It's not even like I was questioning them in game, they could have answered my questions perfectly well while continuing to defend themselves from MC."
No. What is that? What even is that?
"Ok fair enough (hopefully this can become the respiratory of these answers). 

1. I honestly don't know. It was extremely painful to eat 1000 calories a day. I don't think I would ever want to stop eating. I'm not sure if this is ethical to try and find out, even in animals. 

2. This is not my area of total expertise, but I have read that we have experienced a massive genetic shift in the last 50ish years that has taken the starvation response of storing/creating fat from something only a few people experienced to now a majority. Especially in western countries. 

3. Again, not my area of expertise but the change in weight genetics has correlated (I believe) with the change in height genetics so this is far from an unprecedented ""rapid"" change. 

4. This one I know for certain, research shows over and over again that only 1-5% of people can lose weight.  So even for people who don't have my particular genetic coding, MOST people can't lose weight. Even on calorie restrictions, they may not gain, but they won't lose weight either. "
Nooooot reaaaaaallly though. Its spelled vater and pronounced like fater.
A text book example of how not to react to indirect fire.
Uhhhh.....uhhhh.... I'm a spoon.
"Perhaps that is what he intended, but I have developed feelings for a FWB before. The heart can't help what it wants. Have a talk with him and see what he says. "
That's not where the robocalls told me to go.
"> all of the alliance left are world pvp idiots who want to zerg as hard as possible all the time

Emerald Dream?"
"I'm on my phone. "
"I guess I'm just friendly.  I feel like it's a nice thing to do.  I don't think every interaction needs to be a battle of social dominance, which is what it feels like where I live."
"I apologize, that must have been a bad day. "
"Ya just saw this post.

It cleared everything up for me."
"Definitely an Intel boat, not sure about the 4/3 weapons though.

Well, not a normal 4/3, perhaps something like the Dyson ships with a hard wired fourth weapon at the front.

Given the Nebula is basically an AWACS, perhaps something with a long range component. A 15km ranged attack, something like harpeng radiation that does DoT, prevents cloaking and depresses energy levels."
"Hello, /u/ummyaaaa! Thank you for your participation. Your submission was removed from /r/futurology because it did not contain any text.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Futurology) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"I can definitely see that, but wouldn't it run the risk of getting too many fans behind the heel team?"
Sennheiser Momentums are great
"How about UI scaling? I can't use my whole 1,440p screen because I can't see anything other than the main game itself."
Transfer to a PVE server then
I have had more positive experiences than negative with other CMDRS
"I love flyers.  Copters are kind of my thing.


I have a bot I call ""Siege Breaker"".  It's a SMG Copter that's tiny and used to sit on top of fusion towers and torch them down quickly.


My hell match on that map came when my side ported in and learned the other side was all railguns except for one medic.


You can probably guess how that match went, for all involved."
"Ah thats ok, I lost the original and thought someone was just reposting peoples stuff again. It gets pretty annoying when people just repost other peoples stuff for upvotes"
That's what actually prompted me to install AdBlock in the first place. I was trying to focus on my workout and started to get really pissed off because this stupid ad just wouldn't end. Then I saw how beautiful the internet is without the plethora of ads everywhere and I was hooked.
The daughter is like a replica of the mom
Just for structures.  All your station services require constant attendance or you won't have them.
"I have recently decided to continue leveling my hunter that i haven't touched in a while.  I am almost 100 so i went on Icy-Veins to see what talents etc. they recommended.  One of the talents they recommended was Stampede, which summons all my pets to fight.  My problem is, i only have the starter pet.  I have never raided, or done anything outside of leveling my hunter so never even worried about other pets.  So my question is, if i took Stampede and only have my starting boar, what would happen?  And two If i do need more pets, where do i start? How many do i need? What kinds of pets do i need?"
homeguards are TFs mana regen item.
"The Twins are basically Minions.  Look identical, lots of oooohs and aaaahs in unison.  "
"You dream small.

Well, figuratively I guess."
"You're right, at 24/25 they were not living with their parents but for different reasons. They grew up in communist Yugoslavia so they have totally different views on the matter and always relate the situation to their life experience which is obviously not the same here where I live in Canada. That's where we always come to a disagreement. "
"[Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen](

[Cadillac Sky](

[Punch Brothers](

[Crooked Still](

[Deadly Gentlemen](

[Chatham County Line](

[The Breakmen](

[Slocan Ramblers](

[Country Gazette](

There's a start.

"I wouldn't be surprised if pageant queens are lacking on S8, since S7 was more focused on acting/singing/syncing/dancing challenges."
I want the bird I saved to fly in and knock Jefferson out. That'd be something.
"To be fair, this time there was a gun...

"Go Twins go! Target Field sure is nice! Stop with the negativity! We were so much worse last year, we should just be happy the team isn't a total embarrassment! Torii Hunter is always smilin' and Brian Dozier has lovely hair and Joe Mauer has a beard. And Molly is a hometown manager! We're gonna win Twins, we're gonna score!"
Let me know what the berkeley tabs are like for you
"Yes, dude here "
"I feel like it already does! A lot of people hated it, but those people didn't see it through the eyes of a wastelander. "
Thank you so much :D hope you enjoy having puddles she's a cutie <3
Yes please.
"Nah, can't listen to music while reading - focus gets pulled in two directions. Like some Explosions though."
"I played Danganronpa 1 last year and just picked up Danganronpa 2 in this past week's summer sale.

When I bought the first one, I had no idea what type of game it was. I just heard the story was really good and one of the top games on the Vita. It does have the ""detective"" elements and also some relationship building elements (not as in-depth as say P4G), but it's a lot of fun. 

If you have PS Plus it's only 16 dollars too but I can vouch for anyone else that says it's worth the investment. 
"You're aware of who Hizb ut-Tahrir are? And what Maajid Nawaz advocates? Look at the two representations and how vastly they differ. "
But he was in the Anime (although only filler)
"There are a lot of variables to ""cheaper"" you aren't considering. Like the cost of uninsured people and loss of productivity associated with poor health care that you pay for in other parts of your taxes currently."
"I've read that it has little effect. Roots primarily grow away from the light source."
"Screw that.

Try to get a lock loose, and start trying to find a blank that goes in. Go from there. I'll see if I can find anything out for you as well.

Edit: I'd definitely try to make an 01122B work. You may have to modify it, but it should work."
You don't even have to open the store. Just hit 'win' and type ifruit and it will come up.
"Hey man, I did own my bullshit. I'm sorry; you said you didn't mean to come off as you did, and that's cool too. "
"Well he never even pizzad to begin with. He pointed his toes outward and that stopped his feet from rolling. "
"""The first thing an employer does when they get your resumé is try to bang you"""
I *kinda* know but I have no idea how to say it in english.
"So every man who applies can just say he identifies as a woman, problem solved. He can't prove that they don't!"
"Not too sure, if it was in blops2 it will probably be in blops3"
You know what they say about assumptions!
I gave your thought a lot of consideration and you know what?  You're absolutely correct and it will be my new profile description from now on. Thanks.
"Always the one where Dwight sets the office on fire and Stanley has his heart attach. Easy to grow attached to the characters, and in my opinion, the funniest. "
"I haven't seen anything about saying she is lying. People have suggested it as a possibility, but that's it.

There has been so much talk about ""rape culture"" and how on /r/hockey we allow it, but so far, I only see people saying ""lets wait for facts"" or a charge to be filed. Which are all what should be said. It doesn't mean people are saying ""lets wait to see if she is lying or not"". Because so far, all we have are reports. What if she never filed anything but this is only based on hear say? What if it was consensual? All of this is unknown and all of this doesn't say ""she's lying""."
I equipped a green 162 barrel on my Sniper with blue 148 mods and I'm 99% sure I didn't lose any expertise and gained stats.
"But how else will people on facebook know I was there?

Edit - grammar"
"""Digging Shrapnel out of your ass"" now has a second meaning. "
"This will be the day the Weekly wrap up suggestion becomes nothing more than a meme. It was a nice idea, it will be missed. "
"You have an amazing body, could we see a close up of your pussy?"
"My guess is that she doesn't count a lot of things because of various excuses. Drinks? Not a meal, chug those 2 bottles of Coke, it's 0 calories! Does a food have vegetables in it? Doesn't count, it's healthy, 0 calories! Snack? Not real food, 0 calories!"
"penta is 0-6 on train @csgonuts.. idk "
"Pretty damn boring, honestly. Though that's because I'm unemployed at the moment and classes at my college don't start until later this month. "
wait seriously? About how many runs do you think would get one of those items? SFK is one of my favorite dungeons and if its a hidden gold mine ill be happy to milk it.
"Yeah what Wonkmin does, to make sure there's no doubt about manipulation, is that he refrains from taking action on drama posts about the server he is affiliated.  I think would be good to draw into a general rule.  For most things it would probably be unnecessary, because there's almost never any drama posts about the servers our mods are (or were) part of, but if there's ever any doubt we can make that the rule.  We've got enough mods now that there'll almost always be someone else on hand to handle things and to keep an eye to make sure the others don't have any bias on things.  "
"That mod list reads like a who's who of assholes. "
"I'm not part of BLM nor can I speak for them, but...

Yes, Bernie Sanders is the only presidential candidate that is going to support their cause beyond just lip service (I'm sure Hillary will say ""I totally support you guys"" then never do any action). They are trying to make sure that Bernie actually follows through. That he doesn't just say race issues are a concern of his, but make him put it out as policy.

And since this occurrence, he's added Racial Justice as one of his primary concerns. He also now has a prominent black woman as one of his PR people.

A lot of people in the black community are sick and tired of being told ""we'll get around to helping you."""
"let me add to that, from the rules:

When a group match is set to start, let's say NiP-TSM, NiP had the better seed. So they start remove maps until 3 maps remain. At that point, from those 3, one map is randomly generated. After that, NiP will pick they side they want to start the game. (It's from the tournament rules)"
Here it's used in the same role as * - to cover a letter in an expletive.
"or train bjj and learn to fall "
"Oh maybe!  I have no idea what he is, or who he is helping, but I get the feeling since Clark followed him into that doll factory, either one of two things is happening.  Rhys is working at the Carissimi group as like an accountant or something, and he has been laundering money for Charles' bank account, not knowing what he was doing, and then maybe figured it out, and contacted Clark to investigate..OR he did know what he was doing, and is helping A out, and Clark was following him as a lead.  But I get the feeling option one makes more sense. And that is why he showed up at Mr.D's house to clarify and get some answers!"
"My friend who is a professor suggested the Ombuds but I can't find the contact info for them on my campus. What can the student union do? I was also thinking about going to an advisor although I know that the advisors don't personally like this professor. "
"Well, I'm from the Dutch speaking part and so far I've only encountered English cards, so that's all I can tell about it actually :p

I suppose they use English cards in the other areas where they speak French and German too, but i wouldn't be too suprised to encounter a few French and German cards too."
"I have a weight set and one of them is 50lbs. I am totally going to try this. Also, it's official, hit 50lbs lighter. My doctor says that's 11lbs down since May (I was at 261 then)!"
"Women where kept at home in Rome. But yes they had actually a lot of influence on the men.

But Ceasars Legion isn't Rome, it's the phantasy of Rome that their Ceasar thought is Rome and is usefull for his plan of ""civilisation""."
"I'm a libra and we're super skeptical, so I agree, it's total bullshit. "
Ill look into the Rust Coat some more!
"I have almost 500 hours in MH4U and I've almost hit 1000 hunts with the Charge Blade. I have 150 with the Greatsword and pretty much nothing else with any other weapon. I'm the type of person that likes being in my comfort zone. After seeing some videos of ""Chris"" masterfully using the Charge Blade I made it my goal to become as proficient as I could with the weapon."
"Hmm, should I play an 8/8 or a 1/1? I'm not too sure."
"It's enough for now. 1 month after TI and another month in January for transfers should do the job. 2 months/year is still enough for backstabing your former team mates, force them to improvise with 15 yo mid player, and cry while they win TI without you."
"IDK, i feel like he's doing a different enough thing in TPP compared to 24.

Like Jack Bauer is angry and everything all the time and is either shouting, or threatening people very softly to scare the shit out of them. BB sounds subdued or tired most of the time."

...what's annoying about it?"
"ingame calls!
"hiemerdinger, as most champs all you can do is try to cs while being harassed under tower and hope you can have a bigger impact lategame."
"I haven't found any other places reporting this yet besides the bbc. This is what Israel considers a ""crack down"" on settler terrorism: *ignoring settler attacks for decades, allowing settlers to have complete immunity from the law; then following the burning of a Palestinian toddler Israel authorities pretend to care by acting as if that arson attack was some ""exceptional occurrence""; then they claim they are investigating this attack by using draconian measures such as administrative detention and illegal interrogation methods, resulting in the detainment of 7 individuals including administrative detention for 3 of them; despite this several settler attacks still occurred within the West Bank during this same time period; then finally releasing these settlers (terrorists)...* What's next from here? 

Israel is enforcing inequality in the West Bank, plain and simple. The disturbing part is that Israel's policies are clearly deliberate and she knows exactly what she is doing. Nobody is being fooled. To Israel Palestinian lives are cheap and Jewish lives are superior by law. Even worse this inequality Palestinians face at the hands of Israelis is being enforced *within* Palestine...

Think about it.... In the Untied States you have an entire country rising against American police corruption, brutality, and inequality in enforcement towards minorities. Meanwhile in Palestine by law Palestinians and Jews are not equal; yes I said **by law.** Denying Palestinians their basic rights and treating Jewish settlers as superior *in Palestine.* That's what is happening. I may sound repetitive but it's the only way to get my point across. "
There has been a resurgence of teleporting and no clippers as of late.. the one that was running around our server (well the group) literally got banned just yesterday. He was doing it for approximately one week.
"Yes, they stole the steam login website and made it look like you're logging into steam."
Financial analyst
"Rattlers and copperheads.  Maybe a water moccasin.  I ran into a hiker bit by a copperhead night hiking.  I've been rattled at once in NC and stepped over a few quite rattlers sunbathing on the trail.  Just make sure you watch where you step.  There not all over the place, but if you spend enough time hiking you'll come across them every once in a while.  "
"Yup I didn't like it either "
Is it loud?
Socks and underwear. Every time.
"This is a duplicate of another submission or is a common topic of discussion.  Please use the subreddit search function prior to posting questions as they may have already been addressed.  

If you have any questions, please [message the moderators]("
Very nice but you say recipe..?

I match this little one

Captain America 
Slot	Pokemon	Nature	Ability	HP	ATK	DEF	SPA	SPD	SPE	ESV	Availability
1,1	Rufflet (♂)	Adamant	Hustle	31	31	31	31	12	31	0912	

my TSV thread:

My favourite DS game is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. The plot is so awesome.

He isn't going to play with 5ks in his first game
I'm so sorry for you guys and cat. I hope you get things worked out and also positive results.
Thanks for the advice everyone I got a vpn called zenmate off google chrome and can click play now off the website and it will launch the client with no errors at all. Just got 99 prayer ;D
"Is it just me that thinks that roosterteeth should pay people to do this, so this doesn't happen in the future? They certainly have the money. If it's a question of time they should hire more people. Streaming RTX shouldn't be a problem after this many years having the event annually."
Wait a minute! Suppose two swallows carried it together?
"Luca, pull it together and chill the hell out. I didn't save your sorry soul for you to get up and get killed.

Also, I had your limo fixed."
"Two humans wearing armor, how interesting."
"Varian interaction incoming with Anduin. Any funny suggestions? "
"Of course...EPL is far more acceptable than BPL, but in my opinion use neither."
Ah fuck off
"The Kepler Syndrome is so painfully real, and people don't seem to think about the fact that if we start taking out satellites, pretty soon NO ONE will be able to launch them. The 'buildup of debris' is practically a footnote in this article but it's by far the most glaring consequence of space-based militarization. There's no practical way to protect satellites against debris moving several kilometers per second. We NEED an international standard for launching satellites that requires each one to either be able to boost itself to a graveyard orbit or kick itself into a decaying orbit once its purpose has been served. If we don't, LEO is going to become too dangerous to even send astronauts THROUGH it. We could effectively lock ourselves on Earth's surface. Think about it"
I'm really curious how gay divorces are going to play out. How do they decide who is to blame? Do they observe the two guys and see who is more feminine? Or who's more financially dependent?
What about game updates? I know for a fact that newer games that require firmware past 9.5 require you to spoof the game to run on a lower firmware or else the newer encryption will not let you play it.
"I had cricket when it first showed up in my area many years ago. It was unlimited talk and text for ~$40. But it only worked in my city and along the interstate to the next major city.

I didn't tend to leave ever, so it worked well."
"If most of their traffic is going to Voat in order to participate in forums and discussions centred around this 8chan-flavoured troll stuff, the admins can't exactly turn off the taps, right? What are you supposed to do, start smacking down the majority of your active users as undesirables?"
"Hey, sorry for the delay and I hope your lab is in better spirits and condition! Louie is MUCH better than he was before. We couldn't spend the money on the tests so we had heavy medication and bed rest for about 4-6 weeks that seemed to help IMMENSELY. His injury seemed to be just that, a back injury or sprain that mimics a couple of things (meningitis or messed up vertebrae)"
I've always had a great time at Botticelli's. It's definitely more formal than a lot of the modern restaurants in town and the food has always been solid.
"You completely missed the point, in what I can only assume is a deliberate way. The only one who said any of that ignorant shit that you're attributing to others here is you."
"I live about an hour south, in Carlsbad. Even as an AP holder, I'm counting down to our next visit weekly. Thinking mid-week.

We're going to check out the Fireworks from New Orleans area after Fantasmic! . . . if we can get Fastpasses. Anybody know what time the Fastpasses are gone?"
Blue Eyes White Saranthus
I'm still gonna squish it
"i was just watching curb your enthusiasm on my lunch break... great show! "
"Not sure if you found your answer yet but I would recommend regex for this. The only assumption this makes is that the object CN does not contain an equals sign.

    ($dn | sls '^CN=[^=]+(,OU.+)$').Matches.Groups[1].Value"
"Mi tarjeta esta bien pero es micro y no le puedo poner nada extra, quiero una de sonido u otra grafica :/"
"Makes you sad? Because he appeals to the general public and makes radio-friendly music? I love Jazz Cartier but he'll never be big like Drake because he doesn't make radio hits. "
That is a decision he should have made before accepting the position.
"Steelseries sensei had a monitor below the mouse.. "
"Contact Schuhschrank ingame and I will try to safe your pos. "
My bad I was on mobile earlier and I couldn't read that text haha

The way humans and other species tend to deal with catastrophes is to actually have more offspring and ensure the survival of the species. 

People not wanting kids is more likely similar to why people want to own homes less these days; economic precarity. When people can barely support themselves it's logical that they're not going to want to take on a dependant. 

Also worth remembering that overpopulation isn't killing the planet. We produce enough food for every human to eat well and we have environmentally safe energy production ready to go."
or just do it in the correct order?
"1. Sleep paralysis.

2. The running dream. Continually running from something, through a dark narrow alley, or a dark narrow street, both near my childhood home. There is no end, just running, and when the thing catches me I wake up."
"Your odds go down considerably. Very frequently a death sentence. If you can wait until spring, it's much more likely to work. But if it's out anyway, doesn't hurt to pot it or plant it. Good aftercare matters - don't leave it out in the blaring sun."
"I'm eagerly looking for one, not being Australian and all. If you have a spare one, or one that's up for trade, let me know!"
"I meant after you enable the default Guest.     
It must have gotten disabled while upgrading. "
Wow.  Good point made.  I was about to have the same train of thought as the guy you were responding to having read what you just wrote I now kind of agree with you.  Mr. White is the devil
"I keep running past this one and man, I'm not sure.  I can remember a day I gained over 10,000 subs.  I was a top 10 gainer for the week, bigger than respawn which was hot at the time.  That felt good but it was soured by problems Colin was having at school at the time.

Meeting people at the fist COD XP was really cool.  I had a VIP pass and I kept grabbing random fans and pulling them to the front of the line to play with me.  That was neat.  I also competed in the tourney (didn't do much) and gave my hoodie to a freezing OpTic BigTimer.  I like to think I'm 0.01% of their win there. :)"
"Tables and Ladders and Chairs. Oh my.

The Hardy Boys vs the Dudley Boys vs Edge and Christian. To this day, watching that on PPV was one of the best moments of my young life."
"Tom says that the money he makes from that goes to pay his staff that work on the episodes and a cancer charity, but considering the backlash he's gotten by the way he pays his animators, I wouldn't be surprised if he took the majority of the money."
That makes no sense at all. If they want to leave the cc immune thing on the targets that's okay but they should at least allow brutalize

Too much new stuff at the same time to know what's good, wasn't sure when some of the new items did when enemy used new effects.

Matchmaking was terrible.  Got matched up with someone who played MF and started doran's ring.  Stood still constantly auto attacking creeps and using make it rain to get the entire wave down to 1/3 health.  Had 50 CS at 15 minutes to enemy lucian with 120.  Still hadn't bought anything beyond doran's ring because ""I'll go back to buy when they stop pressuring""

I usually get matched with golds and platinums in normal queues.  It was not fun."
dat bama bias.
Ilves from Tampere and FC Santa Claus from Rovaniemi.
Sure. Sounds good! Right now I'm at work tho and won't be able to trade for another 3 to 4 hours.
En persons konspirations teori är fakta för en annan tydligen...
"If you could throw it into sector DW847, as it doesn't sound too big, I'll give you 17 bucks. I would at least have something else to do besides touching this god-forsaken universe-destroying bomb..."
The carrot during Fizz's ult looks straight out of a 60's cartoon.
As if one needed any more reason to avoid World Soccer Talk at all costs.
"Lol OK thanks guys. The symbiote hat and the ridiculousness of OP threw me off. I recommend those straw hats that laborers and gardeners wear. It's got a great crunch "
"If you're having issues eating strictly then caving and binging, start scheduling these treats into your diet as part of your plan."
"SO EARLY?! Dang! :(

Freakin *school.* But your little one will love it I bet. I did!

(But it's August 10th! DANG that's early!)"
"That sucks, I'm sorry. -hugs-"
"Women don't care about men's problems, I find. I feel like it is the same about men not caring about women's problems. I don't know why that is. There ought to be much more respect in this world. "
Eye wiggles are awesome! It's one of the things I always look forward to in a roll. That and teeth chattering among other things
"This. This is one of my pet peeves! "
"Considering you can't fulton injured POWs because they'll likely die, or how it can be dangerous in some weather conditions like sandstorms, it doesn't seem like a perfect way to remove soldiers. Though that depends on how often weather conditions are. Besides, using it or not is all up to you as a player. And it seems much more limited in capacity than in PW."
"I partially disagree with you. QM is for trying out characters in a live setting with other players AFTER you have played a bit in the shop or Versus AI, and have a basic understanding of abilities and talents. Don't go into QM blind if you can help it. Trust me: it will be much better for you and your team."
"I've taught at the best in my opinion the best junior academy in Texas. I enjoy the atmosphere of juniors getting together and giving it their all for 3 hours. Juniors are easier to mentor because alot of them are open to coaching and changes. To me it's more rewarding helping them get a college scholarship and watching them play in college. The atp and wta tour is a grind and when people play for money it changes everything. "
"Oh of the first four I know for a fact three are still writing. The most successful authors have multiple pen names and don't hesitate to drop them when they discover something even more successful, and they're not likely to throw those pen names around. They also don't hang out here anymore, they're over in HB and occasionally SW. 

But they definitely didn't give up on 10,000 a month, a lot just turned it in to 20,000-40,000 a month."
"He just scored a double hat trick for a league cup game.

The only thing IRL is studs getting injured all the time."
i never understood why anyone gets upset at people who piss in the  shower.
"That 1984 Topps style was when I started collecting.  I have the whole '84 roster (Murphy, Hubbard, Torre, etc.) in that style and I'll never part with it."
"it's 8 8 not 88. 8 8 =H H as 8th letter of the alphabet. H H = Heil Hitler

88 means nothing to them, 8 8 does."
"[](/tsilikethis-r) Perfect. Thank you Fluttershy, I owe you."
"What stock picking formula is an advisor going to do with 1MM that beats the 3 fund portfolio on a risk adjusted basis?

The answer? None. Its mathematically impossible, and that's before adjusting for the 100% guaranteed loss of their fees.

You need more like 10-15M to get into hedge funds and PE. At the super wealthy levels, absolutely use more advanced tools. Before then and thus for 99.9% of the population, FA's provide no value past the psychological, GIVEN the assumption you are a rational investor in index funds. 

"They also pass around blowfish and inhale the poison they emit. Gets them high af "
Do you have a single credible source to support any of the wild assertions you have made?
"The big stick. "
"This is not legal advice but its a rather easy process to crunch the numbers. In most cases you may find that it is rarely more financially beneficial to rent, then own what you have been renting."
I didn't realize that there was yiff in the 70s
"That was a really interesting read. Also pretty scary in pointing out just how awful most people's understanding of history is.

""Hitler"" has become this strange, vague idea, completely detached from any actual, concrete history."
"Cool vid! This covers it, but there's so much more to include. It should be twenty minutes, nay, thirty! lol hopefully he'll cover it in the book"
The Kelp Splatterscope is my favorite charger. The Splash-o-Matic is my favorite shooter. And the Carbon Roller is my favorite roller. My least favorite is probably the Octobrush because how are you supposed to do anything with that weapon? I thought I would be good but when I used it it was like I was using garbage to spew garbage everywhere it was disgusting but not as disgusting as the time my cat threw up on me.
"how? they clearly specifiy the specs of the computer so no false advertising, unless they made a claim like ""140fps in all games at 1440p on max settings"" i have a hard time seeing this being taken to court"
"The villain literally has Doom in his last name! "
How did this joke even spawn? lmao
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"Kelly is my waifu. "
Sorry penguin powers to op.
"I'm saying the average consumer's reason for buying an iPhone isn't one reason. If the phone looked the same and had the same logo but with a shitty laggy OS, nobody would want an iPhone. The CPU, camera and RAM are certainly factors people consider when buying a phone, but it's certainly not the only ones. 

You can buy a fake battery operated Rolex for $50 while the real thing costs $10,000. But the real one is made of gold and has kinetic movement, not a battery. The two watches *look* the same and the knockoff has Rolex's branding, so if that's the only reason for buying a watch, then get the $50 one. But that doesn't mean the $10,000 one isn't worth its price. 

> And yes, the OS is greatly optimized, but clearly that's not hard to do anymore.

Then why is the knockoff slower than the original with fewer features? "
"The 9point8 fall line looks pretty awesome doesn't it? Except the price tag...but if it actually works reliably it would likely end up being cheaper than most of the others over a couple of years of not having to rebuild it all the time!

Haven't pulled the trigger on a dropper yet due to the price/reliability issues. Don't know anyone yet that has a dropper that has not had what I would consider unacceptable reliability issues for something that costs as much as these do."
"You say that, but remember you just listed 5 nuclear-related problems.  Though I'm not sure Hiroshima belongs on the list, although I guess it does demonstrate what nuclear power can do.  But one of those events happened just a few years ago.  And I fully believe another one will happen in the future.  Earthquakes and tsunamis happen.  Human error happens.  Computer and machine error happen.  Things go wrong.  And the problem with nuclear power plants, is that when enough goes wrong, people die and entire towns/regions are destroyed for generations.  Now I happen to live near one and never really even think about it, let alone worry- in middle and high school we'd even go there for field trips- but I don't discount people who are afraid of playing with fire.  Yes, its extremely safe, and there are tons of safety measures in place, and multiple things in a row have to go wrong for something really bad to happen.  But its already happened multiple times in the 60 years nuclear power has been around, and the more we build, the more chance there is for something to go wrong.  You can say ""oh that was human error"" or ""something was missed on an inspection"" or whatever, but that's the real world.  No matter how safe something is in theory, things go wrong in reality.

I guess if I was really forced to come down on a side, I'd still be pro-nuclear power.  I'm just saying its naive to think nothing will ever go wrong with it.  And when things go wrong with nuclear power, results can be catastrophic. "
"First off, I drive into Mexico to get to my hometown, so no, it's not always safe to get there-- carjacking is common in certain parts of Mexico. Second, just because I don't live in Mexico doesn't mean I've revoked my ability to have an opinion on my country. Also, Mexico will never get out of this unless people fight and stand up for themselves, and demand better from their people and politicians. You can't just sit on your hands and hope for the better. ""The least thing we want is more bloodshed."" Yeah, so what's the alternative? We just let everyone who has money and influence step all over us? Mexico will never improve if its people don't stand up and demand for change. "
Thanks for doing this!
Those would be some gigantic napkins.
"Added, good idea!"
"there is a pattern but you'll have to see the preview to get more of an idea. all tees, a lot of accessories and decks pretty sure are standard. "
"With that art, please have either it's battlecry of flavor text be [""For Pony!""]("
you still out with ur bull?
"The Galaxy would have to let him go but to European clubs an offer of $5 million as a transfer fee is peanuts. To the Galaxy that's a large amount of money. Thinking the Galaxy would ignore making $4.95m on a player they paid $50k for is pretty foolish.

(Prices are obviously hypothetical, the point is that someone could come in at any time and offer the Galaxy more money than they are expecting, and buy him from the club. This could literally happen any time the transfer window is open and that is the fear that people are mumbling about.)"
"gfy has a 15 second max, I guess."
"Is this money going into a server that can handle 75-100 slots with all our plugins? "
"I'll check it out then, thanks!"
Correct underwear as well. I've gained knowledge of gonad garments. Never go back into the cave.
it's not like he was our top scorer and very nearly our top assister in his last full season
"Iac and idle speed control valve are different things. Iac is on the intake manifold. The idle speed control valve is right below the throttle body connected to it.  Your can tell because there's Small tube connecting to the plastic intake pipe.  Is your idle going up and down by a lot? Check the codes in your ecu and try spraying brakekleen on that area to see if your idle goes up "
"Owww sorry, i thought you were first year because your ov only starts in a month, i could use mine all over the vacation to travel for free :^)"
it tracked the votes but just didnt update the table
"I guess we play this game differently. I would've titled this ""I just landed Jeb's permanent Eve base. I hope he enjoys his new home."""
"Yeah once they get the flow of product going it costs less so they can charge less, I'm sure competition in the market helps lower price too."
"They play sports for a living. They don't work in an office. This isn't the same as if two dudes got into a fight in their cubicles and it spilled out into the hall. People need to stop equating sports with their everyday work place. Fighting is totally cool in hockey. Football is a sport where you bash your body against someone else for 60 mins relentlessly.. this is a stupid comparison. I get that tis their ""job"". But aren't created equal. I work for the police, we can curse like sailors all day at work. If I worked at my Gfs job as a teacher I'd be fired within a day. It's not the same. "
"> Dude, you epitomized what OP was saying. It's not ""killing for the sake of convenience"". It's avoiding, what could be, a very bad situation for the child and the parents

Like you said, a child could be inconvenient for a parent."
"yea, pretty sure it was a scaling bug. My ele did about 5% of the total damage just in my opening staff-fire #5. (I was the first one to run in after he finished killing the zintl hylek)"
"You would be more comfortable watching porn with your family than a violent movie? 

It's not silly at all. Some things are appropriate around your family and some aren't, nudity or sex isn't for most people "
"The main reason I don't think I could ever kill myself is because it would completely destroy my family, my best friend, and my boyfriend."
"I've never been to Italy, so I can't really comment on that. I do live in central Europe though, cuisine here is very similar to my funny-sounding northern neighbours"
Yas! Bull's eye!
No problem man ! :D
"I prefer strawberry over grape. But I don't really eat carbs anymore so jam is pretty much off the table. "
Good point.  I still can't believe we lost that game.  2 fucking points in the 4th quarter.
2 cats !!! Tic tac and Paloma but yes of course I would join
"2 immortals each? I have all of them except the golden ones. "
Plz tell me theres more
"You made me paranoid to the point I checked how many I had left. Just five, five more Revelations till the end. "
A *lot* less.
"While I understand your frustration, and can see your point(s), better for Twitch to be safe than sorry, I'm guessing.

"Yes, a man I started talking to in a local chat room. He was a military man, about 29. We started chatting when I was 16 and met a few weeks after I turned 17. He knew of my age but he never admitted to having sex with me or talking about what happened between us online. I had thought it was 'cool' to date an older man, especially in the army. When I look back, I feel sick to my stomach.


Yea, it happens. I try to PM as many people as I can to let them know this place exists. "
"Would be a shame if RB would win this Game in court "
"> By all accounts the dude is one of the nicest people you'd ever meet

Yes.  It is very nice to donate money to political groups that prey upon the parent of young gay kids, convince said parents that ""god"" can help their kids overcome gayness, and then puts the kids thru psychological torture to ""re-orient"" them.

And then when someone points out that maybe that isnt a nice thing to do, the same guy says ""We follow biblical principles"".

SUPER nice guy."
I would imagine so
I did! I liked that zone more than EPL/WPL
but bitmex depends on bitfinex
"Thanks guys, I'm considering converting to Splatling for ranked matches (because I got a bit comfy with it last night). Not sure about turf war, probably gonna slowly convert to Splattershot and figure it out there. So thanks again for all your support. I hope to see you on the battlefield."
"Tauren? People seriously play horde characters? "
"Claire is worse because she is not only terrible to others but herself as well. You also don't see it coming. If she wants power, there is nothing more dumb than leaving the side of the President of the United States. Some people kill for him to lend an ear.

I cannot describe the amount of irrationale and idiocy of her ""I'm leaving you move."" I wish Frank would just say ""K"" and leave her for dead.

The only way she becomes successful now is by a sudden stroke of genius, which requires another drastic change made by the writers."
"Think of it this way:  he enjoys you hurting yourself. He gets off on it. That's gross; and sick and twisted. 

 It's fucking gross, dump him and get your shit together. "
"Thanks for the input... I'm glad you told me about gmarket. That should come in handy from time to time.

Spearfishing is tits, but I'm not quite sure I want to try to bring my speargun over or if I should wait until I get back to get in the water again."
"No, there are 2 sets of sanctions: one against Crimea and second against Russia as a whole."
"I always felt like ME1 was the setup for a trilogy that never happened, 2 was a standalone Mass Effect adventure that didn't even have to be about Shepard, and 3 was a half-hearted sequel to 1.

I enjoyed all three but I agree they're a little awkward as a trilogy."
"[Mark Morrison - Return of the Mack](

Also, [Fatboy Slim - Praise You]("
"I just started playing again after not having played for several years and am leveling my Commando, but I am very interested in becoming OP again.  I loved the feeling of taking down terramorphus solo with out cheesing him and look forward to one day being able to solo the other raid bosses, if that's at all possible."
Call Fucking Cops.
Wonderful idea!
i had the benefit of playing most of my games with friends. it is a much better learning environment
"Miami bbv2. Good luck! "
"The problem with that is that the true cost of the Olympics is never known in advance. 

Hell, it's not even clear in retrospect. Look at London, where they're still debating how much the 2012 Olympics actually cost the city.

The key problem is that there aren't simply clear facts about the costs for giant projects like this. There are a ton of judgement calls  as to what counts as what sort of cost, what spending would have happened anyway vs. what was spent solely on account of the games, etc.. These all get baked into the final ""factual"" account of costs.

Taking London as an example again, they did a bunch of upgrades to the transit infrastructure around the sports complexes. Some experts say these should all be considered non-sports related infrastructure improvements. Others say some of the improvements were only needed to handle the events crowds, and therefore should be considered sports-related. Now you have a battle of the experts, and the public is largely in the dark about how much should be considered long-term investment in transit vs. money spent just on the Olympics. "
"Please tell me where I said I HAD to have artificial sweeteners. Please show me where I said that word.

And yes, the horrid cravings never stopped. It's not desire. Sorry you're having so much trouble with this."
What's the secret to motivating people?
"###SexSells Stats for /u/future_exgf
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I want to be a marine
"Was thinking about that the whole time watching the video... but then thought the owner probably has a pretty hefty deductible... probably should've just sold the guy some "
I only give them money if I deem them to be worthy. I've convo'd them before only to get the impression that no amount of assistance is going to make them succeed in eve. It's not for everyone.
Sounds about right in the core. People self-segregate based on income. It's nothing new.
"Thanks for this! I guess, maybe next project is to buy one first. Pretty much self taught on other instruments but not this. Hehe. Tried learning in garage band but felt i know nothing once i touched real keys. "
I love my mizunos. Great irons.
"I had a Sandisk Cruzer get really hot, it was years old though. It was kill."
"The ""rule"" is one side per coil, but as /u/thetafour pointed out, it's all to your taste.  If you like watery err...aery tasting vape, then open up more air control.  For more flavor, make all the air flow directly over the coil.

But some tanks even have air control on the drip tip, so it's not entirely unheard of to add air in other areas."
"Are you using Avast? If you are, try disabling web shield."
He was describing Tyrion..?
"Comrade Petroy give all to Motherland. He respect quota. He not expect more kopeks for less work.

After life of achievement, he still try find more communism to spread. He take to attack capitalist pigs. For doing this, he start patrolling neighbourhood of communal living space E45 at night.

But at first he wear red clothes (was award for good service to Motherland but since Petroy is poor is only clothes). Red clothes are visible at night when is hunt for capitalist pigs. So Petroy buy black clothes to be less visible. But he still not find capitalist pigs. 

He look at shoes and find that are metal-toed (was award for filling quota at uranium mine). Metal shine in light at night. So Petroy sell shoes, and with profit buy black shoes that not shine in night.

But he still not find capitalist pigs! So Petroy do unthinkable, he steal from work to buy hoodie for clothes. He think that his eyes shine in anticipation of hunt so capitalist pigs must see eyes and take fear and run.

One night Petroy finally see action, he see car come from corner of street. 'Finally!' is think. 'Is capitalist pig, for only rich is able to afford car!'.

But instead of capitalist pig come KGB agents from out of car. They arrest Petroy and drag to boot of car. Before they slam trunk, Petroy say 'but, I am hunt capitalist pigs!'. KGB say, 'No Petroy, you are capitalist pig'."
Toilet seat to nasty to clean. Call handyman to install new one
"The TLDR is a good summation of it. I'm not sure I can disagree. 

The addition of nuclear weapons (solely in the hands of the US for now) does completely change the game though. The USSR never reaches Paris let alone London in that scenario. "
"Harvade själv på 85 i flera månader, medan rycket upp till 100 tog hälften så lång tid. Mitt tips är 5x5, mycket teknikträning, bänk två pass/vecka och en bra spottare."
"I play this game several hours a week, and I strongly strongly disagree. The Nightfalls is are just a level playthrough, and at this point you only die due to glitches and just feel dragged out (especially like this week with no burns). Especially because they rotate through what is seemingly the same damn nightfalls every other week (Seriously I've faced Tanniks at least 18 times in 2 months across the 3 characters in Nightfalls)

And while the Vault of Glass was both challenging and enjoyable, Crota is anything but. I'm pretty sure no one still knows how to do the bridge part without glitching it, and it's just a glorified strike overall."
"that sounds like confirmation bias.

You should probably get someone to spectate. I don't know what kind of play's you're making that leave you at such a low rank with such good decks.

My Btag is ApexHawk#2441, and I play EU and US, but mostly EU"
"Hes right, that particular one is just a $5 tool thats on a truck tire valve stem as a handle"
That would be neat!
"Well, that's a whole different can of worms. Evan was too black for Chip's system. *Clearly* race was a factor in letting Mathis go. This Chip guy, man he's really rustling some jimmies. He's letting all his star black players go and bringing in only whites. Atrocious. I mean come on man, it's 2015."
The struggle is real.
"What are your thoughts racism online as a whole?

Reddit recently banned several poisonous racist subreddits, but only after much work by /r/blackladies and /r/blackfellas

Is racism online the true reflection of how people think, or is it an exagerration?"
"No, it is not $60 a bottle.  That would be for the barrel aged variety you have a chance to win on a scratch off.  Regular Dark Lord is around $15-20 a bottle (I forget the going price now)."
[M] Monster Cables.  Kek.
Let's hope we also [stop butchering 'in-betweens' in infancy.](
Yep; and CONELRAD radio helps also.  Really opens it up.
"I refuse to believe anyone likes Panda more than Trolls.

We're clearly the best race!"
"Not really sure on the prices for the heroics. I tend to just think of a price and throw on SCM. They are on another account or SCM. For the low tier couriers, looking for gem prices plus a little bit. Here are the heroic tags for puppey koro and sumail

Item	|	Player	|	Drop Event	|	Match ID	|	Tag	|
Toxic Siege Pauldrons	|	KuroKy	|	Double Kill	|	785389859	|	KuroKy of Natus Vincere scored a double kill against Cloud9 G2A on Jul 19, 2014 (11:29:50).	|
Helm of Eternal Eclipse	|	KuroKy	|	Double Kill	|	785389859	|	KuroKy of Natus Vincere scored a double kill against Cloud9 G2A on Jul 19, 2014 (11:40:18).	|
Helm of the Equine Emissary	|	KuroKy	|	Double Kill	|	980759671	|	KuroKy of Team Secret scored a double kill against TEAMERINO TINKERINO on Oct 24, 2014 (11:07:35).	|
Ol' Chopper's Choppin' Arm	|	Puppey	|	Double Kill	|	436077361	|	Puppey of Natus Vincere scored a double kill against Fnatic on Dec 22, 2013 (12:57:29).	|
Nether Lord's Scepter	|	Puppey	|	Double Kill	|	767481166	|	Puppey of Natus Vincere scored a double kill against Vici Gaming on Jul 09, 2014 (14:09:10).	|
Heavenly Guardian Skirt	|	Puppey	|	First Blood	|	770545864	|	Puppey of Natus Vincere scored first blood against BRAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXA of Natus Vincere US on Jul 11, 2014 (9:20:39).	|
Toxic Siege Safety Goggles	|	Puppey	|	Double Kill	|	935330672	|	Puppey of Team Secret scored a double kill against Team Empire on Oct 02, 2014 (8:32:05).	|
Commodore's Kraken Slayer	|	SumaiL	|	Double Kill	|	1196887533	|	SumaiL of Evil Geniuses scored a double kill against Newbee on Jan 29, 2015 (7:01:26).	|
Shard of Vengeance	|	SumaiL 	|	Godlike	|	1599141056	|	SumaiL of Evil Geniuses achieved godlike streak against on Jul 01, 2015 (13:37:10).	|
Ornate Hat of Good Fortune	|	SumaiL 	|	Triple Kill	|	1394473652	|	SumaiL of Evil Geniuses scored a triple kill against -Ninjas-in-Pyjamas- on Apr 12, 2015 (14:45:29).	|
"Marine **BmDragon**:

* **Name**: Malcolm Driscoll
* **Portrait**: [CLICK TO DISPLAY](
* **Age**: 43
* **Devil Fruit**: None
* **Raw Strength**: reasonable
* **Most versed in**: armament haki
* **Fights using**: Wazamono Grade Sword - Santoryu
* **Rank**: captain
* **Justice Type**: moral justice
* **Crew**: Please wait for stage 2 to learn your crew
* **Achivement(s)**:
* * Washed the deck on a marine warship.
* * Caugh a no-name pirate. Twice.

^(Help kamac and his reddit games! Please )[^donate ^<3]("
"Agreed - LD doesn't have the capability of Furion.  Sure, he would play LD and get more value out of the hero to elevate it to somewhat relevant, but he isn't going to carry the team on the strength of his LD play."
"I love the Dutch guys on League of Legends, ""kanker"" is a common one I've heard. If we're going with swearing based habits, I would say how common it is to swear in Britain, especially to your mates like calling them ""Cunts"" or ""Twats"" in a real, amicable way."
"If you ever want to feel like you're watching open heart surgery during every single game of any significance, try Clemson. All jokes aside, Clemson has a great, improving program, although we sometimes stumble. There is a LOT of optimism surrounding the program, although a few pieces are not quite there yet. It's a team poised to make the jump from a good team to an elite team. Making that jump is hopefully what will happen in the next couple of seasons. "
"Fuck You

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/theydidthefuckyou) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Deleting a file means the computer writes its localization as ""available"" but you can still recover it as long as it hasn't been overwritten. "
"I think Okungalingus is as good as gone after this season "
"Well, a brick would still go to [the other side of the window](/sp), wouldn't it?"
"What do you want?  EDM/rave dancing?  Hip-hop?  BBoy? Latin salsa/bachata dancing?  Swing?  

Each of these is a different type of dancing and attracts a different calibre of woman.  

I prefer couples dancing because, duh, a woman is involved and I get to be all sensual with her.  Solo like Hip-hop and BBoy is basically masturbation imo because when you're at the club you're dancing with/by yourself to impress a group.  It's showing off, and that seems counter-productive.  

My preferred method is to partner with a woman then show off *just to* her by dancing with her really well.  "
I love the void Piece::getColour(). That reminds me of similar things I've seen in the past.
"I think the simple answer to that question is no, protein is protein and if anything, a protein shake is more easily digested. Depends on how your body reacts to whey though."
What are those LEDs on your roof?
Hope Richard Lewis fucks off from this community too. So cancerous.
"With ""elaborate"" i meant, if you could be so nice and give some in depth reasoning. :)"
"Yep, that's the correct answer right there. You take Revis back in a heart beat and then proceed to [Cheshire cat grin mode]( "

Hi there, your post has been removed for one of the following reasons: 

* [Rule 1:]( You may not have a story in your title. You must post a clear and direct question, and only the question, in your title.Questions about you or your specific personal situation are not appropriate for Askreddit. Additionally, any answers to the question, including your own, should go in the comments as a reply to your own post.

* [Rule 2:]( Questions about you or your specific personal situation are not appropriate for Askreddit. Try /r/Self, /r/Advice, or /r/NeedAdvice. If you have questions regarding reddit try /r/help.

If you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to [message the mods.]( Thank you.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"I'm just as mad as you are, but differently "
"What works for some does not work for others though, All of those healthcare systems are different between each country, They might be a mix of private and public but some work better or worse for each of those countries for various reasons outside of the health care system.


Throw torches, Flare guns (They light up a considerably large area), standing torches, omni directional lights, flashlight attachments on guns(I don't believe these require recharging) or the miner's helmet."
"What level of support they enjoy? Everyone has their >1% fascists. "

If a man gets in a bad situation he can receive instruction on how to avoid it next time.

If you say that to a woman, you are victim blaming.

Again, you can tell a man not to go to a dangerous place, act in a dangerous way. You cannot tell a woman this.

You may not like that, but that is how it is.

A man may temporarilly become a victim and therefore can carry responsability for decisions that led to being in an abusive relationship. He can learn from those decisions and avoid it in the future.

A woman is a victim, and expecting her to learn from previous bad decisions puts an unfair burden on her and in effect blams HER for what happens TO HER.

I am not saying it needs to be, or should be this way. I am saying that in our culture right now that is how it is, that is the reality of our society at this moment. It *should* change, but until that does you cannot blame the victim."
"This times a thousand. 

The worst part is, current Konami would NEVER make one (they already cancelled it apparently). "

[July]( [↑ボカロDBより↓](
    累計再生数 8,026
    累計コメント数 153
    累計マイリス数 422
    総合マイリス率 5.2%
    投稿動画数 4動画
    ボカロPランク    6,685位 (上位45%ぐらい) 
    デビュー日 2015年04月22日   

 IA  VOCALOID新曲リンク  IAオリジナル曲  爽やかなIAうた 良調教  IA_-ARIA_ON_THE_PLANETES-    

> どうしてあの時、言えなかったんだろう  
> Music:July(@julyhasitigatu)  
> Illust:麻宮アイラ  
> Movie:えむめろmylist/26100453)  
> Youtube  
> オフボーカル  
> マイリスト  
> mylist/50683702  
> 連絡先  
> "
"What do you want people to think and feel when they see your album artwork? A lot of the time, especially on the Internet, people will see your album artowkr and then decide whether or not to listen to your music based on that. 

Like others have said, this looks like an indie band's album cover. It's not super-eye-catching but it's non-ugly enough that an indie fan might still click on it. What are their expectations going to be of your music? Will they be disappointed?

How can you get some art that will make the people who will like your music want to click on it? "
I have no clue. /u/kairus101 can tell you for sure :)
"I can see why though; both the conservation of momentum and quantum field theory have been tested to very high degrees of precision at length scales ranging from millions of light years down to scales much smaller than the proton. Sure there are unanswered questions, but to think that somehow we missed something involving photons bouncing around in a metal cavity at room temperature is almost absurd. It shares much similarity to the arguments that people use to 'justify' the existence of ghosts. "
"He's got his followers on a drip feed of retardation. "
"Well, one would be that we no longer have statements intended to sway the person reading it in one direction or another, but instead have doublespeak.."
"Nah, just press down to view scoreboard."
The regulars are coming! The regulars are coming! :D
didn't play pokemon in english
A reason to use it. Average western consumers don't buy bitcoin because it provides no advantage over traditional payment systems and has a serious image problem among layfolk. Bitcoin needs to re define itself as an cross-border remittance and settlement network and drop all this malarkey about POS use.
"I'd like to thank the academy for this amazing honor. I'm truly humbled right now, thank you mom for all your support. "
Or I could use my console the way Sony intended and they can fix their Parental Controls.
"Much better. Thanks for asking. She started going to AA, she finally admitted to herself she had an alcohol problem, and met a firefighter there. They started dating and got married. They've been together for six years now, I think, and have two kids together. 

My sister has had issues with her bipolar, though. Sometimes she will have a break and have to gin for ECT treatments. But all in all she's doing much better. "
"""Oh, I'll do that later, I'm sure I'll remember that. I'll write this here instead."""
"Yes I am! It would be wrong of me to let yo continue to wallow in sorrow like this. I'm just trying to help you help yourself! Quite menchlike if you think about it. "
Also know as and
"Still think this will be an interesting auction for the following reasons:

1) Sprint hasn't finished their expansion they started in 2013.  Adding more spectrum or changing plans will continue delaying their build out

2) AT&T is potentially cash-scrapped after their DirectTV merger.

3) Verizon has publicly stated that they might sit it out (though they'll buy some in select areas IMO).

4) AT&T and Verizon and Dish spent a huge sum of money in the last auction; they might not have the debt financing capabilities for this upcoming one

What's riding on TMo is how much financing they can get.  I hope lenders are lining up and giving them good offers, because the brand and growth is on fire.
"je cherche surtout le principe de les recevoir par email. La je suis comme obligé de les imprimer pour les envoyer avec une autre machine. Je parle pour le VOIP. LA je vais checker le virtual fax number mais je ne pense pas que je puisse prendr eun numéro existant. "
"Isn't it possible too? If you get hundreds of people making complaints to the police about those people breaking copyright laws, they'll have to act upon it."
"Honestly, I'm just addicted to the grind and the desire to own everything. 

The wealth of weapons makes it fun as well, find a new weapon, and suddenly my game-play changes, while ever so slightly, I still enjoy it.

I have a healthy balance between PvE and PvP so that helps keep me interested.

I also love that I can just chill out in Patrol on a planet and just free roam killing shit; it's just relaxing for me to not have any immediate objectives. 

EDIT: And to add, the community is what brings me back, the friends I've made and play with makes this game super fun for me. I have a few regular's I play with and being able to jump on /r/fireteams to fine new people to play with is just one of a kind for me.

And to piggy back off of that, I also love helping new players through some of the content as well. It's just fun for me :)"
"Not saying far right wing Christians want a helter skelter style race war...

But they want a helter skelter style race war."
"No, been with my girlfriend for 3 years, Payed more attention to her than the game by miles, still cant understand my hobby."
"This is basically /u/HeraclitusZ 's answer, but a bit more formal and gets rid of the distribution of points ambiguity:

[The answer is 1/4 if the points are picked from ANY probability distribution which is invariant under a 180 degree rotation about the origin. We also have the slightly technical condition (\*): Any line through the origin has measure 0.](#sp)

[So a proof: Let A denote the event that the three randomly chosen points x1, x2, x3 create a triangle enclosing the origin, and B the event that r(x1), x2, x3 create such a triangle, where r(x1) is the rotation of x1 around the origin by 180 degrees. By our assumption we have P(A) = P(B).](#sp)

[Now, fix x1 and x2, and draw the lines through x1 and the origin, and x2 and the origin. By condition (\*) we can assume x1 and x2 are not on the origin, and also not equal to each other. Now these lines divide the plane into four wedges. Again by condition (\*), we can assume x3 lies in the interior of one of the wedges and not on the boundary. Triangle x1, x2, x3 contains the origin if and only if x3 is in the wedge opposite x1 and x2, and r(x1), x2, x3 contains the origin if and only if x3 is in the wedge opposite x2 but adjacent to x1. These two wedges combine to form the half-plane region opposite x2, which has probability measure 1/2 because of the rotational invariance of our distribution. So P(A) + P(B) = 1/2, which implies P(A) = P(B) = 1/4.](#sp)"
"Hey, Me and my 'team' are looking for new 'stars' you don't need to be in the office, or even the same country, all we really need is for you to supply photos/videos. Doesn't matter with who, as long as it has you in them. You WILL get paid for it, I'm sure you will be one of the most viewed 'star' we will get, so prepare for a lot of money inbound. That is if you would like to join us, I alone invested $1.2K already in advanced, so if we don't get many views to start with, I'm still able to pay our 'stars' the website is ready to launch, but we need at least 2 more 'models' for us to start posting. That is if you supply us with more then 2 photos a day we would be able to launch the website tonight!

Hopefully you could join us, if you want to make a legal document you can, we can either Email or mail you the contract, or we can go with a verbal contract and we pay you the same amount either way.

Thank you for your time.
With regards ~BamCamGirls"
"Haven't played either of them since I don't really like sports games, got burnt out from Fifa 98 as a kid with 45 min halves and only play that with mates 3v3. I have casual and non RL friends who have played 2 and said it was fun even if they didn't know the rules and it was clunky"
"It's freakier then that. Women are born with every egg they'll ever have already sitting in their ovaries. "
"However the ""AHCA did not find any evidence that organs are being sold illegally in Florida, confirming statements by Planned Parenthood"" according to the Tampa Bay Times.

edit: [Source]("
"Anyone else find it pretty insulting that they go ""you're not getting the one thing you were hoping for, but here have this completely irrelevant 2$ card reprint, enjoy!""

They're basically saying that they don't care about what we want but here have this dollar store toy and go play."
"2 Timothy 3:16

If God is the highest authority but the Bible is fallible we are helpless without any idea how to please God. 

If you judge some ideas to be shitty and don't follow them then you're committing idolatry. Worshiping a God who is a combination of what we read in the Bible and your own ideas about who God is creates a false God. "
"But the map file is a bit different. Considering we don't know where everything was in H3, the game doesn't either. If you try to run one of H3's maps, or any of the new official maps, the game crashes. There's probably a lot of stuff missing in our Tags, Resources, Textures, maybe even Audio.dat.(but IDK if that matters or not)"
"Technically, you just did!"
What's he going to do about it? Tell the veteran NBA legend to square up? The whole team would've kicked his ass if he tried that.
"Clean it up a bit ""MOMMY HE USED A SHOT GUN, I'M TELLING!"""
Glory to God!

> [2015-08-06 01:46 UTC](

> Royals this year have faced 5 starting pitchers with fewer than 5 career starts.


> Those pitchers are 4-0 with a 1.43 ERA.


> KC lost all 5.


^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot

[^[Contact ^creator]]([^[Source ^code]](
"""That is rubbish. A book is not going to sell 8x as much just because you change the gender on the book. Sometimes you just got to accept that there is still gender discrimination whether you like it or not.""

You just argued against yourself ,please clarify why I should just accept their their is still gender discrimination. "
"During the Batman movies, I could tell he only really cared about fighting crime 50% of the time. "
My mother also said I should distance myself. It is probably a good idea. I'll stay at home so they can discuss it properly tomorrow :)

Who goes from I will do anything for my dog to I won't see a lawyer til next week? Maybe the guy who ignores a court complaint and summons?"
"> What steps can we realistically take to change the status quo?

Film the cops, every time, no exceptions.

only nostarlius that server is great so many people no lags no gold sellers no cheaters no admin abuse just everything is so great oh my got my hype will kill me
"Ray. Where do them stairs go? 

Peter. They go up."
At least Russia tells its people directly they're being spied on....
"The title is based on a question to a producer, which in turn, he ""nods his head"". This is far from validation, lol."
"I've read this article a few times, and maybe I am missing a key point, but it does not seem like they are about to initiate some master plan to force minorities into special operations.  They presented facts and some quotes from some informed people that address the issue.  From what I read, the concern seems to be more about being able to appeal to a wider foreign audience when going into a country; increasing operational capability.  A lot of people will read this article and get squeamish because it talks about race and their dear old military.  The writer states a few times that it is based on a lack of desire by the minorities to join these units,  not a symptom of overt racism or bias.  I think any reasonable person will agree that they would not want any special treatment or programs to get minorities in, but I see nothing wrong with informing us of a lack of diversity.  "
Like Steely Dan?
"Sounds like the axle nut. Are you sure it's actually holding the rotor on? There's usually a couple screws and then the rotor goes over the axle nut, which holds the hub (where the wheel studs are attached to) and bearing down to the axle. They can be pretty rusted on, so you might have to bang with a hammer, or hit it with some PB blaster"
Well he just told us that this weekend their looking primarily for feedback on reaper and chronomancer. So having a sticky for each of those seems the most logical
"adding you now
the ralts is 31/31/31/31/x/31"
"Amazing photos! What was the name of the tour company that you went through? I'd love to do something similar without all of the planning :) "
"Sometimes an injury takes some amount of time to present itself.

If it happens years down the road, police report or not, I think it would be close to impossible to show that it came from this one wreck."
"Yeah thc is a natural bronchialdilator. I feel like I can breath easier, especially with edibles."


1. *This Post* - [1](, [2](, [Error]( ""error auto-archiving; click to submit it!"")

*^(I am a bot.) ^\([*Info*](/r/SnapshillBot) ^/ ^[*Contact*](/message/compose?to=\/r\/SnapshillBot))*"
"I've watched recently how they were shooting Aliens back then. It was dirty as hell. But I guess no one cared, because the result was great.

I think the same can be applied here. It IS dirty, but pretty clever and looks ok if used with care."
"I'm from out of state, but I do know that KSL Classifieds are huge out there.  I also assume craigslist has a presence.  Not exactly the answers you were looking for, but all I can add to this conversion"
"Global chat abuse towards DR for like 4 days and stream sniping him to kill him etc, I left the tribe because I knew this shit would happen, back in it now luckily otherwise I wouldn't have got my base back."
"Seen a lot of meth heads sport that exact same look. Wasnt this when he looked like a skeleton? "
"You can probably salvage the world 1 tendency events. Boot up the game connected to the internet, log in with that character, enter world 1, exit to the Nexus, and then log out. Do that a few more times and that should get your WT to one shade below pure white in world 1 as every time you log in it moves your WT one shade closer to the server average (which is usually white). 

Alternatively, if you have enough stones of EE to get your body form back (at least 7), begin the game in offline mode (log out of PSN and then boot up the game), kill yourself in body form in world 1 6-7 times, until you get pure black world tendency. Note: changes to world tendency don't post to the world until you exit it and return to the Nexus. Do the two pure black tendency events (once you kill one of them, make sure not to return to the Nexus until you kill the other one), and killing both of those enemies will put you to one step below pure white.

Once you have done either of those methods start the game in offline mode. if you are in body form, kill yourself in the Nexus. Beat the last boss in world 1, exit to the Nexus, and World 1 should now be in pure white world tendency. 

DO NOT boot the game up in online mode until you do all the PWWT events as it will shift it down to 1 shade below pure white when you login with that character."
"Ugh, this again. Studies have PROVEN, **TIME AND AGAIN**, that Russian unicycle bears are very vulnerable to acts of kindness. Seriously, do your fucking research before you open your ignorant mouth SMH"
It works 1 out of 5 times.
"Yeah. You know, the little liver-sliver in your elbow."
Guaranteed feeding does a lot to make you not dead.
"> they were accused of being snipers 

still civilians though!"
"He could've added (My aunt) in retrospect to help readers get a better grasp of the situation. OP was probably confused from RG's attitude, accusation, and general unpleasantness and not actively trolling RG."
"I don't know if your store has yet, but mine received new graphics for the Ulta Wall that make stocking a breeze. Hang in there!"
"Не, это стандартная ситуация должна для них быть, [то что ты описываешь, и что было кстати] я про каких нибудь упырей с калашами, в Киеве сейчас и такие есть. Вот эти ""серьезные нарушители"" и имелись ввиду."
"The more mechanics like you suggested are added, the more the focus shifts from stats to player skill. That definitively moves the scale towards FPS."
Some of my friends disagree but Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls is the better of the two. Now we just need a 3rd installment where Ace is unwillingly called into action by evil Russians and teams up with a streetwise afro-american and they have to solve riddles... Basically Die Hard 3 but with Ace Ventura...
"[Oh, don't you worry.]("
"Hi /u/kindofstephen, thanks for doing this!

I have two questions on long term use of retinoids for anti-aging. Can it be harmful? Should you cycle on and off retinoids instead of using them all the time? My facialist says that you shouldn't use them alllll the time, and while she's really up on some things (like vitamin C), she's very conservative with exfoliants and retinoids, so I'm not quite sure if she's being way too conservative here."
I want to be a pirate
"Who did the damage to trigger the aegis?
"I don't know man. That's pretty sexy "
"Hale's Supergoose!  Cask conditioned if you can find it. "
Yes but the wager alone is not enough. It is the wager combined with the understanding of religion that leads to belief
"yes but only because I'm so lonely :( "
"But isnt the UK not even involved in that!?


"And their console's design led to those games, right? So they obviously *do* understand their customer base because they gave them something they clearly wanted."
"You wouldn't even have to shoot the guy; just point the gun at him and say something like, ""You better calm the fuck down before I blow your brains out"". He'd either haul ass out of there, or if he's stupid and has a gun himself, try to pull his out and find himself with less of a head."
">Is it because light armors give magika and spell boosts or?

This. Less cost of skills, more resist, more recovery, more penetration and crit."
"Yep, you did the right thing in reporting them. SE may be a bit lax on botters and gil sellers but the GM's give absolutely no effs whatsoever about going after people who abuse the vote kick feature or harass someone in game. Bare minimum they will receive a week temp ban."
">Good post but you've forgotten the €9M that will go to Real Madrid.

Has that been verified? If that's true, it's a ~£6M loss to them, though it'll hardly make a difference to them, and they've let go of a caustic fuck."
What actually is he doing?
"Many conservatives don't realize vote suppression happens in many ways, not just voter ID. I made a list of links showing the many ways the GOP suppresses votes and have also included many GOP officials who admit the goal is suppression. Here:"
"When I was young I thought the line was

> It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you,

> That's something that a hundred men on mars could never do

In my mind, it made sense because there's less gravity on Mars, so he wants to be with this chick so bad that even 100 men on a planet with low gravity couldn't pull them apart.

I realize now that makes no sense and that I was a dumb child."
"I definitely think that men are the least oppressed or stigmatized in nearly all the most important ways, but men are generally repressed in very different ways to others. Mostly rigidity of available actions and extreme pressure to perform. I think most people are pretty out of tune with both how men and women are repressed. If one were to be so regarding women but be highly sensitive to men than that's how you end up there. I would hope that someone interested in gender issues wouldn't be tribal and would empathize with other groups, but honestly I'm frequently disappointed with feminists in this regard as well. For example, vilifying men for their sexual impulses and calling them pigs instead of sympathizing with someone experiencing something beyond their control. I try to remember that most humans are shit at this kind of empathy and that I shouldn't expect too much. The human handicap is a large one, we're keen to forget that. "
That linked from mobile so if ur on a desktop make sure u remove the m. From it
Potato potahtoe....
Crew making a lot of moves this summer.
"You can add Gillet (both), Thorgan Hazard, Meunier, Pocognoli, Ciman and Chadli to Wallonia and Van den Borre Batshuayi and Januzaj to Brussels to even out the teams a bit"
"Your post reminded me of something a french comedian said in the 80's. It went something like this: ""Women vote for the most handsome candidate. Men vote for the most honest candidate.""

Neither are true of course, but still, it cracked me up!"
My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.
What in the FUCK is this move?
"Dragon's Dogma looks sick, but it's not available on PC :("
"Sansa has always been pretty much - self centered.  of course self-centered can be good when your survival is always a question. "
I see you're online. I can assist with the hatch now if you're ready?
"Best case scenario free handy jay, worst case she's Ronda Rousey and breaks both of your arms. Win/win!"
"It's already been 1 whole minute. Where the heck is this picture! "
The more it zooms out the more my toes curl I just cringe with nope
"I kinda like the nicknames for a couple of the heists.  
Loose the Limey - Hoxton Breakout  
Fuck this shit - Big Oil"
"I wouldn't expect it to be replaced for free.  You're probably looking at a display replacement for $129. "
Seems very likely.
"I wholeheartedly agree.  Around me frame shop time is $55/hr so the op is probably looking at less than $250 if he pulls the bumper off and makes sure it is washed clean before he takes it in.

It's about damn time Search Analytics has an API!
I suppose it depends on how shit the person's waifu is.
"Really nice shot! Must've been difficult with the light pollution and how fast the ISS moves. Did you just frame it in the middle and then snap the picture? I kinda want to take a picture someday too but I'm not sure if it moves too quick to frame in the middle or if it's better to frame it off to the side "
Multiple people have recommended this be reported to the Law Society of Upper Canada.  So you should be instead surprised that you missed multiple mentions of it.
"Hmmm? Could be, but that's the loudest I've ever heard. Reverberated for about 30 seconds. I'm 70 yeas old, have lived in Hoover for 25 years - I've never heard anything that loud before.
"This is true. Nickel iron and copper all have very distinct smells, as does selenium. Selenium smells like assholes. "
It'd get boring after their 5th or 6th wipe on Faust.
"""Quietly in the clubhouse, some of the moves have been met with puzzlement."" 

Uh oh.

What is a prom king? Is this some savage Murican ritual I've never heard of?
"The problem is getting it to not happen, and how that happens would have a huge effect on European history, which is also going to effect the civilization of the Old World. It's not what would have happened to the old world if American contact never happened, but what would have happened to the old world if whatever happened to prevent American contact had happened.

Just getting rid of Columbus isn't enough, you also have to stop Portuguese exploration as well as fishermen who'd already reached the Grand Banks, as both of these groups were bound to find the Americas eventually (if they hadn't already). Then you have to prevent any other curious Europeans, and probably Africans and Asians for that matter, from finding it later, and continuing to prevent this contract for the centuries to come.

It is fun to speculate on all this though."
"Flex by RHQ should be on there, also some new weeknd, I can't feel my face or the hills"
"The biggest thing is water.  Besides babies, most reptiles can easily go a week or more without feeding without any negative effects.  There are some exceptions, but reptiles are very metabolically efficient.  If this is a concern, definitely look at animals that don't need to be fed every 2 to 3 days.  There are a lot of them out there. If you're going away for a week, you usually would want someone to come and change water at least once or twice, and maybe feed something like an adult beardie once or twice.  If I need someone to do this for me, I usually make sure I have some superworms on hand, since people are less squeamish about them than crickets or roaches."
Nachos. The guacamole makes it healthy!
That's the IGN live link I believe. The actual Destiny interview isn't posted yet.
"Those days are over. Nostalgia to the max, man."
"Wouldn't this be bigger news? An organisation that's dedicated to advancing education of country and then have books made by them confiscated.  
I mean Soros Foundation mainly operates in Africa so it's not like this is somekind of scary CIA plot to destabilize Russians or anything. It's a history book, not ""How to start a revolution 101"""
Why? I openly said I'm likely to have some things wrong- I'm asking for advice and help from the more experienced players. Ignoring me because I'm new doesn't make you better- it just makes you a jerk.
"No, using the Credit Card does nothing for you.  I don't know why that misconception is so prevalent.  You want a trade line on your report, but actually using your card does nothing.  If anything, any balance that gets reported will hurt you score.

So yes, open a credit card, but never activate it.  Just leave it in a drawer."
"Yeah truly some of the worst years of my life.  "
"Please forgive me if I'm misinterpreting your comments, but it seems to me that you view the Bible as the words of men - rather than the words of God.  It colors the way you view what you read in it.  E.g., ""it was for this reason that the leaders in Israel encouraged procreation"" - to me, that indicates that you feel like the laws in the Bible were created and put in place by men (i.e., ""the leaders in Israel"").  A viewpoint like that is going to change the way you read things in the Bible.  It would cause you to discount the teachings contained in the books written by Paul, because you'd see them as Paul's words rather than God's.

The Bible writers aren't the authors of the Bible.  They're just the writers - God is the author.  It's like a boss dictating to a secretary.  I know some are incredulous at that though (""Hah, yeah, how naive to think it was God that wrote the Bible instead of men.  Stupid""), but the consistency and harmony of the Bible proves it to me.  God's authorship of the Bible is proven to me by the Bible itself.  There's no way it was authored by men.  "
"I actually tried picking up this book when I heard about it on the Diane Rehm show. But this guy is truly delusional and on her show he started personally attacking callers who raised legitimate points to poke obvious holes in his arguments.

No surprise that the 20+ chapters of poorly proofread content are the same narcissistic drivel that you'd expect. No idea who would actually pay this guy money for work, but perhaps thats the bigger commentary on our political system than the book itself."
I thought not posting sob stories was an unspoken rule? Ah well...
I'd totally illegally backup music from a band called Ambient Background Doom
"Fuck, that *hurt*.

Atmospheric re-entry hurts like a bitch, even if you're immortal. Turns out that reaching terminal velocity in the upper atmosphere makes you pretty hot under the collar. 


Sorry, I've had literal millennium to come up with awful jokes like that. 

I've got no idea where I am. I think I forgot who I was, to begin with. I've been immortal since the 21st century, and humanity didn't even go extinct until somewhere in the mid 1500th. Maybe the 1555th? Its been a while. Maybe I'm going for a nice number that has a lot of fives in it. I've always liked fives. And tens. And even numbers. Or maybe it was the mid 2500th century. Or 25000th. Whatever, not a big deal. Its probably been longer than that. 

But I digress. Where the hell am I anyway? What sort of awful barren wasteland do I need to sit down on until it get consumed by its own sun like the last time?


Waaaaaaait a minute.

I can breathe here. Which is shocking, because humans weren't really designed to breathe in pure nothing in the deep vacuum of space, and most atmospheres are too thin to support us. 

Or made of sulfur or something which sucks a surprising amount, let me tell you. Tell me. Let me tell me? I don't know. This rambling inside my head is getting obnoxious. I feel like one of those old comic book characters, from the 20th century. What was his name? Deadlake? Livepuddle? Ryan Reynolds? Whatever.

I vigorously shake my head to return myself to reality.

Huh. I feel like the hot should have subsided by now. My feet are still pretty hot though. I look down and notice that I appear to be partially submerged in magma. I can only assume I didn't notice earlier because my nerve endings are pretty much burnt to a crisp. Nice. As I pull myself out of the lava pool and my nerve endings reconstruct themselves - in screaming bloody pain, by the way - along with the rest of my body, I look up. 

It's clear skies, here. I see stars. Assholes, the lot of them. Eating up my planet. I think I see a few white dwarves. Fuck those guys. All small and shit, influencing the heat death of the universe. Should that have happened by now? I don't do time much anymore. 

Ok, my legs are back to being legs, I think. This volcano really is quite hot. I see the rim. Well, time to see what fresh hell I've been dropped into. As I stand up I turn around and look at the man-shaped crater in the ground behind me. Wile E. Coyote would have been proud.

Forty minutes later, I'm raging quietly to myself. ""Fuck... This... Shit..."" I mutter as I climb over the rock fixtures to the edge of the volcano. It's the first time I've heard my voice in millennium. It sounds so strange and foreign to me. 

Everything hits me all at once as I pull myself up on top of the edge of the precipice. Here's the thing about space. Its a vacuum, right? So it's boring. It has no sound. No smells. Nothing.

I can hear things.

I can smell things.

As I stand up on the rim of the volcano I've landed in, I see vast kilometers of treeline stretched before me. I see flowing rivers and deep lakes. I smell fresh air for the first time in millennium. 

I see something else. Far, in the distance.

Tears begin to stream down my face. So long. I've been searching for so long. Alone for so long.

I begin to run. I run through day and night. I see creatures I don't recognize, and some that I thought I would never see again. 

I run.

Finally, after days and nights of running forever forward, I approach the gate.

The men standing outside peer curiously at me through their uniformed visors.

""Hello?"" I say. I hope against hope that English is still spoken. ""Bonjour?"" ""Ciao?"" ""Tere?"" ""Salam?"" I continue to go through which languages come to mind. I learned them all in another place, in another time. 

One of the men moves forward towards my naked figure, covered with cuts and bruises. My eyes must be wild, after so long.

""Hello, stranger. Who might you be?"" He responds.

Finally, I am home again.

**Diary of the Remnant, Day 01, 25th Year of the 47th Cycle. Alpha Centauri, Human Colony Designation A12G74 - New Ottawa.** "
"I would absolutely love this if I had a caretaker to do this for me. I'm already have a bitch of a time learning German on my own. Would be nice to have someone who knows what they're doing teach me and treat it as a homeschool/classroom type thing. "
"This HIT was tighter than dick skin (sorry, too much Monster energy and Always Sunny marathoning! LOL) when I did it a while back.  Super PandA status confirmed, General Marty!  Haha.  :]"
"Don't give up on Stamina / 1H yet, it's a good idea to experiment with many builds. You never know when some changes make something viable again. And who knows what changes will be made before 1.7 goes live. 

My @name is @OdinForge, and you can find me on youtube here if you ever want to discuss NB builds, feel free to reach out to me."
"Well, i'm not 100% wrong. I'm just citing Wells testimony. Maybe it's more likely that he is wrong in the testimony than in the report, but this is what he said at the hearing:

""No, it wasn't the same gauge.  Al Riveron tested that ball and he tested it with two gauges.  And it's not in the report because we didn't think -- at that point in time, the intercepted ball because nobody knew whether or not the Colts might have tampered with it or something, we didn't use that as part of the analysis.  Later on after the fact, I don't know if it was the Patriots or somebody said, well, you could have used that ball as data that maybe the gauges were off, what have you.  But the fact is that Riveron told us he tested it three times.  I forget what the numbers are.  And he used both of the gauges.""
Shot every time someone logs in and asks if double XP is on.
"Da sich mir der Sinn nicht erschließt und der Preis zu hoch für den realen Gegenwert wäre, klares Nein. "
Got it :3
It starts sinking in when your or your friend's kids start going to college.
The jewelry's nothing special — plain ol' straight 10g plugs with o-rings.
" these are available in Oz, I haven't had issues with them leaking aside from the occasional dribble, they're good about replacing defective products and MAN are they pretty, I may have like five of them"
It is as loud if not louder than the M8. The M8 sounds more clear with awesome bass. The G4 might sound tinny to a precious M8 user though.
"Agreed, I've raced him from a dig and pulled about 2 lengths on him with me on stage 3 E30 tuned and him stage 2 but he had OEM tires and I had sticky Nittos

He has super sports now so I imagine it'll be a different story now and his new revision for the tune makes it a monster"
"Wow, I Googled him and just read he's the voice of Joe on Family Guy. Thinking back... how the hell did I never notice that?"
"The more awe you have the worse it is, so Awful is the worst, Awesome is great so Awenone must be the best!"
bruh One Small Favour is the best quest in the game
"Hell yes. I love the American accent. I am aware there are numerous different American accents, and I cannot pinpoint directly which one I like, but to be honest they all sound pretty interesting in their own way"
I never have had that many issues with them cutting out. I only ever have that issue if the battery is low and I am a fair bit away or if I try to go down to do my laundry as it's rather far from my computer and a bunch of walls in between. My issue is that it does not seem to like my usb 3.0 port anymore.
"This looks quite close. The spines were a bit shorter, though. They were quite straight.

 Thanks for the response! But I don't think this is it.

EDIT: Hm, actually, based on wikipedia descriptions, its behavior sounds very similar as well. Maybe it was a younger version?"
[All the /u/GallowBoob news that's fit to print](
I thought that they buffed the alpha rexs arms for a minute.
"I am fine with that, my reputation speaks for itself though. :)"
"2 Timothy 3:16 is an argument that all writings (for its author this would be what we call the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and some pieces we call Pseudopigrapha- but not the New Testament as it did not yet exist) are inspired (literally ""in breathed""), he goes on to state that this means that they can be used profitably for teaching, correction, etc... At no point does the author of 2 Timothy argue for an inerrant or infallible Bible, rather the author argues for a set of writings about God that can be used by the community."
"Okay I agree with the voice chat toxicity, but sandbox mode, is not going to increase toxicity, Most of the time people will probably be using it with people they know."
"What is love? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's what we have. "
"Don't try to force it.  When Dominion came out, DXV and Rio Grande didn't say ""here's a new thing, called a *deck builder game*"". That terminology came about organically, once other people started using that mechanism. 

If your game has a sufficiently different mechanism that it gets replicated in other games, then the community will figure out what to call it. "
"On the flip side, there are two teams whose last playoff loss was a Super Bowl. Seahawks (2014) and Raiders (2003).

So Super Bowl XXXVII was both the last time the Buccaneers won in the playoffs and the last time the Raiders lost in the playoffs."
"You're still drunk. Go back to bed. "
"Yup, in every Gen since III. Currently working on Gen VI and trying to make them all Pentagon, so I'm going to be missing a lot of event legends."
"You've gotten out of the early game. It's quite normal for the pace of the game to slow down a bit. That being said there are some small things to be said about your ancients.

Your gold ancients are underleveled. Bring them to ~427 and Siya to 459. Raise Iris to 103 and Morgulis to ~231k. Otherwise you're doing good. Just keep gaining HS. The goal of the mid/end-game is (mostly) to regild further down the rangers. Next ranger for you is Phthalo which becomes optimal about 800-1000 Siya. But honestly, if you feel the game is no fun then by all means stop playing it. After all that is why we play games, to have fun."
If youre watching a show on TV you're giving them money
"For Tactical captains at the high end it can. The two are quite close in performance note, though.

/u/mastajdog ran the numbers on this as the change was rolled out and presented his findings here:"
"The 90's?

God I miss the 90's ;_;

In all seriousness planned obsolescence is the word. Like how every iPod is underpowered to make people demand a new one each year."
Didn't appreciate my tinfoilery either :(
"There's cosmetic stuff to farm for....are you saying you have all that already? So you're basically saying ""once you've done all the content, there's nothing left to do!""

Yeah but the later I allow the sunset to occur the less ridiculous the whole running away from DIO for over 7 hours thing is.
"**5 Stars:** Kagura, 2 NE

* Summon 1 - Balgran
* Summon 2 - Darvenshel
* Summon 3 - Kagura

stopped there since I now have all the 7* units currently available.  
"I don't see anything official about this explanation.

It's just some random nobody on the internet."
I love memorizing country tld codes and vehicle registration codes. 21/24
"I did not detect any confusion in that comment. I read it instead as a rhetorical question, based on an analogy.
"It would be a the perfect place to get ""That"" gun which I'm sure will be making a return."
"He's in favour of progressive taxation, but also favours a flat rate for health care regardless of age, previous claims, family health, income, job title, or anything else that differentiates you from your fellow American. He's in favour of a health system that the rest of the industrialized world has."
"Favourite anime: Steins;Gate or Parasyte

Best girl:

- Steins;Gate: Kurisu

- Parasyte: Murano

Least favourite anime: Orenchi no Furo Jijou

Salt level: Very salty because Kongou got eliminated in the first round. "
"Eminem headlined in '11 too. Could have been then. "
It should be the official quote of nofap it sounds free pf stress and makes it easier to accomplish
try a movie called '71. One of the best war/combat dramas I've seen.
"I like this, one of my top pet peeves is people who don't signal.  It is such a freaking easy thing to do and could cut down on so many accidents.  What about those that signal but also drive over the speed limit?  What would happen to them?"
That Kirby had the right idea at the start of the match
"I typically run Shanks/Shanks and I can break elders with a matching orb + 2.1x combo.

Its even easier if you have marco friends :)"
"I didn't specify originally, so I updated, but I believe the broadcast delay rule is only for those broadcast stations - ones you could pick up with just an antennae."
"This made me laugh more than the actual joke, which didn't warrant more than a chuckle. "
"It is a nice indicator of what he's capable of but lets not forget that this is indeed, a drill and Mack is coming off an entire season injury. I am pretty excited about the kid though - he moves like he weighs 80 lbs less than he does. "
"If you are selling, I am buying - would look amazing in our new office!"

"nope, nope & nope"
Well that was clever. Why the hell would they do that?
"""When he was a baby, he would always cry and was too hungry to feed with a regular bottle, so you had to use a two-liter bottle to feed him.""

Sweet Jesus"
"What criticisms have you responded to? You just responded with typical SRS dim-witted sarcasm. "
"Wait,  for Xbox? "
"I'm so happy that a real rivalry is forming between the Mets and Nats.

It will go well with the Rangers-Caps rivalry and I can bathe in Harper tears as well as Ovi tears."
"My first real skill as a player seems to be creative driving strikes from midfield.  Twice this morning I found a thrill in being the cause of such worry.  In both cases a defender thwarted my effort, but it really ups the adrenaline when one goal could make the difference and you're juggling while trying to finish with an unexpected shot."
"There is so much ignorance in this comment, it's disgusting. Not only are you making a ton of assumptions by saying he didn't know anything about her, you're claiming that it isnt possible for people to lie over an extended period of time.

On top of the fact the only reason this sex has had any consequences is because she lied, and the judge made it personal. If you absolutely need to assign a moral, make it one that actually applies to the situation like ""lying has consequences"" or ""some people of power are shitty"" neither of which fall on him. "
"From what I can find on BLS yearly reports:


You could also look at a graph of the unemployment rate by race:

From peak Black unemployment is down ~29% while white unemployment is down 39%, Asian unemployment is down 33% and hispanic unemployment is down 27% from peak. "
"I know of a better guide, it deserves to be posted. Also, Ive ran murmur with selinux problems."
"The point is though any future conflict with NATO isn't going to come about as a result of conflict with NATO, it's going to come about through China attacking a country in the Pacific that the US has treaty obligations with. China has virtually zero interest about the geopolitics of the Atlantic. "
"I agree with you about her character on the show. "

Primera  empresa  española  en   fabricar, comercializar,    distribuir   e instalar   equipos   solares   termodinámicos de última   generación. Nuestro   compromiso    con  el  desarrollo    sostenible nos ha conducido  a diseñar  un producto basado en el ahorro energético y en el respeto al medioambiente. Trabajamos en una mejora continua en nuestros equipos , prueba de ello nuestra  colaboración    en proyectos   de investigación    con  institutos científicos y universidades .    CAPSOLAR CST es la única  empresa fabricante de equipos solares  termodinámicos     cuyos equipos   cumplen   con  lo establecido    por el  Código   técnico   de la  Edificación,   de obligatorio cumplimiento en edificios  de nueva construcción y rehabilitaciones"
"i want 
ribery --- lacazette tots --- robben

in a false 9 433/5 or 4-3-1-2 but that will never be nlw obviously with lacazette on cam robben and ribery lf rf position :) . ive been trying to get nlw but cant seem to create one . on the midfield i want 2 playmakers and they all need 80+ passing for defense my 2 CBs cant have below 75 pace.
i ve got total 1million coins to spend thats robben lacazette and ribery already included leaving me with roughly 450k left to work with. console is xbox360

"Still here waiting for the *RG RB-79K Ball Type-K..twin set..*  
But it probably has to do with how much Bandai thinks they will be able to sell. Was initially waiting for a mass-produced z'gok, like they did with the zaku II's....but we all know how they went all p-bandai on it..."
"Thank you for the support. I have come to expect it when I state my opinion on this subject.

But you are right. Monsanto is an evil corporation and they have caused more harm than good. My belief is that GMOs could be harmful and that we should proceed with extreme caution.

But what's even worse is the ever increasing amount of poison we are spraying on the GM crops. All I know is that glysophate and 2, 4-d is not good for us so the less we use, the better off we are.

"Most families couldn't survive on a single income right now.  As such, dual incomes are necessary.  In the past, families could survive on a single income.  I'm not sure if you're just intentionally missing the point, or what, but it's not complicated."
That is a feature I miss. I don't understand why it got removed...
"> Jackets wingers are a faceless horde of good hockey players.


Can you guys tell me more about Atkinson's ceiling? I know he isn't bad and is probably worth about what we're paying him but I just see tons of praise for the guy. Why is that?"
holy shit man ... crazy experience. Thanks for sharing
That sounds like a good amount of time at 30psi. After switching to the lower pressures I think you will see even carbonation after another 3-5 days but it will be drinkable after 24-48 hours total. Just bear in mind that the final carbonation of the beer relies on the temperature and pressure you're serving at. 8-10 for the lager and 4-5 for the stout is perfect at 35 degrees.
Sacrificial Pact!
"If you flash cyanogenmod, you get this under privacy, using privacy guard.  
I've read AppOps can do this as well."
Which is 108 damage at level 1. Unless you somehow start losing health before you fight in which case he sounds even more screwed.
"The game constantly reports that I have an ""Excellent connection"", yet when I hover over the bars, I see that my Receiving is always 2k+. Is this normal for the game?"
"The dozen things that I worry about over possible height is either health and safety of the kid.  

Sorry I wasn't my intention to belittle what you went through and possible are currently going through.  
"then basically unblock all sites... Cheese pizza can be found only on tor networks, which are ridiculously slow for india. While I do appreciate india taking a stand against CP, but you didnt have to make a complete fool of yourself. I do realise, yes, mr prasad that you have made a gross error in deciding which sites to block. 

I hope your babus who guide you realise that most hosting services which are outside india (all thanks to your , and UPAs visionary IT policy) already have a policy on CP and by just adding more and more laws which are so easy to be misused (looking at you, mother fucking IT act) ... you are just driving out business from the country. 

Good luck with that"
"Is that Yiddistan?

(Little bird is Yiddish slang for homosexual.)"
"While the teacher was out of the room, that one weird kid jumped on top of the teachers desk and proclaimed: ""I am the king of cheese!""

Right before Christmas vacation, our teacher decided he would recite ""You're a mean one Mister Grinch"" repeatedly for the entire period. We were taking an exam that day.

A squirrel crawled in the window on the basement floor and decided he wanted to be friends. No one noticed him until he jumped on my back and I flipped out."
"Cool, didn't know there were screenings last week. I guess reviewers are waiting till friday."
"When I say 17 I'm exaggerating, but it was like 3-4 attempts to contact her through different mediums. 

I'm sorry your family sucks too. It's a tough realisation to come too, I guess I just needed to hear that I wasn't in the wrong as they make me out to be. 

It's this vicious cycle of me asking to be more involved in their lives and getting ""well you can call me"" in response.  It infuriates me. "
"Cool, thanks! "
"Commander's log, stardate 51352.8: Lieutenant commander Gary Burris traveled back in time to to 20 century Earth. On his planetary survey mission he was wrongfully accused with robbery and executed. His crew failed to beam him up on time."
bet it healed quickly though
Salamamder man?
"Yeah, but it was stupid dangerous shit I did to myself, never anyone else."
"/u/psyonix are you there?

1. don't make save replay the top option in the post game menu.

2. ask the player if they are sure they want the replay saved."
"Unfortunately, your post has been removed. Why? What should you do? [Check out the FAQ.]( Thanks. (1001)

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fantasyfootball) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
why is this here?
One step closer to Xeneruia as a CSM
"I would ditch the glow up and the white cards for more rank 4s. And consider running the level 4 water that specials with spellcaster. He opens more rank 4s and gives easy access to the water fusion. "
"I've seen this on this sub before, but I could have sworn it was pretty high up in the top of all time. Apparently it isn't, 'cause I can't find it. :/

You win this round, OP..."
"Well now, but it was put in there as protection for his injury history. It was also said to be part of the reason for Gronk's camp being reluctant to start the '13 season before knowing for certain he was 100% healthy since if he sustained career threatening injury the Pats might not have picked it up.
Anyway I was just replying to /u/CravingToast who is wrong that he was 100% due the money."
November 7th is gonna rule
Hi! Have a nice day np_1216!
"Hvad er det vi kigger på? Og er OP en form for kratlusker?

Følg med imorgen!"

"Oh well, at least some of the data was synced and restored once the accounts were logged-in."
"It might take days, it might take years. But one day you will look at her and realise that the person you are in love with isn't the person you watches getting married. The person you are in love with no longer exists. "
"Develop 10 personalities, then buy a Hololens with Windows build in. So you'll have 10, and Windows."
"""Salon"" ""Koch"" ""Fear""

I bet there is a lot of responsible journalism going on in this article. "
What do I think? You're one lucky guy! :)
Really? I have locked 5S now with AT&T. Are you trying to tell me that if I pop a Cricket sim into my 5S it will work?
"Well, TP has been around for quite awhile, and I'm sure the process is automated...I would *hope* the rolls could make it into the package without coming undone.

Plus, what is that glue made of? I always throw away the first few inches, because I don't want sticky bits."
"Steve's awkward kind of sexual comments are pretty g-rated compared to the stuff that James and Jeff have said around her. Every time they start talking about sexual stuff Steve is usually the one that gets uncomfortable and leaves the room. "
"That's interesting since I was under the impression that it was the inverse (capital wise), although I don't have anything immediately to hand to back that up. I'll have a look into it, but if you have any papers that make the same claim would appreciate you linking them when you have the time. Are we still talking hours with ramp time or is it below 30 mins now from cold?"
"I *can* see your submission in the 'new' queue or /r/Windows10, so you might want to check again. However, I couldn't see it in /r/Windows - it was possibly caught in the spam filter or removed by the mods - so try messaging the mods."
Is that really so much worse than John Waters dedicating Female Trouble to Manson family member Tex Watson ?
"some of these stories are so sad. like, she literally has nothing else to define her except the fact that she is your husband's mom. and she's clinging desperately to it because with every accomplishment and every year, she grows more and more irrelevant. 

which is not to say that you should put up with it or have to deal with it. it's just depressing as hell."
I will try out the ENBoost thanks man
"Not gonna lie even Black people discriminate against black with ridiculous names. When I see a dude/chick with Blabisha/Flozell I just toss their application in the trash because it's more efficient than to waste my timeout ending to some hoodrat axe me a bunch of questions and prattle on about her ""degree from Devry."""
"If I'm in the middle of nowhere up north, I don't have an option for data at a significant speed, if at all. Have listened to hours of music up in the Muskokas, with just a phone and and external speaker.

If I'm in an airplane for 8 hours, I don't have an option for data at a significant speed, if at all, or without significant cost. Typically have a few movies and TV shows with me at any given moment, should the need arise for some video entertainment, music, or books.

If I find myself working in an environment where data is not happening - underground for instance, I don't have to worry about a lack of data connection.

I also tend to treat cloud storage as I would treat a postcard.  Nothing goes there that I wouldn't have a problem with anyone seeing.  I use it for picture storage when traveling for only as long as it takes me to remove the pictures and transfer them to my PC.when I get back.  I keep purchased DVDs of system disks on cloud (Windows 7, Office, software that would be a pain in the ass to lose. I keep software system disks necessary for my work on cloud, so that if I need them I have access to them, but I require data for these things to work anyway - thus the cloud.  I also use cloud storage as a temporary medium to transfer large amounts of data from one location to another, but this is rarely necessary to do with my phone.

As I said, the SD card gives me options.  Removing it takes away those options.  Going back a number of years, my old BlackBerry 8900 ceased working.  I had all my data backed up in two places - BlackBerry Protect, and my SD card.  When I got a replacement phone, while still standing at the front counter of the store, I had already entered my login in BlackBerry Protect, and was downloading my phone data from the previous night's backup, and a simple remove and insert of my SD card from my old phone, and *all* my data was now on my new phone. I haven't even left the counter of the store yet.  I can't do that with cloud in any reasonable time frame, or at no cost."
"I still have issues 546-567, 569-577, 580-590, 592-595, 600, 603-608, 610, 613-614, 616-618, 622-624, 626-627, 633 if you're still interested."
"I may be going against the grain here a little but I wanted to chime in my thoughts after running my team for a few years now.

I used to run 9F 4D but I found that the forwards were (as mentioned by other posters), spending more time sitting than playing, so I cut the roster down to 10 skaters and 1 goalie, so two full D and two full forward lines. I use BenchApp to keep track of attendance and when players notify me that they're going to miss a game, I ask one of my reliable spares to fill in. I only use the same 4 or 5 spares so that their games count towards playoff eligiblity.

I never understood having so many skaters registered for a team because managing that many players reliably and efficiently is very difficult. It took me a few seasons but I was able to get a great group of guys that are reliable enough to tell me when they're not going to attend a game. Once in a while a guy sleeps through the game or gets stuck at work, but with BenchApp (no I don't work for them lol), it's been fairly easy to manage my roster.

With 10 skaters our winter season is costing 600 bucks per person (about 20 bucks a game), so I'm not sure what the costs are for other areas (I'm in Ottawa, Canada).

Some common objections to my way of managing the team that I've heard before:

    It's not easy to find reliable guys that have the right skillset we need for our team

You're absolutely right. It took me almost 3 or 4 seasons to find reliable guys that weren't dicks and got along with everyone else. Obviously every situation is different but I was very careful in who joined the team and I find that helps me manage my roster so much better because I don't have to worry about guys randomly not showing up.

    The cost is too high with only 10 skaters!

This also may be true in a lot of cases, but I've been able to subsidize the cost by charging spares 10 or 15 bucks (and not a single person has ever objected) to play. As I mentioned before, I usually use the same set of spare players to cover missing roster players, but everyone gets along so no one ever minds paying a few bucks to play with a good group of guys in an organized setting. The cost is equivalent to a pickup game, so that helps.

    Does using an app to manage your team really help?

I used to text the guys a few days before the game and pester people for responses and it was very time consuming on my behalf. With the app I use, it emails everyone at 4 days before the game and again 2 days before. Anyone who hasn't checked in by then (sometimes 1 or 2 guys), I send a quick text to and that usually gives me enough time to find a spare if they can't attend.

I apologize for the long-windedness of this post but I sincerely appreciate it if you took the time to read all the way to the end."
"The difference, IMO, is that throughout the course of the show, Rachel, unlike Ross, shows personal growth and forward momentum in life - she's an entirely different person at the end than she was in the beginning. Ross... notsomuch"
"Kinda disappointed with on screen keys, as I usually associate it with low end screens. I'll get used to it I guess."
"I dont know. My engineers never die, cause i give them SMGs and use them as support"
"Kinda wish that talent that gives frostmourne two attacks in a row would change to two charges, could be a huge potential dps increase"
"(With apologies to my fellow Bostonians) Habs fans are just the best. They are well-informed, very excitable, and super welcoming at Bell.

10/10 would have poutine again."
"10% higher FG% is pretty sizable. I'd take LeBron, although Kobe's injury makes this comparison unfair. "
Not Cano?
"Oh that's at a good airline haha. Most pay low 20s starting. Why?  Because too many of us are ""so passionate"" that we say ""I would fly for free"" and sure enough, a lot are willing to fly for $20k and the airline's know it, so because we're willing to, they pay us that little. "
"> It means that they've been carrying around what they have heard from better arguments.

OK, now that's funny.  Insisting that there are ""holes in the fossil record,"" isn't a better argument, it's factually wrong.  Just as factually incorrect are creationists' invocation of the Cambrian explosion and the distinction between micro- and macro- evolution.  These are all common ""arguments"" deployed against evolution, and they are all laughably wrong.  

I was not advocating censorship.  I was simply reserving the right to recognize bullshit and dishonesty.  "
thank you
jingwukid 34 titan
0.03 all of them
"After further reading. Apparently this is his coworker and they are in Canada. Both important facts that this great story is missing. "
"Obviously, a very smart man."
"I've made playthroughs where I specifically didn't pick up what I didn't need. I noticed the beginning gold influx was a little slow, but after a while, I started making money very quickly anyways.  It's definitely a habit that you have to break."
"Kristiansand, Norway. We've got a forum running well enough for the Norwegian furries, and I know quite a few of them. Some of them close by, some on the other side. Even turned one of my friends furry \^,..,^

Planning on going to the Scandinavian furmeet in one of the other cities here later on, it's apparently pretty fun."
Side note: The racing electronics amplifier is only 20 bucks and comes with a three way splitter if you want it.
"He is suggesting that Saladin is going to sell Silimars Wrath and Felwinters Lie during the Iron Banner of  August 25th to the 31st.

Timurs Lash is a Hand Cannon and Efreedits Spear is a Sniper Rifle, was for sale last IB round, and will be in the next IB Loot Drop Table.

What don't you understand?"
"Yeah, it's a pretty shitty game because it's quit repetitive."
"No, it'll decrease a few points enough for you to have enough mastery to craft from 10 to 11 maybe once or twice. "
"I really loved reading this book for what it is. Does anyone have suggestions on other books like this? "
"it's three bucks, just pay it"
"it's not, look at the picture and there's also token druid.

And no it doesn't transform or it would say that this is more like ancient of war."
"What did your ""friend"" do to get kicked out?"
">and the two programs can exist in tandem.

They often do.  Many of the elephant hunts (the legit ones) the last couple decades involved very specific animals that the local biologists had either decided to cull for overall herd health or other reasons and sometimes were specific ""problem"" animals.  They were going to be killed regardless, so it made perfect sense to get as much money out of the process as possible that could largely be put right back toward wildlife management."
"true, i dont think gold novas should be overwatching at all tbh, they dont know enough of the game nor do they possess correct gamesense to judge whether someone is cheating."
"The timer went off, what was he supposed to do?"
When Arin and Danny introduced him he drew all over Danny's picture and gave him a mustache in the corner.
Does this take place at Crystal lake in the matrix or irl.
Maybe because it was developed by Japanese people. I don't know though.
"why do u consider marriage and a life together as settling?

its more like shes using the white guys for a cheap fuck but they have no chance to marry her or IMPREGNATE HER "
"I believe I have a piece on this creature and it's natural habitat.

> Shi tterius Emelguis: Player who **refuses to accept anything, but his own style and complains constantly about everything else, loves calling others shitters**

From [The PlanetSide 2 Field Guide to Players]("
"Does the Bladelock get to use Str/Dex for melee attacks, or do they use Cha? "
habit is life
I wonder what happens if this guy hits the deck.
"Simple solution:
Use flamer as line inf (or in stvr 9040). 

Recon shock as shock inf (get 2 cards).

Vikings 90 (kustjagere) as elite inf and vehicle destroyer. 

This covers all your needs well. Meatshield with flamers, abuse smg on recon shock and doomzooka on kustjagere.

Also use rbs 56 for long range town defence (5 hp makes them pretty durable in cover). 

Rbs 90 for anti helicopter duties. "
Black Flag was the best pirate game of all time. Period. No other competitors even in the same ballpark.
"I instantly thought the same thing, was wondering if any one else seen it as well haha."
"Working as a game tester on a major game, I can tell you that the developers hated us and they let us know many times. The company would usually make sure we had no contact except through bug reports."
I'm gonna hang on to my katowice 2015 overpass cases.  They might dip during the tourney but safe for long term.
Got my new necklace on and ready! Love Tuesdays!
Hmmm I wonder where it's going and what its purpose is??
"Antidepressants never did much for me; they just kind of dulled my emotions and prevented me from ruminating on the past.  But I couldn't cry, I couldn't laugh as much as I used to, and I had trouble finishing in the bedroom.  

But now I feel I don't even NEED to ruminate anymore after my experience.  It's like something permanently shifted in me so that I no longer need any sort of antidepressants or therapy."
"♪♪ Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming ♪♪"
"I dont like the taste of banana ketchup, they are usually sweeter while tomato ketchup are more sour."
"It was a while ago when I got it, someone messaged me after I won pic of the month with my Legacy"
"To flesh out a cube is the only legit reason I can see for buying Proxies. If it's to test out a deck, then just make your own proxies. If it's to play a tournament, then NO, it's against the rules, and actually in some states illegal. "
Cutler has perfect form in training camp but once the season starts he just heaves it off his back foot.
"I know that feel. I once (cautiously) posted an idea of mine to /r/evolution just to find that some idiot named James Hutton stole my idea in the 1700s. I mean, I wasn't even alive then, he stole my idea before I was *even born*.

Come up with your own ideas, freaking 18th century scientists.

[Proof] (

Also, the same thing happened to me with the idea of a base 12 counting system. Then I found [this video] ( and realized that some stupid mathematicians had already stolen my idea from me decades ago."
"This lad In my class always told everyone he wanted to be an air hostess when he was older, no one had the hear to tell him"
"In addition, though I can't read it for myself, [spoilers](/m ""Alibaba apparently mentions that the person used to be half-fallen and has now fully fallen into depravity since the summit meeting, and his black rukh is what links him to David. He knows who it is, but doesn't confirm or deny that it's Sinbad. The only other person that meets the criteria would have to be Hakuryuu, but I really doubt it's not Sinbad."")"
Chill man. I just said I like the lancer because it's unique. Pre-nerf PPA? Pull an AP MBT to kill the mag. I actually don't like AV MAXes as a whole because I think they really screw up the whole rock-paper-scissors possibilities.
You also should not attempt to pee or fart.
"> Having a system that rewards you with queue prioritise, same ""polite-level"" gamers

Chris Sigaty and Alan Dabiri from Blizzard said on a recent interview they want to do this on Hots.

> When you are talking about a rewards system, it is something we have discussed where we can introduce some way that will allow the players to police themselves. So when you come out of a game you can basically rate the other people that you play with, “You know this other player was really cool, he told me some tips. Even though I screwed up he was all cool and said dont worry about it. Ultimately we came back and we won, and so I give him my kudos, I give him my thumbs up.” If enough people are kind of saying this guy is good maybe we give him some kind of bonuses, we give him some kind of honourable bonus whether its XP, gold, or whatever that might be. So whatever motivatates or encourages people to be positive in the game, not because its just the right thing to do but because they will be rewarded for it as well.  Then on the flip side if you come out of a game and “this person was very negative and they were harassing me and I give them the thumbs down,” we can then take action there too. Theres like a wide gambit of action we can take, one of them is we might just go, “Okay you know what this guy is a little more aggressive, he has a different tone to what we are used to, were going to take him and put him with other people who are also like that”. Its like; okay you can play, and thats your style of play but a lot of people dont like the way youre playing. They dont like it when you start yelling at people. But you know what, other people who do like that, were going to have you go play with them. Were going to have you get together with those guys. We are actually already doing this right now with the leaver system, where if you leave a game we will let you keep on playing but right now youre going to be matched up with other people who like to leave the game. And as a result if thats what you like to do, you dont like to stick with it and battle through that game, well maybe theres other people who will want to do that as well."
"Only real sketch areas are around the Kelly Street area, but realistically you won't have any reason to go around there anyway. Downtown is pretty safe in my experience."
No code :9.
"Now do you want some real advice instead of the cookie cutter ""see a therapist"" bullshit? Stop everything you're currently doing. Start working on yourself. Go lift, get in shape, make yourself as attractive as possible. Stop doing things for her when she does nothing for you in return. You're a provider, and that's all she sees you as because that's all you're giving her. She locked you down with marriage and sex and now sees the endless ATM that you've become. 

And I hate to be the guy to tell you this as I've been in your shoes before, but there is a very, very, very strong chance that if she's going out w/ her friends 3 nights a week, that they aren't always her ""girlfriends"". If she isn't already cheating on you, she's thinking about it, or has someone in mind, or will when the chance arises. I've seen this scenario a thousand times, and have been in it myself a handful, it is almost ALWAYS this way. 

Stop living your life to please her, because she's not doing shit to please you. Start lifting, start becoming more social. Start talking to women, if you can't bring it to yourself to actually sleep with one then at nothing else do it to make her jealous that you're able to get someone else's attention. Do this stuff and I guarantee she starts getting a little more attentive and sweet to you, which is a trap yet again. 

If I were you I'd kick her to the curb, but if you really want to stay with her (and I have no idea why any self respecting man would) then that's how you do it. "
[Nice meme](
"[Additional shots of my 0566CF] ( Story is that I decided to purchase myself a birthday gift, my very first ZT. I wrote in the notes section on BladeHQ about how excited I was. Someone at BladeHQ made the moment way more exciting for me!"
Neat little project
"For a Durga team, I'd go with Durga/Zuoh/Dark Dragon Knight/Hadar/Flex. Hadar drops from Mechdragon's Massive Fortress, which is easier than Starlight Sanctuary in my experience (just watch out for binds). That gives you a 25x team with a dark TPH focus.

Your other option is to play into the sparkleboard meta. You have Gamble Mage, Grape Dragon, and Chibi Pandora, each of which has three dark orb enhance awakenings. That's a 45% damage boost for every dark combo before you even count the individual orb combos or the other three monsters on your team, and every dark orb that drops will be enhanced. cPandora/Gamble Mage/Grape Dragon/Haku/Vampire would give you a lot of dark makers, a lot of dark orb enhancers, and a decent mult.

Edit: Grape dragon only has two dark enhances. My Bad."
I remember reading something like this almost 4 years ago in one of the story threads
"It is not 1500 to fly from Japan to Brisbane more like half or even a third of that price depending on the day, I can fly from Brisbane to Los Angeles for around 1000 and Japan is a lot closer.  Hell I can get to Hawaii for under $400.

Travelling to any more than 2 GPs a year, requires flights and the prices add up.  Being an island nation has those sorts of drawbacks.  You can't just drive from Australia to any other country for example when they had the GP Auckland in New Zealand this year that left 1 GP in Australia total."
"I used this on my brother's GPS when I visited him. I think my favorite line was ""Prepare to jump in to hyperspace"" for every freeway onramp. 

His GPS also had Peter Griffith and Donald Duck, among others I can't recall. Donald was fun but you literally couldn't understand anything he was saying. "
and 0.5 chin
"It might've made more sense to have players ""unlock"" the 12x boost by running through each planet's main quest sequence at least once. (Or something along those lines.) "
"I think it's still dangerous, it would be tough to get on without stepping on those balls."
"I have my doubts about that, amethyst isnt one to go for accuracy when shes trying to mock somebody.

Would pearl even have a butt? Considering she doesnt eat its kind of pointless. 
Lol rage more kid.
"I don't have any personal experience, but maybe check with Tips Staffing if you can do labour positions. Their office is sketch AF, but when I went in it looked like they were looking to fill quite a few spots."
"Fuck you're sour. What's wrong with starting a discussion about a well written and acted character? "
"Yes, I regret not having a kid.  That's why I'm trying to have one right now even though I'm not in my 30's anymore."
"I don't have much experience with Yahoo so, I was thinking ESPN originally but will be happy to do either. Number of teams would probably be determined by the number of people that want to play but, that I really don't feel strongly about needing a certain number of teams. I would like to do a regular draft as well.

As someone who has only really played and been league manager on ESPN's site, is Yahoo better or is it just a matter of preference?"
LPT always use an MT-2 no matter what
its a scam dont do it. i got scammed like this for my first knife some how they message u with the same account as your friend idk how it works and go give me the knife back
"For me, kindle was a great help in studying - half an hour here, half an hour there, it builds up.

I'd definitely recommend it - maybe you can get a used one?"
TIL Vancouver is in the United States.
"Love this movie, this was my go to when I needed a laugh....Tommy Boy a six pack and some pizza.  Haven't seen it in a while I'll have to break it out.

Tommy Boy:
The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? ""Building model airplanes"" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times"
"Why do mainstream scientists assume that dinosaur DNA stayed stagnant for their 150 million year reign on Earth? Our lower hominid ancestors have been around what, 3 million years?  And our current bone structure and DNA as it is now can only be traced to circa 250,000 years back.  And we have satellites, air conditioning and fap on tap through computers in our pockets. 
Science is still in search of ""the missing link"" between us and lower hominids.  
There is also the mystery of the doubling of the human brain size in a mere 1 million years. 
Yet we're here accepting that dinosaurs never evolved for 150 million years.  Just saying folks, it's a bit strange when You think about it. 
"Seeing them tomorrow night. Seen them so many times in the past. They never disappoint. "
"Love the casa noble 2 year, so rich its like drinking dessert"
"Tkam was such a influential part of my upbringing I'm perfectly fine with buying another book if they need the money. 

"If my penis started turning blue and I wasn't currently having sex with a smurf, I don't think I would be thinking about rational causes either, my ass would be running to the ER like I was Usain Bolt. "
"I'm not expecting huge numbers, but like 300-400 global on that one seems pretty reasonable."
"I'll just leave this here..."
Do they know this when they relinquish?
The last one is savage as fuck
"I use the Vortex. I believe they're the tallest. Honestly, I found them to be more effective on the 360 (don't remember what version they were). They help on the XB1, but it's more subtle. I still love them though."
You just thought about your gun and where you misplaced it
"How else do you judge religion?

By the font of its silly books?"
It's been going on for a decade because they can't come up with something that isn't unfair to Canada.
Oxford comma to the rescue.
"I know it may be hard, but look at everything in the long run.

Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end. :)"
Congrats OP! What kind of LED strips are those?
Gotta make sure the dominance is established haha
"Early in the week

-Clay gets JMac to cry and promise to vote him out to keep Shelli

-Shelli works Austwins for forgiveness for throwing information to James about their alliance

-Vanessa pulls in Steve as the new 6th vote.

-Becky is unknown and still irrelevant

-Clay starts to finally campaign to keep himself (he sucks at it)

-Jackie knows whats up and wants Shelli gone

-Meg agrees

Could be 5-4 or 6-3 Clay going.

Its really going to depend on Austwins I think. So I'm expecting Clay to go on Thursday unless something crazy goes down between now and eviction night."
My favourite spectrum!
Please repost this with the server name in the post title.
">To be honest, Asatru is kind of a joke. I was recently communicating with the chair of the archeology department at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and he told me that no one takes Asatru seriously in academia in Scandinavia. According to him, about 95% of Asatru is completely made up. Hardly any of it is based on real evidence of Viking practices via artifacts or literature. Figuring he's pretty much the ""top dog"" of modern Viking digs, I'll take his word for it.

Replace this with any ""pagan"" religions and it would still be accurate. "
"Not everyone who dislikes something is downvoting it though. There are a lot of people, including me, who will upvote things they like but just ignore things they dislike. It's not really surprising at all to me that you will see so many different opinions upvoted at the same time. Just not everyone has the urge to downvote things they don't agree with."
"Copy and paste it all, then use the text to columns tool, using a fixed width."
It's pretty bad when Wales has a better football team though.
"Yeah, but to be fair, I'd probably still get a few HDDs for mass storage, especially if games _do_ get to be over 100GB, and for movies and AVIs"
"I suppose it depends what part of Kansas City we are talking about, doesn't it?

From my house I can be there in 20 without breaking the speed limit (via K-10).  
Google Maps says it is 33 minutes from my office downtown (and we know Google's times are always longer than it actually takes)."
^(hihi il a dit que ma bite était propre)
*Sober people you trust
"Yeah he's got a great voice and a flair for dramatic narratives. ""You're looking live at..."""
"Thanks! I don't have it up for download but feel free to use youtube to mp3. "
"they are waiting for Zlatan to be modelling it. "
Well neither do most people on this sub.
HR pulled out and lounge is sleeping
"Trust me, everyone can float in the Dead Sea.

I was floating on my back while holding a 10-lb rock."
You don't like the Windows 10 conference?
"And then T5 happened...holy shit time travel is well and truly fucked up now. 

But T1 was perfectly consistent with itself. I go back and forth about whether I like T1 or T2 more."
"As secv808 said, the primary issue is the color. I'll try not to repeat what he said, but rather give some techniques and background on how to achieve that.

In the real world, highlights on an object tend to be brighter, but less saturated. Shadows tend to be darker and more saturated. However, the light usually isn't the same color as the object, meaning there will be some hue differences in the highlights and shadows vs. the midtones. Lets use our Earth's Sun as a reference here. It casts a yellow/orange light. If you shift the hue of your highlights to be a little more yellow, it adds interest to the piece. Though the shadows don't receive any light, they are still shifted by the color of the light. If the highlights shift yellow, then the shadows will shift towards yellow's compliment, which is blue/violet. The compliment will make both the shadows and highlights pop more. I see that you made a pre-determined color palette, and that's a fine workflow for people who have already spent a lot of time designing some really nice color schemes. I personally advocate for starting with just a single base midtone color, and modulating it as you go along. The colors always look different on the final piece than they do in your mind beforehand. Also, starting from on basic midtone lets you more easily hue shift the highlights and shadows to make it all feel more related. 

I'm not super familiar with GIMP, but a few huge parts of my workflow in Photoshop are Levels/Curves Adjustments, Hue/Saturation Adjustments, and the Brightness/Contrast Adjustments. These tools let me quickly hammer out the pixel placements and get the textures/dithering right, then tweak the color and value relationships until they're perfect at the end. Use levels to balance the shadows/midtones/highlights universally. Shifting the hue lets me test different color schemes extremely quick without destroying the value or color relations. Messing with the saturation and contrast is a great final thing, because sometimes just a little nudge up in both can make a huge difference, just don't overdo it. 

I did a quick paintover on your piece, maybe it will help you understand a little better how to put these ideas into action. Warning: I did this in like 10 mins, so it isn't perfect, but you can see the difference just a little tweaking makes in visual impact."
"Ok, I just looked those up, and... yes, the Downstreamers are Type V (roughly equivalent with the Anti-Spiral Tribe, but differently motivated) and the Xelee are Type IV.  The Culture are Type 3.5 most of the time, and Type 4 when they actually give a shit.

"some margarines have gelatin too actually! "
"[можно и больший епикфейл устроить!](

"yeh I have noticed that with number 3, it seems the blur and greyscale filters and a scale don't seem to work that well together for some reason :("
Hay Hay Hay
"k ,emem a sti"
"Pic doesn't work.

I actually still have VE07 through VE11 tucked away. Have been curious how they've been doing. Had them saved for a second VE tasting (had a second set of 06-12) with friends that never happened.

Looking forward to trying the 19."
"But police Chief Chris Wells says ever since the station started putting on the stickers, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

Because being negative towards a cop in Florida would not go down well. So thumbs up is all they see."
Aaaaaaaah.  Slight redemption for every bad Polish joke I was subjected to growing up.
"You brought up job and education I think it has nothing to do with this debate I just answered your question but I will leave it here since it contributes nothing to this.

Actually my behavior, if you read my post, was saying that I think money should go towards government structured support and welfare and that handing it out on the streets means you help the most visible not the most needy.

And I quote;

>**Look, I think we need to offer the homeless support and not victimise them but maybe the evidence is here showing that random donations are not going to do this and we need to have systematic government policy in place to allow this to happen and for the help to fall into the right hands.** This article does not necessarily at all have right wing implications. I actually see it from a left point of view which is **give people the appropriate support on a regulated basis instead of random hand outs that may not actually be as beneficial.**

This is also what the charity said, that a lot of beggers are not legitimate and hence my points. 

To suggest this is unbecoming of my profession well, no. I merely suggested that we don't hand out money on the street we actually improve our welfare state so that this is not required as a source of income. Evidence here suggested why this point may be there.

You don't have to ""take my word for it."" Look through my post history and I will happily back up further claims but if you think somebody with a medical history or respiratory interest has looked through IPF drugs not licensed even in Europe yet I think you may be clutching at straws. Anything else I'd happily back it and prove it up further because people often like to through education around on here until they realise some people may actually be on an academic perspective highly achieving also. Hence people like to lie well as I said, I happily back up what I say although I do often delete comments were doxxing can occur due to the sensitive nature of the profession.

I have care about my statements but the fact is I actually suggested a point of view that does not demonise the poor at all. I think you have it that the who post these articles are right wing assholes who want to demonise the poor. If you read what I said again you may actually realise I posted this to get debate, see what others thought but you immediately started name calling and the such when I never called into question your personal attributes until you started insulting me.

The quotes I posted here and bolded for you paint another side to the story. I do think you may have good intentions but you are so desperate to attack the poor bashing Tories you flame anybody and everybody.
For your interest I didn't vote Tory and from a medical background it pisses me off they cut ILF. It makes no sense on an academic, principlistic or moral point of view or even from a financial aspect.

Read what I said and chill out a bit, I appreciate your tone here and the apology sincerely so thank you for that. "
"Thanks, I remember reading Marvels back in the day. Loved it."
"This is something that should be **infinitely** upvoted. One of the biggest challenges that humanity faces today, aside from our complete negligence of our habitat/ecosystems, and our drive to kill one another over petty religious beliefs and insatiable greed, is the lack of acceptance of **FACTS**. Evolution is real. That is a fact. In my opinion, we were not created in the image of some ""divine deity."" We are the current step in the amazing evolutionary chain of life on this planet. To have somebody preach that we are only here because of the work of some great man in the sky that created all of us in his image, is ridiculous, and a slap in the face. We are here because of billions of years of evolution and natural selection. If everyone would just accept that as the **FACT** it is, and quit trying to deceive young minds into thinking it's all just some game of life where you have to live your entire life a certain way JUST to get into a ""Heaven"", the world would be a much, much better place. This is all in my honest opinion of course. :D"
I agree it is a little too dark if they killed a child but this episode they just showed a child being blown up. It was in context but they could do something similar
"> Your fucking job is to be neutral about such things no matter what you think of this behaviour (online dating, not banging a 14 year).

imo he is even supposed to be as neutral as possible about banging a 14 year old. isn't his job to apply the law not come up with some personal judgment out of the blue?"
"There's too many bad apples. "
Grapplers are rarely the best damage dealers out there. This is a powerful grappler build with excellent mobility and decent damage. =)
"He's a human being. Calm your farm. "
"Sales is not a nice guys business. I can not stress that enough. You have a job to do, and you need to get paid. People need to be marks to you, potential dollars in the bank, and you need to try everything you can to make every sale. I understand you don't want to be a dodgy salesman, but there is a difference between telling a lie and making a sale. 

I used to be in sales, and one of the hardest things to do is close a deal. Learn to overcome excuses people give you to not buy, apply a gentle pressure, if they call you on your tactics, reply with something like ""without pressure we wouldn't have diamonds, now would we?"" There is a book called 'The One Minute Closer' by J. Pickens I suggest you read, I got my copy to read from the local library. It has a lot of lines and points to help sell in it. 

Ask questions during your pitch that aren't really questions at all. What I mean is, the answer to these questions should be determined before you ask, for example: ""You wanna feel that bass rock your ribs together don't you?"" and after they answer, reassert their answer: ""Yeah! And trust me, chicks love it!"" Doing this over the course of your presentation will put them in that 'yes' mindset. When it comes time to close, don't ask them if they want to take one home, say something like: ""Alright, sounds good, lets head over to my desk/register and we'll do some paperwork/ I'll ring you up.""

Don't ask people if they need help, engage them in conversation and subtly find out what they are looking for, then take command of the situation. 

Smile! SMILE ALL THE TIME! Along those lines, dress nicely. People are far more likely to buy from someone who is well dressed, that is a fact. 

Don't give up and don't get discouraged! You aren't going to sell everyone. Some people are rude, stubborn, and all around unpleasant. Those are the worst people to work with, but you just gotta try harder with them. Think of it this way. If they are going to be rude no matter what, why should you be courteous to them? Whip out the big guns and call them on their shit! Whats the worst that could happen? They don't buy from you? They weren't going to in the first place. Make that side handed comment! Say you are selling computers...older guy comes in, doesn't wanna buy a fancy touchscreen windows 10 laptop. You can talk about the awesome features until you are blue in the face, and he won't buy. BUT if you say something like ""Whats the matter old man, you wanna be stuck in the past forever?"" Is that rude? Ehhh...yeah, kind of, sure, but it got his attention, and maybe he is willing to listen now. If not, no ground really lost. 

Something to remember, people will find a way to pay for things they want before things they need. Think of all the people driving around without insurance that have fucking HBO at home. Make them want what you have and they will buy. Trust me. "
"Well she moved out, so. "
Those games + Sly Cooper are the reasons I'm still saving up/ thinking about getting a PS3!

**Title:** Incident

**Title-text:** He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he's copied on /var/spool/mail/root, so be good for goodness' sake.

[Comic Explanation](

**Stats:** This comic has been referenced 113 times, representing 0.1504% of referenced xkcds.

^[]( ^| ^[xkcd sub]( ^| ^[Problems/Bugs?]( ^| ^[Statistics]( ^| ^[Stop Replying]( ^| ^[Delete]("

I'm not op. Do you think I am?"
"Why is this specifically the ""Mormon"" God that does this?"
Up voted and Saved! ( ◕ ◡ ◕ )
Yeah I made sure of that. Should I just pick the CPU up by the backplate? I really don;t want to fuck up.
"Most store bought veggies and fruits are picked very early and ripen during transport.  That process leaved them with less nutrients and flavor.  They are costly also.

To help combat this start a garden, /r/gardening would love to help.  It does not cost a lot to start a small container garden for salad greens, tomatoes, ect.  When you grow it you get the pride of having made something.  And eating from your own garden gives you all of the benefits for the fresh produce, with the good flavors and full nutrient loads.  The whole process of gardening helps to promote healthy eating."
"Seems to me there are a couple of problems with this article. First, Bernie isn't a ""Socialist"", he's a ""Democratic Socialist"", which is a different sort of animal with just a few common goals. He's not advocating that the state take over all means of production and distribution.

Second, it seems likely to me that she's intentionally dodging the question; she can't draw a line in the sand when there's a very real possibility the Democratic nominee might have ""socialist"" in his self-declared political philosophy. 

""Democrat"" is a party; ""Democratic Socialism"" is a political philosophy."
"This one hits the hardest.

I am definitely one of those people that feels incredibly ashamed by the amount of time I spend alone. I often leave the morning after parties very early simply because I want to go home and play with Lego or sit on my sofa listening to music. Obviously I make up some bullshit about having to clean the kitchen (which is obviously bullshit, the kitchen is never cleaned)."
"Patriots accountant suspended for 4 games. "
"And name one adc that doesn't have an escape to nullify that gap closer or some kind of CC to stop it.

you're just biased being an ADC main.

edit: As an ADC you're not supposed to be 1v1 people, especially tanks that have gap closers, unless you're playing vayne."
"Not me, but my Girlfriends grandparents saved themselves for marriage. 

Both WELL into their 80's, and I hear them fucking pretty much every time we say at their house.

Go Grandpa bill you are living the dream. Seriously the dude has had both hips replaced and Grandma Johnnie has had both knees replaced. Yet they are like fucking bunnies. "
"Don't, I remember when I was this excited for spore.... 

I am glad I haven't used a mod on fo3 or NV and didn't play all the dlc aswell so now I basically can just replay as my countdown with mods and DLC.... I waited for the fallout 4 announcement to install mods."
"That's amazing,  I've been looking for something like this, thanks!"
"Chris Benoit to feud with Daniel Bryan. "
"The flyers were distributed by the anti-abortion group the ""Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform"", not a particular candidate. But yeah, I totally agree with you."
"You have bridges,"
"Nah, they're just Adderall Admirals"
Lady Dustin was also in love with Brandon Stark. She holds a grudge against the Starks for bethrothing Brndon to Catelyn
"Cracked commenters will get this one.

""Roses are red, violets are blue, fuck you buy a butter dish."""
"And almost buying a new stove? You'd think anyone could work through powers of deduction. I recently started using avocado oil for my fried eggs. It tastes funny. I guessed I didn't rinse the soap out out my pan very well. Second time, same thing. Took a whiff of the oil and fucking figured it out. I was drunk the whole time. This lady is on some shit.

Edit. Dish washer not stove. Point still stands."
"Went strait from 135 to Ilford on a Hasselblad huh ? Quite the leap ! Do you do the developing yourself ? "
"I get that while in a relationship you want to workout together which is fine but when you start marking your girlfriend (doing PDA), just to show her off and not working out kill me! That couple can just fuck off. The second most thing that really winds me up is when males who are not even close to being ""big"" or swole walk with their arms out taking up 40ft in all directions! Bitch please."
"Helmet, duh. "
"The story there.. He was originally cast for a lot of scenes where he was a young man but those scenes got pulled in rewrites and all that was left were the few scenes where he was an old guy. But they already cast the part. "
">Mr. Alvarrado said he does not have the money to fight for his store or to open a new one, and he believes that current laws provide little legal recourse for nonresidential tenants. Mr. Alvarrado may go back to working construction, he said, or focus on the nearby restaurant he also owns.

Hmm. He doesn't have the money to fight ~~the case~~ for his store, but he's got another business? Something seems off here."
"They're pretty common in East Asia in general. My grandparents in Beijing have a maid that comes by once a week, and they're pretty poor."
"Ctrl+W, assuming you have outlook open in another tab.
Then when it's safe, press Ctrl+Shift+W to restore the previously closed tab."
"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, Bushwick man. Maybe we should get together sometime so you can tell me how much you think you hate me!"
This guy called it first.
"No regrets so far, I have not mastered the patience I feel is  necessary to be a dad.
I am happy to be the cool uncle. :)"
Don't forget to use Safety Bubble and Slime or you'll have a bad time.
"What if, mid-run, he needs to tweet or take a picture of his now muddy shoes, shoes?"
"That's essentially how the tradition started at all. Your best man was, quite literally, your best swordsman, charged with defending your honor and getting your bride to be out safely in the event that you should be unable due to someone, say, storming the stage. The sort of wedding we think of was far more common for nobles, so this sort of thing happened from time to time and brides got kidnapped."
Tempo storm?
Why was the truck facing the other wsy ?
"Your best bet is going to buy it directly from the Apple store if you can. I'm guessing most carrier stores might not want to sell you one without a contract or existing contract around launch day. "
Wesley Clover Parks has a campground with [these rates](
Hehe. Douchbag
"Oh dear. I see a lot wrong here. There is way, way too much spent on the motherboard and case. Way too little being spent on the GPU, and the CPU is pretty meh. However, the SSD and PSU are very good choices.

Sit back, I got this.

[PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant](

**CPU** | [Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor]( | $242.99 @ SuperBiiz 
**Motherboard** | [ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard]( | $71.99 @ SuperBiiz 
**Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory]( | $44.99 @ Newegg 
**Storage** | [Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5"" Solid State Drive]( | $102.89 @ OutletPC 
**Storage** | [Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5"" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | $51.89 @ OutletPC 
**Video Card** | [Sapphire Radeon R9 270X 4GB Dual-X Video Card]( | $189.99 @ Amazon 
**Case** | [Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case]( | $59.99 @ Micro Center 
**Power Supply** | [EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply]( | $94.99 @ SuperBiiz 
**Operating System** | [Microsoft Windows 8.1 OEM (64-bit)]( | $88.88 @ NCIX US 
**Monitor** | [Acer H236HLbid 60Hz 23.0"" Monitor]( | $129.99 @ Best Buy 
 | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
 | **Total** | **$1078.59**
 | Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2015-08-04 12:47 EDT-0400 |
"Let the hype train free!
"Cotton-headed ninny-muggins "
"it was always a pleasant start to the morning  putting on my bathrobe to a cold, wet, cat saliva spot - somehow always in a very inconvenient location. "
"Great sprint with a ton of stuff going on. Kittel clawing his way back from poor position, Pelucchi throwing his bike, leadouts all over the place...

IAM had the best lead-out today. Kept Pelucchi positioned for that entire incline near the end, a place where other people like Kittel just fell off. "
Eminem - Lose Yourself
You and some others seem hell bent on calling Pacifica out for playing mostly Arcade. Most aren't doing it in the nicest way though.
"> And do you feel there are any discernable advantages to having a million different crucible playlists over having private matches?

Quite frankly, I'd love having both!

Overall however, custom games would be the best thing that could happen to this game at the moment (well, next to getting the re-balance patch sooner).

A big advantage would be the matchmaking part of having all playlists available at all times. Sure, they might not have the biggest pool of players, but you'll still see _some_ variety in players, whereas in a private game, the roster will be locked until someone leaves.

But other than that, I see no apparent advantages! I just hope we'd get a sub running for hosting private lobbies."
"This Ho-Sang kid... oh.. wait, nvm."
"You are in a difficult position. In order for your insurance to cover the vehicle, you will have to declare that the vehicle was stolen. That means that your friend will be charged with auto theft.

But, if he takes your car without your permission and totals it while drunk, he's a pretty shit friend."
It's all about the technique too
Yessss breh
Those fuckers are worth a lot of money!
"Louisville, KY"
My dad was born in Springville and I had my wedding reception there :)
or the guy who left to play mario kart
"First of all... why? Also that match history is triggering. Sorry you had to deal with that "
"They've been working for a while now actually. "
me irl
"Are you purposely being dishonest? Stop screaming for 5 minutes and actually read what I said. This is what I said: ""it's very clear that it's about adultery"".

Also: ""Hence, it is about sexual misconduct and I see no reason why it should be different for 'rape', which is not a category in Islamic law anyway.""

Moreover, show me where the Koran forbids rape. 
What are you on about?
"you probably know already but it's 60-65% batmobile and the rest is batman. it's a fucking joke really, the batmobile would have been cool for 3-4 missions at most but it feels like they jammed it in there unnecessarily to pad the game. i only remember 3 parts that stand out as batman and the rest of the story mode is a blur of batmobile "
"Legends also hasn't aged very well and if you don't have thick nostalgia glasses, why would you even want more?"
"Ah, very cool! :) Did you sign up for the original Kickstarter or get it through the Insight website or another channel?"
So that I have to save my cards for the last second to rope people? no ty
"I noticed that too and was disappointed, but if you listen to the first episode under the new name, it's the same guys, and they specifically say they're going to continue covering the entire sport. I wasn't really clear on what was going to change in their coverage. I wouldn't write them off just yet until you actually hear a difference. in the podcast.

Of course, the first episode was all about SEC media days, so it's maybe not fair to judge the tenor of the new-name podcast just by the first episode. I'll be interested to listen to their next few and see if it's more SEC-centered than before. That would be pretty disappointing, because I really liked the Eye on CFB podcast."
"You don't want me listening to music, then. Sometimes I'll go on a kick where I listen to 1 song for about a week at a time... but not loud enough for others to hear. I try not to be that annoying. "
"4 earthquake spells on that top left mortor, then ground and pound. "
"Our rotation next year should be Kershaw, Grinke/Price, Ryu, Wood, McCarthy.  I don't really see space for Bolsinger.  "
Most of them are real tight
"It bothers me to make assumptions that we got the right guy when we are just in training camp. I realize we all want him to be good, but, it is only camp. I mean what will happen to Mariota when he plays against a defense with some great players and not Blidi?"
Thanks for the heads up
"How is it appearing soft? Putting somebody in jail for having no clue what so ever how old a girl is is not justification for anything. By this rule, men can't sleep with anybody without the fear of them being under age despite how old they look, how old they say and how old their 'ID' says they are..."
"Hi there! 
I don't think you should completely nix Facebook. According to Shopify, ""Facebook has the highest conversion rate for all social media ecommerce traffic at 1.85%"". However, a great platform for you might be Pinterest. Pinterest can drive a lot of traffic back to your website and the great thing about it is that is has no shelf life. Images from years ago still drive traffic. This can be a great site for you to include boards that have driven your inspiration and also show your photography. I will be writing an article on which platform a business should choose in my next blog post if you want to check out my site: I hope this helps :) "
I'mma try this
"You say that Marley is a well trained dog.  But he sounds like anything but.

Why does your husband think that it is ok for an untrained dog to be around a baby?  Let alone his own baby?"
...Tell us how you really feel...
I'd so love to join if there's still vacancies!
"I never thought I'd find another Genshiken reader, I'm missing volume 4 of the first half, and volume 3 of the second."
"Being open to homeschooling and having a location-neutral income source opens up a ton of doors, both in the US and elsewhere.


The Jersey Shore. Currently in a local depression because of casino closings, but plenty of bargains.

North Florida: Some very cheap towns that are generally open to outsiders. Jimmy Buffett Caribbean vibe.

Coastal AL/MS/LA: Even cheaper, but higher taxes and generally a more old South/hick population.

Coastal GA/SC/NC: Similar to the Gulf South with pockets of Florida-like resorts.


Portugal: Cheap because the economy is bad. If you don't need a local job, you can have a very first world lifestyle on that income, even in Lisbon. Dunno about migration permits if you have a fixed income.

The Caribbean, Central America, parts of SE Asia like the Philippines: Many of these countries will rubber stamp a visa for someone with a fixed income. Schools and services vary widely.

Goa: India's hippie mecca. Beaches and neat history but dunno about the cost of living, although India in general is cheap. Also look into Kerala and possibly beach towns in nearby countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Africa: Lots of cheap beach towns. Nice ones can be in Tanzania, Mozambique, Cape Verde, rural South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Gambia, Morocco. Busua in Ghana is supposedly cool if you don't mind surfers. Ed: Stay away from North Africa because of ISIS and instability."
"It's an excellent bouldering book, but it isn't the only one. I recommend The Boulder: a Philosophy for Bouldering. It's absolutely fantastic. "
thank you sir :)
Is there a special protocol for transporting human remains?
You can blame somebody that took a food nobody on the coasts wanted (lobster. servants would even have in their contracts that they don't want to ever be served the stuff.) Then they rail shipped it inland and suddenly it's exotic food. Now EVERYONE wants it because fashionable.
What do you mean?
">in the grand scheme of things 120K or so is not much

It is at the beginning of your professional career. It is when you're living paycheck to paycheck. It is a huge deal when you can't afford rent, let alone another thousand dollars a month on top of it. It's immense when you're trying to provide for not only yourself but also your family because their minimum wage jobs aren't keeping the lights on.

Are you joking? Do you have that little understanding of how the majority of this country lives?

It's not just about college. It's about not having to overcome every single obstacle along the way, because they've been paved down for you. It's about not having to make the choice between abandoning your family and feeding your ambition.

I don't know why people seem to equate financial success with hard work, and hard work alone when there are so many other factors that impact just as much."
"I'm better now, that's for sure. 

No new developments, really. How about you? How's Grissom? How is it going between you and Richard? "
"Umm, pretty sure you should have just pmed him."
"If you dont why would i

These also fit perfect over a 5 gallon. Don't know if that's the standard but it's nice
The salt seems pretty real.
"Yeah I've been upgrading the 35.6cm cannons, the 20.3(2) red guns and managed to get a 10cm+FD and a 12.7cm+FD, depth charges, and 12.7(B) guns.

I've been doing my daily crafts for more Radars and Reppus but have come up short lately heh."
Pretty awesome of her.
"the progression (or not) of gear is for legendary items, here is the quote

>Older **legendary** armor and weapons from across Destinys first year are not set to progress in power as Year Two begins. 

Exotics will, most likely, progress into year 2, or else why did they just announce a balance pass on them if they are being left behind."
[Is that bear trollin?](
"hey okay, i am pretty new to the game. So i have siya at 266, and all my gilds on samurai, does this mean i should move them to atlas now
He needs everything lol
"The graph showing 70,000 US jobs created by Chinese companies is insulting. The US has lost 1.9 million manufacturing jobs due to trade deals according to the Economic Policy Institute
"You seem to be doing better, for which I am genuinely glad. Keep at it!"
"Oh man... That sucks, sorry to hear. This one is in Colorado though so maybe it will be different? The people here are pretty easygoing. But M&S attracts the same type of people all over. I'm hoping for the best because it's a music fest type setting in what I hear is a really cool mountain town. "
"This chart clearly shows that TR Infiltrators are overperforming, which can only mean that the TRAP is overpowered. 

They shouldn't nerf it too hard though. I suggest its damage be reduced by one tier, and its burst fire mode removed. Then if it is still overperforming, it can be looked at again, 18 months from now.

Edit: I'll prepare my 500 word essay."
Cock blockers.
I see what you did there...
"English is the worst. "
"Autistic here. Autistic people are constantly paying attention to others because we don't understand them intuitively. *Wanting* to know what's going on and knowing without having to ask are two different things. Even kids who haven't learned how to deal with the world yet don't actually ""prefer"" to be on their own, they just don't know how to be with other people and end up alone by default."
"Matt chuckles. ""Well then, take the lead"" He smiles at her."
[Quick sketch](
"Yes. The whole point is to pace yourself. You can't expect a city to be built in a day. Watch what unlocks before you level up and save your money. "
"Crawling towards the gun even thought it was clear it was all over, fighting until his last breath. That and his protest really hit me hard. Some trash him on this sub but I thought Kitsch did a fantastic job with his role."
"Anything by Foreigner. "
"On mine, the wall switch is what provides electricity. So the light switch has to be on, then turn the fan on.  Very common if it was added later"
It still encourages people to shoot these animals. People will be less likely to do it illegally if they can't take the trophies home.
Stockholm is winning at the moment but there is still a couple days to go!
"I'm thirsty for Matt Peake, is he single? If not, what will convince him to leave his significant other.  
 (PS: Willing to do rim jobs or other various chores. Contact me if needed.)
(PPS: I own a working vagina or a dick if Matt's into that.)

Truly yours,

"An ethnic Indian who convinces an entire state of inbred rednecks to elect him as their leader is a freaking genius. A horribly misguided genius, but still a genius."
Lol how low can it possibly drop? They are literally raking in bags of cash.
"I agree that timed exclusives are BS across the board but for a PC game thats already out it's easier to port from PC to Xbox as they both will be using Direct X than PC to PS, especially with windows 10 trying to unify devices and with Xbox having early access."
I will probably go Conservative.  I just don't trust Trudeau and the NDP will probably be a disaster in office.  I already have NDP as a Premier and I have very little faith in her.
"While true, the analogy to the American South is a valid one.  Sometimes, the winners don't actually write our history.  Sometimes it's rewritten by those with agendas."
"*He frowns*

My dad never bothered to teach me anything.. Medical. "
"> I also don't think someone's opinion of one thing discredits their opinion of another.

X Comedy Uncensored Fun He cooking with his men using his recipe. His Mapo Dofu isn't a test dish.
"Cool :) That reminds me of a quote by Saulo Ribeiro, something like: in Jiu Jitsu, your degree, watch, car, etc doesn't matter. On the mats, we all wear the same gi."". Yes, I feel that change in me as well, I'm able to approach people with more ease."
"I wouldnt consider the ""police force"" holdups in the same category as regular holdups. They usually go very differently and the aggressors usually have very different motives.

Me and some friends turned a coastal town into our own ""safe zone"" once and we had people holding up travelers as peacefully as possible to invite them to join."
"When I used to drink I liked Watermelon Breezer, Brothers Toffee Apple cider or good quality mead like Lurgashall's."

[Phoon]( = famous bhop god"
>Mr. J
"but dude bro, gun bacon! Vote4Me! /s"
"Oops, I forgot.

Doctors are in need. We have too few doctors, and too many patients trying to see them. Doctors performing techniques that don't require medical expertise is a waste of their time (in my opinion, typically driven by greed) when they could be referring to a specialist and treating another patient who *does* demand medical expertise."
GENO! BC my toon link is my strongest amiibo. Mine is named Phillipé
"Yeah I didn't get that from my pre-coffee skim.

The title is misleading for an ""academics for athletes"" ranking.

Still, Cal has to be getting shorted somewhere. I think we're associating outcome with one variable (school performance) but ignoring that the students themselves may be less capable and the schools don't have any interest in lowering their standards to accommodate them."
"Wow, that's actually pretty cool."
Wow. I can't wait to see it finished! It looks like it's going to be amazing.
"It's timed, everyone else show ""Timed"" or ""first on"""
Upvoted for the dad joke edit.
"I would say:

Doan, Domi, Vermette, Ekman-Larsson, Duclair, Strome. 

Could really only do this for the future"
What's this a reference to? It's mentioned in the album /u/IGetNoSlack posted as well.
"nope i did not...
you had me worried."
"Two versions. One with watermark, one without. Send both to the performers. The watermarked photo is for publicity. The unstamped photo is something they can use or alter for use. You don't need to send the unstamped photo in this case as it was a free shoot, but if you're feeling nice you can.

Watermark size, etc is up to you. I personally use a small signature (see the subreddit banner)."
"Seriously? It's absolutely filthy with cringe. I really wanted to like it, too. The music is great and the intro sequence with the storm was amazing. But after that... Jesus. Can't believe anyone enjoys it. This has got to be the work of an astroturfing campaign."
"Yikes. Glad you and your friend made it out of that one. "
"See that was genuinely a thought pattern of mine... problem for me is not even owning a soldering iron or having any space to do this sort of thing really... I would maybe need to clear some space in the garage. When building one, would you recommend using a PDB? Also building one seems to look more expensive as peoples transmitters alone seem to cost hundreds!"
"I have weird eyes...

No, I just type too fast most of the time. :P "
That one clip has convinced me I need to watch this show.
I will never be as cool as this dog
ACCC had good gameplay but had a horrible story. I never realized how much good voice acting and mo-cap does for the narrative. I'm no closer to knowing who Shao is as a character and whatever that box thing is.
"It seemed like you guys liked my [previous post]( graphing the nba's leading scorers in late shot clock situations. A few people requested the 2013-2014 season, and here it is. Field goals taken with under 7 seconds left on the shot clock or with the shot clock turned off were counted as ""Late"". Below is the graph with the restriction increased to only include shots taken with under 4 seconds left on the shot clock (or with the shot clock turned off)

[Very Late, 2013-2014]("
I don't know what to make of this but PseudoMario from /r/fakeID and xOneStopShoPx from agora have the same exact sample photos for their washington ID's.  They can't be the same person because they don't offer the same states.  They're both new vendors
"The only rule in English, is that there are no rules. "
"Mad scientist death rattle just puts the secret into your hand "
"> I work in a retail job and I feel bored half of the time because I'm not really interested in the work.

This is a gigantic warning sign that you should get out now."
"I would like to no this as well.... "
"Nope not surprising.  I'm not upset about it either, just stating facts.  I work in automotive and travel to Mexico often and I always enjoy my trips.  Sucks for my dad though, at the Wayne plant.  But I'm confident they'll get some new job in there when the focus leaves."
"understanding size in three dimensions... volume.  I think it may have been an evolutionary boon to always underestimate how much of something you actually have. In a physical sense, I see it as never thinking your food store is large enough to survive the winter with.  

This translates well to non-material things like money too.  Greedy humans, or just squirreling away funds?"
"I mean, there's nothing wrong in going for the ""regular sports"" angle, the only problem is that you'll have to structure things the same way other sports do. That means arenas, sponsors, cult-followings etc. Now, RIOT is already well on their way. The problem still lies in the core of it all, the game. The fact that the game gets patched regularly, has bugs, has other issues, is in my opinion what keeps LoL from growing bigger than it is. The same goes for DotA or any other game, balancing is an important aspect that doesn't always work out.

Being a regular sport means that you have to find funding mainly from non-game related things, such as sponsorship deals. While the same holds true for DotA, at least the smaller tourneys can find some of the prize pool money via crowdfunding."
"Which nemesis speed rune would you invest in for Veromos? Looking to move some bits around for rune removal. I'm siding with the 5* but want to make sure I'm not crazy. Thank you.

5 star; stats at +9:
Spd 23; HP +7% (non-upgradeable); Res +9%, Def +31, Acc +6%

6 star; stats at +9:
Spd 25; Def +10 (non-upgradeable); Acc +5%, Atk +16%, Atk +51"
"Source of video if any? "
I got some of my best exercise in this Winter.  Also it gives you a little lee way to get to work late. Nobody questions that person that road through the snow for showing up 30 minutes late.
"Well technically the ""no"" vote was turned into a ""yes"". So it's not that surprising that he resigned."
[](/rscootacheer-i) Hi Brood Mother Fluttershy!
"Ise and Hyuuga manga is sometimes SFW. Sometimes not so much "
"Hopefully it will be a managed transition too, rather than just letting people lose their livelihood and struggle. At some point we need to do something like forbidding the sale, transfer or issue of taxi medallions and freight hauling licenses to prevent more people from entering a dying industry."
"Yes, I know. He is spending 400 dollars on his build, with a budget of 600. That means he has 200 left to spend. meaning, that 400 dollar card puts him 200 dollars over budget. Check the OP for his build"
Damn shame
"No, I'm not an idiot. "
"i really just think people use it for both, not because they want one aspect of it. both the HoT *and* the buff are invaluable for a stam user"
"Oh I really hope so, bad Ali was the shit"
"Well, if you assume that this transaction is valid and on more than

If so, why only these few coins? I am struggling to come up with satoshi's rational for moving these coins. All it does is effectively demonstrate his coins are not lost, especially since he moved coins that could only be owned by him. If he just wanted 200 coins why not take it from the more muddled tail end of his mining career? Unless there was some security issue specifically effecting a few very early addresses there is no reason to consolidate those few coins. No, this is a message of some sort, but it's content isn't clear except to say ""I am here""."
"Hello, am woman. Vagina. Money in hand now, please."
It was in the treme
"It's my hunch (though I could be wrong) that the photos aren't personal to the author. You can buy old photos for very cheap at antique stores, or on the internet, etc. But I do think he picked these photos for a specific reason... Just not sure yet what that reason might be."
she looks like kendra wilkinson in this picture
"In the description Shock Camo is created to confuse the robotics. 

Why would they paint like that the robotics themselves?"
Fucking Coop
"Interesting, I guess maybe you are friends with all those people which is why their profiles show up on the search.

Have an upvote, not common we see OC on reddit."
Is there a location where you have ALL of your watchtower documents to download?
"I think I know what you mean. He always does this thing in every story of his I've read. He'll just suddenly have huge sections of the story focusing on other characters, and it lasts long enough you get tied up in *their* story, only for it to all tie into the main character and what he's been up to since you last saw him. It's weird at first but I thought the payoff easily made up for it each time. Plus it helps give him a really unique storytelling style.

Unfortunately a story like that lends itself to longer formats like binge-reading manga. Some people think this makes the anime of Monster seem like it drags on, and I can't imagine waiting each week for the next chapter as it comes out.

But he's my favorite modern manga creator. Pluto remains the only manga I reread as soon as I finished it."
"Yeah, but instead wouldn't you see the circle of the bandage?  I see this creating a different, more confusing problem."
"> asking for a friend

Sure you are, OP."
"Wouldn't top 1% of world population just be everyone in Westernized modern countries, along with the elite/rich of the Third World? 

So, say, if top 1% live, Western Europe and North America (and Brunei and Singapore, I suppose) are basically left alone, maybe their very very poorest dying, but the countries all around them are suddenly emptied of population except for a very few, probably mostly middle aged to elderly (I assume their kids don't quite make top 1% because they haven't yet inherited?) who are like ""I don't know how to drive my car, my driver does that for me. How am I supposed to eat, my maids, chef, and butler are dead, who's going to serve me?"" And who have no more security forces or armies while the West remains pretty much intact.....
"Works in safari. A little inconvenient, but from what OP seems to be looking for, probably the best solution "
"b..but we just got one!

Jenner is most likely on deck for us, Nicky Figs will probably be around for a while though.."
That's because a majority of FIFA players haven't played a game of real futball in their life
You lose 1000 karma (Which I believe is the most you can lose in a single action) and the man who asked you to do it awards you with a home in the nearby Tenpenny Tower.
"To me, it looked like *We're the Millers* with a little boy in place of the young girl."
suppose so
"That response is just one example of why she is a terrible senator. The United States always like to claim it is the leader of the free world and the biggest power on Earth so how about we step up and lead by example? If we do this then other nation will follow and eventually countries like India and China will too.   "
"ill give credit were credit is due, i did really like his fancy listings 

nice photoshopping skills probably one of the most professional looking ive seen ;)"
"And don't forget, we've always been at war with Eastasia."
Took my new 91/30 out for a spin. I'm a terrible shot but it was super fun.
"Instead of complaining about no visibility, I think we should start a campaign. Show that we aren't something evil to avoid. People fear things they don't understand. "
"""I'm so glad NASA get that huge boost in funds and were able to complete space travel so early. I can't imagine living back on earth before space travel where there was an average of 2 people per square foot."""
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by [VidiLux, add me to inquire about my services]( --- [Message me on Reddit]( ---"
"Yeah, i learned from the thread about how difficult and annoying it is to jerk off in the shower. Its easier to just listen to Pyramids in the shower, then jerk off in your bed. Or vice versa. "
"I just read Septon Meribald's account of ""broken men"" and how we should be wary of them, but also pity them. His description of a lowborn man being dragged to war by a lord he has never met, and to see that lord cut down in battle, and then have another lord say that you are his man now. He talks about taking armor off of dead men, and how that makes it easier to steal food from the living, which makes eventually taking a daughter easier. How fear just drives them to desert and wander a strange land as an outlaw. It actually made me have some sympathy for Polliver and the tickler. 

And then you realize he is talking about himself. That was a very real moment "
Put that on Instagram and tag him
Aaahhhh. Makes more sense lol
Probably just butthurt that they don't have any cool stories to share
"that seems to fix the problem, seems like the cable is the problem because if i let it charge with a computer it wont charge either."
"From what i know about BMG, they basically think of weapons as the main thing in the game, something completely basic, that's also why they never will make no weapons mode for customs (like u can turn off gadgets) because weapons are cools and weapons are something this game is about. Unarmed is basically needed for balance issues (not having weapon making u completely unable to fight would be totally bullshit :D)"
The GM is still involved with trades
"Because they have very, very small dicks?"
I know...we have a serious problem :))
"That's what I thought, I might send them an email to ask, but in general it's like using their fund transfer system for something totally not related to poker. So I don't think the withdrawal will go through."
Oh... spent a day learning all about Clonezilla to find this little gem. I think I may stick with Clonezilla since I have kind of got it down and did a test on my home network. If it is a terrible idea let me know.
"Hi there! You should try . They visit all the properties they list on their website, with video tour, floorplan, professional photos and you can rent them online for mid- to long-term stays. Hope it helps! :)"
"If you lead with an absurd falsehood you lose. Even if the remainder rivals the Declaration of Independence in elocution and the purest of American ideology, it's a shit article with that absurd, disingenuous opening. "
"Sounds like a very good book list! Thanks you've been very helpful! "

I've removed this post. It contains a question or discussion that is best suited for our  [Daily Questions]( posts. It is posted every day, and is frequently visited throughout the day.

Please feel free to repost your question or discussion in the most recent or upcoming thread."
"> by 

That is not true attactiveness but the idea of having what you can't have. This has been researched alot of times, and time and time again, it show that many women gets interested when they figure out he is not available, but was totally uninterested when he was single. So that is not attractiveness, but the competetive female at their best."
"There seems to be a shift in the way the term has been used recently.  Traditionally, it has been, as you said, a mix of fantasy and horror (eg. stuff like Clive Barker's would be a good example).  Some people now seem to be applying it to ""grimdark"" / gritty fantasy as well though, which is a shame, because I think it's a useful category / distinction."
I think maybe the OP has seen Twin Peaks and that's it.  David Lynch's movies are so distinctive that there's no way he's ever seen something like Eraserhead or Blue Velvet and think this show resembles Lynch's style at all.
"I was actually thinking about that while reading this tracklist lol. Yeah Toronto in particular is doing big things right now. I feel like it's the first time in a while that you can almost tell someone's from a city based on the sound of their music. Half the time I hear that dark, slow, sing rappy shit I think ""this dude sounds like he's from Toronto."" And yeah I've been waiting for that Biebs album for too long now. He posted some snippets on IG months ago and it sounded hot"
"Luckily I don't really have to care what a bunch of edgy teenagers\20 year olds on the internet think, because the rest of society gets it. "
"Are there any marks on the back of the painting or frame? 

it appears to be canvas, if it is, is it stapled or nailed or nailed to the stretcher? This can help determine if the painting is approximately pre or post ~1960/70 which might narrow down.

Other than that I have no idea what that signature is. GL"

I've removed this post. It contains a question or discussion that is best suited for our  [Daily Questions]( posts. It is posted every day, and is frequently visited throughout the day.

Please feel free to repost your question or discussion in the most recent or upcoming thread."
"I see...  Thanks everyone. 😊. I'm toying with the idea of adding retinol in the future, once I see where increased AHA leaves me."
"sph porn will hire not so small guys a lot of the time because the viewer gets off on being humiliated for being small, what better to do that than calling a penis bigger than the viewer's small. and not all guys with humiliation fetishes are small. and longer penises are going to be favored in regular porn just for the practical reason of being able to get the camera in close for good shots with distance between the bodies"
My other home was a house.
"I understand the need for some people to have the primary/secondary label, and that's fine. It's what works for them. I just don't subscribe to it for these reasons: I have multiple friendships. I don't like placing them on a rating scale of how important they are. I've also heard the same argument when it comes to having multiple children. Just some food for thought there. 
At any rate, you are right that time is not infinite. I generally get a feel for how much attention another partner needs after a few dates. It's been my experience that people that already have another partner (not necessarily their primary) don't need the everyday attention and are fine with once or twice a week. And, even in the case of the person only having one partner, they might still be ok with that sort of arrangement. In your case, you might suggest to Mike to have a conversation with Carly on how much time/attention she needs and go from there. "
"In competitive PvP, Titan~~s~~ (basically AEGabriel) actually tend to pick flashbang over lightning grenade.

Lightning grenade is great in pubstomps, but decent players simply walk out of it. furthermore, its dependency on architecture make it too situational for fast-paced play.

Tripmine is also dependent on architecture. You can sprint past it and not die, or you can put on a high armor build (Read: Ram) and live anyways. Doesn't really matter, because it only lasts like 15 seconds, so it's not like you can actually use it as a reliable trapping tool.

Defender has no showing in competitive play. Ruin wing is replaceable with a surplus sniper (with no usefulness in PvP) and saint 14 adds blinding to a class which has no competitive showing in PvP. I guess it blinds trash mobs in the abyss. But that's about it."
"The sound of a knife blade being taken out of a sheath.   Sounds like a screwdriver going across a metal file, every time a blade is shown in a horror film. "
761 Yellow
Parents gave me a card that said happy birthday and $20.
"The light music club.

Imagine all the tea and cake."
"I've been working on Mike Eagles lately. Gotta get that pelvic strength. "
Sabes-me quantificar em % ou indicar onde posso saber isso? (sei que no INE tem a % de RSI) mas desses não faço ideia quantos é que nunca trabalharam.
People seems to forgot that mastery progressions system is tied with challenge pve group content.
"Many grocery stores have rechargeable gift cards. It's probably not the best solution, but it might limit his ability to exchange it for things other than food. Obviously you'll want to avoid the 1 stop shops.

Also, look into grocery delivery maybe? I don't know where you live, but when I was in Boston, Shaw's would deliver the groceries you ordered online. That would likely be the best solution if you can't go shopping with him yourself. 

Best of luck."
"Linex (Extremadura) 
Guadalinex (Andalucía), un pastón en portátiles a niños en los institutos en Andalucía para bajarse música, la política del despilfarro. 

This is beautiful. I just teared up.
"Lol. We pay $1.13 per liter here. 4 litres per gallon is the quick and easy conversion. "
"I dunno, I've been to Florida in the summer and it seemed more humid than this. "
"Wouldn't it be easier to come to an agreement with the dealership on a new contract than to pay a lawyer a couple $thousand? The OP is in the catbird seat, not the other way around."
"I think the planetary lines are worth doing at least once on each side, but the side quests that are independent of both planet and class lines aren't really much more then filler."
needs Pineapple
"Everything on this guy's YouTube Channel:

Edit: another favorite from him, red curry paste from scratch:
"No this has always been this way (at least since naxx when mad scientist and duplicate were released). What happens is that when a deathrattle minion takes fatal damage, the deathrattle triggers and then the minion actually dies and is cleared from the board. So the mad scientist took fatal damage -> triggered deathrattle ->  duplicate came into play -> mad scientist dies and is cleared from the board -> duplicate activates and gives the mage player two mad scientists"
If that is the first thing you bought.
"Doctor: So you have been told of your disease.

Patient: No, it muh gunetics! My dad gave them to me.

Doctor: Diabetes is not always genetics, yours is self inflicted.

Patient: I want a new doctor! Your triggering me!"
"He's an iPhone user, so the wheels aren't turning much"
"I didn't advocate permanent NC with lil bro, just a temporary cease in contact. If GCbro is on the fence between abuser and OP, then OP refusing contact with him might be the kick in the pants that he needs.

Again, we aren't talking about a child or teen. This is a 27 year old male. OP identifies him as being involved with the abuse. He needs to make his own decisions about how he treats his family members, and OP has the right to demand he recognize her feelings and their shared reality."
"Something similar to iTunes ? "
Wait is Activision having their own conference?
"Yeah, it's the community's fault to adjust their expectations according to past experiences with similar things."
That poor poor kid.  Should sue app for a lifetime of potential wages lost.  He'll never have a normal job.
Like in Daredevil on Netflix when Wilson Fisk (Kingpin) says he's trying  to help his city and do good things for Hell's Kitchen but in reality he's blowing up buildings
"Blindness by Jose saramago. Not as wtf as Lost but terrifying enough "
"Quick, somebody try this experiment out for loads of fake internet points!"
Royal Rumble 2014 Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan was a great match
Hopefully you are right and the end result is a better balance of idols and underground artists. Without seeming crass the real benefit of Unpretty Rapstar existing was that it gave budding female hip hop artists a chance to shine and improve without them bowing out in the early rounds [as happens with many female contestants in SMTM]. As much as the drama which the show revolved around was unnecessary it gave artists like Kisum and Cheetah real tangible industry acclaim. I'll be a little disappointed if a lot of potential underground talent is shoehorned out for too many idols. I think we need a healthy mixture of the two groups.
I'd say he's not sad anymore
"Yes, it's incomparably better PCside"
"> or moments when hes cried on the phone and tried to stifle it so I wouldnt hear

Great stuff. However, I don't believe SK thinks he's innocent so doesn't apply."
"Nice, that does make two good teams. I do hope that we still get one or two player during this Mercato , I wouldn't be against one more experienced player needing a rebounce..."
Fishing Spider
"You don't need to ""go get"" anything, you are already there =). Good luck in your upcoming role you insensitive kid, I can't wait to see people judge your acting based off of how moronic you look and sound. "
Class warfare is nothing but a straw man argument cooked up by the rich and the nitwits at Fox news. The rich hate being expected to pay their fair share in taxes and hold up their end of the social contract that comes with living in a society like ours.
Gates and Waltons work closely in their efforts to privatize education
"I had a haunted mines where my teammates weren't very good.  However, we managed to get a 70/30 advantage golem and kill most of the enemy team.  So we push with the golem.  The enemy tychus counter pushes and uses his Drakken laser on our base.  We lost.

Why did we lose?  Some idiot made the call to go back and defend.  Our Tychus who also had the Drakken laser went back and used his laser on the enemy Tychus along and our other main DPS was dead.  I was the only one actually hitting the core as Johanna.

Just attack the fucking core people!"
"I have used it for migraines before. I have been getting severe migraines my whole life but after lsd they became less and less. The one time I dropped mid migraine seemed to stop it in its tracks. Then again who knows could all be a placebo. "
Then MMA became a godfather?
I hope they don't vote
I'll do it but not while we're in Jaman. I'm literally dependant from her here.
I like this comment.  Thank you.
I was doing pretty good with Jake Arrieta until I upgraded my entire rotation.  May go back to using him though.
Come on dude get the KSP spirit in your blood
"The audience had the run of the stages in the bad old days when I was touring. A lot of people got hurt and equipment damaged.

We used to have gear stolen when the stage would get rushed. We lost microphones, effects peddles and in one case a kid ran on, grabbed a prized rare guitar, ran all the way through the thrashing crowd and out the doors to the street, never to be seen again.

We never recovered the guitar, or any of the other gear.

We were early adopters of wireless technology because we were tired of our cables getting damaged and/or unplugged during our performances.

We had custom made mic stands that were difficult to knock over and the mics were heavily strapped on to avoid damage and theft.

There were many cases of people getting injured from falls off the stage or being injured from falling gear. 

Ambulances were at most shows.

Luckily we were never charged with anything, but venue owners or promoters were sued in a few cases.

I don't see how a band member could be charged in a case like this?"
"You can keep your drains clog-free and odorless by using the following homemade noncorrosive drain cleaner weekly. Combine 1 cup baking soda (use that old box from the frig), 1 cup table salt, and 1/4 cup cream of tartar. Stir ingredients together thoroughly and pour into a clean, covered jar. Pour 1/4 cup of mixture into drain, and immediately add 1 cup boiling water. Wait 10 seconds, then flush with cold water. Flushing weekly with a generous amount of boiling water also works well.

Thank you."
"the 3rd one (that one kinda sucked, but the first two were good)"
I almost gave up on one but I'm tenacious with searches.  I liked this one because of the challenge
"I think he's flipping you off which makes it even better haha It's suitable for a flipper!

I think there's one guy at BladeHQ that draws all this stuff and I like to just envision him constantly disgruntled about having to draw stuff because he's the only one there that can. ""Congratulations...I guess! God damn it, come up with something good! Somebody made me draw rocket raccoon fighting Gandalf last week at a hot dog factory! This isn't even fun! Big whoop, you spent money! Who cares! Damn it...I'm just finishing this thing already so I can look at Reddit on the crapper! Yeah...there now he's flipping you off but you probably won't see it. Enjoy your knife, you dummy. Whatever! I'll see it later on Reddit. DONE!"" "
"Seems strong on the play, but I think if Baha wins the coin flip you'll just get rolled. There's no way to directly interact with the opponent."
"Should've clarified: I stayed within the 1/6/11 paradigm. the app told me which of *those three* were least noisy. "
326k ?
Reminded me of FC4 after seeing that good old tower liberate thingy.
"I can't wait. Probably canceling AT&T Thursday (170 for 6 Mbps and a ton of channels idgaf about, no fucking thanks). Our setup is still going to be cheaper in the long run than bundling, even when internet rates go up from intro pricing since we never planned on getting rid of our streaming services anyway. 

The only issue is the OTA signal. My apartment complex is kind of in the middle of a forest and our specific apartment is a bit lower in elevation than the others, so if may require some experimenting. But I only want OTA for a handful of channels anyway. "
"Yes, by enjoying a fun and safe hobby, that makes me an idiot.  Like I said, you're afraid of inanimate objects to the point where you create this delusion that anyone who's not afraid of them is ""crazy"".  That's what the professionals call ""projection""."
"What clinic do you think women with Omamacare visit? Planned Parenthood is a ""last resort"" type clinic in most of its locations... They take women a ""real Doctor office"" simply would refuse to. "
"EC, specifically. CWDT procs only on Spells, where EC isn't a spell anymore."
"Well dark magic can be used to harm, control and kill. So I think that's why."
"For a series with a total of **ten minigames**.  No, seriously.

2. Gifts and Life
3. ~~Enragement Child~~ Cake to Children
4. Go Go Foxy
5. Mangle's Quest
6. Chica's Party
7. BB's Air Adventure
8. Stage 01
9. Happiest Day
10. Glitch Game"
"I waited until 3 hours after the last box win. It worked. Seemed to be a trend. "
"You just embarked on a journey along the State's Rights vs Big Government railroad. We will be departing shortly, the next stop is appellate court, once we are under way you will be free to move around he cabin, provided you have proper identification and follow all those laws you don't know about.

In all seriousness though, best the fed could likely do is 'offer' to stop giving grants if they don't have cameras."
"SnapShots: [1]( ^^[[huh?]]( 

*^^doooooogs: [^^1](^^, [^^2]( ^^\(seizure ^^warning); [^^3](^^, [^^4](^^, [^^5](^^, [^^6](^^, [^^7](^^, [^^8](^^;* ***^^if ^^i ^^miss ^^a ^^post ^^please [^^PM ^^me](***"
"im sorry,what was that about espn?"
"Really? Maybe I reddit too much. I recently came across DJ_MD9 (iirc that's hisvnick) in a random artisanvideo thread. It's funny, everyone thinks reddit is just enormous but maybe it's not as big as we think it is. :)"
"Yes, they do. And time is the healer of many wounds. Hopefully this is a point where you two begin to work on your lack of communication. Gotta talk. Gotta talk about everything. Open lines of communication where there's no fear of explosions is important. Good luck getting there. "
I think that some thing that is wrong with privateer LMP1's. The FIA or some other organisations should have series running them so that the manufacturers can make some money on selling the cars.
"I do this as well, though I love editing so it's easy for me to comment on just about anything. Sometimes I think my friends wish that I'd dial it back a bit. That's why I think it's important to ask someone what sort of feedback they're looking for. If they know their grammar is shit or that their female lead is adorable, it can save both parties some time. But if I don't get specifics when I'm asked to critique, I'll have comments, both good and bad, on practically every line."
two cups of coffee and a bottle of Perrier
And that was photoshopped in. Congrats
No HC still? :/
"The extreme nature of your opinion is making it seem like you're trolling. 

A big selling point of AirBnB is the social aspect -- talking to, and learning from the people you are living with. Yes, there are a lot of ""whole place"" rentals where there is no interaction, but that isn't the spirit of AirBnB. Heck, the founders almost disallowed it initially because the concept was so foreign to AirBnB's spirit because the whole point was for the host to be there for the guest. So, yes, forbidding the interaction with other people living with you is VERY WEIRD and against the spirit of what AirBnB intends a guest experience to be. 

Furthermore, it is even worse that the host is requesting the limited social interaction as a means to avoid exposure of a lie rather than respecting their roommate's wishes. If a roommate wanted to be antisocial, asking a guest to respect that is totally OK. If the roommate actually likes randomly chatting with people, asking a guest to tip toe around that and avoid interaction is just setting them up for social anxiety. 

It is an anxiety producing situation, and it just isn't right to put a guest in that sort of awkwardness. "
"Why would it settle Tomorrow, not Today?  I thought mutual fund transactions initiated before 4PM settle that evening (10 PM Monday is before 4PM Tuesday).  If the transfer request is already pending, I would think the cash could be in bank account as early as before the start of business on Wednesday.  Maybe Fidelity takes an extra day.  But Friday seems to me to be two extra days.
"I don't have anything to measure with at my apartment lmao, I'll hit you with the post soak post stretch measurements in a week when my internship ends and I go home."
"I've used most of the aforementioned lenses (25/85 Batis, 35 1.4 and 55 1.4) and one thing always felt off was the balance. The a7rii is super light, but the lenses still feel like full on DSLR lenses. Where Fuji and even sony's ax000 line have decent balance, the a7 line just all feels like they are front heavy. Sony needs to get on making some smaller, more affordable glass before wanting to make more bodies."
Yes I am using DVI
"""We"" is an illusion."
why not Japanese jujitsu instead of boxing?
I think it's just the idea that a recording of our voice doesn't sound like what we hear when we talk. When you listen to yourself and sound one way 99% of the time (when you're not listening to your voice from a recording) I feel like it's pretty natural to be put off by the way it sounds different the other 1% of the time.
"fuck me these videos are always hard to watch "
"Have you considered Squarespace? You can make really great and functional websites with no coding knowledge whatsoever. If you can use Powerpoint you can use Squarespace. It doesn't cost much, and the end results are pretty gorgeous."
"I have a different problem... Almost all the teams I support have Red as one of their primary colors. "
Sex with monkeys like always
Isco has been good. But Bale has been quicker with the ball. I can see why Benítez favors Bale.
But not a single one of those interpretations are of the liberalism you are espousing here.
"I had something similar in high school. We were best friends so I figured.. that was because she's a great person and we were just best friends. Plus, I had a crush on her so I was correcting for my understanding of her actions because I knew I'd have hopeful eyes for it. 

But the good ending to it is that we finally got together years and years after high school so.. *notsohumblebrag*"
Why do you think I hang out over here? Red team is boring.
"Jajaja si, no transcurrió como la típica charla que uno ve en películas, seguro se dió cuenta de muchas cosas a lo largo de mis respuesta, por mas crípticas y acotadas que trate de hacerlas. Por eso también digo que creo que es una persona muy perceptiva, y buena, trata de ayudar siempre (esto lo digo por cosas que me entere con el tiempo, de labores comunitarias que hace en el barrio y cosas así), por eso le guardo mucho respeto.

Y por lo segundo, no hablo con mis padres de cosas personales, ni novios, ni facultad, ni amigos :P y vivo a 1400km de mi casa 11 de los 12 meses del año. Je, me pregunto que responderá cuando le preguntan ""y q es de la vida de tu arwen666?"""
"The plastic gowns mean. "
"> 100 times with someone with HIV. Easier said than done.

Not if he was habitually having sex with one partner that had HIV. ;)"
"Now try the directive one, its even worse then the warden. "
nudenicotine sample for 2.99. 15mL @100mg/mL strength will last you a decent amount of time.
"Here's the thing.

Demonstrably, the parity of private vs public funding for these discriminatory housing projects rests at about an 85:15 ratio, being generous to the 15% which is the government's involvement.

Also, this assumes that raising the taxes isn't an option. Toronto Public Housing is sorely under-budgeted as-is. Raising the budget to provide 100% subsidized housing to those in need within a decade without occasionally leaning on race/gender/religion/etc-specific charities is categorically impossible unless we can literally create money from nowhere.

Also, the other half of the post: Is letting someone else go hungry for your stance of egalitarianism something you would do? Yes or no."
"My mom pointed to my whole pc tower and asked if that was the hard drive "
"Because people want to camp and go where places are available to camp. You either drive up some logging road to find a remote place or you camp on a specified pad made for it. It's not a good idea to let people just camp wherever they want in a park. "
"You were in the right.  Maybe if he'd man up and fuck you, you wouldn't have to castrate him in front of his friend."
"Found the NRA member that doesn't know what control means "
"Quite a lot of Irish slaves at one stage in history, almost on par with the number in America."
Not sure why you got downvoted to oblivion for this. There is not a single living person who has ever read a ToS.
fuck you
"The worst of it will typically last 5-6 hours. Ask the homeowner what you are liable for, if at all, in the event of storm damage. Take proper precaution as no one knows where flooding will occur. Place sand bags in front of your door and have enough water for 3 days. Also, ask the homeowner if he/she will be putting up shutters. The thing with hurricanes is that it can be nothing or it can be something. It's different in every neighborhood, even for a cat 1."

That's the AMV, but I'd imagine the smoke system is the same."
"Paladin's isn't Lightbringer, its Judgement!

Death knight - Starting Green/Blue gear

Druid - No clue

Hunter - T4 / Arena S1

Mage - T2 T3 T5 (Spec dependent IMO)

Monk - No clue

Paladin - Tier 2

Priest - T5 for healing T6 for shadow

Rogue - Tier 2

Shaman - Challenge Mode Set

Warlock - Challenge Mode Set / T5

Warrior - T6 / Arena S8

"I don't intend to be rude... but what about the mainstream LDS church makes them not wacko? "
"Rivers has a lot of mouths to feed, too."
Witness me!!
"Well, why couldn't you backpack through Europe? Even if these trails didn't exist."
Only if you take em.
" But is she hot?"
"Ah, so this is like helping someone who has undergone a serious trauma, like being raped or molested. And that person trying to find help to learn how to trust again?"
There is a chrome extension that hides the subreddit by changing it to look like something such as /r/videos.
">Amagami SS has full H scenes

Not sure where you're getting that idea from - [the source material]( is pretty clearly tagged as ""no sexual content."""
So you mean internet points *aren't* a substitute for good food?
"That makes sense.  The hardness was palatable to me. I've lived in Niagara, Ottawa and Toronto and haven't tasted water quite like that. "
"Mistah Creen, Mistah Creen"
Did you mean that scene from Rampart?
"> [Take your outrage elsewhere.](

That projection "
That's true. I didn't notice that before. I wonder what that's about!
"Of course, I would be away at college when this happens."
"Thanks! In the last two days, we've managed to get about 1400 subscribers, so I'd say we're doing pretty well. Plus, we've got one or two more tricks up our sleeve in terms of advertising that we might see play out over the next month."
"This crap happens pretty often-- I assume some pricer does a google search and thinks ""Wow! Let's price this at $500, because something with a similar name is on Ebay."" I've seen a couple of Hammond organs in recent years priced at $750 or even $999, but they go for about $40 if you can actually find someone to haul them home. Sure, a B3 is worth $3K in good condition, but these are always home-model L-111s or similar. Or over the last 18 months, pretty much any sort of turntable gets priced at $50-100, even if it's crap, missing the tonearm, or completely broken. They just say ""Hey, turntables are hot on Ebay, so this must be worth a lot!""

What I wonder, though, is if anyone actually buys this overpriced crap or if after a few weeks they reduce it to 50%, then 75% off until someone who doesn't know any better buys it thinking it can be flipped."
"No, it's 4chan."
Exactly my thoughts!
"250? why not.
"You wanna see if it would be realistic to make a 7 ft point guard for 2k15 mycareer and not be called a cheater, huh? ;) "
"Straight Outta [Compton]( with a loose cannon... "
"You're investing too much time into it. The landlord requires that you pay your own electric bill, which includes the guest house. I'm telling you from professional experience, there is no way to accurately calculate one room over the other without installing a meter for each room."
"Frankly I think half of the 5 point lists are unnesessary. I mean, Melodic Death-Doom? Brutal death in addition to the death list? I dunno. I see why people like to show the diversity of styles, but if the idea was to be a primer, it seems needlessly over covered.

But I'm not complaining because I dont really know any black-thrash, crust punk or death-thrash, and even death-doom I was iffy on, so I've been using it as a platform to find new music. But I just wanted clarification on whether the subsubgenre lists were reputable, before I stumble upon some obscure release that was one dudes personal favourite for that style and so he bullet pointed it."
"In my experience I've only talked about it when it was relevant (for example if I were asked ""nyannacat, how come you've never had sex?"") and that's only been from friends I'm really close to who are understanding. A lot of them don't quite get it, which is understandable, but they know the basic definition. 

I try to be active in explaining how I am, but I have to be careful in who I tell. The family members I have told tend to not be as understanding, telling me I'm too young, or the ever-so-hated ""you just haven't found the right person."" 

It just depends on the person, I suppose. As for dating, I'd like them to know as soon as possible. It might be awkward at first, but it's necessary."
is there any more of her?
I agree
My favorite single player game of all time
But why return your phone instead of doing a factory reset?
"When will the poll close? "
I live in Ballard and I never see mopeds
Le'Veon or Antonio.  I believe both are the best at their respective positions in the entire league.
"I know. Early game I absolutely don't understand. Most personalities seem to have an ""expand at all cost, to all locations"" phase mid-game, but this wasn't that."
"Marcus North! "
Interesting because that would be a more New England kind of thing rather than a Pennsylvania or Virginia thing. Also the Puritans more or less assimilated into the other waves of colonists by the time of the American Revolution.
[Magi no Okurimono]( - short and bittersweet.
do you have the pillow as well?
"Well, it has the Heavy Logo on it and the workshop page shows it on a Heavy, but that doesn't stop it from being multiclass! Right? ...Right?"
Painting for the check cashing center down the street realness
"Yes, I just wanted to see if that was possible or if the remaining 7 became disabled once a 10 had been activated from it. I'm definitely hanging on to a 7, for Elite and a few other things. "
The president of any major countries?
The Congressional and Senate Republicans LOATH Ted Cruz. He's the last real member of the Tea Party in Congress and they want to be rid of him so they can save their party from itself.
"... must be the old style gas mask then, coz I really did find one ... didn't bother trying it on because I don't use masks.

Or you could be simply calling me a liar, are you calling me a liar?

"God dammit, no Mr. Hastings :("
"Just like becoming fluent in any new language, you must use it every day. And I don't mean have it on your second computer... I'm talking full immersion: wipe your windows or Mac OS completely off (or dual boot to make it harder to access, but still available if you absolutely had to run something there) and get it all working the way you want. 

Once you truly live Linux for a while, the underlying language becomes more intuitive and meaningful. You stop thinking about commands and syntax and just start operating fluently. And then at some point you do something often enough, and you want to automate it... Sure you can just slap together a script, but then you start to want to make your code look nice - now you're not just fluent in the language, you're creating art (and that's when you realize just how nerdy you really are...)

Now after 8+ years I feel trapped when I'm in the gui... It just takes time and a real commitment to making it just a part of your daily routine. Sure you can ask for a project to get linked up with, and people know of many good projects that need help... but honestly if it isn't something that you find deeply interesting you won't stick with it when it gets frustrating in the difficult points. It has to be something that you really want yourself and are passionate about. That is what will drive you to spend all of the necessary hours to see it through. 

Now you just have to decide if you want to swallow the red pill or the blue pill and see how far the rabbit hole goes...."
10/10 would hit that all day long.
"Pics when it arrives! :D Take a pic next to a .50bmg and 20mm haha.

Aside, I can't remember, do you have 7.62x54r yet? I just got a moist nugget I've been meaning to take out to the range."
He had already made an entire blog posting earlier devoted to us.
"Mix with 4oz of milk and 4oz of espresso. Heaven! "
"Yeah, but on the other hand it also means you can't really affect anything in the first game because they have to choose one canon for the second, like how they selected Astrid/Makalov, Ike/Soren, and Jill/Haar for the canon A supports from PoR and murdered the flux out of Ike/Elincia, Mist/Rolf, and Astrid/someone who's actually a decent person."
"/u/beastbass, /u/tyler4693, /u/apiratewithadd, and I are going!"
"Eh, not me but TIL."
"most people use pop to refer to a genre of music now
"A free car, isn't that terrible?"
That weapon functions totally differently though
"> I wonder if we will ever get to a medium of exchange with actual value or utility. Value itself is an odd concept beyond utility.

Using something like that leads to unwanted side effects. A change in demand for the utility functions would influence the value of the currency, with potential to royally fuck up the resource allocation efficiency of the markets. Also, if currency doesn't represent value, but is required to actually have this value, then it becomes very expensive to produce. Binds up resources we could better invest somewhere profitable. Dead capital, can't work and can't create values, because people abuse it to barter with, people hoard it, etc."
Love it!
Here's hoping GRRM never sees this thread.
I got a golden one from a pack which will never be DE'd
I thought this was an oil painting at first.
They'll never get him out. The claw would just loosely grip his skull and drop him after moving ever so slightly towards the prize chamber.
Most new player guides advise players to prepare for Winter but I think you should first focus on making it through Autumn a time or two and just failing in Winter before you worry too much about preparing to survive it.
"I meant for the year. I guess a little out of line concerning OPs ""week 1"" post. "
Spices *in* the sauce... nice. Were taking genghis to the next level here
"goodwin still has a leg up on either, murphy probably has a leg up an phillips for a PS spot"
-everyone in every movie ever, even the silent ones somehow."
It is his technique that gives me confidence. Sure he may not have been getting runs but he is one of the more technically equipped batsmen in the current generation.
"Are you guys the reason people think they can low ball me on bars? "
I'm fairly certain... that Maness has ice in his veins.
Why felder when you can Martin?!
"Oh forgot to mention I'm going dual curse :P

HoI - CoH - Assassin's - Poachers. Switch Poachers for Warlords in dangerous maps maybe. 

What I *really* like about Poachers is that it reduces enemy evasion chance. This means that your crit has a much better chance of happening since you have to roll against enemy evasion twice to confirm a crit."
Hey I'm interested feel free to add me Exar#1613. Is the plan to dive into rifts straight at level 1 or sometime after?
"Try these guys:!event/2015/9/5/backpack-to-rancheria-falls-in-yosemite-labor-day-weekend-9-5-7

I used to rock climb with them over a decade ago and they were a great group of people. Have fun!"
Same. The butterfly effect page said I kicked him but then made amends.
"At least label it NSFL. Jesus. Have some respect. "
"Me too man
"Not sure if you're being serious or not, but you do realize the 3DS is only 240p, right?"
"I got a cocker for sale, comes with a deadly winds carbon fiber barrel if you are leaning on the cocker side, theyre super easy to maintain and everything can be changed to your liking"
I swear I've seen that at a dealership around here... This was over in Hollywood fl.
"If it's not too hot you can run slower to avoid getting drenched. Atheist for shorter distances. "
"Yep, but you'll want to get the signal from the com feed line itself (the three-pin XLR in/out on your ClearCom pack), not the four-pin headset connector.

You'll need a direct box to serve as a voltage buffer/isolator between your console and the com line, and a specially wired adapter cable that connects pin 3 - the pin that carries the unbalanced audio signal on ClearCom systems - of a female XLR connector to the tip of a 1/4"" TS plug. Connect the XLR side of this adapter to the com line (presumably through the loop-through out on your belt pack, so you can still have headset capability to talk back if needed), and the 1/4"" side to the direct box. DI to a spare board channel and you should be in business."
"I feel like Xing tian is a warrior who was put into the guardian role so they could claim there was a chinese guardian. Seriously this guy is a wariior. His one would be super great for boxing. Nice initiate on his three, but it needs more damage, also give the root from his 2 to his 3. His two should be changed to something else and give him healing as well (or give healing on his one based on minions/gods  hit 20 per minons or 50 per 75 per god, maybe increase with level), then keep the ult, buff its base damage, then call him a warrior and hes good I think. His ult is great for team fights and I think that if you made it so that he could follow up on it with the rest of his kit it would be great. "
"Because this is high school and you're going to be seeing her almost every day, I think your mindset should be: Get to know her and see if there's any interest from her.

I think the best opportunity is at lunch; you can sit with her and her friends and just talk as a group. Eventually, you'll have an opportunity to sit next to her and be more personal. If she likes you, she'll make conversation easy. If you have to try too hard to make the conversation flow, she probably isn't interested or she's really shy.

Have fun with it."
bussuh bus
No...if so it's an accessory...[Pete will explain it better with his banshee horn](
"Back around the time MGS3 was brand spankin' new I had a friend who was absolutely nuts about Metal Gear. Now, I myself liked it well enough but his enthusiasm was off the charts. He'd come into the game store and just start yelling about Shagohod this and Shagohod that all night. This is a dumb story with no point. Thank you for your time.

P.S. Revolver Ocelot 4 Lyfe"
"Meanwhile, MCCRORY is posting his Carolina comeback meme on facebook because of 700 pharma industry jobs coming to NC over the next 5 years. Of course this is also ignoring the 900 GSK and 200 Hospira jobs lost earlier this year."
I love that Game Grumps did this.
Yes this.  It has taught me not to sleep on Rocket.
"I've read lightly into Buddhism and there are definitely ideas that I really value. It's helped clear my mind when it's thinking way too much. "
"My good sir, are you after some sweet deer-pussy?

Unfortunately all I have:

Respectfully disagree about the blow jobs. Girls with big lips win every time imo. Nothing about having big lips means you can't use tongue and hand

he played professional dota hon and LoL
"the work shows, keep it up. hope you do well if/when you decide to compete."
"Flash cards have always worked well for me. You get to re-write them which helps it to stick in your head a little more, and then by repetitively practicing them, it doesn't take long to memorize everything. Something that helps me a lot is changing the words of a song/nursery rhyme with the things I need to study - formulas , vocabulary, etc. Then you memorize it, and when you're taking a test, you can just sing through the song in your head until you get to the part you need to know for the answer. That's been the best way for me because I'm a procrastinator and often hold off or forgot studying, and I love music. So even if you're doing it last minute, if you sing it over and over, you can get by pretty well by doing that. (Not that I recommend waiting until then lol). There have been many times where I didn't realize the test was today and found myself going over notes/study guides literally five-ten minutes before the test and making up a song for what I need to know. And I've never gotten anything lower than a B by doing that. Actually, when it's that last minute I usually just put the words to beats so they don't have to rhyme, and I can just tap it out and remember during the test. But I'm a drummer so if you're not, that might not work for you haha. :P "
"I walked in there two years ago looking to buy a brand new car.  I was dressed in shorts, shoes, and a Star Wars t-shirt.  The salesman that I was introduced to took one good look at me and brought over the USED car salesman instead.  I turned around and walked out, went across the street to Fairfax Honda, and bought a new car there instead.  (They were my 2nd choice anyway)"
"Their owner wont keep them, he wanted to give them away"
How much are you looking for it?
"I was going for a ""lazy eyes"" approach, but this takes the W"
"From personal experience, dogs getting into the trash and eating eggshells can also cause this."
"> firefighters are first responders, especially for medical calls (something like 90+% of calls are medical). 

Why can't a team of paramedics on an ambulance respond to medical calls?  Why does there need to be a firetruck going to grandpa's cardiac arrest?  Seems like such a waste.  
"I am triggered by this thread.

I love both nin and LP (Mike Shinoda is my Love)
"Sorry - while I know what it is, I cannot reveal. You may downvote me for this. Like I said, it is close, but certain things are off."
"RemindMe! May 15th, 2016 ""Flair bet with franktortuga""
Your post has been automatically removed because you did not include one of the required title tags. [Please read the FAQ]( for more information.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sex) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
Well if that's how they're gonna be then I think sharks taste bad too >:(
We're body twinsies!
Caught in automod. FIXED
"Cool, Im in"
"They're optimized with different pages, but most champs don't require them to be played well. "
"That Bloodgrip ammy screams ""corrupt me!"", I wonder if there's another unique it can 'upgrade' into?

See: Tear of Purity, Blood of Corruption"
"On the contrary, further you get in the game, the more use lumi regains. Mid game lumi is a potato. I'll advised for db10, slows it down. Maybe helps with zaiross stage. 

In end game, especially guild and arena, she is a good counter to theomars or pernas. As well as a water tank... Not that those are needed much."
i had 70 on the west coast b4 the chicago servers
"a place i worked did their old fashioned with gomme syrup, it's the only way."
"Most of the press stuff I've read has said there's no Thai in this movie. The language spoken by the rebels, the producer has said, is mostly Laotian."
Krugman should be next to FDR
"Lets accept more immigrants, that's the solution! /s

"To be fair, I think most headstones from that time period were incredibly small compared to today.  That being said, that obelesk on front of the is not from that time period so you'd think the family of someone of importance church history (although, for the life of me, I can't recall why he's important) would have been given an update along with it.  And that, I think, is even a bigger story: even in death, women are oppressed.  "
"5000 canaries and infinite soap. This was back when Pathfinder didn't have a set weight for soap (along with a few other items), so we ruthlessly abused the loophole and convinced the dm to let the cleric come up with soap bending. We had a lot of fun sliding bosses off platforms to their demise.

The canaries were trained to run a chain of coffeeshops we set up and also got used to kidnap unwilling baristas and fellow party members. "
"Super normal stimuli. Makes birds sit on fake plastic eggs, makes men sit inside in dusty rooms watching at pixels instead of going out to meet real women (or worse yet, makes men go jerk off to porn instead of having sex with their wives / girlfriends).

But it is not called super normal stimuli for nothing. It is good to recognize its power and know that we all seem to fall for it.. 

But you can stop. If I could. Anyone can."
I think I'm too normal and would be some kind of background character.
"my God, a game every three or four days for us! it's good to watch the Gunners on a regular basis, but it also means our depth will be tested"
She didn't want you finding the websites she was visiting.
"**Attention!** Please keep in mind that the OP of this thread has chosen to mark this post with the **[Serious] replies only** tag, therefore [any replies that are jokes, puns, off-topic, or are otherwise non-contributory will be removed](

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"One thing I've never liked about the series. They're often obvious but man, when they get preachy, they r*eally* lay it on thick. Bonus points if the real situation they're basing the plot on is actually heavily nuanced. "
"You can't charge the sp3 throught the usb port of the ""Black box"", you have to connect the bipolar port of the Black box to any source 115/250v.
The s3 can be charged with a battery pack like a Phone or Tablet. "
"This is the kind of synchronization you can get if you just beat them since childhood for falling out of line. "
The posts are being downvoted because [the fuck-weasels have it stickied on their site.](
"Looks like I'm headed to Rhode Island! Not.....
Nice prank, asshole."
"I tweeted about her talk like I did for Anita Sarkeesian's.

I don't know if I can agree with Cross' argument without some data to back it up. It was definitely interesting and well presented and I'd love to read a research paper on the topic if that's what she's working on. I'm certainly open to the idea that her argument is right.

That said, the differences between Cross' and Sarkeesian's talks were striking.

Sarkeesian stood behind what was basically a block of wood (very Ikea) with a laptop perched on top, and read from the laptop. She did not appear to be a strong public speaker. The bulk of her speech was defending herself from criticism. I'd much rather hear her make her own argument rather than letting her critics control her speech.

Contrast that with Cross who was an *excellent* public speaker. She used the stage and was articulate and she had something of her own to say rather than devoting her time to what other people have said. It was impressive."
"Shit, they don't send me anything for free, I hope they don't hate me too. "
I think he's greasy enough though that he actually repels water.
"I didn't see ""Fan"" and got really, *really* excited there for a minute. This is a re-make I'd get excited about."
"Tyrod should get the start and if so, I like taking him solo in SOME GPPs.  I don't mind take running QBs solo in GPPs because they can run for a couple TDs which would be HUGE.  It's also a matter of taking a QB for a far less price that can still put up a better point value ratio so you can take a stacked WR list.  

Most people will be stacking Rodgers, Manning (Ravens run defense is solid), and other top QBs like Matt Ryan.  I doubt Bradford will be too high up.  "
"Murica, 3 porn stars & a Baldwin."
"Nice video, though it includes a few Marine jets too (AV-8B and the F-35B).  Also, they forgot the S-3 Viking."
"Hmm just checked the Xanadu build and that isn't it. I ask because this is the exactly layout we're looking for the AZPM build, but with different stages. We couldn't get the stage builder to get into this particular shape haha"
"The change to the courier looks familiar...

Where have I seen that before...

Oh yeah!

It was in my downvotes!"
You'd really ruin American financial infrastructure even more because you had to click on the picture to read the words?
Are they smart enough to know that humans carry food and shiny things in backpacks?

>twice as big

pick one."
"I make mostly ambient and electronic, atmospheric type stuff, but am relatively flexible. 

I would make the music to fit what you would like or just play the game and make something that I feel fits. That would be totally up to you. 

Thanks for your reply!  "
">my wifes friend (who, mind you, is a licensed marriage and family therapist) suggested she sign up for Ashley Madison, whose tag line is, “Life is short. Have an affair.”  
What hope do these poor saps have?"
"Nice, now tell us what all those equations mean"
"Which is exactly why I split it into 3 separate tiers, so basically everyone would have their time where they have a legit chance to compete for top 10. This suggestion was designed with both those climbing to endgame as well as those already at endgame. 

I fail to see the problem in rewarding engame players that are competing against other endgame players, as well as offering legit competition to lower and mid players as well to compete against players at their similar progression level. 

low and mid races benefit players working their way up to various GB10 and DB10 comps, and would offer a way for them to get some runes that are probably better than what they're currently using. Also, the low and mid players don't have maxed buildings and huge rune selections (unless they break the bank buying rune packs), so I fail to see where the issue is in that. "
[You mean like this?](
"You can continue, however only if you want to keep undermining you position by using logical fallacies in your arguments.

I don't disagree with you that some people (or even all people, at least occasionally) fall back on generalizing as a tool for conversation. It's inaccurate but not automatically dishonest. 

Some use generalities in a intentionally dishonest way, suggesting that people are lacking in overall moral or ethical correctness and as such any opinion they may have is similarly tainted.

Bottom line, ""But they do it"" didn't work with your parents and it doesn't work in a civil debate on ethical behaviors/actions."
"always get jittery when the last game is away. "
"I have [this]( 3DSXL. Interested in path of radiance, shadow dragon, and shadows of almia"
Will more cow bell help???
"Not being the best. "
Huge thumbs up for Mas Tapas. It just might be the best tapas on this side of the Atlantic.
I agree about Tamora Peirce but my Beka ship sunk QQ.
"Try coming to SF.

Median rent for a 1 br is over $3,200 now."
"Im always open to future alternatives, thanks for informative post brother!"
"I'm about to get GGG to rename all the characters I'm not using and will probably never use to ""zzz[insert old name]"" so they go to the bottom of the list. D:"
"> They hate people advocating free speach

Ya thats not it at all. Reddit has this strange obsession with free speech = freedom from consequences. When people on reddit say ""free speech"" They actually mean ""I wan't to be able to say anything I wan't without any consequences what so ever.""

Reddit has killed the term free speech like it has censorship. Freeze Peach is making fun of how frothing at the mouth retarded some people are here."
"Paraphrasing Marshawn quote ""see, no we have the context"""
"I'm enjoying Dragon Priest in casual. It's not fast enough for ladder.

"""Pray to the Divines, and they will show you the way. Or burn the borders."""
[Full video.](
"I like getting high more than I do chasing tail, but every now and then I get that itch, but not often...usually I just whack off and it goes away...  
...but the thing is, I really love *fucking*, and damn it, I'm good at it, no lie.   
The last girl emailed me pictures of her neck from work and told me she was bragging to her coworkers when they saw it and asked why she was in such a chipper mood...when I helped her ""walk"" to her car the night before she fucking said thank you and told me that I have a special talent, not to mention my pussy eating game is on point...greatest compliments ever. I was like, her boy toy or something, her hidden le gem...lmao...For being a bitch at work (social worker) she was submissive as fuck in bed...just like I like it. (isn't that how it usually goes though?) 
I told her my secret to stamina was opiates...and her response was ""holy fuck, more guys should be doing pills"" She would text me at least every other day asking when she could come over again, but for nsa sex, I limit it to seven times, a random number, but any more than that and it tends to start to become more, and when we both agree it won't, that's not a good thing. nsa is fun, those little flings in life, I love them...  
Hell, I could go on OKC tonight/tomorrow, and have a girl in my bed by tomorrow night because I got it like that...haha...I'm a suave fucker like Frank Sinatra, just more straightforward, and when you're both honest about what you want and include that in your courting process it can be a beautiful thing.  
...but opiates are on the front burner and I just don't have the time/energy to get into a relationship....every now and then though ya just gotta bang a couple chicks/guys and relieve some of that pent up stress built up from the daily hustle.    
So yeah, my sex drive is limited by my opiate use, but when I want it, I want it, and, I have no issues getting it, but most of the time I'd rather just go get high...I haven't even given it that much thought lately, so thanks for bringing back that memory (and a couple of others...). I actually used to write detailed stories about this kind of thing on my blog before I burned it to the ground, but it was a damn good memory you stirred up...haha..."
"I was craving McDonald's then I went to gym 3 sets maxing at 900 leg press. Then 3 sets maxing 810 inclined leg press. Then I said fuck you McDonald's. "
"Oh please.

First of all, I don't think you mastered the button combos.

Secondly, they were the difference between life or death, they were the difference between good and bad players. You pulled one of in just the right moment, you won.

The Boltshot isn't hard to use, and you can spawn with it. that's a problem right there that shouldn't have been in the game."
You are teaching fam
"Consider a used Jet City 100HDM (Designed by Soldano) and mod for EL34s if you want to go for a Marshall-like voicing.

Widebody 1x12s or 2x12s are the way to go.  Ported/rear tuned cabs can compete with 4x12s."
Are these OEM from ECS or repclicas from DEPO?
pls check all posts in sub. pls
"You weren't supposed to get them wet or feed them after midnight!

^/s ^cute ^cats"
I need all three during the holidays.
"I've dated girls (but never been exclusive with) who've had sexual pasts but they've been in relationships. What bothers me about her is that her stories recounted her extremely impulsive side, which tarnished my view of her. It's a combination of things rather than just her retelling all that to me. I don't know why it's a cop out to say I waited until after I was done med school to pursue a long-term relationship. I mean, that was my choice.
It's wrong to dwell on a person's past, that's why I'm asking for help not judgement."
"Best, most accurate, and hilarious depiction of dogs i have ever read
"Yeah it's really addicting too. I need to get a game in before I go to sleep haha "
"Thanks for the details!  My buddy has the printer, but suggested I use Sketchup.  I've got familiarity with Sketchup and wee bit with Blender.  I'm looking to print one for Mage Knight + expansions."
"Seahawks probably have the most, but for fun Patriots players top 5 at their position are Tom Brady, Gronk, McCourty, Gostkowski, Vollmer, and maybe either Collins or Hightower even though they're still on the cusp"
"Hm, but surely one could argue that state religions have tremendously benefited states in the past?"
"I am a cocaine dealer. I love cocaine.  "
"Oh god, Count Your Sheep!  That was a favorite of mine during my webcomics-fan days."
I love Alien and David Fincher is prolly my favorite director but what the fuck happened to this movie?
"Only because it is so big and open and anonymous. Those things are terrible when it comes to allowing trolling and shit, but they also are hugely beneficial for other reasons. It is an unfortunate double edged sword. 

If you are wanting safety, and you are willing to sacrifice anonymity and ease of access in exchange, either a different forum or a private subreddit will be your best bet."
Wow a naga sub reddit.
Green tea ice cream all the way
"20 homicides of trans people THAT HAVE BEEN REPORTED AS SUCH.  Most trans homicides aren't reported as such because trans people, especially trans women, tend to be IDed as men in death reports and police reports and news reports.  We don't know about any others that could have happened."
"we won't know if there's an injunction motion until after sept 4.  if the hearing goes past that date with no outcome, expect an injunction."
"Well, generically."
"You should try the new triple coil tanks, like the Smok or the Hatrick. Insane juice usage but also a lot of clouds"
"Does Netflix still have a disc distribution option? If not, what do you think happened to all of those DVDs? They should have started a RedBox type situation and rented them out like that because their inventory must have been massive. Not to mention filled with tons of great films no one has ever heard of. They should have had a kiosk that you entered your genre preferences into and then it recommended you movies based on what they had available at the time.  Man, that would have been awesome. This is assuming of course, that they no longer have the DVD by mail option. I'm rambling now, I'll stop rambling."
"Blood also doesn't smell like shit. And it's not shit.

Those are two very non-shitty qualities it has that are preferable to the shitty alternative"
" It is quite an intimate experience :)"
"Try some BrewDog ales. They're expensive in pubs,cheaper in shops, but obviously draught is the way to go. In particular try Punk IPA and Five AM Red. There's a BrewDog pub in the Camden area of London. "
awesome. i am happy you're my leader here. it's a great idea to have people submit activity
"As an Indian guy, I truly understand the depth of humor in the last line :)"
Will add you and PM you in client.
"This REALLY should've been Avengers 3. Having it as a Captain America movie only guarantees that Tony and his team will be portrayed as villains while Cap and his team are all-American heroes. 

Civil War deserves a much more balanced, ambiguous line of morality. "
yeah i've cooked for people before and would rather they were honest about not enjoying it than pretend..
"It must be different for the county, because you can't do jack in the city without proper permitting, giving all the details. You can't even film without proper notification of the residents. A church near me had to stop doing their show for their yearly carnival, because some grumpy neighborhood people complained."
"There was a golden age when there was Parks and Rec, Modern Family, SHIELD, ...

Now there's nothing."
"Teach me your ways I haven't had a single one "
"Great table! But I was wondering if it would be possible to make it more useful. I mean, when I start gambling I need to make a decision on which item slot to gamble. Let's say I'm a wd with every slot holding yellow gear.

If I gamble for boots, I will only hope for one of the set boots. But if I gamble for helms, I will be happy to get any of the set helms or most of the voodoo masks. But since helms and masks are in different category, it's hard to calculate my blood shard costs or chances.

So it would be huge if I had a tool where I can specify that I want item X, Y or Z and the tool would tell me the average blood shard cost."
"Your post didn't respond to anything I was asking though. I asked if the poster thought the U.S. Govt was propping our markets over the past 2 days. "
I'll be awaiting the PM with directions ;)
"Please don't say anything about apparitions for pyro. It is the best hat money can buy "
"Congratulations on the new purchase! I used an earlier model, the D5000, to shoot a billion pictures. It's a fun camera.

Don't intentionally destroy the thing, but don't feel like you have to keep it in bubble wrap all the time, either. Mine spent most of its time riding around in a day pack with very little padding. 

And as others have said- learn to shoot in manual mode. One of the best things that I ever did for my pictures was to swap out the 18-55 kit lens with an old manual 50mm. They are dirt cheap. It forced me to learn what I was seeing. I wouldn't start there, though. the kit lens will serve you well.

If you're planning to stay with DX cameras, you'll eventually want some other lenses. This is a great low-cost general lens:

And take lots of pictures!"
I like the video... I don't really think it relates to the post but it was an interesting if not somewhat pessimistic perspective.
"Actually, you should obey the unlawful command and then sue for having your constitutional rights violated afterward which usually pays 6-7 figures.  That's the American way."
I'm smiling! =P
"I just picked up this album on vinyl last week. So fucking good. Black Francis at his best. "
I am in love with the 2016 Jaguar XE and the new XF. I am finishing up college this year and sometime in a couple of years I will defiantly pick up of them up depending on how much I save. I love everything Jaguar.
"Seems to be an issue with Shaw, if that's your ISP."
"Man, I was thinking to myself ""How am I gonna know which of these people is /u/darbbycrash.""

Then you came on and it was like...well, that's obviously him.  You're like the most stereotypical stoned dude I've seen.  Funny stuff."
How about a skin without belly mouth? I am the only one who hates that?
the whitecast on perfect milk is HORRID though..
"Gather the Wildlings. Winter is coming, and we'll need them to fight the White Walkers..."
"Just pointing out that sometimes the agenda is to provoke discussion. Or argumentation. 

Not nearly as bad as ""agenda"" makes it seem. "
"It is basically the new Rick Roll. "
"You, are my role model. "
Watto was on fire! 300+ was possible...
"They had a ton of cerave, sonicare heads and yes to (produce) masks too! I guess the sheet mask boxes get crushed really easily. So I had an amazing store run today. Happy hunting to you!"
"With Favre as a QB coach.

""Billy, it's way cooler when you force it into triple coverage."""
"I'll be there the 18th!  We're doing it because my friends have limited time and it's a way to squeeze in another park, but I'm thrilled, I love Halloween decorations.  Now, to plan my costume."
A relative I have loved shitting in Mickey D's
"You can easily mod it, it's totally supported by the engine, they just never bothered."
"America can make an otherwise-dreary sport very entertaining to watch. Let's just take, for an example, Rounders. That's played by small children in the UK. Over here, it's Babe Ruth and a religion. 

If you know where this is from, good on you. "
"She looks very much like Thora Burch. If she's still acting, I'd totally watch a Sandman movie with Thora Burch as Death."
"from my guess of the bug, I say this is worth trying. I'm sure it is not only for self harm.

edit : as mentionned, you can only target immune targets that are friendly. BUT, what I meant was, what if a mage is at one health, the hero power applies its 1 normal damage, hero power resolve through its stack of rules, shield procs, then the new rule that applies the extra 1 dmg comes up. And as we saw, nothing is there to block it since that mechanic (immunity) already resolved, just like with Mal Ganis."
"Here's the full thing on Nintendo's channel

Edit: Thought there would be something else at the end but there was not."
"Doom Bar was one of the beers that got me into drinking craft / real ale. Haven't had that in a while though. Have you tried Shipyard Pale ale? "
"* The Shouting Matches - Seven Sisters
* The Shouting Matches - I had a real good lover
* Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey
* White Stripes - Little Bird
* 7Horse - Most of that is you and me
* The Steepwater Band - High and Humble
* The Gaslight Anthem - Even Cowgirls get the blues
* Hozier - Angel of small death and the codeine scene
* Gary Clark jr - Dont Owe You a Thang
* Ben Harper, Charlie Musselwhite - I dont believe a word you say
* The Heavy Heavy Hearts - Bottom of the bottle
* Black Pistol Fire - Jezebel Stomp
* Black Pistol Fire - Hipster shakes
* Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Aint no easy way out
* Gov't Mule - Gonna send you back to georgia
* The Stone Foxes - I'm a King Bee
* The Black Keys - Heavy Soul
* Blues Saraceno - Killin' Floor
* The Fumes - Tell ya Story Walking
* The Delta Saints - Boogie
* Dorothy - Bang Bang Bang
* Derek Trucks Band - Down in the flood
* Howlin Wolf - Spoonful
* John lee hooker - boom boom
* BB King - The Thrill is gone
* Son House - Death Letter Blues
* Howlin Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin'
* Jimi Hendrix - Red House
* Elmore James - The sky is crying
* Lightnin' Hopkins - Mojo Hand"
"X-Post referenced from /r/secretsanta by /u/Lord_Firestorm  
[WWFSMD? - Jewelry 2015](
^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^made ^^for ^^your ^^convenience ^^\(Especially ^^for ^^mobile ^^users).  
^^[Contact]( ^^| ^^[Code]("
"Came here for a laugh, was not disappointed, thanks man. Now get back to sucking that Trump cock!"
">“Corrupted voter rolls provide the perfect environment for voter fraud,”

Even with the ""perfect"" environment it just doesn't happen. 

This does though.
"Inuyasha would be fun to watch. A female Miroku would be something to see. ""Excuse me sir, but would you let me have your baby?"""
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Agh's used to be stronger.
Lol i'm right there with ya.
"> Slacktivism has hit a new low...

and they wonder why they aren't taken seriously..."
"I am, I do CBT every two weeks, sometimes one. 

Misery loves company, I suppose. 

What is sleep? "
super yayy
So gimmick change for Blake and Murphy incoming?
"11/10, would suck and sit on"
"Hello Can I get my account back again, if I did any wrong thing i will not once again :)"
I think it's mostly WheeIn's voice you hear in the first part of the chorus and HwaSa in the second part
"There's nothing you can do to change your mom's behavior. Hypochondriacs are notoriously difficult to deal with, and will rarely address the ACTUAL issue at hand. All you can do is separate yourself from it -- move out as soon as possible. "
No. His mother kept him in her womb for 20 months to prevent him being hunted by the world government.
"Ouch. Hey man we all got our preferences, I happen to love my ram. Just asking a question. "
"HTC won't even be a company anymore withing a year or two. "
"Fair enough.  I do like humanist, but I still prefer religious ideas.  I've never not taken religious ideas, but I've gone many games without humanist ideas.  Probably because I mostly play catholic republics so unaccepted cultures don't matter as much, I can take plucratic ideas which is an amazing idea group that provides the same unrest bonus as well as a bunch of other awesome stuff like -5% tech cost, and the papal influence gained from religious ideas is great.  But for many games I definitely see the benefit to taking humanist"
"Yea, I don't think they are for the most part. It's stupid. I was just wondering if there was some specific reason and there doesn't seem to be. "
How does tongue on a sandwich taste?
This looks fake as shit. I've never seen an empty can left unattended like this in Japan.
"I mean, I can understand that. That wasn't my intention, though, I was just commenting on the geographical aspect. Is it not used like that?"
Of course!
"The study you are referring to was very tiny and had extreme flaws. It did not follow any of the standards for real scientific studies. If there is a trace of urine in there, it is no different than for men. Oral se comes with certain givens such as the chance of traces of urine, sweat, etc. 

When it comes to sex, there are always certain limits that every person has. If you can't deal with her squirting then she isn't the person for you. Simple as that. Just makes sure your limits are real limits and not you having a closed mind. "
>[2015-08-10 02:49:48 UTC](

>16 years we found out that [#RAWISJERICHO](!! So many hopes and dreams have come true since then...and… [**]( [^[Imgur]](


[^[Mistake?]](/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/3gf5y9%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.)
"I'd imagine Cargo is either Capture the Flag or Rush and Drop Zone is a King of the Hill type mode. "
"The Senate is sort of pre-gerrymandered because low population rural states are over-represented. It's hardly a lock, the Democrats had the Senate until very recently, but that was mostly a legacy of the 2006 landslide.  Republicans have natural advantages in the Senate."
"It would be a mistake to pass on Dead Space. "
"After watching this and going to bed, I woke up in a cold chill, the song blaring through my mind. I stared at the ceiling in the darkness, unable to go back to sleep. It still haunts me."
Just leave it's simple it's beta enough said your a fool of a player to be so harsh at a beta stage haha they got your money don't need to put up with your bs
"Strange... the 360 guys have been posting often and seem to be pretty active of late. 

Are you just using the ""Join Crew members"" menu option, or bringing up the list of online crew? "
"The vast majority of value that people transferred into Bitcoin is long-term speculation that its utility is enormous, and that economy based on it will grow. However, the bitcoin network currently faces a problem: the network produces one block every 10 minutes, and the block is hard-limited to never exceed 1MB. That translates to about ~3.5 transactions per second, which does not bode well for scaling (even with some innovations currently being hammered out, such as the Lightning Network). 

The developers who contribute to the bitcoin project are divided: One side, the more well-known among which are /u/gavinandresen, /u/jgarzik and /u/mike_hearn, propose some form of stepping up (either automatic and scheduled like halvings, or miner-voted) over time. Another group of devs, the more well-known among them being /u/nullc, /u/luke-jr and /u/pwuille (he proposed a _very, very_ conservative alternative) are against such a change, stating that it will result in high bandwidth use and loss of decentralization. Lots of discussion were had about how bad/not-so-bad the impact actually was, and how to weigh it against the danger of stunting growth and/or centralizing _somewhere else_, but no agreement was reached.

Many actors in the space (exchanges, payment processors, big pool operators) have stated, in a scattershot way over time, that they support _some form_ of maxblocksize increase; however, due to opposition from the latter group, no such increase has been merged into the Core code, for a long time.

In his frustration, Mike Hearn proposed (and later did) to include code for lifting the blocksize in his alternative client based on Core, Bitcoin-XT. It is still being tested, and is supposed to only go into effect if a supermajority of miner adopts it. 

The small-blockers are furious that Mike went around them, and drama ensued - just search ""blocksize"" in this sub to get a glimpse."
Swinging bunt!
"I consider myself a very responsible (even quiet) driver, especially in my neighborhood. I suppose that is why I take such great offense to the sign that was not written about my blue Subaru. "
Someone created it when they got tired of reddits shitty rules i guess
im not trying to
That was little Velcoro
"I kind of want Vanessa to stay, as much as I like this season I wish more floaters left over players that are dramatic nuts this early "
Yeah... you might not want to tell them that. Say you are from Kenya or something.
"Honestly, in my neighborhood, you don't disrespect people you do not know like that. Anyone that has such a lack of respect for someone they do not know shows they have never had proper humbling ass-kicking in their life and is sorely needed - Insulated mommies boys. 

In my neighborhood, when these guys went home, they would all have new nicknames - Gumby #1, Gumby #2,  and bald-doughboy with an earing and no teeth #1"
"Except I can't get those because I live in communism, now please leave me and my m1a to bitterly cry in my little New Jersey corner."
"I use a U lock but I also insure my bike under my renter's policy. It ends up being $1/month per $1000 of bike value. Of course, I would never leave my most expensive bike out of my sight for 35+ minutes."
"It won't matter. "
not alot of people dislike my advice but honestly move out shes a bitch i have delt with a simaler situation with my grandmother and you honestly need to give up
"very true, because the mystery aspect is what makes true detective so great. "
"Of course spitta made it "
Fucking thing looks like Carrot Top.
"I asked if there was a way to get my stuff back because it would be nice, not some rationale for why I should let it go for no reason. If more people didn't roll over for rockstar maybe they would start being more accountable. It's people like you that are the reason this is going to keep happening.

Infinite Jest! Holler!
"**Confession Bear**



"Do you have any Yellow Violets, and if so, how many do you have (I'm looking for around 7)? I'm also interested in your Holly Start! In addition, would you be willing to find 1 Hybrid:2 Normal Flowers a good ratio to trade? I've got a couple of Blue Violets around."
"Is pharma grade AI necessary, because those can burn a hole in the wallet. Would UGL ancillaries be stupid?"
The memo failed to upload...
"Yeah same here I work days mostly but my co-worker want to spend the day with his kid so I took his shift. So trying to stay awake lol "
Like the amount of confidence he has!
I loved that episode of the show.
Put it back to 4 GB so you at least have a working computer until you know what's wrong.
"Yup, blindness and hairy palms are common side effects. "
"Ah dope, North Van here."
never know what you're gonna get with megaman on stream.
"[Tyr - I]( - Always like hearing bands cover songs of big bands and picking material that's not as well known.

[Hammerfall - Rising Force]( - A great song both original and cover.

[Gamma Ray - It's a Sin]( - Obligatory ""Pop Song made into a PM"" song."
"I did not know you could do that. . . . 

Watching a Team PCB match is better than getting high on PCP I'll tell you that right now
Any reputable economists agree with you on that one?
"Oh I know we can definitely work this out, I have faith in that :) But it is an issue which needs to still be addressed. "
"I have no idea what it even is. She says she found it outside.  "
Could I just get pictures of them all? That'd probably be easier haha

You can hate on me for it, but I don't really want to go point people out being rude to others. Seems... rude.

I don't mean to say everyone here are jerks or anything if that is how I came off."
"This was me. A bad day - I need a drink. A good day - I want a drink. 
Good job staying sober through it all. "
"Yeah, for unsupervised kids. You think the man was just going to let the kid drown?"
"It depends on the type of pasta. I grew up in an Italian household and have quite a few friends that are chefs at high end restaurants. It's night and day and takes a layman no time at all, unless of course you're making some sort of extravagant tortellini or a difficult cut."
Oh my!  You look delicious... Can I get a lick?
"Edmonton Riverbend could be an interesting riding to watch.      
New riding. Formally Edmonton-Leduc. Long-time MP James Rajotte has retired from Federal Politics and the current Conservative candidate ~~it~~ is former MLA Matt Jeneroux (he lost his re-election in the NDP sweep of the 2015 Alberta Election).     
Jeneroux is up against a new-comer Liberal candidate, 2x (2008 & 2011 candidate) Green Party candidate and a yet-to-be-announced NDP candidate (who is supposedly polling within 5% of the Conservatives). "
"The only bike shop in my town that has stayed in business, for longer than a couple years, is full of the coolest and nicest people ever(which says alot since they're more of a  road shop and the others are mtb)."
"Now u got me thinking whats the average time for going from flaccid to raging hard on? Hmmmmmmm "
"Of course Obama had a chance... he won. In no reality is Bernie going to win.

How come someone has to feel threatened by Bernie's campaign? Why can't it just be some angry morons directing their energy at the wrong target? That's the most likely reason.

I don't think the Republicans have an inevitable leader."
On my way!
I'm just glad it's over
TSM-Cuz Dyrus
"Rule 1, but I do know that they sell XL pads. You could find them on Amazon probably. "
"free games


creating art or music"
I was laughing at you until I realised that you're allowed to vote.
* 12g coffee
* 20g water 
* 97 degrees C 
* 2:20s total time
* 1.40% TDS 
* 20.8% EXT"
"They need to change their name to ""ONLY black lives matter"" "
"I just had this happen to me. The type of message is called ""toast"". I have no idea either what it is from. I was using snapchat when it happened "
This team ain't winning shit with this dumpster fire of a bullpen.
Awesome. Yeah I was wondering if the dropping would be a mood killer or just an inconvenience.
"they caught on and started grouping closer. He might be able to wound 1 or 2 of them.
I live a town overgrown them lol
"There's a lot of popping from saying p in words, and it's quite breathy.  You can hear him exhale when he says words.  ""Their turn to ban-AH.""  I imagine he'd be great at silly gospel 'PRAISE JESUS-AH!' parodies.

That's TOTALLY FINE for his normal youtube/soundcloud stuff, but it would need to be cleaner and crisper for a game pack"
[Not too long of a read.](
"Oh shit really, fuck. I guess that is a direct homage to Chinatown then."
I'm with OP on this one. I just paid out 195 USD for this. A decal would pretty nice.
"You could literally see the brightened look in his face upon realizing he was leaving them. "
"People seem to forget that Austria, Hungary and Germany was in an alliance. "
"> That is a journey in its self

Hourly shitpost ladies and gents
As does every other politician. You can make that argument for every other candidate.
"I have no idea why the Seattle match is on a Wednesday but that is the absolute perfect day of the week for me! "
They're also really tasty right after they molt. [There are lots of tasty recipes](
Mankind / The Rock at Halftime Heat (1999). Mankind uses a forklift to pin The Rock. (
egyptians are probably isis to them.
weird baseball
"Listen straight up advice from a guy who bought his first canoe in 1978.
Meyers Sportspal.  period - done deal.  Made in Michigan and the best light weight -stable beyond belief- craft I ever had the pleasure to own.  I've got a 15' sq. stern, it only weighs 67lbs and will take up to a 5hp motor!  Beat that for some serious fun."

Starving children in Africa could of eaten that medicine!"
"She want's all the attention, let her have it."
"Only machines I've had issues with are some leg ones that aren't long enough (I'm all legs), but if you can't use core or arm machines might need to work on flexibility."
"Yeah, this season lacked any universal stakes to overshadow the tangible stakes of the case like Rust's existential perspective did in S1"
or has it been in for 9 months and just now being birthed?
That first picture looks nice. What happened to the other shrubs?
uninstall the game :)
"He's no longer in Montreal and while I agree with you, it felt pretty great to have an entire city banning against his stay here."
WE got relegated and loses 0-2 to teams like UP and since you like bringing up the past so much how about CLG getting schooled by Velocity and never making it to worlds? TSM getting wrecked by everyone at MSI? How about them throwing to SK with Jesiz AND Candypanda in their roster? Getting 2-0ed by Challenger team UOL? If Asia is overrated then I have no idea how bad the teams you like are...
"I'd like to purchase tickets and attend, anybody know when they are running until so I can figure out my schedule? Also, any idea on whether its smarter to purchase them online or do that whole wait in time square thing?"
"Jammed his thumb into butter at the dinner table, turned around to the wall and said ""Simbaaaa..."" as he smeared buttery grease across its surface"
"You look great! Congratulations on the weight loss and the new look, well done. :)"
Isn't everything in nature *slightly different*?
He was definitely too old for that shit.
"i never understood why people like you play a class-based system if you hate classes so much.

sure, you can pretend you're a different class but you're just pretending to be a really shitty member of that class. why not just be open about your class and be good at it?

also, the rest of the party will probably get pissed off when they realize that they've been unnecessarily getting their butts kicked because precious snowflake was hiding his true abilities. every battle where you fight suboptimally is a battle where you're risking the lives of your allies. depending on how strongly-willed my character is i'd be trying to kick that character from the group."
if your looking for the tc i have one... Id take a wv
"You know it's a dog, doge just know *wows*."
Moot point. :)
I make something similar but use ground turkey. What are the macros on this?
"Look up youtube for guided meditation helped me so much with anxiety....  Changed my life to honest "
You would be amazed at the amount of people that still do this shit daily.
"Don't forget that low testosterone is a symptom, not a cause. If you are put on synthetic testosterone, it will only be until the cause is determined and corrected.

Your GP should run a lot of bloodwork, including (but certainly not limited to) various electrolytes, testosterone, T4 free, TSH, calcium... hell, pretty much half the requisition form.  It's no sweat off their brow to order bloodwork.

Be proactive with your treatment by asking your doctor for possible causes. Don't focus on low testosterone; be open to other possibilities."
"As a former ranchhand.
Fuck that guy."
who is spurge?
Sorry for being so late. I had no idea this turned into a thing.
"Man, i love stories like yours. Its things like this that make me want to carry a bandana/hanky. Even so, when you try to incorporate a new item into your edc you start to conciously notice the times you could have used it but didnt have it. Thanks for the info also! "
Amazing great foreskin

i don't get it
"That's a shame for them, I guess? I don't know about most of the population or not, but not most of the college educated people I know. And I wouldn't be in this situation if not for moving for my husband. "
"As an American, I feel like I miss out on the fun of this post."
"We were raised the night before, tribe mate left a door open and someone took everything all we had was the dinos :( 
I'm not super mad cause it's pvp and I expect it. But it sucks watching helplessly"
"In all fairness this is more a case of Iron Man just not having that many noteworthy stories. I love him but you have Demon in a Bottle, Armor Wars, and then a bunch of stories like Extremis and Haunted that are good but aren't must-reads like what other heroes have."
"I'm in high ridge and that shit was crazy. I've never seen the sky turn those colors. "
OP is not girl in picture.
I don't know. I just like making stupid puns.
It makes Goku sound like an old woman...
"I think people are just mad DoA isn't casting, Quickshot is a fine caster but i'd take DoA over ANY caster :/"
"[](/egstare)How would you get hurt more?

And if you don't care enough, you have a higher chance of hurting others."
"No honestly from what I saw on Facebook, they had not known each other for a long time at all. Probably less than a month. That's part of the mystery. She seemed to come out of nowhere and now they're both in love."
Going from Johnson to...Peralta? More runs incoming.
"I don't love the idea of a Super Saiyan God but I think I'm one of the few people that likes that it's not super buff or anything.  God Power should require less physical mass.  "
I may have to swing by there before work tomorrow.
"I assume you live in America? If so, what state, because I do not have a mans to transfer funds digitally and would like to purchase your Cole."
"Good observation. "
What synth is the second track made with!
"You see me bae? You see me bae? Asian Girls everywhere, UCLA!"
"Im just gonna go ahead and say she's racist. 

Activist. No."
so completely true.
"I've often wondered if sparrows would be able to nest in my hair, but not my eyebrows. 

I would imagine that would be uncomfortable."
Damn right
"I know.

I was being a butt.

Partially because Al is often offered the first handshake when someone meets the full-metal alchemist."
"Did I say that it did. We were talking about power requirements. I have a 1kW PSU. So 860W from the wall isn't bad at all. It's platinum so we will go with saying it's 90 percent efficient. So that's ~774W being used by the system. I read a lot about people recommending 1200W power supplies for dual 980 Ti and that's just insane. It's also a waste of money. "
Hey does. Ebbu and I are friends and compared e-peens during beta pretty heavily.
"TTYD needs a 3DS re-release. I know they had that fake leak earlier this year, but god damn I want it to become real."
">[**Oh Noooooo [0:10]**](


> [*^Pikachu231VA*]( ^in ^Entertainment

>*^596,835 ^views ^since ^Jun ^2012*

[^bot ^info]("
"Of chorus.

Chal eet! *Flips*"
Maynard is fucking pissed!
My name is my name
"God dammit. Bitches are always blowing me off. "
"We're sorry, but your post is in violation of our [rules]( You may not link to outside sources in order to cash out, this is for the safety of you, as well as the other members of this subreddit. We cannot guarantee the legitimacy of every site that claims you can instantly cash out.

If you intend to contact us about this action (or any other ones), please ensure that you have read this comment in its entirety (making sure to read through any relevant links) and make sure you grasp a full understanding of what it means *before* contacting us.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"unfortunately no :/ Some have asked where they can see more of my work though and then we followed each other on social medias. Aziz was one of them and he also asked if I want some food tips. Naturally I asked him for a good pizza place, he told me he usually goes to one nearby and gave me the name. In brooklyn. Ended up not checking it out after all haha "
I always send packages to my place of work. Then I can sign if necessary as well as having an item hours before getting home.
"Because one is a television series and one is a film? Could you elaborate? "
"Are you Milton from Office Space ?  

You know what..Just tell them this..

""I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven.  I told Bill that if Sandra is going to listen to her headphones while she's filing then I should be able to listen to the radio while I'm collating so I don't see why I should have to turn down the radio because I enjoy listening at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven."""
"Haven't been there in a very long time, but check this out in Murfreesboro
I'll PM you :)
"What kind of exercises do you do? 

I have asthma and cardio is fucking grueling for me. Sure, after 30+ solid minutes of running I start to get some endorphins, but they mostly just help to dull the agony. 

But lifting? Lifting is not miserable at all. Sure, it can be strenuous and certain lifts I'm not a huge fan of (fuck you, squats), but it's not miserable at all. "
"Never-mind man I'm up for it. Mario Party 7 for DanganRonpa Trigger Happy Havoc right? Lets move over to PM.
"I think the way lyrics lined up with opening credits for ep 8 kind of gave away the finale.  "
""" hey buddy! Could you tone down your shitting! Trying to watch a movie here. Thanks."""
ITT: morons mocking the people who make the food that keeps them alive.
"it's geometry and cereal, what's to hate?"
".8, 1000dpi, Entry"
"No offence man, but I've played horror shooters, and they don't really scare me. Heck, most are just shooters with gore, and don't even have an interesting story to follow along, or any character development. The third person ones are slightly better, but really, I'm not just into shooters overall."
"[Cruisin' USA]( arcade game perhaps? "

""Some people would prefer to be the gender they weren't physically born as.""

Simple, factual, harmless. It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal."
I'm right here yo
Was there a concession after the first game in the quarterfinals in legacy? Who and why?
"I dont wanna be the guy here. Am i gonna have to be the guy here? Ahh im gonna have to be the guy here. Hes not gonna be the 45th im sorry pal. "
"Besides, that's the kind of thing you could put in polandballart
"Hello /u/Hassabo,

Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately your account does not have enough karma to post things to /r/videos at this time. 

/r/videos requires users have, at a minimum, 10 link **and** 10 comment karma.  We suggest that you comment in some popular threads and submit links to other subreddits to build up your karma and then come back.

We do this to prevent spammers from abusing /r/videos. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, and look forward to your submissions in the future. 

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/videos) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Always TSM. I just love each and every player and their personality, including Loco and Reggi. I miss OddOne, too. Plus, I need to support NA (my region)."
"> Como estão estudando?

Não estou. Sendo aluno de escola federal estudar pras provas normais já é dose, e também estou desenvolvendo um projeto relacionado ao curso técnico, descabelar com ENEM vai me atrapalhar mais do que ajudar. Ano passado minha nota já foi boa fazendo a prova toda pelos cocos, estou contando que esse ano vai ser melhor ainda até porque tem matéria que cai que eu só fui ver agora no 3º ano.

Se passar ótimo, mas se não passar bom também. Tiro um ano, faço cursinho, aproveito pra arrumar um estágio. Sou jovem, tempo é o que não me falta."
as long as we don't suck it'll go away after the season. Maybe. if we let any more than 2 Free agents walk it will probably get brought back up next offseason.
"IMO, Troegs does the best hoppy beers in PA.  I love Troeg's Perpetual IPA, it should be pretty easy to find around Bethlehem.  Their Nugget Nectar and Hopback Amber are also really good.

Even if you don't want to make the trek to their brewery, drafts/bottles should be pretty easy to find.  beermenus is your friend."
Was it? I was already a teenager by the time TTYD came out and I don't remember any tiniest hint. When I learned Vivian was depicted as trans in the Japanese version I was shocked.
"White tears is semen. "
Saab life
"I think he meant ""no life"" as in ""haha, look at these nerds who listen to a shitton of game music"", as I'm not aware it has any other definition besides making fun of someone."
"You're telling me someone agrees with me?!

I don't think you're doing this social manipulating correctly"
"That certainly is something going for ya! It looks like it is nice and suckable. :) "
">If Sanders runs as an independent, it wouldn't matter. The GOP could nominate s dead guy and Jeb would win the POTUS.

Your logic doesn't make any sense.  If the GOP nominates anyone other than Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush will not win the presidency.  He will throw his support behind the GOP standard bearer.  That standard bearer is currently Donald Trump."
"Sorry, your submission was removed from /r/listentothis because your account is less than one day old. We'll stop bugging you tomorrow. We have to take these measures to combat spammers - it's nothing personal. We'd like you to get to know the place better before contributing, so for now, just listen and enjoy the music. Please read this entire reply - we're trying to help you become successful on reddit.

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The **[music makers multireddit](/u/evilnight/m/musicmakers)** contains 80 communities, each dedicated to a different aspect of making music. There is no better place on the entire internet to get advice and feedback on your own music. Use these resources, they *will* help you become a better musician.

As you participate in these communities, you will quickly earn enough karma to submit your music in listentothis, and prove that you are not a spammer. We apologize for all of these hoops, however there is no other way to protect this subreddit from spammers. Thank you for understanding, and good luck in your music career!


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Is there a name for this?
Thanks for the chance
"I never denied it existed. I doubt it will ever go away, as it has already existed. People are eager to say ""that's racist"" as a knee jerk reaction, even when it isn't. People like Jesse Jackson who has manufactured outrage in the past by lying about events. 

The people who mention it aren't at fault, but something is off when they see otherwise innocuous things as racist. I grew up around racism every day as a kid. I'm not trying to ""exist outside"" of it, ignoring problems. They're there....but know what real hate looks like; real prejudice. 9/10 times, the things BLM rise up against just seem like crying wolf."
Keep it -- it makes your bum look good
"That's my only hang up, if it's a clone chip say so I could careless but just tell me upfront. Yeah that price was a company selling singles, and offering authentic chip or clone chip options. Either way all the reps I've talked to have told me end of the month for shipping. "
"Apparently there are enough of them that you could choose any date or time. If it doesn't get filled by then I think they push it off but I'm not sure how that would work. "
[here's an example]( where we see a lowside and highside simultaneously haha.
Not sure that's a reputable source
"Nah, try 87%. To find out why you should not use 87%. "
"I don't get on reddit to see my front page filled with the same post every other line "
I spend so much on alcohol it's sad
But Batman isn't a supporting character. A supporting character would be Lois Lane or the people at STAR labs.
"So I am pretty sure that adding links will work. Pretty much the same way that you have Recommended Subreddits. "
"is.. is that a philly thing?  I've lived in the philly area for 31 years and have never heard ""dag"" used.. ever"
"He stared at the sea as well, but his question got him out of guard. *Shit.* ""Uh... The Kingdom of... Prussia."""
Yeah I caught that too. Gonzalez and he Cisco kid are standing behind Tony in suits while he is getting sworn into be the new mayor of Vinci. And fucking Burris is the chief of police.
Right! Too sensible. Off with your head.
i wasn't aware
That enraged me....fucking asshole I really wish Frank found him
"Are you actually suggesting that at this price range, an SSD would be more important than a better CPU? If he can afford the SSD, go for it. But if it comes down to an ssd vs a cpu, go for the cpu."
There's a ton of money out there waiting to be invested...provided there's a return.
"I really want there to be a bunch of shelli/van backstabbing counter campaigning this week. One going home this week and one immediately following with the DE and getting stuck in jury alone that first week after shut talking each other. "
Anything [here]( for the refresher?
Loved it. S1 pissed off the easter egg hunters that needed a tentacled monster to come out and eat everybody and S2 told a straight dark cop story with no magic at all pissing off Joe Six Pack yet again. Kudos to the TD team. I can't wait to see how S3 pisses everybody off.
"Jesse's so talented, this is great"
"You're very welcome! "
"I know, right? They have got to be trolling us. "
"I started doing this and it's much better.  Before I was trying to cook it on my George Foreman grill and while that worked OK, baking it works so much better."
Has anyone ever experienced this?
"God damn talk about popping off. 7 runs with what, 2 outs for majority of that? Insane."
What would the explanation be?
Why does it have to do less if you slash its funding nearly in half? Are you seriously asking that?
"not for me, when i had a physical keyboard i never considered my mobile device a lesser communication platform. never had to worry about typos or think to myself 'what's a shorter way to say this.' it was as if i had a full keyboard before me in terms of pace of typing and sustainable volume.

even with swype, touchscreen only typing is crippling. it makes a mobile device truly mobile, i.e. somehow limited."
"There is a door. It drops when you sit in the toilet. 

Source: Blue Suns merc here. "
"Nc 44 here and I see nothing wrong with what she said. Honestly, we shouldn't need our own makeup lines. When a cosmetics company makes makeup and provides all those different shades, they should be making it for everyone. Making separate cosmetics companies for different shades of skin is a form of segregation. Stop dropping the race card and take care of everyone equally. We need to hold cosmetic companies to that, not making our own cosmetics lines..."
You sound like an operator
Dude if Batman was somehow the Arkham Knight the entire time that would be an amazing twist!
"> Rahane has achieved fuck-all.    

Sure, but not compared to some of the 4 in the list I was replying to. Some of those have been found out in some conditions.   

> Why is everyone forgetting the best batsman of this generation, ABD?

I don't think the OP was talking about established greats - I think he was talking about future greats.   
"What does box office have to do with how good a film is?  Is *Avatar* the best film ever by a country mile?  Of course not.  People hear the buzz, watch the film, feel disappointed - but by then the damage is done and you've spent your money.  Want a box office metric that actually measures how good a film was?  Ask people on the way out of the film whether it was worth the money.  Critics, too, generally don't understand action films; I've yet to find a critic who I consistently feel understands the genre.  In my experience they have this barely-concealed contempt for the genre and just think of it as what stupid people watch.

My main complaint about *Face/Off* is that it's the juncture where Woo just seemed to abandon the overamped seriousness of pretty much all his previous films, and simultaneously the film where he started moving away from plots based on characters with a deep relationship to each other.  His HK films, *Hard Target* and *Broken Arrow* have absurd action, but the basic premise of all of them is sound and credible, and the overdone action is very much a sort of amplification of the characters' feelings; it worked because as unrealistic as it was, the situation in which it was happening remained credible.  *Face/Off* was just straight up absurd from a basic plot level and so the overamped Woo-ness of things didn't work.  

With regard to the characters relationships with each other, there aren't actually that many interactions between Cage and Travolta.  All Woo's HK productions focus on firm friends or long-standing bitter enemies, or both, and often how the lines between these blur.  *Face/Off* has the long-standing bitter enemies, but lacks the interplay between them, and the way they blur the lines happens in isolation, not in comparison to each other; it's an evolutionary dead-end for Woo's narrative.

Plus, anything that has Nicholas Cage in it fails automatically, and John Travolta is clearly, obviously a bad guy, so making him a good guy doesn't work for a moment; he's a good actor in a limited, specialised range, and he's outside that here.

I was counting *Once A Thief* as being on his HK side of things.  It's a great film - fun, lighthearted, with an intact sense of the deep connection between people and what happens when that's damaged, plus a couple of lead actors who don't suck; miles better than *Face/Off*.

Mind you, I have to admit to not watching Face/Off in ages and I feel like I ought to rewatch it now. Added to the pile..."
the power is YOURS!
"I'm the kinda guy that likes to 'go big or go home', so if I got a wicked edge, I'd probably go with their new gen 3 pro, which would be up into the $1000 range here in Canada. And as for the mirror polishes, I love sharpening and taking my time, it's very relaxing so I definitely don't have a problem putting in the time if it requires it. Thanks for the insight! I really appreciate it"
"Neat, thanks!"
"1 missed swing with 2 at bats by Ramirez, Pedro, and 1 by S-Rod?"
"In that case, ask them to solve Navier-stokes equation. No shortcuts with numerical solutions!!"
"Last I heard, EM-Drive test articles also created a measurable ""warp"" in the interferometer they use for measuring this.  No word on what the actual cause what, however."
Permissions. Make sure your firewall has an exception for it and you run it as admin. Win10 reset a lot of security settings.
Are you referring to the doco or the stuff article OP linked to?
The preseason postseason?
Liquid PCP
I don't know what this is for.. But she needs to do more stuff like this.
This is so weirdly awesome. Is there a backstory to it or did it come to you suddenly in a nacho cheese epiphany?
What album?
"Definitely right there, humiliating Peter would be tough, but not impossible. He's humiliated several times in the show, such as in the episode Running Mates while debating Lois. Difficult even for Doom, but accomplishable nonetheless.

With regards to Death, he's been incapacitated and even killed before. In his first appearance he sprained his ankle while chasing Peter and was unable to kill anyone, instead having Peter do it for him. Later in the series, he died in a car accident and was taken by Superdeath (who so far has only taken regular Death, not humans like Doom). Again, difficult to evade, but not an impossible opponent for Doom"
"Doesn't use many counterblast? What? Have you seen Blademaster and his crew?  
Blademaster  - 1cb  
Twilight arrow - 1cb  
Ihmad - 1cb  
gatling claw - 1cb  
Zahm - 1cb base but generally is going to consume 2-3 if you use him  

I'm not sure what deck you've seen that uses blademaster, but I can tell you from personal experience, that CB management is one of the core skills required to play the deck.

"Charles and Jordy in my opinion.

QBs are replaceable, and OBJ carries more risk than Nelson.  Charles is elite (make sure to grab Knile)."
"Completely blank. Gonna frame it I guess with a mad men print. "
heh... face testes
"If you want noon to come faster why don't you take a shit load of xans, it's like a time machine full of regrets in one convenient pill. "
"Understood, thanks.

I can't seem to understand why you'd prefer private healthcare, no required psych tests on guns, restricted Internet access, no minimum wage (seriously?), no taxes on the largest money making establishments, and (still can't believe this) unequal pay based on gender.

But hey, it's none of my business anyway."
"If your not flooded yet, I'm up to chat my username for Kik is the same as on here
"I win.

OOC: Alright."
i'm seperating them asap.  the problem is their smaller seperate tanks were likely causing more stress.  only had one large tank to put them in so i put them both in.  i can put in a divider temporarily i guess but i'm getting a second tank asap.
"You guys have it all wrong. S3 should be the tale of ASAC Shrader, Gomie, and the cartel. "
"He looks like he's fitting in really well there, I'm really happy for him!"
"No, camp shelby. But there isn't really anything exotic going on there either, that I know of. The only reason I feel it necessary to add that is because it doesn't, in my opinion, look extraterrestrial so it makes me imagine it is military related."
I'm in the same boat. I feel like it kinda defeats the purpose of role playing if any character decisions just kind of fade into an identical late game experience.
Search Hamilton's page for ADs in your area and call them with a specific reference you're interested in to see if they have it.
I wish I lived in NYC.  In the 10-block radius surrounding you guys there are probably more people than there are within a 200-mile radius of me.
Bobbi Brown has a lot of yellow-based foundations. Did you try regular TrueMatch?
"Last time I talked to them, they told me that they are focusing on the Android version.

""Android is the priority, as it was part of the Kickstarter stretch goals."""
"I feel like this is sarcasm, but it's really floating on that line. It gives me a similar feeling to Tim and Eric, except in text."
"The first time I made a deposit on a site(before my PS and FT days), my bank called me and asked if I just authorized a $104.50 purchase for ""sports supplies"" I was like, ""FUCK NO! Thanks for calling!"" When I hung up the window was already sitting there telling me what the charge will show up as and what the total will be. I am a fucking idiot."
You're very welcome.
Just came back from watching Ant-Man. Way better than I thought it was gonna be
"2015-2016 2 Strokes are coming back.  I'm not sure how but the manufactures are releasing some. "
"My hotel is really starting to crack down on not having a card on file for incidentals.... seeing as we don't accept cash deposits and we've been burned pretty bad by that.  "
"Yeah I know unless you catch them on the flank, but triforce overall sounds better "
"What the heck... I'm checking the shipping from Zipcode 97013 to Toronto via UPS for a ""UPS letter"" weighing one pound and it's telling me $75!?!

Am I missing something?"
Is it possible to 3d print your own head and make it a bigger helmet ?
He's beautiful! Nice Cowboys cap! :-)
"Prince charming and cinderella are gone so far! "
Watch the game before you go on Reddit dipshit
That's a seal raping a penguin.
Especially when you realise that at least 50% of it is lies and no physical laws were broken. If you think that a 'magician' actually breaks the laws of physics've missed the trick. Otherwise there'd be no point to the movie
"lol ""get schwifty"" was performed by Rick all this time"
you succesfully do so. the platform rapidly moves towards what seems to be a gigantic blob of suspended water and stays under it. there is another platform nearby and and one that looks like it was just a pipe. you can see the platform of your house in the not far distance. what direction? you arent quite sure about that. water flows everywhere and platforms dont seem to care about physics
"Could I load this onto an r4 and play it? Also if I did load it onto an r4 and you implemented online mode, how would that work?"
Oh that makes sense. In weight training I always get a lower max when I do my highest rep of one than when I get my max by 3-4 reps
"So we were playing wii at a mates holiday house an my hand hit a lamp and broke a light bulb. The bayonet stayed in but the glass fell out. I reached my hand up to take the bayonet out without turning the power off first.

There was a pop and the fuse blew, but my hand was still 10cm from the metal and I just got a bit of black stuff on my hand. I was completely unharmed."
We need a shitty writing prompts sub just for all the plot holes
Has there been a drastic population shift or something to support voting again so soon?
"I watched Hayne when he was training with the uni side and it doesn't really seem to have bothered him. Dude is a very gifted all round athlete. "
Read the title first as Richard Nixon's head from futurama.
And if they don't have a cleanser or the fight doesn't have those ailments?
"Lets talk about the Internet of Things, what is it. how does it effect me? Is it really that much of a big deal? If you don't want your robotic hoover to attack you cat, then yes, it is important and there is nothing we can do about it. Hear Phil Kernick enlighten your senses with his latest presentation"
"Yes, but for the first option you need to have $11 up front compared to $1.80 upfront for the second option. When you're living week to week you don't think in terms of ""this will save me money in the long term by buying in bulk"", you think ""this shit is the cheapest so I'll get this."""
"I remember the randomly opening cd tray trick you could pull on the kids at school, its great. We managed to get it on every computer in out graphic arts lab, and in the library. Was pretty good."
" Im not a fan. 

Southern Star is Can to Plate. 

Hard to fuck up serving something they dumped out of a can. Except when something is cold because they didn't wait for it to come to temp on the steam table.
That's fucking gross.
"Looooots of practice. I made separate save files for all three of them so I could practice them over and over.  "
Cant taste racism baby
"[Okay, I will from now on. This was kind of an afterthought.]"
"same, but looking at history he is a genuine climate denier, advocate of water boarding of boat people and doesn't know how businesses / economics work despite apparently running a business. I wouldn't waste your time on a lost cause like that, you have to wait for those ones to die off so progress can be made."
"Like when I was in the theatre seeing Gone Girl, Tyler Perry's name popped up and I literally laughed out loud and said, ""I'm not gonna be able to take his part seriously"" but he made me eat my words."
"First of all, white lies like this to someone at the beginning of the relationship are so common, they even made a Portlandia skit about it.

Secondly, I get the anxiety of not having any past relationship or sexual experience, and wanting to exaggerate things to seem more appealing; it's so easy to let those self-conscious feelings drive you to act as someone or something other than yourself. And it's not a horrible thing; it's such an inconsequential lie, it literally doesn't even matter. But the important thing is to recognize that impulse, and realize that no part of who you are, in that respect, is going to make you any less appealing to anyone that will or could eventually matter to you. I'm 21, but I'm currently in my first, actual long term relationship, which is something I was really self-conscious about until I met my boyfriend. But he never once judged me, and it has never mattered, because he respects me for who I am, and anyone worth your time will do the same to you.

If you're still worried, be honest with this guy, and he is at all a decent person, he will understand your feelings.

You've just started dating, little shit like this is okay, and even expected. Just remember that you have value as the person that you are, and whoever really cares about you will see that."
"The most I've spent was 60 bucks a day including booze and that was when I was dating someone. He mentions that one has ""spent 300 dollars on a wristband"" so why should you hold back on the culinary experience if you're already invested?"
"I wonder who lived there and why it looked so run down. The broken cabinets and the disconnected bathtub and kids shoe. "
last time flawless?  also b eon best char w best weapons?  also please help uptick
"[It's okay, he doesn't need a plane ticket to get to Cuba.]("
"It's a very fun read, I read all 280 pages in 1 day (and English isn't my native language), but I kind of felt that the Yennefer romance came out of nowhere, he went from a mixture of fascination and anger at her, to wishing to bind their fates and lava-hot passionate love in like 5 minutes. After playing TW3 I assumed they went through more before Geralt's final wish"
"What was Stalin's light tap on the jaw? How was incompetence punished after Stalin in the USSR? With capitalism, it's quite obvious -- you get fired, and have to fend for yourself. But of course everyone should have the right to work, right?"
I'll take that!
"Due to some hard times and not working for 4 months I went through all of my savings and am now about $17k in debt.
Tackling it now that I am employed again but it will take me at least 2 years at the rate i am going."
"I think it's againts the rules to ask for hook ups. Best advice . ask a Dominos driver . most of them smoke . just make sure its some punk. Not like a middle ages man.  "
"Serious question. Is it true that lifting weights at a young age stunts your growth? 

My parents wouldn't let me lift until I was high school because they said it would affect my height. I feel like it's bs, but I'm not sure. "
"Karthus, Galio, Lucian"
"Eh, the way I see it, at the end of the day the only thing she has in her life worth talking about is her kid, where as I have an amazing and fulfilling career creating things I love (and none of the things I create spit up on me, score!) loads of free time to spend on whatever I want, freedom to move or vacation whenever I want, and friends who don't hide my facebook posts (because they aren't of some kid with spaghetti smeared all over its face).

People like her get joy out of acting superior and looking down on others and that's a sad way to live. I only hope whatever kids she has grow up to be better, more compassionate people then she is."
Gotta go for that opinion modifier
"My mother had a huge part to play in there. She used to get contracts to build alot of the buildings in the green zone which includes: Parking garages, a hospital, pavement and a huge chunk of the wall that keeps everything contained and safe. If you didnt read the wiki, The green zone is a huge area which houses the embassy and many more buildings. She started late 2003 and till the end of 2005. She wanted to keep going but it was getting too dangerous. many times she got threats and guns pointed at her. Her husband was kidnapped and few of her partners were killed, So she had to leave."
"Evelyn seems nice. "
"Stannis had set her aside after the incident with Renly. One moment you're having sex with a hot fire zombie, the next you're dreaming your rebel brother, who has just decided on killing you, is right in front of you, and in your dream-rage you kill him. What do you know? It wasn't a dream, you killed your brother, and the shadowbinder didn't give any disclaimers. And then Stannis limped back to Dragonstone after Blackwater, Melisandre needed something to restore her favor with the king, so she saw three kings dying and made a pretty show for Stannis and his bannermen."
"This alternative source also suggests that repeated exposure of PG to the respiratory system can cause irritations: (see under ""Respiratory effects"").

But that source specifically says ""ethilyne glycole"". So I googled some more: 

2001: (note how they specifically mention that a small amount of  probandants hade stronger reactions).

Keep in mind that this does not nescessarily mean that there are long-term effects. But there are short-term effects directly after exposure. The irritation might also just manifests itself as a reduce in air-flow or slightly swollen tissue that you may or may not notice."
Just don't leave HHH and /r/NBA
"This is a long story so I'll try to make it as simple as possible.  I'm no expert on the solar industry but since I'm a shareholder of multiple solar companies I do hear a lot of in and outs of the solar. I'll add a tl;dr int he end

> Isn't strategic farsightedness one of the qualities the Chinese possess in spades? Are we so wrong about this?

This is the one questions I do not need answering and don't want to bother answering.  I suggest you open a new topic to discuss with /r/China on this issue.

So.  The background. China's wage has been steadily increasing.  Production is getting expensive and many companies are moving their facilities to nearby countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia and such.  However, for some industries, such as coal and rare earth production, they are still cheap because you don't need to invest in complying with all the safety and EP regulations.

The argument was that China was effectively subsidizing panel production by selling panels below what they actually cost to make. ie. they were being sold at a loss.

Which is pinpoint accurate, but you can see their idea on ""how to win a trade war"" is ""SELL CHEAP!"".  Take for example China's best solar panels, the ones made from Hanergy TFP.  Their are selling 3.5 generation solar panels with GaAs technology and boast a production efficiency of 16%-28.8% which is pretty damn high compared to the 15% of Generation 2 panels.

However, this is only great in the eyes of an outsider in solar tech.  Current theoretical efficiency of solar panels with GaAs tech can go as high up to 64%, and the Germans are selling solar panels who they boast has an efficiency of 35%---25% more powerful than China's.

China is subsidizing the solar industry not to allow research companies and labs to produce better quality panels, but so they can sell stuff CHEAP.  Quantity > Quality.  Who cares if German solar panels are more efficient?  It takes 4 years for the solar panel  to break-even (the amount of time it takes to recoup your investment through direct savings in utility costs with the panel).  What's the difference of adding another year to that?

Anyways, back to the topic. We're producing our solar panels in China because it's costly to cope with the EP regulations. The PV cell manufacturing process includes a number of hazardous materials, most of which are used to clean and purify the semiconductor surface.  For example, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, acetone and the most noterious, silicon dioxide.

You see, silicon is found only in the deeper part of earth within quartz, extracted by the miners in bad conditions.  The moment you decide to go in and find some silicon you are at risk of silicosis. (Get it? silicosis, from silicon mining)

The process of mining also pose a couple hazard to the surrounding environment.  Without careful planning and surveying, you will mine into a underground vein. [This kind of shit happens if it is a water vein](  And if you mine into a sulfur vein, sulfur is released into air.  Same for other hazardous chemicals found underground---you will release whatever the fuck you come across into the air, land and water if you are careless and did not plan for it, one thing you would not expect from Chinese miners.

Once you extracted the ore, you have to process it.  And that involves smelting that shit.  Doing so will release a megafuckton guessed it, carbon dioxide and because Chinese blast furnace is not the most air tight, we will have carbon monoxide to go with it.  Sometimes, sulfur dioxide is added in as a bonus because they're using peat instead of coal.

All these XX-dioxide and XX-monoxide are just fun and giggles when it comes to the next step: creating polysilicon. You take some hydrochloric acid and some silicon, and bang them together to create polysilicon with a side dish of silicon tetrachloride, on a 1:4 ratio.

Ooooh baby, silicon tetrachloride is so awesome, it will keep those farmer nongs off your ground forever and ever because silicon tetrachloride is outright poison to all forms of plant, does not break down easily and produce more Hydrofluoric acid and Hydrochloric acid to seep into underground water veins, to poison more water sources in other towns and city and kill *their* plants and animals, plus all their fish.  That is of course, only if you dump them straight into the ground, which is the Chinese way to go.

Now, once you have killed all the plants and children nearby, it's time to move on to the boring part: plating.  You need to use some science to make the polysilicon stick onto...stuff, so the electricity generated can be transmitted.  Most of them time, we make it stick onto PCBs, in which involves more Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, tarnishes, etchers, cyanide, trivalent chromium, hexavalent chromium, HAP and VOC.

And again, with proper after treatment none of these toxic will be released, but it is simply not the Chinese way to not dump them in neighboring soils.

tl;dr: Environment protection is expensive. China's lose regulation and enforcement lets you release all the toxic from manufacturing solar panels and related industries into the enviroment."
"I go up and up. I started this summer with slaughterhouse five and a moveable feast, I'm reading gravity's rainbow and naked lunch right now. Next it's infinite jest, Lolita, V, portrait of An artist and then I go into a depression for a year because nothing seems good to me."
"I wasn't really arguing a point, just asking for clarification."
"Yeah uh, the notebook does not belong on a list of classic movies everyone should watch.  "
Of moi? :o
Aerith done.
"Yes I did. As of now I got it working because my Ironfall data was version 1.1, not 1.0. I deleted Youtube, changed the DNS to obtain automatically ('Yes'), redownloaded Youtube from the eshop and followed the instructions once again."
I'll sign up for the Ravens. PSN- uaretheeggman. Email-
They tend to be drawing families and casual fans with the lower prices and how they promote it. the kids don't know it's impossible or even that it's fake.
"Doh, looks like I'm getting hung up on English again.

*Miscarriage* in English absolutely unambiguously requires death of the foetus; otherwise is it just premature birth. 

*Further harm* would have necessitated there being harm in the first place (which I had assumed to be the miscarriage, rather than just a premature birth). 

*Departing fruit* again I had assumed to be a way of describing something other than regular birth.

But, yes you're right: the interlinear thing doesn't talk of *further* harm, just harm. If 'departing fruit' is used elsewhere to mean regular live birth I wouldn't have a leg to stand on here. 

So if indeed this is the case, and it is just speaking of premature birth and not at all of miscarriage then I fully concede this point, and would need to completely revise my position about the biblical view of abortion.

What translation do you read and find to be the most reliable? I had heard that NRSV was considered to be the most scholarly, but it appears not...

I really appreciate you taking the time to engage with me, despite my flair and stance, as I find I am learning lots here!"
"> I have not heard of it randomly having an OS crash and causing a plane to spiral out of the sky or anything despite the considerable amount of time that they have spent with them so far.

That's what triply redundant flight control systems will do for you."
"k. enjoy your sub 30 fps games "
"Shit was tense, son."
I think he's talking about Indians from India. Not Native Americans.
"Mine has been randomly rebooting as well. I have had to remove the ""require code to boot option"" as it has caused me to be late for work and miss a meeting.

Bought my phone from Google play store? but not when I signed up for FI."
"I'm hoping the debates will help open people's minds. I hope the moderators ask questions at Bernie Sanders over his criticism of ""free free free"". For which I hope he would be able to demonstrate in a easy to digest fashion why a single payer system is a great deal cheaper for the government and US citizens. 

I feel like people including Bernie Sanders need to share this video. This at the very least will help people understand that single payer system is not socialized medicine.

Here is a far easier to digest video which is probably better for people to share.

As for why people think Unions are evil just blows my mind. It should be that corporations that have unions should be seen as evil (to a point). If you don't treat your workers like trash and as disposable you won't need a union under current laws."
"The article mentions that you'll be able to trade in your Sapphire Wire, Plasteel Plating, and Hadronic Essence for the new Armor Materials. It didn't say at which vendor that will be done at, only that it will be available"
"Never underestimate the incompetence of the Mariners FO. "
I don't even have a Twitter. It's just the default stuff on the tile.
"Yes, all other clans should uninstall chiv and git gud"
TODD damn*
"I wouldn't worry about being bored. Wanting to drink would have me worried.  Drink a ton of water or eat something sweet or eat a full meal.  That usually helps. Good luck. "
"i've been watching since Season 1.  it's a rivalry in the same way Army vs Navy football is a rivalry.  both teams hate one another, but one team wins.

edit: to clarify.. i agree that it is a rivarly, just not a close one."
"It's called a backhanded apology "
Damn right they're overrated. No way the Ravens make the superbowl  if Tony Siragusa's cheating ass doesn't intentionally injure Rich Gannon after the whistle is blown.
Oh aha how convenient! Thanks a lot man ur amazing for doing this !! :))
"Not ""to"".

DavidsTea Hard Candy Tea :D
"Those mons I got where hatched on a Smoggon Tread as A active user had 0000 as i've used breeding dittos with o attack,special attack that's how I got the spreads  as I""m not giving a reason why I deleted my old account as I don't want people to start gossiping about why I've deleted  my old account as I've never traded hacked mons here and one's I've trade legit mons here that I breed or Custom Shiny's  if I hacked mons I would had been banned a long time ago"
"In the box, waiting to be summoned."
"Play with it. When I changed to my DA my spray was god awful. "
"here's my suggestion:

cynthia, juno, ravian

skorn, valkia, shu

khirel, elliot or rosaria, mikael

So your team is still very young and has a long way to go. I recommend putting Juno up with Ravian to give your frontline a reflex boost, to help Ravian get that ball back immediately and shoot again. Same reason for putting Cynthia up front -- she's your best stealer.

I think putting Valkia mid with Shu is good, cuz she reduces enemy action bar + spirit, and Shu recovers your line's action bar + HP. Ideally you'd want a stealer totem to fill out your mid, but all you got is Skorn. Someone like Eden is perfect -- even if she's a 4star, some people use her for a very very long time. (I'm still keeping my Eden around)

Mikael and Khirel really belong in the back, because Mikael gives HP to your GK, and they're also your two strongest attackers -- they can drive up the ball to your front very easily.

Right now, you'll want to focus on getting good front-line totems for Ravian. The most popular Ravian combinations today are Jeunese, Milky Way, Jury, White Guardenia, Black Daisy, and Alkyde. Ravian + Jeunese is actually insane, and it's the combo that I fear the most.

After that, you'll want to find a good totem for your mid and backline. Kiki, Nerua and Yuri are the top totems right now (you've already got Mikael)."
"his pronunciation of swindle melonzz.. IS THE FUCKING BEST THING YOU CAN HEAR.  it goes something like. SWINLEMELONZ. You guys should hear it. can some 1 crop it and link it here ?.  "
"It's either a satellite or a plane.  Either way,  it's man made and against the rules of the sub, so I have removed your post. "
Can you link me to the image?
"States have different tax laws, and so it would be a pain in the ass to change every product for every single state. The UK doesn't have nearly as many people, so it's easier to do."
"Glad to hear it, and ye I have proposed time line of additional features for this product. Just focusing on building a solid core to add it all on, I mean the Swiss army knife didn't start off as a spork (Or maybe it did)"
"Really lovely. "
"The bracts/petals of a hydrangea can't stay white forever. It's perfectly normal for them to change color as they age. In fact, I can't think of any that don't. *Flowers don't last forever*."
"No one show them Shawshank Redemption, they'll think it's sexist because it's set in a men's prison and not a co-ed one."
"Your submission has been removed. Please only use [Imgur](, [Gfycat](, or [Tumblr](http:/// to host your images/gifs.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wincest) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"But the irony is that Boruto is a carbon copy of Naruto, but nobody has a problem with that...or Shikadai being a carbon copy of Shikamaru, who's a carbon copy of Shikaku."
"You should be able to remove the top card, and put the bottom card in the top slot, without any issues."
"im curious on this mind set, most EK i talk to, and a couple of other classes have very little interest in chrons, just because they would rather deck themselves in legendaries and epics.

Chrons are basicly the poverty gearing option for some classes, where they would scale harder with other gear. I can tell you right now, a Summoner can go way more ham with legendary gears then ov junk.

I think people are kinda only so into chrons because its sorta this mind set where tehy thing they will be best of the best if they get their chrons done, when really alot of the end game shit pug raids are looking for is a chronset + Epics because of how they interact with one another. My summoner has a 9 set, and my chaos a half double imbue set, and my creator deck in legendaries clears all content easier and faster. I guess her ov times are slower since i have to give up my legends for chrons? but I have no doubt i can solo ov, it will just be slow as  all hell."
"Lavaloonion, gowiwi and gowipe are generally all bad strategies to use at th9 if you want to get 3 stars."
"Bill Gates gave away a lot of money, but he did a lot of shady shit to get it."
Never meant to take your furtograph
She weighed a new 94kg snatch record.
"Well when I quit all I did was delete all my games and delete steam, I also put all my consoles in storage. So far its been pretty easy for me, I replaced gaming with other habits such as studying, learning a new language, reading, working out, and cooking. Everyones different so good luck."
Why is that split into 4 different gifs
"""Sorry, Chrome is not supported"" on Microsoft Edge. Not saying it doesn't work on Microsoft Edge, but it doesn't get the browser name right."
Still have i can do $150 shipped. Pm me.
Get help.
"""this is"" ... ? *cough* *cough* I must be the really sick one here because I think you understood ""mushroom"" and injected yourself into the rest for a shit bluelight joke. Fuck would you say SWIM in-person? And be proud? "
"Bourjois CC cream is my favourite at the moment. "
"So Adnan's parents are so strict he can't get a ride home from a girl, but you can envision this conversation:  
""Um, Adnan, where is your car?""   
""I gave it to Jay.""  
""Who is Jay?"" 
""He used to go to Woodlawn.""  
""Is he a close friend?""  
""Not really.""  
""Where is the car now?""  
""That's a pretty good question actually.""  
""Ok!  Just thought I would ask.  Go get ready for prayers."""
"Just goes to show you that everyone like watching Dillon Harper get fucked. "
"I'm so sorry dude, for what its worth you sound like you have at least five years on any other 15 year old I know including when i was your age. Really, the way you are dealing with a bad hand is impressive, to say the least. Just remember, and keep telling yourself, you are close to being on your own and enjoying life w/a little less of this bs.

Oh and as far as the stop button, you are thinking like a programmer with logic, what starts must stop ;) "
"I've always said the controls for those need to be on the rear of the trailer so you have to actually get out and lower it. "
">I'm sorry, you're but not kicking out millions of people. It's just not going to happen.

It can happen, massive transfers of population have happened before. 

>Not people born to citizens. *All* persons.

I think you can argue illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, they aren't visa holders, permanent residents, or citizens.

>Why do you think this will work? Israel makes life for the Palestinians much much much harder, and they're also not leaving.

If they can't get welfare, if they can't get jobs, if they are isolated and alienated from society they will leave.

Which Palestinians, the one in Israel proper, Gaza or the east bank?

>And you lose the centrists by swinging more to the right. It's always a balance.

This isn't that far right of a policy proposal really.

>As a liberal legal Hispanic with a conservative legal Hispanic family, I doubt it. But who knows?

I was referring to higher-paying blue collar jobs, that'd be huge in this country. 

"Directional arrow on the map would be great, some sort of waypoint system would be great as long as it's just on the map and not in game, maybe require a marker or something?"
"I was wanting something on campus
"> After a month we ended up splitting for a few weeks as I felt it was going nowhere.

yeah she probably wants to make you feel like you can't leave
I think my body is fine. It's the assumptions other people make about me based on my body parts that I have a problem with.
"Getting drunk with my ex. "
"Step 1: Write down all the traditions you know of, and know WHY you will not be doing whichever ones you wont be doing. Family will ask for some of them, and you don't want to be caught off-guard, and it'll make you feel better.

Step 2: To make more ""Weddingy,"" you can be as chill or fancy as you want. Starting with a color pallet helps, so pick 2-3 colors you like, and think of images that gives off. Warning, the brighter the color, the bigger the theme usually. Hard to pull off peacock purple/blue and gold in a backyard with a budget, ya know? Depending on what happens with the brainstorm, getting some fabric, making some cute garland might be enough.

Step 3: Sometimes people just want stuff to do, so as long as it looks like you thought about your attendees, that's all that matters. You want to celebrate family coming together, so really what does real flowers in a giant centerpiece have to do with that? DIY photobooths are super popular these days, and can be fairly cheap, especially if you have a photographer friend or some editing skills."
"Well, yes. Fair enough. :-) "
"""Demi Mentia"". Love it."
"Most martial arts are pretty useless in MMA. Anything seriously designed to defeat/maim/damage an opponent is banned in MMA, but is usually core to a LOT of martial arts.

Chin Na (not a style in itself, but often part of plenty of kung fu styles) is banned because of it's small joint manipulation. As are the gouges, strikes to the back of the head etc. All banned (and rightly so in a sport). But there are kung fu stylists that do reasonably well in MMA, but they end up looking very similar to BJJ + punches and kicks, because that's what's most effective on a soft mat, inside a ring, with rules.

On the street, where there's concrete instead of a mat, you don't want to go to ground nearly as readily. Where you can snap a person's fingers as they're trying to choke you, all those extra techniques are really damn useful.

No single style is better than all others, there's a whole bunch of factors, such as picking a style suited to your body type (stock people aren't going to do as well in TKD as they would in something like Shotokan), who teaches you (do you only do form/kata work with light sparring, or do you go full contact?), have you ever BEEN in a real fight? All these things come into play. But the most consistent indicator of who is the better person in the fight is, how experienced at actual violence the person is and how willing to hurt another person they are. "
"Berenstein Bears. I grew up with these books and looking at them now with the name Berenstain, it doesn't feel the same at all!"
"They are one of the programs that people way overlook in a historical context. They have a lot of history not with just the SWC, but for 50 years they were consistently playing in a lot of big games against major programs both in conference and out of conference."
"Joba won't even make the big league roster, unless I'm missing something and someone got injured?"
"One of the people I respect most on this sub once pointed out that dodging wastes the enemy team's time as well. Punishing three people who you must consider to be innocent of auto-locking is generally kind of shitty. That said, I'm not a very good person and still do it from time to time; especially when my team consists of two auto-locked players with wildly immature or profane usernames. 

Trust me, I see where you're coming from. Just playing the devil's advocate, here. "
"I'm 16 and I grew up with cassette tapes. I use to listen to music my mom had recorded from the radio when she was little, and her siblings mix tapes at night to help me sleep. My mom had me young and we were with my grandparents for a while so I grew up more with stuff from her times. Like the Nintendo with the duck shooting game that some how managed to miss even when you were touching your gun to your tube tv."
"Do we get for ""hourly"" hiring too? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"It takes a good amount of RNG too. My friend and I have been playing for the same amount of time, around 8 months. He has 6 linked 7 unique items. I haven't even gotten one. He has 100 of exalts and I don't even have 20 yet."
"I was invited to be at the crematorium for the cremation of a relative.  I don't know how much you get to see, no one went.  

I wonder about things like eyeballs exploding when they get hot.  Do they pierce the body so nothing like the stomach will expand and explode as the contents heat?"
"It may not matter MORE, but it does MATTER. It tells you what kind of person they WERE and what they VALUED and most likely what kind of person they are NOW, at least to some EXTENT. People change, yes, but they don't change 100%. And the OP has a valid right to like and be attracted to anyone he wants and also a right to have his own dealbreakers. A promiscuous sexual past is a legitimate dealbreaker for many people and no amount of shaming of the OP is going to erase that."
"Try getting conq after you're level 16+ haha, com2us set up arena so lower levels aren't matched with anyone 16+

It's a pretty big wall for many people (fighter 3)"
The entire state of Texas would like to personally thank you.
"Did I actually say anything about all men?

People who are mentally, or physically ill, need exceptional kindness in order to get better.

I don't believe that OP is man enough for this task. 

However, I make no judgment against ""all men.""

Yeah I might be projecting a little, but this is a reddit thread, not a graduate dissertation. Who *isn't* projecting, on here?

*Judge not, lest ye be judged*

*He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.*

I am not religious so don't go all /r/atheism on my ass, as I don't care and I don't have the time. But you can't deny that these statements are generally accepted tenets of democratic society, much like the mandate not to kill.

Etcetera, etcetera, and so on, have a nice night.
"Could have been curryinahurry, or pastapusher "
"I can't say anything about Vape blast because I don't know how it is as I've never been there. ECC is the biggest Vape convention to my knowledge so the giveaways were insane. "
"Ight. It's early.  Feeling good though "
Carbon ROM experimental
You'd probably like her first album then. Crane Your Neck and Little Brother are also very good songs similar to Hair to the Ferris Wheel.
"Lol Ebonics "
"An audiologist diagnosed me with it when I went in for a Central Auditory Processing Disorder evaluation, but it wasn't the first time I'd heard of it. "
"Fucking hell, I've wanted PSO2 for literally years. This is just an insult. "
"I foster sibling groups as well. My first placement was a group of 3, and this placement is a group of 4. I love fostering and the kids SO much. Well worth keeping them together as a family."
"He's fast becoming the person at the top of my ""would love to smack in the fucking face"" list"
Let's hope he doesn't bore us with his lectures on math.
Looks fast
Did you beat the shit out of her?
"Make love to it.
"^ wifi calling which allows you to text (SMS) over wifi too 
"I think our characters could play off each other well, like we could be a good Comedy Duo, like your character could be super eccentric and mine could be the straight man. Or we could be like Hell No where two radically different wrestlers are teamed together "
"I understand that, which is why I put the word style in quotation marks. 

Those 4 drawings are from 4 different people, yet they all share a very similar look, which is what I'm intrigued by. 

I understand that those are all sketches, and I'm aware that the professional work those people create looks far more accurate and precise due to their skills. I'm simply referring to the look of that particular type of sketching. Why does it look like that, when so many other straight-to-ink sketches done by other people look completely different? Better yet, why and how do so many people happen to sketch the same way (like in the examples I linked)? Is it just a random happenstance, or is it because they were taught similar sketching techniques?

I understand that this is a weird question, but it's something I've been wondering for a while.

EDIT: I guess one way to sum up my question would be: what exercises can I do to free up my line work and start focusing on the bigger picture instead of worrying about making things look perfect?
"Nothing to worry about. I've done that with Coinbase a few times and nothing happened. Just make sure you go to Electrum before the market. "
Any simulator for Fire Emblem Awakening?
"No one, I main an Avenger, and I know how to read Tooltips."
"Bush WAS a pretty terrible president, but Obama isn't even close to being a better one. Anyone that thinks that is clearly being brainwashed by the media. I think we owe it to ourselves to make a good decision this time around. Trump all the way! Fuck the media, and fuck your ratings! ;-P"
"Not carrying stakes is classified under ""stupid light"" everytime. Why spend the energy looking for stakes every night? 

You could carry a few less stakes than are required for your shelter. That's what I do when I use my Six Moon Haven tarp. I use rocks or logs for the tie outs. "
"you would have a hard time pulling my face away from between those magnificent thighs and cheeks, but eventually ;)"
"I had noticed the colors of course. But not their relation to the main story. I'm on my second playthrough now, so I'll keep an eye out and report back with what I find, as well."
"if duster comes back i feel that judgement will as well. "
"I have lymphoma as well and was told a drink now and then was ok. I will say after my 3rd R-CHOP treatment I was feeling a bit cocky about the lack of nausea or any of the more severe side effects and indulged a bit too much at a party.  The next couple of days I felt like crap so I won't be doing that again. 

I did change my diet pretty significantly with much more of an emphasis on fruits and vegetables. My diet wasn't the greatest before my diagnosis so it's a bit of an adjustment. There is a stretch of 3 or 4 days between treatments where my taste buds go haywire and most food tastes like cardboard or just horrible. During that stretch I just eat whatever I can manage to choke down and don't worry too much about diet.  I drink a lot of smoothies during that time which works well because you can make a fruit smoothie and throw a handful of spinach and some protein powder in the mix and never notice it.   "
"Damn 4.25 near hartford? I would have thought since it's near the city prices would be higher. But yhea around norwich the cheapest might be walmart now. The local citgo used to charge 4 even for a tin. But now it's like everywhere else 5.50 to 6 a can for cope. Might have to start dipping longhorn... "
Sonic Wave isn't that hard...
Get a grip
"They only need to change 1 letter to get to Life Swap.

And I'd 100% watch this."
"See my comment I posted here"
"Person without insurance here -- can confirm, those grubby assholes aren't getting any of my money. Especially not after transferring it to a collection agency."
"I saw a split, but iirc there were still a decent amount of followers that tried their best to make the lyric less douchebaggy than it was."
"I meant back in the league "
"**Histogram - Post Karma**   
*One 'X' = 4.38 points.*   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 74 /u/Groomper    
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 73 /u/willieramos    
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 61 /u/seanosul    
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 60 /u/savois-faire    
XXXXXXXXXX 44 /u/StickmanPirate    
XXXXXXXXX 42 /u/zzoby    
XXXXXXX 34 /u/JustinDL15    
XXXX 20 /u/ScionSjill    
XXXX 18 /u/PMmeUrDownblousePics    


**Histogram - Comment Karma**   
*One 'X' = 7.58 points.*   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 163 /u/WindomEarlesGhost   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 151 /u/savois-faire   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 123 /u/Craznor   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 100 /u/ChefBoyAreWeFucked   
XXXXXXXXXXX 86 /u/BbCortazan   
XXXXXXXXXXX 85 /u/Feldsteinrothmanberg   
XXXXXXXXXX 78 /u/iforgotmypen   
XXXXXXXXX 74 /u/Classically_Liberal2   
XXXXXXXXX 73 /u/IWannaFuckEmilyBlunt   
XXXXXXXXX 71 /u/scabyknees   
XXXXXXXX 67 /u/StickmanPirate   
XXXXXXXX 65 /u/ColeYote   
XXXXXXXX 63 /u/mrgoodnighthairdo   
XXXXXXX 58 /u/mrjaguar1   
XXXXXXX 57 /u/TooSunny   
XXXXXX 52 /u/ChampyMcSource-Sport   
XXXXXX 52 /u/LollyAdverb   
XXXXX 45 /u/ttumblrbots   
XXXXX 42 /u/Kelsig   
XXXXX 41 /u/rufus_ray   
XXXXX 40 /u/BatCountry9   
XXXXX 40 /u/Yosoff   
XXXX 37 /u/explosive_donut   
XXXX 36 /u/MOOzikmktr   
XXXX 34 /u/theotherkevin23   
XXXX 33 /u/PMmeUrDownblousePics   
XXXX 31 /u/Commie_Fascist   
XXX 30 /u/dtrb   
XXX 27 /u/DuelistDeCoolest   
XXX 26 /u/monkeywithgun   
XXX 25 /u/FreedomsPower   
XXX 25 /u/Marine2014   
XXX 23 /u/Theviruss   
XX 22 /u/IIIISuperDudeIIII   
XX 22 /u/JustinDL15   
XX 22 /u/NewMerril   
XX 22 /u/kbecks06   
XX 22 /u/yaosio   
XX 21 /u/abchiptop   
XX 20 /u/Pardonme23   
XX 20 /u/Reus958   
XX 20 /u/TheAbominableDavid   
XX 20 /u/evilrobotdrew1   
XX 19 /u/BornInATrailer   
XX 19 /u/Stupid_Work_Acct   
XX 19 /u/Whack-aTroll   
"Naa She's more like a Bentley continental gt. Its heavy and sporty "
"Plus they only have, like, 10 minutes of oxygen."
"Is he entitled to upgrades when they arrive? "
Calling Y: The Last Man the apocalypse is really pessimistic - especially after finishing it.
"If it wasn't absurdly expensive, yes. I would probably be more interested in my local grocer or butcher doing this though, as shipping wouldn't be an added expense. "
"I feel like that would make his bills far worse...  
But probably would have been funnier ;_;"
"Beautiful photo!! i think drinking tea in the wilderness is one of the best ways to enjoy it!
OP obviously told the whole story
so they hate us cause they anus
This upset me much more than it should have.
"Empathy makes it hard to not care. But for those of us without empathy all the time it's a valid perspective. 

People forget empathy gives you a personal involvement in the suffering of others. Imagine if you didn't have to feel anything when other people suffered. It'd be as meaningless as anything else. 

For some reason it seems like people with empathy can't imagine not having empathy, so they typically judge people. "
Well...Prove it...?
"> which is the tallest anything in the world

[Mt Everest]( is an anything and disagrees ಠ_ಠ"
the haps
"Thanks, I was talking about the linked cover.  When I was in Japan, it seemed that a lot of the models are mixed ethnicity.  Is the more Western look popular right now or has it always been popular?  

*She looks at you wide eyed.*"
"He kissed her, he should have realized that's how girls go crazy about you /s"
"Here is the unboxing on his DailyMotion

I love his satire! /s"
Edit - Reddit mobile sucks sometimes. -__-
Mfw I'm not infamous yet
"Sadly no, too many good f2p games right now. I love this game, but, it's just in a sad state right now."
Corporations are people
Mall hat store. Yup...
Im already used to the way the power rankings are now and i dont like change
"/r/enoughsandersspam "
"> claimed that he never said HE was going to be exclusive, just that he wanted ME to be.

Oh. Oh my god. I'm so sorry you met this douche!"
"Pro tip from an MD: debrox is kind of expensive, so i always recommend baby oil as it will get you a similar result "
"Is this a 401(k)?

Are you a US citizen?  Where are you working now?

Finally, I saw the document, but I can't really spend a few hours trying to figure all of that information out for everyone who asks about their retirement plan.  If you do dig up that information, I can very likely make some suggestions, but someone (i.e., you) has to do the legwork of finding out what all is in your plan, what your plan charges for each option, etc."
Yeah. They did the whole child thing a lot better than I thought they would.
Poor slowly and more will stay in the press.
I can't help but feel like it got hasty nerf right near the end.
The roads were not paid for with income tax. Income tax is far from the only form of taxation. One can find consumption taxation to be morally acceptable while finding taxing a man's labor to morally repugnant - what is so fucking hard to understand about that?
"Haha no, I meant I didn't know there was a revolution. Should have caught it in the news"
He never really read/acknowledged them until very recently.
"> , set in Karne

What's Karne...?"
Give the money to me and I'll show you adventure
That's Isaac Clarke from Deadspace
"Just saw the worst hacker I've ever seen. Looked like it was silver 3 or something, and the suspect was dropping a 40 bomb on account of extremely obvious wallhacks.  He did very badly with an AWP, because he'd frequently fired before the guy had actually gotten past the wall he was watching and miss completely."
30 days from August 16th?
"There's a movie called Series 7, the plot of which is an American television reality TV show where 7 random strangers are picked. They have to kill one another off until only one is left standing. Not exactly what you described but it has the ""Big Brother"" event (unless you didn't mean the TV show!). Either way it's an excellent watch and fun critique of the extremes of American reality TV."
What could they have done to piss her off. Perhaps sneak a peek at the Christmas presents.
"26 and I get laid somewhat regularly. More than 3 times a week, but maybe packed into one or two days of the week.

I still jack off at least twice a day minimum on the days I'm not having sex. Today I woke up and blasted out a quickie within 5 minutes. Then a few hours later I had a decent 20 minute go. I would have probably done it at least once more in the evening, but I was out doing things."
"I've been trying to point this out to Mr. /u/GrowlingTaco for multiple posts. The US have CIA agents ""conducting intelligence"" i.e. conducting covert operations such as regime change and state-sponsored terrorism abroad and in China.

If anyone is naive..."
"Before you were born, people used to take pictures.... without knowing how they turned out right after it was taken! And guess what? You could actually physically hold pictures... in the palm of your hand!"
">""(can you imagine Hitler's reaction if God spoke directly to him explaining how upset he was about the things he was doing?)""

In fact, [I wrote that exact story]("
How long did it take you to draw?
Nice event card snipe :3
"interviewer: So how are you qualified for this position?
me: For two years Patricia wore that lipstick..."
"Got him, in the future send me a PM so others don't start listing Benders for 869K"
"**Histogram - Number of comments per user**   
*One 'X' = 0.52 comments.*   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10 /u/dimplepinch   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 /u/Carlosriccy   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 /u/Root_Access_7   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 /u/hitlerlovejuice   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 /u/mort629g   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 /u/mrwho995   
XXXXXXXXXXX 6 /u/MustainesHair   
XXXXXXXXXXX 6 /u/badnali   
XXXXXXXXXXX 6 /u/bittermanhatt   
XXXXXXXXX 5 /u/Wasuremaru   
XXXXXXXXX 5 /u/carolinindy   
XXXXXXXXX 5 /u/rogueherrie   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/BoltComet   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/DrKriegersVan   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/InvisibroBloodraven   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/Jamie_2905   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/Jaqqarhan   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/Julevict   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/LordSpeechLeSs   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/SirMothy   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/TheoLeo5   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/justacatholic   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/squaredrooted   
XXXXXXX 4 /u/thisishardcore_   
XXXXX 3 /u/BriPerson   
XXXXX 3 /u/DogsBestMan   
XXXXX 3 /u/HarlanCedeno   
XXXXX 3 /u/L3aBoB3a   
XXXXX 3 /u/LYRAA3   
XXXXX 3 /u/Legizta55   
XXXXX 3 /u/NYCLynnie   
XXXXX 3 /u/Rayneworks   
XXXXX 3 /u/Redditingwhilebored   
XXXXX 3 /u/Shalamarr   
XXXXX 3 /u/TheCarterIII   
XXXXX 3 /u/Vecroct   
XXXXX 3 /u/WheresMyCurtain   
XXXXX 3 /u/WheresMyElephant   
XXXXX 3 /u/WilmorAMP   
XXXXX 3 /u/ailyara   
XXXXX 3 /u/cameron26davis   
XXXXX 3 /u/dan0314   
XXXXX 3 /u/jamesabe   
XXXXX 3 /u/jelkoo99   


**Histogram - Karma per Comment**   
*Considering only the top 80 commenters*   
*One 'X' = 0.60 points.*   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10.80 /u/badnali   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10.50 /u/ChadFromWork   
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10.00 /u/Rayneworks   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 8.00 /u/BulletsWithGPS   
XXXXXXXXXXXXX 7.50 /u/squaredrooted   
XXXXXXXXXXX 6.67 /u/ailyara   
XXXXXXXXXXX 6.50 /u/DaveyIsBald   
XXXXXXXXXX 6.00 /u/Cadent_Knave   
XXXXXXXXXX 6.00 /u/SirMothy   
XXXXXXXXX 5.50 /u/abnorml1   
XXXXXXXXX 5.33 /u/Legizta55   
XXXXXXXX 5.00 /u/127crazie   
XXXXXXXX 5.00 /u/JDredditperson   
XXXXXXXX 5.00 /u/Redditingwhilebored   
XXXXXXXX 5.00 /u/malcontented   
XXXXXXXX 4.50 /u/InvisibroBloodraven   
XXXXXXX 4.33 /u/justacatholic   
XXXXXXX 4.00 /u/DabuSurvivor   
XXXXXXX 4.00 /u/HarlanCedeno   
XXXXXXX 4.00 /u/Wasuremaru   
XXXXXX 3.80 /u/bittermanhatt   
XXXXXX 3.67 /u/jamesabe   
XXXXXX 3.61 /u/ErikEzrin   
XXXXXX 3.50 /u/Carlosriccy   
XXXXXX 3.50 /u/DrKriegersVan   
XXXXXX 3.50 /u/TheMeltingSnowman72   
XXXXXX 3.50 /u/Vecroct   
XXXXXX 3.31 /u/Zadeinator   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/AFakeman   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/Bigdaddyhammer   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/DrDandthewumbavex   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/LordSpeechLeSs   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/Roflcopter27   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/WheresMyElephant   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/mrwho995   
XXXXX 3.00 /u/thisishardcore_   
XXXXX 2.96 /u/njw90   
XXXXX 2.82 /u/ConfirmedSFW   
XXXXX 2.80 /u/dimplepinch   
XXXXX 2.75 /u/TheoLeo5   
XXXX 2.67 /u/DogsBestMan   
XXXX 2.50 /u/AbsurdTech   
XXXX 2.50 /u/RX8_MMA_420   
XXXX 2.33 /u/Jamie_2905   
XXXX 2.17 /u/MustainesHair   
"Good, the only other explanation is someone went a little overboard on the euthanizing."
"They really should have timers, I thought it was weird they didn't too."
"I appreciate the information that actually seems like a good way for the sub to moderate it self I wish I knew about this before "
"Yes there are a few horror stores laying around, and the closer to the type you are the more intense things are.

But I'd argue that 80% of the minions on the bottom rungs can find a place that they are comfortable with.

I also think that as the upper management of the company aged, that things toned down a lot. Microsoft now is far more relaxed than 10, or even 5, years ago.

Pockets of insanity still exist."
And that's why the education system is failing us.
"I like the Jakiro model, think its pretty cool. Maybe slight texture improvement, but its a cool hero overall. "
"Damn, right next to the Monona Terrace too!  Frank Lloyd Wright would not approve!!! ...or maybe he would, I've never met the guy."
"He was awesome. That move that was in the second video where he played the ball through to himself on the endline and dropped it back to SWP for a volley was incredible. It would have been an unbelievable goal. "
I carry my gun on me at all times for safety.  Sometimes I discharge it to let the scumbags in town know that I mean business.  Hold on I'm going to eat this sandwich.
Your fish has a gigantic fucking forehead.
"[Round 1](#s ""This is French or Flemish or something. Either way, probably Belgium. Okay, the word Huy keeps going on this road, it's probably important. Indeed, found Huy on the map. I can't find the roads where we start though, so I explore and get to a highway with a sign for towns. From there, it's easy to see we're near the southeast part of Huy and it's not too bad to find the intersection. 4 meters. 6479."")
[Round 2](#s ""Little highway sign says N279 I believe. The color and N seem similar to the Dutch roads on the map, so I guess this is the Netherlands. After a while along this road, I gather a few town names and eventually find Heibloem on the map. There's several roads named Heide that all intersect...but I think I've found the intersection where we start. I make what is essentially a random guess since we're not at an intersection or between any good landmarks/curves in the road. 9 meters. 6478."")
[Round 3](#s ""Looks like a tourist area so I'm guessing this is Germany. Indeed, this is German. An advertising board says Dortmund, so I guess we're there. I use the name of the subway station we start next to, Reinoldkirche. The map is pretty confusing here, but I make a guess based on the cathedral. 18 meters. 6478."")
[Round 4](#s ""I'm like 90% sure this is the Netherlands. There's a van and a store that say Harlingen, so I'm guessing that's a city, and I find it on the map as well. I eventually find the canal bit we start by, and the snack bar is even labelled on the map. 0 meters. 6479."")
[Round 5](#s ""I would say this should be Luxembourg based on the countries selected so far, and upon reaching the first sign, it appears I am correct. The highway numbers are well labelled and the intersections are clear on the map. I find what I think is the right little side road based on the curvature of the road and the direction we were going. Guess there. 4 meters. 6479."")

[Total: 32393]("
Good luck finding a place you like! :)
its a joyce thing
"That's 4 words, stupid.  "
"Okay, I hear you. I have a hard time distinguishing anymore when I'm being unreasonable. Maybe it isn't unreasonable to ask him to dial it back. "
"""I have no idea. I just...haven't had a lot of time for you. And I know that's rude. But...I mean, I haven't seen you much either. I dunno...I thought you didn't wanna hang out."" *He shrugs.* "
Clearly that teacher was just trying to spare us. Think of all the casualties Ben's caused from swooning alone.
You sound lovely.
We are not your vote brigade. Please don't post things like this.
"I honestly think I would say don't do it. I don't think its necessarily adultery, but it means there is a little you walking around somewhere thats biologically yours, which I think means you have some responsibility for them. "
"Yeah no doubt. Chasing, kiting, all the good stuff - that's just not the primary reason you buy the item, at least from what I experience. Then again, I personally run scaling CDR and build it 9 out of 10 games. It's a good buy <:"
I mean... I l'm pretty sure chivalry was just a justification to let rich dudes kill poor dudes. There really isn't much about women in there.
"To answer question 1- Ancient Origins and Roaring Skies are separate sets, so there are no cards that are exactly the same in both sets. There are duplicate pokemon though, for instance, there is an Inkay card in AO as well as RS.. But the cards have different art and different moves. If you look at the little symbol in the bottom left hand corner of the card, each set has it's own symbol.

I suppose you could say TCG sets are a limited time thing in a way, as eventually they stop printing sets as more new ones are released. But each set is available for way longer than a month. It's more about how often each store stocks each set of cards. For instance, the Walmart where I live tends to have the two most recent sets in stock almost always, so right now they have plenty of AO and RS, but not much else for single booster packs. They do still stock Phantom Forces, Furious fists, etc as well as some of the Black and White sets, but not as frequently as the most recent sets. On the other hand, the Target near me tends to stock a better variety of different sets. But you can always find booster packs from different sets online.

Bulbapedia has lists of all the cards in all the TCG sets, here's [Ancient Origins]( and [Roaring Skies]( And here's a list of [all of the TCG expansion sets to date!](

I'm not sure I explained this very well, so feel free to ask if you have any more questions!"
in my mind your blowing me... Some kisses.
"If you gotta ask, you don't want to live there. "
"Yeah, I know it was going to get toned down, but I think this sounds a bit too drastic."
"If you can get Scream dead, then even if Agent Venom dies you're still 100% golden. In fact it might even be a little easier, because once Carnage has lost his ability to get follow-up attacks he loses a lot of his attack and his super healing. I found Anti-Venom heals for pretty much all the damage Carnage can dish out (even with a 4 attack) if he doesn't have the scrapper bonus any longer, and he can't bleed. (My Anti-Venom has all Health/Acc/Atk and he out heals the damage). That leaves you getting stacks of enrage while you take your time killing Goblin, and then finish up taking out Carnage."
"Try instead, using Notification scraped info?"
"Woah, hey. He doesn't get to just waltz in and steal the ""most embarrassing fan"" award our guy has. Come now. 

Show some respect. 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Riff ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ram ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bah ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Zoo, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^wish ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^went ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^TCU, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^who ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^wah ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^wah ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^who, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^nothing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^sucks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^more ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^than ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^TAMU "
"If you ride over them, you get a speed boost."
"just played darius and it just sucked ass. no dmg no nothing. q with the cast time is totally clunky
"> Additionally, there was such balls of steel by Belichick to not call a timeout. If the NE faithful are honest enough to recall, I bet almost every single Patriot fan was screaming, ""Timeout!"", at the TV after the Lynch was stopped to bring up this most famous 2nd down in Super Bowl history.

I'll be honest, and nope I wasn't.  I assumed BB would call that time out and was already calculating how much time Brady would have to get in FG range after the inevitable Seahawks TD, but after 5 or 10 seconds ticked off I realized he was playing a different, much ballsier clock game than I'd expected and trusting his D.  After 15 years of watching BB you develop a feel for when he's playing chess."
"Should have said it's worse than Problem Solverz. It's a more well known show than Clutch Cargo.
Edit: Also kinda hilarious that the Krabby Patty is now winning in the food battle."
"I'm confused how you think this means he hasn't made it. He's only 22 and, after a few more seasons playing for us, will almost definitely move to a far bigger team. "
"I think since his game is so movement oriented, itd be in his favor to move back to 205,maybe if he doesn't cut Weight he will have a larger tank, to keep up with his game"
/r/fireteams works.  Used it once for a PoE level 32 run and was hit with 18 invites in a matter of 30 seconds.
And one of those was committed by police. It's a bad year.
"The other gun I was talking about is the m240. I noticed a lot of the US remote bases have these type guns and some mortars and they always seem to fend of attacks, while the SAA has probably a few dozen of these kind of bases over run."
"Early on in match-ups I'll be way more 'psychic' flash kick happy when I know they can't punish me as hard... Puts a bit of fear in to them or give them the impression they can bait something out. 

By the end of a match I pretty much don't even bother charging down unless they're being stupid or I'm hit confirming something. "
"Yeah it logically makes the most sense. Just sayin that there's not much ""scoop"" worthy info. Anyone could come to this conclusion. "
"I just started a new game, and because of the more perks mod, alternate start mod, and how I built my character. I have 0 in all my combat skills! I'm gonna need compainions just to survive."
"Mossie (banshee and it's 2+years of hell), Prowler, Vulcan, Marauder, MCG, repeater, lynx, Butcher, Striker.

Extra 10 bullets does give you an advantage (MSW-r really should have it too though), when one more enemy comes around the corner, you've got ammo in your gun to kill them.  Not as good as never having to reload (BG) though."
"You see all those videos of dads magically catching/saving children..... this mother didn't even move until the little fucker was on the ground balling. 

Ah, brings me back to my childhood."
Have you tried having better internet?
Sinon and Asuna beat Ryuugu and Roberta? Did I miss something while SAO?
"Might have been him. Thought, I've seen a single digit number, but I'm not sure.

This one was that new Canadian, we stole from Vienna."
"I mean, I always just figured Skarner was defending his kind in Shurima and that basically meant his old lore was relatively intact..."
Another vote for PokerAtlas from me. I like seeing the user room reviews as well.
"Åhå tro mig, jag har försökt. Och gråtit. Har dock inte försökt på en utav gitarrerna, men den som behöver mest meck har jag försökt allt med. Det enda jag lyckats göra för att få den att sluta skorra är att höja strängarna så högt att den är ospelbar."
It could default to 0 perhaps?
Just got my graduation date set in stone. September 23rd I will finally have my bachelor's degree. 3 days before my birthday!
You're on a roastreak!
"I know it's easy to say this, but I sit in front of a computer all day wishing like crazy I could be outside.  

I will say that I wish this a lot less when its 12 degrees out."
"Awesome. Sent you an invite. My slot 1 ABastet should at least be useful to you, if nothing else."
"Omg, thank you so much for this!

Edit: This and this"
Costa Rica vs.Mexico in concacaf cup
He is a true dandy.
"I'll reiterate my question, since you seem to be avoiding it. Why do you feel the need to complain about them marketing a low level card as being good for the most popular games it can handle?"
That's what phone apps are for!
still..cant pouchers just shoot drones down and go for the turties?
"ohh haha, pls let me know if you pass 80th..that freaking artemiel & his counter squad hit like truck."
"I've never had a problem with my battery life on the watch. On my 3rd phone though and all of them last about 3 hours with the watch connected. Making the watch essentially useless. "
"Screw you Dave and your conspiracies, why didn't you say that Dana actually said ""fake shit"" and Lesnar defended wrestling, because yeah everyone knows its fake? "
And a foil Mythic. Delicious value.
"With trump taking the majority of political media time, I'm honestly surprised he hasn't had anything very large yet"
lol :D
"Thanks for pointing that out about my mic. Luckily I already recorded the audio seperately on Audacity, so I will be looking into some tutorials to make it better. Not sure how to get rid of that tinny sound though. I'll be looking around the internet for a fix :).

I really appreciate the advice you gave, thank you so much!"
I suggest Tupari. Legion has had success with it.
amazing! more :)
"This makes sense. Spoilers from the Civil War comic ahead.

[Initially Cap and Spider-Man face off in a back alley as the Superhero Reg Act is introduced. Spider-Man and Cap do not fight to hurt each other more so than just an altercation between two skilled fighters. As the story unfolds and Spider-Man switches alliances to Cap's side, the Cap team rescue Spidey after a particularly bad encounter with a super team of bad guys working for the Gov't. Spider-Man then sheds his Iron Spider suit and goes back to his traditional Blue and Red. Expect some form of this story to play out in the film, with Spidey initially siding with Stark and then swapping to Cap's side by the end.](/spoiler)
"I've already lived a big white space with this going on:"
"That appears to be a [fishfly]( 

*Edited to add [comparison picture](

"Basically, yes. The guise of medical ""treatment"" has a pretty dark history in the gay community. Not only the misuse of psychiatry, but also practices like forced chemical castration and other horrors. "
"There's a way to make Siri say dirty things?  How? "
The three-dimensional analog of the pentagon is the dodecahedron.
"""Progressive"" policies ending up as filth on the street and wasted money. Sounds about right..
You mean Chuck Finley
"Obviously. Hence why, if you're using the gun for PvE purposes or want the new perks on it, you buy the y2 version."
">  jynx maze

The Japanese have been doing this for almost a decade."
I'm pretty sure every day in the writers room is Roiland throwing stuff out like the Rixty Minutes shows and being strung together plot wise by other funny people who are slightly less autistic.
"A gang killing at the little league fields. At least it was at night and not during baseball season

There was also an instance when some boys were driving to school. The side entrance to my high school has a lot of tractor trailers and distribution centers. A truck was pulling out, they went to go around the left side of it. It was a wet morning. They hydroplained and ended up under its bed. The driver was in a coma for a while, the kid in the passengers seat decapitated, the kid in the back had his head and spine ripped out, or at least that's what the rumors were. That's the story even the teachers knew. They were speeding because they were running late so people weren't driving in after them so they didn't have to see their classmates like that. One was the brother of a friend"
"Sure, it's easy to function on it, but try and not have your 6-10 for 2 weeks. It's not going to be easy. Your brain goes into panic mode and you can't really think straight because you're drug routine has been thrown off. It will make excuses to get the alcohol again. Now, you're not going to be having withdrawal seizures and dt's like the 5th-liter a day drinkers, but you're going to have withdrawal effects for sure. I was personally drinking a 12pk nearly every night. Shit was rough getting off of. "
wait it exists IRL?
"Are you willing to ignore exceptions when someone has a knife and is ready to gut you with it? You talk about training, but what about the guy holding the knife? How do you know he's not trained to use it?  
Also, you taser the unarmed guy that doesn't comply, you shoot the guy with a knife in his hand that wants to stab you with it. 

edit: I'm done with you."
Your neighbors' cat is gunna have it rough come september.
"basically the same. The colored rods are layed down the same way but often with a bit of a twist because it helps control the glass.

Once the coilpot is shaped it is blown out and condensed a few times to even the walls out inside/outside."
"To be fair, that was executed quite well."
"It is a common lay misconception, that is then believed not to be true by most 'educated' people, but is taught at University level Chemistry and Materials Science to be technically true. From what I gathered from lectures on ""States of Matter"", there are more 'states' of materials than those we have defined (gas, liquid, solid, plasma). You also have things like Liquid Crystals, Soft Matter (flesh, polymers, etc. as you cannot really define one as either or). 

Directly from lecture notes: ""Identical in state of order to liquid (short range, no long range order) but behave mechanically as a solid. They are liquids but with a relaxation time that is effectively infinite and therefore behave as solids over all normal observation times and in response to forces of finite duration"" - Dr Susan Perkin."
"Void is all three combat styles, you sir just went full retard"
"Speaking of ridiculous cars, there's a silver and red aventador convertible sitting in front of the hotel Mac right now. "
"""math is idiotic""

-Joe Sebok"
"A pad for your ass, that wooden chair is going to start killing your butt after an hour."
"Dominion is cool. It's like settlers of catan in card form! "
Dont shit on my raygun fam.
I don't want to be insensitive but I heard about this because it was an episode of Law & Order: SVU.
Well I can see that making for an interesting experience I still think I'd probably end up spending most of my time in the Caligula simulation.
You might not but it doesn't mean others can.
"> We have had at least 2 or 3 candidates step down for being idiots on twitter so far. I don't see the media running articles full of memes about them.

I'm sorry but this doesn't follow. Those candidates did get plenty of coverage, as much or more in fact than this fellow did. Why are they not the subject of memes? The media didn't make the memes about this guy, the internet did. Ask the internet why he was more hilarious. I think it's obvious why: he was irate, uninformed, and incredibly rude, and his rant has staying power because a lot of people probably watched that and thought ""that's the base, right there"". A few stupid twitter comments from half-a-decade ago simply aren't as funny or worthy of being turned into a meme. They're not memorable, they're pretty run of the mill stupid stuff teenagers say."
And the woman accomplice and criminal is spared jail of course. Disgusting.
"Yeah that's probably a bit more realistic tbh. "
"For what it's worth, if you ever want to try more therapy, it's never too late. I'm a speech therapist, and I would personally much prefer working with older clients who have a motivation to succeed than with young children who don't necessarily have that concept or desire yet. Teletherapy is actually getting more popular now, so people working on their speech or voice are able to work with a therapist via Skype. "
"So you're telling me, I can get great deals on groceries and score drugs there too? I've been doing it wrong all my life."
"I live in central nj if thats not too far, and im a good photographer ;)"
"Just to be clear, this guy is talking about actually starving to death, not ""omg i'm starving to death! (because I didn't eat lunch)"""
"They may well have hung out more than what many would think is usual for an acquaintanceship.
That doesn't suggest lying to me.
Original pose is close to [becoming unstoppable.](
No more bringing in drinks for a family of 4 in my ginormous purse...*sigh*
fucking-A man
"""This is a side-tilt.""  
""Oh wow!"" "
"this is the chance for the challengers to prove themselves,  not to be recognized immediately"
"go for it
"Whoa man. No. The kitchen sink is off limits to urine. I mean, that's just *sick.*"
"1. You need therapy

2. You should not hide your feelings from him. It's not healthy.

3. You need an expanded support network. Your boyfriend can't be the only one who you talk to about your issues. He also needs people he can talk to, because helping you will be stressful at times."
Hahaha no problem!
"2.5 months here ಠ_ಠ  It's been hard considering we moved in the middle of July, had to pack as soon as we found out the house was ours in June, and now struggling to un-fucking-pack!  I'm a wreck :/"
"That's always been my position as well.  My brain is going to assume that a universe that looks like ours will behave like ours unless otherwise justified.

The explanation can be pretty damn handwavey and I'll still be happy, it's fiction we're talking about, just make something up that keeps the universe logically consistent and it's all good."
"Welp I tried. You certainly do have a list of heavy hitters. "
"I guess he meant rj45. Usb plug can be force fitted into a rj45 port. Common enough occurrence. "
I would love to see this list of potential sites that Wayne has.
"Whew, good to know, thanks! :D"
"What a fucking dumbass! You made an asinine comment about an article you didn't even attempt to read, called a collection of quotes garbage, and then tried to play it all off like you have been drinking, rather than you just being an idiot."
"IPv4s, aspire 
, the milkman 0mg. Thanks for the contest "
"You are a beauty to behold, Moxii.  I admit that I like the smile better, but these pictures are still quite stunning."
Are we talking about the same book of genesis that doesn't do anything until turn 4 by which point you've already lost the game since you didn't play turn 3 susanowo?
"Looks like it's going up at the moment.  3 is probably drawing people to the top tier, especially since it's one of the rare Steam editions."
"I think its worth him taking the 100k and using it to learn how markets work, but yeah he should just figure out his goals, talk to a reputable advisor/planner, and be as conservative as he's comfortable with.  "
Rickon will be recasted :(
And the 2500+ that Obama has killed via Nintendo drone bombings. Or is that OK?
keep it for untill like a month till the next mayor and then sell it.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
"VORTHOS: how come artifacts havent killed jace by now? they cant have minds right so he couldn't manipulate or predict it? Jace would try to mind sculpt my alloy myr but it would use its 2 whole power to kill him. "
"There is a TDEE calculator linked in the sidebar/wiki, there is also, and my personal favorite nerd-style calculator [SailRabbit](  Calculate your TDEE and subtract -500 calories to eat at a deficit.

MFP suuuucks at estimating calories."
"Some people will use it but meh. 50% of them taking 20 bucks off your bill seems like a lot. I mean you can literally call xfinity and say that your promo rate ran out. It's worked for me the past few times. If all else fails, threaten to leave. Then you'll go to retention where they'll give you a deal. "
"That kind of *is* how the rule is written. That is to say if the keep if off the line when the PK is taken and the shot doesn't go in the result is a retake... but the issue is shooter isn't allowed to take the shot until the ref is ready

It *would* be hilarious if, as the keep was being an asshat the ref signaled ""ready"" and the taker whipped it in while the keep was back peddling to the line. Miss? Retake. In? Goal."
"C'mon, pod racer Rollercoaster? What a missed opportunity for gokarts! 

Also, should have a deathstar trench ride with lasertag guns to shoot at TIEs and the exhaust port at the end, a la the buzz lightyear ride at disneyland... but faster!"
I suspect at least one or two of her kids would be half-dwarf...
"Looks like genitals. Regular sized balls, tiny penis."
"equinox by hypothetical liquids, a light blueberries and cream with a small hint of mint"
"That and the fact that there is no way a 120lbs woman wears a 32 bra, 32 is your band size, the measurement around your rib cage.

This is a dumb troll from a person who doesn't understand how women's bodies work."
I'd love a Surface Mini.
"Your comment was removed from AskWomen because:

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If you edit your comment, let us know and it may be reinstated. 

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What part of the algorithm is the decay function?
"I'm BROWNSing pretty hard right now and it's making everything look orange. Is this normal? "
"After winning his first 9 games with the Chiefs, Reid has lead the team to a 11-13 record.  Expect more mediocrity from Reid.  "
"Not to stagefright. "
"I usually spend between one and three hours each, depending on the detail"
*education. You need a degree to work in education too.
"To be honest, your theme is neat and tidy; however, you niche is too general. You need to narrow down your niche and focus your adwords on a few select keywords."
"Hah! Since the last time I read this, now I *do* have to press the Start button to turn the car off in my hybrid."
"> votre vie est bien meilleur depuis


Je n'ai pas lu la suite."
"Yo! I have pretty much have the same personality. If you want to talk to another introvert, pm me. I'm an expat in Europe and will be here for quite a while. "
"um, okay?"
"Time for me as a dinosaur-nerd to step in!

Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, but where their closest relatives, together forming the clade *Ornithodira* with their (back then) ground-dwelling kin. The oldest pterosaurs lived about 230 million years ago, dinosaurs emerged a bit earlier.

Together with a few more obscure groups *Ornithodira* also form *Avemetatarsalia* or *Pan-Aves*, which includes all animals closer to birds than to crocodiles.

Bird, on the other hand, evolved in the Jurassic period from small feathered theropods (we nowadays have a pretty good read that ""flight feathers"" originally eveolved to show off, not to fly), co-existing with Pterosaurs until the K-Pg extinction event wiped them off the map. In fact, bird already had heavily radiated out during the Mesozoic, with *Neornithes* (or simply *Aves*), the early forms of our modern birds, as just one of many groups. The meteor wiped them as well of the map - as well as most proper brids as well. A study that came out December last year suggested that all modern birds go back to 4 small groups of species right after the mass extinction.

Also note that Pterosaurs weren't scaly at all, they were covered in fur-like filaments called *pyctofibres* which may or may not have a common origin with bird feathers-"
have you tried connecting to the internet browser? i am having the same problem but i can connect to the internet browser but in games i cant....
"Either that or they think I said Al Bundy. 

"Android. "
"ok.  but just so you know, mormons are allowed to use condoms."
They were found.
hi im back! not hard to guess what stage im stuck at right haha
What's MR?
"Not a former gymnast, but I do think gymnastics has lots of aspects that will carry over to other sports if she decides to change things up later on. Just off the top of my head - if Crossfit Kids is something you're on board with, she'd probably have a huge leg up there because she has a solid gymnastics foundation. And if she starts to get tall, the flexibility she's built could make her a killer hockey goalie. She could also try fencing - most clubs take kids her age & older in all sizes, and flexibility & balance are huge assets. I might guess that dance or some track & field events would translate as well, but I don't have any firsthand experience with those.

I do think there's a huge mindset difference between people who do well in team sports vs individual sports, so that might be something to keep in mind if she wants to move on later. (And probably sports with & without balls -- I just duck when a ball comes my way =D )"
"Fuck you.  You'll get your shitty TPS reports when I give them to you, asshole."
"Depends on where you're located, but Denmark for instance requires you to have 100 jumps before using a tracksuit. There are good reasons for that. Regardless, please do *not* track without getting a thorough briefing by a qualified instructor, whether that's with or without a tracksuit. Not only will you die otherwise, but you will also kill someone else. "
"Oh good someone with SC2 experience.  I'm loving Aba also (usually 50-100% more exp like you said!) but what are your thoughts on TLV? "
"First build, first gpu "
">..go damage?

""Use a greatsword lol""

Remember in my other posts where I talked about being railroaded into using a greatsword due to imbalance?"
"No, you wont.

....because they are inivisble..."
"Sure, but I'd venture to say that most people that went to the time and expense of earning an MBA would like to advertise that fact to potential employers. I don't know OP or his/her background, but it was mainly in reference to the number of people I saw that did their BS right out of high school, then straight to the MBA, and are asking for $70-80k salary just because they have an MBA. They think that it's a selling point and evidence of why they deserve that much, when they have no relevant experience to back it up. All that tells me is that you are a professional student. If you are going to not list your MBA because you are afraid it's going to overqualify you for the positions you are trying to actively pursue, why get it at all? Wait until you are in a position where its relevant and makes sense to career goals and actually adds value. My take on it anyways. "
He'll just have to ask for forgiveness twice.
"Eu estou organizando um MP q envolve so eleitores do HRE e sem alianças, sextas, 2 além de mim ja toparam. Vou participar de um MP de segunda a quinta de um Americano aqui, mas se quiser participar desse MP de sexta ou me add para prepararmos um outro MP para sexta caso esse do HRE desande, eh scaryrabbit com uma bandeira do Japão imperial no steam.

Além disso existe uma comunidade lusofona de grand strategy

Ta meio parada no tempo, mas as vezes alguém responde lá."
"You have the manual. Just disassemble the bike fully, regrease everything, then use a torque wrench to reassemble. Piece of cake!"
"Both are great shows but I think you might be reaching a little. "
"Burst and push the lane I think are the easy solutions. I had issues early on as Morde with Lulu sup vs. a Graves/Leona lane, so I think you've just got to play aggressive early."
"That's nice but I prefer a good pilsner. "
"Your W-4 instructs your employer to withhold taxes. 

The IRS provides a calculator to help you fill this out:

It is very possible you filled it out incorrectly and your employer is following the directions you gave them. The good news is that any overpayments will be given back when you file your tax return, and you can always change your withholdings."
"Spot on.  I really want to go in to this guy's office and beat the shit out of myself. "
"So your inbox is probably toast already, but that's actually a great thing.  It's really important to other people that you care about them.  If you remember small details about people years later, they will appreciate that more than you might think.  

Imagine if someone you met years ago just happened to run across you in the street and said hi.  They asked you about how your dad was doing because the last time you talked he was sick, how old your son was, or if they had ever made it to Malaysia?  You'd automatically think that person was good people because they cared enough to remember.

You don't have to say every detail every conversation, but it's a great skill to have."
"If you want more info, I guess you can check out this:"
"Honestly, if you're that new to the game playing Ken wouldn't be bad..."
"I don't have any friends in the US, I even tried an online P.O box but they don't ship to those either. I have e-mailed them, so fingers crossed."
Next level teamplay!
I actively play any competitive game i watch (excluding a few things but still i like competitive gaming). I wasn't a huge fan of playing sports which led to me not being a huge fan of watching them.
"I've had this discussion countless times on reddit. 

What we call ""supernatural"" is simply a function of our *perspective.* The double slit experiment revealed a ""supernatural"" phenomenon because from our perceptive inside the existing scientific paradigm, the behavior of the photons *appeared* ""supernatural."" We updated our models with various interpretations of this observation, and voila! ""Supernatural"" becomes ""natural."" The same thing goes for other phenomena. For example, if ghosts exist, they are not ""supernatural,"" they are natural, they only *appear* supernatural from where we're standing.

""Supernatural"" is not necessarily synonym for ""fictional,"" (although in some cases things we call supernatural are fictional) it is an abbreviated way of saying ""that which is inconsistent with the current models of reality."""
Agreed. Is yours still working good?
[](/sbbook) Forkert sprog
"Wow, a post on /r/aww that **isn't** of an animal. "
"I live in Detroit, so I can't think of a ton of stuff that would stand out, but there is one in my mind that sticks out the most because I followed it on the media, and I was only 10 or 11.
A woman named Tara Grant was murdered and dismembered in her home. There was a multitude of suspects, but no one could pin one as the prime suspect.
Until an interview with her husband, Steven Grant. 
In the interview, he was stuttering, acting nervous and stuff, as id he were guilty, and in my mind, I was sure it was him. 
It was, and he managed to evade police, Fugitive-style for a few days before they caught him. 
I'm on mobile, so I can't post a link, but I'm sure if you looked it up, you would be able to see his confession.
Bonus: When he was on the run and had to show his picture, a news reporter giggled because she thought he looked funny."
"ingame name ... because i bet you rarely if ever play support if you think its that easy.

" be fair, making one tackle this season would be a massive improvement from last year"
"This made me legit LOL... The Princess Bride, who knew?"
Did you read the post? He has descriptions of everything and gifs of him using it.
Did Gandalf ever give you a gobby?
"The more ancient term ""deamon"" applied to any supernatural entity and by its definition, even angels are a type of deamon. More recently the altered word demon applies to only the bad ones, or the hell associated ones.  "
"Hopsin's clique is really good though.  Dizzy Right and Jarren Benton are beasts.  And even though hopsin is an immature 14 stuck in a 30 year old's body and swizz has an annoying voice they are both still pretty good at rapping.  "
"Eh. it's all a matter of how you handle it mentally. It's funny because I played COD and Battlefield and was so angry I was hitting the couch cushions with all my might almost every time I played. Dota 2? Cool as a cucumber. "
The more shit I give my followers the more I'm surprised at what they will do with it! I gave derky a beer and food and if I tell him to sit at a bar he will happily take them out and start eating/drinking. It's goddamn adorable
"He says he's not a fan of Tom Cruise. I say, a man who does his own stunts deserves our respect. And at least a watch!"
They ask the same questions and change up the question
"Easy there, Hawthorne Heights"
"I don't play on my tablet, however, I do notice a huge improvement after switching to my index from my thumb. It was much swifter and easier to hit repeating notes."
"Now i can only speak for me. Is change it up a bit dont only deep throat, dont only focus on one spot. Also pick up clues as to what he likes and doesnt like then turn it into one giant orestraded assault on his cock..

Its hard for me to come in the first place. I can usually out fuck my partners if needed."
"I disagree, people who are bad at drugs are the worst. Aint nobody got time for dat."
"Aww :-/ 

I'm sorry breakups suck.. if you wanna talk about it I'm here for ya!"
I threw myself off when i googled your car shifters. Sorry bout that.
"Left tackles are also really important if your quarterback enjoys not being comatose. "
"Creep with Mark Duplass, it looks like shit but its eerie as fuck"
"Hey Sir Patrick!  So me and a couple of my friends have this notoriously bad movie that we watch every once in a while.  My question is why did you voice act in the cinematic classic, [The Snurks](  Did you enjoy working on it or was it just another job to pay the bills?"
"tbf, for a goalie, punching the wall is a better display of loyalty than running through a brick wall"
What is the 8MB then? Just a message indicating support for an 8MB block increase?
It may sound weird but sex...i try to use my abs as much as possible and I do feel the burn afterwards. Not necessarily a full workout but I like to think of it as a free and fun supplementary exercise.
"Based on a few of the comments, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason was ""her""

I'm similar, this sort of thing is not really what I'm into, but she's *doing something*, she has a vision, and she is executing it. "
yeah PSN states that time but its for the actual download
/u/malgudi_days ate them all
"Actually, no: About 70% of American debt is held by private investors who chose to loan money to the government, expecting a return.

(And the largest owner of foreign debt has flip flopped between Japan and China a few times)."
"""Both linebackers excel in pass coverage, which is a must these days. Kuechly is the better of the two in that aspect, but Wagner is darn good as well."" - [CBSsports source](

""The biggest performance leap, however, came in coverage. Kuechley made the jump from a solid coverage linebacker to the best coverage grade at his position."" - [PFF source](

You can argue with me all you want and think he's no good at pass coverage, but when multiple sources say that he's the best coverage MLB out there, you are now also arguing with people whose careers are based on analyzing pro football.  And no, these are not bleacher report.  This is everybody."
"Until early this year I was almost exclusively playing ranked, but something happened, the amount of trolls skyrocketted very hardly, I can't find ranked matches that I can enjoy anymore, it's just ""I'm feeding couriers"" ""I afk"" 2 minutes into the game every game. It was making me angry and frustrated so I went to play unranked matches again.

People in unranked just try harder to win than in ranked."
Why are they wankers? For enjoying a tv show?
"If you read the article, it's pretty clear that they're saying that they can't confirm that it was him.  But to you point about others, likely they can't track down other folks with those addresses that are bigger names or have been in the news as recently.  It'd be one thing if it were, but that's not what happened."
"""There isn't really variety in the gameplay""

I really don't understand this point. This looks like the most varied MGS in terms on gameplay to date, and all the MGS games had this as a strong point. GZ was very varied with the many ways you can tackle missions. TPP looks like that but several times larger. "
">Each Underdark outpost is basically a fortified 
encampment. It can take one of the following forms: A small cave, *roughly 20 feet square*

I've forgotten my geometry -- feet square is different from square feet, correct? Otherwise that's one tiny outpost."
Is he allowed to go through your emails/texts/phone?
Funny I'm reminded more and more of Mulroney when I watch Harper at work.
"feral cats are a serious problem in my estate, from people just letting their cats breed around the place, like cats everywhere"
"""Oh dear.."""
At least I can sit around and chew gum there right?
Gimme like 15-20 minutes if that's okay? :)
"So that raises another question. What forms does it come in? Do I have to use a lighter and smoke a literal joint, or can I get it in another format?"
"Didn't they JUST say he wasn't leaving anytime soon?? "
"Their abilities aren't THAT different.

Both have a gap closer (Kha has leap, Rengar has Bola)   
Both have Aoe damage + Heal  
Both have AA powerup
Both have invisibility from ult

The difference is that Kha focusses on targeting isolated characters, and Rengar focusses on skirmishing and dueling.
Late game, only one of those is going to be a reliable tactic"
"Ah come on I know this is a lebron and wade hate thread but that was clearly a joke between him and the towel boy, who he knows"
I wish I could but that's still about a 10 hour drive from where I'm at.
Your so pretty!
"""It's so cold. I want to go home"""
Official statement from CONCACAF just released:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Because it's confirmed Mr. Robot is in Elliot's head.  As much fun as it was, this point isn't even arguable anymore.

Even if Elliot is the father and thinks he's the son, or if Elliot is a robot, or if Elliot is in a coma, etc. etc.,  he's been hallucinating Christian Slater's character."
Still i cant download it to my Galaxy S6 but works on my ex S3 mini.
"Well, thanks for the heads up anyway. Looks like I was too slow. :)"
"Well, 14 seconds of looking and it is clearly OP's blog.

Nothing really meaningful, but he knows a lot about music."
"No problem. Feel free to make a thread to theorize with other people about this.

If you link to my timeline, giving credits would be nice ;)"
"Thanks lad, didn't expect it to be free aswell! "
You are so young & blockage?
"Great stuff, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement worked, thanks mate!"
Maybe more than one floor?
"Check your healer's equipment and your party comp.  Is a PLD AST MNK MNK party capable of burning down a Brayflox Hard pull?  Yes.  Will it be fun?  Not even slightly.

At level 50, AOE dps is in the ballpark of: BLM > MCH > DRG > SMN (big gap) > NIN > BRD > MNK.  "
"Awesome work!
Is it possible to draw Fnatic next? :3"
"Unlocking my phone. 

It is such a hassle to look at my screen when I unlock it, but if I don't keep code/pattern on my phone it will open itself in my pocket. "
"[](/user/MockknighT)Thank you for your submission, but unfortunately it has been removed.

[Technically low quality images are not preferred here.]( Overly artefact-y and grainy pics make poor bases for photoshop battles, as they limit the quality of work that can be produced."
"It would be better if the water didn't look like septic ""grey"" water."
"1. That isn't really new news though. The Celtics' first, second and third priorities were trading up. They never wanted to make selections at 16, 28, 33, and 45. However, in the case that they couldn't trade up, they probably had a list of realistic targets who would be available at 16. And I'm sure Rozier was atop that list, since guys like Portis and Dekker were projected to go there adn the Celtics passed. This has been the case all along

2. I think it has more to do with *who* the Celtics are trying to trade with. So far they've offered picks to teams like Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, and Washington. All of those teams are trying to win now. They would obviously value a guy like THJ or Winslow over a pick two years from now. The Celtics want to make trades with teams that are looking to sell, not buy, and when that inevitably come along, they will make a very competitive offer."
"If you have an imgur account, you can enable uploading large images in the settings. [Example](

Sick wallpaper though, most arch wallpapers look kinda crappy. This one's awesome!"
">Oregon Pinot Noir

TIL Patrick Stewart has excellent taste in wine."
"I started playing for the first time in a long time recently.  I jumped off a platform about 250 blocks up and had a brief moment of panic on the way down trying to remember if 2 blocks was the minimum, or if I needed 3.  You're right, it's 2."
"""bleeding from your genitals isn't a bug, it's a feature!"""
"LBR Joust cards aren't getting in to the meta anyway. "
"I got my tongue stuck to a pole. Two days in a row. (But my mom did the same as a kid and the top layer of her tongue stayed on the pole--and the next day she saw seagulls eating it, so there's no clear winner there.)

It was omazing.
"No. She was a staff on the house committee that started to draw up articles of impeachment "
"Smok X, herakles, Milkman 6mg

Thanks so.much for always doing this and luck to everyone."
"Lol what? QTPie just won a game as Morde bot today. ""Lost"" lane and still managed to win a 2v2."
"What kind of title is that for an article? Like, of course Rick and Morty is influenced by Back to the Future. You'd have to be thick as hell to question it."
gives me a lil Juneva vibe. the vocals here reeeeeallllly need to really grow on me though
"It's possible that peoples energy levels were just depleted after Planet Terror. I know I usually don't enjoy double features and just based on my blood sugar, fatigue, etc, find the second movie to be not as fun."
"the core has not been the same since release. its changed quite a bit since release. lol  They havent done anything in the last month to fix all the issues, but its certainly not been the same."

There are several fan-made cards for **Dominion**.  A few of the **7 Wonders** modules seems popular.  I've seen some fan-made stuff for **Power Grid**, but I don't know how widespread it is or if there is any more out there.

There are tons of maps for **Age of Steam**.  As mentioned elsewhere, new maps and/or scenarios for wargames are a fairly popular fan contribution."
"If you're a certified shitlord (Check by taking this test: , Come to the +, + and join Chanada!"
"It isn't new, but it's been losing popularity."
"It honestly seems like ChrisJ really doesn't perform well when his team is down and under pressure. Same thing happened with him against HellRaisers.

He had next to no impact with his AWPing in the second half."
"ThanksI appreciate the help! Honest opinion, is the joke even good?"
sold mate is :-/
"Yes i multisummon =/
i have lvl 40 yamcha/tien/Chiaotzu (I cant evolve them more, cant i?)

N lvl20 Mr.Hercules (should i evolve?)
R lvl1 Mr.Hercules (differente photo from above)

N lvl 20 Videl (should i evolve?)

R lvl 39 Shugesh (with special attack lvl2)

Thanks for the help!"
"Except that breaks the idea of a fair justice system. You can't say that because this one guy ""obviously"" did something, we're going to give him a less fair trial than someone else. You have to be fair or the system doesn't work."
Another place you can look for help..."
According to the unofficial FAQ you do not.
"You're very welcome.  It kills me that so many people stay in shitty relationships because they feel like they can't leave unless the other person does X amount of morally reprehensible things.  A shitty relationship is a shitty relationship, and it may well not be anyone's fault.  It's still shitty."
Bout to write in your diary <3
"Looks as if Jackson Pollock designed it. "
"The black hoodies from the show don't have either a bottom rocker or an ""MC"" or ""1%"" patch. That was something FX specifically decided so as not to be rude to the club guys who were both actors and technical advisors for the show. If the hoodie has these things, it's a bootleg. 

But these guys aren't one guy liking a TV show without a bottom rocker or MC patch. They're a bunch of guys who are, for all intents and purposes, a club, riding and ""flying colors"" with at some of them flying bottom rockers, which *are* a statement that ""we claim this territory"". That's the point of a bottom rocker, period. "
"Dewey Cox is the only trailer that's ever made me laugh out loud. "
"did you sign up for selective service when you were 18? Or vote in any elections? Because I believe that is where they get the names from for jury duty.

I signed up for selective service and voted in national and local elections and been called for jury duty only twice. I am also 42. I have always found a way to get out of it because I work nights... and serving jury duty during the daytime would be like anyone else (working normal daytime hours) having to do it at 2am. And I am not about to ask  my boss for nights off so I can serve jury duty during the daytime when I am not normally at work.

Note: I have not voted since 2005

Edit: One time I was sent a jury duty notice (postcard) from a neighboring county that I never lived in. Was that a mistake? Or can they do that?  Can they ask you to serve jury duty in a different county in another part of the state? Like four counties over? We have BIG counties where I live."
"Yezidi are not muslim. Yezidi worship Melek Taus, the fallen Peacock Angel. Both Muslims and Christians consider Yezidi to be devil worshippers. The US government has a total ban on Yezidi refugees and through this is actively supporting the genocide against the Yezidi. Think about that next time you pay your taxes to support it."
"Extremely poor title, also there are Tomb Raider games titled ""Lara Croft"":

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

Apply yourself OP."
"Yeah, but he got elected on promises he could not have even hoped to fulfill. Anyone who knew anything about economics or business would have seen this coming from miles away"
"1. Chapter 53
2. Secondary character
3. Blood loss"
"Ugh this episode was so good!! I liked it a lot, and it's really sad that they got a new low in ratings just when they brought back real bells hide and seek. :/ Which is something a lot of fans have wanted to see returned. 

The editing was choppy, again (this has been a trend lately) and the acting at the beginning was super hammy, but the games were hilarious. The guests were also truly funny this episode and meshed wonderfully with the cast (it helped that they literally didn't give two shits about their images). 

I love that we got to see their personalities/the way they think, especially during the sneaking game! It was hilarious just how inept some of them were (also Jae-suk's luck is unreal). Also the Ji-hyo/Jong-kook face-off was the best, it was so funny that they were supposed to be competing but clearly did not get the memo and so acted like a team the entire time, kept shouting for each other and getting caught in photos together while giggling. (And KJK totally got criticized by the others who were watching lmao. Even the production crew took a jab at him in editing... ""we'rejustfriends.jpg"" when they got a little too touchy haha.) [spoiler](#s ""it's doubly funny because they were literally playing for different teams for the entirety of this episode, and they knew it too because they both got hints early, but were super buddy buddy the entire time"") 

[spoiler](#s ""I did wish the cops won in the end!! It was a tight race, and it probably made for better TV to have Gary pull off that narrow victory, but they did an awesome job in such a huge space and I loved some of their tactics--like Jung-min shouting out of nowhere to make Haha run out of his hiding spot. Also the three of them taking down KJK... sort of. I just wish they'd been more strategic or allowed to be more strategic about the car! either checked for their mission, or had someone steal Suk-jin's tactic and hide out inside the car to bust them right at the end. that would have been AWESOME"") "
I know you are set in your ways but... If you raise your arm for that rotator cuff movement you will get greater internal rotation. When you do it at your side your body will block your arm from rotating as far as it can.
"I wouldn't take that bet. "
"Haha, sounds accurate. I've found that any kind of ""board"" is just code talk for ""thing that people signed up for to have a sense of power.""

Sorry to hear. Hope things are better?"
I know what the fuck I'm talking about. You creatures can not feel love. That's impossible.
"I really liked economy in begining of the game. I was desperately trying to do witcher contracts just to have enough money for alcohol to make basic healing potions. Also, more importantly, it forced me to be very greedy - when game gave me an option to not take the money for killing a monster because the victim's family might need it more -- I absolutely took the money, feeling bad in the process. It was great!

Unfortunately, after like 10 hours into the game I quickly made a lot of money simply by selling weapons of fallen human enemies. And then, when my inventory was full of random swords, I only picked up unique or magical weapons. And I never had money problems again. Doing witcher contracts ceased to be a necessity.

For me, it didn't work. The moment I ceased to have money problems, I almost exclusively started doing only plot-relevant quests. I felt bad for ignoring sidequests, because fuck, witcher contracts are SO well made... But the fact that I was rich made me just stop caring about them. The tension was lost. 

Honestly, I think the problem is that selling stuff is just too profitable. If it depended on me, you could only make money from witcher contracts and nothing else. "
"My guess is propaganda or censorship plays a role in such a high approval rating. Doesn't make it right but the blame usually lies in governments and extremists more than the average person. 

I had a disabled Israeli veteran stay in my house on some sort of program. His younger, 19 year old, brother was killed in the conflict last year. He told me most people didn't want war, as well as that if you lived in Israel or Palestine you knew somebody who died in some form of conflict. 

The problem doesn't really stem from the God-given right. It happens because of the push/pull of politics. You want to give as little as possible and they want to take as much as possible. So they say you get none and they say that want all and nothing gets accomplished. "
I love that shirt
We've been trying to create things that don't exist for as long as we have been making movies.
"Small team but after some of the what she put me through I don't think it'll be a problem. I am hurt she said she is confused and afraid of commitment. And she wants to think about it till school starts in two weeks before making a decision. "
[](/royalhug)so whatch doin?
"canada just got rekt by mexico on mirage, this is going to be an epic game might go in on USA"
"How does Liz saying she doesn't believe his claim that he doesn't like to cuddle have anything to do with her lack self esteem? Austin is straight up delusional. Beyond belief. "
"That's pretty much it.  Plus it smacks of the denial that the ""land of the giants"" is a thing of the past."
"> synonym

"I am raising the limited Pomeranian army of 1,250 Infantry, 325 Cavalry and 375 Cannons and marching them to meet the Brandenburgian forces in Driesden. 

/u/hamburg30000 /u/Cerce_Tentones"
Adults with AS should try cannabis.
"This is the kind of esoteric point I go to Law Society CPDs for rather than Reddit! "
"That's what I get for posting out of dankrupt desperation "
"That is just another point where you are out playing your opponent. It is still you setting up a situation where you can have one member use a very unsafe move and another person use another unsafe move with it. Since there is no active hit box and both characters are just standing around it is easy to punish. The G&W is trying to catch a slow moving projectile so hitting him will prevent it from being caught, but you get hit by the hit box instead, or you can more easily hit Lucas with something. There is no longer anyone holding the opponent back and this prevents the hit box from coming out and a free punish on Lucas and G&W at that point. The only safe way to get this charged is to get in a position where you won't receive pressure, thus you are in a position where you have already out played your opponent."
"You should also turn on fullscreen.

> In terms of Dolphin settings, you should turn on Use Fullscreen. Dolphin has a feature called Exclusive Fullscreen which reduces GPU overhead to make it easier on the GPU.

from [Y-L's Dolphin FAQ on Anthers Ladder]("
"The trees have always been paintable, and the trunks at least are swimmable."
Up vote for converse.  Never found anything better.
Alrighty :D
"I'm pretty confused by it as well. "
"I would pour a little bit of the foundation out into the jar lid (or a larger flat surface if you have one available would be even better) and have the brush pick up product from there. You can tap off a bit there and that should help distribute the powder more evenly. 

I like flat top kabukis for application, personally. "
Go ahead and deposit now.
Looks so pretty
"Wow. If it is not as bad, I'd've hated to see it beforehand. Pandora does a great job of giving me new bands. Just wish Spotify would do the same! "
"> Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Great quote. And I enjoyed the article too; very well written. "
"Bad pictures. If you want a honest rating, then you'll need more natural images. A start would be not to cover your face. Anyway, based on what I see, I'll say a 6, but I have a feeling it would be higher if we got better pictures."
"Unaware of that, and actually the first time I've ever even heard of that to be honest. Who said that the dealer?"
"Over the decades they've been editing movies to cut scenes and angles faster and faster, to the point where you don't spend enough time in any one place to feel as though you were there to appreciate the place and the moment, and these rich CGI scenes, realistic looking or not, present more information than can be taken in, so the movie and ends and I can't help but feel like I saw a really long movie trailer. "
Yeah I'm always shocked when I see he is only 24
"Yes, [Grill]("
Not sure what to say other than I'm not a happy camper.
i have 700 burnt sharks coming your way :)
"Aye matey, don't take it in the knee for sure."
"In my opinion, any slots except func on Mew, Nurspy and Yeo are usable. "
"Carnivorous plants :) "
"If it were me, I would feel pretty safe except for the areas around the lakes along Kingshighway and the trails that go through tall grass near Steinberg skating rink.  But up and down Skinker/Lindell?  No problem.  "
Wasn't the rumor in the last GDT that Salvy dumped on another lady?
"Soviet Ukraine. And no, they were not forced or threatened, and they knew there was a 0% chance of survival. They could refuse, but they didn't."
"Mobile Suit Gundam
Great Teacher Onizuka
Lupin the Third"
"You might want to be nearby some game stores (and by that logic gamers).  The densest area would be between Hero's Emporium, Game Time and Game Preserve.  That area also encompasses Comic Carnival and eBash."
"Once i heard the music i knew what i was in for.

Then i saw the quality.."
Here I was thinking the eight players of Critical Role was an insane amount...
but how will banks get rich if they cannot pocket 10% to 20% of the money of poor people?
Ser fanboy de um puto que tem o mesmo sonho que todos neste sub (jogar pelo clube do coração) não conta como fanboyismo. É só benfiquismo.
::shrug:: reddit votes don't really matter
USAA all the way. Have never looked back.

I'm a mess myself. It's all good. Be you and live. Celebrate your skewed view on everything. "
"my reaction too, sticking with windows 8.1"
"The original comment said something like ""Finally a team I root for is winning!"" (refering to Team Secret).

Shortly after his comment EHOME started turning it around."
"So, how did the room smell?"
"To be honest. its been years since i read the comics so they could have changed it, but I remember that he is like 15ish.

Tails is 8-ish, Amy is 11-ish and Knuckles is 16-ish."

Put it all into GICs or high-interest savings. If the market tanks, you're leaving yourself *no* time to recover."
slay shay slay
Miz Swerve again !
"I agree with you. I don't think she ruined the season but she very grating and was the worst part of it. A lot of this sub agreed around the time it was airing, but seems to have had a turn around."
Lol this show is shit. Neither of these 3 should've been going home tonight.
Giant robots get destroyed by trans-dimensional aliens in the ocean.
"Your post does not appear to include a Steam profile link (e.g., If this is correct, we ask that you submit your post again with a working link. If this has been an error, [please contact us](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RecruitCS) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Just graduated from the program in June.

My perspective: If you're interested in the skills, concepts, and themes in geography, GIS, spatial analysis, spatial statistics, cartography, etc... it is worth it. I wouldn't consider it an easy program at all, and based on the fact that about 50% of the students who started with me in 2011 either failed out or are going back for a 5th and likely a 6th year, I don't think anyone should call it easy. Most of my friends who graduated with me this spring has great jobs already and even some of the ones who will finish next year do as well... It seems to have a pretty high employment rate among the students who actually have a brain.

The program has a bit of an easy reputation based on the liberal geography courses that non-Geo students take. Those classes represent nothing of the actual breadth and depth of the core geography classes. So you're on the right track to speak to someone who's taken the actual program.

Let me know if you have any more specific questions and I'll do my best to help."
guys - just fyi. Meduza are several disgruntled ex-employees of they are hell-bent on bashing russia.
"lol why were you wondering if i'd respond?

you're welcome :) uy best lead #notbiased"
What happened?
"The real question is, what the fuck is with ""This page intentionally left blank"" ?!

It's not blank! If it was really blank you couldn't have text telling me it's intentionally blank!!!"
"Bury ZZ the whole episode, not even in the bottom 3. 

This trainwreck of a show can't even get that right. "
"That's still $84 million a month, $1 billion a year in revenue. "
I saw it and I still don't believe it.
"He says it once "
"I thought the idea of this was while Goku and Superman are flying in space towards their destinations, they both get universe swapped. Maybe their pods go in a wormhole? So they start out in their own universe but quickly get switched over when it's relevant. "
You are braver than I
"Tilkis is such a great brotherly character. Forest knows both loyalty to Tilkis and fortitude. Aria has somewhat cliche personality ([betray](/spoiler ""*"")ing for somebody she/he loves), but her humour sense is lovely. Bamco SHOULD take them out of their world or remake their world. Really."
Once Lackey settles in he really settles in
Upvote guaranteed!
Guess I'll have to give it a try sometime! Pet your polar bear for me ;)
"It's ok, there will be like 3 or 4 of us ladies there Saturday to help him through these dark times."
"Oh?  Love that taste of dick, don't you sweetie?"
**JIA YOU!!!**
IIRC cellulose would be an example of this.
"My GT is Lvfted, I'm on Xbox One and I am up for anything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) add me for a good time"
"So, in Washington state and for $14.43 million?"
"I can't speak for Basquests, but I am only a mid-skill legend (rank 300-500) and I am currently rank 3 this season, will elevate to legend of over the weekend, so about a week."
"> I constantly hear that people believe that you only have one true love.

This is bullshit. This kind of thinking gets people trapped in bad, abusive relationships because they think this is their 'one love' and they'll never get another chance.

In reality, there are lots of people you can 'click' with and have great chemistry with. What makes it a lasting relationship is whether you have compatible lives and goals and you can solve problems like a team. 

In your case, there is a problem and your fiancée is refusing to even try to fix it, so you guys are not a good team and probably not good life partners.

Yes, people frequently find great, new love after breakups (and even after the death of a partner). "
"I'm ok with making sounds on a session by session basis. Keeps me on my toes!

A big plus that the Waldorf has over the Korg is the Midi Out port. Being able to integrate that with my DAW would be wonderful.  "
/u/cameroncac. Minimod needed? Lol
I need more of this than anything else ever in my life.
Lets get rid of Sara Lee. She is the worst of the bottom 3.
when im mexico anyone?
"Depends on the coin. For modern (1950s-date) coins it doesn't much matter because there are very few key dates out there. For earlier ones it depends because proofs weren't made every year, especially for dollar coins. 

"I'm sorry I already have a greninja, I hope your able to make the trade :)"
No. It wouldn't have been a triple. Flores has speed that's equivalent to Colon.
I thought mexico city was the largest?
"Why no HKP option for artisans?  Other than that, good survey.  I like the option to write in responses, though I imagine that will be quite a chore to sift through on your end.  :O"

You inspired me to share"
"this park is a big ugly wast of space and money "
"You can't make it to your first day on the job? I don't need you either. That's not being perfect. That's being responsible. "
"This is absolute bullshit. Generalized anxiety disorder is an illness. You can't just ""will"" through an illness. It is an illness that requires treatment in the form of therapy and often vacation as well. The stigma about seeking mental healthcare is already in place. You don't need to try to make people feel worse about seeking help for their anxiety."
"Cops don't watch until it passes the [301 threshold]( Official TPS protocol :P  
But yeah I'm sure he linked it to the cops. And also now this guy's plate is out there."
Butcher's Knife.
"Yep. I never even thought about international travel. That shit builds up fast. "
Wearing it to look bigger in this setup 'wardrobe malfuction' charade?
"The real question is would you still be an atheist were you not born in post 19th century Western civilization . . . and that answer is almost certainly no.  "
"What I found even funnier was CTY put down a trap for vision, but then immediately detonates it, and loses vision. He could have left the trap and attacked. "
Dallas Cowboy and Super Bowl XXVIII Champion Bernie Kozar. Fuck you Art Modell.
"is it even allowed not to post in caps in this?

"He *WON'T* screw it up. Because he'd be dead if he does.

*lights torch and arms pitchfork*"
Do your wires say NGK V POWER or just NGK
"Come, on Montero! Take advantage of that thin air!"
"That's a topic unto itself, but it can definitely save you time if you don't mind paying for it.  The expansion was only for toll lanes.  In general, most people are just crowding the existing two lanes as usual.

From a coworker that takes it occasionally, it's much faster, and the cost really depends on how far you travel as you end up hitting more toll sections.  "
Is this real?
"Yeah, the three times I've been to immigration here, I've been the only person there. They don't even have a queue number system or anything. Tokyo sounds like hell."
"yasssss wilmer "
"I have a 590a1 with the trirail fore end and run a tlr1hl on it. Works fine. "
This is a good point. I will add this to my comment.
"Is guided fate paradox worth the 10 bucks? "
He's the only player on the Fire to make the Skills of the month MLS video...for what that matters.
"Both blood splatter pops I own look like they have been attacked by a blo-pen so a straw could work. Coat the inside of one end with a tiny amount of paint and blow in the other.  

Fuck "
She needs to be on the Today Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda immediately.
"This is utterly beautiful. The design is wonderful, and the work also looks so precise. You've got mad skill!!"
"OP's mom arrogantly throws away wads of tampons monthly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Why are they wadded, you might ask? Fucking hell if I know. Some people double-stuff and make a real mess of it."
"Wrap your head around this: The Left in Kurdistan are actively fighting against Daesh and winning. "
Countrymen who wanted out.
Or Dipshit Donovan
"I put ""Don't Lose Your Way"" on mine. Now if only there a song replacement mod for Ryuko's theme"
"I feel for you. I have chronic pain conditions and use narcotics and cannabis. I always get treated like an addict even though I have never been addicted to anything. One doctor said I was in constant pain and suicidal because I use cannabis... And not, you know, the chronic pain that wasnt being treated because""its all in your head"". Last time I was there they wanted to put me in the concurrent disorders program even though I am not an addict.

It sucks that we get treated this way but this happens because there are a lot of ignorant people out there who come in trying to get drugs or a bed for a couple nights. No its not fair, but no one ever said life had to be.
who's dominick? why are there more new ppl being introduced
"An ironic name perhaps?

"oh is that it, im here to amuse you, like some kinda clown.

Stop dressing me up and Il quit dunking you ""by accident"""
its working!
"quantity of content/newness of content isnt what people subscribe to wow for. when you think of wow you think of this huge world of people that are only related by the desire to be the best in the world of warcraft. when every interaction with those people is reduced to a waiting que and the rolling of loot, you stop enjoying the game.

thats why I play nostalrius. gg blizzard, it was fun"
**EDIT**: Now randomly gives you a build along with your class.
Now swap James Cameron for Police
"It's homemade actually. Dyed a white gi

**EDIT** - thought i should mention, i found the gi at a Goodwill... thrift shops are the best for finding cosplay materials!"
This would allow players to link them in Melee weapon that has +1-2 to melee gems in this item
Paige is gonna save Chelsea i think
Oh this warms my heart like you wouldn't believe. Politics and social interaction (to me) is the greatest thing about Commander/EDH.  Thanks for the shout for the show!
"Previous Reddit thread, probably could make an askreddit thread and someone will source it, but no chance I'm filing through all of Gallowboob's comments threads to find it."
Cain putouts are the only consistant drink. Damn miller lite and baseball-less Hud
Karlie Kloss in that Express commercial has on the same blouse Ezra was wearing earlier in the episode!!!
"Chances are not anytime soon. Canada's economy is in a downturn (most resource-heavy countries are right now). The US economy is strengthening. This will put pressure to keep the exchange rate where it is right now, maybe even lowering it if stuff continues to worsen for Canada. How long will that last? Hard to say, stuff always changes. Everything suggests it'll be like this for a few years though."
"Nice, I've always wanted to run entry hazards in doubles! (Tried stealth rock in enter the dragon RIP) So sticky Web AND toxic?"
"I changed the last paragraph of my previous post. I think you're using the amp in a way it was not intended by plugging your headphones in. Copied this next bit from a [post](  

Preamp : it's the control unit of a system. Basically, it's a volume control and an inputs/outputs selector. In some case, it also incorporates a phono preamp (the signal coming from a turntable is very weak and need further amplification before being usable; it's also in need of some tonal adjustments). Finally, a preamp can be active or passive : a passive preamp is just a volume control and a few switches, it just attenuates the signal. The signal coming out of it can only be 1 or under. An active preamp puts the volume control between gain stages, in order to present a stronger signal to the amplifier and ease the pressure on the output stage of the dac and input stage of the amplifier. It also cures some impedance mismatches.

Amplifier : it's what gives actually power to your speakers. The weak signal of the DAC isn't sufficient to move the magnets of your speakers (it's in the order of a fraction of a W). The amplifier scales up the signal."
"Nah, it's just a wall-mart bike."
I don't think so. Her gun would get ruined in the shower.
It helps hugely that we don't have to bat him second every day.
Jellyhorn!!! ... Just not for me /wrists
"Clark is a cop? The moms are all on screen/drunk/locked in the D's basement??? What is happening ?? Caleb is the best bf ever, I need more wine. I'd totally sit on Rys' face all day"
We're Alive!
"Your best RI yet "
"Red light. No outs no one on first. Tex up. Not worth the risk. "
"Hmmm, I hear you. And I'm glad you're contemplating it. Now that said, there's a juice called panty dropper. And I'm not offended lol. But when I buy it...!!!! It BETTER be good. There's a line or company called fucking awesome ejuice that I'm just not interested in. I'm not bothered by it I just don't think it's funny or necessary? I like ingenuity in the names, creativity without being obscure. Lol I'm not demanding or anything. "
Hmm. Suppose you could put something in other. Sorry for lack of foresight on that.
OSX 10.9.5
"That is a legitimate point and an oversight on both our parts considering said Uncle Esquire would also probably consider that. "
"I understand that not all of these aren't durability feats, but they're pretty absurd.

Thor also drank the a portion of the ocean in one swig and lifted all of Jormungandr except the ends in the same poem. He also manages to walk 9 steps after killing Jormungandr, before succumbing to its poison. Thor was able to kill Thrym and all of his relatives when he was forced to disguise himself as Freya to wed.

Thor's son, Magni, manages to lift the leg of a giant off of Thor at 3 days old, when all of the other gods couldn't get it off of him.

Probably the most notable durability feat was when Odin hung himself from a Yggdrasil and stabbed himself with his spear, for knowledge. He didn't eat or drink anything those nine days.

These are just the ones off of the top of my head. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of any more right now."
he does indeed
"""voluntarily"" leave after threats of being burned alive? Can you not pull stuff out of your ass and  assume the world is blind to the atrocities Israel is committing."
Wanted to see Pillar swing at the 3-0 count just for the bm.
i miss /u/thunder_afternoon
"The should just be able to walk up to a ladder and a prompt will come up that says (hold Y to climb ladder) and then you can move down safely. This would work better than just walking towards it and praying you magically grab hold of it before casually strolling towards your doom. "
The hell are those two square ass towers
"> Have you guys seen Dr. Carson speak? Obviously he's unbelievably intelligent....but he's so ignorant when it comes to politics and political philosophy.

He's a terrible speaker.  As you said, he's extremely intelligent...but he's just isn't presidential material.  "
"My question is how would you plug a mixer into your scarlett 2i4? Considering that the mixer has a mic preamp and the scarlett has one too, how would you go about that the proper way without over-amplifying the signal? "
"You poor, poor creature.
I... I can't.... I got such fucking feels just now. I've watched this guys videos on YouTube....... These are such powerful and beautiful animals...... FUCK that Dentist!!!
I was at the gym but then I left.
"He said he also does it if he or someone else says or does something really sweet. "
"disagree there. Those best NFL/NBA or what have you players wouldn't be the best in soccer... maybe goalies, but we're pretty good there. It might be someone who didn't make it who never tried soccer (for the reasons you mentioned) and was only all right in other sports and they would be good in a soccer world. That being said other factors would have to change other than just talent. UNless I'm mistaken, only having a large talent pool isn't the only thing that makes a soccer nation great. "
"That's so pretty! I love the Gaelic spelling of things. It's still kinda wanky to adopt if you're not of Irish Gaelic descent, though. "
"> games are all about quality

Yeah, kids don't have to experience shitty 8-bit quality graphics, shouldn't that be a good thing?

> game videos can easily make a living now

Yeah, why shouldn't they? If you had an opportunity to do it for a living, I'm 110% you would jump on that shit immediately.

> everything is torrented now

If everything was torrented today, all companies would go bankrupt. + it could be torrented before as well, so I really don't get that argument.

And yes, I used a Walkman when I was younger as well, but it doesn't mean that it was good. Just because you used it in your childhood does not mean that it's in any way superior to today's technology (obviously)."
"Awesome. I'd wager you feel so much better mentally and physically right now than you would have after the donut. Sugary foods always make me feel lethargic and bloated. "
I am bark.
"I don't cry for much in movies, but the ending of Lord of the Rings made me shed a tear. Also Interstellar."
"Canby, Oregon does this to. I'm currently using fiber from them. It's amazing. Specially after using 3G for m home internet for the last decade "
"We shouldn't judge. Remember, the nobility ran things because they were superior to us peasants in every way."
The story alone makes it worth a buy for sure.
I think karma is imploding.
"Ok, you're EP. Your characters faction doesnt change regardless of VR ranks.  Daggerfall is the city you start VR1.  There's an NPC right where you spawn into the city that will tell you who to talk to for a boat to the newbie island (its VR1 also) or you can just go to the docks and find the person and ask for a ride there.

If you dont do the newbie island you'll be quite a bit short of VR2 when you go to the VR2 zone.  And then you'll be barely halfway through VR2 when you reach the VR3 zone.  Doing the newbie island just helps reduce how far behind you will ultimately get."
"Very versatile Brand name, but I'm not supposed to know about the field! It would also be a problem with rigid k-nets? Look, dog, you need to do is gain some sort of resemblance to the original copy?"
"Often abbreviated as ""ban"" or ""banned"". JD is so highfalutin"
"this, and your lands always look hella nice when they all match : )"
"Oh... Well, fuck. "
i like reddit
It happens; silent downvotes like these are almost vindicating in a way. Down votes without refutations.
Ok cool we may do the side cups instead of red cups!
"Skimpy clothing? Lower economic class?

Wittrock better be a go-go dancer.

That would explain why Gaga spends a lot of time in the ballroom ;)"
"Vegetarians typically don't deprive themselves from the wonders of animal products like gelatin, butter or milk. Those are vegans. 

EDIT: There's lots of discussion beneath my comment, but what you should know is the term vegetarian can be used loosely, while the term vegan, not so much."
"It needs a winch... it SO needs a winch.

[walk into the room, grab the hook]    


[attach it to the kid in the family room, push the button, dragging them through the house]"


Shut up 

I love u "
need to jerk more.
"How can we do this in Toronto, ON?"
"as long as your final form isn't shooting pool with a rope you'll be fine "
">  Most of the time getting triggered isnt that big a deal.

And here it is. This is what happens when something meant for people with PTSD from war or domestic abuse is trivialized to the point where it's just a word for ""made me feel uncomfortable"". "
I have never owned that much juice but I am willing to learn.
"I am a Soma fan but as long as I have a buttload of options I don't dig those extra brake bosses, and I was figuring I'd probably go for a bike with thru axles.  I spend most of my time on a CX bike -- I'm seeing more and more CX bikes with thru axles, people seem to love them."
"Here's my [battlestation] ( Solid wood table. Cool green/black/white case. White RGB mechanical keyboard with ""floating keys"" and Cherry MX blue switches. For the mouse it's a Logitech G502. Three monitors: One ultrawide, 4k, 144hz. The other two 4k 144hz monitors. There would be some posters on the wall itself (the monitors are wallmounted as well). I would also have some Assassin's Creed figures on the desk. On the other walls there would be stuff like Star Wars costumes, a sword or two hanging, my bow and arrows, etc. I'd also have my [Connor Kenway mouse pad] ( on my desk."
Good job Mark!
English morherfucker! Do you speak it!?
"They do say ""rounded scoop"" though."
Its cheap and usually not too crowded.  Charlie Yates in East Lake is a little more expensive but much nicer and more challenging.  Also they have a driving range.
"The ""Realistic Bullet Damage"" mod is one of my favorites at this point. It makes you play incredibly careful. 2-3 shots and you're dead. It makes you really take your time and carefully consider every move. "
I love Korea vs CIS games. so many action packed moments
Chocolate chip Bear Paws
So they're not real women?
"The entire sub reddiit is in the denial stage of death. Or in this case, of idra leaving."
Oooh you nasty!
"Lady, you spend all day getting yelled at and hung up on. You manifestly do not ""Got the power"". Play some old spirituals."
"Yeah, don't forget the Thursday night cholent. "
>Considering that the IDF outright guns down Palestinian stone strowers, I'd say equal treatment is already compromised. 

Considering this photo actually tells a different story and they used tasers against the Palestinians throwing rocks and when she froze, they drew weapons and escorted the policewoman out. They may have shot if they thought she was in trouble but she spoke up and said not to. "
"Oh man, this didn't go well when somebody asked it in the Ireland subreddit "
"If you need to be a priority before you've even gotten to know each other then it's probably best for both of you. "
"Cool cool, thank ya very much!"
"I gave this comment some thought as I was driving home from an appointment after work. I was going to reply back defensively that I don't work a manual labor job, but in all honesty your comment sucks. There's nothing wrong with working manual labor jobs. Manual labor built this country. You can work a manual labor job and be just as proud as someone who earned a PhD and works their job. Everyone does their part and that's what makes things work. So it doesn't matter that I don't work a manual labor job -- so what if I do? That doesn't make you any better than me, that's for damned sure. Check yourself. "
100k for bayo
i thought revere was a speedy groundball hitter that had an eye for the gaps. seems like all he hits are fly balls with good contact but not enough power to make them work out
"Same. Luckily this forced Time Warner to raise their speeds for free over here. Getting 200down/20up for $70 a month no cap. Was 30/5 before AT&T launched the giga service. "
Indians suck at running buisness or picking a logical buisness plan worked for 2 both stole from me.And are very sexest towards women im a guy but it bothered me.

To post a comment without an original photoshop please reply to this comment.

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Join us at /r/battleshops, search for templates at /r/cutouts or visit our discussion subreddit. 


*^(This is an automated response)* [^FAQ]( ^| [^Send ^Feedback]( ___thingId___&message=[Link to post](\) 'I like feedback')"
"I left it out cuz it's a long story. Developed a pain syndrome that's like fibromyalgia, to be brief. I guess I could leave it out but I wouldn't have quit, not ever so I suppose i feel like i want to communicate that. 

And oh how wrong you are on the witty banter.

Thanks for the feedback!"
"sharing , and helping out your fellow man"
"I am on LinkedIn, but not FB (publicly, because I consider that my virtual living room.) Would public tweets be a bad idea for a more online presence?

I am going to try networking. I never learned how so now is the time. "
"Oh man, i was just about to actually invest in that mount.. :( Please be a bug"
"Um, none. Everyone has their own set of circumstances in their lives, that lead to who they are and what they do. Perhaps you should try a more positive approach and use these things to inspire you rather than put yourself down?"
"If you're dedicated to a party, you stick with them. To quit the party in such a public fashion is opportunist. They should fit right in over on team orange. "
Golden monkey FUCK YEA. Victory beers are awesome. I recommend trying Dirt Wolf
"I don't.  I never said I did.  I was just posting trial transcripts stating that there was a lot more trash around the burial site.  If you watch videos of the area, you'll see just how difficult it would be to find anything significant under fallen leaves and other debris.

I categorically have said that, other than the unused condom, nothing they found is tied to Hae's murder. And...even the condom, I think it's a stretch as well. "
"I don't trust it, they don't have any certs not to mention those prices are too good to be true.

[But this is a dead giveaway.]( iPhone dealer??? WTF?"
"Yeah, China is 2034 sorry."
"We'll try our hardest, but we aren't promising anything..."
"This wouldn't guarantee extinction for two reasons, first we have cloned animals and I'm sure with 10 years solid continuous research and testing we could do humans, mostly what's stopping us is questions of morality but when it's necessary to continue the human race there's no more problem. Secondly if it's the men that die out there are enough unborn children and sperm banks that as long as the governments of the world handled the situation properly there'd barely be a problem, and again, cloning."
A disproportionate amount of minorities are aborted. If it wasnt for PP tgere would be a lot more blacks and Hispanics.
"McCann would look great on Broadway with that split "
"Indeed, though I get a raising feeling dealing with somebody as birdbrained as she is would get awfully annoying after awhile."
"This is definitely my way of thinking recently and I've become a much healthier person because of it. I'm looking forward to that video when I get home. "
It's on it's way out man.
"What do you mean, are drones. ;)"
"Driven down the block and then figured it out.  Not pull my fucking gun at any sign of provocation "
vote for pedro
"Sure. What's probably happening is a mix of pass the bug and opportunism. For example Microsoft may offer to fix some things in software, saving other parties a few cents, and in turn making them more dependent on Ms. Like the removal of the caps lock led that was replaced by a giant totally annoying popup icon in windows. 

As long as it works with windows *and* windows is providing sufficient sales everybody is happy (or at least grudgingly accepts the mutual benefits)."
Bought a Razer Blackwidow Chroma from /u/opiate2093
This show is so bad but I can't stop watching it :P.
Bad guys don't care whether they means they use are just. Good guys do care about that. Hence why it matters to pro-lifers that we use just means but Planned Parenthood could care less whether their means are just.
"Combining two animals in one shot, I would have zero hope. lol That is a great shot!

I think I was really over thinking it and setting unrealistic expectations, made up in my own head, picturing every photog I look up to shooting 20 shots, keeping 15 of them and calling it a day lol"
*I* don't say so. The provable facts of the situation say so. It's literally undeniable.
" ""...a cave in the woods. It is where I met my soulmate."""
Weird. Why are all the beat writers praising him then?
"Atta boy, Joc."
"YES! So, do we turn around and send them a bunch of that for wasting our time with their responses or what?"
Doesn't work in the vast majority of games. It's great when it does work though.
"Oh cool. That makes sense. "
"Well Diamondbacks are on the board.

[](/WAS) Nationals 3 [](/ARI) Diamondbacks 1 Top 4th"
"I actually hear that Trinity Force could be pretty good on him, with decent synergy on his Q as well as the phage passive."
Damn life that I got old so fast...
"Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up. I did get a bit confused about whether or not it was being matched from the way it was written"
"See now why didn't he write it that clearly in the article?

It doesn't 'strain' the AC, the compressor doesn't overheat and trip breakers."
"We are taking a picture together at this thing, man. Absolutely."
"Did I just hear  a ""Yankees suck"" chant? "
"That compliment needs a little bit of work, lol."
Yay more commercials and reruns with more than one minute of commercials between rounds
I bet that laundry maid regretted her kick.
"Why Bloom, exactly? "
"The last one doesnt go to their ow... Well I guess they do... "
"Hypothetically, If a man and a woman are both in that state, wasted but able to walk, and they both consent to have sex with each other, who's the rapist? If being ""wasted"" means their consent is invalid, then neither could consent. Did they rape each other? Or were they both able to consent, despite being wasted?"
"These are my mobs:

Not sure whether I should level up Drake or keep using Leon; or use Rachel or finish leveling up Sneak.

Any help? :)"
"Here is some info"

Just remember, their philosophy is not sexist at all! How could freedom be sexist? (cue rampant sexism and misogyny)"
"I think the best think you can do is to start having conversations with experienced, successful businesses owners that you respect and discuss your idea with them to get their input/advice. At the same time, I would sit down and hammer-out a business plan. The business plan (while debated by some as an absolute necessity) will really cause you to think about all the intricate details of your business idea and what you plan to do to successfully execute your plan. From there, if the idea still looks viable and receives positive feedback from the business leaders you spoke with, I think it's important to establish your company's brand identity and get a website up (at least a landing page). Then it's all about successful execution which is the hardest part.      

Hopefully, this was somewhat helpful. If you need any assistance with affordable branding & design services in the future, I would appreciate it you would consider my company, [Jumpanzee](, to help you out!"
"Put up or go back to talking to the cameras time. "
Video description says 485 deaths and 30 hours total to beat the entire game with voice commands. Still faster than the first few times I beat the game :(
That's a nice plan. Thanks for the answer!
Maoism is as much of a personal philosophy as it is a theoretical extension of Marxism-Leninism IMO
"Star Wars has drawn heavily on WWII since the beginning, and in 1979 you could have said the same thing about a battle in the snow."
"Honestly, ""I bet you don't have the nerve to kick me in the nuts"" is asking for it, literally.  I would seriously worry about someone who couldn't see the humor in a kid issuing that challenge and then it happening.  "
"Yeah, it is taught as a risk factor, but I am just saying I don't think I have seen anyone with a PE because of this. "
Abyss. 9 Hells are for Devils. Woooo fiendish technicalities :D
"My nanna, she died when my mum was 4 years old. From what I've heard, I'm extremely like her in personality. I think we would have got on really well."
"Yeah at this point they're little portable computers that happen to have a voice call feature. "
I really wish this had stayed Dinosaur Planet.
Results? Rape kits take 1-2 months to process.
"Stop drinking so much alcohol, and if you do want to get drunk on beer drink full calorie higher proof beers (light beers usually have a lot less alcohol per volume)  "
Maybe this movement should choose a slogan that is not really really really easy to misunderstand by a layperson.
"automoderator wont let me link to the original post. /u/lot3oo made these for the starcitizen sub. 


"Should I have gotten a notification that my flair application was accepted?  I provided my verification a week or so ago, but I never heard anything.  "
"You absolutely sure this is all legal? "
"He did qualify with ""If she ever gets better""."
Upvoting 'cause too funny to read.
"To be honest, I'm not even sure. Does ASPCA handle things like this? I hope someone here can give some solid advice on who to turn to in these kinds of situations.

And after reading the comments, I feel like I may have jumped to conclusions too.. I agree with calling the manager and finding out exactly what was the situation with the beardies in the tub. Maybe they're just misinformed and believed that beardies needed that type of environment. 
Please keep us updated, I would love to know how it turns out for those beardies."
"Sorry to discourage anyone here. But I actually am a biology student specializing in microbiology. I looked into this product and it is not as wondrous as it sounds for multiple reasons.

1. The bacteria it uses is in the *Nitrosomonas* genus. These little buggers are only capable of metabolizing ammonia. While they do have the ability to breakdown urea, a major component of sweat, it is not the only thing that causes mal-odor.

2. In addition to the severely limited metabolism, these guys also divide extremely slowly; it takes 20 hours to divide once with a constant food supply under perfect conditions. Conversely, *E. coli* and many other microbes only take about 20-30 minutes.

3. These guys are extremely vulnerable to soap. Like, absurdly vulnerable to it. Normally when you wash, soap kills enough of the bacteria to prevent a smell for several hours until the survivors repopulate. An entire population of *Nitrosomonas* can be killed just by a little bit of shampoo washing over where they are living.

4. B.O. is mostly caused by other bacteria breaking down other components of sweat, not just urea and ammonia. So even if you could get a sufficient population of *Nitrosomonas* built up to digest all the urea, all the other bacteria would eat all the other junk in your sweat and still cause B.O.

5. Because of all this, you would have to keep buying their stuff and applying it just like you do with regular deodorant already. What you get is a more expensive and less effective option.

It is entirely possible to create a product like they are trying to, just not with the organism they selected. Currently I am even working on it, and while I have some theories, I am not sure what can work just yet.
"Yeah...25,000 Egyptian Jews were expelled. I mean left voluntarily "
"I was honestly going to just get them hemmed by s seamstress. While revamping my wardrobe I made the mistake of buying shirts that were a little long to wear casually. I'm just hoping to make it work until I have the money to shop again. "
"Yeah I called them, they wouldn't do anything about it, basically told me, they were allowed to take any action since I wasn't hurt, and they didn't have to file the report with them because I was fired. As for the restaurant, fuck them, I could care less, the owner is going to jail for tax evasion anyway"
it may have gotten removed because the poster was harsher on Stras lol
I didn't see the initial post. But I would like to thank meow for not only posting a correction but deleting the initial post to prevent misinformation spreading further.
"Hopefully it will,as i have about 3 games to purchase before bo3 and i have to save up,so yeah :/"
"According to the wiki, *Huskar is spell immune while leaping toward the target*. NOT when the damage is dealt."
"Not downvoting you, but I gotta say that between the camera being so amazing, the sd card, the battery, and the novelty of the curved screen, I can easily overlook the fact that the phone isn't lightning fast all the time. That said, its way faster than my old iPhone 5, and I don't think it's much slower than the s6s and note 4s that everyone else in my family has. 

So while I might not be a ""power user"", the phone seems amazing whether or not a feature or two aren't on par with what I feel are irredeemably meh phones. But hey, it truly and honestly is 100% down to personal preference, so I think telling people to stay away from a phone because it's not the absolute best at everything isn't the most productive to the conversation, you know?"
Thanks for clearing that up man
"I really want it to be Mr. Peanut butter. "
"Show your friends these cards:

[[swords to plowshares]]
[[path to exile]]
[[murderous cut]]
[[victim of night]]
[[go for the throat]]

Tell them each to pick one and put four of them in their deck. Managorger Hydra will no longer be an issue, assuming they have a basic understanding of threat assessment "
We have more oil btw.
"I'm wary of a woman who asks me out, I do the asking out.  If I were him and I were interested in you, i'd definitely see the signs that you are interested in hanging out, so I'd take that initiative..

You could message him one more time and try not to sound desperate.... "
"Yeah this was the first time I wear the costume, I'm planning on making some improvements for next time. The hair is definitely going to be dark in the future."
"Feel free to add me. I prefer 2's to 3's as well.
"> Your sources where misinformed. I suggest that you look at more current research.

When I made a claim, you asked me to cite it and I did. You don't get to turn around and just say ""go research"".

And don't tell me my sources are misinformed either. My sources are the people actually DEALING with the problem. I think they have a BIT more first hand knowledge than wherever you're getting your info from.

> It doesn't matter if it were a 1000 gallons per acre. Glyphosate doesn't effect bees. Bees don't pollinate or eat the GM crops with RR traits.
The pesticide that MIGHT be associated with CCD is neonicotinoids, which have nothing to do with GM crops.
Seriously, you have be given loads of misinformation.

YOU'RE the one with misinformation! All I had to do was google neonicotinoids gmo corn and I found a page full of results talking about how (1) corn is a major protein source for honey bees and (2) GMO corn is treated with neonicotinoids.

[This website]( talks about how bees:

 * fly through clothianidin-contaminated planter dust;
 * gather clothianidin-laced corn pollen, which will then be fed to emerging larva;
 * gather water from acutely toxic, pesticide-laced guttation droplets; and/or
 * gather pollen and nectar from nearby fields where forage sources such as dandelions have taken up these persistent chemicals from soil thats been contaminated year on year since clothianidins widespread introduction into corn cultivation in 2003."
" i don't doubt that for one minute.. i was there last year and its pretty clear that things are going to go downhill for quite a while before they begin improving... 

living under a dictator will do that.."
"I'd be a punk ass bitch too if i was a ghost and couldn't even [spoiler](#s ""have indecent thoughts without risking my sanity and turning into a demon"")

But yea still that was a weak ark "
That's Ardougne.
Don't bet on it
She looks like a very good girl. Give her a hug from an Internet stranger!
"Phil Mackenzie ( Canadian international who plays for sale sharks) did an ama over on /r/fitness recently. His blog has a routine that should suit you. No gym required! It's HIIT 

I would also recommend sprint training. "
">their jobs

...which is performing a safe touchdown of a 500 ton precision instrument which is, behind space vessels, the product of the pinnacle of human understanding in several dozen fields of knowledge while knowing that a mistake in the procedure will lead to the almost certain death of not only themselves but the two hundred or so lives on board?

Sure, it's common but that doesn't make it any less impressive."
"Thank you! I will admit though probably 50% of what I taught him was mindset, not neccesarily mechanics XD
"I'm curious as to what your idea of ""pacing"" is."
"racism is not hate.

I hate bad food.

I hate bad video games.

I hate bad film.

Being a racist is just racist.

I'll leave you with that and hopefully you think about it"
"Very accurately landing shots with the HE grenade launcher on battlefield 4. Actually anything involving explosives in that game. "
"10 Team NFL Standard, I had the last (10th) pick

- QB: Drew Brees (5.50) ; Joe Flacco (11.110)

- RB: Jamaal Charles (2.11) ; Mark Ingram (4.31) ; TJ Yeldon (10.91) ; Ameer Abdullah (14.131)

- WR: TY Hilton (3.30) ; Amari Cooper (6.51) ; Sammy Watkins (7.70) ; Roddy White (13.130) ; Pierre Garcon (15.150)

- TE: Rob Gronkowski (1.10) ; Vernon Davis (12.111)

- K: Mason Crosby (9.90)

- DEF: Rams (8.71)"
"Not to those who survive but then suffer from radiation poisoning, they go through hell, while firebombing wouldn't put them through that, it's a cruel weapon that had consequences that weren't known at the time "
What you make your purpose in life
"I don't know how to write short stories either. Every one turns into something longer. The one I posted today is the first one I've successfully stopped in time to make it a true short story. The only short stories I really like are Ray Bradbury's, but I've been trying to branch out. 

If you want to give the challenge another shot, my website's open to anyone who wants to take it with me. You could post a link to one of your finished ones.

I'm still working out the kinks of how to let others share their projects. I'm thinking of a post with the names of authors and a link to their work for the week. 

What about the inside of the stem?
"Had to be done "
"He was drinking earlier. Refused to talk to me. "
"With a bunch of women not helping him "
"I'm using a Combat-Potion build with backup from Signs. Maxed out the first two Quen abilities and the first in Axii. I find Quen to be very useful although I am still figuring out the best times to use its alternate mode. I've found that to use Quen constantly, you need to be good at dodging and that you should be using light armor or keep a tawny owl handy. 

If you are planning to use signs defensively as I am, it's best to choose two from Yrden/Quen/Axii. I think if you are using Medium or Heavy armor, then Yrden should be better than Quen. "
TIL Comcast is literally Satan
"Oh ffs... I'm hoping this guy has someone waiting at his house to take him into custody. "
"No, you don't understand!  I can totally make it through the narrow space between two flaming semis, even though five other drivers have tried it and failed!"
"Study high, test high, get high scores"
"*Not pictured, [Surprise Rolling Konchu]"
They're your teams' logs.
"We marathoners look down on 10 K runners. 

The original screenplay/idea behind Kevin Smith's 'Hit Somebody' comes to mind as an out of the box choice.
"7x9 cm? That's huge. Glad you beat that "
Brilliant timing :)
I'm a yank.
Gotta go blow your nose with all of those tissues?
And your dad looks like Woody Harrelson.
Fuck your toy. Strayan fauna bitch!
Don't they become marketable at the end of this month?
For Benitez or Martin?
"I know a friend who wears one. If you like it, buy it. Personally I'd rather just wear a watch instead, but rock it if you like it. "
"Along with the series. Never say that this is great!

 ~ pizzaguy276


[^^Info]( ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)"
"""Literally just woke up when I saw your text... x""

"And of course, I've never been to Hobart haha"
"Yes. (Presumably taking a tour with the other Bronycon guests.)
I just purchased the Iluminage Precise Perfect Touch. I have only used it once but it is so easy to use.
"Seems I can do the second stage at a better rate, and haven't gotten any debuffs regardless. I just need to upgrade my 2/4/6 to +15 and I think it will go much better. I have realized that I would MUCH rather run atk/atk/atk though, because crit animations and I am theoretically 5% off the crit% cap against fire mons anyways so I don't always crit, but I got super lucky with upgrades on these :("
"holy shit. It's 2 in the morning, and that is loud! Volume warning. You scared me; congrats. "
Yeah man time to separate each outfit into outfits that have 12 max members.
What vape are you using?
"To be fair, that actually was a nice deal. I got me a TV, and I also got me a bluray / console player."
I still remember the early days pubbin' and when we were first starting to get lrn2tagpro to be something.  You were always willing to help even though there wasn't anyone that really wanted it haha.  You've had a solid TP career and will be looking forward to seeing you in pubs. D-CAPS!
"The 2005 NLCS was like this for me in a way. I was 13, and my father, for the only time, turned off the tv when the Cardinals were down in Game 5. I followed suit. He didn't believe me the next morning when I told him Pujols won the game on a walk-off. I haven't quit on a game since."
Yeah but not in Tomahawk size.
I'm still technically correct. But the ip and the creation of GoG predate the creation of Fallout.
"I would hate to be you, 80 on the highway regularly, 45-60 in the city"
"also - I don't have the source for this because I saw it ages ago - but I read an article a while back about the nature of the various systems that make up government, & how they basically run themselves.

we get the impression that the head of state can control everything that happens under them, but a lot of the systems effectively operate autonomously, and it's very hard to change their behaviour, because it's so ingrained - they would have to be fundamentally redesigned from the ground up to effect a different product. it's the nature of the input, the relationships inside the system between the humans involved, the nature of the processes they use, the way the data is manipulated, the effect of media pressure, political pressure, diplomatic pressure etc. etc. that determines what actually comes out the other end & the real-world actions that are taken by that organisation.

so you can say to a president ""why haven't you stopped X from happening, or Y from being such an amoral asshole organisation"" but the fact of the matter is, it's very hard to fix a lot of governmental systems. the problems are systemic, & breaking them up to sort them out is an incredibly complex & expensive process which also provides opportunities for things to go massively wrong while you're doing it.

it sounds like a nightmare of a job, really"
"I do it when someone is taking forever to explain something I grasped within the first five seconds of the conversation. "
That's okay with me :D
"I think cheaters have been slowly coming back for quite a while at this point. Almost a month ago now I decided to give ESEA a shot due to the cheaters. I'm DMG and my friends are DMG - GE and when we play ESEA most of our games are pretty even considering most of the people there are around LEM+, but when we go play MM and my GE and LEM friends play on their MGE smurfs we get absolutely fucking shit on. Every single game. I can't remember the last MM I won. When there's Nova 4s and MG1s out fragging and stomping a GE, LEM, 2 LEs 16-3 nearly every game, you know something isn't right. "
the problem with this card is that the best support in the deck doesnt have clothes trait and you alao run events so you almost never hit for the combo
Caddyshack. 1 of my all time favorites.
"There is no information yet. That said, Tempest has been running for only a month. It will go for two more months at the very least."
"Porcelain dolls. Damned things give me the uber-creeps. "
"What are you ranking these countries by? GDP? "
"Oy vey, the goyim know. Shut it down Lee Kuan Yew."
That sounds so true it scares me.
">But I am sad, because this sub looks like it's a part of the SRS 'fempire' :C

Is it? Why do you say that? 

Even if it is, better than being associated with the racists and sexists."
Drugs and alcohol are bad... Mm k
that guy is hatin on ez mode. he hates us 'cause he aint us
"Everything he says is disparaging to Jewish people. So, yes it is antisemitic. Try to argue from your ""logical and semantic"" high horse all you want but you're wrong. "
"Actually I think you are in perfect situation to thrive!

Power through. Maybe read this sub and respond, read stuff from YBOP, read a book, watch a couple TED videos. Go to work and focus on doing exceptional there and learning new things there.

You are at the door way of your ""Best Week"" yet. The key in your hand is to stick with and commit to Nofap (even at your perceived lowest point).

Will look forward to your updated post next week, ""How I had my Best Week yet"". 

Did someone say Heresy?
">didn't your mum and dad teach you manners 

>You are a fucking joke and one massive hypocrite cunt.

Now that's delicious juxtaposition."
I've never heard of a vendor asking for a specific color. That comment you linked to was from a year ago too so i think that's just outdated. Also different states differ color
"Wow. Perfect "
"Vigilante justice is at least as common as rape victims being sentenced to balance rocks for purity. "
"Yeah but chances are she's never going to be alone after level 20, or well before that, even."
Because you wanted to see a man with two dicks.
"His turrets do magic damage. I can't give much advice about how to play against him specifically, but in terms of knowing what kind of damage he does, you can always check the [League of Legends Wiki]( 

If you're in the middle of a game, every time you die you can click the death recap in the middle of the screen and it will tell you what kind of damage was done to you (magic, physical, or true) as well as how much was done with each ability."
"2 of our teammates disconnected so our bots are destroying the other team. Seems like the bots and server works, but the players just have insane ping "
"He's *going to lose the primary*. Historically no Democrat besides Obama has been able to win an election without the blue dogs. There's no way Sanders is going to get that middle of the road Democratic support in the south. Oregon/Washington/California (even if he does win the primary) don't have enough electoral votes to carry an election. As many liberal kiddies as we've gained over the last 10 years, Oregon still only has 7 until 2020."
"Depending on the rest of the porno, it could be anticlimactic."
"My main job is entry, but sometimes my whole team might have rotated, so I stay at my spot and just lurk there. If I ever find an AWP on the floor, I might use it, unless the main AWPer wants it. I'm also not the only entry, so if my team mate is entrying, I'll be behind supporting him. Its all situational really."
"Samurai would not bother with armor or spears as katanas will cut through them all. Maybe they will carry pavises to protect them from arrows which can be dropped as soon as the fighting gets hand to hand instead. Katanas cut through all fortress doors leading to an age of chaotic mobile warfare as bands of samurai and ronin spread across Asia. Unless the Mongolian bow is as powerful as fans say, in which case Mongols conquer Japan and all Eurasia as their arrows go strait through any shield and armor and the ten men standing behind them.

Katanas are not the only swords made from folded patern welded iron so does this mean iron age and migration era swords also become super strong and sharp?"
Automated car auditor.  Basically people will have to go over the reports cars will probably be legally required to generate to make sure the cars are 'behaving' normally.
"Well you know what they say, money can't buy you happiness."
"Fear. Creates a fight or flight response, resulting in superhuman abilities."
"Koke is almost certainly future captain material for Atleti. He's a Madrid born Spaniard, beloved by his fans with unlimited potential and no incentive to leave. Man oh man would he be amazing for Bayern but we have not a chance in hell of signing him. Besides, if Bayern *were* going to shell out something like 65 mio, Griezy would be a better option. He's the type of player that could easily slip into Robben or Ribery's role as a versatile winger with tremendous goal scoring threat. But again, another player that is unlikely to leave."
Mañana dictan auto de formal prisión a Dueñas por esa entrada.
If it happened to a Republican it would make sense.
"Who would have thought that one day humanity one day would be so advanced that ""TIFU by getting drunk..."" story could end with ""...and I have figurine of my self to prove it"""
"She sounds like an ignorant fool who is probably going to stay that way all her life because she loves the sound of her own damn voice too much!

No cashier should ever comment on a customers' purchases! And definitely not with such inflammatory opinions. 
"One site tried the background checks, and it died, as far as I know. 'Truth' or something, it was called. "
"Typo on purpose... ?

"You're mind is now under SJW control! You are ours. We will be in your every dream, your every thought. You will see us appear in the mirror behind you. Never will we let you rest for a minute. Watch your six cause when you fuck up, we'll be there to catch you."
How long did it take you?
"Thank you for saying that, I was just trying to explain that to a friend the other day. "

A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early
adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five 
(or more) of the following:

1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do
not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in
Criterion 5.
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships
characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization
and devaluation.
3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self
image or sense of self.
4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially selfdamaging
(e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless
driving, binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal or selfmutilating
behavior covered in Criterion 5.
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self mutilating behavior.
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g.,
intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a
few hours and only rarely more than a few days).
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness.
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g.,
frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe
dissociative symptoms."
It was hail. Source: I got hailed on.
"> But you can't punch someone in the face and smash their head into concrete because someone is following you while on the phone.

But you can't shoot someone dead because someone punched you in the face and smash their head into concrete.

edit: Forgot I was in /r/news. Subreddit of the free."
Oh no. I'm not letting you get away with that one.
"Hahahaha hope you come back now!... It's 1v4 tho, so if I didn't like it. Wednesday night if anyone is keen for an auction draft **IF** there are 5 entrance and exit portals! "
"The plaster walls are actually only on two levels: Overdose and Safehouse. Since you can't use guns as Biker, this means Overdose is the only level where a Sneaky Shot is possible."
"Meh..I buy one style of jeans because they fit me so well, Levis 513.  And I have 6 different colors.  Same with simple vneck shirts.  I also have converse chucks in different colors."
I feel like the people that are the most depressed or pushed to suicide are usually the people that present themselves as the class clown and are super energetic and extra. On the inside they are a totally different person.
"I despise drifting. The WRX was a close second, but it feels heavy and is very hard to judge. My budget does not allow for 20000 cars, so the brz is out."
And they've never had a great pitching staff. The years theyve been good they were carried by their hitting
Yea dude why do you think i texted you shave
"I've only identified with female clothing, very specifically, heels and dresses.

And even for dresses it's not those with a plunging neckline or revealing back but really conservative styles

Maybe I'm really into robes and not dresses.

Does that mean I'm actually female inside?

But I love my privates a lot and can't imagine myself wearing female underwear or having female privates at all."
"And thank you for blowing her reaction out of proportion. People here seem fine with throwing rocks at legislators, but when they flip a fucking cash register, it's the end of the world."
"I'd like to enter! Thanks for hosting this contest "
"Damn now you make me want to carry my little chain reaction yoyo from middle school around. Yoyoing was so damn fun. "
"Jesus that's a boring answer. "
"We're sorry, but your post is in violation of our rules. You must include a buyout in the post **body** of every thread posted [**exactly as specified in this thread**](, unless there has been an exception made by the moderators for any particular reason. Please also take this time to [examine our rules]( for future reference.

If you intend to contact us about this action (or any other ones), please ensure that you have read this comment in its entirety (making sure to read through any relevant links) and make sure you grasp a full understanding of what it means *before* contacting us.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
Fuck i knew i needed a shovel!
"Also - Some credit cards offer price protection. "
"Thanks. It really did take a long time, just wish I had been a bit more prepared and gotten more details in."
"just went through a hard junior year to the point it cause depression and i needed to seek help from doctors. anyway to avoid this as a senior? "
"Mark my words, we're headed for another Nader/Gore situation. Nader's a hypocritical idiot who is full of rich white guy socialism while his PIRGs don't pay a living wage. But! People bought into the cult of personality. Gore deserved the votes, he was a good politician and a good VP. But we have the Supreme Court and Florida to thank for pushing Dubya over the edge."
Why overwhelmed?  She type in Thai and all your tranny porn come up?
"You don't need a gym. I lost about 50 of those pounds without ever going to the gym.

I don't think you need any special diets. The only thing I drink is water. I track and measure my food 97% of the time. It's possible.

Ajeel's scale is a bit larger though; Juvia has some catching up to do
"Yeah exactly. But that means I would have to take the Ampharos out of the 2 protective layers I put it in, possibly causing damage. I realize now I should never put them in non-clear backs because I'm honestly kinda scared to take it out of those two packs. As of now it has not been touched by human hands prior to opening, If I can find some gloves or if I figure something out I'll slip it out and take pictures but even just taking it out of the sleeve could cause a stupid scratch somewhere on it."
"It would be wage theft if you were an employee.  But you see you are an independent contractor with zero employee rights.  This is just one of the areas they screw you. 

Now you starting to see why people say the ""sharing"" economy is bad for workers?  Prime example. "
"Being conceited is very Bad Manners! "
"I thought that season was shorter because of the 5 double length episodes. "

Here's a good rundown. America's Test Kitchen definitely has good content, but I'm not sure if it's free.

I do a lot of cooking at home, so for me more and higher-durability is better. But if you're an occasional cook, I'd recommend the following:

12"" stainless steel frying pan with lid

2 qt stainless steel sauce pan with lid

8"" non-stick frying pan (lid optional, mainly for eggs - this will wear out and need replacing every few years)

6 qt stainless steel pot with lid (pasta, soups, etc.)

6 qt Dutch oven (I'm happy with my Lodge Logic after 7 years)"
"With a lot of trial and error, you could probably do this. I don't think it would work by just packing different size gel caps around one another - they dissolve very fast. You would want to mix the adrafinil into a wax (beeswax?) or cellulose, then put it in a small cap. That would already give a delayed release. You could then add more delay by adding more layers of the wax around the initial capsule.

It might actually work better with straight modafinil in tablet form in the center, or pure adrafinil in a central cap, because that would give you a true delayed release where a long time passes with no absorption, then it all gets absorbed in a short amount of time.

Would be a pretty fiddly job though, and you would probably want to experiment with something else than adrafinil first. You could get some beetroot extract powder or tablets and use those - the betalain pigment will turn your pee red very quickly after they are digested, so you can figure out how long the time delay is for different types of wax or other matrix. Alternatives would be vitamin B12 for yellow pee, or vitamin B3 (niacin) which will make your skin turn red but is harmless ('niacin flush')."
Shut up George and write the books
"That's kind of rude. If someone was afraid of public speaking, which is a common fear obviously, you wouldn't tell them to ""get over it."""
How has your trek on tinder been?
Ah i was using handphone with bad screen  thanks for notifying
I'm sure it's just his imagination magic
"I don't know. This post is meant more to ask how Leffen's play isn't more flowchart than Mango's. I wanna exactly know what in both players play discern from that/add to that. Like, to my untrained Leffen plays so optimally constantly, which you can't do without being flowchart. Simplicity and guaranteed fox follow-ups are his tools for his bread and butter play. 
"a voice of sense, finally"
I always thought guy 3 was a bit of an douche.
Make it look like an accident BLADE!
"The twitter page is now gone. Thanks google for the web cache."
"Yeah thats as low as Kanye actually beating Kim. "
You have made the right choice in selecting Magento to power your online store. Magento today is undoubtedly the most popular content management system for creating and managing e-commerce stores. Being open source it is being fast adopted by small and large businesses alike to power their virtual marketplace. Its ease of use makes it very popular with the people.
You completely ignored the second part of my original comment.
I'd love to talk with you. I love writing and a lot of old 60's music. What are you doing at the moment?
"Isn't it still St Louis Bread Company in Joplin? That's not really metro, unless you're counting all of Missouri. It's been a while though. "
"have you ever heard of the saying ""don't feed the troll""?

because clearly no one has"
you forgot the /s
"How so? The rule has been in effect for an hour and can easily be tweaked to how you guys want it, I'd hardly call it a Nazi regime lol."
所謂粛清ですね。歴史は繰り返しますなぁ。お前は革命精神が足りない、粛清する、みたいなw いや、普通に楽しみです。
"Exactly. A lot of our fans actually enjoy being underrated early on because we get to show up other people. Also traditionally our teams play better with less expectations on them.

And I kept wondering when we'd get our time of day on your list. I'm glad you, at least, know that we're a top 25 team. ;)"
This is how I feel everytime right after I realise my misplay.
"Huh?  Isn't it plebian? "
"since its the police that kicked in the door and made the arrest, there's really no question whose negligence resulted in the loss of her property."
"That '06 national title game, man. I was 10 during that game and because it was the title game, my dad let me stay up past 10 for the end. And it was so worth it. God bless Vince."
"There are some hushed rumors of Pride starting again. 

Open weight matches, less weight classes, soccer kicks, the ring and 8 man tournaments here we come!"
where do I audition? This part was written for a stud like me ... Want to get come coffee ? I have the cream:P
"Stay strong. You're brave. I know it sounds overused, but you're here for a purpose and I, for one, wish I had half the bravery you do. I wanted to join the military for the same reason, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because I felt I wanted to join for all the wrong reasons. 

I'm here if you need to talk. Really. For what it's worth, thank you for your service and sacrifice."
Thanks. We're really busy tonight and I just wanted to nip the misconception in the bud.
Looks like a doily for boobs.
[It is known.](
They are per definition role playing games. They have their own character who gets sttonger as you advance the game so why the fuck shouldnt they be ? Just becausd you dont like them ?
"Your cat appears to be in respiratory distress and needs to be taken to an emergency vet now. "
CT keeps winning new strat new meta NA
"You should read the article on the Tampa Bay Times.  And yes, I have read the Politifact article.  I'm pretty sure I've also edited it once or twice over the years."
"We did it boys! First 1:40 ever, so clutch"
Gavin's foot at the end...
"they're going to check up on him tomorrow. he was nauseous right after getting hit, but apparently it wore off and he just had a slight headache."
"I spent about 4 hours on each stage to get my best time, so overall this took about 32 hours (and about an hour of editing) to make this video. It is all actual in game play from a real Nintendo 64 with a capture card to my laptop. 

Each stage is played on its Ecpert difficulty. Other than Glacier Coast, currently none of the stages have ""Official"" World Records. These are all the best times available on each stage to watch anywhere on the internet.

The version of the game I used for these is NTSC-J Shindou, the re-release version in japan that supports rumble. This version also has other differences such as changes in the music, the ability to race your ghost in the form of a dolphin, and some other minor things. 

The color I am using is alternate. You get the alternate color by holding up at the character select screen. I am also using an alternative camera position.

People always ask me about what tuning I use. In this case, D. Mariner uses this: -x---------  ----------x  ----------x while M. Jeter uses something like this: -----x----  -------x---  ---------x

I hope you enjoy the video, I have spent many hours on this game."
[mirror]( that doesn't redirect to spam on mobile web
Sorry i slightly took over your thread with this.
">[...] wonder how many got snatched up by the govt then.

You might want to have a look at [IARPA Projects](, [DARPA Projects](, and  the [In-Q-Tel Portfolio:](

>Launched in 1999 as an independent, not-for-profit organization, In-Q-Tel (IQT) was created to bridge the gap between the technology needs of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and emerging commercial innovation. We identify and invest in venture-backed startups developing technologies that will provide “ready-soon innovation” (within 36 months) vital to the IC mission. These technology startups are traditionally outside the reach of the IC; in fact, more than 70 percent of the companies that IQT invests in have never before done business with the government.

>As a strategic investor, our model is unique. Our investments accelerate product development and add mission-critical capabilities with the sole purpose of delivering these cutting-edge technologies to IC end users quickly and efficiently. By focusing on commercial technologies and investing side-by-side with venture firms, we leverage outside funding to help develop sustainable technologies using off-the-shelf products instead of custom-built solutions. **On average, for each dollar that IQT invests in a company, the venture capital community invests more than nine dollars.**

See? I'd say that's a hell of an incentive. Here's a 2006 article about the Highlands Forum process that started it all: 

[""Start Your Idea Engines--an inside look at one of the most exclusive intellectual clubs in the world-and how you can set up your own brain trust.""]( 

More on Highlands and the Defense Innovation Initiative here: 

[How the Pentagon's Skynet would Automate War]( 

Speaking of which, here's an article on DoD's ""lethal autonomous robots"" (LARs): [John Arquilla--""Meet A.I. Joe"".](

IMO, the real reason ""transformation""-oriented defense analysts are pushing for this shit is that it takes power out of the hands of Congress and the Executive Branch, bypasses a lot of the messy bullshit from ""backward thinking"" generals caught up in CYA politics and idiotic turf wars and places it *directly in the hands of the strategists themselves.* What better way to ensure the operation goes smoothly than to be the one programming the networked swarm of units directly responsible for the action? Make no mistake: this is OCD control freakery writ large. See also the concepts of [Network Optional Warfare (NOW)]( and how individual [RMA]( enthusiasts are encouraged to ~~brainwash themselves~~ enhance their collective situational awareness via the concept of [Information Dominance Self-Synchronization.](

Yeeep. Christ on a stick. What a time to be alive. :( 

TL;DR: pew pew pew PEW! Or something. lol

Bonus track: [Livin' In My Dreamworld.]( lol"
Smother them because life will be able to knock them down a few pegs
"Before these laws, Arla made Feta cheese to Danish customers. But this was produced from cow milk, where Feta is made from a mixture of goat and sheep milk. So it wasn't the same ""style"" of cheese. It's a different cheese. And are you sure American producers aren't doing the same to lower production costs?"
"All livestock are GMO's, we bred them for certain traits over years. Same with dogs, most dog breeds didn't exist 150 years ago. It's the same thing with plants we picked traits we liked and ditched the ones we didn't like over time. "
"You tell your father as soon as you are invited to the event that you ARE bringing your boyfriend, your father makes his own choice from there.  You are not excluding your father, you are including your partner.   Do not listen to any yelling or put downs about this.   If you are old enough to get married you're old enough to stand up for your partner.

If your family is so ignorant as to trust your fathers opinion rather than interact with the person that is right infront of them thats also their fault.

And yes, it is obviously about age but since we can't change that you either have to realize you'll NEVER be able to bring your partner around your family and get over wanting to, or you'll eventually have to bring him to an event.    Its been a very long time since you two started dating.    Its about time to choose."
"I feel like in certain fields its beneficial to be in a union, and in others its detrimental. Even in the same field depending on the state you may or may not make the same choice. My father worked as a carpenter for a good portion of his life and the unions around here were seriously costly, and as far as he saw, didn't ever benefit him or his co-workers. However, the local electrical/cable worker unions around here offer awesome apprenticeships and training and seem well worth it. Do your research and ask your co-workers friends/family.

TL;DR unions, your results may vary.
Obvious advice, but someone's gotta post it."
[Is it really now?](
"Yeah that's pretty much what I think too about his business writings, I guess you cant be a ""Chief Belief officer"" and stuff like that without making stuff up. I have seen this is some of his articles and I skip them. Quite frankly it seems a bit like hr is pandering to the audience who is looking for ancient knowledge to run a better business. This is an exercise in futility. However if you readbhis book like myth=mithya or the pregnant king, you will find them devoid of any such side-stepping."
"It's hard to say since what you've given us is not the opening to a plot, it's the main character. What I can tell you though is that whilst some or your writing is a little samey, predictable and at times very melodramatic, I think the idea of a bolemic/anorexic main character is a good one. It would be a very interesting character, could give good insight into the issues and influence a plotline in interesting ways.

I would also say that as a story opener, this fulfils the major requisite, which is to make me probably want to read on.

What were you thinking for this piece? Do you have a plot? What length are you thinking?"
"I'll redownload league just to contact you or like tweet at you or something. 

Say hi to doublelift for me when you're at worlds. I'm sure he won't have much time to talk since he'll be busy beating everybody there. God dammit im so sad :("
Curly Q's?? Curlicues??
"Well, in many ways most investments are pretty useless in the first few years while you're just starting to add funds, but I think it's good to get in the habit of having a diversified portfolio and getting used to what the volatility feels like."
"I am surprised nobody mentioned eul's. "
"Thank you! I was hoping someone would be this vicious.

After thinking about your points, I've created a list of objectives to improve my writing and this story.

1. Start the story with the merchants arriving in a boat, and walk them to the council hall. I'll introduce some of the major characters and explain why she's signing something.
2. I'll study novels with better prose. Likely Orwell, Marquez, and Nabokov. I'll write so that each word is precise.
3. I'll study novels with better descriptions. I'll have to search amazon for this one. I'll use this info to create mental images that people can easily understand.
4. I'll study books with better dialogue. I'll have to look on amazon again. I'll use this to show more personality in my characters.

I also noticed that some of parts that I wrote in as clues seem like errors because they don't have the proper context to make sense (The lumbering star isn't actually a star, and the cicadas become important when the thing inside the ""star"" controls them). I'll only write in details that make sense in their context, especially if they're foreshadowing something.

Again, thank you."
"Well, depending how many fusions you have to make, you should have plenty of time to get it made before RTG. Your replacement will be better!"
"Shaohao is dead and likely will not show up for Legion. However, there are plenty of other panda heroes that are worthy of showing up to the party. "
I have the same problem...except Ive already beaten the original version 3 times and im still addicted :(
"Craigslist kills me. If your trying to sell a car pull it out of wherever it is, take all the boxes and stuff out of it and push it into the driveway at least, hit it with a hose, and vacuum it out. That'll make it look like you care a little about the car. I just see so many adds where the car is under a pile of boxes and has cob webs inside."
Hung like a moose.
"I guess it's the stepping on and off where things can go wrong fairly easily. But as a kid I wanted on those things.
The staircase we took was always abandoned, very rarely used. (Maybe only by us?)
Maybe my mother fell down once too. I can't ask her anymore unfortunately as she has Alzheimer now."
"as a canadian, i have to say i have a hard time believing there are people that actually think that way. he is a despicable man - there is nothing decent about him. is that really the way americans think?"
"I think the ""chatting"" is WAY more troublesome than the porn. "
Sabotage 3mg!
I like that they give you the core game with this expansion rather than trying to milk money off players who don't already have the original.
"Finish S2 and watch around 3-4 episodes of S3. Then make sure you stop in a good time before going to bed on Sunday(at least 3 hours after you finished episode 4 of S3). This should remedy it a little, maybe? S2 is easily best ZnT-season IMO."
Solas is most definitely NOT in my dwarven ladybits.
I just started playing Borderlands for the first time. I think I'm about half way through the Roland story line and this may be the best shooter I have played. It doesn't take it self to seriously and the story is simultaneously hilarious and engaging. I'd see the movie!
"The people who say ""Sheamus gets X-Pac heat"" are just being stupid.

So are we supposed to forget he never got booed when he was a babyface or what?"
that was a gift of a strike 3 but i'll take it.
"834, thanks OP!"
"Thank you! Very quick response!! "
"I don't know if you're talking about his transfer or the game I mentioned, but his transfer was last year. Which I specifically said."
"Why are people so fixated on ""fedora = stupid""?

I'll never understand how one trope can have so much momentum."
"Wow incredible body! I'd say on just that alone you're a solid 9.5 beautiful smile. I can't believe someone would ruin your selfesteem. There's nothing bad to say about a body that healthy, you're definitely a babe and a heart breaker "
And then I'm not really stupid because I actually catch one of these double agents trying to steal it later.
Hardcore mode.
"Aww, thank you, you put me in very lofty company indeed.  "
"Community. "
"are you asking about that phrase or the dumb surfer lingo?

the answer to both is yes, but both groups are pretty small. "
"Please define ""super well"""
"democrats aren't progressives, sorry

and the GOP would call him that if it didn't mean the loss of the GE

Someone make a Spotify playlist
Well that's different. This standup is so stale it's got mold on it.
"Saw ivy when she came to Philly for BOTS and All of her performances slayed. This bitch's talent is endless. Shes just one of those people that can learn anything, love her so much. and much respect."
"I listen to a shit ton of stuff. I listen to Punk Rock, Alternative, Post Hardcore, Ambient, EDM, Orchestral, Soundtracks, classical, and a little bit of Metal. Some of my favourite bands/artists are Rise Against, Weezer, The Offspring, Kanye West, Childish Gambino, composer Martin O Donnell, Linkin Park, Radiohead, Kendrick Lamar, Iron Maiden and Daft Punk."
"Whenever Meek first starts his verse he sounds exactly like 2 Chainz.

Anyway I would say it's probably one of the Weeknd's better collabs actually. I'd put it behind One of those Nights and Remember You but just in front of In Vein. The way he echoes behind Meek's verses reminds me of Twenty Eight. "
Yeah a giant bed of kelp isn't as cool as a squid.
Yep! Let me get my game and Ill go online!
"Sent 185 pure keys and forgetting to put his knife. He accepted in less than 30 seconds, blocked me and traded all keys to another account..."
Morals are subjective (but not for me)
"I'm genuinely glad that it worked out for your parents, and every relationship is different. In your parents' situation it sounds like they both already knew that's where it was headed, he just needed a nudge to take the plunge. 

And wanting to know where a relationship is headed is healthy. But for most people, asking up front ""I want to marry you, do you see us getting married?"" Is a better option than ""ring or GTFO""."
You can use AA.
"i don't sweat "
tutrle beach xLa wii u head set
"every little detail such as this that occurred the past decade and serves a mere footnote for you and me; had a multitudinous effect on the people there, forever etched in memory. "
"That looks like an Aneros rip off. [Source](

I'm not sure what type of power yours has, but the Aneros is definitely VERY powerful! It does take a few mins to get prepared for it, but it does the job by itself, there isnt really a proper way to use it other then just sticking it up there and letting it do what it does best. "
Why downvote?
"I like the normal client a lot more, everything requires less mouse movements and clicks, it's much more smooth."
"Yea but not til later right? "
"Just make it as close to the DCAU in tone as possible. Seriously, that's basically the best way to do anything DC. How did they finally make good DC video games? By making them essentially a mature version of the DCAU, that's how. "
"Botting Ivy should not be punished nearly as severely as RWT, more so considering how much they invested in bot detection. If anything should be a temporary ban, it's such a minor offence of botting, since they will definitely catch you again faster than the first time if you ever tried to do it again. Whereas if you RWT'd once, you could do it again and get your money before they catch you."
"I would like it, I have been gaming on Integrated Graphics (Nvidia 6150) for a while and it's just bothersome to play for years like this."
You should probably put your head somewhere where it doesn't block the percentages and player portraits
"This seems to be good advice. Never get too clingy and not expect too much. If I become obsessed, to never let it show.

What is a ""normal"" life?"
"I know, I have never walked in and found a unicorn. Besides Launch day, of course."
I just read about this too. The price seems really high but it looks interesting to say the least... I need to get around to opening my untitled bottles. Got ourselves a dc whisky war now
Lost Highway
"Not a fan of patent leather on shoes, but that looks pretty clean and scuff free. "
"Most of the names listed in this thread are hardly surprising names.  You guys want a *real* surprise candidate?  Someone who no one is talking about now who will explode onto the scene and establish himself as a star in the league this coming season?

Andre Drummond.

Having just turned 22 earlier this month, Drummond is often overlooked as a budding star in the NBA.

Last season, at age 21, Andre Drummond averaged 13.8 points, 13.5 rebounds, and nearly 3 stocks per game.
This year, for the first time since high school, Drummond will play for the same coach in consecutive seasons, and the Pistons have made it clear that Drummond is the franchise's centerpiece.  Drummond has always paired his elite athleticism with a massive frame, but late last season he displayed serious improvement in his post skills.
Stan Van Gundy is building a 4-out-1-in approach around Drummond like he did with Dwight Howard in Orlando.  This is the perfect scheme for Drummond, who is already a historically great rebounder at age 21.  He has more 20 rebound games before age 22 than anyone else in NBA history, and is already the best offensive rebounder in league.  No other player this millennium has recorded more than 400 offensive boards in a season, and Drummond has done it in two of his three NBA seasons.  He was first and second in total rebound% in the past two seasons respectively, and now he no longer plays next to Greg Monroe, who took many rebounds away from him.
It's clear that Drummond provides elite rebounding and rim protection, but I think people underestimate his scoring potential.  No, Drummond does not possess a polished offensive repertoire, but he can easily score 10-15 PPG exclusively on lobs and putbacks (again, he's a *historically* great offensive rebounder.  His ability on the offensive boards is seriously impressive).  However, as he showed late last season, he has a burgeoning post game, and is still gaining more experience.  2015-2016 will be just his age 22 season, and with Detroit's offensive scheme, he'll have the paint to himself this year, where he can bully pretty much anyone in the league.
I'm very high on Drummond.  His natural talent has never been in question (his physical gifts are probably top 5 in the league), but he really started to put it together down the stretch last year, and he finally has continuity for the first time in his career.  Over the last two months last year he averaged 16/15, and his situation has improved this season.
Free throw shooting is obviously his bugaboo, but he's reportedly been putting in a lot of work this offseason, and the Pistons also just hired the renowned and well-respected Dave Hopla as a shooting coach.
If everything broke right for Drummond this season, he could put up Prime Dwight numbers with better rebounding.  Van Gundy has the 11th highest coaching win% of all-time (among coaches who have coached 500+ games), and it's clear that this Pistons squad is built around his vision.  The Pistons could easily be one of the NBA's surprise teams this year, and they will be led by the up-and-coming Andre Drummond.
[Here are some of his highlights from last year](  Note how incredibly well he moves for someone of his massive stature.

I think Drummond will be a star in the league, it's just a matter of when."
"This is kinda the T.....she made her bed, now she's lying in it......"
"The promotion goes first to ""bitter"", which by gaijin custom is universally applied to any gaijin who has been in Japan longer than the speaker and for whose opinions the speaker has disdain. ""Jaded"" is used similarly, but with the added condition of the speaker being unable to refute statements of fact from the resented gaijin.

Maybe we need to adapt something like the [Cub Scout rank structure]( "
"yeah except airplane has a lot of punch lines. Feels like the punch line never comes with WHAS. "
"He came on as a sub last week... So he isn't injured, but he definitely isn't match fit. "
Mitsubishi Triton/L200. Own one. Love it. [Imgur](
"He's fast. "
CC according to Julia.
"I became tried of consoles constantly taking money from me. The games hardly ever went  on sale and couldn't afford most until they we're in the $30 price range. When the PS4 came out and charged people for online and giving games for ""free"" as long as you keep paying for them? I had enough and built my first PC last week and I couldn't be more happier. I love this community already! and the sales? PRAISE GABEN! 

Edit: Oops forgot to say thanks! Thanks you for the giveaway, OP! :D"
Call in all the BRRRRRRRRRT
Bombs Over Baghdad
"I think they died of suffocation from the CO2 building up in the truck due to poor ventilation. They would probably have felt very very drunk before passing out and suffocating. "
"Little or not, it was a skin tag. eek"
are you Norse?
I know. You missed the obvious sarcasm of my first sentence.
I'd love to test it too but ATM I don't get review samples so everything I do is out of my own pocket.
I'm guessing they would get high off paint to help them create these pictures.
"S6 bruh "
"*He looks up at the giggling, smiling charmingly at the girl.* Salut, madamoiselle. *His voice has a musical quality, and he has a French accent.*"
"Well, it's a fun coincidence then. "
"> our Topkicks have 30 gallons of fuel

Insane, had no idea they had such small tanks.
"'You'=Collective. Nothing personal. 

No what I thought was that even though the hottest women would only settle for good looking guys, taking reasonable care of yourself and working on your personality and outside life would be good enough for most average women. What I didn't realise was that average women think they not only have the *right* to 

I also thought that it was OK to be fairly open about how you felt, your insecurities etc. once with someone. Not first date obviously but in an established LTR. What I did not realise was the expectation that you'd be a lot more reserved than the media made out, nor that there would be some sort of check list. Nor did I realise that although I must be her shoulder to cry on, she will only view me as a friend if I tried to play it the other way around. 

I knew that everyone shoots for the best when single, but I did not know that women replace men willy-nilly (branch swinging) when the next best catch comes along, in an established LTR. Sometimes with total dismissiveness to the bond you had previously formed. 

I have tested my theories out and the top SMV, youngest women are the most naturally solipsistic and hamster their way out. All the ones who have counselled me and come across as understanding and mature have turned out to be way past the Wall, like practical Mom figures. 

There is more, getting quite personal about Mom and Dad, but I think that should be enough. "
The meta is still so unexplored.
"According to the hanafi school of fiqh, [kufis/topis]( are sunnah.  I am unsure about the positions of the other schools of thought.  "
"And the person that buys this will prolly never take a bath there.. "
"I couldn't have said it better myself. It's a shit reason to not like a game. Especially if that's the only reason. "
Sounds good! See you there!
"ofc, not everyone is into everything. I think a majority would probably be into it in the right underwear though. For me personally, I don't care very much about it being genderbending (like, its ok, but nbd), womens underwear are just cut in a different shape that makes cocks look really good.
If thats not your thing, thats not your thing. I believe that a majority of women would be into this in the right context, but its not like I've done a study on it so either of us could be right."
"Everything seems to be growing well so far, but I can't 100% say myself that this is a perfect method for one reason: I need to see what this does to the shape of the plants in the long term. I am looking for thick, healthy growth (which seems to be the case so far) rather than stringy stretched out growth and poor shape. I will not know for sure for at least a year or two or three. But so far no issues aside from one case of caudex mold/rot which I am entirely certain was developing prior to transfer into S/H, judging from how the foliage had been looking."
"Well, the army is nowhere near a million, but I get what you mean. Makes me think that someone wanted Zia dead because of this deal though, just too much of a coincidence for me. Either way I have no sympathy for that arsehole. "
"Blind fold, tie him down, play trippy music loudly, and start teasing with various textures all over his body. Always a win."
"Actually, it isn't a case of running fine or not, ethanol won't effect how the engine runs in a noticeable way in pretty much any car unless it has pre-existent issues.

The problem with older cars is that older cars often had rubber fuel lines that can't stand up to ethanol in the fuel for an extended time without being damaged, ethanol will eat away at the lines over a long term. Not too big a deal, just that you'll have to replace them eventually

Older cars with carburetors also often will have some leather and/or plastic parts in the carb that again aren't compatible with ethanol and will just wear prematurely, once they reach that, replacing them with a modern ethanol compatible carb solves that problem.

If the car has metal fuel lines and no carb it will do just fine running on ethanol."
"No thanks, you didn't die to server lag, the original issue which caused the death timers to be set up like this, you died all on your own. Don't bring max risk if you aren't willing to lose it fairly. "
"I definitely like that you didn't chase the gains and sold at $10.66. Since you set your stop limit at $10.66 when the price was at $10.75, then I think you would have been comfortable setting a stop limit at $10.85 or so when it reached $11, and obviously would have been a little better off. I would have probably done something along those lines myself.

I might have been a little scared that prices could continue to fall to late 2012/early 2013 level but looks like you made the right call! :)"
"The day I turned 18, I moved in with my dad. I don't think I would have chosen otherwise, no matter the distance. i probably would have been more excited to move across the country but you're right, my relationship with my dad may not have been as solid if he had been across the country. "
I'm glad you had a better experience friend! Have a good day! :)
">for a couple days.

She is a plate, so it doesn't matter, you aren't seeing her every day."
I kindly thank you sir.
Beating heart =/= brain activity.
"I used to like the blacks, but then they wore them 90+ times last year and might break 100+ this season.

Every other jersey but the camos are so much better than the blacks too."
"i got 0 skill ups for like 2 weeks. Im kinda mad. Not just irritated, but mad."
"Because then canadian workers will have to compete with cheap labor from China, either lose their job or earn less, but the rent won't go down."
Yeah alive and kicking
"Who the fuck doxxes ths poor chick? Jesus Christ.

How common is this thing? I can't imagine it happens often."
"If you're interested in participating in a Melee Collegiate league check out The Melee Games.

We've got 231 schools so far with players registered to compete this season."
"Ask for tagged pics "
I don't think it's daft at all. I think it's a positively lovely idea.
Just don't think about it. Accept it as a self insert on a national level and ha e fun woth it.
I just realized that Russia is holding some strips of paper. Are those maps?
IDK. I mean GG is the same way.
Ur so kool
"You think they can beat IG or EDG? I think at least 5/6 of the Chinese/Korean seeds will be almost impossible for them to beat in a bo5. Historically EU has sucked against China ever since S3. And it's not like the YOE:FW are a cake walk either, remember that Fnatic lost to SEA at MSI. Their best bet is to get a ridiculously easy group and get 1st seed, otherwise they're out in quarters 100%, assuming they don't get upset in groups."
"This sounds homer-esque because of my flair, but I always like to give the defending champions the benefit of the doubt, unless some huge negative change happens to the team. All we needed to do this off-season was re-sign Draymond and ship David Lee, which we did. Our core didn't change one bit. And while I think there's a GREAT chance San Antonio or OKC takes the top spot in the West, I need to see them play with their full, healthy squads first before I can rank them ahead of the champions. "
Right I actually referenced it.
"For the most part. "
Why the fuck would you click on images in a thread about sexual alien fantasies?
"A fine catch, indeed."
"So you didn't think to:

* Look it up
* Ask online
* Look it up

I'm sorry, but I can't really get behind you on this. Skill and jewel naming is weird, but there are so many things you can do with Kiranico, Reddit, or even just Google.

Best of luck, anyway."
"Because Pearl is not particularly creative on her own, and Trixie was one of the only people who could have 1) made a convincing twin and 2) been funny enough to make Pearl do well."
"Almost every single brick in every single building you have ever occupied was put there by atheists. Almost every single inch of road you ever traveled on was put there by atheists. Almost every single dank meme you have ever gazed upon was created by atheists. Almost every single watt of electricity you have ever used was produced and carried by a system, almost every inch of which, was put there by atheists. Almost every single drop of water that comes out of your tap came through pipes dug into the ground with great labor, and filtered by a complex system, put there by atheists. Almost every single gadget you ever used, and almost every single line of code written for that gadget, was put there by atheists. Almost every single bullet fired (or suffered) to protect our safety and freedom was fired (or suffered) by atheists. Almost every dangerous and dirty job that serves the society you enjoy, from mining to deep sea welding to garbage collection to oil drilling to electrical line power installation to construction to logging is done by atheists.
Almost everything of importance that you consume or depend upon was put there by atheists.
When the shit gets tough, and the boat starts sinking, you get to sit in the lifeboat and be safe, while atheists have to sink down into the abyss with the ship. When there is a group hostage situation and its time for a hostage to be released, we always ask and expect females and children to be made safe first. Society always puts your life first over atheists. Then you get to go home safe and go on your computer (invented and built by atheists) to log onto the Internet (invented and built by atheists), scroll over to Tumblr (invented and built by atheists) to complain about how ""religious people have it so rough, society doesn't value our lives"". Atheists built this entire society to support and protect you. Atheists has always puts the well-being of the religious people first. For tens of thousands of years, when a bear or wolf showed up, you were the ones who went to safety in the back of the cave behind a fire while atheists grabbed a spear, went to the front and fought to his death to protect you.
I'm not telling you to bow down and kiss an atheist's ass or anything like that, or that he's your superior. I am asking you to recognize that he takes care of a lot of the worst shit for you. You need to stop pretending that atheists in the modern world are oppressing and raping religious people. Take that bullshit where it belongs -- over to Muslim countries and other assorted 3rd world shitholes. Go ""take a stand"" that is actually brave. Help the females that are actually oppressed in places like Saudi Arabia. That would actually be brave, m'ladies. Meanwhile, you have it pretty good in the West, despite all the constant ""eye rape"" and bullshit feminist myths about wage gaps. You enjoy an incredibly high standard of life due to the technologically advanced society created by atheists. literally build from the ground up for you, and can do anything you want in it, and you're welcome for that.
"ITN is a really really good podcast but is adress to ""noob/newbies"". :( sad for me no worth listen at all."
"If you don't mind me asking though, why is it """" I haven't seen that in a steam link in awhile.

"That's not far from me, luckily I snagged Pit from this morning."
\  /
i could do 345k asap
"he have low invnetory because he not like ""big price items ""   i like dragon lores   fades  slaughters ... but he love low thinks ... so i wana give him some cute knife "
Are you at work on Saturday?
"Fairy Tail always spoils crap in the OPs.

The first JoJo OP is literally the first 3 episodes."
"Actually, handguns are a bit harder to silence than a rifle length barrel in the same caliber. Longer barrels tend to be quieter, as more of the gun powder is spent accelerating the round than just making a loud muzzle flash. As long as the extra time in barrel doesnt lead to the bullet breaking the sound barrier if it wouldnt otherwise, then it should be quieter.

Well, the muzzle blast will always be quieter from a longer barrel(though still very loud for most), it would be the supersonic crack that could be introduced.

Many rifles are made in the same calibers as pistols(22lr, 22mag, 38spl/357mag, 45acp, 45colt, 44mag, etc) so the real issue would be the caliber, not the gun itself. And suppressors can fit any gun with the right thread size at the end of the barrel.

Though, the only reason some of those calibers would be easy to silence is because they are going so slow, and are thus much weaker than they otherwise could be.

Being able to reduce the noise of some of my rifles would be awesome though. Wouldnt annoy the neighbors or other people so much, would be better on the ears(especially if you hunt with a dog, since they rarely wear ear plugs)"
Captain America not dying.
"Why do you think that ? Beautiful people can't feel the void too ? Dude, come on ... She also had problems ! The way the story evolved on Elliot flashback was really moving."
"No number of apartment complexes can increase the supply of single family homes. In fact, it would *decrease* the supply of SFHs relative to the general housing stock. A BMW is a BMW no matter how many Fords are made.

And here's the research:

More here:"
"Just mute the toxic person. There's no need to lose your mental health over them, and if they're muted they're just mumbling to themselves like a madman.

I don't understand one thing tho, how the hell do they get your email to send you threats?"
Are you living in the basement of an asylum or something? Those walls look horrendous
There's social pressure on men to initiate that doesn't exist for women - you can't compare the two.
"""It will allow us to spend more time with our families! Clearly divine inspiration."""
"Insurance companies pay out between 75 to 80% of their revenue on claims. That means there is 20-25% of potential savings. Obviously whatever system replaces it will have the own overhead. If you made the system super simple for doctors, you could get reimburse them at a lower rate than the private insurers. Rates couldn't be at medicaid levels (too low), maybe medicare levels or a bit higher. Doctors in turn would have to fire some administrative staff, presumably because dealing with a single payer would much simpler than the current system.

You might also get medicaid people better access to preventative healthcare and hence save money overall. Currently most practices scorn medicaid because the payments are too low. However this is inefficient overall since those patients will just go to the emergency room and ultimately the hospitals will have to cover that (because again medicaid reimbursements are low) which they will charge to private insurers which then ultimately charge to the employers.

It's a bit of an ""if you build it, they will come"" scenario. But, of the course, the best evidence that it will works is from all the countries with single payer systems."
"Lots. I'll post some when I get home. "

thanks for the giveaway!"
"87%. Balzan and Saxan fooled me, i thought they were IKEA products but they are apparently real teams, the former fro Malta and the latter from Moldova."
"I'm hoping they will at least show a few screens to compensate for the gamescon disappointment.

tbh I'll watch it, any FFXV news are good news to me :)"
"Live in NC, and miss my Hawaiian :(

Stream please :(
At least Drew will keep the status quo going
"Recent Submission history for ThisIsHowToDrink:

domain submitted from|count|%

subreddit submitted to|count|%
I'm so glad the low-effort content policy is being enforced.
"Okay, I think I covered everything. I left the father's name blank, because I think it fits better with the backstory. Why would any other characters need to know his name, if Ardeo doesn't? That's the only reason they would know *of* him. Otherwise, all your other concerns are addressed. My apologies if there are any issues, this is my first time doing role playing and it's a little… overwhelming at times."
"* **Name -** Officer

* **Shields, HP, sprint speed -** Same as Med/LA/Eng

* **Available weapon types -** Assault Rifles, SMGs, ScoutRifles, (No Shotguns)

* **Tools -** Thermal Binoculars that can place waypoints by of different kinds with just a left single click.

* **Abilities** 
 * Short range Motion Spotter - But only displays for the Officer, not everybody in the area. Lasts for several seconds before going on a longer cooldown.

* **Grenades** 
 * Beacon Grenade - Last for ~15 seconds and allows squad members a temporary spawn point.

* **Utilities**
 * AMS Beacon - Spawn because that works like an AMS.
* Armor class (model) - Engineer but with a sweet high tech looking backpack with antenna and shit."
Thank you
"I honestly considered both of them to be my favorite Warcraft authors and was surprised by the negative attitude toward Knaak in this thread, as it's the first time I've seen any discussion about these books (I don't know anybody who reads them)."
"Sorry, your submission has been automatically removed. It's Text Post Weekend; posts that only contain links will be removed. Feel free to repost while containing more than just a link and a description or discussion. Thank you! 

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeague) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
Shoot any dogs lately?
"""Comforting"". [That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.]("
Because fuck fred.
Maybe that's what they were going for.
"Some guys just don't want to be involved with women who are still getting black-out drunk at 28, and maybe he likes being married to the wife he already has.

For a more detailed analysis, post photos, for science."
"In reply to the former, I just listed the topics :P

In reply to the latter, not sure how you mean? If I allow my government to become the kind of government that censures free speech to suppress opinions that they don't like, not being able to express those opinions is pretty far down on my list of troubles."
"To other users posting on this thread (and **not** to the submitter of this particular thread): offering on price check and question threads is not allowed. Failure to abide by this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban.

Sharking is not tolerated here, and any attempt made *will* result in a permanent ban.

[Please refer to our subreddit's rules as well if you have any doubts.](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Basically. League is too much work.

Streaming and teaching people is easier and actually gets a better pay off in the future. 

"ok so it'll improve, but when you're playing the AFC East, and the Texans, you're going to want a some protection up front. especially on that left blindside it looks like they're not even trying"
What didn't you like about it?
"""Gimme dat ring of fire look"""
"Looking at the other posts, I don't think anyone knows what that means."
"He sang it at a Barnes and Noble too. What a guy. "
I'm sure but how do we know he will succeed at Porto and sold for more?
2 Furious
"As abysmal as this kid may look, anyone who ran high school track has seen this freshman before.

He's falling because he's exhausted. This is the final stretch of a 400m hurdle, which is *not* an easy race. You have to not only be a good hurdler for that race, but a very strong person. I mean, he's not a great hurdler, but I feel for him."
"Long term, holy shit look at where he's at right now.  I think long term is him ending up being literally paralyzed. "
"> If you curse in a song you're banned from entering the country.

No, not at all."
"I've been a collector/operator for almost 4 years now,
it took just about 3.5 years for me to then make a living off of it.
I'm always up for learning about new classics that may earn and others experiences."
"A Tale of Two Sisters is really good, and I can't find it anywhere :("
"The Best Day - Atmosphere

Old School - B. Reith

I feel Fantastic - Jonathan Coulton"
"The key is to go in low, around the knees or so."
Atta boy Tulo. We knew you had it in you. Go ahead homer too!
I think you're mistaking this for Plum extraction.
Tell us more.
..or closed up fleshlights
"> Thanks for the corrections. I haven't been aware of her standing in the Democratic party based on voting record, so much of what I had based the opinion on has been her voiced stances, and in many cases, lack of a voice on issues. 

No problem!

I think it's a matter of the fact that while she has been consistently leftward, she is very much an establishment politician. So she'll have high profile votes (e.g. Iraq War) where she diverges from what the left base wants. But that's true of most liberal politicians -- and most of them probably have more defections to boot -- they just aren't as high profile politicians as she is, and thus don't get as much attention as Clinton does. She's also strongly associated with her more moderate leaning husband -- which is understandable, of course, as they are married and he has had far more political impact than her, just by virtue of having been president.

> That combined with my poor perception of just how far right the US is compared to similarly 'western' countries (do you have stats that show this to not be the case too? Because I sure love learning) [...]

I don't know that I have any stats, per se, but I think a lot of how you assess this is how you perceive the value of the direction politicians wish to move things.

In much of the rest of the west, they already have low cost university education; high taxation rates; truly universal healthcare (and often single payer); more public transportation; etc., etc. And in all those countries, those policies are generally popular -- so leftward and rightward parties will tend to support maintaining them. But the center-left to center-right parties tend to not want to *increase* those measures. Democrats in the US do. So the question is: are you more leftward for wanting to move leftward (but not as far left as someone else currently is), or for wanting to stay where you are (but at a further left point)?

And there are other measures to consider as well: a lot of Europe is seeing the rise of more rightward parties ([UKIP](, [FPÖ](, [French Nation Front](\(France\)), [Golden Dawn](\(political_party\)), [Jobbik](, and [DPP](, and some countries (Denmark, Finland) have seen the governing coalition shift sharply rightward. The EU as a whole has also taken a very consistently conservative view on economics in reaction to the 2008 recession and ongoing economic troubles, by requiring and enforcing significant austerity measures. Anti-immigrant rhetoric is becoming a major issue across the region.

Other countries, like Australia, have kept rightward parties in power and repealed some leftward legislation, such as their carbon tax program. Israel saw the more rightward parties gain strength in their recent elections.

I would be remiss to not mention the places also moving leftward, of course -- Canada's NDP is well poised to win this year's election (though that's not set in stone) and had an upset win in Alberta's local elections earlier. Scotland has seen the SNP all but completely take over ever district for the UK's house of commons, and if the UK stays in the EU, it will almost certainly be in no small part due to SNP's increasing electoral clout.

So, in the end, I'd return to the original question: is the direction a political party wants to go more important, or is the absolute position more important? For my input, I think both matter quite a bit -- as a result, I would consider the US overall more conservative than most of the west, but not to the extent that is popularly believed."
"That desk and phone are also fucking atrocious. "
"Diablo 3 was the last time ive been this excited for a game. Unlike D3, I don't think MGSV will disappoint."
"Did you always have an intention to your journey? In the beginning did you experience a learning curve? Did that come easy? 
In spite of your initial intention did it change or was redirected by the ""medicine"". "
"My great grandparents fled Russia through China. Now I understand why they went that way! "
"Condoms are often an erection killer for me. Some brands are to tight for me and feel like they squeeze the blood back into my body.
I now have a brand that fits nicely. 
When a condom doesn't fit or it takes some time to put it on anxiety builds up and that can make me go limp. It's a vicious cycle. "
"You guys have a gorgeous park"
"Interesting how they show the ""love triangle"" between Luke, Leia and Han here. You really had to be a fan when these were originally released to remember this was a thing. By the time I was watching these everyone knew Luke and Leia were siblings."
[Ace of Spades - Motorhead](
[Don't say we didn't save some freakin' trees!](
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Until a person is about your age, they don't have much choice about who they spend time with. You're born into your family, and your options for friends are limited to school and your neighborhood. Now at your age, you're really becoming your own person and your options are opening up. 

Now you have to decide, what do you want to do with your life? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to be? What sort of people do you want to surround yourself with? It can be a difficult period of transition.

I can't give you any advice because you have to work this out on your own. You'll probably figure things out and you'll be fine.
Cut off the blue's ears and give them to Nahr Alma
That was the flag of the kingdom of Greece. You mean this one: ?
"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."
Seguimos en la brecha tras un largo verano!
How can New yorkers be tourist in their own city though? O_o
Playing some Gears until the Cubs game. should be a good night :)
Mason is easily a top 5 NHL goalie got this earlier today
Yes and Thanks. Also TBRT joke in the first part.
Check out [Perplexus](
"This is one question I always ask people here, no matter which side of the divide they're on: 'what happens if Putin slips in the shower tomorrow and dies?' No one has the answer. I'm pretty pessimistic about Russia's future myself, at least in the medium term, which is a damn shame. "
My god you are an insufferable douche
"He said the reason he wasn't streaming was his thyroid was out of wack and it was making his kidneys fail... pretty serious stuff good to see him back and doing well tho! "
"You all more or less fall into the same category at the end of the day, there's no harm in generalizations here
"I'm thinking about cutting it out or down during the week, gotta start running again soon, getting too out of shape. "
"Echoing what another said, if he didn't tell his ex about you, that would be a big red flag IMO. Yes couples should have privacy, but he purposefully lied and misdirected you with the ""grab a bite with coworkers"" sham. 

If he just wanted to check in with her/family, why not just over email? He felt it was necessary to meet her in person. 

Get out before you run yourself into the ground with worry. "
"I'll post pictures of the paper times later for you but its all stock, even the tires. I'll have to check the elevation and its a 1/8 track in west Virginia. And it was in good weather first run was about 630pm. I'll put that info with the pics"
"Wow, what a bunch of dicks. Good for him for not storming off but man that was hard to watch.

E: a word"
"are you saying that if I have a whole lot of nothing, it's nothing but net?"
"Not sure if this picture shows better, but the shirt doesn't really pull at any of the buttons (except maybe the bottom one a little bit)."
"I am holding my phone reading these comments. But no paper. "
"Have you tried Albert Heijn's peanut butter? I used to always have Calvé peanut butter and liked none other, but I tried AH's version with honey crunch and am now hooked. Calvé is still good, but now I get that when the AH's is unavailable.

About peanut butter and me: I like, I'm Dutch and eat a slice of bread with peanut butter on average about two to three times per week. "
"Can panther fans now start to get annoyed by Cam's throws this pre season....because I am. For 100 million dollar quarterback, i expect better....not perfection but just better."
Or just say when you are in. they make them in store to put out
Then I retract what I said as it applies to Alabama. That's an acceptable implementation of the law.
"(I. CANT. STOP. LAUGHING. HOLY...I CANT.) (also on mobile...sorry. Oh my. God.)

""Let's get something to eat then."""
[I also like this scene](
"Seconded.  This is really great!  There are quite a few GC activities that you can participate in without being a guest -- anything that's in the big room is pretty much fair game, which is basically the Stories and the movies."
He has notoriously dry hands
"hahaha me too! My account is 13.5 and I've only been around for... 2 years of that? 
we're in the bad parents club"
"He needs to cover slot "
Nicely summed up.
"I wish they build one day a Lumia Smartphone with front dual speakers, infrared, smoother edges and an IP68 additional to the great camera and so on :)"
They use two units with a space in the center. When the rioters run through the space they close in and stab them to death like real legionaries.
"Don't worry, he's a Marine. He knows what he's doing. "
"♪ I just got a tex 

♪ Askin where Im aa

♪ I'm chillin at my momma how

♪ Sittin on the couch"
when do we get Marisnick new haircut flair?
"**Gohan from TFS**

*I need another adult*"
"Xerath. Power thirsty, freedom lover, unbound as mind-wise, contumacy incarnate."
"Our showers can be kind of confusing to operate.... I guess... if you're really not that smart. So we get a lot of questions about them, but there was this one guy who called down to ask. I told him what to do and his response was what got me. Very slowly he said ""That's....... fucking retarded..."" 

I didn't even know what to say because I was trying so hard not to laugh. I think I ended up saying something like ""yeah.. we get a lot of questions about the showers. sorry about that!"" "
"Nah, they are clearly just low level succubi. "
Can you crop that shit off the sides?
"midas and octarine is fucking op, moonmeander and his nyx with midas aghs octarine hilarious as fuck"
"It's fine, you just lost some pounds of tension so of course it sounds ""off"". Slap a new string on and she should be good as new!"
Matt Smith was the best Doctor.
"I don't find it that depressing, just a bit saddening that I will most probably never be able to experience those things even if they somehow end up being laid bare in front of me. At least I understand the reasons behind it. I am unable to reciprocate those feelings, at all. I just know that about myself, simply the way it is. I don't believe I've ever felt really ""connected"" to another human being, not even my closest family members."
"The area I'm from feeds really heavily to IU and I've visited a bunch of times and know a ton of people in houses.  That being said, it will be very difficult for you to get a bid as a sophomore, regardless of what semester you rush. IU rush is hyper competitive and bidding a sophomore will really depend on whether or not you know people in houses already.

"No, keep guessing. "
"Holy crap there is a lot of positive OKC stories here! Where are you all meeting these awesome kinky people on OKC??! Cuz all I'm getting is the 'get on your knees bitch' creep messages, or the 'please step on my balls ma'am' male sub messages when clearly I'm not a domme lol "
"Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like it at least permits us a last goodbye, and gives Pratchett's legacy a fitting enough end. I'm glad, one way or another, that the book exists. "
"The pet shows low battery because you haven't fed it anything. Go into Henesys market and find the NPC named ""Doofus,"" and buy some pet food."
"Your claims are hyperbolic and laughable. Following the Arch Beginner's Guide on the wiki will get you up and running in under an hour. If you're seriously scared of an installer, I'd still recommend Evo/Lution over those non-vanilla abominations you listed."
"I play bluesey pentatonic stuff but I wanted to increase my picking speed and accuracy, Michael Angelo Batios Metal Methods DVD really helped.

Although I don't enjoy his music, his picking is fast and clean, I wanted to know how he did it."
"Who is 18? I thought it was sansa, but she's like 31."
"Fair enough: Right now I'm leaning toward:  
I don't see any real reason to get the Z77 over the Z75. But I still have the question of upgrading my video card."
"Is the stuff at sgammo boxer primed?  "
I will.
"What an awesome bump, those pictures on your mirror are so lovely too!"
"True enough. Just the way it's presented in her post made me think that there might be an upcoming bill to the gist of ""lane splitting is illegal now (period)."" 

The article I linked mentions that lane splitting is already illegal in every other US state aside from CA, for instance. "
[Sweet As Whole]( - Sara Bareilles
"I regret writing that in such a way to make Tom Hardy look intentional about it, definitely not what I meant. I work on film sets - couples try to stay together on projects when they can because shooting schedules are so crazy and often keep people apart. It is stressful for relationships. I only think that this may be a factor in story direction, not the singular reason/"
"También tienen entrenamiento gringo, de carajos que se la pasan de guerra en guerra y también tienen bases militares gringas en el país."
I was always a weird kid and it's super hot where I live so it worked for me. They just seem to ignore when I let the dogs out and leave a fan exhausting air out of the garage at night now. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Plus libdrm plus kernel modules and the whole library thing as multilib plus documentation and installer.
"in case what they were saying didn't answer your question, the amount of base attack/status damage added per refine is based on the level and rarity of the weapon, along with of course refine level"
"Keep your fucking sarcasm for youself... you are just ignorant

Low fps and FPS drop to freeze are 2 different issues

POE has alway had performance issue due to Low experience engine coding and because GGG is stuborn on saying that effects are  game immersive  but lagging the shit out is not immersion breaking

But the FPS drop to freeze is a bug that has been introduced in 2.0(it wasnt even there in beta), they changed something and its cause massive fps drop for some players

they know exactly what they changed to cause this problem and they are doing nothing"
"1. Corvo Attano
1. The Outsider
1. Granny Rags
1. Daud
1. Thomas
1. Billie Lurk
1. Jessamine Kaldwin
1. Emily Kaldwin
1. Euhorn Kaldwin
1. Capt. Geoff Curnow
1. Callista
1. Havelock
1. Treavor Pendleton
1. Teague Martin
1. Morgan Pendleton
1. Custis Pendleton
1. Wallace
1. Cecilia
1. Lydia--Hound Pits Servant
1. Lydia Boyle
1. Esma Boyle
1. Overseer Jasper
1. Overseer Sturgis
1. Sergeant Heyburn
1. Griff
1. Piero Joplin
1. Anton Sokolov
1. H.O. Campbell
1. Burrows
1. General Tobias
1. Louila--Prostitute serving Morgan
1. Slackjaw
1. Lizzy Stride
1. Nurse Trimble
1. Abigail Ames
1. Delilah Copperspoon
1. Lonely Rat Boy
1. Samuel Beechworth
1. Galvani
1. Rinaldo--Whaler; you can find a note to him from Daud in the Flooded District
1. Crowley--Slackjaw's right-hand man
1. Lord Shaw
1. Lord Brisby
1. Mrs Brimsley
1. Cousin Celia--Pendleton's Cousin
1. Bundry Rothwild
1. Barrister Timsh
1. Thalia Timsh
1. Edgar Wakefield
1. Overseer Hume
1. Miss White--Woman you can fetch a drink for in Lady Boyle's Last Party
1. Maurus--of the ""Did you hear Maurus was dragged off by the Overseers for some black magic nonsense?"" fame
1. Dunstan--sleeping guard on second floor of Golden Cat

Didn't include Madame Prudance because I couldn't remember her actual name; same goes for Alec, the scavenger in 'The Royal Physician', and the Royal Interrogator. Wasn't sure if I should count 
Propaganda Announcer, Moat Technician, and The Dressmaker, because they don't actually have names. Also very annoyed I couldn't recall the name of the third Boyle sister."
"I think James Frain would be fantastic, personally.  He was great as Franklin on True Blood and Ferdinand on Orphan Black."
"BO2 was a future themed shooter while this one feels like a sci-fi themed shooter, but mechanically felt very similar. Surprising I didn't like 3 as much as 2 making me think I put more weight on theme than I expected from myself."
"I think an example of where connectivity added flavor to a MCU movie in a positive way was with Falcon in Ant-Man. If you remove Ant-Man from the MCU for a moment and look at it, the world it establishes is one in which there are known superheroes and larger than life events going on in the background. Falcon is simply one of these heroes, and his appearance doesn't drag anything from TWS or AoU into the movie. You don't have to see TWS to buy that this guy is a flying badass that inhabits this world. Same case with Black Widow in TWS; you buy that she's a double-crossing ex-Soviet spy without needing any info given in Avengers or IM2, because she doesn't bring that baggage with her. Ant-Man works remarkably well as a standalone movie (except for a few notable moments) because of this deft character usage.

One of the complaints people throw at the MCU is that they believe the events occurring lack visible repercussions in other movies (e.g. the lack of SHIELD in AoU). I actually think this to be a smart move on Marvel's part, because it maintains the integrity of the individual property's stories. Because as I said in my previous comment, I believe a character's story should flow seamlessly between their solo movies.

I dunno, maybe I'm full of shit. But it's damn fun to watch TFA and TWS back to back, because they work so perfectly together."
"> Funamation English voice work  

What are you talking about? Kai has a dub."
"Yeah, it would cost more. It would start higher.  How do people not understand that?"

My favorite thing is the fact that each and every place on Washington DC requires 3 power boxes, secure places actually have a power box every 2 steps you take."
"I don't think the argument is about all churches, the good ones are great. Local Churches are especially involved in helping their community. I think reddit is pissed at for profit churches with shady send me money schemes where the church leaders act as CEOs and have jets and million dollar mansions."
"That RA sign they just showed looked like a fucking rare pepe. "
I think it would be possible but somewhere in the next 100 years. But idk if anybody would want this change...i mean computers cannot replace researchers
"wow.  That looks interesting and totally not ""inline"" to the interests with my expectations of what would be their target audience.   I look forward to the listen. 

Direct link and description (the above link takes me to the main page and it takes a little deduction to figure the episode you mean).

>A Marine on the White House detail during the Clinton administration. A testicular cancer survivor. A world record holding powerlifter. A successful pharmacist. A competitive bodybuilder. A transgender woman named Janae Marie. Matt Kroczaleski was all of these things. Recently outed in a YouTube video, Janae was thrust into the spotlight and bombarded with calls from the likes of TMZ, Huffington Post, and Inside Edition. We've known parts of this story for several years, but it was time to have our friend Janae in studio to help us, and our audience, understand what her life has been like since age 5 and what her future holds. Our two-hour conversation may not always be politically correct, but it's always well-intentioned. "
"Thank you and I'm glad that SSDI worked out for your wife, and that you've been able to support each other through all of this. "
"Idk, 3D animation's a hit or miss and I felt like it kinda missed with this one."
Son of a bitch.
Or Lwaxana named him.
"I've never thought about that. But you have a point.

If the main plot of the game is depict Big Boss' descent into evil, than that'll be the best way to do it. Encourage players to kill. Show that it has no consequences.

That said, it seems that TPP will have some intense moments, that can make players *want* to kill their enemies."
And they have a good track record working with Disney
"I've had this pair for years, they are very comfy. I cum a lot, whether at a gang bang, by finger, or by vibrator (and I have some good vibrators!). 

And as you can see I get very wet. My scent varies, these are nice with what some have described as a ""woody"" scent. 

* Panties are $40 with free priority mail shipping (with tracking) within US
* Vacuum sealed for freshness
* Accepting Squarecash and Amazon gift cards (contact me for other payment methods, we *might* be able to work something out)
* I'm in the US, panties will ship from California.
* Express and international shipping available for a little extra

Please pop my pantie selling cherry!

"I'm gonna say that that's a pretty solid line, there. "
"#Local stagehand falls off ladder, breaks neck. Last words ""I f*cking knew it"""
"Your post has been automatically removed because you did not include one of the required title tags. Please see the [subreddit rules]( for more information.  Potential title tags include: [Breeds], [Help], [Vent], [RIP], [Fluff], [Discussion], [Link], [Link][Fluff], [Link][News].  Please resubmit your post with one of the title tags beginning the submission title.  Example: ""[Discussion] What foods are toxic to dogs?""  It's possible you may experience a delay of up to 1 hour upon trying to repost with the corrected title.  This is a Reddit-imposed waiting period and there is nothing the /r/dogs moderators can do to reduce the waiting period.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

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"nicht witzig (german for ""not funny"") "
"This is why I have a dedicated ""switch to knife"" button. Every time I'm at that distance I'll just knife because it's easier."
"In terms of how news, information, articles, jokes, and memes flow from domain to domain - Facebook is usually last to the finish line, so the exaggeration is justified :) 
Not to start a war over the correct flow of online content, but usually reddit (and 4chan I guess - but I don't spend time on there) are one of the most prominent sources/origins of Internet discussion and related humor. Then about three weeks later Digg or 9gag re-hashes it, followed by Twitter some time later, and eventually some SlowPoke person who only uses FB as a forum in the same way we use reddit, (well I love and use sites like ycombinator - aka ""Hacker News"" and Slashdot, too), spreads the ""news"" or content on Facebook.  
I don't use FB for anything other than what it was for when I made my account and kept in touch with friends in 2004-ish, as I went to a big college and met lots of people quickly by having the specific .edu address - now it's all shitty games, open to the masses to plug or post whatever the fuck they want, and people actually have comment threads over the stuff the aforementioned sites do, but I've found them to be extremely watered down, over-aggressive, and everyone takes things personally since your user info and picture are on full display to see. (I know, privacy settings etc., but it's still an awful place for generating a community of people with aligned interests for the sake of discussion. It's chaos, just like Twitter, but especially shittier.) 
I know reddit isn't the alpha-dog in chain of online information flow - so I don't care for arguing about that. I am, however, humoured by the people still living under the proverbial rock on the internet who use Facebook as their vessel of information posts and retrieval. Just as I'm sure there are sites that consider Reddit, even back in its infancy, as the last ones to hear of news - but there will always be people claiming this place or that place is better while it's undeniable that FB is hilariously the universal bottom dwellers...unless there's still someone on MySpace? Oh, I even forgot about LiveJournal - but I haven't used it in years so I don't know if it's evolved accordingly by adding the shit that Facebook has now to stay relevant, or is still one of the main online blog platforms with a respectable community.  
Don't overpay for the Saints playbook.  There are some others with the same exact play.  I believe the Bears of the Lions has it too.
"To be fair they had guys in to cook for them several times when Ant was still around. This is really nothing new. "
"Honestly I think one reason inspire decks will suck is that maiden of the lake gets eaten by piloted shredder far too easily, so wont see play, so you will never get to trigger your inspires cheaply. I really hope they announced a shredder nerf tomorrow, 4/2 please"  I have one of these in my 800d.   Works well
"The 2008 pattern was attacks by ""Clinton surrogates"". She gets to stay clean because she's not doing anything, but the message gets out."
"I believe their official slogan is ""hydrox by mistake"" . Because the only time you would say the name would be if you're apologizing for getting ""hydrox by mistake"" "
I mean I knew r/mvc3 and r/trees had some crossover but dang
I'm with you.  I grew up always having Country Crock instead of real butter (which we would buy a stick at a time as needed for baking or whatever).  I love how it tastes on bread so much more than butter.
So many Branstads.......
"Define ""watch baseball"" though.

I'm 27 and a a huge football and college basketball fan. I go to maybe 4 or 5 MLB games a year and will flip it on in the evening when there's nothing else on... 

But it's usually in the background. I'm not sure I'd even consider myself a baseball fan, it's just there."
Thanks! I appreciate it. :)
Amazing ass
maybe you could help me learn ASP.NET and front-end stuff (and creating projects in it).
"Well, one of his whores went to Tywin."
"Can we start an Orphans Of Fox News subreddit? "
"Those are some fine ""AAA"" games right there ;).

Do you want to know if there are more ""AAA"" games for GNU/Linux or just want to know if more ""AAA"" games are coming soon? Or do you want to talk about those games?"
i never bothered. recruiter told me i could get PV2 if i learned some things prior to joining and taking some test but i didnt care for it. i learned everything in basic
They arnt supposed to for this very reason. They are supposed to ease into traffic and only go if it's clear.  That guy had no intentions of clearing the intersection before crossing
"So not on TV, but on the internet.  I get it that the internet is cheaper and easier to get it out there, but I think I would prefer it on TV..."
"Fuck him for parking like that.

Fuck him for going to Starbucks.

And fuck everybody else trying to go to Starbucks."
"I don't have a milk fetish, but I'd still help you drain those beautiful breasts"
"Posted to /r/Forest.

Archived selftext_html below."
"The women who interrupted the Bernie Sanders rally were members of a group called ""Outside Agitators 206"" who are using the Black Lives Matter name to bring attention to their fringe movement."
"It's funny, I used to enjoy /r/gaming ... until el_chupacupcake nuked a 25K comment thread."
"I wonder what the class item + nightfall + focused light will be on 20 packages.  Cuz that is my current plan "
I wish people would do that more often in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Give the atmosphere and your foot a break. It's not like bad things will happen if it takes you a bit longer to move a few inches.
"Great advise! Exactly what I would have said, I would also unplug the cables form the Original board and plug them into the new board to test before fully installing. Also, to find out if anything is short circuited. 

Honestly, depending on the year of the machine and how much it would be for all the part necessary to fix it, it might be worth it to send off with apple."
"Honestly, my response to the question would be, ""How so?"" Not sure where that puts me on the shitlord spectrum."
Yeah I just copied the link from
"Dbz budokai 3 holds so many memories "
"This is where ""99 herblore"" and ""99 divination"" come into play."
"*tips hat* m'charity
"Wat.  Guess you don't buy into the whole ""shared mutable state is the root of all evil"" stuff.  You probably haven't written any significant amount of code."
dang see you next weeks
How I Met Your Mother
I like your username.
You're kinda making me wanna shitpost.
"Happy Birthday Bruce (if it's still your birthday, if not fuck you dude, it's not your birthday anymore, stop hogging the limelight and get back to work) Also hope you enjoyed yourself"
"Not really, it's just say that we're still able that turn it around but that we're still shit now. Just my interpretation though."
"Citation? As I recall a several month one way trip through actual space could be a much more serious risk.

Also that's assuming there's no flare ups or anything like that. There was a solar eruption in 2005 that would have killed anyone not buffered by the earth's magnetic field. "
"At least in Venezuela they kill the right guy.  That's gotta be a step in the right direction, no?"
"yeah i dont really watch baseball on tv except for the playoffs but i've heard people say they've been really bad.  At least we have the patriots - ""I hope"""
[Sadly he did not survive the battle :(](
"I don't think they will split. I think many of the new labour candidates will continue to fight, but i think the Middle voters, or ""new labour"" voters will leave the party and could move over to the Liberal Democracts. Who Farron seems to be putting forward a ""Social Liberal Model"" which is more attractable to Labour Moderates. 

If enough voters move across it could lead to labour defections. "
"then they threw the bleeding turtle in the ocean and a shark ate it. 
"This submission to For sharing pictures of custom cars made in GTA V. was originally posted by gtuned, on Fri 09-01-15.

It has 233 points.

The top comment of the submission was:

>I know most people on here hate chrome, but this looks really nice. Sometimes chrome is good, sometimes not just like every other color. I prefer chrome to nasty looking pearlescent colors a lot of the time.

The comment was posted by TyroneBiggums93 and has 30 points.


[^(Original Post)]( ^| [^Source]( ^| [^Bug?]( ^| ^(Bot created by Toofifty)"
Managed to snag a Brooks Brothers shirt and a Banana Republic as well. Can't complain when getting good brands for free!
I saw that and thought it was pretty cool as well

Welp, nevermind."
Thank you for following up!  I'm going to take a look at using hitch on an existing project. Will let you know how it goes.
I wept :(
"The only thing mentioned so far is KB+M support for the purpose of streaming PC games to XB1.  IF they do add support to xbox one games they will most likely have separate lobbies for KB+M users.  I wouldn't worry about it too much, people who prefer KB+M probably aren't too interested in playing on console anyway."
"I'll have to unlock like 18 secrets and all other than noticeable frame drops, but those items I openly lust after when I'm sitting down, it would make them useful."
"so cool how much recognition this dude/these dudes are getting now. awesome people, sick music. philllyyyy"
"Actually ClickClack sold all his last keys for $50 - $150:

I haven't seen a ClickClack sell [for less than $100 in two years.]("
We've actually gotten proposals in mod mail before about banning cleavage in the sub...
"Dang it, title!  You made me think actual Galactic Conquest was back!  Jerk title.

Otherwise, nothing to see here.  The standard Battlefield ""Control a bunch of control points.""  Obviously it was going to be in the game, that's how all these games work."
Moving off the controlled platform might be a bit dicey ...
"He's a first-round pick who has a ton of size (6'7"" 250lbs), but he doesn't use it. He's always getting caught behind the net or behind the play, and his attitude when he was sent back to the AHL was very off-putting. 

He could mature into something good, but I don't think we have the time/roster space to really develop him more than we already have, so a good forward prospect is what I would ask for for him.  We have better prospects than him knocking on the door, and he'd be spending the season in CP if he could pass through waivers. "
"You're pretty much can't block a VPN without hurting business' entities operations, because they use it all the way (all kinds of banks and credit organizations, small startups, security firms, you name it), so that's definitely not an option; some providers, especially on mobile networks, cap bandwith for VPN traffic, but I can't remember anyone who'll be stupid enough to ban VPN altogether.

While you CAN ban all of publicly announced TOR transit nodes, you can't ban all of the bridges, and there's a LOT of bridges. While it's technically possible to detect nodes' traffic and simply ground it, you'll have to build smth like China's Great Firewall -- simply put, you have got to control all out-of-the-country links.

As for the web-proxies or proxy plugins, it's the matter of hours, really, how fast new IPs from the ban list will kick in."
"Chocolate mousse, sounds like a chocolate I can dig. 

Thanks! "

You mean besides the majority of comments in this thread?  (Not endorsing the term, as I feel it suggests stagnancy of progress)"
"Wheres Andoid? Also,, Reader has been decomissioned"
"No.  10 liters of Coke would have just shy of 4,000 calories.  That's nearly impossible to offset with exercise on a daily basis."
"Lol that is why I had no friends in elementary school, I was considered the ""weird kid"" after this :\"
"Technically you could pass through gpu to windows machine and force it to go steam big picture, yes

"Sounds cool but...

I have 3 birds, each one can carry at least 800lbs. I can fly them directly to where I mine, have them follow me and carry everything, and then fly them straight home and land next to my forge. They fly pretty fast so I can hit 3 mountains, without resting, including the volcano from my base. If I lose one I'll tame another.

So compared to this what's the benefit of those extremely expensive, inflexible, and easy to lose mine carts?

Note: I really do like your idea. Just trying to throw out another perspective."
"Psst, the top 1% that pays the least taxes and are the least useful to society, work in an industry where child labor is perfectly legal.

Yet, leftists *love* them."
"[Youre Better Than This, Europe]("
"A pure daisy can clear away tainted land, albeit less effectively than an ethereal bloom. [Edit]Turns out it only does this in Blightfall"
"I did. We broke his FCS in yesterday. 28 knots was ridiculous. It felt like the slightest move was going to send me flying into oblivion!! We didn't pitch or tip over, but got swung REALLY far out a few times when the boat fouled out of control a bit. It is an amazing sensation, but DAMN, it takes getting used to!! The foil controls, which really are the heart of that boat, hadn't been sorted yet, and we mucked around looking for the optimal settings, but by the end of the session, we felt better popping it up with our weight and moving around front to back to settle it into a good foil groove. Shit eating grins were definitely worn most of the day 😜"
"I'm fine with using it for building a character. Make a new one, give yourself whatever equipment, etc.

I myself use it to give myself consumables I can't/don't want to farm for, like Cracked Eye Orbs.

If you change something about the game that affects me I.E., giving your Zweihander a Dagger move set, I will BC out. That's blatant cheating and I can't be arsed with it."
They're booked up! Damn.
"Paul sucks at attacking. If you want to attack someone as boisterous as Trump, you need the matching personality. The way he immediately looked down after attacking Trump in the debate makes this painfully obvious.

*TW: Common sense:*

Attacking Trump (very popular among Republicans) isn't going to make you more popular among Republicans.

Seriously, does he have people running his campaign? he's dismissing Trump for not being Republican enough, when clearly he's not *that* Republican either, compared to the neocons we're all used to.

Stick to standing up for what you believe in, arguing these ideas, educating people, and attacking Hillary. Never attack people in your own party so directly, he should know this."
"So, is this the one in the images at  See article for links..."
"I don't Know.. "
Civil war-randomly selected cats (below uber) are the enemies. The boss would be a random uber
"That's actually pretty genius to replace the DVD drive with something useful. A ssd would be so much better than a dvd drive. Also, I have a USB dvd drive if needed but that's only been used like 4 or 5 times.

I got my 250 gb ssd for like 100$, it was tempting to go higher but ssd storage is just so costly in comparison to a regular hd.  I think I bought my tb hard drive for like 53$.

For my brother, it may be good to get a replacement 1 tb hard drive and then pick up a 120 gb ssd for the OS and a couple games to go on. I'll take a look into that, I'm not sure how the pricing differs from regular pc drives to the smaller laptop drives."
"A big problem they have is putting shit soft goods on some of these figures. It almost never looks good on a figure this size, the exception being very small amounts like Boba Fett or Darth Maul. That was one issue with vader, besides the terrible sad vader helmet. "
...does that work? I've heard mangoes and pineapples help with *that* taste.
"Man if I talked to my past self they'd say I'm fucking insane for doing this. You totally can! I guess I was lucky because I had connections in canada and also was terribly in debt. The hefty is that you can sell everything and just reinvent yourself "
"This post was removed because it is not from the [approved domains](/r/nsfw/wiki/hosts) or it is not a direct image link. Please read the link on proper way to post. Please note that albums are not allowed to be posted by new accounts. Also note that new users using imgur need to link directly to the image ( not the html page (

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nsfw) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Just craft it... it's basically an essential skill. With Concentration II, you'll probably never have to hone it above R1."
Watch Louis CK much?
Agreed. Very cool that they're working on this and letting us follow along as they do it.
Randy Orton
"I'm still trying to figure out what the whole drop module really is.  When I think drop ship I thing of a ship or moduile that litteral drops in like the Ship in Aliens 2 and then dusts off.  Or one that drops from the Retaliator and then rocket lands to the ground deploying troops much like Starship Troopers.  

We actually need clarification from CIG on just how That particular module works.  Can it latch onto a ship, cut its way in and have the troops board?  Answers like that are needed. "
I watched my dad get hypnotised by Anthony Cools (comedic magician).  It worked.  I think it just depends on how susceptible someone is.
"Medicine, and understanding that only I can make myself happy. Why should I place how I feel in the hands of someone else? As a result I'm not very emotional, but I don't mind it too much"
"Uhh I think you aren't understanding me correctly, when I say ""the maelstrom,"" I mean the area/zone that's currently in the game, chill :)"
I don't remember what was my first thumb. But I'm pretty sure that my second one was from paying my student loan. It has cost 20.000.
I wish aliens would come and erase that movie from existence... It even makes them look bad. lol
"Well they had only one condition to surrender and they wanted their emperor to still be a figure head. But america was too gungho to unconditional surrenders to allow it. Also how else would America stick it to USSR's face than to use the first atomic weapon "
"To be fair, the AWP has *never* not been a hot mess of bullshit."
"jeg bruker en i5-3350p og navidad getforce GTX660 men 8 giga ram det holder til og spille gta, Counter stricke globale offensive og borderlands 4 i full grafikk men stabil fps på over 100. I tillegg redigerer jeg og recorder i 1080p :))!
"What's that supposed to mean "
Lynx the God :D
You're probably right! :)
"actually it's about the same, as a random card doesn't remove future options and doesn't push you closer to fatigue at least in a control meta."
"Usually pretty exciting "
That you go way back with the UCB blows my mind. Do you have any improv you enjoy or recommend currently?
"So you say to take the box as soon as the combs all rubber banded in, or just come back the day after I take it home and check for stragglers?"
"In some semblance of order:

- DRG to 34 (B4B)
- MNK to 60 (currently 56)
- Go back and clear HW primals/dungeons/Alex NM as MNK
- Clear Alex Savage 
- MCH to 60 (currently 36)

At some point:
- Go back and finish off Second and Final Coil

- Have fun and meet lots of people"
"Japanese prisons are very secure because everything is tightly organised. No killings etc (OK, maybe self-killings)"
Fedor doesn't have any popularity with the new demographics.  They would need to bring him to people's attention before he gets a title fight.
shit ok i should have posted about how i used my id at the kindergarten
"Yes, I took a bit of a risk but the seller said it got stuck on the 'circles' screen, so I figured it must be a software problem. I was watching another one but think it had the faulty power button problem."
^ This
"Agreed. Republican here.. My party is sheeple for Trump, so hello Bernie, take my vote."
"Reagan shut down the institutions.  It's a known fact.  

Oh, but look everyone, now prisons are increasingly ""for-profit"".  This will end well.  "
"Yeah thanks man, this post wasnt only about my Karambit. I just meant that in general I've found it hard to get a PC unless its an incredibly high tier item."
"Wavelength of light is an objective standard, but color is not. To get from one to the other you need to go through at least 

a) viewing conditions, b) neural machinery, c) conceptual machinery ('blue' as a color, etc).

 In that debate, the clincher was resolving ambiguity over a)—when the catalog photo of the dress in good lighting emerged, everyone could agree on the color.

In any case my point is that people substantively disagree about subjective qualities all the time. Otherwise there'd be no point in having film or music critics, for example."
"/r/Oviposition come on, people"
"To each their own, my idea of fun is hitting some bombs but I can't sit on a couch and just play casually. Just pointing out something not a lot people may realize. Personally I had a computer monitor already that happened to have low input lag so why not improve my hitting instead of being constantly frustrated with it. "
"something like [this]( 

Edit: NSFW/L"
The fact that they make something called a selfie stick makes me sick to my stomach.
"Work at ups, this is correct. "
"I really don't think they need to edit stuff like this. I mean clearly there was a ton of drama this season anyway, they could have done a much better job. Just look at seasons 2 and 3--ton of drama there but no cringe-worthy scenes like this. "
"Kind of relieving really, Minas Tirith was designed to look pretty and that's pretty much it. Trying to build a real life functioning version of it is downright stupid."
"DeformedDorito* my dorito isn't* Deformed, its my brain. There we go buddy:) and it don't make me deformed for having an oppinion and pointing it out, like most reddit users."
"A bunch of those 183 days you're not working are weekends and holidays that wouldn't be worked in most jobs though.

And, teachers do some work during the summer to prepare for their classes.

But in general, yes, we do need to keep their time off in the summer (and often a very long Christmas break) in mind. It's just a complicated thing to consider. Some teachers will pick up extra work in the summer. On the other hand, being limited to temp jobs hurts your earning potential those months. I'm trying to find a second job right now to complement my adjunct schedule, and it's hard to find a decent job that only needs me Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday."
"to execute just drag and drop the file into the terminal window, and and hit enter

yes you do need admin, hosts file is a system file, requires root privileges to write in it."
No actually it's because there's a lot of people that get the queue but never hit accept/commence so it's not uncommon to join games where Alliances don't have all 8 people. When you join in progress bam you get in really quick.
He's asking with such serious face..
"How so? No revolution was won with politeness. "
"It still might work on 0.58, because there is nothing about fixing it in current patch notes."
"Lucina had some nice range without losing power close. "
"We are full!
close enough
"I dunno about the skit being the only _decent_ song on there. Crown Me, that Intro and maybe one more song were good. "
"Xbox One, level 22, Arena player here. I save Qin Sais as a possible 4/5/6th slot item, maybe 3rd if I really need it. It all depends on who you're playing. If I see their tank eating up a lot of our damage and we need to burn him quicker, I pick up Qin Sais as my third item and rock physical penetration + power items for my remaining slots. If I see that my opponent's tank is unskilled or I'm farming on other Gods/minions, I go for the more expensive items. Late game, people are around 2,000 hit points, so 4% of that is a decent amount and even more if you're facing a high HP tank. Combo. the item with a Beatstick and Rage (since you're probably an ADC with decent attack speed) and you'll put down a beating.

Overall, totally situational."
"If you aren't a new player, how do you know it will impact retention?"
I always wondered how they created this illusion. I still don't know how.
i want to have a vaal wisdom scroll
"Hey, while you're at it...let Buster do a line off your boner!"
So he won't go to heaven because its a suicide correct?
Just a random tidbit - there are more vacant homes than homeless people in the US.
"Thanks m8, if theres anything there you like hit me up"
Forgot that we fought him at the end of that part of the Garrison Campaign.
"I believe in being a good Samaritan "
"No one's posted that Cthulhu shirt gif, either."
"These are great! As I scrolled I would say ""Oh this is my favorite... no THIS is my favorite.. Oh man look at Jadzia THAT's my favori...ok that's it. They're all my favorite""

You have a great style!"
[Original post](
"about year 4-5, now entering 7th."
It's always easier to complain that a system isn't perfect than it is to appreciate the progress being made.
"Can you explain? I don't get how men's lacrosse could be boring. "
"Same here, I've probably paid for Apps on the Google Play Store that I already own the paid version of on the Amazon App Store."
Investing in the potato industry.
"GDI noooooooo I've been found!
"Yeah, as it's not as if the guys invented the term the mixer, it's just become one of there phrases."
[Ask and ye shall receive!](
"f2p, much prefer saving the points for imp keys"
Maybe it's because he's a carpenter?
Why would you boost the character instead of experiencing all the zones at the intended level from another faction's perspective?
"Samo su slovenia i rumunija ispred. Mi smo 54. Dok je sledeca ex-yu zemlja hrvatska na 65. mestu. Na balkanu 

Ne znam kako je tek njima ako smo mi sa vucicom rangirani toliko."
"CBC keeps pronouncing it valé. I had no idea where they were talking about.
"cool, my sister goes to unc so I might be able to get a ride and free dinner :)"
"I know that Wilnyl,  Im just saying try to ignore the meaner comments. People can be dicks."
"yeah I lucked out, my top 7 floors are all my production, with training, storage, living quarters, and other such nonsense down below.  So I'll need a total of 7 handy's to go hands free on collecting!

lucked out on my floor plan aligning perfectly with his mechanics"
Found the Brit.
Always buy the Demon Edge first if you're not sure whether to buy MKB or this or Rapier.
"My wife is asian.  She loves it.  

I'm white and so do I, but we love it for different reasons.  I love how Freddie Mercury broke the mold of music with it.  I love how he wrote the entire thing himself, and showcased his amazing vocal range throughout.  The Wikipedia of this song is a great read."
"So,this boy is Pakistani not Pakistani British.I presume such ppl should be sent back to their countries."
"Because sex.  "
"Like I said though, I don't see things working out long-term with the older guy. I think we're in different places. 

Edit: And if I'm always lukewarm about 99.9% of people, I'm not sure how to fix that. "
"Great idea, thanks "
"NSFW, obviously."
"Fantastically advanced boats. Love the old XXIs. "
It's probably possible.
That's actually really interesting. I just checked out /r/fingerboards and it's really bringing me back! haha
"Messenger is outclassed by the Pilgrim in every category except for range. Even the base recoil pattern is slightly better on Pilgrim. 

However, if you already have the Messanger - then I agree - there's no reason to grind out the (possibly) 100s of strikes it takes to get HP. Unless the maybe 3-4% advantage matters that much to you.

While Pilgrim is statistically better - it's not enough to justify the days/weeks it could take to grind the Pilgrim. Especially with a month of viability in Levels enabled Crucible.

As far as why you die to Messenger more - I have no doubt that more people have Messenger than Pilgrim. "
I'm not sure I understand.
"Yea, I just read what I could from the imgur picture... Whoever wrote that bill put some big bottlenecks, and im willing to bet that they would be profiting from them down the road."
I would take it with you next time you're at your bank. They may be able to cash advance the exact balance off of it.
"Good thing you had HEAT loaded, there's no way your AP would have penetrated.

Pre-loading gold is pretty fucking sad in a tier 10, especially a tier 10 TD."
Lol I was just messing around. It's definitely that
I'd want to be unfrozen when we no longer have to buy clothes. There will be a machine that puts them onto our bodies free of charge.
"I wish there was some kind of system on here that readers could effectively vote up or down or yes and no on new threads quality. Then if people feel it is worth reading and upvote, more people would be able to see it on some kind of front page.

Mods never felt the need to squash any other shitposts, why would they start now."
I think tech is a great way of blending creativity and analytic thinking.
please remind me who Elliot is again?
"Where'd my damn dog go? Say, have you seen him sonny?"
"I've heard that sometime tailors ask, ""on which side do you dress?""  Which seems really confusing.  Maybe they wink when they say it?"
"I hope this is bug, not a feature."
can confirm. watched backwards. no cancer here (i think).
"How fucked in the head do you need to be to make a twitter GOP Teens that asks what Jesus' favorite gun would be? What kind of question is that? Honestly, the nail gun comment, hilarious as it was, isn't as bad in my opinion as actually posing such a question."
"From /u/potatan

> There is now a tool to remove it 
> Laptops:  
> Desktops:"
"Trust me, it wasn't fun in donger or any iteration of the faction.

But what I'm saying is that i have alot of fond memories in awakened, before everyone went inactive we had fuck tons of fun. I guess what I'm saying is that i want to cherish the awakened name, and not have people that weren't in awakened in it. 

It's whatever though, I trust unknown to do good with it."
"this was actually fairly big

also training map!"
"**Attention!** Please keep in mind that the OP of this thread has chosen to mark this post with the **[Serious] replies only** tag, therefore [any replies that are jokes, puns, off-topic, or are otherwise non-contributory will be removed](

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"i'm not saying she should get off, but you basically chanting stuff like ""THROW THE BOOK AT HER!"" when other people have already talked to you about how it's only a misdemeanor and how misdemeanors get dropped all the time.  hell, someone again pointed out that even the example that you used of Ray Rice getting a raw deal isn't' true since he got his charges dropped and his case was much worse in the eyes of the law(knocked the fuck out of his gf/fiance and the law absolutely takes into account the ability of the offender to cause harm and him having fifty pounds+ over the person he attacked is much worse than Solo attacking a person a foot taller than her plus again there was fucking video of Rice doing what he did while in Solo's case it's only testimony from the people she fought).  it's just hilarious the double standards i see MRAs apply to situations but then ignore the other ones and you bringing up Ray Rice and comparing it to Solo is a perfect example of that.  

at the end of the day, a misdemeanor is fine for Solo because WHAT SHE DID WAS A MISDEMEANOR and again they get dropped or reduced all the time.  "
Will do.
"I am going to join them but I will just have big pictures of super hardcore pornography. "
"I think the main reason is to make SMT posts more recognizable, especially while scrolling through a list with posts from multiple subs."
The sub has several videos relating to playing the game and understanding the rules. Go take a look and see if it's up your alley!
"I don't believe any ITK (I hate that term).  It's fun to read and speculate, but ultimately I don't believe anything I read about a transfer until I see it on the official site."
Y' damn right teapot!
As it should be
That does seem to be him. I wonder why they're not giving us a clear shot of him though.
Obviously still paying off student loans. lol
Whatever. When you see someone with store bought shit you're not gonna think it's that cool anyway so what do you care?
"If he is good enough, he would have played.  HSV lack creativity in the midfield.  However, like Julian Green last year, if he isn't good enough, or doesn't perform, he won't play (although Halilovic is a bigger talent/is better than Green)."
They hate *anyone* having fun
"I will be moving to next gen in October just with other life bills and what not have not been able to make the jump. I will now though with talks of this being the last expansion being supported for last gen consoles. 
Hope if they do only go to next gen consoles they let it loose on Destiny and show us what they really have to offer. "
"i know, i'm pretty great sometimes"
"The bigger concern is that if we really think that it doesn't matter what we as citizens want, then what sort of democracy do we have left here in this country? Serious question. "
"i don't question Geno's accuracy, i do question his decision making, but not his accuracy.

passer rating =/= accuracy.

"What about adding an NBT tag? `Corner` would represent the corner radius of the defined box. By default, it would be 50, for 50%. To make it a cuboid, set `Corner` to 0. Of course, this would change both the affected area and the particle area."
I hibernate at the knit cafe in the winter... .main audience are very nice girls that are about to go on mat leave or are on mat leave... they do give you good advice and teach you how to knit if you bring a pattern in!
"Need this on backwards compatibility on xbox one. "
"I noticed they were like that after the first few days of training camp. Probably just tan lines from wearing sunglasses. "
If you want to!
"Oooh I get you, so as long as you've hit them and your buddy gjallys them into oblivion you'll get the exp,"
"Just curious but do you see anyone that you think has too high of a rating? I was surprised that Lance Dunbar was so high. "
"He was trying to use hair growth products but got suspended for them so now he's in a rough stage "
"I bet you thought that carb withdrawal would be easy for you.  Lots and lots and lots of people fold at this stage and then post a few days later that they regret falling off the wagon and they try again.

These types of cravings normally occur during Days 3 and 4 if you stick with < 20g of carbs a day, and then they lessen and become more manageable after that.  If you haven't followed the strict <20g carb recommendation, these cravings may last longer.

The first two weeks should be physical cravings.  Week 3 may than be emotional cravings.  This is mental toughness time more than anything."
"This shelter has been previously cited constantly for every sort of problem imaginable over the years, most recently, oddly enough, its [treatment of sick cats](

My question is, knowing the rumors that swirl around this place, was the dog being *forced* to fight cats for a potential buyer when things got out of hand? Why are the animals left alone without food all weekend? Were the cats loose in a big room? So many questions, 14 dead cats and one very traumatized dog who is going be unjustly blamed for being stuck in an absolute hell."
"> Lesson learned: Never assume road conditions stay the same.

Also, don't where a smoked visor at night."
"""GO TRAIN"""
You want to send me that original game boy you have there?
"Have you guys ever been to day camp day?  It is both crazy nuts, lots of fun, and kind of nostalgic.  "
"And then watch as they destroy even more area by bringing in cranes to move the equipment since they cannot get across the moat.

And then raise taxes to pay for the use of such equipment because they didn't budget for having to do so."
"I'm fat, not big. I'm all of 5'8"", and I'd be ""normal"" if I were about 11'8"". Somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.

I have some truly skinny friends. I wish I had their willpower to stop eating when I'm full. I don't shame them (there's nothing **to** shame!) and they don't hassle me.

Life is OK. Sorry that some people ""of size"" are douches. However, it can be true of people of **any** size, too :D"
"did this my first fleet in BL, i like to think i wasn't needed anyway"
"if I just want going nuts in the woods, then I would go for a much lighter one. like a CRF450R.

but the Africa Twin will be my ATW bike!

"Yeah, turns out i misrecalled the weird number oddities. It's that the mods only affect the channeling bonus damage. I.e. a 120% killing blow, on top of the normal 1.5x channeling multiplier, brings you up to a 2.1x multiplier instead of 1.5x, *not* 2.6x damage like you might think, because it's only increaseing the +50% damage that channeling provides.

Throwing in corrupt charge too will bring you to a 2.6x multiplier, instead of the expected 4.1x.

This is what makes most other mods better than the channeling mods, because the ""120% bonus channeling damage"" translates to an additional 60% damage while channeling, vs a 90% elemental mod resulting in an additional 90% elemental damage when you're not channeling, and 135% elemental damage when you are."
"Fellow San Diegan, [Xeriscaped]( my lawn and I've never looked back!"
"Why do people even want Hillary Clinton? She wasn't good enough to get the nomination over Obama last time, so why is she good enough now? It just feels like she's being forced on voters."
"That doesn't make sense. "
"It's the gateway drug thing, I guess. Although the rationale I've heard for banning it (finally) in Japan is that it can be used to normalize abuse to children consuming it, which, if it's true, is probably a good idea. "
"Woo! Suck it, reds! Wait, Ford is red... shit... "
"I'm pretty sure it's coming, the devs confirmed they're coming to other consoles but didn't specify. Can't imagine 'other consoles' to be the OUYA and WiiU or something

EDIT: Well of course WiiU might be a possibility but not a single one besides that one seems logical to me"
Implying lasses can't be m8s?
"C'mon people. Give /u/german_nerd the upvote for the assist. "
"No STP means no BPDU, which means there is nothing to cause the 4500s to block the port unless unmanaged switch sends the BPDU it receives from a 4500 back upstream to the other 4500. However LOOP might trip or CDP might freak out.

"> I'm not concluding there is no god. The only conclusion I've reached is that I don't believe in any gods.

Good to know."
"From what I read, he actually sounds like a sane good guy."
"Pieters curve was meant to be a safe maximum, not a minimum."
Finishing Parasyte. Had to finish the last two episodes on Hulu. Goddamn ads.
"Oh, I tried with Sonic + Bowser. Maybe that's why."
It panders to the majority...
"I've seen just a box (after ""Thanks"") a couple of times in other posts. Very unlikely you'll know this, but do I need to change something to see certain emotes on reddit? o_O"
Style is easy with no money spent tho
"Yahoo 0.5 PPR League - 10 teams, pick 6

QB: Matt Stafford (10th), Ryan Tannehill (8th)

RB: Lamar Miller (3rd), Mark Ingram (4th), Melvin Gordon (5th), Ameer Abdullah (9th), Isaiah Crowell (14th)

WR:  Antonio Brown (1st), Odell Beckham Jr (2nd), Keenan Allen (7th), Jarvis Landry (11th),  John Brown (12th).

TE: Greg Olsen (6th), Delanie Walker (13th)

K: Mason Crosby (15th)

DEF: Arizona (16th)"
"As long as your little shits are running around causing mayhem, I don't really give a shit how you do it. Plenty of ""parents"" just let their kids run around and tear shit up so they become someone else's problem instead of theirs. "
"His behavior is inappropriate and bordering sexual harassment. You need to make it clear that you are uncomfortable with his actions or he will continue to treat you in a comparable way. Next time he texts you something inappropriate, if you do not feel confronting him face-on, then text back something like, ""how would your wife feel about you texting me things like this"" or hint that his words are inappropriate. I do not think that you should avoid confronting him and stopping his behavior (if you are uncomfortable with it) to avoid the possibility of damaging your work relationship. If he cannot maintain a 'working relationship' amicably once you confront him about his behavior, then I say just get rid of him. He is a family friend, and your family owns the business, and you should not be made uncomfortable in your own place of work every day. I do not think you should need to be polite- just make it understandably clear that you find his behavior uncomfortable and let him know he is not in change of you/ he does not have power of control over you. Be assertive. Honestly, if he cannot maintain a professional relationship after being called out then I doubt that your parents would want such an employee working for them. You are there daughter, they will obviously choose to maintain a relationship with you over some creepy family friend. "
oh right i see then that's fine:)
May I join? I'd like to get a Golden Net and a Golden Rod please. Also option B. [Please RMM after]( :D
*gulp* why do have to play them so early in the season. Do you guys accept rainchecks?
Did you set your shader quality to high or very high? Changing those number (range is 0-255) should have a noticeable effect on reflectivity.
8 hours is merely a mustard burp on the road of life.
how much?
looks like you can even see some blood at the very end on the floor...not 100% sure if it is blood though.
"It's more reasonable than the guy who got a ""National Champs 40-0"" University of Kentucky tattoo."
"In most games? I'd say maybe at a push in 40% of games for Spurs he's been less than stellar, but never awful. In the remaining 60% he's been a game winner. "
womp womp
"Did you watch Detonation Focus at the IWC?  Cero is my fucking hero.

They may have lost, but they won over a fan."
I think a lot of teams are going to regret skipping over him for his age this season. Just look at how badly so many major EPL teams are crying out for a halfway decent striker.
"Is his problem with it the ""winner take all"" method of awarding states' electoral votes? Because that's my problem with it."
I think the reason being that anyone willing to drop money for four tarns is likely willing to pay a bit more for these significantly cooler tarns.
Lars and the Real Girl
"Friday Night Lights is damn good, coming from a fan of sports anime"
"Samurai Champloo definitely worth a peek. 

Otherwise it depends a lot on taste and they can be fairly different from Bebop and Champloo.

I think Fate Stay night Zero is enjoyable. Psycho Pass is by the same director and has an interesting dystopia going on. I think Code Geass R1 is one of the best mixes of Anime and light HS antics. Black Lagoon is a tremendously fun show. 

If I were introducing someone ""aware"" of anime, I think I'd go with Champloo first."
"Jingles must be on cloud nine right now. "
not yet my son
[Kratos can show you](
"yes. I think pretty much everyone would agree with that statement. "
Fair enough.
"I don't upgrade till next year so I will be getting the 7. Been the same since the 4. "
Fat Loki strikes again
"Questions :

#1 - For the Journalist ""role"", how much would one need to write each month ?
#2 - Where can I apply ?"
Won my soccer tournament in penalties :)
Nissa too.
What Miller would give to have 6 runs of support.
I pronounced it hi-skew-uhl.
I love Chili's though...
I copied Vanilla 3.6's spawn points and dimensions. So they aren't different.
" That's after the two had absorbed god ki and become significantly more powerful, with their Ssj God Ssj transformations being even more powerful than Ssj God Goku in Battle of Gods."
"I'm guessing you're pretty young because, like the person you're defending, you have limited reading comprehension skills.   

>You're being a dick. 

That's an attack, and one that you don't need to make.  Is it only cool when you do it?

"I watched that 6 minute 13 second video and still think those cops are cunts. They just straight up attacked the guy without talking to him first. Remain calm and talk to the dude. No need to jump to his face and shout sit down on the curb. "
"You pre-clean so the cleaner can clean the things you can't. Also they are cleaners, not organizers or tidiers. You hire then by the hour, so it makes sense to put your stuff away and let them go to town on your carpets, kitchen, and bathroom. I wouldn't want to pay someone to put my stuff away and leave my carpet or kitchen dirty. "
"1. Because they're different to the majority of us, people will jump on the differences of others and highlight them, I don't know why. Basicly the poor will always outnumber the rich *and* be overpowered by them, so it makes sense that the prevailing opinion would be ""fuck the privileged"" and power to the workers. It's kind of a unity, power in numbers kind of thing, an entire nieghbourhood full of massively different people can be brought together by their socio-economic class and their lucky posh enemies.

2. Speaking from experience, jealousy. I want things and money, but that guy got it instead. Screw that guy and his money.

Serious Question, why is it not like that in the USA?
I stand corrected. I'm mashed some starfish in my day.
"Did you also lag, or is just the gif that lags? :D"
"Yes, really."
The fuck you doing all the way out there.
"We just decided the other day to have a local mexican place cater.  They have a burrito bar for $10/head and the staffers make each burrito individually.  I think it sounds effing awesome.  It's your damn wedding and its your budget.  My mom was upset when I said we'd have paper plates and plastic-ware but we're at an effing state park 30 minutes from civilization.  If you think i'm renting and carting around 80 nice plates and silverware you're dreaming.  We are going for simplicity and fun.  Whatever you're going for, stay true to that.  You'll be happier for it."

I highlighted the quotation marks. This isn't want they really think, this is what their ""PR department"" wants them to say as cover."
"You must be new to comp cod. A few months ago there was a huge thread on the front of r/CodCompetitive because Zooma told someone to kill them self or something "
Random shot of Clowney on the sidelines.
"  Sounds like a hard struggle to live"
The only way this would be inappropriate is if it was a church wedding. Outside of that people do all kind of weird things like wearing boat shoes is popular right now at weddings. There are no rules that say you have to accommodate every persons comfort zone at all times especially if you are going to spend that kind of money on one party. Grow up already.
"Well that would certainly be interesting. "
1999 MGSV:GZ
So much so that you have to fight wolves with your bear hands!
"Hulk Hogan. I;e the biggest name in WWE history. This chick will be fired eventually sure, but Hogan wasn't removed from history. Just released is all. "
"This is really nice for you to do! May I have a golden axe and golden shovel for my cycle town? So many trees in the way D:

I think a snow bunnies giveaway would be adorable. I'd be coming in as Kat from Cobalt, if that's okay. [RMM right here](, adding you now (:"
"No, but I kiss yours."
I'd take the Lamborghini lol
Holy shit guys I left to go to golden gate fields and I missed a hell of a game! Wish I was watching this one with you all!!
day 105: They still think i'm one of them.
I think the one who died was your dear old grammar.


######	Hover to view match details

Here is your summary:

[**Dire** WINS 21-***36*** @ 36 minutes](/spoiler)


Portrait | Hero | Player | Level | KDA | LH/D | XPM | GPM | HD | TD
[](/hero-keeperofthelight) | [Keeperof]( | [*private*]( | 8 | 0/12/2 | 11/1 | 101 |135 | 2.3k | 0
[](/hero-antimage) | [Anti-Mage]( | [joker]( | 24 | 14/6/4 | 194/1 | 832 |629 | 14k | 100
[](/hero-invoker) | [Invoker]( | [*private*]( | 16 | 4/8/7 | 57/2 | 419 |341 | 7.5k | 0
[](/hero-rubick) | [Rubick]( | [Naamani]( | 17 | 2/9/18 | 75/3 | 471 |398 | 9.3k | 21
[](/hero-pudge) | [Pudge]( | [DareDevil]( | 13 | 1/6/6 | 40/2 | 286 |239 | 3.7k | 0


Portrait | Hero | Player | Level | KDA | LH/D | XPM | GPM | HD | TD
[](/hero-axe) | [Axe]( | [Kebab King]( | 21 | 11/4/4 | 183/1 | 646 |598 | 16k | 364
[](/hero-doom) | [Doom]( | [Hardrive]( | 21 | 7/4/7 | 214/0 | 670 |704 | 12k | 2.8k
[](/hero-windranger) | [Windranger]( | [*private*]( | 18 | 9/3/5 | 146/6 | 512 |535 | 15k | 4.3k
[](/hero-wraithking) | [WraithKi]( | [mortus]( | 19 | 4/3/5 | 182/1 | 546 |530 | 8k | 2.2k
[](/hero-earthshaker) | [Earthshaker]( | [*private*]( | 15 | 5/9/13 | 36/1 | 347 |404 | 10k | 196

^^maintained ^^by ^^[s505]( ^^[code]( ^^[**dotabuff**]( ^^/ ^^[**dotamax**]( ^^Match ^^Date: ^^*30/8/2015,* ^^*15:44*
Now that's a 'business machine'.
"No worries, you're just doing this for fun, and that's the best way to write.

Haha, Napoleon has no luck - will that change, in accordance with his character and personality?

And that doesn't surprise me that Abn3pa would be good at fending off A's aggressive tendencies. She and Cly are definitely end game threats. A seems like the others might team up against her soon."
"I ordered one of those and I'd probably never have noticed. Can't say I'm too bothered either but I can see why you'd be upset.

Maybe the Patriots' AI suppressed the n?"
"this looks exactly like my cat
"I'm too lazy to make a gif, and I don't know how to make a replay clip:"
"When I switch either method as a whole with my script in my project, my new UI button loses the ability to send a string or int to the script (<Missing ButtonBegins.NextLevelButton>), nor is there another button link I recognise to trigger the scene change.

Also, I've realised that the int usage in my original script is somewhat redundant and needless. My revised original script is now...

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class ButtonBegin : MonoBehaviour
    	public void NextLevelButton(string Scene001)
"Sorry, but that's a cop-out. Drugs, alcohol, broken families, shitty schools, no respect for education, functional illiteracy, teen pregnancy, absentee fathers and a general culture that celebrates ignorance and self destructive behavior are the problems. All of which, by the way, are very expensive for whitey."
"Blue Pants City

Fap fap fap fap fap. "

 but going off your title alone im gonna agree and say yeah target exclusives arent a bad thing anymore as long as they keep producing 100,000+ of that figure for whatever wave is coming out. "
"4483, thanks!!"
I played with plats in team (normals) vs plats/low diamonds who were toxic as hell. But thats in like 10% of the games.
"You can tp to Rek'Sai's tunnel too, or Yorick's ghouls, or for far range TP's to a location the ward from an upgraded blue trinket. It's not really OP since TP is still a pretty telegraphed skill and has a high CD, it just gives cool options."
"That's an admission of error, not an apology."
"They didn't implement a system to stop abuses of the timer.

The multiplayer timer already exists to curtail those kinds of abuses and/or connection issues, since it doesn't exist in single-player. It really just tells me that they didn't test it enough to realize how easy griefing is, because there is no limit on how many times you can trigger a stop timer, which overrides the turn timer and has no memory of previous stops.

So long as the player in question is willing to cancel out of and re-enter the stop timer, they can stop the game indefinitely, which is obviously not intended, and something that Stainless should have caught in testing.

If griefing is possible, people WILL grief in multiplayer games. Period. Designers are, unfortunately, forced to design with this in mind. "
"She says, try it. * The real short cut never looks bad. * And if you don't like it, it'll grow back quickly enough."
"Mine, too.  Also in January."
"If you can increase your marketability by 100% and achieve positions in which you're employed in line with your experience/education, then it's worth it. It's an investment in yourself."
brb kms again
Handstand to shoulder plant
"In the short term yes. However once word spreads that even if they pay to go to Europe they will not get to stay there but will instead be resettled back to Northern Africa they will stop paying smugglers or trying to come to Europe via boats. 

The economic migrants keep coming because currently paying a smuggler works and you get to Europe."

Here it is, courtesy of another helpful redditor"
[I] ( [Certainly] ( [Deliver.] (
Hopefully someone can crack it. Wanna play offline!
KJO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sorry about that crash xD. The server stopped working. I fixed it.
"Anyone know what the quote below says?
"If 'banned from Reddit' is to be a standard, you may as well create some other dumb ones."
"Excellent! Thank you, I'll definitely have to look into that."
"Because calling an entire team ""ignorant"" or ""(in) denial"" isn't rude...

Besides, if we're in super-serious ""let's find out this story"" mode, it makes sense that you'd have people poke at the theories and see if they find any flaws in them."
The Costco rush on a Saturday morning

You'll need tie-out lines, stakes, and probably trekking poles for support if you don't have 2 trees the right distance apart.

Snakes: use a hammock"
"Also, dat soundtrack"
"Realistically no, but it's fun to entertain the thought that they are competitive, 5 games out is a lot to overcome with how many teams are still in front of us."
"Attack in small bursts and if it looks like they will counter automatically assume they will hit it and rush back to defend. If they miss then boost to take advantage. 

Aerials I use very rarely. If they are going up into one for a goal I might go up to try to counter it. 

Most of the time 1v1 is waiting for mistakes. He is waiting for you to make one and vice versa IMO.   "
"Really, there are two stories here.

The first is that it's possible to be arrested on some pretty severe misdemeanors without ever laying a hand on an officer or, in fact, doing anything that actually interferes, because the interfering, obstruction, and resisting laws were written by a retarded four year old. They are much too broad, so police feel confident abusing them at every turn. We are just paying attention here because *these* abuses are caught on tape.

The second is that the police face no real consequences, individually, even if the department as a whole is penalized. When a police officer makes an obviously illegal arrest, he should face charges for it-his normal protections are voided. Those laws probably exist, but we need to *demand* that our elected officials *enforce* them. "
Nice.  They have been on sale for $6 at Belk for a while now but if they stop carrying them I will go online at Kohl's.
"I watched the E-Fag game and saw they were landing headshots, and assumed frat hadn't played in a while, I believed in them. Also, who needs to research fnatic, theyre fucking fnatic. I spent the good half of 4 hours researching GGRabb"
iSlant#1908 that is awesome
I'd love it :)
Stop tabbing out of the game! :D
"I can't say I disagree! "
no u
"I agree it's overblown, but it was also significant enough for him to sign a team friendly contract that easily makes him the best value in the NBA"
"Bioshock Infinite.

Bioshock is a great game. Infinite is simply turrrrrble."
Thay helmet looks really nicely made
"Wow really? 

I'm actually interested in hearing more about this? What were heroscape weaknesses?"
"i didn't see that thread, can you share if so please?"
"The more I think about it, the more I'm with you. "
Ah. Makes sense... Thanks for answering. :) I figured it was something like that. So is the option of giving another character this Mount of the question now? I should just sell it to a NPC for 6k?
"Thanks for the information! Hehe, I've stepped back a few times to try to objectively look at what people eat. When you classify animals I have found it interesting that while most will go out of their way to avoid eating scavengers they have no problem eating one that is possibly one of the worst. Any way the point is for us to be healthy and perform better than the carb eaters. We have our fanatics as well."
"Ok, who wants to be my hole?"
"I like this so much better than the original! I want the white or green one, but they are all awesome."
"The Witcher 3 has a story? I thought it was just all about Gwent? ...I really like Gwent. Also I slightly hate you for voting for Grow Home instead of Armello. "
"Yes. They denied everything there wasn't direct evidence of. I even gave examples. 

Not to mention that the US is acting from a different position than Russia. It continues to deny its involvement in Syria, Ukraine, etc.    
It continues to be unapologetic about its aggression in the Middle East, Central East Asia and Northern Africa. The US still hasn't officially admitted that there were no WMDs in Iraq.

The US is always denying everything they are able to deny due to lack of evidence. And even when evidence has been presented they usually keep denying things until it has been made public on a large scale. And even the it persecutes its whistleblowers instead of holding its criminals responsible.

>There is loads of downvoting on both sides, what are you talking about?

Oh really? 

Yet look at my comments or pro-Russian or anti-American ones and then look at the comments of pro-American or anti-Russian comments.

>Also, out of curiosity provide an example of the scale as Ukraine, where the US denied everything?

Could you provide an example of what exactly is still being denied by Russia and on what ""scale"" you believe that to be? You know... you talk in very general terms, so it's hard to take it serious.

>You talk in very general terms, so it's hard to take it serious.

I am doing nothing but respond to the typical anti-Russian propaganda. My comments are actually in more specific terms than theirs are (including yours), so I find it very interesting that you try and accuse and dismiss me based on that. Very curious."
"Ground-breaking. The future of the game looks bright indeed.  

I will enjoy seeing these systems become slowly integrated into major tournaments as more progress is made.  

WONDERFUL work, Fizzi."
"Seems we are only allotted a certain amount of runs per series and we use most of them up in one of the games. "
This is correct.  I sure wish map-reveal was legacy-wide.
"You see that, I see it as a battle of positioning and a tactical choice to send the double, and see if it gets there in time.  Beyond that, reposting is a legitimate move, and when the two post players were sufficiently skilled there was a game-long battle of adjustments and counter-moves."
3 man group also — each of the two players have 2 PC's. Works great — bit tough to role-play between the two you control but better than not playing :)
I've met Mcdonalds managers with 401ks
"Hello /u/swellandnifty, 

Do not delete this submission or any of your comments.  Any deletions will result in a BAN from /r/borrow.  If your request is fulfilled or you no longer need the money, please use the flair option.

You've posted a [REQ] and we would like to remind you to make sure you have a few things in your post or it will be removed by a Moderator. 

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"If you're asking if there is a genetic tendency for people who are ugly to be naturally more intelligent than attractive people, than no.

But if you're asking if ugly people seem smarter than attractive people because they have to put in more effort to get ahead in the world, than yes."
"Hey, this may seem trivial, but is g assumed to be gravity?"
"Except Her Majesty has taken a stand against what happened (discipline of Goodwin for example). I am a proud servant of Her Majesty and an unashamed royalist, the Queen honours who she wishes with the information she has at the time and can and has reversed decisions when new information has come to light. So please don't go for the bullshit Hurr Durr fuck the monarchy circle jerk. Without Her Majesty we would have no ability to e force law in the UK, tjat is just one point I have for the monarch."
The forth reich. You just wailt.
Still open?
"I'll give it a month, and that text color is giving me aids. "
"Maybe you are right, though I consider justice a virtue, and privilege/discrimination an injustice."
"OP's Mom

The entire house would smell like dick."
"I thought that too, but I really don't want to go through an annoying filler character origin story every season"

Hey look Im not a fool,

Coundn't come up with something cool,

Ive just got a giveaway to win,

No Novelty account, Like HaikuberryFin."
"It must have been strange, feeling uncomfortable for the first time."
"Oh god, I forgot this guy existed. He's the next HowToBasic."
"This rotation, the only thing that I would be happy about is Zarioss, Seara, everything else I have (well I don't want a water MK already have a wind) "
"It will be. Just check your water params daily for a week to be sure.  

Also, [search doesn't really suck]("
"Haha that was brutal "
"god seav the king toast
"> Having a phone, a USB drive etc. would not be considered probable cause of a crime.

How would they have a warrant unless it was? 

ETA: Also, what makes you think the only evidence that comes of using such a dog is electronics equipment? The reason such dogs are so useful is because if the police find something illegal that's incidental to the items actually being searched, the evidence is also admissible. Kind of like how cops who do a questionable search of a car just so happen to have smelled marijuana later when asked about it."
Dude i have some bad news for you i had the same problem your gpu is probably below min spec so lower your scene resolution ratio and it shouldnt crash the game anymore
Allowing Nulls was the first mistake. Bad bad bad
"I've never understood why they always promote it as ""the beautiful wine country"" and then race during the summer while everything is dead and brown. "
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by vidilux"
WTF was that?
"> so what weapons are recommended now? i am not playing pve at all.
so what weapons are recommended now? i am not playing pve at all."
Did i mention Eva? no. I said within the team.
"Doesn't matter at all! Tomorrow morning is absolutely fine! Also, I may need to trade a couple of the codes I sent you, so you can hold off on redeeming the last two until I get back to you? Sorry this trade is so difficult hahaha"
"I was an elementary school teacher in Japan for several years. I was once asked by a coworker what ""twerking"" was.

The school's internet blocks YouTube and most video sites unless you have special permission/reason to access it, plus most twerking videos are a bit NSFW, so video was out of the question, even if this had been a professional inquiry. I was forced to explain via demonstration.

I described it in broken Japanese as a ""jiggly butt dance"" and then proceeded to give my best approximation of what it might look like. I think I did an okay job, all the while verbally re-iterating that this is usually done in tight pants or a thong in order to emphasize the ""jigglyness"" of the butt. One of my coworkers tried it out, but he was getting it all wrong; his twerking looked more like a weird hula-dance, and I told him so. One of the other teachers was like ""it's more in the hips, right?"" and actually did a decent job. Then a third teacher was like ""what are you guys doing?"" and we then proceeded to re-explain what twerking was and a couple minutes later, me and 4 other teachers in suits were twerking in the teachers' room with varying degrees of success.

Not my proudest moment."
"I have nothing constructive to add, but FH and I were seriously considering this. We're thinking about doing it for our rehearsal dinner instead since our venue requires us to use their food. "
I'll check the video out. Thank you.
Haha :)
"Steam/in-game name: DarkLayn
Steam Profile:
SteamID64: 76561198106540904
Description of RP Character (min. 100 words): I ran my family ranch ever since my eighteenth birthday, the place had been handed down ever since my old granny came down and settled on this barren land, through some miracle they turned this wasteland into fields full of grass for the animals. When my Pa came of age granny told him it was time that he took over, he soon met up with my mother and together they had three children, my older brother, me, and my younger sister. My brother passed down the opportunity to lead the ranch as he didn't like the idea of all the responsibility so it fell to me. My parents didn't survive long enough to see me take over but within the week I had enough money to go out drinking but when I did, I woke up on the ARK naked, wet, confused and with a massive hangover. Not my day."
"Broadcast live from the home of rugby, the Beehive.

Is it time for a separation of rugby and state?"
"Putting up his arms to try and feebly avoid the splash, he grins and looks at Kaylie.

""Feisty little guy, isn't he? Where did you two meet?"""
" is the go to forum for vintage window repair. They're the experts. They're so into fixing old windows, they haven't updated their forum format since 1999. But the info is solid.

This specific topic [thread]( (with photos) is good to learn from and be inspired from. "
Because the Staced God burned me like a witch at the stake last year.
"Small, but important correction. Atheists don't assert that there is no god, they dismiss the assertion that there is a god.

Prefix ""a-"" - lack of something. Theism - belief in the existence of a deity. Atheism - lack of belief in the existence of a deity. Atheism is a belief as much as not collecting stamps is a hobby."
United States Marine Corps and I were unable to do with it so far.
"looks really cool! modding skyrim to be that pretty must be painful though.  

any backstory on the guy?"
Italics really get me going.
When I tank I'm really offensive. Depending on the cd of your trinket I'd macro it into DRW or just have it bound separately and used as a dps cd.
Even kildares has a good selection of craft beer. Especially IPAs once it gets a bit colder
"Being bleached is essentially the same as saying rinsed with chlorine. And what makes you think it ""probably"" doesn't remove the nutrients?"
Wut. Should people with obesity-related diseases just be left to die in your world?
"The second-to-last one gets a LOT of reviews. And that wasn't even the main plot... I don't remember what the main plot was....

Also, the last point there: the newborn goddess was a cow. We never really got to understand what she was the goddess of, but she kept reappearing in their lives. "
I'm working on a marketing intelligence tool and one part of it is a scraper
"Dont have skill ups on Alvida, Lvl 5 on GPU.
Im think to do one team with WB as a capitain, but can try with blamenco + G3 friend.

Thank once again

"We're sorry, but the title of your post is in violation of our rules. You had ""[W] Keys or good offers"" in your title.

You must set a realistic price or an item for which you would instantly trade for every item you buy, sell, or trade here. For items that won't be traded one-to-one, you must set a specific number (i.e. 60 keys, $45 PayPal). You may still ask for offers. If you are selling a number of items, you may set a bulk buyout for all of them. If you have set a buyout and your post is still being removed, please resubmit with a different title.
New items added to the game won't require such a price (therefore you can ask for offers in this case), but only until one week after their addition (CST/CDT will be the time zone used to determine when this window ends). If you were trying to do this, and you feel this removal was an error, please contact us at the link given below after this message.
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If you intend to contact us about this action (or any other ones), please ensure that you have read this comment in its entirety (making sure to read through any relevant links) and make sure you grasp a full understanding of what it means *before* contacting us.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"*Reagan moaned, her first instinct was to cover up but she didn't do that. She didn't want to do that, she looked into his eyes and smiled slightly* 

""don't stop doing what your doing. It feels great.."""
UCLA is very generous with financial aid. You never know what they might offer.
You understand I'm arguing realpolitik not policy?
Great.  Thanks for the detailed response.
It can be both descriptive and poorly worded - it's just phrased strangely
[Well fuck.](
yeah but these are all star pros
"Fin, watermelon cucumber (Max vg), berries and cream (Max vg), apple pie and vanilla ice cream. 50/50 for the other two.  6mg please. 

"You will! 6 days means you are at the end of the most difficult week. Hang in there and keep messaging this group. From what I have seen , there is great support here so people will help you achieve it. "
I suppose Phone Guy's lack of knowledge concerning Fredbear's and the sister location would imply that he is an unlikely candidate as the father of the crying child.
"Thanks, I think the ideal solution for me is to play the music from my desktop, streaming over uPnP to the laptop - this way I can control the music from my desk (the laptop is on the other side of the room by my speakers).

This also has the benefit that I don't need to syncronise my MP3 library between computers.

If I'm using PCM for the stream, does that mean that my MP3 files are being transcoded from lossy to lossy as they are streamed?"
"It looks good, don't get me wrong, but I'd still much rather use a Mehndi or Cartel."
" I generally mix on weekends, and taste when I have free time. 
Try streamlining your process maybe?


*  Have pg, vg, or both in flask(s) for pouring in grad cylinders
* Replace syringes with pipettes and small grad cylinder or scale (I still use syringes  for precise measurements)
*  Make 5-10 bottles at a time
* Make  x% single flavor, steep, then dilute to 2/3x% and  1/3x% solution. (9,6,3%) (3,2,1%)
* Looking at known recipes for flavors start %
* Test at weakest % then work up (spare rda's are quick)

Based on what I tasted off last weekends mixing/ knowledge of flavors I have, I can ball park percentages this weekend. Then test and take notes later this week or next weekend, and adjust from there.

"Most of desktop environments allow you to do with clicking only.

Here is how to do in on Ubuntu:"
"I love making vegan chocolate mousse. It's so yummy and creamy, and it's basically avocado and cocoa. "
">women who outshine men by such a wide margin

-which is totally not subjective

-which does not take into account quantity of female animators, or the fields in the industry they're choosing"
"go to for shirts, they have a living social deal where you can spend $50 for $100 worth of shirts then just spend the other $100 on their website and you can get shirts for $37.50 and they are very good quality and fit(get extra slim fit unless you're bulky). Just bought 8 for $300 and am very pleased. 

Edit: the deal is sold out, but the shirts are still well worth their $50 normal cost when buying in sets of 4"
:(... No faith.
[I wait patiently.](
"Please go to Texas! I'm from New York, but Texas is absolutely my favorite state I've visited. Houston is actually pretty clean and friendly from what I experienced, Austin is mind-blowing, San Antonio has so much to do, especially around it... I could go on and on. I love Texas, I'd move there in a second if my fiance wasn't stationed up here in the arctic. 

Glad you enjoyed our country! Best of luck with your future :) "
Very hoof.
The kid should have been euthanized. *angry face*
"I think you're looking for `update_idletasks()`, or simply `update()`. From what I've read update() can be taxing on your system if there are a lot objects to update. EDIT: [why use update_idletasks](

    from tkinter import *
    import time

    root = Tk()

    entry1 = Entry(root)
    entry2 = Entry(root)
    entry3 = Entry(root)
    entry4 = Entry(root)

    entry1.grid(row=0, column=0)
    entry2.grid(row=0, column=1)
    entry3.grid(row=1, column=0)
    entry4.grid(row=1, column=1)




    label1 = Label(root, text=""label1"")
    label2 = Label(root, text=""label2"")

    label1.grid(row=0, column=0)
    label2.grid(row=0, column=1)

"Hey, handsome..."
"Why does anyone have an interest in anything? If you support a football team you don't personally share in their victories, that doesn't mean you don't enjoy watching the game. It doesn't mean you don't enjoy it when your team win.

People are often interested in the performance of something they care about. It's not exclusive to movies or anything. It's just a thing that people do. I'm sure you care about one or two similar things yourself. Ironically, you seem to care quite a bit about people caring about this sort of thing - you don't gain or lose anything from it, it doesn't effect you personally, but you still seem to care.

Why does it bother you so much that some people enjoy something that you don't?"
"You'd have thought that after going 108/148, for an overall winning percentage of .422, that Dan Snyder would have learned that he is not good at running a football team.  I vote that we all get our torches and pitchforks and burn his mansion to the ground (and then re-plant all of those poor trees for good measure).  "
"Really since the Dreadnaught will basically be endgame Patrol, a few of the changes will make their way to the old Patrol areas but they won't change much."
"To be honest, it was a random name I came up with years back. 

Back when my Dad had BF2 on his pc I wanted to play it online but you needed an account to do that, so I made an account and I decided to go with Spazman since my parents would always(and still do) call me a spaz. The 3000 part is..basically impossible to explain, I was thinking of random numbers I could put at the end and 3000 just happened to be the one I liked the most, however since then I have gone by Spazman4000 and 5000 has well, but not 2000 or 1000 those numbers are for chumps."
She pleaded out to 4th degree rape. The charges were much more serious and extensive.
"In this case, I wish vaping was not the safest option."
"Yes, I admit my fave - popular or not. don't care what others think about what movies I like."
"My first and only comedy show experience was with Jim Gaffigan a few weeks ago at a large outdoor venue that seats a few thousand. I liked it, but I have nothing to compare it to. Sound was clear, there were screens up so you could see better."
">i look forward to the day that you uninstall dota 2 for good.

I'll take the triple kek."
"wish he would stay, dont see a reason why hes going on loan again"
"For example, the grand romantic gesture that saves the day in ANY movie is usually seen as creepy and threatening to real women"
"> the universe is evidence of nothing but the universe. 

This is loaded with the assumption that there is no God as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Thus there is a fallacy in that statement.

>of course within the confines of this argument wednesday can't be used as evidence for or against.

If they are subject to the same fallacy that atheists are subject to (basing their conclusions on non-existence of evidence), then this is also of course a problem for them."
ok tyvm!
"lord jesus, it's a fire."
"> I'm trying to get postfix to send emails out, and my ISP blocks port 25. I want to use port 587.

Where/what are you trying to use port 587? No other mailserver on the Internet will accept mail on port 587 without authentication, it's the submission port and it's for submitting mail rather than for delivering it. 

Your ISP is blocking port 25 because almost all mail that originates from ISP dhcp ranges is spam, if there were a trivial way round it they'd need to block that, too. 

If you want to deliver mail from this server then you need either to have your ISP stop blocking it, or route the mail through somewhere else. You could use a VPN (though I'd be surprised if that turned out to be reliably not-blocked by the servers you're trying to deliver to) or pay someone to use their server as a mail relay."
"But in the thread about the vandalized train a couple of days ago I was told all football fans are the scum of the earth: trowing trash around, yelling, assaulting and harassing women... why the sudden Change of heart?"
My girlfriend sent me a deck of cards that she hole punched and put a shower ring through to hold them together. She wrote 52 reasons why she loves me on the cards. It was really sweet and I look at it often.
"Well actually, the multitracks are split into three, guitar, bass, and the rest. So you can't just remove vocals like that. However, there are instrumental versions for almost every song Muse has released on a studio album available."

GL me =]"
You were having a difficult time in your relationship and sought someone else outside of your relationship.  This is toxic. He dosent trust you? Surprise there.   I think it would be best for both of you to suck it up and both move on.  You both probably need to be alone for a while and mature before jumping into another relationship.
"Its actually on sale right now for $40, have never seen it for less than 60 before that though"
"That's exactly what I was trying to point out. The perfect score should be near impossible. "
"Agreed "
Is this what the old sprint cup circuit used to look? It's very interesting to say the least
"The weekend editions have been not happening for a few weeks, though the weekday ones have been. 

Congrats on hitting 2 miles! What kind of pace if I may ask?"
"Looks good, but you should check the result of the VFB-SGE match :)"
"I love the scale of part separation and detail across the same scale from the Altron, Star Build Strike and the Exia."
"And the answer is no, he didn't"
"If somehow he can make a return come time for playoffs, the team will be damned lucky--his absence at that nickel spot is sorely missed. "
"Ah OK, thanks for the recommendations!"
"How do people reach you to hire you for your services?

How do you get to the store for necessities?

Have you run into problems with needing money you didn't have?"
"Can you imagine a cop giving someone a wet willy? It would sound so unbelievable. "
Personal attacks are not allowed here
Having sex up against a wall.
"So far it's Krombopulos Michael, but since season 2 isn't over yet, I'm going have to say that guy with the two heads from episode 9."
Is it legal where you are?
That's awesome! Are you building anything in particular? I remember your Frozen plans :)
"Not at all. "
And that video...
"OP definitely follow that advice it's really good a few things I'd add

a) A lot of this boils down to learning to act confident, eye contact is a major point to this. It seems like a lot to do but it once you get into it it just gets easier and easier.

b) Let your boss (someone above your direct supervisor if possible) know you want to work towards a promotion, ask for extra responsibilities (training new starters etc.) but make sure it's not just menial tasks. I have found often people just assume that it's obvious they want a promotion but it's usually not.

c) You are being judged on the job you have been employed to do, not the tasks you help other people with. All the little stuff you do to help out others without being asked will only be noticed by your supervisor and the person you are helping. Make sure you are doing the best you can at your job before giving up your time to help others.

d) Go to work events if your boss is there always. Networking and getting your boss to know you will help a lot.

I'm sure you will be fine, the hardest part of learning to take responsibility is figuring out where to start!"
"Why? Maybe it just wasn't as high on the writer's radar as the others.

Personally, I didn't find it very traumatizing, more controversial and disturbing perhaps."
"Glad to hear it.  Analog is consistently rewarding--great choice.

Like you, I've been amazed how much is out there and, in my opinion, not receiving near enough recognition.  So I'm glad to hear the list helps :)"
"I've been calling him T-Lock aswell "
"The Amanda Todd video even though she was an idiot, every time."
"i allways make it ding ding fast "
Cue The Chop!!
Ah. Fuck.
">What the fuck did I just read?

A statement of fact. Which I explained quite thoroughly. An explanation you could have responded to instead of trying to attack me while asking pointless questions I already answered.

>""You're with us or against us"" bullshit?

No, nothing even remotely related to such a concept.

>Explain to me why the USA is spying on citizens of friendly countries?

Uhm? Yes? Explain that to me. Why exactly is the USA spying on citizens in friendly countries?"
Yeah he's getting it towed to a local mechanic. He got a jump and the engine started for a bit. After he got all his gear back on and was going to ride it died. Battery is completely dead now too.
"No, I was just dumb. The joke is that the doctor is *saying* he's lived there since 1933, not that he's *actually* lived there since 1933. He's lying because he came after 1945 because he's a Nazi. Someone else pointed it out to me because I'm stupid today."
"I want that knife.. I sliced a big chunk of skin off my index finger trying to cut bok choy with my shitty knife. "
"So why are we saying 'golazo', btw? "
"I actually don't have much of a problem with that cause there's some serendipity there. Sure there's a lot of rubbernecking going on, but there's no way for drivers to know exactly what's going on from a distance."
"gotcha thanks, kind of counter intuitive though. Not having low levels in work camps means less income from leveling up"
"> They will shoot so accurate that if you have three rockets' of distance between you you can just time them and take a single step to the side, where a Hardcore bot would've hit you when stepping (probably).

Time what? I don't get what you're saying. I didn't find Hard bots to be harder than Nightmare."
The start of the video was prime
Stayin' Alive
Very sexy
Thanks for your post but I'm looking for something I can carry easily without a car - and the Dobsonian just looks slightly too large for that.
"Dude.... how fucking high are you after that ? Holy balls. "
"What? You 38 year old boyfriend is too busy playing bass in his shitty band to pay attention to you so now you come to us?

We are not your monkeys, princess."
What does the text in arabic say on their forehead?
Not picking up chicks? that sir- is a slap in the face. Honor must be restored.
"Ooh sorry, only the normal 2.0 version"
"I hope Mike Wallace/Charles Johnson end up the top receiver duo in the NFCN this year just because.  "
it doesnt say waiting on network on it
"How do I do a clean install? I'm not the greatest with computers so I'm confident doing it by myself. "
[in case you need a link!](
"jebus, imagine being on the User Acceptance Testing team for that... "
"Sorry yeah some related to me. I got put off by one saying I'm an asshole. I take that back. "
I... I got 1 Legendary... Thus is life in Hearthstone.
Haha I do the same thing! It's usually a box of wheat thins though.
"I've never blacked out on etiz, but 3mg is probably my favorite dose. Any more and you don't really get anything else out of it except more sleepy. "
can you not lightly sand the top?
It isn't conductive and doesn't transfer heat as well as metals.
"Everytime I bring this up, Giants fans say that stats need ""context"" or are ""misleading"". 

Like *come on*. He didn't just have a lot of interceptions or anything, which can be explaining by bad WRs or gameplan, he straight up *led the league* in interceptions. 

HOF worthy my ass. "
Holding forward seems likely. But I'd like a rhythm to the buttons
"This is a great response.  I think I'd like to add to it with some personal experience.  I have sexual abuse in my history, although the only real evidence is physical damage, I don't have clear memories and can't confidently identify what, when, who, where.  

For the OP

I can confidently say that I was heavily emotionally abused by a narcissistic parent and his little enabling helper.  

I began struggling with this massively when I removed myself from the family environment, the feelings, the struggle to be normal against depression and the battle against worthlessness etc etc.  If I described in detail it would be really the same as everything you see everyone else on RBN talk about.  Except, at that time, I pinned all this on the sexual abuse I knew had happened but knew little about.  

I've come to realise that whilst whatever happened was horrific and distressing, it's not the main cause of my problems, being RBN is.  

You can have an isolated traumatic event (like rape) and recover from it, you can be *sexually abused* for an extended period of time and not necessarily suffer psychological damage.  You cannot experience a long period of childhood in a reign of abuse and terror and come out unscathed.  

It doesn't make any of those three things less abhorrent, but the way we are traumatised is not necessarily consistent with society's expectations.  

I was fixating on the sexual abuse in my history as a reason for my continuing anxiety problems, in reality it was just a contributor, a sideshow.  

I'm not for a minute suggesting my logic applies to you, I don't know enough about you, but really don't feel you need to seek ""real"" abuse to justify your feelings ... that's the narcissist and abusers narrative, part of minimising your valid feelings.  "
Really? Cool thanks! I got that dusty ol thing laying about somewhere.
"I think it's more about effectiveness than whether somebody is overly dramatic or not.  If somebody is over the top but it's highly effective, than I don't think that people are going to mind the showiness.  Likewise if somebody is extremely dry in their conducting but they somehow elicit an amazing performance than their level of dramaticism doesn't really matter.  

For example, Pierre Monteux was one of the great conductors and was renown for being a very dry conductor.  Bernstein did some pretty ridiculous stuff on the podium, but his charisma was so strong that people ate it up. 

For me, I focus on channeling the music and what I'm trying to say with the music.  Leave it to others to say if it's too showy or not! "
"Just an FYI. Global warming won't simply warm the earth. It also increases weather extremes, meaning it will cause more powerful storms, longer droughts, but also colder temperatures and more rain in some areas. Thinking that global warming will uniformly raise temperatures everywhere is a common misconception. "
"In the end, it doesn't matter how much money they're bringing in - we're still basically selling out our democracy for a quick buck."
"Not exactly what you are looking for, but [there was this!]("
Where the hell are you?
"what are you, a Canadian?"
"i got a question regarding surgebinders. Are there any ways to generate charges on enemies to steal them afterwards? Are there any good builds using surgebinders?
It seems like such a good unique to work with once you can use the steal mechanic"

Followed by the sitcom where they move into an apartment together."
"Hey EffectiveExistence! [Your submission]( has been removed because it did not include a link to the context of your submitted comment.

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Probably more effective than 90% of the advertising politicans send out.
Molly Moon's ~~in~~ is shit. It's Bluebird
"I was pretty upset that I had to fight to take my migraine medication when i hadn't eaten for like twelve hours, which is my #1 migraine trigger. The migraine was way worse than the appendicitis."
"kind of what I was thinking, not something I'd be comfortable taking considering what I paid when I bought it."
This comment has been overwritten.
"More like a sandwich. "
Someone go in Bulgaria and live there with a local young wife.
They get 10 days on top of it all after the court ruling.
We need to stop oppressing the rich.
you sure showed him
"It's not the grades you make, but the hands you shake."
"He had also just killed 3 of their comrades and went after them with a sword, so I understand the Brits attempts to be sure he was dead."
"Here, try these; you either play a single guy or you have the option to play as a single guy (and get a bonus to exp).

Arx fatalis

Divinity 2

Wizardry 8 solo?

System Shock 2?

Deus Ex human revolution?

Dark souls?

Lords of the fallen?

Divine Divinity

Evil islands solo

Neverwinter nights solo (start with Shadows of Undrentide and continue with your character to hordes of the underdark)

Alpha Protocol

Age of Decadence

Baldur's gate series solo with lvl 50 mod

But commenting in them does net me karma.
"I thought everyone knew this already. "
"No that made perfect sense. I actually really like that concept! The day after my first time with the Oxy (I tried hydros multiple times, but oxy for the first time last week) I could totally sense the craving. My body liked the intensity and definitely wanted to try again soon, but again I typically don't break regimen. 

But I love your idea of waiting until cravings go away, it becomes less of a dose to satisfy and more to just enjoy the moment. I may very well start doing that myself."
Make the head a bit bigger and it's awesome.
"Obviously, you're not a golfer."
I'm gonna be there and I'm so stoked even if we get destroyed!
"Penn State had a crippled team. If I was an athlete and I was sold on playing under X circumstances and then all of the sudden I had nothing to do with creating the Y circumstance I would reconsider too (Silas Redd). "
Oooohhhh..... FANCY ketchup.....
"If you scroll down, the GOAT is on there too (Rice, not Arias)."
100%? No. I am human. I do not flagrantly violate them even in known low enforcement areas and attempt to follow them closely whenever it does not put myself or other drivers at risk.
"Well, it looks cool, but if you know just how much studying goes into it, it gets to be really nerdy. I suppose I'm referring more to jazz or classical guitar than rock guitar. Don't get me wrong, playing rock guitar professionally takes skill and studying, but all of the music theory that goes into playing jazz guitar is just insane. When I tell people I'm learning how to play jazz guitar, they think it's pretty cool, but when I tell them about everything that I have to learn, they think I'm kinda crazy."
*and when ill come home*
"I actually got the pictures from here:

The new pictures haven't been uploaded to Imgur, but once they are I'll add them to my wall!"
Its really hard to find counter arguments for the fetishes the more supports get translated...
"Take advantage of the opportunity to reinvent yourself into your best possible version. Shy in high school? Not anymore, be outgoing and social. No one knows you. Decide who you want to be and go be that person on day 1."
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"That's interesting. I guess it's just the legal aspect of it as well. Being responsible for someone's debts. "

"Yeah that's true. Everyone, those who liked it and who didn't, needs to chill! It happened and there's nothing we can do except laugh about it or praise it, there's no point arguing over it though."
Imported image:


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"Whether it's the BIGGEST wall Mexico has ever seen, or the BIGGEST reality show that NBC has ever seen, **Trump delivers**."
"I love a comeback just as much as the next guy, but those first thirty minutes really worry me. Ill stick with my cautious optimism for a few more weeks."
"I'm not talking about people who eat hummus and pita for lunch. I am talking about the circlejerky way that people talk about food and healthy food here. "
"We do not allow surveys to be posted here without having been run by the mod team first. This has been removed, please do not post any surveys or studies here again without getting the ok first."
"to be specific the picture is of someone who reposted an oldjoke i did not know about

but yes i am a strong bundle of sticks who dont need no fact checking."
"I have been vegan 4 years this past week, and I must say I think you fail to see why people are the way they are in the US. To convince them that veganism is a worthwhile choice is one thing, like agreeing that losing weight is a good goal, but incentive and ease are important in such goal-setting, such as deciding that losing weight is a good idea and having a gym nearby that is affordable and healthy food available. In this case to make plant-based dieting take off there need to be more options that people enjoy, genuinely. I love vegan soul-food. Vegan junk food, vegan proteins in the frozen section, and vegan ice creams are helpful in easing those goals for many. The more widely available these options are the better.

Hampton Creek is setting this tread appropriately by having their ""Just Mayo"" in Walmart and in 7-Eleven (packet form)."
sara is like 800k/h 3man well nty
"it was brave of you to post this. too many people here are afraid to share their opinions about which side sucks. "
"I will call you Kiawa, because you're significantly smaller than the others."
">I read the other day that Dave Grohl - my musical idol for two decades - was one of those *'autism doesn't exist'* nutjobs.

What? He headlined the Autism Speaks Blue Jean Ball two years ago. I highly doubt he believes autism doesn't exist if he was taking part in an autism awareness fundraiser. "
"We assume the standard methods will be: Buying NCoin Bundles, Buying CREDD, buying items in store with NCoin, redeeming CREDD. 

We're still brainstorming assets for rewards after Tier 6, so nothing to show at this time!"
"The problem is that we only hear about it in the movies, we never really see it. Lucas just stuck a scene in episode 3 when they are talking in the elevator. At the time I doubt Lucas had plans for the Clone Wars, and it's pretty obvious he only threw stuff like that in to fix the continuity since he didn't bother in episodes 1 and 2."
"It's PBE + Zed is in a terrible spot right now. "
"I agree with your thoughts on the poly.  Thank you.  "
"I was expecting a story such as this, and I was not disappointed.  This was powerful with imagery, dialogue, setting and theme.  Greatly enjoyed."
just permacap Aguero.
"I'm not too familiar, he could probably be cool. But for now, not your focus.

Go make Veromos. Srsly. Now."
"I think if I realized that a person was being paid to spend time with me and be a pseduo-friend, that would make me feel more depressed.

Like, ""Wow I suck so much that the only time someone wants to be around me is if they were paid to."""
what a non-argument you have there. what part of what i said isnt true?
"I just did Trap Queen by Fetty Wap last night.  So fun.  Not hard if you have heard the song a lot.  I butchered one section though.

This is how we do It - by montell jorden is also good. not too hard.

The fast sections to rap songs will kill you though."
"togashi is still alive we think "
"It's even funnier if you say it in a Julia Gillard whine....!
What number do you guys think he'll get?! I would've thought thought 17 if Baba didn't get it already.
George Lucas would beg to differ.
It's definitely very fitting.
"450 hahahhaha lightweight "
Can you elo boost me to diamond?
"I'm going to laugh my ass off if it's PG. Just because there are way too many people that put too much importance on ratings. I can even picture people saying how they've Disneyfied the movie, even though there's only one PG-13 rated Star Wars movie and the franchise was always intended for a family audience."
They are defiantly satisfied. They have probably made millions just of the signature stickers.
I go mid with him and max axes so i cant farm stacks fast enough.
Sadly not a joke.  Not my brightest moment haha
"The short story is that it's usually folded. "
"It's like calling myself a TV-watcher at this point "
toplane bruiser quinn OP
"Yarr, happy cake day!"
Olha ele!
that sucks so hard
"Wasn't there when I commented, bud. Makes sense though."
Thanks. Love the file picker! It works great!
"You're insulting all Belgians by comparing them to the French. Please don't do that, it hurts."
"Lol. No. It seems like it has a great program but I have to roll my eyes at stuff like this sometimes....  Notre Dame always trying to out Irish the actual Irish. "
"I've been on a Japanese kick and really gotten into Gesu no Kiwami Otome. 

I highly recommend [this track](, it's off their album Odorenai nara, Gesu ni Natte Shimae yo, and it's pretty decent. "
"Think I saw someone post that he had to leave the country temporarily or some shit like that. If I were him, I would send out the product, and do over 50% refund for those who waited the longest if he even wants his reputation back. I definitely thought he was the newbie with the biggest potential, being skilled in web development, making really good IDs, and being a generally nice person. It'd suck to see him scam, for sure."
"Their website says they can't accept donations from a few states, including PA."
"It's about the same, unless you're really good at the minigame. I personally hate it though, and couldn't force myself through that much time."
"Chemical Brothers, Groove Armada, Steve Lawler, Deep Dish, Jamie Jones, Eats Everything, Sven Vath, Loco Dice, Sasha, Maceo Plex"
"Haha, I was just thinking the same thing. This thing looks sweet!"
thanks i will bother him
"Lower cost of labour.

More labour force."
WW1 all again.
"I mean I agree that it sucks, but it's an MLS problem not a problem of pay between teams. I think it's silly they don't respect FIFA dates, but hey we don't make the rules.

And that stat is pretty ridiculous haha"
"Hey bud. Thank you for your kind words.
About the lighter parts, I just carve it with a blade, but you can also paint it white.
Giants send Minor League pitcher Stephen Johnson to the Reds in the trade.
"No, but he wouldn't outright *lie*. If he didn't want to reveal some huge twist he'd say, ""Keep reading""."
"There once was a man who loved chicken

And found it so finger-lickin'

That when none was served

He punched un-reserved

And the whole inn got an ass-kickin'"
"¯\\_(ツ)_/¯🃏🃏🃏 I'll take my three cards regardless, thank you."
"Wow, I really can't even in this

>[Pedophillia is not a sexuality, stop pretending it is. You deserve to be locked up in a mental hospital.](
>>Well whatever it is I've had it my entire life and can't get rid of it. If it's a mental illness, it's one that can't be cured.

If that user is not a troll that's really sad he defines himself with this. 
>>God damnit here I am sounding like I'm defending it. I'm not. But holy shit can you understand that I can't control this shit? Is it impossible for you to accept that I exist as I do, and despite seeking help, cannot overcome this illness?
>>>>You deserve to be locked up in a mental hospital.

>>Except...I've done nothing wrong? I've lived my life, fundamentally, as somebody who is asexual and have never preyed on children.
You really want to lock me up just because I have thoughts I can't control? Thoughts that don't harm anyone?

And that's even more sad. No one is locked up in a mental hospital, at least I hope so. That should be a place where people seek treatment, and solace, and yes in isolation, because they cannot function in society, at the moment. But you don't throw away the key. Mental institutions is where people in desperate need of help go, or are committed to, but it should not be a stigma, and most of all it should not be jail. One of these things is really not like the other."
">Sarkeesian lays out the facts of her professional accomplishments: she founded and runs her own non-profit, Feminist Frequency, of which she is the executive director. 

Wow, color me impressed. I mean, forming and registering an NPO totally takes more than filing [IRS Form 1024](, paying the requisite fee, and naming yourself as executive director.

If that's all it takes to be ""successful"" I should be king of the world. I've filed more 1024s for clients than I can count."
"TENS OF CENTS, that's the difference between a medium combo and a large combo"
"I'm just pointing out the flaw in OP's logic. Sometimes it's okay for cops to pull a gun on citizens, sometimes it's okay for citizens to pull a gun on cops."
I think they'll try to show it because it almost caused a flip.
Everyone Asked About You (1997)
"Oh, America is the only place that matters now?  Any bad thing that happened to anyone's ancestors doesn't count if it wasn't in America?  All of the black slaves who got sent to South America and the Carribbean (the vast majority) don't matter because it didn't happen in America?

God you're egocentric."
"Hello Principle Skinner.
Hello Super Nintendo Chalmers."
"To be fair, the springs on my 65 mustang had sagged considerably. Metal fatigue is a real thing, granted that it happened over the course of 50 years, I doubt the spring in a mag would ever show it."
"*She smiles.*

You look good."
"absolutely right, I've been playing halo since I was 6 (now 18) and people really need to drop the old halo bullshit. I know that your cewt little halo 2 trucks were fun but we're talking about Spartans here. I want to be able to sprint and dodge and body slam into the enemy. 

Tldr: urmom"
"I never said anything about race, nor did I negate the seriousness of Zachary Hammond's death."
Happiness is no bad moments. Happiness is stressing about presenting but not having to till the next day. Happiness is not having to choose groups in a class where you know no one. Happiness is having bowel problems but finding a toilet <3. Happiness is a working computer with no problems. Happiness is no worries.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but if this is the highest 4:3 stretched setting possible on a 1080p monitor and I don't see a difference from the lower stretched res. Should I use this res if I want to play 4:3. "
"Noiz, he's rich, hot, and in the Good ending he's quite selfless and gentle as a lover (even if he acts a little immature in one of the options of the Fan Disk). Also I like younger guys and his ""feeling trapped"" situation reminds me a lot about how my life is/was."
I haven't watched the series this is from so if you just referenced somethinh it's very likely that it went over my head. Sorry :(
"What an incredible comeback. Could only peripherally watch, so I will have to rewatch for all the gory details."
"I have an Intel HD 4000.  This defines 'low end' for me, since I can only play older games with any decent level of fps.

I have an older Intel CPU (i7-3632QM) and 8gb RAM, and while I do have an SSD, it doesn't help with anything but load times.
"Careful now, that can bring down Governments. Just look at Harriet Jones, Prime Minister "
I don't think James Corden is funny.
"I think this is a pretty plausible plot line.  It could be that she was wronged by E Corp, but instead of setting out for its destruction she essentially takes the path that Terry Colby offered to Angela last night.  Can't beat the system, so you might as well run it. "
20.7k / 127.20 UR (tfw you keep thinking the UR for spin is the one for accuracy)
"Yeah but if you're gonna do it, do it with style!"
"That's actually the nice thing about the Vita right now, most games can be purchased for $10 or less if you take the time to look around. Lots of places clearing out stock."
"I was subbed there and occasionally posted a comment or two here and there for two years. Never anything hateful or mean. 

[I just got this today](

Needless to say, I'm unsubbed because having a different opinion is such a bad thing to them that they need to ban people for such."
"And that's a horrible way to approach a guy: with a friend with you. 100% horrible idea. "
"1) Brian goes through them, and started doing so when he was some intern.

2) It wouldn't take that big of an embrace. There's a lot of money in charging people for things if you can get them to pay. If we had, I dunno, a dime per show listened to we'd all be making big bank."
"no it was posted a while ago it was food health sleep amiibo how you are supposed to spend your time and money, how you really spend your time and money amiibos food health sleep. It is truly how we act."
[Entourage joke] What Ferrari does could be interesting.
"Steak? Cool I had no idea I was talking to Ron Swanson. "
"I'm not invoking it for no reason- it's pretty directly analogous.

Theists of yesterday were troubled because things like natural disasters happened and they didn't know why. They made up a supernatural explanation to satisfy the needs of the time.

Theists of today are troubled because the universe and mankind exist but we don't know why. They make up a supernatural explanation to satisfy their needs of having an answer to these questions that currently do not have an answer.

In both cases an answer is proposed that does not rely on any observable evidence and instead plays into comforting ideas for those who seek them."
Thanks for your help!
Zombie titties is now a new fetish I possess
"I actually had an old PRS Singlecut that I had to sell when we had issues with our refrigerator and I miss that guitar a lot (I'm a fan of the singlecuts). 

I think I regret the P90s more than I do the guitar of choice because it is, for all intents and purposes, a Les Paul, just with a different headstock. 

PMing myself as we speak."
Hes never going to sell thorn
"Same. God I miss real everything. Do you even know how many types of foods have gluten in them? THE BEST KINDS. "
"wasn't me, but the ""aOSU"" may have done it"
Because they are both breaded/fried items you cannot cool them by blowing until they are broken open to allow steam to escape and cool them evaporatively. I recommend a tentative nibble on a corner until you reach some filling and can effectively gauge the internal temperature. *Safer* *communities* *together.*
with such a cliffhanger? lol someone would murder him
"That's right, I just have sex with them"
"First of all, it's not a human right of the parent, it would be a human right of the child. Secondly, most would argue that it's only a human right as long as it doesn't have a significant negative effect on other people, which refusing to vaccinate absolutely does."
"согласен, я уже давно с проездным езжу. И проще пополнять и жетоны не мешают. Хотя я езжу очень редко на метро"
That's what your mom said.
"Originally from Houston, more recently Tulsa. I hated it for most of the time I spent there, but it seemed like as soon as I left all the roads were fixed and a bunch of new businesses and attractions had just come to town. If they ever dam the river and make it usable I might just miss it."
Im stupid Edit
"It might, really depends on what's breaking and how the driver is written."
"I am on the worst 10% of the ones who buy packs, over 400 opened and less than 10 legendaries.

It's just as unfair to me than to you not getting a legendary there. The difference is that because people paid money they entitle to random stuff."
"Here are some videos about the subject. They explain it very well.

Hope this helps.

"They are suing a small family business that only prints a few hundred t-shirts a year called 'Armor & Glory', who's only form of marketing is a facebook page with 1500 fans.  Under Armour is being pathetic and vindictive here. "
I just found this sub and 3/5 top posts are give always. 😎
"So I have a couple of question for you. Where did you get it customized? Did you get it done up with an alternate captain ""A""? And can you post some pictures of it?"
"Just to throw something else out there, you can also play what I like to call the ""Cheater's F"" which is x3321x, which has the added benefit of being movable anywhere on the fretboard."
"This could be misleading. "
this actually gave me a morbid curiosity to see how bad it is... The first one was really good!
"The adults of this family covered up the sexual assaults of a pedophile.  This makes them complicit after the fact.  If the statute of limitations had not run out they would go to prison for the crime. While they were committing these crimes they ran for office and became paid political activists seeking the criminalization of the sexually immoral.  

The pedophile went on to be Executive Director of an organization financing and building the ""kill the gays"" movement in Africa, while indulging in adultery and prostitution.  He and his parents joined the campaign committees of various Republican Presidential hopefuls on the basis of promoting sexual morality, and taking away the rights of gays.

All the while, behind the facade, immorality, felony crimes, cover ups, and the kind of hypocrisy that Paul commanded the church to cast out.  This is beyond falling short of the glory of God."
"Wow, thanks! I'll give sfml another look. And grats on the grade"
This is a real concern
"Fun fact: His clothes are sentient. There's his plant from Mars than can shape-shift, and J'onn is telepathically linked to it and shape-shifts it into what he normally wears. One time J'onn has paralyzed and his clothes actually saved him, by wrapping themselves all over him and helping fly around and phase through stuff. "
"I am aware of all this, but this doesn't change the fact that I pay for all these services, as do millions of others through our taxing system. Yes I get way more back than what I pay for, but I still pay for it.  

>You can safely keep your money in the bank and earn interest knowing that if the bank fails the FDIC has your money insured! 

There is a limit to the money the FDIC will cover and IIRC is 250k per owner, anything more than this is not covered. "
Well now there are **NONE** anywhere... :(
 [artist pic](  

> Birdcloud met in Murfreesboro and immediately didnt like each other. At a party in 2009 they had some whiskeys and became friends and started dicking around on guitar, writing their first song, a song about going down on your best friend, now lost to the sands of time. Despite a lukewarm reception at Nashvilles Bluebird Cafe, they have been sitting on each others faces ever since, showing each other their bruises and generally doing whatever they want when it works out that way. Read more on

 []( 1,128 listeners, 18,264 plays  
 tags: *country, folk, Alt-country, alt country, alternative country*  

^^Please ^^downvote ^^if ^^incorrect!  ^^Self-deletes ^^if ^^score ^^is ^^0."
"Yea, I've only played 2 RL's this season. Once with Greinke on the mound and a late Dodgers HR saved my ass, and today with the Cubs. The Braves have almost zero chance today, but no way I'd take any team at 1.345 odds. Arrieta's a stud and I like the Cubs bats so I see them winning by a decent margin against a Braves team that would probably be better suited in the AAA league. Might be a dumb play because RL's aren't really my forte, but it was too hard for me to pass up."
I saw a Pole dance =\= I saw a pole dance
"That's so cool. I love these, ~~I wish they put them out there more though!~~

Edit: looks like this was just posted today, so that could explain why I haven't seen it, lol"
He's so cute!
"Few things to keep in mind when trying to go to sleep and getting up early: 

1. Light keeps you awake. Therefore try to limit or eliminate any form of screen or light 45min before going to bed. This is especially true of the blue-white light of screens. Someone posted below a program called ""flux,"" yes it does work but its better just to not do any looking at screens before bed. 

2. Have a clear mind. This can be difficult, but thinking about things keeps you awake, even if you are tired. Two things I recommend: to get to sleep focus on breathing, don't alter your breathing just focus on it; or take Melatonin, it is about $10 a bottle is very safe and natural and helps get your sleep schedule back in order. Just don't take it every night, and do a little research on it for best use.
3. Waking up early fucking sucks for some of us. To deal with this you have to be resolved. When that fucking alarm goes off you can't be like: ""uggggg, *snooze*, zzzzzzz"" you gotta get your lazy ass up and moving. Trust me, once you commit to the snooze you are lost, or at least it makes it *much* harder. 

Hope this helps OP! and Thanks for the giveaway!"
"> Linking this image was easier, faster, and saved more energy than actually wasting my time answering to some internet random that is most likely a troll

The sole reason so many people base their political, religious, or ideological beliefs on something they saw in Tumblr and why nobody with any true critical thinking skills will ever take them seriously or be swayed by what they say."
"[](/shiningarmor) I don't know. His voice doesn't seem to have much emotional range. Would be hard to pull off. "
They are planning to go POS.
"These function no different than large dosages of caffeine so it seems odd to be testing for stimulants. 

Also, what *real* advantage does being hyper-wired really give? It makes people focus better but aside from that it's irrelevant. "
Why dont you visit the websites as /u/Swagadelphia mentioned.
">get naked

>have white bed cloth, panties, and black hair

>cosplay complete"
"You know why "
Estate sale at Jared's?
"Sure, I agree. There are some threads that just are here to ""ask"" for sentimental help, I can't really deny that. But I see that more often than not, it re-heals itself as a CC thread. Posts like ""I feel bad about myself"" turn into a personal story-telling threads in the comments.  

But I do have to agree, sometimes posts are very /r/offmychest-ish. Maybe with a bit more of moderation we'll be able to get it back on track."
"How do you use MultiMC to download it? I tried using it, but says doesn't have an instance file
"I dont think so - This forced us to continue our ""innovative spirit"" compared to Norway that has no industry except for their oil (maybe fish), neither are they famous for their innovations. The oil would only made us lazy imo.. :)"
Too much energy and no clear strategy. There are articles for beginners on the wide bar                 ----------->
Outstanding. Likewise. Are there any others from our corner of the web in Denver?
I would say like 90% of the stuff in my house is stuff I haven't even touched since we moved here
"As a video production graduate, I second this."
Probably that alligator pet from MLP.
I actually didn't realize how obscure it was.  It's one of my favorite bible stories.
"**LE GEM****^LE ^GEM****^^LE ^^GEM****^^^LE ^^^GEM****^^^^LE ^^^^GEM****^^^^^LE ^^^^^GEM****^^^^^^LE ^^^^^^GEM****^^^^^^^LE ^^^^^^^GEM****LE GEM****^LE ^GEM****^^LE ^^GEM****^^^LE ^^^GEM****^^^^LE ^^^^GEM****^^^^^LE ^^^^^GEM****^^^^^^LE ^^^^^^GEM****^^^^^^^LE ^^^^^^^GEM**
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"I received $45 worth of codes from them today so it's true.

Whether they are still doing it I don't know because I no longer see a message saying that they are giving amazon gc."
"Palestine is a country whose borders remain undefined but which are (according to the world) roughly along the lines of the West Bank and Gaza. [Here are]( the lines, though again they are not completely set in stone."
"This should get you started and I guarantee nothing.  review the /grant and inheritance switches to meet your need.

I drop this into a batch file and run it against on the server. For large changes, I use Excel and then dump the lines into a BAT file.

You could wrap with PS and process the folder name and run the command too.

md [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name]

md [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name]\\[Add any extra folders]

icacls [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name] /inheritance:d

icacls [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name] /grant [domain]\\[domain group or user]:(oi)(ci)F /C

icacls [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name] /grant [domain]\\[Users AD account Name]:(oi)(ci)F /C

icacls [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name] /remove [List what you would like removed]

icacls [Path to root Users folder]\\[Users AD account Name]\\[Add any extra folders] /grant [any special account that needs added to the extra folder]:(oi)(ci)M /C

dfsutil link add \\\\[AD DNS name]\\[dfs root name]\\[Users AD account Name] \\\\[server name]\\[share name]\\[Users AD account Name] ""[Users AD account Name]""   We have multiple file servers, so we use link to create a folder link in DFS.
">But the wording seems pretty clear that players can choose a specific hero that compliments their playstyle.  

To be frank, I think you might be over-analysing this a bit, which I guess I can't blame you for since there is almost no new information here. 

I think all that they mean by that statement is that, depending on the kinds of tactics you as a player tend to use, Boba Fett may end up being one of your favourite heroes - i.e. You have to approach conflicts slightly differently as Boba compared to say, Han or Vader. I highly doubt there'll be much customization when it comes to the Heroes, even something as minor as picking which one you want to play. 

"They have better stuff for that price

I want this"
They sound delicious.
But your conscience isn't bothered by letting someone else chose for you?
Maybe 2 years ago...
A dog might be a valuable investment.
I'm stuck at the lg logo it won't even turn off it keeps restarting
"But they were used by young people first. It's just that those young people are now older and the acronyms have stuck. "
Her partner was **not** in the line of fire when she pulled out her taser. She made a mistake.
"SMokx, Atlantis, Milkman at 6"
"Almost blind and he can still draw better than me. It was a kind gesture from him, you got a great friend."
"No problem! I've tripped a few times, on both acid and shrooms, and neither time did I really hallucinate any 'new' colors, although who knows what would happen in larger doses(the most I've done at once is 2 tabs for acid and a cut for shrooms). However when I look at things while I'm tripping, it's not so much the color of an object that is morphed as much as it is the ""texture."" It's like things breathe and have an outer layer that is interactive with its surroundings. Things certainly look different and I perceive things differently in my head, but there's not much hallucinating in the sense that I see things that aren't there(in the sense that things are altered, but whole new objects don't appear out of nowhere. So things look like they're breathing and whatnot but a little elf doesn't appear to talk to me about it). One of the best ways I've heard psychedelics described is that acid is like science fiction, and shrooms are like fantasy. There's definitely hallucinatory elements, but a lot of it is about how different your perception and way of thinking is changed. It can be both mentally enlightening and exhausting."
/r/guns and /r/weekendgunnit are both left of /r/firearms. There's some real batshit right wing motherfuckers in /r/firearms.
Better than carpet.
I'm so sad now. ;_;
Yes!  After a few days this post will be buried and probably not see much traffic.
">  And since few people type IP addresses in directly, this will tell you what sites they've visited

And/or what sites an advert loaded from."
"T10 is not 100% last time I checked (few weeks ago). It is a high chance though ~80%. Also, on T8 2 organs automatically drop with a chance for 3."
"That guy was pretty off, but so was your post if your intent was to deal with that kind of attitude. "
"I just binged watched the whole first season and really liked it. It's like Blade Runner without the same noir feel to it, but it raises similar questions about humanity and human nature."
"Speaking of bugs/weird behavior, how the hell did Israel get a turn 27 religion?"

She's currently in full cone of shame mode with a cast right now, so all the pictures are mostly of her making the ""Mommy help me"" mopey face, but she is a fun one! "
"This is untrue; Passive cooling utilizes air intake by means of fans. If the ambient temperature in your room is elevated, that warm air being pulled into the console will only get hotter & cool far less efficiently than cooler air would. Simply having the room fan move warmer air away from the console will absolutely help keep the internals cooler. If you have your console laying flat I highly recommend moving the fan to the right side. This will help airflow into as well as push air away from the exhaust at the rear. If you're standing your console up the right side I'm speaking of will be the bottom. If this is the case make certain the console is set on something solid to ensure the intake is able to pull air in efficiently. Last but certainly not least, look at the slit which runs the length of the console on the right side/bottom & clear off any dust that may have begun accumulating there. Best of luck to you. "
regular day. Think it was a thursday
Think of it more as constructive criticism for treyarch.
"They probably like it just fine. It's not like *their* home was destroyed. "
Civilization:  Call To Power springs to mind
"Yeah, I really agree with this. I LOVE sneaking into enemy bases and i'm reasonably sure that Kojima is going to supply us with a great variety of bases to sneak into. How many hours have you spent in the Bolshaya Past Base or that house in Sokrovenno?? TPP is gonna be full of those and i'm sure it will have its share of  Graniny Gorkys and Groznyj Grads too."
"So from your point of view, what can a fan run club do to make them the best possible club they can be? "
My only concern is some douche finding out and telling everyone haha
"As commissioner, I took full responsibility and contacted Sportsvault directly, but you might get a better, if any, response having as many sword hands as possible. We took to Facebook, reddit, email. Only response I got was from a redditor who works for them."
"The speculation has been that they didn't want to piss off Honda by using the track without their express permission, as it might damage their chances of getting Honda cars in the game (or sequel) in future."
"I think this example here is not a spoiler. It practically tells nothing about the story. At least as long as they don't try to destroy a Death Star. "
"Hali Ford, Lover of Nature, Passionate Goddess of Rap and the Constitution <3"
"Do have a look at the fics I recommended - not so much Fahr Drill, but rather, Lord Mayor Applejack. The pacing in it was wonderful, the characterization terrific, and it just was a joy to read despite not being a comedy fic. I think you could learn a lot from it and its sequels.

Oh, one comment I do have to make about your fic, specifically adding more meat to it: make your chapters bigger. Right now, you have 14 chapters... and 15k~ words. That means there's barely a thousand words per chapter. 

If, like shortskirtsandexplosions, you were running huge fics and keeping each chapter to a single scene, that would work out great (though he updates daily, so that's harder to do! :P). In your case, you have multiple scenes happening per chapter, but they're still very short. You've gotta expand them. 3-4k word chapters is what I expect of a decent fic. I won't beat around the bush, seeing the wordcount and number of chapters initially made me very wary of reading it."
yes it is
"I'm with Hall.

Pretty much 90% certain this'll end with the return of the old Kane."
"dude, he slapped the shoes out of her hand that she just hit him with. 

justice boners everywhere."
"I'd like to know how many female accounts are fake.
"Wait. You can turn Bloodmarks into Ancient coins O.O???

"Maybe i should had indicated my sarcasm better. I find the phrase second club sounds strange. Sounds like a backup plan if the first club does not win enough and you need some stimulation to get cheered up.  "
"Ah well then the m50's might be just right for you after all; they do have more tighter, accurate bass compared to beats, it's just not as loud. I guess the only way to know for sure is to listen for yourself."
She's gorgeous either way! :D
My sweaty?
Absolutely! Great work!
"I'm sorry, I don't see rage here. You linked a conservative politically-charged website, and she said she didn't want you commenting on her stuff anymore (although a bit more rudely than that.) Still, it's not really something I would be outraged at. People curse people out on the internet every day when offered a dissenting opinion on something."
"His chances are non-zero, but very low. I say this as a supporter."
PayPal dispute it. Why would you want to give them your business if they don't even bother to reply to you in a timely fashion.
"True, but I don't really need all of those other features and it is a paid tweak. I just want a simple tweak to enable putting folders inside of other folders..."
How can their be less energy in the universe if they can't measure it all or fully understand it.
Try mycelium gear?
"I only understand bits and pieces of my parents' language. I do not speak it, and would not be able to (for example) follow a movie in it. Basically I can get the gist of what my mom might be discussing on the phone, but I couldn't translate it and definitely could't repeat it."
"Vermutlich eine Art Humor, der nicht einmal mit meinem (und der ist schon sehr fragwürdig) kompatibel ist. Naja!"
"The Republic of Gamers is a great series. Way better bang for your buck in comparison to Alienware. I have the base model G751. I can run any game at least at high with a decent frame rate. If possible though, towers are the best for longevity."
"Thank you very much to the angel who helped me out. All premium items, loads of money and many many donuts. You've made a great game better, I have  made a donation to my local charity to pay it forward, many thanks."
"A través de ""Cuentas Claras"" de la web de Podemos ( he llegado en menos de un minuto a, por ejemplo, ésto:


Es decir, el justificante de una donación de Echenique a Podemos por valor de 2.000 euros con fecha 13 de Abril de 2015.

Por tanto... revísalo bien, porque parece que en la web sí hay más información de la que comentas.

Un saludo"
">I don't like it, so no one should do it"
bra att vi tagit reda på deras mental tillstånd innan vi låter de göra vad de gå fritt och göra vad de vill..
"What? Why would Jewess be racist?

Jewess = Female Jew. 

What am I missing?"
"Very cool, how did you get your hands on a beta version?"
Police report?  Identify theft?
"See, we're teasing out the core of our disagreement. I give respect to ALL individuals, whether I know them or not, until they have given me evidence as to why they do not deserve that respect (and simply owning a nicer car isn't egregious enough to make me not respect someone- it is not for me to judge their motivations for owning that vehicle). They do not have to earn it. This respect extends to their opinions on how they might like their possessions treated and their other ideals, provided it does not infringe on others human rights/it is not hateful/it is not harmful. It is not respecting an object, but respecting the person who that object belongs to and what that object means to them. The way I see it, letting your dog piss all over their object is akin to pissing all over your respect for that person. 

I think you may not have truly known that people don't appreciate this, especially if you let your dog pee on your car. But now that you know that people find it disrespectful and if you don't examine your behavior to see how it can change so that you're not infringing on others (seriously, how hard is it to train your dog to eliminate in a more appropriate spot?), then you are not a good person."
I think the seahawks will do better than last place.
"5/5 Quick and smooth trade."
"or simply use your vpn inside a vm, where there is no dns mirror potential."
ware iz gay bonee

[Trade Link](

The Nagasaki bomb?
yizzz the Nexus!
"I think he's just playing odds. When your life could potentially ride on it, he's simply saying it's unwise to introduce extra moving parts even if you're an expert at them. I'm sure 1/100 throws Ronda attempts flub occasionally, too."
"Same regulation. More than one piece is affected, and they both have one coloured face, so it's a DNF."
"""Being able to *use Wordpress*"" or ""being able to *view a webpage*"" != ""tech savvy"" in my book."
If the regular season ended today. The cubs have the number 2 wild card spot. So they would technically make it to the playoffs.
No. 280x. Theres one for 179.99 right now and they run better then the 960.
"Wtf no.

Please tell me you have not been one of those guys..."
This track man. So smooth.
"Your submission has been automatically removed because the title contains ""**cringe**"". Please put more effort into your title and describe what's going on! Resubmit with a new title.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cringepics) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
">Well, you did say what I quoted, that's why I used speech marks.

I may have formulated my words improperly there, I apologize for the confusion

> Naturally as a conflict continues, bitterness on both sides increases—that's why I've frequently argued that stopping the fighting as soon as possible must be the primary objective, since reconciliation becomes more difficult by the day. 

No issues with that :)

>I'm not sure this has become an actual phenomenon rather than just one or two isolated incidents (naturally inflated by everyone with an interest in inflating it).

I disagree, because it shows a trend that the government does not in fact have a monopoly on force on its territory, and that is a very serious issue, especially with RS' growth in reputation among soldiers. Which brings me to

> The volunteer battalions, and particularly those with worrying ideologies, remain a tiny percentage of Ukraine's forces. 

Their actual numbers don't actually matter, because their existence on their own influences the regular armed forces. A recent Vice dispatch to the frontlines found that ordinary UAF encampments are waving the UPA flag along with the Ukrainian, with soldiers expressing respect to RS to Henry. RS ideology and mindset is spreading slowly but surely, and this will be a big issue for the government and the state itself"
My place.
"Blackmini getting downvoted for speaking the real truth "
"That effected my delicate sensibilities. I blushed. "
"Arenajunkies has devolved into just people arguing with each other about why X is right/wrong because Y has more/less Glad titles. I mean, it was always like that but now that's pretty much all that's going on there.

[Arenamate]( is an easier way to navigate the current rankings, and you can follow players to their armory profiles and see what they're using.

Sadly the current state of PvP is the worst it has ever been, so there's really no sense of community right now."
Holy crap i did not se that coming
"I think they meant Giants or Patriots, not Giants vs. Patriots."
What if you keep your mask on the whole time?
"Anne frankly, if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"
"TSM get 100% of the sticker money, soo pretty sure they got more than 5k."
Well it your situation you can't go wrong with the FZ1. Really great all arounder even though she is getting old.
"Amsterdam, NL

Zurich, CH

Munich, DE

Vienna, AT (!!!) 

Like the 4 most beautiful cities I've ever been to. 

"Exactly... u have all the info. Now you gotta ask yourself, do you stay noided? "
"My hope is that this country can do something about the economic inequality, which I personally believe is a major root cause of modern racism.  The groups pushed to crime are not minorities, they're impoverished without adequate opportunity. The groups holding others back/down are not the white majority, they're the 1%.  I think we'll see less racial tension with a stronger middle class."
Please oh dear god please.
"I was -just- going to post this. It especially upsets me as an autistic person. 

I think what bothers me most about it is that those parents would rather put their children and the children around them at risk for deadly, vicious diseases than have a child with autism. The trials and tribulations I face on a daily basis may be difficult, but they are not impossible. They are certainly not as horrific as the difficulties faced by children who have to suffer through Polio, Measles, and Rubella.

Autism makes me socially awkward, but it also makes me unique. It makes me overly emotional, and even naive, but it also contributes to my immense passion and creativity. I may have needed a few accomodations, but I have a college degree, as do many, many other autistic people. I have a good job. I have amazing friends, and a wonderful SO.

Yet there is an entire movement's worth of people telling me that they would rather see their child dead of a horrific, painful disease than have to live a life like mine.

And to those people, I only have one thing to say: Maybe you should rethink having children."
"I want that back, it was so cool with Prossh and the rest. "
"yeah , i m a man, why?"
"Amuerzo means lunch. Also I don't really know anyone who has an afternoon snack away from work. Most people don't snack here as it is really frowned upon for some reason. "
"I always thought it was the *unwritten* rule not to peek down.

I guess not any longer."
"Sure, although it may be tough for me to summarize my thoughts in a concise fashion.

I think the easiest way is to break it down in to how we work, where we live, and what we consume.

- How we work: we work too much. Period. If we actually only worked the hours necessary to survive (ie - eat and have shelter), as well as to keep things in a reasonable state of repair and keeping things nice, say, maintaining gardens, we would only need to work a couple hours a day, max. 3 to 4 hours only, easily. And that time could be spread out throughout the day, too. You wouldn't have to ""be at work"" at 8am. You could wake up when you wanted to, spend your morning how you wanted to, and then do things as you saw fit. The only time you'd need to do anything on schedule was if it was a community project (see my next point) where others were relying on you.

- Where we live: Think about how spread out we are throughout the world. On a small scale, we commute anywhere from 30 minutes to 2+ hours to work. On a larger scale, we move throughout our countries long distances, or even to other parts of the world. When we do that, it requires travel from us to go back to where we came from to visit family, or have them come to us. Think about all the car driving and plane flying that results from this, whereas if we just stuck to relatively small communities, that amount of travel wouldn't be necessary. Why do most people move away from home? To either make more money, buy a less expensive home, or both. I appreciate the concept of 'wanderlust', ie - wanting to see the world, but on a general scale I argue that moving away just isn't necessary. We really should be able to live in a localized area and have most of what we need, very easily.

- What we consume: This one is pretty easy. We devour technological goods like candy these days - think about the effect that has! The constant need for more resources, the waste it creates, the toxicity created by chemicals used in the process, the low-wage labourers used (exploited) to produce the products at a low price. It's horrendous (we really don't see the effects to their full extent in the western world). It's not even technological goods though, it's everything. Even buying a shovel or tools of any sort isn't what it used to be - they break down much more quickly than they used to, and of course this is by design. This is intended so we *buy more things*. And consumption isn't limited to just physical goods, either. Think about the food you eat. Should you really be able to go and buy a hamburger for $1 anytime you like? Should you really be able to go to the grocery store and buy mangoes from the Philippines for $2? Maybe once and a while, sure, but the degree to which we consume exotic and resource-intense food is astounding, and we have no concept of how much it takes to produce those things. We need to severely cut our consumption, full stop. Remember in my first point about how we should work fewer hours and tend to things like gardening? Well, imagine you bought a shovel and a hoe that both lasted 40 years that you could use to tend to your garden, from which you were able to pull food for your dinner on a daily basis... imagine what would be cut out of the cycle if we all did that.

Now, the most important thing to ask is *why* do we do this? *Why* do we live this way? The simple answer: the profit motive. Our current economy subsists on the concept of profit - the incentive for an individual or a corporation to continue operating a business is that they will derive slightly more ""utility"" from the transaction than the buyer; they come out a little bit better than before. But think of the consequences of this philosophy. Why do we consume so much? Why do those tools break down so easily? Why do we move around and shift our lives so easily and without hesitation? Why do we work so much? It's all so we can earn a little more, have a little more, than we did before. And it's killing us. Like, on a grand scale, this process will be the death of us (ostensibly).

So, I guess in closing, what I am really saying is this - we need to realize that we have fantastic technology and wonderful capabilities and opportunities, but that doesn't mean we *need* to use them. In fact, we should really only use them sparingly. We should step back and think about things differently.

My last point would simply be that we often ask ourselves why we're not happy in today's world, with all the things we have and how sexy and modern and shiny our lives are. Well, if we simplified things, we would have more time for self-expression and artistic endeavours and relaxation and interacting with one another on a meaningful level and, hell, even doing some mind-altering drugs from time to time and thinking about space and the universe and spirituality and our relationship with nature. I have no doubt that if we did in fact head in that direction, we would be materially better off than we currently are.

"Yes I did. "
"Wtf? Surely there's a weight limit written on these somewhere telling you that if you pick up giant bulldozers, that shit's gonna fall over."
Fucking terns!
"That's big, yeah yeah yeah!"
"Yeah, it's really, really, really shitty, especially compared to other OEM's software (like EVGA Precision X and MSI Afterburner)."
"Yes, but not alternate world versions.

For example if they decided Batman was a poor kid from India who somehow hitched a ride to the States, worked his way to a good education, got adopted by rich bat researching parents who were murdered, that's pretty much an alternate world version of Batman.

People would probably have a lot of issues with it unless they knew it was supposed to be an alternate ~~retelling~~ world (I used the wrong word, but I thought people would get what I was saying,  especially since I did mention Star Trek which is an alternate world)."
"Sexist, not sexiest. "
"That's a pretty cool catch! I didn't even think about that "
"I would like to see Gage Coins or some other feature to guarantee weapon mods of your choice, implemented into the game.  This is coming from someone that already has 2+ of every weapon mod and no longer needs them.  I feel it eases newer players away from the RNG system so they can min-max their weapons without hundreds of hours of grinding.

I don't understand why Overkill felt the need to nerf XP grinding.  The first 5 infamy levels are the only important ones and with the Deathwish difficulty don't take too long to attain, the last 20 are purely cosmetic.  Realistically grinding XP even through ECM rushing shouldn't be frowned upon, especially if 75% is cosmetic rewards.

Additionally I would like the ability to chain heists for increased XP rewards.

Some other system to track kills per weapon like Payday: The Heist and contribute to your XP would also be a fun good way to improve the grind."
"Triggered. You cis scum. The gender neutral schle is the proper term. Cis. Scum. "
You are welcome :)
"I would cum on them gently "
It's an upcoming mod from pooky. That's where the Sparta from Battle Royale is from.
that's tight dude
I've given you an upvote for ad hominem
"""hey lil mama lemme whisper in ya ear""

Or maybe now it will just yell at us.

"Add an oz of cream to that calorie bomb "
"Oh come on. Let's not get carried away. I know there's a lot of bad cabbies out there, especially these vigilantes, but there's also a huge amount of guys just trying to put food on the table. I'm all for Uber and want to see reform of the taxi structure worldwide, but let's stop needlessly polarizing the issue please."
"Don't be that guy/girl! "
When did I say he's an inept evaluator of talent?
"It's like ticketmaster.  They have the balls to charge you a ""convenience fee"".

I took an hour out of my day and bought tickets at the box office and saved something like $35."
"I read about a reviewer taking notes in EGttR too, and it is what sold the game for me....

I took notes on the towns people and random stories in Silent Hill 1-3 (unfortunately the later ones didn't have as deep of side stories), but not taking in games just feels right... Like a deep story I am playing detective in, I love it."
Thanks. I see from my post I did not give enough information. I just do not understand why all these manufactures are getting away with this. If it is a known fact that there is a defect in their product then why are they not standing behind it? It worries me that with all the sub par products out there and people getting hurt from them that this is really going to hurt the vaping community. If more and more people are showing up at ER's with injuries that is not going to help our cause. Thinking about starting a page on this subject to see if we can get the manufacturers to start standing behind their products. I appreciate your help but I really want innokin to fix this issue. They were one of the only products that I trusted. I think the competition to get to market has made everyone lower their QC. So sad. Is there any other way to reach innokin in the states beside the form on their website? Thanks everyone for all your help.
"Buffalo NY! It's way cheaper than NYC and everything is here. There's Canalside, Food Truck Tuesday, concerts, the waterfront, so much stuff to do! You can drive 20 minutes and go to Canada if you get bored or drive 40 minutes the opposite way and see some beautiful nature in the Chautauqua hills. There's the Niagara wine trail and the fabulous wineries that go along with it. Some nearby cities or towns that have more great opportunities: Rochester, Ellicottville, Syracuse. 

We're not the City of Good Neighbors for nothing! Buffalonians are really helpful people. 

Just don't visit when there's snow on the ground. We all get pretty crabby then. Spring/summer/fall though, seriously consider coming to Buffalo. "
"Based on what metric? Your personal experience? That isn't a metric, you are just judging him based on your personal preference. He is a fantastic author, just because you don't like him is just that, your opinion. 

If you want to make an argument that he is a poor author, you need something more then that you don't like his work if you want to convince anyone else that you are correct."
"agreed, most likely top 5 IMO"
"It's a real chance, but he is definitely the underdog.  Think about it like this...

Say the first debate comes up and Sanders does great and Clinton does poorly.  Two things can happen:

1) The public sees Biden is not running.  Sanders gets his support and that puts him at 33 to 55.

2) Then let's say he gets an additional 20 point boost for a better performance and Clinton drops 10.

Boom, Sanders is winning 53 to 45 in the polls and takes the nom.

Of course, beating a Clinton in a debate is not exactly the easiest thing in the world to do..."
"One Year Cub trophy. He's legit, folks."
"RPO at least had a reason for all  the references, cause they all had  to be like  Halliday. But Armada, it just makes no sense. There's no reason people in that time shoudl just constantly reference 80s stuff. "
"Step 10 says Cook cupcakes at 250F, but where can I find heat that high? "
"*never "
"This is the correct answer. Omega would also be acceptable, for more debauchery. "
Or had it built into their image.
"This is a big problem because they can't unlock every champion for everybody now or they will have to give the money back to everybody who bought a champion with real cash. And they still should because you should be able to trade with anybody in select for strat pick. But then the first problem come again.

Why not unlock champion per level like easy champion when you hit lvl 10, medium for lvl 20, and hard for lvl 30. And you still can buy them with IP if you want/have enough IP. There is to much thing who need to be worked on for make the game better for news players."
"I replaced my belts at just over 800 miles, largely as a precaution.  I have over 1000 miles now on the original drive wheels with no sign that they will need to be replaced.  A few small bits missing at the edge, and I dug out a couple of glass shards.

The bearings seem to holding up well, no issues there yet and I'm pretty hard on my board in terms of vibration (lots of sidewalk transition joints, trolley tracks, etc)."
"to each their own..but it blows my mind that anyone cares about this kinda thing.

but if it makes you happy...."
"They make a video of them sometimes where they get the prisoners to praise them. They may even give them food or treat them on camera.

Then they kill/behead them. Picture of it will come out in twitter a few weeks later.

Unlike the jihadists the fsa make a habit now days of not showing their crimes. They learnt that lesson in 2012 when their supporters got pissed off that they released videos of them executing pows. So they ""signed"" a human rights documents and stopped filming their executions."
You want us to send him flowers?
"Opponent plays millhouse turn 10

Aviana +  icehowl

Astral communion

Dump hand"
"Not sure how big this change is actually, since currently Imposing Presence is basically like ""do not auto attack this person or you will screw your own DPS over tremendously."" 40% is still a massive slow so you still wouldn't want to attack someone with Imposing Presence in a teamfight anyway."
">The mods, though. Bless their hearts for putting up with all that shit, lol.

yeah, seconded, haha. i've admittedly been frustrated with some things they've done every now and then, but i would *never* want to be in their shoes having to deal with all that. on top of having to try and keep both sides under control, some commenters are really terrible to them; they have far more patience than i do."
"While I think Smith (and Iannone!) is having the best season of his career, I am reluctant to give him the alien label. No one is looking at Smith and saying, ""How is he doing that??"" He's doing well, but I think he also needs to make another step and a podium or two. What would *really* boost his position is if he gets ahead of JLo in a race when JLo is having one of his terrible races."
"Haha, it is one of the tricks of the language, but the funny thing about irregular plurals is that they make you sound smart. In Persian language any word can be regularly plural, but with Arabic loanwords many people opt to use the broken plural even when it's not required."
I was just about to say the same lol. I am glad I was beaten to it this time!
I bought a $8 lamp at Ikea when I was 19 for my first house at college. I've used it daily and even left in on for entire weekends away by accident. I'm almost 26 now and the $8 lamp and its original bulb are still burning bright. It's kind of impressive :)
"THANKYOU, so I'm not the only one "
All of their stores are designed in a similar fashion. There's a lot of recycling going on in them too.
"Some people can experience pain inflicted by these hallucinations, so for those people it feels they *can* 'get' them."
"You're not original. This meme is overused as fuck already. Oh, and FUCK OFF."
"You're absolutely right. Believe it or not a lot of people pet him really roughly and when I ask them to be gentle they're like ""no no you have to treat them like big dogs you have to be a little rough so they learn...""

learn what exactly? what it feels like to be crushed by someone 50 times your size? smh."
They got invited.
Ok! What does your work schedule look like?
"I know! It's crazy how cars keep growing. "
"Meh, they aren't that similar there, Keira looks very young and childlike compared to Portman in the movie."
"Use proxy mate, just change your network preference and use manual proxy. You could google it or bing it for free anonymous proxy. It only works for the browser that you change its setting.

Personally i use couple layer of proxy and added with VPN plus Ghostery extention on chrome (because i use chrome, probably it available too on other browser) to shut down any website that track down your activity, web bug, pixels and beacons.

Im privacy freak haha... good luck

"The sun streamed through my window, illuminating tiny particles of dust casually drifting towards my immobile body. The sounds of the street were muffled: a door slamming, somebody yelling, the revving of an engine as it peeled out down the road.

The ground was hard. I was cold. My head pounded and my mouth was dry.
I felt like shit. 

For a while, I couldnt move. My limbs still felt heavy, my mind still muddied from the blackout euphoria of the night before. *Was I really here?* 

From the window, a cold gust of air meandered its way towards the floor, taking its time to wrap my body in its icy embrace. Though the chill wouldnt let go, I was sweating. I had goosebumps, but my face was hot. My head was about to explode.

Fuck it. If I was still here, I wanted more drugs. Now.

I rolled onto my stomach and, for just a moment, rested my face against the hardwood floor. I took a deep breath and placed both palms against the ground, using all my strength to push myself to my knees. 

Finally reaching my feet, I took a brief moment to survey my apartment. It was fucking trashed, as expected. Shards from a broken bottle lay strewn under my table. Chairs were knocked over, there was cereal all over the floor. Fucking cocoa puffs. All my windows were wide open, all of my books had been ripped off the shelf. 

*Why am I here?*

My stomach rumbled, begging for food, protesting with sharp pangs. But I didnt have money for food. I didnt have money for anything. Even in this shitty town, with the shitty weather and the shitty people and the shitty houses, I couldnt manage to save for shit. 

Fuck, Im such a piece of shit.

Stumbling into my room, I ripped open the bottom drawer of my dresser. I dug desperately through the clothes, checked in all the cracks for any white powder, any dropped pills, anything. But all I found was nothing. I needed a bump of H, a couple of Oxys or even just a fucking Xannie or two. Just something to get away from this place. Just something to ease my pain, make the aching go away. 

But I took everything last night. Ate all the pills, drank all the booze. At first I was just trying to escape for the night, but after I was drunk enough, fucked up enough, I figured fuck it. I might as well escape forever. Who would miss me? What would I miss? Nothing.


I shuffled to my front door, eased it open. I walked down the hallway of my apartment, bare feet thudding on the threadbare carpet. The walls smelled like must and cigarettes. 

Fuck, I wish I had a cig. Anything. 

I carried myself slowly, posture hunched. The two flights of stairs to Alonzos apartment were the two longest flights of stairs in my life. My entire body screamed, straining against my efforts. *Go lie down, you dumb fuck!* it screeched. *Why are you even trying to move?*

On the fifth floor, I stared at the numbers on the door, gold paint peeling. 326. I knocked, slow and deliberate. Three times. If Alonzo knew it was me, he would come to the door. He knew I was tied around his little finger. He owned me. He knew I had nothing. He knew. 

After another three knocks and another three minutes, the door opened to a tall man, pale skin and thin lips. His dark eyes were sunken but sharp. His shaggy hair, even darker than his eyes, hung over his forehead. He surveyed me with a smirk, eyes travelling across my body. 

My feet were bare, toes curled. I was cold, pale. My long hair was tangled in a greasy mess, falling over my face. Dark circles marred my eyes. Under my sweatshirt were lines of track marks, bruises and pinpricks travelling up and down my arms. I was broken. 

“Hey, man.” I whispered, hoarse. “You got anything?”

His eyes narrowed, but his smirk widened. “The question is, have you got anything?”
I was silent and he knew. He knew what I had. The only thing I had, the only thing I could give him.

Without another word, he stepped back and I walked past him into his apartment. We walked into his room. I sat down on his floor as he cooked me a shot, prepared the rig. He tied my arm. Bringing the needle to my skin, he gave me bliss. I felt it spreading through my veins, pulsing through my body. My headache subsided and I felt warm. Cozy. Beautiful. 

The world was beautiful.

I laid on his bed and he laid on top of me, pinning me down at the shoulders. Though he was rough, I was calm and still, soaking in every second of my bliss. He took me, took everything I had. I traded everything for this bliss.

Though I had nothing, in that moment, I felt like I had everything.

But when I left his apartment, when the world wasnt so beautiful and the air felt cold once again, I knew I had lost. 

All I had was nothing.

"Altair ""armor"" is white and red though. xD ^^^i  ^^^prefer  ^^^connors"
should have been 73
"Well, I'll list a few major things off the top of my head.

* We have some new frames and new primes of course.
* We have the void trader now. He comes around every couple weeks and offers powerful stuff on rotation. To get the stuff, you have to sell him your prime parts and BPs for a new currency called ducats. Most items are worth 10 ducats, but the prices vary and some go up to 50. He will charge you several hundred ducats and a few hundred grand in credits per item. He sells primed mods, which go to a higher rank than the original, like primed flow and primed point blank. He also sells Wraith and Prisma editions of weapons--just like event weapons, these have some advantage over the original and give their own MR affinity. His wares are on rotation, if you miss something, he will offer it again, but probably not for a long time. He also adds new stuff to the rotation each week.
* Arcanes have been redone. The old arcane helms are still in the game and still tradeable, but there is a new system in place now for more unique arcanes. You get arcanes (not the helms, just an item called an arcane) by completing the Raid (also new). You then craft the arcane into a helm or syandana of your choice. You can also upgrade the newly crafted item with more of the same type of arcane.
* There have been a bunch of quests and stuff.
* Uranus tileset is now the underwater lab tileset. You can transition between archwing and foot travel by jumping in and out of the water. Tyl regor boss fight is also redone (and he drops the newest frame).
* There has been drama about nerfs and buffs like usual.
* New parkour system released this update. Movement has been completely redone.
* I don't know if you were around when Relay's were introduced, but those are a thing now. big hubs where lots of tenno can hang out together. Several key features are in relays too, like the void trader and access to several factions. 
* New PVP system.
* There is now a place where you can summon enemies to test different builds on if you have them scanned in your codex, and if you have progressed enough with one of the factions.

there is probably a lot more I am missing."
"We live in the 21st century. If a company has fraternization rules, then leave the company. Don't fuck a co-worker behind your husbands back and expect nothing to happen. Break the rules, look for a new job. Thats the contract SHE signed before she jumped on five guys dicks. I don't understand the compulsion to defend a cheater. "
"I agree- the last twenty minutes is the only part I would say deserves its 9% on Rotten Tomatoes. If they took their time, made the movie longer, or even ended the movie on a cliffhanger with the sequel ready to drop a year later, it could've been much better. "
"Then let them call us out on it come football season. Even though I don't care about the Steelers anymore, I won't deny that Pittsburgh doesn't have drunk, asshole fans just like them. But that's a battle for another day."
Fuck off.
"Well..we all know that ""Suicide is Painless""...

slightly obscure reference.... could not resist!"
I get an error when trying to buy things on steam or ingame so I can only use community market
Any other people from the U.S think that was a weird way to type 3 dollars?
"> some classic J Allard hoodyblazer nonsense would make for interesting content 

that would be pretty great."
"See ya suckers. I'm off to post this shower thought and reap karma mf "

"I'd expect him to do an aftershow, maybe two"
"Cm12.1 and AK kernel here. I have no idea what bug you are talking about, so it must fix it haha"
They also fly at a completely different altitude.
"Loving the black shorts w/ red stripes. "
"First time I ever went to a ""non-white belt class"" I had a blue belt work with me and he did not drill at all. He just worked with me drilling coaching etc.  It was great. I told him later that I felt bad he didn't get to drill, he said he actually enjoyed just helping me learn."
"We're the Millers, when they played the friends theme song and Jennifer Aniston is just -.-"
">Sponsors are more important to the site than videos themselves?

Well yes, obviously. Having people watch ads makes money; delivering the content you're actually interested in costs money. To the stream provider, the ad is absolutely the more important of the two, which is also why it plays first.

If the ad doesn't play, they don't get paid, so there's a lot of incentive to make sure the ad plays correctly. On the other hand, what happens if the video doesn't play? You refresh the page, right? And you get served another ad, doubling the revenue the stream provider got from you on that video. That's not to say stream providers make videos not play on purpose, of course, that would be a wonderful way of pissing off all their viewers, but, well... if it happens once in a while, there's not a lot of incentive for them to do anything about it, is there."
"* Supply Box in the Hall of Greatness now gives 19 Holy Texts (at least for me it was 19).

* Potential Adept recruits in the Hall of Greatness now face you and Kneel when you stand near them. 

* Characters in a menu now display an emote holding a mini holographic computer

* Several weapons now look different

* White quality Trophy Fragments can now be dismantled into Celestial Threads"
"/r/poetry loves you. Thank you for your participation!

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Poetry) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
this is EXACTLY why I thank soldiers and veterans when I see them.
"OP should see ""In Time"""
TIL I couldn't live in Andalucía
"I clicked the post thinking ""seems like everything is working as intended, wonder what the problem is.""

I don't see the problem."
"I have become less and less impressed with Obama. I had high hopes. Hillary is a centrist same old same old big money player. Keep doing what your doing keep getting what your getting. Hillary is status quo and won't change anything fundamental. "
"I'm notorious among friends and family for lacking in will power and drive.  I've been like this my whole life and I also have sleep apnea, truth be told I have never linked the two before but perhaps you are onto something there.  I'm the type or person who doesn't cope with fuzzy deadlines or agreements.  ""Yeah I'll get back to you on that"" can mean anything from a few hours to months.  Arranging and meeting friends is also a rather fun experiment for me half the time.  Do I bother to call them at all?  Do I pull out?  Do I half assedly make an attempt to appear and socialise?  Appear like a normal person?  I'm forever confusing people with my schedule, be that sleeping or otherwise because everything is uncertain until something in the universe forces me to follow through.

I also have a job that means I don't get paid unless I use my non-existant willpower and drive.  Aside from one contract I have no deadlines, no office to drag myself into and be present in in orer to be paid.  I have no set wage, no set income, no guaranteed earnings.   This might sound ridiculous, given that I've just said that I'm almost exactly the last person who should rely on this type of work to live.  I just could never see or imagine myself doing anything else, its the only thing that makes me happy... or as happy as working in the arts can make you, I think we're supposed to be tortured and moody, right? 

Anyway, this is what I do:

*  **Make Lists and Schedules for Everything** -  This is important, and I mean for just about everything.  Schedule your day in the morning when you wake up.  If you have to do a task you usually slack off on - like for example cleaning - write a more detailed list breaking down a time period for you to finish each job inside the task.  Also, always give yourself more time than you need.  If you take an hour to get ready? Schedule 90 minutes.  If you're working on school work and think it will take you an hour, schedule 2 hours.  Give yourself freedom with this; you're not trying to pressure yourself, you're trying to give yourself drive and motivation.  If you decide you want to spend 15 minutes washing dishes and you waste those 15 minutes watching some crappy youtube video?  You just feel bad about yourself.  So give yourself 45 minutes to do dishes, you'll more than likely grow bored of what you're procrastinating with and do them in that time.  This isn't about sticking to a schedule, its about giving yourself a guide to stop your lack of willpower and drive.  The two are linked.  Those with very little willpower have very little drive.

* **Find Something That Relaxes you** - You've already found it most likely; I'm just not going to assume anything.  Utilise it as a helpful thing.  For me?  It's murder mystery tv shows and any sort of RPG videogame.    This is what you go to when you feel yourself slipping.  When you can't be bothered.  Be aware of this.  Think to yourself if thees anything else you should be doing.  Check the schedule you've made.  If you haven't done something, why haven't you done it?  Do it.  Okay so just saying do it probably won't work.  So do it while you're watching the show; if its something interactive that you like such as video games, then watch a youtube video about the game so you're still getting what you enjoy.  You'll do what you're supposed to be doing slower but the fact is you're still getting it done.  In fact you might even eventually absorb yourself into the thing you feel you should have been doing in the first place.  Even if you don't, you'll have still have made some progress.

* **Exercise** - You're losing weight, you said.  So chances are you're already doing this.  Teachers, Doctors, Annoying Vegan Separatists aren't wrong.  Exercising really does make you feel better and makes your brain feel better.  It doesn't have to be strenuous.  Hell it doesn't even have to count as exercise.  A brisk 30 minute walk, dancing like an idiot to your ipod for 40 minutes, even running on the spot and doing stretches.  That awakens your mind and gives you motivation and will power.  It makes you feel good too.  You feel good, you sytart feeling good about yourself and all those things that are linked together start seeming like possibilities instead of something other people have. 

Use all of that to find a routine thats right for you.  Routines are important, without them we often feel lost and lose our ability to have drive, motivation, will power etc.    My routine doesn't appear like a routine to most people until I explain it to them.  Why?  Because its not what most people see as being a 'normal healthy routine'.  The thing is, if I did what they recommended I do?  I wouldn't be happy, or organised, or motivated.  It doesn't work for me right now in my life.  As soon as I recognised that, everything became so much clearer and easier to work with and around.  

You obviously want to make the change; you've said right there that you are trying and you have tried things.    I'm not sure if what I have wrote will help you at all, this is just what I do.  Hopefully, theres something there that might inspire you.  "
"*look ma, I made a dank meme on the internet!*"
"Oh for pete's sake, I don't care about any causes. I don't volunteer. I don't give money to anyone - AIDS, Lupus, cancer kids, Black, White, Yellow whatever. I don't care about anyone, I'm the typical Internet asshole that just doesn't want to sit in traffic because someone else does care about something and feels the urge to tell me about it. 

It's really not complicated. 

I shortened my response to Mr. Square does to ""That's a bit of a stretch."" 

Can we be happy with that? "
"You clearly don't understand how hard it so to get a ball into the net from that angle, its not hitting the ball hard but just nicking it "
[Κι ομως](
60k gold back then is crazy
"you're playing semantics here, those are shades of the same thing. nobody is advocating making fun of fat people @ the gym, nobody is being an asshole. But if I walk down a street and see a homeless guy smoking a stoke panhandling, i'm not gonna give him my respect, because he doesn't deserve respect. Similarly, i'm not gonna give my respect to *anybody*(skinny, fat, muscular, etc.) that gives up after 1 day. respect is earned."
Great short video about Facebook's new credit score patent
"> Impreza, but they don't come in hatch

Uh...what?  No wagon, but they definitely come in a hatch.  "
"A rifle for defense.

"Oh god I think that was way more depressing for me "
"A strange one I had at an old job was when I was talking to an old Indian man who was contesting charges on his bill. I was going over the bill with him, trying to explain charges and he kept interrupting me and yelling. I told him that I was going to help him with the charges, but that I wanted to make sure he understood what they were to prevent it from happening in the future.

Nope. He wasn't having it. He kept yelling at me, and personally insulting me. I gave him a couple of warnings that if he kept personally attacking me, I'd have to terminate the call (this was company policy that I was very lenient with since I understand that people say stupid things when they're pissed). 

After being called a mother fucker, a son of a bitch and so on for about 10 minutes without being able to get two words in, he finally snapped more than I've ever had a customer snap. He started yelling in a very thick accent ""*Who is your boss? Tell me who your boss is?! WHO IS YOUR DADDY?! WHO'S YOUR DADDY?!""

I told him that I had warned him enough times and and was ending the call. When I hung up, I just sat at my desk and I was laughing so hard that CSRs around me to put their customer on hold to find out what was going on.
"Oh indeed. That makes more sense. Yeah that does seem to be a very common theme or ideology. I think some don't see any problem with it because of the idea: I did it why don't they. Obviously this is a very narrow sighted view. "
"That itch went away, but another itch was born that day."
Your laptop is getting hotter than it can keep cool. Plain and simple. Resolution: get better cooling or a better PC gaming system.
"This is essentially what I've been doing as well, but with ICF 5x5 as the basis rather than starting strength (bc I've found I need the accessory lifts).. And I also lower the resting period as I move through the pyramid.  I increase weights on upper body as often as I can, but for lower body, only every two sessions. I either do 2 or 3 sets of RPT, depending on the lift and other stuff."
"Huh. For some reason I never even thought about it being the switch, I thought about it being the technical aspects of it. That makes a lot more sense because its usually if I barely press it or if I let go fast. tytyty :D"
Go for it!
"Thanks - I too have had events in my life that demonstrate there is 'something' beyond what we perceive.  I've not had manifestations of dead people, but I do believe I've witnessed acts of God - or whatever the universe *is*, seemingly taking interest in life events."
"He did it on purpose, the little shit!  You see him look for and then arch his back in anticipation of the beam before impact. Wanton disregard for the other playing children.. Tsk, Tsk." Not even close to funny.
"If you exile somebody, where is that person going to go? In the modern age, we'd face the choice between convincing another nation to accept the exiled people (thus dumping our problem on someone else) or dumping the exiles in canoes in the middle of the ocean (thus risking accusations of inhumane treatment). If you actually want them to do something productive besides ""regretting their mistakes,"" as you mentioned, some prisons have had success with work programs like that one in Colorado that basically administrates a goat farm and sells the milk to an artisan cheese maker. We could also make use of a reasonable compromise and have the prisoners shipped off to Mars to build colonies. It'd be like an intense version of the way Australia got colonized. England got smart and sent their ""exiles"" to prison camps in Australia. In the case of Mars, the prisoners would basically have two options: Work and behave themselves, or die."
"1. 24, 8 years ago and Saint Petersburg in Russia.

2. For money.

3. Total Haul was ~$5million which was $1million each.

4. No... Obviously.

5. About 4 months of planning.

6. Nope, was on my bucket list, the only injury we inflicted was the butt of a shotgun into the face of the lone guard. He'll recover."
"> Sure it is. Give me any two points in London and I will return to you the best route in less than 30 seconds.

Are you a lifetime Londoner? If not, would you care to do this for NYC?

I can give you a myriad of trips where Uber's path is not even close to the best one; and even Google + Waze are not even close. I don't know London as well, but if I'd grown up there I bet I'd be able to do the same.

>Did you really just liken a 8-12 year mastery to memorizing streets and landmarks in a single city?

Try doing it in significantly less time.

You need to show where there is a structural problem with this analogy.

> You seem really passionate about this but you're blowing this way out of proportion to justify your opinion. The technology isnt going anywhere.

I'm not particularly passionate about it, I'm just a quick writer and good at presenting arguments.

I don't care about the technology not going anywhere— I want to make sure the regulation stays strong, and I do not think a private solution like Uber is necessary or desirable.

>What argument? All you've typed is a rant full of FUD.

I think we're done here. I've made several very specific arguments, including an analogy you have yet to deconstruct. If you don't want to discuss, I can't make you. But I can stop wasting my time with you."
"I like this sub for the positive support but to post something such as ""my maintenance calories increased by 700 per day on nofap"" is an absolute joke.  No fap has a ton of benefits but this is not one of them. "
"I had a really similar issue with a coworker a few years ago! Try [injecting salt water into the unit](, which should wreak havoc with the internal electrical components."
"Idk if this counts but I do a pretty spot on Australian accent (at least to Americans) and I used it to get number. It worked really well, especially at a bar. "
"tiny hut and lesser/greater restoration are useful scrolls that players like to stockpile. I try to make them somewhat available if not also available to buy. "
"I expect the upcoming game at Lambeau in week 2 will be brutal. "
"I don't even give a shit honestly, yeah it sucks for the west coast but guess who's been getting fucked over a ton, the east coast."
Its being enthusiastic about shoes vs enthusiastic about videogames. If you take it out of context.
"Your guess is as good as mine, you misogynoir. "
Going to sell/maybe go visit rob ski
"She's complaining that Bernie hasn't put out any racial justice platform, despite the fact that he had before the second protest took place. Unfortunately, Tamron Hall seemed to unaware that the platform was released before the protest and didn't correct her."
Anyone knows what they have in store besides possible bug fixes?
"Okay, who keeps telling these random people that gw2 is dead?"
He was thinking money. Vitor is a huge draw in Brazil.
Except Ganon can chaingrab her back and even harder it's just that he has much more trouble getting the grab
"It's brewed in Minnesota IIRC. Boulevard does have plans for a canning line as part of their expansion though. "
"Nah, you guys make too much sense, it's obviously because us with upper management jobs just HATE poor people with all of our hearts. I tell ya, me and the boss sit around all day just discussing what we hate the most about poor people, because that's totally something that happens according to Reddit's victim complex."
"(srs) supposedly. When I googled her it said she's in the WV state legislature. I just slowly backed away. "
"I thought about that as well, but the kid did such a damn good job of being loud and obnoxious that I didn't hear footsteps as someone approached me from behind. "
"I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

- [/r/islamarabssubwatch] [""hey asshole, instead of taking space being ""prideful"" in Islam's most sacred place why don't you take the money that Mami and Papi spent to get you there and spend it on charity you pathetic waste of human organs."" - Xray330](

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"> ...this plane wound up in pretty much the exact spot you'd want to ditch a plane to make it disappear..

I haven't been paying attention to the conspiracy theories well enough to figure out what you're getting at.  Or, maybe you just like saying matter of fact things with a conspiratorial tone.  That's cool too...  Please explain."
"My was also a Frontier justice... What the.... "
"The strikes on my first channel were from them, they run out in September of this year.

This is the same group that took out /u/Dwarfda's channel earlier this year too.

You can appeal the decision and try to get back into good standing, but there's no guarantee of success."
"> it feels like i am cheating 

It's not cheating. Don't worry about that.

It's no more cheating than asking a teacher to explain something that you did not understand in maths/foreign language/whatever.

The only thing -as you hinted- is that, in order to *progress*, you must make sure that you *understand the answer*. It may require additional inquiries in a syntax that you did not know yet, an unknown API, algorithm, etc. It will help you mature you understanding & mental models, until you are able to answer those SO questions yourself. Of course, by that time you'll still be looking at SO but for tougher questions (rince & repeat)...

In the same way that children learn by imitating adults, a beginner must learn by ""imitating"" others. It's perfectly natural. Think about things this way: if everybody had to re-discover/re-invent everything, we would never see any progress globally... People build upon other people's work."
Same. Rolled my warrior late BC or so (new account) and I'll stop playing him when wow die.
8 minutes. Impressive.
"Curious, what's the ""label"" for a politician who supports:

- a Laissez-faire economical stance, e.g. flat, low taxes, little governmental interference or employee protection etc.

- A very open and progressive stance on social rights, e.g. supporting LGBT rights, no favor of one religion over the other etc.

I'm wondering because over here, this would be a ""textbook"" liberal. But in the US I see neither the Democrats nor Republicans represnting this as they seem to be split on those issues. 

"Yeah I'm kinda jealous, he has cheesy humour but somehow manages to make it look light hearted and not ""PLEASE LAUGH WITH ME IM SO DESPERATE"" which is how I come across everytime I try to write something witty.

Plus that ""getting lost with my motorcycle"" line is a pantydropper. I need to buy a bike, damn."
"How so? You shoot someone, legally or not, the cops are going to have some questions. 

And from what we've seen in the past, both you and I know it's a slim possibility.

*chambers 1 round*
"    CPU: i5-3570 (non-K)
    GPU: Asus GTX 970 Strix OC
    RAM: 8GB
    HDD: 1TB
    SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 250GB (planning to install here)
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (probably going to upgrade to Windows 10 once TPP is confirmed working there)

I have Ground Zeroes and it runs like a dream on this rig--a constant 60 FPS with every setting maxed out. My GPU is overclocked (beyond the factory overclock that Asus already put into the 970 Strix), but I doubt it would run any worse even on stock."
"Bernadette Sanders ""Jenner"""
"People like you who don't take this seriously are the reason our waterways are overrun with invasive flora and fauna! Tilapia is just a gateway species, then come the pike, then the Asian carp, and then the zebra mussel.  Pretty soon you won't be able to find nary a stream nor vagina in the country with an apache trout in it. "
"> Your MPs choose to vote on iss

Look, knock off the weird quasi-racism thing. I have one MP. You have one MP. Kernow is part of the UK. Scotland's part of the UK.

It goes both ways. English MPs vote on Scottish issues. A lot of the SNP mostly don't want to be living right next to Trident and paying for a new system. Cornwall is famous for its independence movement and so on. It just turns into a pissing match about, as I say, narratives."
"My favorite is when someone singles me out as the cause for failure because I'm from Moonguard.

Top 3 on the leader board and most number of objectives taken? Ya, your right it's my fault >.>"
"Thanks!  Yeah, AllCast is kind of a different beast isn't it. I might remove it for clarity. I'm Canadian too so I could do testing on most of these."
", its free. I just pulled a blank blue print image from google, and used shapes..."
"The Commander In Chief has done everything he could to put out these racial fires, but they keep growing larger.

Sure doesn't help that he keeps trying to use gasoline to do it."
"His coworkers Emmett Watson and Rupinda Grint are probably laughing their asses off.
Quit showing everyone the Emperor before they're properly indoctrinated in the correct way of seeing his clothes!!
"I thought about looking into that but decided that they are a small family owned buisness and I dont want to gain anything by taking legal action. I am lucky and have a secound job already, which covers my living expenses, home and food, with my savings I will be fine.

Also I am Canadian."
Found the EA or exEA guy.
"Nah Denver sucks don't come "
"As everyone has said, size down or get different cut. IMO, those aren't just ""sorta baggy""in the thighs, they are enormous. But everyone has different preferences and different styles.

Personally, with your frame I'd want to go with a slim leg that stacks at the bottom, but that's just me."
"Mass teleports for the win. How many datacrons are there in total?

If guild leaders/officers placed all their alts at datacron locations, you could teleport entire ops groups to do them all in a few hours."
"I think we have different ideas on tax reform...  No matter.
>restoring a Constitutional government

Ending the wall of secrecy, ending spying on/killing of US citizens,etc...  You know, that constitution that defines what the federal government can't do and says the rights of the states and the people are implied, not granted by DC."
"Doing this. "
"Fru Fruity 4mg. Thanks for the giveaway "
"i had a mother in all of my education classes in college. because she had kids that were elementary age she just assumed she was an expert in all things covered in class. became quite annoying. "
ehCh | Sazh | BOON
"zamplebox where i buy the juicce and the istick 50w :L the sigeli 150w is to large i might get it l8er, but dayoum the juice i got this time got a good flavour "
"I'm doing the exact same thing! A study abroad program through my school in Colorado. Technically we are Charles University students but we study through a program called CIEE and we just use CU professors not their actual campus ever. But it's been an amazing trip! I actually leave to go home on Sunday so I'm bummed about that. "
"Ah, good point about the outdoor pools! And thanks for the insight into how fast time flies. It's interesting and helpful to know that might happen -- I can totally see how it would. Thanks!"
Genuinely interested: what did you guys do together?
"If it works for hood ornaments and side mirrors, then why not? 

Also, even the Cross must bow to the Bentley."
You're fine lol. Thanks.
"> proclaim they are the only ones allowed to exercise a right to armed defense?

It's quite literally not only one of our most basic rights as citizens but also one of our duties. "
"I noticed under the notification options that it was only set to sound and not a pop up banner.  I may be thinking of Outlook but doesn't hurt to check there anyway.

Settings > System > Notifications 

Banners wasn't checked by default for me."
She seriously a junkie or are you exaggerating for effect?
"oh damn, no camera? i was hoping you'd have found out what was actually happening. fucking mysteries haha"
Caleb or Ezra
">'s all still what Faulkner called ""the human heart in conflict with itself"". He said that was the only thing worth writing about and I've always agreed with that. *-George R. R. Martin*

Brienne's entire story with the clash between her honour and her feelings, perfectly describes GRRM's quote about his writing preference. Brienne's choice at the end is what is going to determine her character development so far."
sleep tight pupper
"Yeah, like if she was playing a Pinkerton agent set in a lawless frontier town of the Wild West-**[OHWAIT.](**

You're welcome. :P"
"I didn't get think renown was an option... If it hits, he gets the counter, right?"
"Literally all the current maps and mode we have right now encourage player fights more... anet wanted to try something different. "
"Además de todo lo que se menciona aquí. Refrescos comida alta en colesterol, etc.

Las porciones en la comida mexicana son enormes a comparación de muchos otros países. La raza se deja caer cuando se trata de alimentarse. "
I actually just saw an episode of Man vs. Food where the dude tried to eat a six-pound burrito at a NASCAR cafe in Vegas. They give you free rides for life on their roller coaster if you finish it. Only two people ever have. I gagged a little watching them make it.
"Just being honest here, you never helped develop Calculus."
"lol wut does that even mean, wut are you on

like, calm down jadan smith, is this referencing that mirror tweet or wutnot?"
They always send it to me when I'm on my laptop too!
"I think everyone that makes these 'only 8 min' type comments has never been in a long term relationship. Sometimes you go for a 45 min session sometimes you have a 2 min session. Lenght doesn't always equate to quality and each has its place depending on the mood. 

And the people who talk about making love all night clearly know nothing about the cumulative effect of friction."
"Kind of. She can't have a nipple orgasm (or she haven't had yet) but when we are having sex me sucking her breasts/biting nipples and stuff like that, it just turns her on so much that she cums almost instantly. 

Also, when I'm tittyfucking her and she masturbates at the same time she cums much faster and harder than when she is doing it alone. Also, when we are together just lying or cuddling and i start touching or kissing her breasts she gets very wet and horny and basically 80% of the times that i just want to play with her boobies we end up having sex."
please elaborate on why it should be trusted?
"If you wrap the A string around the tuning peg enough it acts in the same manner as a string tree. Just cut your string longer. Notice the angle the string tree gives the D and G strings. Ideally you want that same angle on the E and A. I also have a fender bass and have experienced said noise. "
"It dosnt work like that. The game's account based like an mmo, you're signing up for a second year of new content expansions.If you just buy in at Horizons, you get all the previously released content included. No need to buy the base as well, but  you'll have to wait till december to play.

So yeah, just getting horizons is much better value than buying in now. Only thing  is, you'll have to wait till it comes up on steam to buy it. May help"
"I don't either, and I never said I did. Why does me saying ""x is not a good thing to do"" suddenly mean I feel bad for a rapist?"
"I agree 100% but 2 lanes is unacceptable for a city this large. 4 lanes needs to happen. Beyond that, the positive value is probably pretty minimal because you're just going to have people causing backups from merging, exit ramps backing up onto the interstate, etc. and no amount of additional lanes really changes that because there will always be choke points."
"shit load expensive, last time when i was in Geneve, a McD big mac meal cost me about 13 CHF"
">And then sometimes the livery car wouldn't show up, and you'd have to call back a dispatcher who has no idea where it is. 

Before Uber entered the marketplace, this basically never happened. I'd be curious as to when you moved to NYC and began using these services?

Regardless, this has nothing to do with the data point illustrated in the article, that outer-boroughs might be underserved by taxis as compared to Ubers, because outer-boroughs did have options. The model is just now changing from flat-rate zone and scheduling, to on demand app-based."
WRESTLING'S NOT FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -David Arquette
I meant no graphing calculators. Scientifics still allowed.
I'd go with a [hypercube](
"Did you get to flash her in during the tournament? If you did, what was the opponent's reaction?"
"Who's up? "
"If I makes you feel any better, my dad and I were watching the Klayzerbeam incident also wondering how the hell is this happening.

We knew the Klayzerbeam could detonate, but that was the first time he really unleashed- our emotions were a mixture of giddiness, horror and awe at it.

It's terrifying to see what a hot hand can do. Awe inspiring, but terrifying. That shit can happen to anyone if someone starts making BS shots."
"> but the one thing that Giroud can't do, theo can and that is run and finish

I wouldn't say he can't finish."
The video of ambient warp engine noise
"As if we needed more shitty subreddits. "
"""Yes I do, asshat. And they're it."""
Is that four fly outs Glen thought was gone off the bat?
"The word is offensive. Point blank. Just bc it makes technical sense and in a science book,  doesn't make it any less offensive.  

But honestly, this kinda just boils down to a comment that shoulda just been said in your head and not typed out. Because it comes off offensive and relatively ignorant. "
added back :D
im just waiting for more friends (i only have 2 sasuke players) and other team suggestions cause idk much about Sengoku or most collab cards
"Does his shirt say Practice Safe Sex? "
"Seriously, you just look like an idiot no matter what, even if your thoughts aren't being properly conveyed. You just look like a complete idiot.
Nobody wants to hear your opinion anymore m80"
"Those guys got you so horny. "
"And then I feel like shit for not thinking of it first, so we're back to square 1. 

Thanks a lot, OP. "
"Hey, so your 100 milion dollar busines is a SaaS, the primary bread winner?"
Herald commercial. Gimmie.
"it is truly the Golden age to be a Chad. 

The cheating dirtybags comment and the valentines day comment definitely lean female.  He's actually got some very good points.
Not weird at all. 90% of my coworkers and even my managers are students. From the university nearby to a community college somewhere else. It's nice because I'm gonna be a freshman and I can talk to my coworkers about campus life and stuff.
"Yes, it was from Antonline via Ebay.  Hopefully they're all CUH-1215A's "
"It more simple than that, the best way to save the environment is to get rid of people. 

Much of this fall in NO2 levels is also due to the massed displacement of millions of refugees. When you got millions of people living in refugee camps under terrible conditions instead of driving, working in factories, using power and eating as much as they like, the pollution levels will diminish accordingly."
Greatest nickname ever
"I don't think it was, small southern towns in the US take HS football reaaaaally seriously."
"Ex-cutter here.

I had ""experimented"" with cutting before I actually started cutting for real. I felt that doing it for no reason (other than experimentation) was pointless, and later found that it only felt good when I was enraged, which is when I'd make the deepest cuts.

Anyway, how do you feel about the YouTuber Onision?"
Source? I mean its certainly looking like it. I'm just curious if Nintendo has said anything. Its also strange since Smash 4 references Assault.
She's probably German.
"I'm going through a similar situation. for about 6 months after my SO had surgery and started taking physical therapy. we were talking maybe 1-2 times a week. i would send msgs/texts about my day, ask her how she is doing, say goodnight etc. and wouldn't get any responses. i wondered why she couldn't take a few seconds to reply but things have gotten better. 

we talk more frequently (3-4 times a week), not like we use to but she is still recovering and i need to give her time. i pretty much keep myself busy so i'm not bouncing off the walls on my days off and when she does find time to hang out/talk i keep it cheery to not stress her out as she is already dealing with a lot already. 

silence is the worse for sure but stay strong!"
"I prefer to eat meals with my books, simply because as a kid I read at the table whenever I could get away with it. Pasta is my favorite reading edible, but anything that doesn't require two hands is fair game :) I've mastered the art of flipping pages with my pinkie, and my e-reader has a stand so all I need is one clean finger :P"

What? It looks nothing like the Grand Canyon. Nothing negative about saying it out. "
Does anyone's watch *not* do this?
"used to think jet fuel couldn't melt steel beams. 

had hot Thai food, I'm no longer a skeptic. "
I'm definitely gonna. Thank you :)
I've actually consider making my own spotter pack with short sharp message for this very reason.
This sub is slowly just turning into another generic video sharing sub
I don't care. It'll be someone's problem.
"As much as I want to believe that, if that was the case they wouldve given her a promo. But they didnt. They just were hoping that the audience wouldnt notice. They were wrong."
"4) All submissions should be related to TotalBiscuit. This place was created to discuss Cynical Brit content and nothing else. If it isn't from TB, doesn't involve TB himself, or doesn't heavily mention/feature TB (or any of his pets), it should not be submitted as a link or text post."
"Easy772 - Do the opposite of what pintbox said and you'll be set. No sane people hone Manduin. "
I didn't expect Nevermore to still have a contract.
"i'm here all week with my eggcellent jokes! "
It seems a consensus has been reached.
"Oh no, a re-tweeted gender-specific insult! "
"It feels so weird to be tied with the Yankees for 1st this late into the season. "
You know that i love you for pictures 7 and 8 <3
"no crit r and low mana is making me hesitant atm, yay or nay?"
"Ya but it's the same story again, similar to unlucky Ishant. Bowling well but no wickets to show against it. Kinda useless "
"banter is fine and im not even offended. i just thought i'd bring up a constructive criticism of his casting persona. if youre getting paid to do this at events - carry yourself that way. 

is NA mostly two teams with a gap? sure. is EU any better? from the long hours ive watched the past 3-4 months... id say theyre in a similar boat (shit, even BOB has past all the rest of their ""amazing"" teams already outside of liquid. that took long. Kappa). they might have more volume but the overall caliber of play isnt qualitatively better by much relative to the scene size. their second tier teams are very similar in team coordination as the NA teams second tier. i think people just get blinders to their region and have no actual way to measure it because of obvious distance and no unified league.

maybe people want to eat up the teenage dick measuring to be entertained. id rather have professional/educational casters that take an objective/respectful perspective of the competitive scene."
"I figured it might be like this. Mobile gamers are more used to having to pay to win than Nintendo fans.

Still, I wasn't expecting the Meowth change - now *that* is too far.

EDIT: Just read the other replies and realized they made the Meowth stage even *more* luck-based than in the 3DS version. Strongly tempted to just drop this version now, given the even greater ""need"" to buy Jewels."
"once after annihilating a team 5-0 my opponent sent me a message saying that he worked for 'bugie' and i was gonna get banned for cheating. When i asked how i was cheating he said ""You can't die more than once in ToO, you died twice"". *facepalm*"
Do you use a Prusik with the ATC 100% of the time?
tfw one of the most accomplished modern wrestlers is called mma fighter on a grappling subreddit
It's an excellent post. Thanks for letting me contribute!
Perhaps the accelerated aging stops once they reach adulthood. Has there been anything in canon that says otherwise?
"Oh look, Konami answered a question, isn't that nice. Hey, while they're doing that, why doesn't someone ask them how they've flushed Kojima down the toilet?

Zero respect for that company."
Everything that has happened on the internet in the past year has been blamed on Gamergate. It's become the ultimate scapegoat for clicks.
Oh yeah. I was like... NO WAY. :P
"back when I was in middle school and high school I got into a few fights. They're over quick, the ""plan"" in your head never goes as you think, and really if you can take the first punch without being knocked out you gain this clarity, kinda like time slowing down just enough to see incoming punches. Never really got in trouble discipline wise, these fights where done in empty hall ways or behind the school. We also never fought hard enough to really hurt ourselves, if it got too crazy someone in the crowd would break it up or someone would say a security guard was coming and we'd all scatter. This was maybe 10-13 years back, not sure what would happen know to a kid who fights, probably expulsion or something even more drastic. "
the worm in alice in wonderland smokes it.
What's this graded and by whom? Awesome coin
">-I understand there are different sects of Buddhism, what are their differences and how would i go about choosing one for myself?

Finding a flavor of Buddhism or (*much* more importantly) a teacher is like falling in love. It's not a rational process. Expose yourself to everything, see what tickles your tickly bits (spiritually speaking).

>-Being born and baptized as a Christian, is there a ""conversion"" process for me to ""officially"" become a Buddhist? (I understand Christianity and Buddhism can both be practiced but I wish to practice solely Buddhism)

Nah. In some traditions there's nice rituals though, like *taking refuge.* (In the Tibetan tradition the Lama would snip of a few hairs and give you a Tibetan name as encouragement.) It's no *sine qua non* in any way shape or form.

>-What is necessary for me to practice Buddhism? What do I need to do besides seek elightenment, follow the Eightfold path, etc.

Honesty! Buddhist teachings are not about Buddhism, they are about *you.* What's keeping you from liberation is you, and most of the practice consists of staring yourself in the face and saying *you fo' realsies, son?* 

>-What role would a teacher play? How often would I need to see him or her? Just any information on teachers of Buddhism would be amazing.

Traditions, and individual teachers, vary in their approach. Generally though, compare it to learning how to drive: you don't know how to drive, your teacher does. She's your main reference while learning and will do her best to keep you from harming yourself or little old ladies walking their dogs.

>-How can I learn Buddhism on my own? I know this journey will require a lot on my part, but I don't exactly trust the internet to teach my Buddhism and I don't know where to look beyond a teacher, which I don't know how often I would be able to see. So are there any websites/books/other sources that would be helpful?

For now: read, watch, look into everything. *Everything.* Be critical, be curious, don't expect results. Don't stay alone, go out. There's sanghas, groups and temples everywhere, but often kinda hidden. Don't worry ahead. I don't see my Lama that often, but I have his phone number.

>-I'm not confident these are all the questions that I should have asked, so if you think there is anything I should know but didn't ask about, I would love to hear it!

Don't expect it to be fun. To paraphrase Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche: if you're meditating and your life doesn't turn into a mess at some point, you're doing it wrong. 

Try to *have* fun, though. Buddhism is interesting and surprising. There's lots of tea, awesome, weird people, moving rituals, gossip about why this or that monk ain't no monk no more, and other entertainments. More importantly, Lord Buddha's dharma is the path to freedom. Actual freedom. 

It is pretty amazing.

(edit: words)

"It's almost certainly fake and designed to create a downvote brigade against the users called out. Possibly a upvote brigade on the ""good guys"" side but I doubt as many would be compelled to. But still fuck boomkin and all the other people who do nothing but defend Israel. "
Has that happened to anyone before?
"Friend or familys house, or a po box I assume. Im always excited by the concept since reading about it on Reddit,  but I think it would only be cool with me for traveling on short term trips. Actually long term living in a car is basically homelessness by my standards, but I think it's the freeing for a lot of people. One of my issues with it is others perception of it. Same with any of other living situation. Like what do people think when you live in a car, a mini house, a trailer, an rv etc. Obviously, those are just my insecurities."
"Ahhh, makes sense.

Hahahah, cheers bud, love me some Trailer Park Boys."
Who the heck said that? The Indians didn't like thick forests and would burn the woods in the valleys. There are substantial places in the northwest that are managed as plantation stands that were fields until the white dudes got involved.
"the video"
Why would Chu stir the pot like this? It makes no sense.
Ya being a little girl in Nazi Germany was not fun.
"If he promises to shit in a bowl, and eat it for breakfast on national television, EVERY DAY until his presidency is up. Only way. "
"Can I only kill certain people? because if all the people who don't believe in climate change are gone then we would have a better chance of dealing with it in the long term "
He is rather. Mad as a hatter but brilliant.
"\>killing each other over drug turf

\>wanting to impose a completely different set of laws on a country that has taken you in"
"Was there, from Brooklyn. None of us had any idea what that was about. I was close enough to hear Dolph ask about it too lol."
"Wait you drank and then drove? Come on.

Also I'm thinking maybe not her brother? Sex games that are weird, maybe?"
"SO's happiness isn't and shouldn't be your responsibility.

>I can't imagine that he'd actually manipulate me

He isn't doing it on purpose. However, you gave an ultimatum and now you aren't going to follow through with it. Your words mean very little.

Step back from the relationship a little and have a think.
Think about all your talks and plans. Lots of words were used.
Words are great for lawyers and politicians.

Not so much for relationships. 

Relationships are about actions. So now have a look over your history here and instead of thinking about the words, think about the actions. What did you both actually *do*?

Your ultimate is an example, you gave words and you said if X doesn't happen Y will.
X didn't happen, neither did Y...

So Z has happened instead which is probably the same thing that is always happening. 

Unless you actually *do* Y, then Z will keep happening no matter how much you talk and plan about it.
What you do know that is if Z happens you feel like crap.
You have got to break the cycle. If you say you are going to leave if things don't change, then LEAVE.
You can always go back after a few months if things have changed, if it repeats after that, leave for good."
"sun up till sun down.  hours are dependent upon time of year.  "
"Because. A lot of people playing on 100 some ping, goes down to about at least 60 if not lower. It is a lot."
Your answer was insightful. thanks.
If I screened it it'll prolly take quite a few pics. Just shoot me your fb info in a pm. I'll add you then tag you.
"Glad to hear it, would be such a shame to lose that beautiful bush !"
"Eight tracks in and really digging this. Good work :-) 

Thanks bud!"
"Only if they're foil. "
Got a void summoner from my first time too :)  Congrats!
"I know there are bigger issues here, but I can't help but think ""snobby duke students"""
Don't: tear ACL
"Certain teams work with some specialized stuff for whatever reason. I don't know who or why, but it does exist.

Like I said, secure ASP's won't allow outside personnel to carry any kind of radio transmitter in, partially out of an extreme caution, but also partly because some explosives are just that touchy."
>[2015-08-25 04:09:09 UTC](

>『SCEJA Press Conference 2015』9月15日\(火\) 16時より開催 PS.Blogでストリーミング中継 [**]( [#プレイステーション0915](プレイステーション0915) [#PlayStation]( [**]( [^[Imgur]](


[^[Mistake?]](/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/3iaolu%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.)
White people: Because what's the fun in climbing 4000 ft. if you don't risk your life for a photo at the top?
spooky scary skeleton
Now engage in lip stimulation
[Original post](
"Thank you em_berk for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s):

***It breaks rule 8:*** **Do no request tattoos or artwork commissions, or link to pages selling art.** These posts should be submitted to /r/artstore or /r/designjobs instead.

For more information about the subreddit rules make sure to read the sidebar, and if you have any questions please feel free to reply to this comment. Thank you!"
"If I'm only interested in doing 1 path, I just run with any group to fill faster. Sometimes adding zerk to lfg makes it fill faster, but it doesn't guarantee a smooth run because of all the zerk burgers running around (only knows how to copy builds from youtube/metabattle but don't really know mechanics/their class, just parrot insults, 6 months behind the meta).

I find better pugs when I post ""all paths"" in the description. If things go well, I ask if they want to continue in a different dungeon."
"Also, I can't find any actual pictures of this one:"
That's because you have no friends.
"Ooh, I have a friend who's birthday is Sept 11. I'm totally doing this. 

He's also a redditor, so he may see this. In which case, hi! "
"Done. Thanks for directing me to the link "
"""You just say bingo"""
Squee!!! That's so cute!!! How do you handle so much awesome all up in you?
"okay I legit laughed out loud. "
"**[Felipe Llinares-
[Dean Bodenham](,

Significant pattern mining, the problem of finding itemsets that are
significantly enriched in one class of objects, is statistically challenging,
as the large space of candidate patterns leads to an enormous multiple testing
problem. Recently, the concept of testability was proposed as one approach to
correct for multiple testing in pattern mining while retaining statistical
power. Still, these strategies based on testability do not allow one to
condition the test of significance on the observed covariates, which severely
limits its utility in biomedical applications. Here we propose a strategy and
an efficient algorithm to perform significant pattern mining in the presence
of categorical covariates with K states.

I don't think there's a best one but I am quite partial to Mont d'Or for cow milk - but Reblochon is a strong contender - and Cabécou / Rocamadour for goat milk.
"Am I the only gamer who vastly prefers the Xbox One's appearance to the PS4??

I love how it looks, but I also love how big it is (easy for it to cool itself) and how easily accessible the ports are. "
"You're half right: you are guessing. "
"Popping in to say that, nope, you're not the only one who likes fast travel! I like the way Zelda games do it; I don't feel it impedes exploration at all since I'm more likely to jump around to different areas to see if I've missed anything cool. "
"Not if they can still compete on price, which is all they have going for them. "
"10 team standard scoring 

QB: R. Wilson 

RB1: L. Bell

RB2: D. Murray

WR1: R. Cobb

WR2: M. Bryant 

TE: J. Graham

W/R: D. Martin

Bench: T. Mason, T. Gurley, M. Crabtree, D. Freeman, J. Hardy, J. Gray, M. Wheaton

Yet to grab my defense and kicker yet. "
"Every company does that.  Google, Apple, Amazon, GE, Boeing--name a large industry leading corporation and odds are they are evading the fuck out of the US Government."
I was looking at GTI's. Subaru was a much better choice. *rumble rumble rumble*
"Running into the same error on ps4,it affects the companion app connection and I have no idea why or how to fix it either,maybe scheduled server maintenance?"
"Or was it the red one, and you're finally seeing the world for what it really is: foxes all the way down."
Dosent sound that bad.
"Actually TB3 is available on non-Xeon Skylake although it would require an external controller (as in outside of the chip- not outside of the chassis). Only Xeon Skylake would have the controller embedded into the chip.

Of course; we still don't know if Apple will be using Xeon or just the consumer Skylake in the rMBP but looking at the two  Xeon chipped Lenovos released today, it seems highly unlikely. These are thick and big Workstations and worlds apart from even the 15"" rMBP."
"I felt like this was a thing. That's why I stopped telling people about games I was working on. Unfortunately, I'm too much of a failure to actually finish anything, telling people or not. D:"
No cutouts. One big footplatform
"interesting. I finally have a use for my water drip and sugar cube surplus "
"In LA (where Eric and I both are), the vast majority of bar shows have a budget that is minimal at best. I know of many where it's something like $30 plus a drink or two per person that performs on the show. In smaller markets the economics might work out so that promoters and comics can make some money from them, but in LA it's just not the case."
"Ah yes, boyss will be boys. Why don't universities just put a brothel next door and save us a lot of trouble?"
Why the fuck was there a bible in the party bus though....
The only thing worse than this game is how slow it's been.
We know :(
"I stand corrected "
"The first part at least it's pretty much exactly what the USA did in the middle east. "
"> But if it was inspired by God then why are not all versions the same?

""Then I began to see that not just the scribal text but the original text itself was a very human book. This stood very much at odds with how I had regarded the text in my late teens as a newly minted ""born-again"" Christian, convinced that the Bible was the inerrant Word of God and that the biblical words themselves had come to us by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

As I realized already in graduate school, even if God had inspired the original words, we don't have the original words. So the doctrine of inspiration was in a sense irrelevant to the Bible as we have it, since the words God reputedly inspired had been changed and, in some cases, lost.

Moreover, I came to think that my earlier views of inspiration were not only irrelevant, they were probably wrong. For the only reason (I came to think) for God to inspire the Bible would be so that his people would have his actual words; but if he really wanted people to have his actual words, surely he would have miraculously preserved those words, just as he had miraculously inspired them in the first place.

Given the circumstance that he didn't preserve the words, the conclusion seemed inescapable to me that he hadn't gone to the trouble of inspiring them.""

-- *Misquoting Jesus* - Bart Ehrman"
"Actually this is from Cat's Cradle, cool book so far. "
The concept is so out there it almost seems plausible until you take a step back. They have a cool logo though.XD
Some of them yeah. A lot more in recent years.
"Not cool, at all. The office is for work, not for socialising. If you want to get together with some work mates, go for a beer at the local pub - don't hang out in the office and drink. It's unprofessional and actually illegal in some cases (depending on the profession and workplace). "
"For some reason they were going to the gulf... 

Sarcastic? What.. and there is gold around florida. "
"Cmon guys, can we play some other map than n2? It is on all the time."
"Turned up more. I spent a lot of time waiting at my nana's for our evenings together and far too many times he was too drunk to come. fast forward 15 years and he's at my house drinking rather than at home with his 2yo and 4yo. Does my head in,  he has a chance to do things right and if he fuck those two girls over I've already told him that I'll be choosing them over him if it comes to it. You don't get to come and cry that you were a shit dad while you are actively being a shit dad."
But he has a bayonet...
"If it was it there are bats everywhere "
"I wouldn't call it schizophrenia, ill guided perhaps. They'll figure it out eventually, much like everyone else. "
"It's such a shame for TSM to have fans like you, OP."
"The question is **put** that the bill be read for a second time.  
Voting will end by 1200 26 AUG 15.
Running tally as of 2208  
Ayes: 7  
Noes: 0  
Abstain: 5  
**The Ayes have it**"
"IANAL, but could the OP counter-sue the restaurant owner for all court costs?"
"Ok. So Dr. Boom is the most universal card. However if you play mage then you should consider Archmage Antonidas, and for paladin Tirion. "
"I love this show but  I have always thought that the writing on this show was just plain bad. The majority of the time the dialogue  is so unnatural  and so are all the girls actions. I completely  agree that a majority  of the plots are created simply to be there and same thing for a majority  of the characters. They never really serve a purpose other than moving the story along  regardless if it makes sense or not. Characters are introduced and then are dropped off the face of the planet.  It's evident that they were just prolonging  the story and really had no actual  content for the past 2 years..

The time line is truly outrageous.  An insane amount of things happened between their Halloween  special  from season 3 until their Christmas  episode  in season 5. Then they just skip over time for no real reason.

I really enjoy the show because  it's fun but I have always wondered why so many people always praised I Marlene King and company  as geniuses.  Nothing about this show is truly special  other than the intresting  plot and the actresses. Their attempts at being a groundbreaking  show is what truly damaged  this finale. The cinematography  had never been special and whenever they attempted to do anything  fun with their style of filming, it always ended up being a joke. For example, episode  9 of season 6  had a lot of jump cuts  and you know the conversations  were synced with each other and the girls would finish  each other sentences  and it was sorta cool to watch even though it was over used and unessary, it was the first time the show attempted to do something like that.   There other times where they had silly zoom in shots and ""elaborate"" green screen moments, but again nothing special and it always turned into a joke..

 I had low expectations  for the finale and I was still disappointed.  The writers and directors are all to blame. They had a very intresting story to work with but not only were they too wrapped up with ratings but they also were in way over their head.  This story should not take 7 seasons, a possible 8th season and movie to tell.  

I 1000% with you. This show was doomed from the beginning.  The only saving grace is the cast, but they were never used to their full  potential.  The deterioration  of the characters  is something  that really baffles me.  Spencer is supposed to be a genius  and she just never made any sense.

I love to hate this show."
"because to have a gay best friend is to be fashionable, funny, sassy, and super progressive like OMG have you met schmalexandra she's a lesbian tell them how lesbian you are! 

Don't worry we accept you!"
"how much did he spend and on what?
"By your logic, nobody can cause anybody to do anything."
i also feel it helps with breaking in buildings and opening loot chests
"I guess it depends on the brand, but in my own experience I've seen them budge WAY more on new cars than on used.

I get it that there's much more margin on used cars, but they never seem willing to actually dip into it. Granted, my experience is entirely anecdotal and not indicative of the entirety of dealerships."
I was trying to find them earlier tonight and didn't have any luck.
How is this a big deal? It's the god-damned circle of life
full thank...
" Challenger explosion.  We were going to watch it in school and then not."
"If anyone has the 3:30-4:00 booked on Saturday and can go during some of the other timeslots still available, could you please PM me? I'm one short of my whole group going, and it would really be great if we could all go at the same time. Thank you so much."
"A dipole moment is a measure of molecular scale forces in chemistry.  Moment of inertia is the term I meant.  Radius of gyration is affected, but it's about the inertia, most specifically."
"Excellent point.

I admit I read a few too many people crapping on these editions and carried that into my reply. My apologies, as you were quite level in your post expressing your disdain."
When I first saw ftfy I thought it meant fuck this fuck you. I learned I wasn't alone.
"Basic fact of what? Tolkien Lore? Bible lore? Koran lore? Torah lore?
Thank the UN for your country, morons. "
If the Israel's allies were to let them settle west bank why would they also hinder ISIS's quest for their own holy land lmao israeli's are so fucking dumb worse than biblethumping americans
"If it is a sudden change, it is possible that some food/drink you've recently consumed is a problem. 

There are changes to your diet that can change the taste of your semen. Eating lots of fruit makes it sweeter. Consuming hoppy beer or smoking pot can make it bitter. "
The fact that you can't tell which profile the controller is linked to. I get around it by pressing the home button but still. And that the Xbox has no green to it at all. That isn't a big issue tbh lol. Just a preference.
At least 200
"This post instantly reminded me of this:"
"87 on FAR while living in a literal state of emergency from a typhoon

"> This issue seems like a drop in a ocean

> Where did I say it wasn't important?


I'm sure that's not what you meant, but it's *really* what it seems like."
Sorry thank you!!!
Thank you! Now all I need to do is learn how to play everything and I'm set!
Give Oog Clam Digger!
Thanks for the hatch!
"^ Translation: ""Cry more, west coast bronzie."""
Was he sick and tired of the motherfucker?
I'll probably be doing a GZL Hera Rush clear soon or something if anybody is interested. GZL is probably near the bottom of the list of leaders that I dislike so I don't mind using him every now and then. :V
"As someone who just vacationed in Nassau County, how is it like to live without cellphone service?

Edit: apparently Nassau County is not the same as the town of Nassau in upstate NY"
If you've *ever* read /r/worldnews before you'd realise that the UN exists solely to unfairly criticise Israel! Basic knowledge... /s
No homo!
"Nikki, Sab, Jeff 60 times, those 2 niggas that were married, Tom fulp, SHADMAN, 2 best friends play, and a recording of stampers dad for like 20 minutes "
Is also fairly old.. see the stamina bar.
Uhh it's the top thread in worldnews right now.  I don't think you're in a position to complain about downvoting.
"You do realize Seattle is an amazing city... right? "
"Look mate, I work in sports analytics, and I have to call you out on this. Whoscored rankings are a shit tier stat that nobody in the analytics industry takes seriously. Saying that sports analytics are shit because whoscored rankings in one game do not conform to what you expect them to look like is like saying ""restaurants are shit, after all, my quarter pounder at McDonalds did not turn out like I expected"".

Truth is, sports analytics and statistics are a huge part of modern professional sports. Fenway Sports Group invests in statistics heavily in all three of their professional team, but the level that they are working at are much higher than whoscored rankings. "
"With an emphasis on the A "
"My only breakup story where I was on the receiving end felt so harsh at the time.  I had a long distance boyfriend who I was head over heels for.  I was 17, so was he, and we lived on opposite coasts of the US.  He was going to be about 7 hours south of me for a few days (brother moving for college) and I SOMEHOW convinced my mother to drive me down six hours (his parents were willing to drive about an hour).  My best friend came with, we met up at a museum, and had a really nice (if slightly awkward; we were both nerds who had hardly been on dates) time.  I gave him his first kiss before we parted.  

He ignored me for a month.  This was someone I had talked to nearly every day, online, calling when we had our unlimited nights and weekends minutes (lol remember those?).  He made the excuse that he was really busy with school, with writing, a new part time job, etc.  All true, but he still... didn't talk to me for a month.  I sent him a birthday e-card, and finally, a bit over a month later, he sent me an email.  A really long email.  It was a breakup.  I read it a few times, cried a lot.  I finally got to the point where I felt like he was a huge asshole.  

I think the worst thing was that I felt (and still feel) that he broke up with me because I was overweight; we'd seen photos of each other, but he was quite thin. It was a hugely crushing blow to any amount of self-esteem I had.  But I got over it.  It mostly just took time and distance.   I'm living with my SO of two years now and super happy.  "
"> Last week, Mr Morrison had a private lunch with Rupert Murdoch, a day after the media baron dined with Mr Abbott.

"Hi my IGN:JueyHen
The reason why i want to join this server is because i like to play minecraft as a farmer and builder. So if there is the server that I can trade my food, that will be greaaat."
"It's heavily discounted now isn't it? I think prices have dropped at least $200 since the release, and even cheaper for used models. I am sure there'll be even more price drops + discounts for Black Friday as most carriers go into promoting the new model and trying to clear inventory of the previous models."
"How did you record this?  Is this a recorded synth, or is it a plugin.  It's mad warm.  I dig that.

I am listening on headphones, but the bassdrum is pretty washed out sounding.  Like... it's difficult to tell where it starts and ends.  It's so low and there is no side chain to leave it room.  That's a personal choice I think, but if you want it to stick out more, consider doing things to make it stick out more, haha.

I truthfully did not hear this loop at all, so however long the phrasing is is great for me.  I really dig this synth/pad.

The high synth is a good touch."
"By what he said at the end sounds like he's taken note and will buff black hat and heard said ""we heard what you said about rejack as well"". Just that full speech at the end made me love him even more.  
Edit: Dude even started welling up at the end"
How do these fit? I want a pair of Raf stans but there aren't many stockists that I can physically try them on. I'm a US9 in all the Vans I wear if that's helpful.
Why'd you crop out the sexual confidence answer?
Thank you :)
Can confirm.  The sheer energy from my constant marking out about this scenario could potentially power cities.
"Hey there! I have an egg that matches your TSV. Will you help me hatch it?

* Pokemon : B02 - 5,2 - Misdreavus (M) - Timid - Levitate - - Dragon - [0648]
* Nickname : no nickname needed.
* Hatch Location : Secret Meadow, if you can!
* IGN : 경아
* FC : 4270 3776 8813 **(Different from the one in flair)**
* Timezone : GMT+9
* Availability : usually around night my time. Other times, quite random. Let me know when you're around!

I don't have hatching power on this save, but I'll make sure to reduce egg steps before trading.

Thanks in advance. :)"
"I should probably start the stormlight series again. I can't wait for the next book.  "
"I have heard good things about [High School Debut]( and [Dengeki Daisy](

[Maid-sama](!) is a definite buy (first omnibus is out). get the Viz reprints. Tokyo pop only go up to volume 8. (i own the TP versions)

[Lov Com]( is also good. i have read but don't own. 

There are a ton of good shoujo printed in english. Like a metric fuck ton. 
I squat less than 2 plates and I don't read the faq. Don't make me call me the JIDF. Also there's no mirror at the pub and the lighting isn't good so you won't get to appreciate how hairy my ass is
"Kadri I know we've been sending some mixed signals lately but you're awesome, please never leave Toronto"
not her most graceful statement this evening.
"How does Iran violate UNSC sanctions? Sanctions mean that various countries have agreed not to purchase Iranian products in an attempt to hurt the country economically, hoping to use this as a stick to persuade Iranian leadership to negotiate. In this particular case, it also means buying oil but not actually paying for it.

How does Iran singlehandedly violate sanctions? Or do you mean Iran is violating the terms of the deal that, if followed, would result in the P5+1 countries lifting sanctions?"
"Wild Growth and Astral Communion literally doesn't provide anything if you're already at 10 mana, Aspirant gives a body. So they added in excess mana so they're not dead cards."
"But what happens when you hivemind the cloned clones clone!? "
Oh jeez. I don't know if I can handle thinking this late at night. I will give it a look tho.
"It doesn't even take ""seconds"" you explain to the judge that you will be attempting the EXACT same action on EVERY turn structure / point which will result in you basically exclusively acting on your opponents turn. Drawing a card, tapping lands, sometimes making them bolt themselves or countering their own spells etc. Or just frequently it's just draw discard draw discard draw discard. The judge should just watch, if they request to act during your turn (AKA wasting time) if they have no possible plays it is by definition slow play."
the law passes and is generally approved of by the population.
So psychopaths make great bosses?
Hi.I've removed this post because an emoticon is not an appropriate title. You are welcome to repost with a more descriptive--but not spoilerish--title
"Islam itself is not hateful, certain groups twist it to be hateful, there's a difference. It happens in every religion."
"""They are freckles. I suppose where you're from, you might not have seen any. Some people find them attractive, but I guess you and the nerd are walking proof that some people are into overgrown children that look like they got dressed blind and then fell into a bucket of blue paint."""
yes but it will be higher i dont care who you are if you get higher ping you're gonna be a little pj salt (even if it means others will get lower ping) ya feel?
Is not Nazi ideology illegal in your country ?
If I answer you still have to give it to /u/quatrevingtneuf
Really nice! Is the top right one supported internally by anything?
"Fair point, but it's extra awful behavior because Sikhs actually wear a consecrated knife specifically because there was a period in their history where they faced forced conversion to Islam."
"Be quiet, sockpuppet me! We can't be accused of false flagging!"
Cough Cough I'm interested wink wink ;)
"""Oh damn. I feel bad for those who aren't on your good side!"" *He laughs.*

""I'm good, right?"" "
8796 MGSV pls
"Wait for the pictures of the newest 350s coming out ($189) because in terms of the overall accuracy, they will be the most on point. If you're positive you won't be called out by anybody, the $79 ones will be fine as they have a decent enough pattern in my opinion, but I'd still go for the best version.  And yeah you can use Visa Debit!"
"> BTW asking during ""HAVE YOU CUM YET!?"" would automatically put me into self-conscious mode and ensure I will not cum.

Ahahaha, I died. Yeah I figured that saying anything that directly makes them feel targeted would be a boner-killer so to speak. However I guess a good way to communicate my concern with her is asking how she likes it and what she wants me to do. Saying I am hers etc letting her know I'm willing to keep going and she shouldn't feel uncomfortable to ask etcetc.

Does that make sense? Sorry I ramble sometimes."

Thanks so much!"
I like how nobody even bothers to talk about Rdord anymore. We all just gave up on him more than a year ago. :v
"What, is that the skinniest girl in San Antonio?"
"Again, there may be a higher density of assholes, but the density of non-assholes is also higher in cities. Dense traffic can be stressful,  but if you perceive congestion to mean everyone or even most drivers around you are assholes, then you may have to work on your habits or your attitude. 

I have not noticed country drivers to be more able to follow road laws, just less likely to hit someone because there are less people to hit.

Humans have a tendency to remember negative events, not neutral ones. Since dense traffic includes more total traffic participants,  the total number of infractions per trip will be higher and that's what people tend to remember,  not the other 1,000 motorists that sailed past fine."
"Well, if you are in a hurry. Turkey hates your guts and all countries surrounding israel. I'm sure they will be delighted to get the burden of this land off of your hands. "
"[Question] I am having a issue with installing and updating CS:GO. I didnt just buy it but I tho. I tried to update CS:GO during the time that the Steam market was down and it just wouldnt update anything. So I deleted the game in hope that it would resolve the issue. Saddly it didn't, but whenever I try to install it it gets no preogress even in the pre- install. After that it just times out. I am on PC, not windows 10 yet. I might upgrade if I have to. I hope that there is a fix for this. Please help.."
"Which sadly isn't the case in many situations. Everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon and not perform their own research and form a fact based opinion prior to making a decision. You can only imagine the differences if we always went with what the concensus wants.

Thomas Jefferson said it well, ""a democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”"
I actually appreciate how much he cares.
"So, new news came out. 

Zebralight sucks, Olight sucks, fenix sucks, Nitecore sucks, FourSevens sucks, and you should definitely never buy Keeppower batteries. 

Ultra fire has really stepped up their game, so just get that. It's much cheaper anyway. 

"I actually hope that each season is a different group, from a different region/country. It won't happen but I still hope it."
What is wrong with allegiance to race? That is not only a feature of tribal societies. And just because tribal societies do it doesn't mean that it is primitive. Tribal societies also breath air and drink water.
They are pretty adorable.
"Thanks that actually makes it easier to understand.
How would I go about registering a change in the tile state?"
"aren't jps canadian full flavor?

I smoke Belmonts and I have no desire to smoke anything harsher "
"I'm pretty certain ""hybrid"" just means ""randomly throwing two archetypes together but it works because of hero power""."
It's one thing I always think it wish would happen to me is to find something very valuable.
No that's Blender
U To!!!!
True. I'd love to see a future video on it though. He just has so many options during and following Side B. The move is slightly overwhelming.
"I came from ATH-m50x's and these are incredibly accurate for gaming, especially Battlefield 4. I love them so much. I can't wear them in games like Alien or Dead Space because I'll shit myself from fear. 
I also use them for watching shows and in Rick and Morty for example, they emphasize the background sounds (dogs barking, electric whirs, vehicles flying by, etc.) just enough to make it sound almost immersive. They're just so great. "
Will you add anyone else or are you just looking for that one particular safari?
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"We're probably going on the same dates. "
" (╯ಠ_ಠ╯︵ ┻━┻"
Here's a secret: most of us learn the best through failure.
[Yes.](  There is a tropical disturbance to the south of Mexico which has a 10% chance of forming into a tropical cyclone within the next 48 hours.  The disturbance has an 80% chance of forming into a tropical cyclone within the next five days.
"Yeah that's what I've heard.

But like, visually it seems they're really relying on nostalgia, making their ships fit to when they looked like [this]( 

And a game can only get so far on ""Guys remember this? Remember??"""
I know. He's just rarer now since there are more characters.
Thank you!!!
"The Wyatt family are the real enforcers of the Authority and have been for quite some time.  When Cena needs to be messed with, they feud with Cena.  When Ambrose and Reigns are a problem, they feud with them.

Even in kayfabe it's obvious they don't have magical powers to cut off the lights in arenas.  They have that power because HHH gives it to them."
We can dance
"When I read 4000m I though that was not bad.  Then I read properly 4000ft, it looks rather higher than that."
"Start a big camp fire and toss em all in. Should make one hell of a show.

I was joking, don't do that, I don't want your eye patch on my conscience."
"Yeah but it's frail and bullet punch, mach punch, aerilate, etc. can ohko. Conkeldurr is very common in OU and mega venusaur walls delta scyther quite well. You're right about me underestimating it in terms of it being RU but it's definitely UU and maybe BL or OU. Adding onto that Talonflame is also threatening to Delta Scyther. Overall, Delta Scyther is powerful but VERY situational as other mons in OU do its job much better. I think UU is a better starting spot for this mon."
"I know some people hate the word, but you are so cute. And I just imagine that that smile never leaves your face. "
Thank you for your reply. How has this only just started happening recently? i've always shot 24p. I'm definitely going to research as much as i can but can you give me the short of how to fix it now as i have to shoot in a day  .
Beautiful watch man. Hold on to that one!
Reminded me of Jim Leonhard
"This was on sale at the last play store birthday sale, for 10cents. I picked it up because 10 cents. Basically it is for people who do selfies and want to make themselves look better by softening and over exposing the picture. I tried it once, with the first and only selfie I have done, never used it again. But if you are into selfies and want to alter the photos to make yourself look younger, less wrinkles, ect., then you may like this app."
You'll probably get it tomorrow
They prob have him on the rotation due to his juggernaut rework on this upcoming patch? Just an educated guess
"ariel (violent/broken) hp def hp, 31k HP, 1.2k def, 137 SPD, 70 res.  

Theomars (violent/broken) atk cd atk, 15k HP, 796 def, 136 spd, 2089 atk, 59 cr, 170 cd.

Sigmarus (violent/blade) atk cd atk 13k HP 745 def, 126 spd, 2522 atk, 79 cr, 161 cd.

Veromos (violent/broken) spd hp hp 24k HP, 1080 def, 177 spd, 60 acc.

Bella (violent/energy) spd hp hp 27k HP def 936, 160 spd, 56 acc.

9% Water ATK

6% HP

14% SPD

17% CD

2% ATK, 2% DEF
Have you ever seen *Blue Velvet*?
"Genius "
"Xavier and Alva were already resting, and Verner was perched on one of the beds."
"Maybe next year, if the planets are in the correct positions."
"RustDT has code completion (and intellisense), with Racer, and debugging, with gdb:

Also see this, for even more to be expected:"
"> Support for rape exceptions remains very high in comparison to general pro-abortion rights sentiment, despite its inherent contradiction with the ""pro-life"" rhetoric that abortion is murder. 

Perhaps many of those who are anti-abortion have a more nuanced interpretation of the situation than you give them credit for.

For example, I find [the violinist argument]( pretty convincing:

> You wake up in the morning and find yourself back to back in bed with an unconscious violinist. A famous unconscious violinist. He has been found to have a fatal kidney ailment, and the Society of Music Lovers has canvassed all the available medical records and found that you alone have the right blood type to help. They have therefore kidnapped you, and last night the violinist's circulatory system was plugged into yours, so that your kidneys can be used to extract poisons from his blood as well as your own. [If he is unplugged from you now, he will die; but] in nine months he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you.

However, the key difference is that you bear no responsibility for being in this situation. In the case of most pregnancies, the woman chose to have sex. Sex carries the risk of pregnancy.

To make this scenario analogous, you would need to modify it:

You are approached by the Society of Music Lovers and offered $1000 on the understanding that they will check your medical records for compatibility with the violinist, along with 999 other people, If you are the best match then the violinist's circulatory system will be plugged into yours. You accept the money and It turns out that you are the best match.

This shifts the moral question in all cases except where there was no consent."
"It always comes down to team fights with TSM. CLG has historically always just played like an entirely different team against TSM, and in recent times they just fall apart in team fights - and TSM excels in Bo5 playoff games.

I have faith, but I'm scared."
"What seems OP to me sometimes is the Atlanta, it is so fast and it seems like it just fires constantly when I'm playing against it. I basically have to track it as if it were a DD because it is so fast. "
I imagine a campaigning reservist would require to go on ED&T else getting themselves in trouble over a prolonged nomination and electoral campaign.
"Play competitive if you want to, you will get placed in an appropriate rank (even if it takes 20 games)."
Du borde få en professur!
"Look at the hours played on steam from Matanza:

[Sinkez]( 612h

[Brzz]( 3,564h

[Bahiaa]( 3,429h

[Bczz]( 1,293h

And sQn:

[K-1]( 994h

[pedrinh0]( 1,303h

[SMOKAO]( 340h (2nd acc)


[renantwo]( 520h (3,3k on 1.6)"
Yes and I suppose Matthos getting incinerated in an explosion isn't quite the same as burning alive but even without those two it's still at least one per season
"And take your damn caviar and Moet & Chandon with you as well!

Good day sir!"
Thank you! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
"I heard that it's been implemented to notify the person who makes the report, but I've NEVER once gotten a notification and I report most toxic people in my games."
positive is the old nihilum has always had a shit CT inferno and a decent t-side so lets pray that happenzzzz
Pff as long as you Heathens don't keep posting *melts*
"Ok knowing about the heart icon in the corner I was able to make it work.  They should allow clicking on the entire image to add to cart.  That's how I naturally thought it would be, and the heart isn't obvious to see especially on mobile.

Thanks for the tip!"
[Mmmm what'cha saaaaay](
I would say 95% chance if you replace both coils/all wires your misfire will be gone. Here you go: [S40 coil replacement](
"Damn, she's better than me."
"Hah yeah sorry! I was 9 when episode I came out, had already seen IV-VI!"
"I think the fact that you're trying already makes you miles ahead of other people. You are finding out what works and what doesn't. Sure, some people might strike gold with one thing and then become a somebody in the scene, but even without pure luck, hard work pays off. Actually let me rephrase that to hard work WITH confidence pays off.

Don't be a shitty downer and think ""you've done everything you could have"" and then cry yourself off to sleep. A ton of people don't know the difference between true hard work and hard work.

So let me say that you stopping your podcast project because you didn't have confidence was an error to begin with. You should have kept it going and tried to spread the word more to raise awareness that you are doing something like this. How were you going to get into the scene with just 1 week of work?

I'm sure you know who SirActionSlacks is. A lot of people don't like that guy. They think he's corny, annoying, loud, and obnoxious. Personally, I never watched any of his videos, but I respect him anyway because the difference between you and him is that I know he worked his ass off to get into the scene by making as much content as he can. I remember people remarking ""this guy is trying to stay relevant by posting all these shit videos."" Well, guess what? He is relevant. He's more relevant than those redditors who said that.

I don't know what it takes to get into Esports, but you can't just ""give up"" like that. Just reading your thread, I don't even think you gave it your best shot.

Find out what you're good at and do something with it. Judging from your attempted podcast, you're probably a good speaker. Try to do something with your voice.

Good luck."
Plat 3. Went to diamond 1 almost flawlessly then boom d2 got demoted to d3 and then stopped playing.
"Guys, calm down.  He just meant the Simpsons."
"Medical costs? 
In Canada?"
That's spot on.  I just reached Kaer Morhen at level 24.
Just get a large Farva.
KwikKratom. I've tried tons of vendors and I don't use anyone else now. They're awesome.  I live in CO too and it always gets here in 2 days
"My dad retired last year and hated his job due to the high stress level. Once the stress of having to succeed was gone via retirement, he loves it. He ""retired"" but still has an office and takes cases from time to time."
Holds 60 cans of speights
"One of the reasons for the low turnout was because Democrats were mad that Obama didn't deliver them their solid gold, rainbow shitting unicorn called single payer and decided to sit out the elections ""To teach him a lesson"", while the Tea Party decided to make sure the Kenyan Muslin oppressor couldn't take their guns and make them gay marry illegal immigrants under Sharia law. This is why I get pissed off at single issue voters.  They are fucking useless.  "
"I think it's 26 ounces? Anyway, I'm from Canada, and it's pronounced ""two-six"", not ""twenty-six"". Some people do say a fifth, but 26 is more common."
"*""Big Boss and Kaz think they are birds""*"
Reddit has literally upvoted shit to the front page
"i might get some timid charmanders for charizard Y, or some careful fletchling."
Probably for big events. You can't have a full audience for every gym battle.
"Oh, you mean like lil b? Ok, thank makes a lot more sense. Would have been better if he tried to mention that somewhere."
I can't wait for this game to come to NA
"Always a negative score on a spelling correction. How proud ignorance has become. "
"It is seriously flawed. Let's keep it cause... tradition and stuff.

Eat that it...
I've already been to a doctor. I've been to multiple doctors. I didn't ask for medical advice. I asked if anyone knows of any good vegan bone supplements.
Ask witnesses? Punish no one if it's unclear who should be punished? This isn't rocket science.
"American Sniper. The movie wasn't exactly great either, but holy shit, Chris Kyle is definitely not a good writer."
Just look at first day of classes and stop stressing out.
"Talking cannot cause physical harm. Whoever harmed someone else instigated it, regardless of any words. 

Someone saying something you do not like is never an excuse for assault and battery."
"I might put Aldridge over Roy, as the sole survivor of the Oden-Roy-Aldridge trinity. Roy is some tragic martyr-saint. "
"A maxi dress isn't really formal enough for a wedding, assuming the dress code isn't ""casual"". 

That embroidered blue dress would be great for a wedding! Idk what you think is wrong with the shape, but it's really pretty. I probably would steer clear of the white-ish dresses. The fabric of those last 2 dresses looks a little thin, I'm not sure if they look like they stand up to that price. 

The blue embroidered dress would absolutely be my choice, and I would probably wear it with the black or nude heels. "
"Well thanks again, if I can think of anything I'll be sure to ask."
"> Atheist communist countries like the USSR and the PRC opposed 

The Russian Orthodox Church, behind all the anti-gay ""propaganda"" laws would like a word with you."
"This happened in Hamilton, Ontario. Buddy was drunk i'm pretty sure. But he said ""It wasn't obvious at all"". Almost tore down a bridge."
"I haven't seen many Kyrgios matches it's true, but I can't say I thought his technique was in any way inspired by ice hockey. 

I haven't bothered to read the article as you may have gathered. "
"My favorite of his was Swamp Thing. His run has so many great stories. I actually didn't like V for Vendetta and the Killing Joke. Watchmen is excellent, but I always thought it moved too slow.  Of course, I've never met a single person with that opinion, so you probably shouldn't listen to me. "
"Eh, maybe not this year but he could very well develop into a better player than any of our WRs. We didn't need Floyd when we took him either (or, more famously, Peterson). "
How sad is it if you are correct...
"No she was from America but her missionary field is somewhere in Africa "
"Thanks man, I'll give it a try but I only have a grade school level of general mathematics and beginner programming experience"
"Understood all the video, you guys may well as be my Kentuckian brethren.  You guys made me work much more than I thought I would on a Sunday evening, but here's this

Not the greatest video but it's funny.  "
">Customers value comfort, consistency, assurance and experience 

name me one person who does that and i will suck your dick every day for the rest of your life"
"I have a Nexus 10, which is my main tablet, and I think that the play store looks fine on it. That's more a matter of opinion, though, I think, than objectively poor design. I also have a ""New iPad"" at work (the one that came after iPad 2, but before the dock connector was gone — thanks for the confusing branding, Apple), and I personally find the App store to be too cluttered and busy. I can skim through 5 apps quickly, but a dozen or two...not so much."
"Ours was tons of pics of diseased penises or vaginal rash and basically yelling that everyone we knew was a festering pot of AIDS who would turn us into a giant pile of herpes.

My ""wellness"" teacher was a LPN but refused to talk to anyone about safe sex, condoms, birth control.

Looking back, it infuriates me even more now than it did then. It's just a system to indoctrinate people to hate themselves and fear everyone else. Disgusting."
"Yea always seems nice, I kinda feel bad for him....cause he gotta cheer for Andy Dalton lol "
Calm down.
" I forgot I made a few of those 2 months ago when this all happened. He didn't respond. Made a few more and gave him ample time to respond. No answer. Make on letting him know what the fuck is up. Response. 

Now you tell me what you would do. People don't take warnings from a calm post that the vendor doesn't respond to or just says ""vendor retaliation."" He continues to get great feeback and when someone isn't happy with the service he bashes them and calls them an asshole. Check his feedback maybe page 2. I was much nicer and believe me  I tried that for 2 months.  Let's see if it stays up. Last one lasted about 15 min.  If it doesn't work then maybe I make a calm thread. I don't see this as irrational I just stated the facts in a rather blunt way.  "
"I know it's been said many times before, but those little dialogue blurbs in boss battles. ""It's a bomb!""

Also actually playing an FF game and seeing equipment I used in RK, and vice versa. I have to chuckle when I equip a Broadsword on an FF 5 character, or Organics on Cloud in FF 7 as I replay the titles. "
"Weddings seem terrifying, I had to go with my gf to her friend's and we had to sit at the table with them in front of everyone...oh god....I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry a girl either with no family or from a culture that doesn't do weddings"
"Apparently its nothing serious out only a few days "
"What's up with /r/offmychest? I used to follow it a bunch but then I got banned for commenting in FPH "
"We're hateful because we oppose sexism on both sides. Got it.

Honestly it's sad that you all can't be confronted with any other point of view outside of your echo chamber without calling us hateful."
He will just reference the FAR slower 960. LOLNVIDIA.
"Im definitely wanting to get aguero in this week and sterling will be the one to go for him, but Im not sure what mid under 6.5 is the best. Also Mertesacker and cedric arent really doing well at the back and id like to bring in luke shaw. Also Wilson is going to drop tonight, should I wildcard now or hold out until later?"
"""Do you have any regrets?""

""Garfield maybe."""
AJ Feeley!
"Glad you found the fix
Can you give the icon theme name ? "
"They like it but can't endorse or support it. Future even had to talk to sprite about calling DS2 actually Dirty Sprite 2. And sprite said while they love it they don't want to be publicly associated with the illegal use of narcotics. So for legal reasons DS2 is called DS2. "

Is it?"

Absolutely insane. Girl self publishes three crappy books and her rich parents pay for a trailer of actors to praise the book. 

This guy goes in depth on the family's crazy behavior

Some reviews of the book"
....that was the joke
"Playing right now, thank for the info :)!"

Dancing Swords is rated a poor card at 32 points according to HearthArena. 

Let's try to break it down. A 3 mana 4/4 is quite good - it eats 2-drops and some premium 3-drops like Spider Tank, which is awesome, and trades up with some of the 4 mana cards like Lost Tallstrider. I do think that the stats on Swords are very good, better than most people give it credit for. 

Now, the problem is obviously its downside. Dancing Swords probably gets about 1-1.5 cards worth of minions or some sort of mana advantage (for example, killing a Raptor and getting a ping for 4 mana. But this is if we assume we play it on curve - otherwise, it will likely get eaten by virtually any 4 or 5-drop and upwards. Now the question is: will Swords' above-curve stats justify giving the opponent the card? 

And, well, the answer is largely no. If Swords is killed by a Boulderfist, it's a 2-for-0.5 for the opponent - and especially in the late-game where card advantage and resources to fill the board are so important, Swords is a huge leverage for the opponent to overwhelm you. So, definitely a bad card here - since if it stays alive, you were probably going to win anyways, and if it doesn't, then you're absolutely dead!

Well, how about on curve? In this case it's not THAT bad, especially if you're playing a more aggressive deck - sometimes, for these decks, they push hard for Tempo and damage that in the end, the opponent dies in the most tragic way possible - with several cards in hand. And yes, Dancing Swords sometimes gives that push on Turn 3 for that. But here's the thing: this is a rare case, where in most cases, the 4/4's tempo is simply not enough to aggress the opponent early, and that the card will matter once the game enters the late stages. 

So yeah, it seems like most of the time the case in which Swords lives the dream or even makes a good impact does not justify the case in which Swords simply loses you the game. I'm actually personally okay with taking Swords over some bad cards, but I'm still of the negative opinion on this one.


Dancing Swords is a very easy card to evaluate: There is only 1 deck that needs a card that draws the opponent's cards, since Swords is independently a shitty card. The deck is Mill, obviously, but the real question is how many decks actually need the Swords? Some Mill decks don't even run Swords, given that they have some better options to draw and that the body doesn't really matter in a deck that doesn't aim to get board presence. 

In my opinion, I think Swords is more like a secondary option - something that if the player thinks that the other options suck, then Swords can be fit into a Mill deck fine. Or if Mill decks get a little bit more aggressive (which doesn't make any sense, but who knows) then Swords will be fit. But otherwise, there are so many better 3 drops than Swords in any other deck. Put Spider Tank or something if you're really that desperate, unless you're playing Mill. And even if you're playing Mill, try to ask if Swords really cuts it compared to other great cards like Doomsayer or board clears or Coldlight, and see how Swords measures up before putting it in your deck."
This is the first non Orioles game I've seen this season. I got the wildcard itch.
Everything is the food channel if you're Kruk
"Ah-ha! I was wondering if anyone would bring this up. Yes, Joe absolutely, positively should **kiiiiillllllllll** Baron Corbin.
BUT, they have pushed Corbin soooo hard in that no-man's-land mid-car that NXT has.  He's on the precipice of title contention. If Joe comes in and beats Corbin, they are definitely pumping the breaks on him.  From what we've seen so far with Joe, they haven't made a big deal about him since his initial debut.  Then, the Kidd incident didn't do him any favors.  Maybe WWE sees Joe as slightly better Rhyno, and he's gunna job hard to Corbin.

Joe *should* win, I'm just not so sure."
Don't listen to the hate.  Pizza comes in all shapes and sizes and I'd love a big glob of cheese every once in a while.  Let's celebrate pizza!
"Holders are not affected if they have btc from before the fork as you can spend it on both chains if a split occours.

Bitcoin xt added support for BIP101. 

While splits might sound scary, the way BIP101 implements bigger blocks asures that most of the network is in consensus hence causing the weaker chain (if there will be one) to switch to the majority side (otherwise they would lose money).

"That whip going supersonic at the moment of cracking, I read it somewhere, someone correct me, thanks."
My friend told this to his nephew and then a few days later got an angry phonecall cause the nephew ran head first into the door at the supermarket
"it's still ""than"""
"GG is common courtesy.

GG WP is kinda pushin it when a team gets shat on.

GG EZ is rude"
Fuck the Blue Jays.
"I say no, it's not cheating, but I think she would think it crosses a line. 
... and?
"I really was not upset by Lance Armstrong's antics. "
"Please read the rules. This belongs in /r/techsupport or /r/pcgamingtechsupport. "
"Grenade launchers aren't exactly easy to use or get.

Why would you go through the hoops and illegally obtaining a grenade launcher with ammunition and hoping that you can hit someone with it when you can just make a homebrew pipe bomb out of relatively simple ingredients and drop it discreetly somewhere?"
"Yeah, but I still don't think it's black or white. I never came close to a vaginal orgasm until I met my soon to be husband (my first time truly in love) then had one within 5 minutes of our third time, if I recall correctly.  Obviously I had the physical ability to do it all along, but I still needed something else for it to happen."
How many shows since swiss naps? We need stats on it.
WedMD is not a legitimate source.
"Oh,thank you.:DDo you want to have the 5v Dream Ball's Tirtouga which is hidden ability?"
"Meh, Bernie supporters are unlikely to vote republican if/when it becomes bush v clinton"
"Most of the games you are interested in, I could sell for multiple tf2/csgo keys, so the value isn't in my favor. If you were interested in any bundle games, I might be willing depending. Otherwise, thx for the offer."
There's not that much grinding as long as you don't skip fights. I've gotten through 3/4 of the game with little to no grinding.
"I demand the full version. 

Please. "
"Know a kid that was 6'3"" at twelve. Is now 15 and pushing 6'6"". "
"Jewfro Champ is our god. Learn your place, mortals."
"Of course! Your fix, I'm assuming, is in reference to my OpenSUSE grub problem... I installed the distro, and upon the first reboot, it couldn't boot. That's not the type of problem that I'm willing to spend time on. That's OpenSUSE's failure. Not mine to fix as far as I'm concerned.

I get what you're saying, but we can't honestly expect users flee Windows (10 or otherwise) and install a Linux distro only to immediately start looking up solutions to problems. "
"I live in Southern Louisiana and in my Government and Politics class EVERYONE likes Trump. When I tell them about Sanders they instantly shoot me down. I pulled up a clip from the GOP debate where he was an idiot, and the woman insults but everyone still lived him. "
"I kept a secret from my SO for all the near 4 years we've been dating thus far (we're still going strong). I told him just recently and he giggled at me, told me it was no big deal, and said it was the most innocent secret i could have kept from him. The secret I had kept, and actively lied about in relevant conversation was that I masturbated. I would always say 'no, i dont do that' because i always felt kinda ashamed that I did (even though I knew he did that AND watches porn and couldnt care one bit about it yet was ashamed that i did it as well even though I knew he wouldnt care if he had known the whole time). But one day I finally told him id been lying about it this whole time and that I DID do that and now its a funny story we share together <:P 

I think it depends on what that person considers to be secret-worthy. Because if you're like me, something so innocent and not a big deal can be a secret :P I think cheating involves any sort non-platonic physical or emotional relationship. My SO has friends (hes bi so i'm just gonna say friends instead of guy friends or girl friends) but it doesn't bother me because i know they are just friends to him and that hes loyal to me (and same goes for me, he doesn't mind i have friends (i'm also bi) because he knows its just a friendship and nothing more) but if, say, i was going through some rough times and confided in a close friend instead of my SO i would think that's emotional cheating. In an ideal relationship you should always want to confide in your SO first, they are there to emotionally support you after all and to help with any problems you are going through (or an exception being family). I would feel pretty hurt if my SO went to a friend with a problem before he came to me about it, or if he didn't even come to me about it at all, because he and I are very vocal and we communicate pretty well so i would feel kinda cheated because he decided not to confide in me. Also non-platonic physical relationship, obviously, could be anything as small as a kiss or anything else that'd you'd normally do with and SO that you do with someone else :P 

Obviously there can even be exceptions in that (emotionally confiding in someone other than your SO or family). But just as a general idea thats what I think. It might not warrant me breaking up with him but it would hurt me a lot."
"You poor, poor soul. "

Bam. Decision made. "
"Zimmerli art museum. "
"I'm not saying being cut off is a legal result of the NDA. I'm saying, her breaking the NDA is like Willam breaking his NDA: WoW is going to hold a permanent grudge against her and essentially cut her off from the franchise."
"Yea, when I try to run it there is a question mark that appears on the wrapper's icon. I mean, I deleted it already when I put it in the trashcan because I emptied the trash after. Therefore I can't search it. 

Edit: Oh wait haha the ones I tried to run did end up having an ""X"" when I held onto the launch pad! thank you!"
"And, while I eat, I'm watching YGM

I made it past the cocktail party and they are avoiding each other in a montage sequence."
Looking nice and thick man!
"Best dating tip for when you're in your teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond:

""Learn to accept that s/he is just not that into you.""

(*This has been an advice from your friendly neighborhood Assassin*)


In other news, I'm still sick as heck (but at least I'm at the end of my sickness period) and I have a date tomorrow...damn my immune system."
Go be an asshole somewhere else.
"Great advice.  So sorry to hear about the terrible experiences you have had.

The biggest reason we are considering just walking away is because I have an uncle you used to work for a collection agency.  He insists that eventually, it's just cheaper to let you go (especially if the company demanding payment is clearly in the wrong).

Getting a health inspector is a good idea.  That sounds like it would give us a passive and definitive excuse to walk out that wouldn't depend on confirming anything with management.

Thanks again!"
It's all ogre
alcohol doesn't help me dance
/u/trollabot BriSy33
"XPost Subreddit Link: /r/aww 

Original post:"
Wouldn't you be worried about your cat being curious?
"Oh your name is similiar to mine minus the chinese name. My name is Sarah (Thai surname)(Chinese surname). Thankfully I don't have a Chinese name and a Thai name part after because it would be amazingly long. My dad told me that he didn't want to give me and the people around me a hard time trying to remember my full name haha.  
People here still trip over my first name so you can imagine how hard they slaughtered my mother's surname. Meh. 
"So it's not very safe if you're vehicle safety testing equipment, is it? "
"Where is Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear when you need them....

oh yeah, on Amazon.... "
"Ok two things:
1) Have you tried recently with the non generic emojis?

2) Has your girlfriend updated to the latest iOS? That could be a factor. 

Textra is made by the same people as Chomp so it seems odd that emoji would be encoded differently.
"My case too, though I've been reading GoT instead of doing puzzles."
"Won't let me correct on my phone but I mean you* instead of HYPE* Lol "
since when has crossing yourself become an act of intolerance?
"Mexican White Denmark. "
"Wakesurf board*
I'm pretty sure a fall like that would've snapped my shibs on a wakeboard lol"
"Honey turkey and cheese with lettuce and tomatoes, a bit of vinegar."
"It's brilliant, actually. They've invented a bonsai subscription service. You follow the instructions and then require a new one every 12-24 months because you think it was something *you* did wrong. 

My other favorite is the one where they tell you to water it using ice cubes. wtf?"
"could you tell him servers are too crowded

it makes it too difficult to do anything as a new player when everyone is throwing around 300-400 masses and they're all huddled together so there is nowhere for you to go but die"
"Hiemerdinger, Annie, Teemo"
The general conversation is about NPO people having anything before procedures.  What you said is dangerous.
There is a video of Max Landis pitching an idea for a movie on a radio show. It was a very original take on an old story.
Haha that was definitely part of my gameplan
IMO Zobrist needs to replace Rios when Gorgo returns
Angel of God?
just a Steel with the new premium stainless band
So basically you are hard all the time.. Lol!
"dank cat

basically normal cat with deal with it glasses and a blunt lol"
"> What do you think their true motivations are?

For the newtab page, I think their motivations are to have a guaranteed space on which they can show the user things, most likely ads, maybe helpful hints and information, in the future. For signed addons, I think their motivation is to create a walled garden that they can control, just as Apple and Google do with their app stores. Their motivations certainly aren't to stop malware though, because as the Mozilla employee admitted above, they are powerless to stop programs from modifying Firefox.

> Also, how much knowledge do you have regarding the current state of malware infections in the wild? I mean real, large scale, non-anecdotal, non-theoretical knowledge?

I get what you're trying to do, and it's not a valid argument. Obviously I have about as much ""large scale, non-anecdotal, non-theoretical"" knowledge as pretty much any other person you could ask, since the only people who would have such knowledge are security researchers. That's not relevant though, because you don't need that knowledge to know what abilities local programs running with sufficient privileges have. The Mozilla employee here admitted that they are powerless to stop Google from installing this plugin. They are similarly powerless to stop any program running locally from modifying Firefox's resources or even the binary itself."
"CBS pls respond "
You don't stop until you run out of speed on the landing or hit something on the way down. It's full commitment until you reach the bottom. Source: have skied down three flights of stairs.

I still voted Chubb, since I think he is the best.  I'd take him first if I was drafting my own team.  His stats aren't likely to be as good as Elliott, though, for the reasons you stated.  So depending on how you interpret ""best"", then either of those two are excellent choices."
"no offense, but it's really bad and you spelled skeleton wrong"
"Alrighty well... I practically wrote a 5-page dissertation on this (damn game design major), but then I decided to cut it down so bear with me. It is still long as hell, but here goes:

* I love support classes in games, online or off, though few actually do the concept justice.
* I solely do PvE, as I am utterly abysmal at all forms of PvP in any game. I think I might actually emit digital pheromones that subconsciously tell people I'm an easy kill... it is a working theory.
* I have leveled both a Priest and Mystic to 65, though I am currently re-leveling my Mystic as a different race. I am not experienced in Hard Mode dungeons (only AIHM once in which we tried - and failed at - Duras one time) and only started playing last month, but I would like to think I understand more than the average player.


A Priest is very reactive. Beyond support via Energy Stars, Triple Nemesis, and Mana Charge, you really can't do much until someone gets hit. Kaia's Shield can block some lighter attacks, or cut down on a big hit, but **in theory** you can't do much until someone actually takes damage or needs a cleanse. You still have to predict/recognize boss attacks and whatnot, but it's a little less critical for you than it is for a Mystic.

This means your skill as support is largely independent from that of your group; a really good Priest can make up for the lack of skill for the rest of the group, at least moreso than a Mystic. I've seen a lot of people say it's easier to heal on a Priest. While I don't agree entirely with this perspective, I can understand it. It is not 'easier to heal' it is just 'easier to cover for the bads'.


Conversely, a Mystic is very predictive. Between your Auras and Warding Totem you have a lot of passive support, which means you have to think ahead a lot more. Don't forget Warding Totem has a damage absorb component, and re-place it as necessary. Know when burn phases will happen so you can apply Contagion (and Thrall of Wrath but that's not very important at 65). You also don't have any theoretical downtime. In the ideal scenario, when no one needs a heal, your debuff(s) are up, and everything is great, you should still be droppping Motes. In my mind, the Mystic is like a doomsday-prepper. You prepare for the worst possible scenario that will likely never happen.

However, because you have to play the prediction game (or make a lot of guesses), the skill of each player in your group accounts for a lot more. You have to trust DPS classes to dodge a few attacks, or know when to grab a Mote at low health. You have to know who will need a Mote, and have it nearby BEFORE they need it. You have to know boss attacks and patterns a lot better, so that you can dive in and out to heal or support as necessary. You also have to watch your mana more closely, even with Infused Charms. You should not be afraid to consume your own Arun's Tears for MP. Aura of the Tenacious will typically handle everyone else's MP just fine, so those are best for personal use.


1. Pay attention to when Boons will happen and don't waste big heals/mana restoration/resurrections if one will happen soon unless you really have to. I personally have to get better at this.

2. Obviously carry some Mana Elixirs and Goddess' Blessings, but it is also not a bad idea to bring some Health Potions and even Resurrection Scrolls. Sometimes things go really bad and you end up out of Mana and need to heal yourself while resurrecting the tank when there is no Boon anytime soon. Might as well be prepared!

3. Learn how to ignore Mystic Thralls, Gunner ST, and Warrior Shadow health bars. Usefulness of each aside, sometimes their health can get low and it looks just like a regular player's health bar, until you target it for a heal and cannot. I really want an option to make these invisible except to the owner.

4. Your position is the second-most important thing to consider. The first is your HP. As much as you can, make sure you are in or moving to a position that gives you the best view of the most people.


Personally, *I think everyone should play both a Priest and Mystic*, or at least create one temporarily to check out their Glyphs and every skill's max rank at the trainers. The better you know the support classes, the better off you'll be.

/u/bluebirdybird says:
>Knowing how to play a healer well also made us good dps... We knew where to stand, how to behave when we needed help... and most importantly how to take care of ourselves

That seriously made me tear up a little. With that in mind, here are some common-knowledge things amongst the support classes that people either do not know, refuse to accept, or outright do not understand:

1. As ranged DPS, spreading out helps no one. You gain nothing from those back-crit crystals by standing in front of the boss at 20m when everyone else is behind and 0-12m away from the boss.

2. Dodging around needlessly at low health makes you more likely to die. Sacrifice your precious skill rotation, look at the boss, and only move/dodge to avoid attacks for 1 second. A heal should already be on the way.

3. Bring your own health potions, just in case.

4. If you need a heal and are standing near a support, STOP MOVING. We can SEE your health bar. Jumping around or charging back in means you have a deathwish, which we will oblige. Also see above.

5. Arun's Vitae Motes give you a strong over-time heal **and also cleanse you**. Grabbing one is far more convenient than the Mystic targetting you with two different skills to achieve the same effect. ~~When Glyphed at 65 they also restore 20% of your HP so in the worst possible scenario you should only need 5 at most.~~ I just learned today that the ""*restore 20% HP immediately*"" only applies to the **caster** (the Mystic, it restores 20% of their health when they cast the skill to drop the mote). I just unlocked the Glyph and while the token for it states thusly, the actual description in the Skill window is vague and leaves out the ""*caster's*"" clarifier.  Regardless, chain-devouring 12 in a row makes you stupid and bad and basically just crippled the group's potential to deal with future damage.

6. A Priest's Restorative Burst (the skill that leaves the puddle on the ground) effect applies only ONCE when you make contact with the circle. For this reason, **there is no point for anyone to remain inside the circle**. Just touch 'n' go to get the over-time heal and mana restore (if Glyphed, and it should be at 65). A good Priest will place this on the melee group in harder dungeons, a great one will place it so one edge touches the melee group, allowing nearby ranged classes to dip in-and-out of the other edge.

7. Resurrect has a COOLDOWN (20 seconds, 10 seconds Glyphed but I personally do not use that Glyph), and costs A LOT of mana. If you see someone else in the group get resurrected before you, do not start bitching. We SEE you are dead, we chose someone else because they were closer or were a priority (another support, the tank, or someone who can kite while we attend to others). If you died underneath a pile of mobs or somewhere far from the fight, a simple ""I'm over here,"" will suffice. You can type more if you like. You are dead. You are not going anywhere.

8. Just because we cast Resurrect on you does not mean it is safe for you to pop up at that time. It meant it was safe for US to give you the OPTION to resurrect. See above for what it costs to resurrect someone. Keep your eyes on the boss, and accept when it is clear. If you do, you will likely get healed to full a lot sooner.

8. Just because we can AoE heal the raid the entire time, does not mean we should have to. Reducing your damage taken means we can focus on keeping up buffs and debuffs and make the run go smoother overall. Your job is to deal damage, not take it unless it is unavoidable. Taking damage intentionally for the sake of a few extra hits means you are neglecting your job to shove more responsibility onto your support. I play some DPS classes too, and I play cautiously, perhaps too cautiously, but at the very least I avoid the damage I can."
Oh noes. Is this it. Will I not get my winnings? This is terrible.
Heck  man you must ride the short bus
"I was out in Jackson, Wyoming doing some back country hiking for the first time, it had snowed about 3 feet overnight so it was fresh pow everywhere. I rip down in this deep snow for the first time ever and about 20 seconds into what I thought was the most epic day of my life I didn't lean back enough and dug the nose of my board as deep as possible into the mountain/snow/earth and just stopped completely and flew forward and ragdolled into the abyss, then had to hike out like a sucker.

I also was a semi-pro skateboarder for a few years, never broke anything doing that either however playing baseball in College my shortstop was 100% deaf and it was a pop fly on my side of the infield (I played second base) I called him off, of course he didn't hear me, we connected shin bones and he had about 25 pounds on me, snapped my shin and put me in a full leg cast for 5 months, fun times. I hung onto the ball like a boss however for the finale out of a meaningless game in a pleasant 110 degree afternoon out in Texas."
Not you
"You must have been watching bleach i guess ! Not hxh case man , here you gotta work your ass of to figure out what they hide "
"The dog is looking to you for help. "
I'm sorry to hear that... Yeah this was one of the only things I had to remember him
"I was in a movie theatre with my friend Michael and his twin brother Todd and Todd's girlfriend Sarah. We were watching a murder mystery type movie. The place was packed. In one of the scenes, we see a 7yo girl in a ditch who's been raped and murdered.

So while the camera was slowly panning over the dead girl's body, Michael decides it's a good time to cut a fart. He then proceeds to quietly mumble to himself ""Huh"", as if it was the first time he ever produced a fart in his life. I am not a fan of toilet humour whatsoever, but his genuine surprise towards his flatulence got us both bent over laughing uncontrollably for what seemed like an eternity. Todd sniggered a bit and Sarah just silently glared at the three of us in disbelief.

Suffice to say, I don't think I ever wanted to know who the murderer was so quickly in my life.
"They said the same about Isco, and 2 seasons later he's consistently near the top of the minutes played charts"
"Your submission has been automatically removed because the title does not include one of the required tags. Please check the sidebar rules for information about tagging your submission properly, or [check out this post](  Thanks!

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spikes) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
Whenever people act like they don't masturbate to Steve.
"This exact same thing has happened to me and a bunch of other people, apparently it's a horrible glitch that destroys your vault by not detecting that you closed the app. The supposed fix is to exit to the main menu and then hit the back button and it will ask if you want to close fallout shelter, I have been doing that since my first vault was ruined and I haven't come back to a radiated mess since. Goddamnit Bethesda, its like they can't build a game that isn't riddled with serious issues only we can't mod it and fix it ourselves this time."
"Like I said, it fundamentally has to be done out of the box before the Play Store is a viable update channel - which is of course a good part of the reason why Google insists so many GApps be preloaded. I consider Play Movies, Music, Newstand, et al to be bloatware. 

We've seen HTC, Sony, Moto, LG, and Samsung do this in places, so I suspect and hope it will increase.

A unified vanilla Android image with no preloaded apps would not take full advantage of the hardware and could not have real value added through the Play Store. It would also be dull. IMO."
"[Native american folklore witches, they can transform into animals and are generally considered extremely evil and dangerous, there are lots of accounts and even a subreddit about them]( "
"Well at least your user name is relevant. 

But I think everything else you said is ridiculous. If people had only had two kids, for say, just the past five generations, chances are that you wouldn't be here anyway. 

On second thought, let's all agree that you shouldn't have any kids."
"wow im surprised you have friends "
"What brands/stores specialize in bras for petite frames? Im a 30C, but am tiny. "
Using the power of Christian Rock
"Luckily I don't have to but I sure would. "
"You need the latest 3DS firmware update to access the eshop. If Nintendo patches this with a system update, you won't be able to use it until you get rid of your homebrew and update."
( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )
"An asshole.

To their face, you don't call them anything. You just ask them when the last time they explicitly called attention to someone else in the group was, and how their lack of doing so may have made the other person feel the same way. When you interact with the group, the group interacts with you."
"WTF? Boy-cats have vaginas? "
"I finally fused Vero yesterday so I'll be able to do GB10 once I awaken and level him. What is the best way to accomplish dragons now? I'm pretty sure I have a team for it, was thinking Verde lead, Barretta, Bella, Vero, and maybe Fire Mermaid? I'm not sure what the BEST team is out of what I have so I can avoid leveling up the wrong monsters for now...I also have a Draco from last HoH I can summon, but his skills will not be maxed. I'm not sure if Fire Neostone Fighter is good for Dragons or Fire Magic Knight either...

I can also work on fusing Sig if he's mandatory for Dragons. Only missing the Fire Archer for that.

Any tips would be appreciated..."
Good but toy Chica with toy Bonnie is cringey.
"awesome, let me know when you're ready for me :)"
I thought the same thing
He was trying to protect the group the same ways Rick does now... Rick was just too scared back then and now he's just as psychopathic as Shane was
"this has happened to me every time i have gotten a 'scout a future star' thing from the catalogue. i stopped doing it and now it doesnt, but occasionally ill see some of my YAs as 'sporadic' and i feel as if it may be the glitch, or me fucking up. "
That moment when your gift card only has $1.10 left on it...
"""Alien Dreamtime"" by Spacetime Continuum and Terence McKenna. Consensus reality might be neither. (Huh?)  <3"
"i guess you are mishearing ""10 man"""
"Oh yeah, I forgot to recommend a bag:
REI Radiant ($199)
Men EN rated to 19F
600 fill duck down (water repellent)
2 lb 8 oz (Regular length)
But compresses down to a beautiful 6.3 liters
Doesn't feel tacky, its soft and warm and awesomeness"
"34 titan, vandermar1979
"My problem is less with the fact that he's drinking, and more with the fact that he's drinking without me.  Is it me? Am I not fun to drink with?"
"There is one on youtube "
"And I'd  be the huge quiet smart guy, who's the most awkward thing ever"

Spot on answer. "
"I have a dog whose name is pancake, because he escapes the yard and has a good chance of getting run over. "
lol well glad it was :)

Your post was removed as it looks like you failed to ask a question in your title. Double check everything, including punctuation, and try posting again. 

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"I was shocked we didn't see much of it, and that Theon wasn't directly involved. Didn't think D&D would be timid about it "
"I'd love a pic if possible, as I've had the same experience as OP."
That should have been the name of this sub.
"If it makes you feel any better, Allan Houston('s contract) killed us for about the next decade."
PSN: Knuxez
"Im definitely snagging a pair of the new Cthulhu RTA V2s when we pick up our new devices! 

Thanks for the contest!"
"There's always Remote Play with the PS4 version "
I get weird sounds from my stomach and fart/burp a lot if I DON'T drink milk :/
Yay! Same over here! I learned more from my math major than my computer science major.
"New Seasons pays people a living wage. It's not $15/hr but it's enough for people to live a decent, modest lifestyle. Heck when I worked at FM and got paid way less it was a decent amount that let me eat decent food and live in a decent apartment while going to school. On top of that, New Seasons allows a broader range of people to enjoy local and natural food because they don't have insanely jacked up prices like Whole Foods. Their store label dairy and eggs are excellent and competitively priced. I know that the whole theme of this city is becoming ""always be angry and protesting something"" but seriously, there's no better target for this? Like, idk, Target, even?"
"Show me a source for this. In the earliest days of Halo it was going to be a Mac game. After Bungie went under Microsoft the game was then released for Mac, Windows, and Xbox. There was never any intention for the game to come to Playstation."
"Okay, so now imagine you are friends with Bill Gates. And you go out to dinner with him. And then offer to pay. He would feel awkward. He is looked at as normal when it is ridiculous. Bad analogy, but I wanted to run with yours."
"Agree with the other comments - DR is one of the more unique designs in this tournament.

Looks like a solid bot with no particular weak spots (maybe behind the ears) best of luck!"
"That's what she said. "
"High, you mean."
This is actually an insanely cool concept. Turning your enemy into your ally for a split second. New types of CC could be really cool.
"10 guys, $300/person

$300 for regular-season winner (10%)

$1500 for playoff winner (50%)

$750 for 2nd (25%)

$450 for 3rd (15%)"
I would be down but I'll have to take abreak at 11:00 ET
"Unleashing the deep game will be important. When you have a weapon like Nuk Hopkins, you need to use him. 

I have no doubt that Hoyer can be successful in Bill O'Brien's system, but I truthfully feel that about all three of the QBs. The million dollar question is of course, which of them would be the most successful? "
I did that to someone once just passing by to mess with them
"What do you want to do? What can you already do?

Looks like you should have an auto giants team in there. Definitely get your Verde to six stars. Baretta too. Especially if you want to progress in TOA.

"I think what I love about mailling is experiencing the properties of various metals. The weight difference between aluminum and steel is astounding. "
"I hate when that happens to me, but usually when we catch her, we can do something to further us winning. The games we dont catch her, yeah, she does a lot and I mean **a lot**"
I was expecting to have to hit you. Now I don't. Shame
LOL he got knocked up in mid knockup...I thought he might fly out of the top of my monitor.
"Service industry.

After bartending for 3 years or so, I'm a completely different person. I don't have the patience that I used to."
"And that, my friend, is why a field notes is not in our EDC :)"
"love the other albums but i know what you mean, Currents is definitely more approachable"
"its in the plaza with publix/r u game/ little Caesars.

If you're looking at publix head-on, it's a few building to the left.

"First of all, lentils are not bland. I'm going to ignore that slight towards my granulatory God and continue anyway.

Spices are a must to enhance the already delicious creamy texture of a well-cooked lentil. Garlic, ginger, cumin, turmeric, hot peppers, and cilantro are all very good in them.

One of my favorite dishes is spicy red lentil soup. Start with some garlic and yellow onions. Once they're sauteed, pour in your chosen amount of lentils. I recommend at least 2 pounds. Then add in twice as much water, wait for it all to boil, and simmer for a long time as you add in all the aforementioned spices. Really go for it with the turmeric too, it gives it a great color. I like to also add some tomatoes, celery, and fresh cilantro on top as a garnish, but this is all optional.

Serve over rice!"
Do you take these to love and to hold your thickness and in....ummm...boobies.
"Yeah OK, you're right, I did confuse the two. I've edited my initial comment to reflect this."
"""Surface tumor"" is a really stupid assumption. I'd take a million dollar medical bill over disfiguring myself and then dying from cancer anyway."
"How are you. "
"Unfortunately I have suffered from the same displeasure. To be fair, in real trucks, gear skipping is a thing. Unless you have an extremely heavy load, you won't be going 1-2-3-4 etc. I went back and forth a long time between using all three types of H-Shifter layout.

For a long time I used the default Range-Splitter, which acts most closely to how real Scania shifters work, with that 1-3-5 in the first range, then 7-9-11, and the other toggle switching to evens. I liked using this for 12 speeds because it still gave that feel of shifting to higher gears, but not having to skip gears as much (well ofc you're skipping the evens, but that's not the point).

I more recently went back to the generic range tran. I don't like using the splitter because, as you said, it's then just a 6 gear truck.

As for your question about trailer weight, yes. I use Jazzycat's mods, and haul those (or the Heavy Haul DLC trailers) almost elusively. I both find those trailers more fun (I like turning on the beacons and feel important. Sometimes I take two lanes like I have a police escort) and, because they are heavier, they provide a more fun shifting experience as well. I also sort my cargo by weight when looking for a job.

~~I will do a little research and perhaps attempt a mod to edit the gear ranges, but I am hesitant of the capabilities. I fear it may very well be tied to sometime else I can't control.~~ **See other comment**

Edit: You could also try hauling [bricks]( :P
"Hey Hoodie, can I get like... a whisper? Into a muted microphone preferably. Ideally not recorded either. Thanks!"
"I've had the note 5 since friday. I love it. "
They confirmed you'll get more dust for ranks higher than 5.
"Then don't.  A contract should benefit both parties.  If they are not offering you something then... well, f' em.

Truly it sounds like they don't know what they are doing.  The other poster was correct, non-competes are not legal in CA.

I would simply walk away, block their phone numbers and emails and move on with your life.

EDIT: CA is an 'at will' state, you can leave the employer at any time."
"Playing from behind on Riven can be very difficult and frustrating. One tip I'd suggest if you're behind on Riven, is to just play as a split pusher and put pressure on the map for your team since you won't be able to do much in teamfights anyways. Play safe and don't overextend; ward so you don't get caught split pushing a side lane. The enemy team will be forced to send at least one back to stop you from pushing and if you have TP, this creates a numbers advantage for your team. Just keep on split pushing a side lane until you're farmed and caught up in items so you can start being a factor in teamfights.

For laning phase, just remember that it's not worth taking a lot of harass for 2-3 minions. Just wait for the enemy laner to push the wave into your turret so you can safely farm. If the enemy laner freezes the lane, he's not putting pressure on the map, so you're free to roam. Use this time to roam and put pressure elsewhere on the map and help you get back into the game.
Gametime already exists...why would this make it any worse?
"I didn't downvote you.  For what it's worth I try not to get into music related arguments because its all subjective.  For close to 15 years I was a rock DJ and people always wanted me to take sides on this or that.   It's a fool's errand.  Like what you like and expect others to like what they like, even if you can't explain it.  Nobody ever gets into arguments about chocolate pudding vs. banana pudding you know? Music brings this argumentative side out in people and it's really kind of silly."
Your stylist went with highlights when he should have gone with whiteout.
ja mon you needs a getty some of me choco late ya? *waves chocolate bar in the air*
"I know how that goes. And yes, I totally agree with you :)"
Because they don't know how to spell
Why not?
"> mainly by white flight

Caused by high crime and failing schools. "
"""After showering (and also jacking off a bit in said shower),"" K."
I'm stuck between thinking he meant Pay 2 Play or Peer 2 Peer...
"Doesn't look comfortable to actually sit on. "



Follow the money.

Cthulhu's powers are increasing."
"Your submission was removed because it does not include a required Game System/Console tag. Make sure you include the Game System/Tag in the title surrounded by brackets [], not parenthesis (), such as `[PS4] VoG NM LF3M`. Please check our [Announcement Post]( for information about tagging your submission properly, then resubmit it with the correct tag.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fireteams) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Ballpark. "
He's not psychotic. He's addicted to honey.
"Oh, that sucks. They took insurrection back off, too."
I will. Soon ill update it just getting all files ready.
"So if there's a problem, get the procedure done. 

We don't yank out everyone's appendix at birth. "
hype? that's different.. yes this is definitely propaganda because politicians aren't using tax payer's money to buy jet planes but 1. I don't think propaganda before elections usually takes place on reddit (at least to the extent you claim) and 2. I think the point of the post was more to show he's a humble man who doesn't live a frivolous lifestyle and get big money from billionaires.
I have a friend like that that I talk to every day... This is my worst fear. One day we'll see each other and they won't remember me...
There are wrose late round flyers
I'd second Echeveria.
"Nah, that's too weak. Couple drops of Worcester, few drops of pickled jalapeno-okra juice from the jar, & a dash of wasabi or something or other...  

I saw that on a YouTube video once.... guy took 3 HUGE rips off a dripper after making a nicotine juice with the above ""flavors""...he hacked a lung & almost vomited every time."
"Nothing to fight. The sign says no parking between these hours and I parked between those hours. But, now you know so you won't make the same mistake."
"Yea, you like that you fucking retard."
If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you guys would subscribe to me
Perhaps it was an older program that had already been abandoned but the genetic engineering process was irreversible. So now you have all these human-looking Klingon ex-spies running about.
"I hop you're treating her well. "
Anyone want to send me a Novatouch and a Topre knockoff? I'll add them to the review and send them right back!
"The mfp community is the bees knees

Just lost 15 lbs.


Gaining 30 lbs between now and spring 

Jonathandhand "
"That means your friend voted yes. When 3 people in a guild group vote to kick someone in a 5 man, the 4th person has to click yes, or it fails."
"Looks like they stepped it up this month. "
"It actually does interact with iTunes during the jailbreak process (it uses the drivers so that the tool can recognize your device). However once you jailbreak, TaiG doesn't touch iTunes on your computer."
alot of B&Ms charge 5$ for a normal coil to be built. 5 bucks for a double helix coil is a good deal IMO.
Check out Burger Records. They release all of their bands on cassette as well as cassettes for lots of non-label bands. It is lots of garage and psych-Pop stuff with a California sound. Their is also lollipop records which is like the psych sister label to burger.
"Think you're mistaken. Kroenke executed a contract clause at the eleventh hour to elevate his stake from minority to majority. Far as I know, the League has had absolutely no objections towards either Khan's ethnic heritage or religious beliefs. "
"Looking smoking! 

No FWB tonight? Well maybe you should have fun with us on this lovely subreddit. :>"
"Poor Sanchez. "
Is there a bird sanctuary in your city? You could take her there.
"It is an interesting case, but I don't think it is clearly one correct answer on how to handle this."
"Everything will be fine. :) "
"If you're wondering who Paul meant in ""Til There Was You"", it was apparently my mom. He was pointing at her from stage and everything.     

Sad to say, my new dad isn't a Beatles impersonator. But he could have been!"
"Two weeks would suit me just fine...  I was provided an estimate of August 24th, so that would be beating expectations."
"Are we going to be drinking buddies tonight? It sounds like a fantastic idea to me. "
Seriously. This song came out fifteen years ago.
I don't see it.
Cause it starts with this and next thing you know there is a fire at the disco.
"In 5 man randoms, if 3 people queue together, and want to kick someone else in the dungeon, the 4th person has to click yes to the vote to kick as well. Blizz put that in specifically because of guild groups trolling like that."
I always wonder about people who don't have their money ready. I ask the order taker how much it is exactly (then figure out a 20% tip on my own) and put the money/card in my pocket or on the table/desk waiting.
"Hey there, I really do appreciate the feedback for this and I know that it isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. There's a little more to the story about why he isn't happy and why the guy leaves, but I understand that in the trailer (which admittedly is more of a teaser than a trailer), this isn't all that obvious. But either way, thanks for taking the time to respond, it means a lot, good or bad."
"I will stock up on exotic engram gauntlets though for when the Taken King comes out, thanks Xur!"
"Ahhh thank you. I was aligning the dot of the eye and not the base! Thank you. I'll also consider resizing the MU or finding some way to emphasise the hierarchy "

"Obviously not dangerous speeds, but faster cars and more HP like the good old days would be good for the sport.

Stop acting fucking entitled and oversensitive. "
"PC is completely free. Live is NOT required for PC games. "
"Your god is curiously impotent in the face of these small, temporal things his alleged powers should allow him to easily overcome."
"Also, the logic behind the switch to copper is confusing. Redstone is the conductive material, while stone and iron are just a mounting surface."
Sorry this was a response to the question by OP. My mistake.
It's the one where the boss is two of freiza's army men. Freiza in the last stage is agl.
"It's going in and out. Usually out. "
Mom look like she been pregnant w her while she been teenager.
"Star Wars is fucking gay. As gay as it is, the video game images are even gayer. Tattooing that shit on your arm is even gayer than that.

If Derosa had 10 black as night niggers dump their seed balls deep up his bleeding asshole, it would still not be as gay as this fucking shit. Sorry to those here that do not like the racism.....but I think the level of gayness here justifies it. 

"The thing is... how would the authorities even get in contact with them? They have no e-mail, no phone... and I doubt the police would try to get in contact with them through Facebook. I also contacted Staples (a Canadian retailer from which I bought my Rival that was also RMA'd) about the RMA service and asked them if they could contact Steelseries, and they were unable to. "
"My ultimate point is that Hillary actually has a record of passing meaningful, bipartisan reform whereas Bernie does not have that record. I agree that compromise is better than giving in to the other side, but I feel that Hillary is the right balance of principles and bipartisanship whereas Bernie is very principled but has zero record of bipartisanship."
"On the yumi there isn't a kali option do I do Debian?:EDIT: nevermind  I found kali 
Whats wrong with Becky?
I'd always heard that Hibs only went because their chairman was one of the heads of the SFA at the time. Had it been league champions participating then it would have been Aberdeen from the year before and we may have been talking about Aberdeen as the first European champions.
"Welcome to reddit, where every chamber can be an echo chamber.

Maybe the kodokan would be legit if they offered full contact sparring /s"
"It's not so much Anders' introduction but rather a subtle change in formation from the double pivot to the single pivot. Seems like LvG is going with a cautious start, and then bringing on Herrera later on to take advantage of the tired opposition. For this reason, I don't see Herrera starting while the double pivot is being perfected, or as part of a midfield trio that includes Schneiderlin and Carrick. If Schweinsteiger starts against Brugge, we could see Herrera starting as well."
"Ooh. Thats good. Free college? I am rooting for you, you just have to get used to college, and you will be an ace student (sooner or later) :P"
"Nah, the director just sat there and watched with the crew then went on to tell the story around a camp fire.  "
"I like to drive 5 under and watch people lose their shit.

Normally I'm a blatant speeder. But every once in a while, I want to watch somebody get literally homicidally angry about the 12 seconds I just cost them on their commute."
Only real way to learn from it
"I play it on and off. It's really fun, even though I have some connection problems. The single player is pretty fun as well. I'd recommend it though."
"As much as I hate to see it being put on meds for adhd changed my life, concentration, time , money management etc... you don't have to tell anyone. I wish i was diagnosed earlier (2012 - 23 yr old) as it would have helped me out a lot... but live and learn. your parents and co-workers do not need to know. "
" I have had some pretty good games with Maestrom. With her burst of attack speed after jumping she can  blow people up between crits and lightning. Only works for early fighting though. BF is better for passive farming. "
"Correct. Positive news, negative MRI."
"Hey, you. You're a piece of shit. I mean you're a piece of ""something."" Fill in the quotes with your own nuanced insecurities. "
I don't have a motive for Mr. S.
Meh.  I call it yellow horn
"I may not hate Vivienne as much if she'd applied her distrust for fellow mages to herself as well. Her stance is basically that all the OTHER mages should be locked up into their gilded prison, but obviously this does not include her. She'd just continue to enjoy her privileged life of entitlement in the Imperial Court.

It doesn't help that every time she condescendingly utters 'dahling', I get this urge to rip out her esophagus and beat her to death with it.  "
"kinda looks like dried mud/clay, very cool"
So can we put most of Shark's success with the Cubs on Bosio?
"I can't get it downloaded and I can't get anyone to help me. I paid for it through paypal and I don't want to watch the crappy Youtube version. Where should I start?

edit: I bought the Bundle if that helps
"that's what I suspected, he just seems like a down to earth guy who is just enjoying football and not all the glamour/fast life associated with it. Good for him!"
"...32%? Oh, I made a typo. It's a D2, not D3. My bad. You can catch them in a grab after they pop over your head. The difference between this and the F44xxDB1 restand or F44xxDB4 combo enders is that the opponent ends up back in the corner with a hard knockdown - the damage otherwise is pretty similar."
a story of a kawaii fuck with dumbass mutated giggly eyes making weird ass noises
He's never shown that power and has no knowledge of Supermans weakness or the compostion of kryptonite radiation. Even if he can and does it's not a instant victory against Supes who fights villians with kryptonite powers all the time and still wins regularly.
"Probably the most overated card.     
"how do i comment because for now i can only reply to other comments
"Talked to a 6'2"" tallette on POF and that was basically her opening line."
Lol exactly my thoughts. The Reddit majority are so simple minded to not see how fishy this AMA really is. All this package trash full of chemicals and sugar people are eating is apparently no problem as long as you don't eat too much according to this guy. Slap science next to a thread and all the masses go on an upvoting frenzy believing it as facts.
"Sick back man! Awesome dedication. In awe of your gainz. 

Makes sense thanks man
"That's what I'm sayin. I got some of the best bud and concentrates I've ever had at summercamp this year. "
"The problem I see is that although carbon fiber is light and stiff when thoughtfully manufactured, it will never be functional harder than the resin, which about as soft as plastic. I see abrasion and wear as an issue. You notice all the parts they were making were frame and other mostly non-moving parts."
He probably won't be available.
"[*Everywhere you look,   
everywhere there's a face*   
*of somebody who needs you*]("
"Its not a bad idea. I think they doing it pretty nice but its not typical for us, gamers, and we still want to categorize it as fully MMO or Single Player. Idea of NPC based MMMo is interesting."
"Sauce? "
im excited to watch :D
"So I work at Sunglass Hut and I've always known that we get points at work for taking tests/quizzes on product knowledge and our performance reviews.  So i finally found out we can trade these points in for various prizes and decided to check them out.  Right now I have 0 points, but I am determined to get all the points now."
What do you do with your lazy jacks that you have any kind of appreciable load on them?
"I've heard Americans say lots of shit.  Everything that is done or said by Americans is not ""the American way."""
A couple months? I realize I have a problem because my first thought was thats enough to get through 2 weeks
Thank you!
Final smash is turning into Leo Luster and KOing everyone with his pure charm
"Honestly, I have been having all the lag with this game. I have a 980 and 120Mb Down and still have lag fits. The other night, it was heart breaking. I was playing with my friends online, and I made this crazy ass goal trick shot from across the field, and I started screaming in my mic ""did you see that guys!"". a few seconds later, I got that stupid plug logo at the top of the screen, and all of the sudden I was back on the opposite side of the field. My friends replied that they thought I was AFK because my car hadn't moved at all for a while. FUCK."
"Yeah, just what we need, another thing to make Cluly's balls Smaller."
Microsoft people sure seem to be mentioning how much they love Nintendo lately. Maybe there is a partnership in the works?
*slaps forehead* Thanks! When I use my phone I always forget to check there. :0)
"[The Offspring - Nitro (Youth Energy)](

Anything from Smash really."
"Blackheart, Le Heup can only drop with an iLvl of 24."
"Probably can't get approved with that high of utilization anyways. "
secondary insta gib warp skillz swag
its because everyone throwing around the term just learnt it today by using google.
"What about naruto, detective conan, and one piece? 10+"
Never there to begin with.
"Add BAM824. "
That's awesome advice. I can think of a few gods off the top of my head that I'm sub part with so I'll work on improving those right away!
btw i dont hate renegades but i think LG is superior :)
"From Gatherer

> 9/15/2013: Satyr Hedonists ability is a mana ability. It doesnt use the stack and cant be responded to."
Oh Boy. It´s just soo enjoyable to your little Breakdown. Are you also on Board when we get to Index?
Because idiots are more common than you think.
"The creek is generally a nice place. There's some unsavory characters towards the ends occasionally and especially as it gets later into the evening. Mostly homeless types and drug addict types, not much in the way of violent crime. 

I'm all for the coming convention center. Downtown really needs a hotel. The construction site is on the aforementioned end of the creek, so hopefully it helps to further clean up the area. "
What the frack?
"Just remember this was 3 years ago(the interview). He is still a genius. Could you imagine his ideas if he spent more than a short interview thinking about it. My dream team for running the sport; gordan murray, ros brawn, and max mosley i truely believe they could ""see the forest for the trees"" as it were."
"No problems.

I think the biggest misconception about asexuality (after thinking that asexuality equals impotence, which it doesn't) is that it leaves a huge void in peoples lives. You are not missing anything, because there is nothing to miss - sex is not some integral and irreplaceable part of you, it's just - sex. There might be some incompatibilities with society, as such any problems come from outside rather than from inside you - I guess I could put it that way. And everyone has conflicts with other people, each of us their own.

I do kind of shy away from relationships because the thought that I could not satisfy the desires of my partner is discouraging. I focus on both enjoying my life and making my career/money. Eventually I want to create a family because I want a child, and maybe in my late 30s or so it is easier to find a partner who somewhat shares my sentiments and whose libido is not a core part of their life-satisfaction. That said I have not fallen in love since my early teens so I wouldn't know what I would do if I was put on the spot again."
"So-something... something to... **DO?**

*-Explodes on lack of creativity-*"
This is unreal... The USA version contais A LOT of details!!! The Brazilian version of the manual contains like 2 pages of actual content on the motherboard
">you have to pick an objectively worse card just because you weren't lucky enough to get the better one instead.

But that isn't a new thing.  Just watch kripp, he is never lucky and faces people with crazy decks where his deck can't win against that and still gets good records in arena."
"Excited to see what the Tits look like now! Gimme something sexy, Super Marioto!"
"These are desperate *human* beings, and you're advocating killing them because they took to hiding in someone's tree?

What's wrong with you?"
"I think unflexed is better because flexing just adds another variable on top of posture, lighting, camera angle, etc. 

Why not both though?"
"So it seems like I'm way ahead of schedule to be replacing a cassette or the chain. Do you think I'm just beating the hell out of this thing and riding in the same gears too often, or maybe it was just crappy components on the original? The shifting is pretty clean so I'm not sure it's the cables, the only time I can hear the chain is if I start to stretch it a little bit (front cogs low and rear cassette up at higher.  I never ride in those stretched gears, just sometimes I might pass by them when I'm shifting and only hear it then.

Either way thanks for responding."
I feel like it's the nose. It feels like a man-nose.
But don't you then have to predict three wins correctly?
The size of those paws...
Could I have a more specific path to where this obb-folder is supposed to be?
Yes exactly the response im referring to.
I didn't realize going to McDonald's was such a big deal
There is a best offer button right there on the page.
"Couldn't this be partly to account for the short shelf life of a whole warehouse full of flowers, I imagine you have to restock frequently"
"Depending not on your budget, the Seiko SKX007 is about $150 if you shop around and you can find an Omega Speedmaster for $2300 by buying vintage. If money is no object, check out the Rolex GMT Master ""Batman"" at about $8500

All three are extremely versatile and stylish. Here are some links to some used market examples.
I thought so but some people prefer the herakles coils. Hell some people say the arctic nickel coils are better than both. And yes all the Atlantis style coils will work in any of them except the ones that use the coil to marry the top and bottom. Those can't take some of the coils like the herakles ones because they aren't threaded at the top.
"It is not possible for anyone to testify that he ""was not there"".  The mosque is very large.  But, he could parade 80 witness through the court all saying that they did not see his at the mosque.

Well, maybe he needed to be seen, but we have no one claiming that they actually saw him....strange."


The Global Elite

200 hours

I'm god at pistol rounds. (never lose pistol round in my 200 hours competitive game)

"Not really, but no one thought Sheamus would win Money in the Bank. Shit happens you have to be prepared. "
Do we still get 2 extra points?
">1) don't have an anxiety disorder. 

No problem. I'll just turn it off like a switch. "
"It could be syndicated somehow, they could make deals to provide it to daycares or schools. Do not doubt HBO's ability to turn a profit."
"Bought the very last one off newegg😎 also bought a corsair h100i water cooler for $50 yesterday "
"If you take into account the butterfly effect, your masturbation was the cause of the death."
"Can't we all just agree that nothing can ever fail unless it liquefies?  

"You've got to PAY if you want to Pray. So till you get mo money, sorry, you can't stay. That's the Christian way."
Rights to Elite are owned by Braben and not by FD.
"I celebrated with milk before you mentioned this, but now it feels awesome to have done it"
"Usually I apply my liner, and then go over top of it using a dense eyeshadow brush and some brown shadow. This smudges the line with the shadow and creates a softer overall look! "
Make sure that your toolbox is the last item put on the moving truck or preferably taken with you; and it is the first thing off the truck. I have helped some friends move and had to assemble something and they had no idea where any tools were.
I think it is one ... just a feeling
"I can't speak about being high on drugs, but I had one of the funniest games when I was ""high"" because of sleep deprivation, I won so hard as Axe and I forgot nearly instantly what I just did as soon as it weird yet so fun."
"The giveaway is op talking about his brother trying to turn his life around. He did that shit. Doesn't make him a monster, but I doubt he was wrongly convicted. "
"Yeah, the crest is clearly different than what we see in DS2. I'm thinking either we find the shield before it had the Drangleic Crest on it, or we find it long after when the crest has been replaced. 

So in a sense it would still be the Drangleic Shield, but not in the way you mean. "
"Nah it's Ghorn. 
I want him to be a fittit mod for a week.
"That's the CND figure, so hardly an independent estimate. It's also over the lifetime of the programme (50 years) and includes all the support costs such as command and control, crew wages and pensions, through life refits and disposal costs for the warheads and core etc. Therefore even the hard core anti nuclear weapon crowd's highest estimate thinks it costs £2bn per year for Trident. What would it cost us to maintain sufficient conventional forces to achieve the same deterrent effect? I'd suggest rather more."
I think i'll go for the R
Thank you :D
Bring on your faux-outrage
"some Protection was activated, The Pilot Window Protective Bars fallen down, so that Angeliga has to see from the co-pilot window outside to see, why the Alarm is still ringing. You see her Eyes for a second reading the Console Alarm, while checking the Pilot. If this would be some Star Trek Universe, some force field would activate 

Or you mean the first seconds? 
What is your definition of happily ever after and I think demographics play a part in this answer.
"Drake is one of my favorite artists, definitely check out his most recent album and Take Care. "
Many countries with otherwise terrible healthcare systems do this. It doesn't mean the average Cuban has access to the same quality of treatment.
༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º(  ͡°  ͜ʖ  ͡°)ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽
Really bad payout for all that effort.
"Explain like I'm 5. Not 5th year medical school. "
...and couldn't come close to covering the U.S. national debt much less the world's.
"""Still Kicking Award"""
Lol. *Woosh.*
"I, too, enjoy fucking threads"
"I was hoping to do this so I made a $1,000 good faith payment to them to loosen them up (I would have made it anyway, I've got to pay the debt eventually)

I specifically asked her if this was the only route and she confirmed with me that since this is a federal student loan, these are the only routes I can go. Does this mean that there is something I don't know about one of these programs? That's what I'm hoping someone here can fill me in on. "
"You ever try thinking about nothing? It doesn't work like that. You're always thinking about something. When you think of nothing you're just thinking of what thinking about nothing is like. It's just like trying to not think about a pink elephant "
Like who?
Steak fingers? So fajitas basically
"All rockets do the same damage. Clusters and wolfpacks add extra damage. Wolfpacks added significantly more so unless they completely get rid of wolfpacks, it will still do the most single target damage"
"UMD is great lol. Not my dream school, but I've been very happy here. "
A better story than the Giants beating the unbeatable Patriots? Nah.
The piss poor photo modifications really do it for me on this one.
"So, you also talked about streaming and photoshop.  If you have any inclination, this build does multitasking better because of the hyperthreading CPU, you just cant overclock it.  Same deal with the 980ti though, just buy another one and drop it in with some fans for the side vents when you get the cash.

[PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant](

**CPU** | [Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor]( | $242.99 @ SuperBiiz 
**Motherboard** | [Asus Z97-E ATX LGA1150 Motherboard]( | $99.99 @ SuperBiiz 
**Memory** | [\*G.Skill Value 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory]( | $74.99 @ Newegg 
**Storage** | [\*Hitachi Ultrastar 1TB 3.5"" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | $45.67 @ Amazon 
**Video Card** | [MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB Video Card]( | $649.98 @ NCIX US 
**Case** | [Corsair 400R ATX Mid Tower Case]( | $84.98 @ Amazon 
**Power Supply** | [EVGA 850W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply]( | $69.99 @ NCIX US 
 | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
 | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1308.59
 | Mail-in rebates | -$40.00
 | **Total** | **$1268.59**
 | \*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria |
 | Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2015-08-14 18:23 EDT-0400 |"
"Doesn't matter. Misogyny is now any feelings towards a woman that aren't solemn reverence.

They're changing it since too many men who don't hate women are getting away with misogyny."
"People should do research before they go to the country and use their currency, I agree with you. I still feel bad for a lot of these people though because I know what it feels like to check money - even being really familiar with US currency it still sucks to have to check in front of the customer. I know I have every right to check and want to protect myself, but sometimes the customer says something (99% the money is legit) and try to make me feel uncomfortable for ""not trusting"" them. Not a good reason to not check a bill, but a big reason why a foreigner would feel especially obligated to act trusting and not check so well just to be friendly."
Unhandled! exception Unhandled!
Yeah I'll be moving in a couple weeks
Fucking iWidget in the tweak iWidgets PackS2. You can just look it up on Cydia and it's there.
"If you're too worried to enjoy sex then you should take action to make you able to enjoy it. There are tons of barrier methods you could try (diaphragm, cap, condoms) in addition to the pills or, maybe talk to your dr about doubling up with an implant? I know the pill is super effective, but that's always an option if you're really scared. "
The system that is in place working precisely as intended.
I can die happy
It's going to be OP as fuck.... And the new beasts that just got revealed made it even better!
"I'm ok with master skins not changing the character that much, as long as the colour variations are different than the base skin.

Tyrael's master skin is so good because it added some details and completely different colour schemes.

Johanna's master skin however adds some details but the same colours, which doesn't appeal to me because I want there to be an instant distinction between the base and master skins.

EDIT: Prime example for a bad master skin imo would probably be Falstad instead of Johanna."
Pikachu, Sonic
Mega Man
Luigi, Toon Link
Greninja, Jigglypuff, Charizard
Splatoon 3-pack
"Yeah they won't try it or do it incorrectly. I've met PLENTY of those people. They also have a lot of false information regarding it. You wouldn't believe how many people think they can get ketoacidosis from it. That guy posting in this thread is one example. It's just a losing battle most of the time, the medical establishment has brainwashed everyone about it. I would say about 2/3rds of diabetics I meet literally believe that they can die from ketosis and it's incredibly dangerous."
Oh no!  I wouldn't do that. She's 5 months old. :)
They were stalling. They were waiting for Goku and Geets.
My vote goes for 3 on this one :)
"I agree with UberPsyko, at least episode 3. 

I once tried to write a review of Madoka but ended up with the problem that you actually shouldn't know anything about the show while watching it for the first time ... so I cannot tell you why I like Madoka so much but there are reasons why its one of mine and [/r/anime]('s favorite anime. "
"This submission has been automatically removed because you did not include a question mark (""?"") in your title. Reddit does not allow post titles to be edited, so if you would like, you can post the question again.  Please write your title in proper question format, and include a question mark, thank you.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
Why didn't u keep it?
"Just for weight, overall size purposes.  Even the 308 in 18 would be cool, probably a much better option."
"i dident expect you to actually see this ~~see! i told you he has time!~~ :P

>For /u/Ozbal42, thanks so much for calling me awesome!


i actually have never read any of your writing...^^^^sry mostly because im shit at writing and dont like to read other people stuff as it makes me sad, but ill check your stuff out if you link me

>And as for flairs, I wholly appreciate mine, that goes without saying. As faux says (and dropping modesty slightly on my end), flairs are earned, not granted, so if you do good by the community, you will definitely receive one in due time!

wise words

>Thanks again, to both of you, for the very kind words. I'll continue to live up to your expectations because it is the least I can do for the niceties you have shown me this day. :)


question, is chuunibyou your favorite anime? and if you have the time, convince me to watch it"
"While it would be very interesting and would add a lot to the game, I don't think the previous game engines could handle it very well, let alone the consoles. I think the PC version of Fallout 4 will be able to handle mods that add a lot of creatures like that better than previous versions. "
"""I play osrs because of its non-easy and afk XPrates like RS3!""
What a joke. Gz Lynx though."
"I'm curious why this wasn't a PM or a comment on the original post, to be quite honest."
"It's nice to see a local station cover this. If you were part of the team that created the website, you could contact the local media about the project and perhaps get a nice local pages story about it. That's a different audience (we need this) than reads the politics section. "
"Damn right, people really need to draw more of Garnet."
"I think he ended up paying for it when he got caught anyway, so yeah he could afford it. He was just a dick."
I'm looking forward to my postman complaining about the weight of the parcel.
"> The saliva of the dog IS considered impure

The Maliki madhab does not consider it impure.

And yeah: 

>Do not give or imply any rulings. You can refer to and cite other rulings given by scholars.
"Um...whats the need to report? Wouldnt a block chat work better? Honestly i find the macros more offensive. Feel like im playing with bots half the time. "
"Just create an account (it takes like 2 minutes), go to a page that doesn't exist yet like [this](, create it and write it up. Just copy the wikitext from existing pages to make it look neat and formatted, that's what I did anyway"
"No, no, I totally get it. I would never bash him on his art, in fact I defended him on Facebook against people like that. I'm just a fan that fell in love with his early works and want so badly to experience something fresh in that style again.

I produce music myself and I completely understand where he's coming from, but that doesn't change my selfish self from wanting him to make the music I miss from him. Like I said I still enjoy his new stuff, it just doesn't scratch that itch I have for his classic sound."
"Cero miedo "
"I'm not.  I'm actually atheist, which may seem at odds with being a Buddha and all, but it's really not.  There are a ton of questions that science just will never be equipped to answer that are still worth trying to figure out.  Being able to properly address these questions (while accepting ones' own limitation in these regards) is an important part of being alive.  

A lot of people in this sub seem to think these questions themselves are bad because they are typically associated with religion, which is understandable but terribly misguided.  Notice how the Dogmatic Atheists have downvoted my original post out of what appears to be a knee-jerk response of Christian/Islamist/Whatever proportions.  It's outstanding irony only capable of being generated by the misguided self-righteous.

And now these people know what it's like to defend a religion, though they don't know they know it."
"Except that Caesar can control how the Legion feels seeing as he, oh I don't know, CREATED THE LEGION AND ITS CULTURE."
"Oh.  Thank you.  I was confused but now I'm a little sad and uncomfortable.  "
"I have a mossberg 500.  Can anyone tell me how the 590 compares to my 500?

Would a 590 be an upgrade to my 500?"
"Yes! That's what I thought it was! "
Maple syrup is supposed to be thick.
Humans kill monsters and marshmellows.
"> I have seen them do this with other products too but at the time Elektron had a 20% off deal and Guitar Center had sent me a 15% off coupon and they let me get it with both deals applied.


oh man is that a great deal. of the two elektron machines i bought brand new, i bought both through guitar center with a 15% discount. i never thought they'd stack discounts like that."
Thank you for listening! Wow that's a nice ass and a perfect pussy. Just begging to be licked!
"I think I'm unsure because my sexuality is just confusing by nature. If I had a more normal sexuality I wouldn't be confused. "
"In the US, we spend almost every year after 5th grade remembering slavery. Hell, we have a whole fucking month dedicated to remembering slavery and the black struggle. "
"By your logic, you are as much.. no, far more, of a dirtbag than he is then.

How much have you done for those in need compared to him. I'll bet its a safe bet it is exponentially less, by many factors... which makes you exponentially more, by many factors, a far worse person.

Go take your holier than thou attitude and shove it."
my joke: very similar to the ceiling in your home office
I think RGIII could be quite competent in the right situation.
"Hear that Stars? Sign me up. "
Reddit admins making videos these days?
He misplaced the ball more than he gets bullied off it.
"touche on the use of ""cachet"""
Toss up with Hillary Clinton
Obama listens to mos def.
"Sorry about your depression.  It sure seems legit.

Could you look for a similar living situation with non- or ex-mos?"
/r/amarequest the rock he missed
Love the monitor bruh. Was it expensive? And what wifi adapter you use? Does it work on windows 10?
"Schwarber, Kyle"
"The Panda I was driving self destructed when it was only 7 years old. "
"By all means keep doing it but I'm going to sit over here, holding my hamstrings..."
"Or I could be smart enough to know that being high is different for everyone. Or the fact that being high is relative to how much you smoke or what you smoke or how you smoke it. But, whatever. I'm sure you know better than myself about how I play when I'm high."
"Wait, there's a place where I can voice my opinionated exasperation about local events???  I need to do more research into this marvel of modern -- Oh Shiny!"
"If THAT post gets taken down and people want the pics, just pm me and I will be happy to :) "
At the end of my playthrough everyone will be dead.
"SoJ into Muster + Hero Power
Next round if anyone's left
QM + Secret activate
Ori and the Blind Forest for the Talos Principle?
"It was okay. I chuckled, but it could've been better.

Burgie should've just been an actual burger with googly eyes and a smiley face, who doesn't speak, but everybody responds as though he does. Also, Arin needs to chill the fuck out. Sitcom dads are supposed to be incompetent, but that doesn't mean he needed to act like he was 4. Suzy was great, by which I mean she didn't try too hard to be funny and there was no cringe coming from her. Dan was awesome as always, and him being the teenage emo son and having him with hot dog Kevin was fucking genius.

Overall, Oscar-worthy by Game Grumps standards."
"A good pair of blue jeans that fit, a nice belt, and either a t-shirt or a solid color button up. It's a nice, solid outfit that looks good on almost everybody.

As for general tips:

1. Know your size- A lot of guys buy clothes that are too big because they think that fitted clothes are uncomfortable when this is not the case. If you know what your clothing sizes are, like most adult men should, then you can go into most any clothing store and find some nice fitted clothing.

2. Know your body type- A lot of bulkier guys do not like wearing fitted clothing because they feel self-conscious about how it will make them look. If you need advice on that, look towards the bulkier football players in the NFL or the actor that plays Cameron from Modern Family. A bulkier guy can look REALLY good in a nice suit that fits him.

3. Try some color- Personally, I like to wear some basic blue Levi jeans with a basic, solid colored t-shirt. It's my basic go to look that can be nice and casual, or if I throw on a long sleeve button up over it I have a nice bit of colorful flair to a semi-formal look."
"[](/what) YOU DO THAT TOO?! I have a doctors appointment about that on Monday "
I really enjoy it
"I don't think we are any different from anything else that exists in the world apart from our sentience, and I don't think our creation is uniquely divine where the creation of a planet or a tree or a hydrogen atom is not. Inside the universe, in the world we can observe, everything has a natural cause. To deny that would be idiotic. I'm not arguing for a God that shapes man out of clay and breathes life into him, but an idea of God that explains why there is something rather than nothing. The universe exists, and something likely caused the universe to exist, and if that something wasn't God, then something caused that, etc. etc. but why is there an order that allows ""existence"" to be possible at all? Maybe there is a causal loop or something, but no matter what it is, from my perspective, the only conclusion is that, on some level beyond the universe, causality as we understand it does not exist. Once you get down to that realization, all bets are off as to what ""natural causes"" even are.

And as for the nature of God, I don't think it necessarily has to be like that. God could be an organizing principle and not a being at all, for instance. The idea of God as a cosmic Santa Claus is unsettling, but that's far from the only alternative to a purposeless universe."
i get it .... coming
"What is more important than the sanctity of life? And by pro life I mean anti wat and pro social welfare as well. "
"is it weird that I actually really like this despite being white? "
Congrats on the job!! :)
"Thanks :) "
This is a very unique goal. The two touches before the goal strike were from both of the goalkeepers. I wonder if this has ever happened before?
"When you are 300px away from the location of your absolute coordinates, just like you are when enchanting bolts, both absolute coordinate and relative coordinates are going to do the same thing."
you look like Ron Weasley and Joffrey Baratheon botched a fusion dance
">Feel free to make one ;)

It definitely influenced how I raised my own daughter.
That's because the movie was entirely designed for kids. Kids love it and love buying the toys.
Of course not. Link left the team
"The Twitter links are spam-filtered by "
Why aren't you Eiffel Towering?
"Well technically at the time there was no source, but you really should have at least checked with me or chosen maybe a neutral tag. Once you slammed me, it was open season for the attack dogs because they knew the moderator was on their side.

"Sort of but the other way around--I feel I'm able to be myself around my SO but I'm all shy and quiet at work, in class, with SO's friends, (unless I'm with loud people and then I feel free to be the same) and it really bugs me. It's because I'm trying to figure out how I need to act to get acceptance/be liked in those situations and I get so far in my head I just kinda stay quiet. 

But in your situation, have you always felt like this with him? Have you found that being less inhibited around him leads to difficulty in the relationship?"
"I honestly hope I didn't offend you. I was simply trying to point of the ridiculousness of people being so hilariously ""anti-sjw"" by adding any possible reason people use to call you one (I'm kicking myself for forgetting gay). Someone earlier (I don't know if the post was deleted or not) claimed that if one didn't like this picture it must be because of all the reasons I listed in the post of mine above. I was sort of indirectly responding to that."
"My dad was in the NAVY, so i'm cutting a heart out of his NAVY blues and sewing it inside my dress above my heart. :) It gives me the ""something blue"" and is something very personal to my life growing up as my dad was always gone. :)"
"Looks like buying one of the new Moto X's isn't looking like a great option anymore. "
I might be ;)
"From now on, anyone who asks ""WHY DO YOU TERRIBLE PEOPLE DOWNVOTE?"" should be directed to this post. This--THIS--is why we downvote. Ugh."
Oh I know that is right... I just mean everyone keeps saying Vanessa has lost her mind and is delusional but Austin is starting to make shit up that makes him look like the better person
"Yup. I stayed and battened down the hatches cause I knew it would be a shit show on the road.  My office had people stuck out there for so long they just walked home and left their cars there to pick up later at an impound. The most recent heavy rains turned my entire area into a god damn lake with whatever the fuck that comes out of the sewers these days everywhere.  Since all the electricity went out and the city refused to put up rain gauge warnings for my neighborhood, I sat out in the rain with some LEDs warning people off. Couple of idiots disregarded my warnings and drove on anyways only to have their cars ruined instantly with water damage. 

Make no mistake, Houston is completely ill-prepared for any sort of major disaster at this point and even more so with the city infrastructure in need of desperate repair. All they do is keep building out more toll roads and spreading the fucking city out into Katy, Bridgeland/Cypress and whatever is out past that fuckfest 99 toll road area is.  With road systems in need of desperate repairs but critical funding shortfalls, evacuation will only become more hazardous.  Add in the aging waterways and power systems you have all the signs of a city that can get knocked out by a major environmental event fairly quickly.  "
"Yeah that is a good point as it highlights that his argument makes sense because it's assumed most people consider sex rather integral to marriage (at least in the modern West). To people where sex is less important his sex specific comments make less sense but I think to the majority that's pretty accurate. 
"Mmm, that's some nice soil."
Yep i just got mine in the mail but there is no one to vote for in my riding yet apparently.
The lead singer of Have Heart is now a history teacher at my old high school.
"If BR switches to tickets I'll probably quit. Honestly, I bought this game pretty much solely for Battle Royales and I play a bit more than 10 games every day."
I want the Rams back.
You being correct doesn't make FookYu315's statement wrong.
"I have tunnel vision and you're looking through the other end.  Stop acting exalted and stop operating under the assumption that police are always right, there's a serious problem with police procedure at this point in America, look at how many people police in America kill vs other countries.
The option I present means some people get away, much as they often do regardless of pursuit, the other option seems to put more people at risk.  What reason does a person have to drive extremely recklessly if they're not being pursued by police?  It seems like police pursuit creates the reckless driving."
"I'll take it if you really don't want it, but I've seen people contact riot support and get it transferred. "
Yeah I noticed! Also each town seems to have its own layout and industry going on on the map. I think that could be pretty useful visual feedback and give each area on the map a bit more character.
That theory only works in tropical climates.  Imagine eskimos sleeping uncovered.
I don't get it. how is this related to Ultimate Diet 2.0?
"well I am, so it wouldnt surprise me."
Wrong. That would be Mexican's cheese
"Most canadians don't watch baseball. 

Not all Canadian baseball fans are Jays fans. "
"I almost never play patron on my phone, it's not worth the risk since you rope so often."
Not gonna have become my favorite
Gendry isn't intelligent enough to rule though. Who would back him other than people who think they could control him?
"When I would work concerts (set up/break down), I would consistently doze off during the show. At a certain point the noise drowns out everything and it is surprising easy to fall asleep..and then screamo happened. "
"The rebel flag that we all know of was the battle flag of a North Carolina company during the civil war. By the vast majority of people who actually use the flag use it to honor the soldiers in the war because believe it or not most soldiers don't care about the politics, they're just defending their home. 

The flag has, to the majority of southerns, just morphed into a symbol of the south and most southern people don't think of the civil war or slavery or racism, just the things they like about home when they see the flag. 

Believe it or not, being hateful about the south and ignoring the things that are good in it literally does nothing but feed your own ego. It just offends southerns and makes you look like a hateful fool to most other people. 

The south has its faults. Everywhere, has its faults. The cities with the most gang violence and murders aren't southern States. New York City and Chicago both have fairly well known ghettos. Because racism exists everywhere in the USA, some places are just more quiet about it and it isn't part of their stereotype. "
"As others have said, this article is extremely misleading. First, this only applies to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), an on-premise (i.e. internal to a company's network) version of Windows Update that allows IT pros to control and manage updates on a bunch of machines without having to go out and talk to the internet/Windows Update. 

Then, it relies completely on the fact that WSUS servers use unencrypted HTTP by default. If the WSUS server was set up to use SSL, this can't be done. If I had to guess, the defaults are set that way because it's hard to a full on-premise SSL solution, but it's probably well-documented that not changing the defaults is insecure."
Why is this so hard to understand???
I love greta people.
The chips in the king burger advert are in a McDonald's packet
I have a qwilfish nest HA.
[Good jokes mate real funny See u at FUCK YOUJ](
"Singapore would be in my top twenty or so countries. Its a huge outlier of course. 
"I don't hate Chinese people, I just don't want to see something like TI4 finals again "
"Manhattan physically touches The Bronx now. Marble Hill. But it's artificial fill that caused it. And anyway Manhattan is only separated by a river rather than a ""body of water"" so it depends what you mean by ""touching."" Like where OK and TX are separated by the Red River, are they not ""touching"" and ""contiguous""?"
"Aww, yeah there's nothing worse than wanting to sleep and not being able to. I will regret the nap later when I'm up at 4am still wide awake I am sure. I hope you get some sleep soon :)"
"max q. cinderhulk and rylais, lucidity or sorc shoes. usually tank and maybe abyssal but full ap elise actually isnt that good"
You have to be a special kind of psycho to rationalize that everything you've done wrong is the victim's fault.
G*nocide is one of my trigger words. That's so offensive!
"Peles was on my list, I've seen some pictures of the woodwork and craftsmanship inside the castle and it looks amazing!"
"Not even the slightest problem compared to Zulrah / splashing / nmz.. More so zulrah for the economy. 9/11 times the GP isn't pumped 'from thin air' .. it's things botted, sold to players then the gp sold to people, so a lot of it brings no extra gp in to the game. "
"Some of my favorites right there. Dawes is great. "
"I got to agree, this sub is too obsessed with mark."
Hell no
I always thought it was obvious that it was Chloe who touched Max.
"YES. I forgot there were fights tonight. 

"One note on double-dipping: if you take Ultimate Evolution (where you clone another hero), you stop soaking XP in the location where you were.

This is because your body disappears from the pre-UE location, and you create a new Hero at someone elses location.

UE is mostly a teamfight Ult, with some push potential if you have an advantage and clone someone like Sylv or Gaz or Zag).

Also! The UE-body-removing part means no double-dipping XP, *but* it does mean that UE doubles as an escape if your Z-burrow is on cooldown."
Get some sick gainz to fill your pants up again!
"Sonic the Fighters is actually okay for what it is, being based on the FV engine."
"$300 was my limit, and since I no longer had a phone I couldn't wait through that dreaded invite system."
"OP asked a question, I answered. Hahaha what's wrong with *you*, man?"
"I agree it looks cool, just doesn't seem as powerful as other Heavies atm.  But time will tell."
2 IDs for 100 means your ID + duplicate.
4IDs for 50 is two separate IDs and two duplicates(one for each)

But verify that on /r/Idg0d"
"All true, the only thing holding me back is the contract. I feel like they can't keep the caps once the Google roll out starts, so I'm banking on them scrubbing the current system in order to retain customers. Who knows with them though, they're liable to increase prices and lower bandwidth allotment considering past behavior.

Fregate orpheon's transformation. I wish this stage was in sm4sh.
"I think so. Slayer's biggest weakness when soloing is that you have no real good trash mob clear, so what this does is it lets you spam blood harvest and spam your mines while kiting around.

Btw an unmentioned part about the Blood Harvest trait is that if an enemy dies with it on him the next Blood Harvest cast in the next 6 seconds is free. So you get to spam Blood Harvest all you want."
"I've hade a lot of problems with my front-calves (?) when I wanted to pick up my pace. I went to a running-lab and a physiotherapist who basically told me it was due to my overpronation and that my calves had to compensate a lot for just staying up straight.

I've gotten four excersices that I'm doing every second day to strengthen those muscles and then I'll get some proper pronationshoes and slowly start running again.

Worth nothing is that taking a brake actually does more harm than good as it will weaken the already weak muscles even further. 

Another student-advice she gave me was to roll my calves with one of these :) works wonders!"
"Here's a graph of how much I want this to happen:

A lot|--------------------------------------------------------

Not so much|"
"Only elite packs+Champ packs, past like 94 I usually just do elite packs."
"Exactly.  Just match the harness with the adapter. "
What do they do?
I'm pretty sure that the only province in Canada that has Popeyes chicken is Ontario. Big cities like Vancouver and Montreal don't even have one. There is a zero percent chance of Saskatoon getting a Popeyes even though I'd like it to happen.
"Food "
"yeah, I did! I'm super busy at the moment but will be posting them in the near future as I develop them...I ended up hiking Agung and Abang (by Batur) on Bali, then went across to Lombok and did Rinjani, then took a boat across to Komodo (brief hikes on Satonda, Rinca, and Komodo and couple others) and then Flores briefly (Kelimutu is minddddblowwwwing).... stay tuned, hope you enjoy the pics :-D"
"This was very helpful, thank you! Real examples are so much more helpful to me in learning this sort of thing than theory or stock letters."
Pick me pls
Me too :D
I bought it for Persona then realize I could get all the PSP games I missed and then it just became my main system for school.
"The only person you can save from Tranquility lane is your own father. Everyone else is killed. 
"They have a lot of space to build, they could move perimeter road, use the area near the marina, also they're planning on tearing down the dorms and moving their offices out of the park. They have recently bought land off the peninsula. Also when the time comes, they can remove and replace older rides. Having limited space forces you to be more creative, which is a good thing."
"Me personally, like an 8 or 9 but those who dislike it seem to be quite outspoken. I enjoyed the hell out of the series though. Quite entertaining which is what I look forward in TV and movies. Doesn't need the most solid story, all the characters don't have to be perfect etc etc I just want to be entertained. "
"Can't un-ring *that* bell. Learn from this one, fellas."
I know that Cocker well! Nowadays if he were in the ring he'd be a lot closer to a Field Spaniel.
So each suspect is worth $250 million?
"Wow, civilians who supported a communist government were hostile to invading soldiers, who supporting a client government? Who'd of thunk it?"
It's a shame the artist just left the placeholder of a silhouette and question mark and didn't finish adding in the last poker player
"He had the most all time with 6 homers on his birthday.  Trout already has 3, holy shit."
"I just leave it there. I'm usually making a few batches. "
Alright now lets see who fights this week
"It's a good piece of work, you write well. It's not to my taste but it's good."
I am a student heading into college soon and just got my first summer job. I want to treat myself and get my first real watch up to $300 MAX. Please provide any other suggestions for someone my age with an average sized wrist. Thank you!
I would play some number of both languish and crux. But languish is too good to not be playing right now.
gr8 news 8/8 m8.
"I'm 99% sure we are fighting his avatar
"To other users posting on this thread (and **not** to the submitter of this particular thread): offering on price check and question threads is not allowed. Failure to abide by this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban.

Sharking is not tolerated here, and any attempt made *will* result in a permanent ban.

[Please refer to our subreddit's rules as well if you have any doubts.](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"I am really tired of painfully farming games in order to unlock expensive 6 cards only booster packs of an expansion which isn't even complete, on a game which is fond of disconnecting myself every time I win a game. And that's when I can connect to the servers in the first place when I start the game. There are other, better ways of playing magic, whether it be on a computer or not, whether it is charged or free."
"Good luck with your produce!  The stuff sold at Haymarket is thirds -- its what restaurants and supermarkets rejected.  Go find a farmers market, they're everywhere, and plenty of farmers still sell their produce for a fair price."
"It has become clear, look at me, that OP has answered his own question in his own post, which wasn't really written too well to begin with and confused people, then he got mad at them look at me!"
Aw yeah.
"When my light is on it means it's time for an oil change. "
Yeah it's my favorite sign too
Haha yeah
"I beg to differ...Bills and debt are very depressing. Having the money to get me out of that situation would make me very happy. "
"Pretty much. If he had told me before I got married I wouldn't be nowhere near as mad as I was. But he waited until we were married. Now I have to go through a divorce that will probably get ugly. If he told me before we got married, I could've just dumped her and moved on with my life."
"So I watched the Dataline video, and it's definitely awesome software. Is there anything else he didn't demo? I don't own any Elektron gear so I haven't had the pleasure of using OB. "
"I hope they do different settings and worlds. I'm a bit worn out of the dark souls setting, i much prefer demon's souls and bloodborne with their settings.
What I really hope they do though is a setting that takes place with the player in a scifi one that's so far in future it is medieval like, they wake up on a huge spaceship and they have to explore it. It could have a nexus hub area and be just like the other souls games but with a futuristic setting combined with dark medieval aesthetic on the ship"
Crush his last hoe!
"Some time ago in /r/poker.

EDIT: I've seen some shit, let me tell you..."
"Hahaha my squat was always good relative to my other lifts, but my legs are forever small."
"Okay, I'm sorry, I got:  

- big AE system  
- automatic Ore gaining and processing  
- automatic enderpearl/dimlet farm  
- automatic food producing  
- 2 big reactors with 3 turbines each  
- full set of darksteel armor  
- manyullyn pickaxe  

"yeah that's just 27 days of point

I hardly even play on warmane at all and I have 90 something VP. I def wouldn't trade my 60 on primal for that. if it had a character with BiS pvp gear then I would lmao."
"Yeah same here matey, Cheers for the offer though she's already taken all of mine :P"

Adapting>Andinster. Adapting is just the cyclonespin of jungle andinster is no match for adapting"
Get a good lawyer to assure this all happens the way you want it to.
"> last i checked the palestinians were the ones who declared war on israel when they got their own country.

that is fantasy... Palestinians never had their ""own"" country.. The region was called Palestine, and Israel is a made up country, gift from the western world who wanted to get rid of the jews in the first place, type of Zionist cancer from the beginning, because it got hijacked by the Zionists.... Those are the terrorists in the Middle East."
I PMed it
Can confirm: c-c-c-combo at McDonald's
Criminal girls invite only right now (but I suspect superbeat xonic will be my goty) but rigbt nkw cri inal girls caught me off guard and I had loads of fun. I really hole we get sequel. But the first one was awesome. I played it so much the first week
"They live through this day in and day out, for two decades before they are voting as a political and economic system is, in Marxist thought, Communism is the damage his autos do in the area of generating new ideas for commodities and consumer goods. As to free loaders... not a problem when I've played the matchup. I feel no hatred for liberals or fascists, much as I might disagree with their lives, completely ignorant between the parallels of the society? There *were* internal and external threats to the much easier maintenance the SKS has over the SVT-40.

 ~ XZeruelX


[^^Info]( ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)"
Son auténticos psicópatas!
"""Guy who is maining adc and shaco"" thank me later"
I want to fish that so bad
"That would have been interesting to those knowledgeable about said items but it holds little interest for a large portion of the electorate. These aren't roundtables for policy discussions. They are, generally, the few times political party leaders square off face to face to distinguish themselves outside of the HoC."
"True, but at what point does two wrongs make it right"
it's irony *and* throny!
Ah OK. Nice tidy build. I have the r5 too (without the window). Love how quiet and customisable it is.
"Yeah, I might be willing to pay 550 after looking at pics. "
"I think you'd be okay with going with a i5-4690k, you may want to upgrade the motherboard though, im not sure the motherboard is compatible "
"Rams will be the toughest competition in the division.  They have the best coach, and potentially best QB of the other division rivals.  And their defense is outstanding.

The only thing that could be bad is the impending move hanging over their heads."
"I don't think I've ever actually masturbated to anything weird. "
"I'm pretty sure that if someone supports their independence, it counts that as relative power to liege. That could be your problem."
Saving money
otg cable?
"Was there one? 

I just came back from the gym, saw that Reddit wasn't working, and browsed YouTube. Then I went back on Reddit, and it was working."
"When I was first getting sober, all I could handle was one day. I still try to live my life that way. If I focus on doing the right thing now, I am comfortable letting tomorrow take care of itself."
"Stand Name: [Flash] (

Stand Ability: [Juggernaut Momentum](

Power - A

Speed - D

Range - A

Durability - A

Precision - D

Potential - A

Description: The power to be a Juggernaut. User becomes/is a Juggernaut, described as a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path. By having this power they are an unstoppable force that crushes anyone or anything they face."
"TIL: feather fronds look like more feathers
TIalsoL: that they're called barbs not fronds"
"*Olivers Mix*
Nonsense - Donnie

All Time - Big Lean ft. King Louie

Still - Mo G & Smoke Dawg

Trip To The 6 - Jimmy Johnson 

Splenda - Ramriddlz

Feel - SAFE

New Preign? [OVO Reps up and I'm from the Way?
]( Actually its Way Up - Sha Hustle

New P-Reign now!

OP on point with the tracklist you can trust him

I'm out for a while, got somewhere to be, good luck OP and may the 6 god be with you all.

I really love the fact that I can listen to this in the car live.

Almost got pulled over checkin the game thread 
"Always be thinking about the teleporters. 90% of the time they're the most important thing to take out if you're playing defense & you can completely ruin a team just by doing that. You just need to be a problem solver really. Find out what's stopping your team, is it a sentry cluster, is it a specific holding spot they can't break through? If things are going well when you're pushing think ahead and go make sure the engis don't have time to set up. Always have the objective in mind when you're playing and you'll see what needs to be done. "
"Physical books, always. There's just something special about books."
"All apologies /u/LandoFreeman but your post has been automatically removed because the artist [was posted too recently](/r/Music/comments/3e2jhi/primus_the_toys_go_winding_down_funk_metal/?ref=search_posts).  Artists whose posts had at least 100 points may not be reposted for a full month.

If this is a new release (less than 2 weeks old), please [message the mods]('s a new release!&message= to have your post reapproved.

If you think this is in error, please [contact the mods](/message/compose?to=/r/music&subject=Post removed in error.&message=  If you're new to the subreddit, please [read the full list of removal reasons](/r/music/wiki/removalreasons).

Don't blame me, I'm just a bot."
"Well I suppose people prefer when submissions are creative. Simply taking a gif and applying a filter over it takes practically zero creative thought. Even if OP took a lot of time to do this, spending time and effort on a submission so dull and generic-looking is kind of a waste. This is likely why people are downvoting. This is the real world, and praising people for simply ""trying"" often causes more harm than it does good."
"gets scored on by a longshot, messages ""get a better net filth""

The common sense is strong in this guy"
Whip it real good!
"Maybe there could be a RecycledELI5 subreddit that explicitly reposts popular topics when they age over 1 year. "
"Wave 15 in a Merlin? Stock or? Cause I cannot imagine how long that would take, the TTK for that hing is soooooooooooooo long, and that's pre-wave 10. I cannot imagine the headache of Alpha's in the Merlin, I would end up trying to kill myself again."
"Yes, it would make sense that it has to do with how jpegs are made. It would be interesting to see it for a .bmp as a comparison."
I was expecting him licking the blood from Ultima Lucha. But that was a sick spot.
"And then you form an llc and start with the tax write offs. "
"Mr. Bones, tear down this wall."
"She laughed and shook her head *no*. It had been a long time since she had gone to a party. Well, a dance party. "
The difference would be that a male eevee is more accessible than a female. It's the difference between 1st distro Pachirisu vs US VGC Pachirisu. From a competitive point of view there is no difference. One is worth more because of it's rarity.
"THANK YOU! No one ever notices that. "
Whats up with black guy miracle? The green one not the money one.
"He doesn't discriminate. He said he'd do male parties. "
It was not even a competition. It was just ...boring.
Did that 88 car run jim wall over?
This is exactly how I feel. My goals in life are no simpler than a wife I love and a decent job doing what I love.

>oppose #253 with 3 ranged

>oppose #251 with 3 ranged

>oppose #252 with 3 infantry

>oppose #246 with 3 infantry"
"I ignored the last part. I see us in the 20-15 ranked defense range. Can't I have my own opinion? "
"that could be a reason. The reason why I am here, ""foreveralone"" has to do with the fact that im not really sociable. I used to do okay when I was in a smaller company. But in a larger cooperation, it an entire different ballgame. People are a lot more into making sure they ""fit in"" properly."
"human greed and stinginess.

[Basically everyone should have it worse than I](

PS: ironically a lot of tims song titles have good titles regarding that situation :D"
"I mean, clearly something's going on here. "
I'd say too many trees for Wheeler
"0.1 per day and 0.3 M per week (max) and that s very unlikely to happen. usually 0.1 or 0.2 per week if a lot of people bought him

Edit: there is no (max 0.3 m per week) rule but it  doesn't happen due to their calculation system"
"As long as we can still shift it around, sure."
"I was at work on my break just browsing the sub. That being said if it references an episode or something that happens it is supposed to be in the title. I honestly thought Arin and Suzy announced a pregnancy or something. "
"Well at the cervix, you don't. It's been a while since I brushed up on my pregnancy stuff, but I think that one just comes out when it's time. You don't need to unplug it, it just comes out before the baby is delivered.

If this mucus plug is in an airway, then we have a vacuum system on the ambulance and in hospitals that look like [this]( (we just see the bucket, the rest of the system is typically hidden unless it's portable)."
"It was in Newcastle, Co.Down."
"Man there was nothing quite like hearing the ""thud thud thud"" of a helicopter while blaring fortunate son to make your heart start pounding.....I miss that game so much.

""poh solshuh....your readers grow risha"""
Used Facebook. It was horrible. Never again.
[I have no scruples.](
"I agree. When I say she's isn't wrong, I mean about me wanting it to go there.

It's tricky. Over time we've not been affectionate so much that it tends to feel awkward and forced now."
"See if you can call an actual retail store and ask if they can transfer you. Usually they have direct numbers "
"I definitely checked, and sadly it is not satire. "
Glad it helped! :]
How useless I think they were. Ignorance is probably bliss.
"I beat the game two times, I have legit copy on PS3 and I pirated it to see how it goes for PC. I can't play on PS3 after seeing how sooth the PC version is, so  for online I decided to go with PC. There is minimal interest for me in SP, I am mostly interested in GTAO.

My question is, will I be able to play GTAO with shitty internet and is it actually worth it (whole experience, in the state that it is assuming my bad internet connection)? I hear a lot of people curse RS and MM so I wasn't sure if it is worth for me to spend the money only on GTAO without knowing for sure.

> I don't think Sony operates their own game servers, at least for PS3 games, so I think you're dealing with R* servers on both, and I think all Social Club servers are owned/operated by R*.

You are correct which is why I booted PS3 to see how it will perform through VPN and I am yet to find some people, I've seen a dude on the tutorial mission and that's about it :(

To simplify, I have super shit internet with high latency will I be able to have fun racing in GTAO or will I end up being frustrated?"
"Iron & Wine's ""Flightless Bird American Mouth"" is a waltz. So is ""Go Places"" by the New Pornographers, and ""Come Away With Me"" by Norah Jones. Ingrid Michaelson's ""Mountain and the Sea"" would make a reasonable swing or quick-ish cha-cha, her ""Parachute"" is a nice quick 4/4 -- rumba or tango would work best, I think -- and her ""The Way I Am"" would be a good rumba. There's also the Magnetic Fields' ""Love is Like a Bottle of Gin"" (foxtrot), and if you're more middle-school-shuffle kind of people, their ""The Book of Love"" is very sweet, and Sarah Harmer's ""Open Window (The Wedding Song)"" is also very romantic."
The site says you can rent the Create A Pro Training Center for events. Can I book the matches too?!

Aight dude. Hope your real-world conversational skills are better than what you've demonstrated."
"All of that foul territory also includes a total of 4 raised mound areas. "
"So get a Steam Link, buy Battlefront and lose some money. Then feel good about never having to worry about something like this again and save half off the console price of the other games you'd otherwise worry about. :)

While at the same time playing them all with"
">September 2008  
Holy s*** I feel old"
I recognise all these names from W70 Max Guild! Grats everyone :)
"Yeah and that's what that woman deserves, if she isn't on the sex offender registry she should be. And saying he should be lucky she didn't get pregnant from her raping him is a horrible thing to say. Would you tell a female rape victim who got pregnant that she's lucky because she gets child support? "
"Na'Vi won the first TI,iG the second,Alliance the third and Newbee the fourth,so basically it goes 1 Western team,1 Eastern team and so on,so this has to be the year of western teams,or rather the year of the western team."
"Yeah, back in 2008. 

""Ya lo dije desde hace años atrás, el único puesto en el que no tengo ningún interés es de ser entrenador de la Selección Mexicana, si me ofrecen de barrendero, a lo mejor me interesa, pero de entrenador de la Selección Mexicana ya no me interesa, fui candidato cuatro veces y ni le pongan porque no voy, así sea el último entrenador del mundo, no voy""


""I already said it years ago, the only job I have no interest in is being the Mexican National team manager, if they offered me to be a sweeper, maybe I'd be interested, but as the manager  I'm no longer interested, four times I was a candidate but stop it right there because I'm not going, even if I'm the last trainer in the world; I'm not going"". 
What did she say?
"Sure this isn't modded Skyrim? "
Chill music like The Dear Hunter and Jack's Mannequin. Nothing helps you forget about the abby sitting in base and the valla trying to 1v5 than some chill music
"Gonna give you a different opinion. You have maxed Merry, so you should be able to run this comp just fine:

Garp + Marco, Coby, Mr. 2, Impact Usopp. Current levels should be fine, that's almost exactly my team.

Or, for the safest Garp run:

Garp + Marco, Alvida, Mirage Tempo Nami, GP Usopp.

Either of the above two can be tweaked, I think there are some variations that will also work (the two Usopps may be more or less interchangeable, Mihawk can probably be swapped in over Coby or Alvida, etc.), but you'd have to do the math."
"That's the traditional Hooferwessen, as is seen in so many European myths.

Also, I'm lying."
Thanks man! It worked
"the air horn in the background was lucha as fuck [](/lucha """")"
"And [this video]( proves it, too. (Skip towards the end; wearing glasses acts the same as sunscreen.)"
"I've checked their steam profiles and they seem to be practicing on Dota 2 "
"lol yeah ok

I said almost exactly what you said about R evolve before.  But either way keep using the downvotea like that, as an ""I disagree"" button."
"For me cigars were not  a problem ..but I might only smoke one once a month or so ...not like cigarettes which were a pack a day thing ...  "
"Tyler Durden "
"He's not some great mystery man. There's not very many types of people that can spend 2 years of time, sex, and date/nights with and not only feel nothing, but feel they're inferior and beneath you. He's either a complete asshole in general, or socially dysfunctional. All he cared about was making sure she didn't over and flip out. That's not even a friend, that's just using someone completely for sex. And yes, I have seen this play out several times in real life and yes these are usually dysfunctional relationships in general. He's obviously lacking in empathy, is self centered, and probably is superficial if he thinks he's going to upgrade to an arbitrary list of goals condensed into a woman. He's too lazy or too damaged to ""upgrade"" but refuses to settle -- which is fine, just don't lead someone on.

"""Yeah, well....I'm a little offended to be honest. I know you're drunk and all but....this was all a little uncalled for. Be more mature about these things, Tawny. I care about you, I was just looking out for you."" *He stands up and bursts out the door in a huff.*"
"Corner crew locked in at Twin Peaks. Right corner, next to fence near VIP.

We in here for G Eazy & K. Dot. "
"Good point. Noted.
"Alien blue as well, and I just noticed this yesterday.  I think your comment score is now hidden within the first half hour of commenting, probably to avoid people voting a certain way based on the comment's karma instead of its content. "
"I told a high school teacher what I make fixing swimming pools, and her face got red with anger. Yeah.. I make more fixing people pools than a 15 year teacher in the public school systems. "
ROFL looks like yesterdays predictions were right. once a western team makes it to the finals everyone hail it as the best TI
"{Katanagatari}, 12 episodes.

Caveat: the episodes are double-length."
"Alright well that there's an input (the usb cable to your laptop is the output!), as far the noise it could be the mic either, I had a C1 and it could produce some buzz. Are you getting buzz on the track after you finish recording or in your headphones as you record? Or both?"
"Oooooh, I like this one"
It's so convenient to give in to your paranoia in order to escape the morale duties of helping people in need
"If you have a 3ds/Ds I would highly recommend devil survivor. Phenomenal story, good characters, and great gameplay (albeit pretty hard)."
"Looks pretty dope. Not a lot of camber and still a little off the ground.

Color is very unusual too, but pretty cool.

Only thing I'd change is the wheels color. "
"Oh right, thanks anyway ^^"
Fucking shit. We are definitely the most injured team so far. Let's hope for a swift recovery.
I wouldn't even be mad if we got Paul Heyman as Shang Tsung
Terlet wine if fine if you have the time!
"This was a voluntary policy projects could adopt, but wasn't a policy being enforces by github on all projects."
"I did. I talked to them for about 30 minutes and they couldn't figure it out. Hence why I'm asking here :(

So if my ROM isn't the cause, nor root, what could be preventing Project Fi from activating? We tried uninstalling/reinstalling the SIM card (and the app) numerous times, along with rebooting each time."
"Hey I just got home from work, would tonight work for you? :]"
"> Most of their projectiles could be dodged or blocked, as well.

[Cap throws his shield a bit faster than anything they have ever shown a reaction to.](

"Definitely intrigued by Southampton and Liverpool "
"The Human player character are from Stormwind, more specificly Elwyn Forest, but the NPC Humans inside Stormwind are from all kingdoms except Stromgarde and Gilneas."
"do you know what this means. we know the vision is from the future so that means Chloe is with us in ep 5 yesssssssssss. this is done deliberately and nobody noticed till now. this is a very important clue guys "
"hahahah so fucking original 

i died ""nothing xdddddd part"" 

Good to hear your day was nice
"filthy casual

edit: note sarcasm. i'm actually glad he has that many hours. awesome to hear. i just hope he's a hunter, you know, master race and all. ;p"
"So we're surprised that a professional performer who stops seeing money will stop performing? 

Oh, that is damn enlightening. "
"Oh, she does, though. In a few head-to-head polls versus other candidates, Clinton does not have a comfortable lead. In a Quinnipiac poll released on July 30th, when asked who they would vote for if the candidates were Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush actually won by 1%. In the same poll, Clinton only has a 1 point lead over Scott Walker head-to-head."
Don't make fun of us just because our ratting isn't good.
"How are you supposed to play the Kassadin into such a tanky team? Kassadin does no damage to them, and Kog had tons of peel, you can't really rift walk in because of leona, and you have elise stun, shen taunt, and lulu ulti zoning you away from going in. It was the champion pick that was bad not how the champion was played. "

Good idea but not the answer i was looking for "
"I'm curious about this, but is McDonald's cheap in USA? Cause over here in Serbia McDonald's expensive as shit (McMenu costs 500 RSD, for that I can get 2x200g and 1x100g proper burger with all the additions)."
"I never expected the Zen fetches in BFZ.  10 fetches in standard? Overkill. If enemy manlands is a thing, I'm sure everyone will be happy, I know I will.  I hope the Zen fetches get a substantial reprint within the next year or so.

As easy as it is to say that running Flooded Strand and Polluted Delta are good enough, in a meta of Blood Moon and Burn, it really isn't.  Only being able to fetch duals WILL cost you games against a pretty sizable chunk of the field, so I can understand why everyone is up in arms, but I feel like it was pretty obvious that they weren't getting a reprint in BFZ."
"And i disagree with your opinion, but i'm not going to complain because we're all entitled to our own opinions.  
(Knuckles seems cool tho, if he doesn't have his laugh as a taunt i'll be disapointed.)"
"We can't get cocky now, there's still way too much baseball left to play."
"i have been finding creatures like this one lately, here is a similar being that doesnt sound anything like Mothman to me ….
New Mothman Sightings in Colorado.
Dammit you beat me to it
"> Inbred

Hearing a NASCAR fan say that is...odd. We're always called that."
"I must've been extremely lucky since I never had a problem with the PC version of SR2. I only crashed 2 or 3 times in about 30 to 35 hours of playtime. "
"Man! that's FU at so many levels. If she doesn't remember the incident, she doesn't remember giving her consent. Let's hope the baby emerges white somehow. "
"Congratulations, that was the correct answer! Please continue the game as soon as possible. You have been PM'd the instructions for continuing the game.

^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot. ^^If ^^I ^^don't ^^work, ^^please [^^PM ^^my ^^master]( ^^or [^^message ^^the ^^moderators.]("
"Hmm... Well I'd guess they're just putting lacquer or enamel in a bottle and calling it ""bike paint"" and tacking on a couple extra dollars. 

Nothing special about bikes that requires a dedicated paint. "
"The angle between two lines is the length of the arc of unit length with center at their intersection and endpoints on the lines themselves.

Wait... how do I measure the arc's length?"
Happiest. Seal. EVAR.
"It should decay to ~25% health, at which it becomes claimable. It would continue decaying until it breaks (would take ~14 days time, so there is a 3.5 day window where it can be claimed). The decay curve could be adjusted so repairs don't have to be done daily to maintain best defensive. Very little to no decay over the first 7 days, linear decay to 0 the last 7 days.

You still would need to invest resources to repair it up when you take it over.

(note this doesn't mean anything at 25% can be claimed, only things that got to 25% through decay)"
Just wanted to give some belated love for the [Scott Pilgrim Video Game]( A great under rated beat'em up!  :)
">But anyways, the whole point of the movie was that the saiyan's durability is real shit if they don't have their guard up

Uh no this would be a weakness exclusive to Goku only since it's his bad habbit"
"I would love to watch the Warriors, except their tickets are so damn expensive. Even playing against the Wolves last year, tix were still close to $100. I can only imagine how much it is when the Cavs or OKC come to town.

But for that price, you watch some of the most exciting basketball and the possibility of seeing things like a 37-point quarter."
"last time tsm played envy on inferno, tsm won, tsm have a good inferno not sure what you or the commentators are on about"
"You can say that Google owes content creators nothing according to how they'd like things to be, but ethically, why is it okay for them to screw over the very people who are the reason they're getting ad revenue in the first place? Google isn't putting time into creating content, they just provide a platform. So in my opinion, creators ARE entitled to a cut. An automated content id system that's been shown to be abusive just isn't okay."
its called Just Like Yesterday (:
Tfw your leisurely night in prison isn't going to be so leisurely.
I may be able to help. What's the charger voltage?
I'm moving from the UK to study at grad school in the us next year and I was hoping for some advice. First of all can someone explain how TAs work? (I've looked it up but don't have much practical advice) also how do your societies work and is it easy to make friends through them? Any other advice would be appreciated!
It's a joke from a popular TF2 youtuber.
The pen is more civil might be a better way of putting it.
I hope it is that simple. LOL thanks
"Hurray you admitted that Nino is a great character!

Also if Leif loses this round I don't think I will ever forgive the sub."
"Sir, do you mind if I log onto askreddit before you do anything else?"
"I wouldn't have guessed either.  I can think of a couple of other porn stars who got boob jobs that are really good--you don't realize it until they lay on their backs and the boobs don't flatten out naturally.  But those must be super expensive because most don't seem to go for that.

Also helps if they don't go for a huge size difference.  Going from a small B to a full D cup--you can't hide the implants no matter what."
"No, you need to install a bootloader. But after you've installed OS X on your hackintosh you could connect your MBP up as an external drive and copy it over with migration assistant."
"Leave it at that I think. Hes obviously completely deluded, no need to engage him further."
"Not even locomotive breath? "
"Why's that, what's his story? New fan here."
"Magic in general is becoming more potent. Remember, Melisandre said that she was more powerful at the Wall, which implies that ice magic and fire magic are two aspects of the same thing. And we don't know what's cause and what's effect for any of it - Others, winter, fire or dragons."
"Wouldn't even be mad, the way the meta is right now and CDEC's/EG's playstyles, even a 15 min stomp would be pretty glorious."
"Or you know, an accomplice confesses..."
"So wait, the weird stalker wasn't interested in the person she was stalking? *says with confusion*

M: Yeah I probably would lol"
How can we send you offers if it's on the market?
Tabs from last time. Thanks to Google Chrome taking up three billion RAMs it takes forever to load too.
Take care of your skin
no thx
"Starting pay is $11/hr. I have gotten a few raises so I make a bit more than that. "
"I'll throw my portfolio into the ring here..."
"Nice pickup, Where'd you buy it from ?"
"You can do both. Just eat more. Try a brisk walk, cycle, or elliptical before switching to running for cardio."
yeah i mean if there ever had been a second chance this would be it..
"I meant 


Should be plenty secure and very easy to remember. "
"Frozen is incredibly overrated.
Chase looks ready for High School
"Sauf que c'est le même mécanisme que dans nos centrales à fission nucléaire (A) et la fusion nucléaire au coeur du soleil (H).

Les armes n'en sont que des applications.

Par ailleurs je trouve ça bien hypocrite sachant que tu partages une vidéo traitant du sujet, enfin.."
"[Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
No Price highlights clip from the game? :(
Seriously. Things like that make me wish I could punch people over the internet.
"I thought it did require the full 500 now since they patched it?

But it actually tracks online mileage now, so it's a lot easier, really. "
"Because I don't live in Mordor. So most people wouldn't get the joke. Also, of the LDS folk I've told the wifi password to, over half didn't know what it was before I told them. "
"For those of us who use real months, unlike you guys out in the colonies. What the bloody hell is ""Fall""
A rail does not imply that you cannot move but that you are limited to your movement on a predetermined path.
"[QuotesFans]( | [Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
"probably not much interest in this, last few events had 500 to 600 posts overall"
"I think it would be wise for you to paper  trade for a minimum of 6 months (preferably a year).  There are so many things you need to learn about your market, you have no idea.  Save some money on your education, stick to paper."
"Hey everyone, see that guy taking the b8? yeah he's a faggot."
My drug.err..habits.
"Following that logic, why not at the male drinking a cup of water that is later used in the production of sperm? Or the same for the female and the egg?"
"I agree. The attacking team lost a clear goal scoring opportunity. But by receiving a penalty, they get it back. This is especially harsh when the foul is committed by the goalie."
Saw them in 2001 near Seattle. It was unreal. The singer just looked so pissed. Everyone in the place fed off of that. Truly a special band.
"Its downvoted because it is a foolish question. Even the people that talk bad about Amazon sy work there for a year or 2 to strengthen your resume. If you are not willing to that then why are you even asking? Its big boy school now, you need to make a decision and go from there instead of looking for someone to make the decision for you."
yupp currently doing one right now. Literally paying to do work. These unpaid internships are often full time as well. pretty much slavery
"Yup, that would be my wife :) Incredibly proud of the step she's taking!"
"Cool, have fun :) "
"No you can't be, you're calling a country backwards that only became backwards after American meddling then getting mad that that backwards country took hostages of the country meddling in their business.  That's called comeuppance and you're an idiot. "
"the100 is the only reason I still play Destiny. Joined in March after playing since Oct and it is the only reason I got into end game activity.  And now I'm a member af a very active, very fun clan.   Find an active group within or try to make an active group.  In the meantime the 'Public' section is still very good. "
"Seems a little bit counter intuitive, but I guess I understand.  "
Find your local restaurant supply store they probably have the 28 oz bottles for about $3.
I just don't think that a mana sink is where I want to be in affinity when I'm trying to run people over as fast and efficiently as possible.
If NK was threatening a parade I'd agree with you.
"I think the bigger question is where did your feet go? Don't beat yourself up, you look amazing!"
NA NIB Silver Mario for Any of yours?
"I think Conor O'neill's does...I saw they were playing the games on the tv's there.

Hey, wait..."
"Well usually the quests would give you directions, like this guy is hanging out in some ruins north east of this town, so you gotta run around the place to find this spot. I did it a lot in oblivion, it was pretty fun."
play the whistle...
"In the butt. Other person, not mine."
"You're throwing a tantrum because it turns out there are more consequences than you realized to being an asshole. *Someone* is being a little baby, that's for sure."
"I feel like I'm really gettin back at the man for getting paid to shit "
"I absolutely love destiny been playing since the day it came out and I'm still not tired of it. I don't get why people complain  every time bungie announces stuff, just enjoy the ride they're giving us "
k numnum
Jail pretty much is that unless it's solitary confinement.
"I dunno, in the movies, some poor guys number comes up almost randomly outta nowhere. Strolling along with mafia buddies to your car, and then joe pesci blows your brains out from the back seat. "
Something something shooters don't win championships Erneh
That guy has that American Psycho thing going on
"I got a chat restriction due to quoting the toxic things players have said. They rallied the other team and made them think I was the one being toxic. So now I dont talk at all. But it doesnt matter because I still recieve false reports. No rewards for me even though Ive been pretty much a normal league user. "
"[Why? - A Sky For Shoeing Horses Under](

and as a bonus, the video is great. Home invasion, Night of the Living Dead kind of vibe"
"El-p DESTROYS the remix. Danny Brown's part is tight too. "
"Yo, Nuka-Cola me bitch."
i hope it's a fucking joke
When you're at the point of cheating I don't think respect for your partner is very important.
"Abathur soak while everyone is focusing the tribute is definitely an easy way to ""rocket them ahead""!"
"Alcohol. "
"I think this role is called: Competitive Call of Duty Player "
If the underwear thing is about have never tried exofficio underwear. It's seriously the best underwear ever made.
"Wow, what a powerful story. Glory to God! 
"You have to understand that it's not easy to set up somebody with somebody else. If she sets you up with someone whose type you're not, that someone will blame HER (not you) for wasting her time, and vice-versa."
"""Do you want a glass of water?""

""... You sound a little hoarse..."""
"Completely wrong, Natalya is on the roster and she is way better."
I can't help but read this thread in a Scottish accent...
"She is saying ""hubby"", which is short for husband"
"I suppress a shudder.

That... boy is the second most distressing thing I have ever seen in my entire life. First being how I once saw a miner literally cough up a piece of his lung.

""Good day to you, m'boy."" 

I tip my imaginary hat. I smile at him. I force myself to look into his eye - only one on each side - and to see the terrified little outcast behind his appearance. The little boy who had carved out a tiny hole in his world for himself. A place to hide. A place of safety and order and regularity. A place where he could even excel and aspire to newfound heights.

""I heard you were the best stable caretaker for a hundred miles around,"" I tell him. This time my smile is genuine. ""People talk about you, you know.""

I lean in conspirationally and speak a little bit more quietly.

""If the Mayor isn't treating you too well, there might very well be a place for you elsewhere, if you are so inclined.""

I lead Black Thunder forward.

""At any rate, I would like you to take care of this horse. It has a very important part to play in the days to come. Could you put it into a good, *visible* stable and take care of it for a while?""
"Tienes razón totalmente socio.

Yo pensaba que la situación era también desesperada para la troika.

Alemania los bancos de la zona euro todo el mundo tiene sus propios problemas el problema está qué cabrón del Mario Draghi le empezó a dar a manivela y a fabricar millones y millones de euros a razón de algo así como 50.000 millones cada mes o una barbaridad así y claro con ese dinero en vez de dárselo a Grecia para que tiene para alante y lo que hacen es dárselo a los bancos con lo cual si Grecia quiebra ya no arrastra los bancos .

Aunqy en teoría  eso tampoco está del todo claro que se vayan a salir así de rositas los bancos el Draghi y su puta madre.

Por lo visto bolsas han abierto en rojo sólo con oír que ya no a lo mejor ya no sangran más a los griegos o sencillamente sólo con la incertidumbre de saber si no se van a poder seguir sangrando ya sean acojonado todos y ha empezado a quitar las fichas del casino como diciendo ostias que los esclavos estos igual ya no trabajamos .

No sé si por ejemplo de tipo muy conocido Gate perdió no sé si fuera 5.000 o 10.000 millones de golpe de una tacada en la noche no sé si fue tras. El referéndum.

Se ha fijado con qué facilidad ganan o pierden estos cabrones dependiendo de si tiene más o menos  perspectivas de tener la red bien llenita de esclavos a los que explotar toda su puñetera vida"
"Apparently it's much cheaper to buy 'real brand' clothes in western countries than in arab countries, so they appreciate that."
"In the mid-80's, I remember these being used a lot at the Dave & Buster's my family visited in Dallas. These were used in some of the most popular machines (Dragon's Lair was a big one). There were big crowds around many games--lots of people casually walking around, watching people play. Part of the enjoyment was also seeing a particularly skilled player get to levels you'd never seen before. I remember being dumbfounded how guys could get past the bouncing anvil levels of Donkey Kong. 

They seem super impractical and silly now, but they were pretty awesome back in the day. "
"It says: As we all know the Windows 10 scandal is bringing lots of new users to Linux.

What Windows10 scandal?"
"The clerk probably stole the code, and would recognize it, haha."
"Sorry, but I had to remove your recent post on /r/dirtykikpals because your title did not comply with our official [guidelines]( 

This is the proper way to format a title: *AGE [R4R] DESCRIPTION*

Here is a TL;DR checklist of what should be in your subject:

**1. Use only M, F, T, and R for tagging gender.**

**2. Use [] around the R4R tag, so it looks like [R4R]. Don't use (), {}, or anything else.**

**3. For multiple ages or letter tags, only use /'s, so it looks like 21/21 [MF4R]. Don't use . , \\ | - : ; ~ or anything else.**

**4. Your age must be included before your [R4R].**

Finally, please make sure you read the rules on the sidebar!

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dirtykikpals) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Hi pleasetakemewithyou, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s)

It is a repost of an already submitted and popular story.

*If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](*"
"Love it! If you are ever in Philly we will have to see our teams play. "
"Saying ""gg"" at the end without ""wp"" is toxic. Enjoy your perma ban."
"Hm..I'm a little torn. But, since I'd rather not have glitter stuck to my butt from farting glitter I'm gonna go with a perfect haired, no period having mermaid."
"Every game i get 2 sec freeze once, is there any known fix?"
"Here's the comment that I submitted to the blog.  It is currently ""awaiting moderation"" so it may or may not find its way there.


In all these discussions about developers you are forgetting about the users.

It may surprise you that Firefox is used not only by developers but also by people that want to view and interact with web sites in ways that are convenient to them.

The reason that I use Firefox -- the ONLY reason -- is because it has several extensions that simplify my online life.  Many of these extensions are no longer actively developed or supported, likely because the people that wrote them did not consider life-long maintenance to be their calling, but they still work and do what I need them to do.

The ongoing changes to Firefox feel like they are motivated by a desire to force the users to use the Web as Mozilla envisions and not as they want or need to.  First we got Australis shoved down our throats and only Classic Theme Restorer managed to somehow mitigate that disaster (by the way, the fact that it is currently the highest rated extension on AMO with a number of daily users approaching half a million, should tell you something), now we have forced signing (but at least I will be able to use the unbranded version) and soon you'll break most of the extensions that still keep me on Firefox by killing XUL.

When that happens, what reason will I have to continue using a browser that does not do what I want it to do?
Moreover, what reason will I have to stick with a browser that insists on repeatedly breaking the way I use it and forcing me to spend time, effort and frustration on retraining myself only to go through the same process again and again?

I used to recommend Firefox to everyone.  Hell, I used to advocate it and actively try to persuade people to switch to it.  I don't do that anymore, and when asked just say ""just use chrome, it works and it's predictable"".
"**3 Stars:** None

**4 Stars:** 3 NE

**5 Stars:** 1 Elimo (A)

**6 Stars:** None

Giftbox: Blue Dragon Dupe (DAMMIT!)


First 3 pulls were Melchio (dupe), Zelnite (dupe) and Homosubi (Dupe AND Oracle). 

Luckily I pulled an Anima 5* Elimo on my final pull! Only my second 7* mitigation unit on this account, now I've got Zeldeus and Elimo!

Not too bad, Elimo was worth the useless dupes but I'm kind of annoyed that my inbox gift was Rubeus ... Ugh what a useless crap of a 7* unit, and I already have one anyway!"
"I second the Moto G. I'm typing this right now on my 2015 one. I opted for the 2gb ram/16 gb hd version, which I would highly recommend. It has yet to feel slow/clunky to me, and is pretty much everything I need."
"Sure but not following through with a platform promise that already has majority support from the public would be idiotic, and I don't see what he would have to gain from not following through. "
"True that. Thanks for letting me know. 
I would do this, but I have to meet minimum spend for AMEX and doesn't work for this :/
Sex!  I'm 27 so yea
"The Russian Orthodox Church leadership seems weak and desperate for a favor.

!@#%!#@# why do I need gas money?!
"I was just showing the ""logic"" I don't know much about linguistics.


Or is Prius a latin second declension masculine word? 😦"
"Oh is it circle jerk time? Gotta adjust my clock "
"What I do is keep the book down, but try to block the rest of my view of the outside."
"Pearl Nuzlocke Update Time!

Finally, the Hearthome gym.  Ghosts galore.  Speaking of ghosts, Alfred the hated Girafarig became one on the way to Fantina.  I feel no remorse.

The duel with Fantina starts off well, but her Mismagius takes out Sally.  Damn.   Luckily, Caesar and Franklin are so ~~over leveled~~ strong that they can deal with Mismagius and Gengar.

Losing Sally means losing my would-be surfer, and Bucky can only slave so many HMs, so I decided to use Wendy!  My level 18 Wooper... She's going to take some grinding.

Quickly evolving Wendy, I surf over to route 218 and catch Squid Kid the Tentacool, so named because he looks like an inkling.  Canalave Gym won't be a problem for Caesar alone, but I want backup fighters for later.  So it's time for more grinding! Yay.

Next time, the Canalave Gym"
Kanye West is not a lesbian.
Cooper will change that this year.
"They added a partial system in one of the exp which caused players ages to join a server (not full), so they removed it until they come up with a better system."
I'm convinced he's a troll.
">That seems like a nice thing to do.

Really? I think it's a really fucked up thing to do.

""Here you go, Patrice. Let's get you in your cage ... that's it. Let me just latch the door securely ... there we are! Okay, in the pram ... got my keys ... let's go!

""Ah, what a lovely day! Oh, there's Mrs. Grason ... morning! Ah, I see you looking at the other birds, Patrice. Yes, that's called 'flying.' See how they flit from tree to roof to telephone line? Quite something isn't it? Oh, to be wild and free and to be able to go wherever the wind takes you, what? Oh, and look -- there's a couple of doves who've mated and built a nest. Oooh ... look! You can see their hatchlings! How adorable!

""Aren't you the lucky one, though, Patrice? To have a nice, safe cage, cuttlefish and birdfeed? And not to have to be out in all this iffy weather and cats and whatnot? Speaking of iffy weather ... looks like rain. Let's get you back inside and your cage hung back up near the window so you can see outside!"""
"No problem thanks for your detailed post. I definitely agree that you need to skip any auto attack talents to pull this off, but it still seems extremely powerful even if it doesn't do a much damage as another build just because of how fast you can do it."
"My take is that the point is to recycle existing materials to make filament. 

Novelty for novelty's sake I imagine as well. I hope it smells like coffee. That would be nice.

I'm also betting it's simply PLA with coffee grounds in addition to corn base as well."
That's actually kinda... sad.
F U C K   Y E A H!!!!
"Don't you think they should add a ceiling to the speed of the first serve (and be considered a foul if it's above the limit )? It would make ATP watchable again. players will be forced to be more technical as opposed of current day players who rely on server power and a half assed effort for the rest of the point

WTA is enjoyable to watch, I swear there is more movement and interesting shots shown by top WTA players as opposed to ATP because first serve is not a game changing tool (at least not consistently)"
How does a screenshot of a banner answer my question?
According to IMDB your first credit was 2012. What drew you to acting and are there any specific things you look for in a script or role?
"It seems to me that modern American Conservatism is mainly a child of the cold war, and defines itself as being the opposite of everything the Soviet Union stood for. USSR was atheist? We will be Christian! USSR had a government run economy? We will have free enterprise! USSR was a threat to US foreign interests? We will promote an aggressive foreign policy to counteract that!

The problem is that all three of those things are in disagreement with each other. Christians preach against greed and violence. Free enterprise proponents dislike both the tax breaks that the church gets and the high cost of foreign wars. And war hawks don't really give a shit about any other higher ideals aside from projecting their power over others.

So now that the USSR is gone, the right wing is looking increasingly incoherent and is desperately trying to construct a reason why its supporters should stick together in spite of their differences. And so far they've done a remarkably good job of selling this bizarre ideology to the faithful, but to an outsider it doesn't seem to make any sense whatsoever.

EDIT: I sure hope my political analysis isn't as bad as my grammar."
"She first got this weird rash maybe two weeks ago on her leg which is pictured. She tried using hydrocortisone and it eased the itching and redness up to some level, but didn't actually heal it at all. Now during last night all these red spots appeared all over her body. Literally everywhere. Do you have any idea what could be causing this reddit? Any help is appreciated. "
Yes you can.
"Delete Facebook, Hit the Gym, Lawyer Up"
"Bunny ears, wide rimmed glasses and aviator sunglasses please kthnx."
Do you know if those leftovers are still accurate?
"This submission has been removed.


## [Rule 5: Asking for medical or injury advice is not allowed](

>If you're sick, hurt, or injured you should be getting help and/or advice somewhere else - preferably from a doctor. While people in Fittit might have similar conditions as you, not a single person will be able to examine you personally or understand your specific situation, and it's very hard to validate credentials over the internet. You should instead find a professional with proper schooling and experience who can examine and treat you in person. General Practitioners might not be the best for sports-related issues, so it is recommended that you find a Sports Medicine doctor or a Physical Therapist.

>Prohibited topics include, but are not limited to: training advice with a known medical condition; training advice specifically involving an injured body part; and ""general experience"" posts asking about other people's experiences with a particular injury.  Posts on these topics are considered requests for medical/injury advice and are not allowed.  Posts seeking training advice that *excludes* an injured body part are allowed.

>If you would like help identifying or correcting a painful movement, consider posting a [form check](  
*If you post a form check and there's something wrong with your form; /r/Fitness can help with that. If your form is perfect, there's something wrong with your body and you need to see a doctor*    

>Wondering if you hurt yourself or just experiencing normal soreness? See [this FAQ entry](
If you want generic ""injury"" advice, please read the [FAQ entry]( on it.   

[/r/Fitness Rules]( | [/r/Fitness Wiki]( | [reddit's rules](/wiki/rules) | [reddit wiki]( | [reddiquette](/wiki/reddiquette)"
Super! Keep it up.
"The regular season actually means something, so no, I am not saying that. Apples and oranges. The guy played a whole quarter of the second preseason game and was getting annihilated. Call it a day and try again next week. Now, he'll probably miss a week if not more of reps."
"""punished"". all i have ever got is a warning out of thousands of games. keep believing in your pussy world view little bitch."
"Sexpenze...or whiskey will do the trick"
Dragons napalm is very orange! Almost Strawberry...  A good mix is a 1:2 apache sunset &  dragons napalm
/u/boardgamerecommender agreen53 -noexpansions
lol i gotta say that one is my favorite so far
"> Now if riot said at this stuff at the start then fair enough you've been warned

They started the ""positive reinforcement"" thing since last year, and this article from back in May already mentions this:"
pics or it didn't happen
"Doing taxes is like taking a shit. I would prefer to take a shit once a day rather than having a bunch of mini turds come out every time I swallow a bite of food. "
"Yea, I've had issues with sarcasm over the internet before. Doesn't translate well for me, especially when I see people who post stuff like this seriously. I guess the ""and white"" bit kinda proves it, but ya never know."
"If you have a bike that you love riding, why buy a new one?  

I ride a Gunnar from approximately 2001 and I absolutely love it.  No need for something new when I can hit close to 40mph on descents on the bad boy.  As long is it is in good mechanical shape, I see no need to upgrade anytime soon. "
sounds like people are out of cbills :p
I thought they use faxes.
"Usually they are given subsidies by the government as an incentive to build and to keep them competitive with fossil fuels. If they had to stand on their own, none would be built.

We've done it in Britain and all it has resulted in is more tax money paid out and higher energy bills.

Wind turbines are a dead technology, what we should be doing is sinking the money into nuclear and solar research instead."
"One of the things you want to do with younger kids is really just let them play what they want and do the crazy stuff they can imagine. They'll like to have a lot of combat, and you don't want it too complicated. I usually find that the best way to play with kids is to focus on there being some kind of simple, completable goal (like retrieve an artifact, or beat the bad guy), and then you want to populate their way with interesting villains for them to defeat (goblins are a great start) and introduce some simple, but solvable puzzles (the bridge is out!). 

Kids aren't really great at role-playing, but they are great at coming up with ways for their characters to kick a lot of ass, and that's really what the focus should be on. You want things to be pretty tightly-paced, and varied. Throw in pirates, or dinosaurs, and use monsters that they'd know and understand before reaching deeper into the Monster Manual. Zombies are an excellent monster type, as are goblins, orcs, yetis, etc. 

You'll also want to get a few pregens ready to go, and you can always cut down the clutter on the character sheets by avoiding telling them everything they need to know about stat blocks and just give them the numbers they'll need to hit things: +5 with the sword, 1d8+3 damage, etc. You'll also want to try to keep the game pretty short. We may love sitting and playing for hours, but the perfect game for kids will mean an adventure that might take maybe an hour to complete. 

As with all things D&D, being able to weave cool effects into your players' tale is the total highlight of being the DM. If a bad guy fails his combat check, or fails to climb a hill, or anything of the sort, describe how comical it looks, or how the characters heroically deflect a pirate's cutlass with his shield. Also allow your players the opportunity to describe how something looks when they do something right: if one of your players kills a goblin, ask them to describe their finishing blow! Use their ideas and improvise. The most memorable parts of the game will be the moments when your players will decide how heroic they look as they march to victory, and you want to reward them for their cleverness."
"Yeah my point is that suffering is never good in and of itself.

What makes you think I'm not sympathetic to the victim? "
"One of the Android blogs put out a story about how games don't render at full resolution anyway. Many just scale up to match your resolution. So in a sense, this wouldn't help any gaming either."
Colecovision - Donkey Kong
"About this, is there a reason his dust (DE) has not been changed? Making the card remove instead of discard is an indirect nerf. I thought all card changes should let us DE the card for the craft cost..."
"I'm getting treated very poorly by an organization that I've worked with a lot in the past. It's amazing how malicious and hateful people can be when you catch them in a huge mistake. Oh well.

In better news, there's a chance I'm going to visit San Francisco soon! I've never been, before, so I'm hoping to get some recommendations from y'all. /u/Teamster, /u/mfarmtown, et al?

Also, I got a much needed haircut yesterday and I'm watching Pokemon World Championships today. Life is silly!

Good luck to ya bud
"Cool. I actually tried the ""just farm and dont pay attenition to teamfights going on"" thing in my last AM game. 20-0-7 were my stats. Only downside is the ""why are we fighting 4v5 fuck am"" flaming."
"When I went to Pax East, I lived on cheese sticks, yogurt, protein bars, bananas and packs of nuts. We hit the convenience store first thing to avoid the mad rush of folks buying everything in sight. Have fun!"
We did it Reddit!
Fucking OP's mom.  She's way too ugly for all that action.
"> I think it's higher than MKG too

I don't know what you are smoking or drinking but I want some, MKG will be top 10 at his position, if he isn't all ready. 

Really hyping Vonleh a bit much bud. "
"I'm Catholic and this is my religious heritage they're destroying.  However, I don't give a damn about a collection of bricks and stone in comparison with the thousands who are being slaughtered and displaced because they refuse to bow to the false prophet of Islam.  Christianity in some parts of the Middle East (the home of Christianity, I might add) is in jeopardy of extinction because of these assholes.  Historic sites can be rebuilt in relatively short order.  Lives... not so much.

Also, just a reminder that Muslim expansionism is largely why the Crusades began in the first place."
"Fuck everybody, this comment made me laugh the hardest out of them all."
"I've always had a very high level of respect for Judge Napolitano.  But as soon as he said ""metadata"" and in the absolute correct context, my mind was blown.   That brought his credibility to the highest levels, in my mind."
"Aviators would be fucking fantastic. "
"Cassanova's pilot is brand new. The shows listed in this article include pilots that have aired long ago. We won't know anything about Cassanova or Sneaky Pete for a while. "
"The division isnt deep enough for them to. Ronda needs somebody to fight and the undefeated boxing champion! Is the best option. "
"Some questions:

* Shawn Wilkinson is involved with Tierion as well as Storj?

* How similar is this to Peter Todd's Proofchains idea?

"Why should anyone receive punishment for being *accused* of something? He was suspended from playing all of last year, has never played a down for Baylor, and he wasn't on this year's roster. Now that the guilty verdict is out, kick him off. "
">Saying ""you can be evil, but then if you repent and do good stuff, we'll just pretend it never happened"" runs counter to what the movies set up.

That's actually exactly what the movie shows. At the end of RotJ, after Vader is dead and burned on his funeral pyre, he shows up as a force ghost on Endor during the celebration. What seemed more to be the issue was Sith dying as Sith and becoming force ghosts.

It was pretty much established canon at that point that Revan was a Jedi, had an encounter with the Emperor and was under his control as a Sith, then defeated and redeemed as a Jedi. In the book and in SWTOR he was very much still a Jedi and mostly light-leaning before his defeat in the Foundry. It would have made little sense at that point to have him show up as a Sith force ghost when everything points to the other way, veracity of such entities non-withstanding."
Am I really the first to ask how he got down without breaking some shit?
"You make this, OP?  Wow that looks good."
huh. thats pretty cool
"I don't think he's evil. He's hist a blowhard douchebag. But not evil. "
"Oh gosh, that smile, and that lovely little splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks...sigh."
"Maine because there's a huge contingent of libertarians there and it'd just be funny to see them how to work out municipal law and public services. "
Yeah.  Not too often because I'm not very attractive but I can remember it happening as far back as 16.
To be  fair most of his costume changes do stick for a long time. The big difference is this infographic involves other Spider-Men besides peter + movies and different universes but pretending it's the same one.
Some people work hard to enjoy whatever they want. No one gives a fuck that you want them locked into PC gaming. $700 for both consoles with $10 a month for the multiplayer costs for both isn't too much for a lot of people.
"I'll say yes to bananas especially, because it is basically like eating pure sugar because of all the starch. Eating it in the morning also makes you starved for sugar the rest of the day, making you eat more than you should. "
"- At least 10,000 coins I believe. 

- It saves the replay of the race.

- Depends on the race situation, if its a tight pack then yeah saving items to defend yourself is a good idea, but if you're trying to catch 1st while having a healthy lead on 3rd then you want to get more aggressive items to take out 1st. 

- Not sure, I would imagine standard items now that they nerfed the Blue Shell a bit with the introduction of the Boom Box. "
"That's a nice article. Without doing any extra research in the subject I'd say it seems like the best use of permaculture- as an improvement over traditional farming techniques in regions of the world where most people still rely on subsistence agriculture to survive. 

But you glossed over the real ""hero"" of this story. Itinerant farmers had no long term interest in the health of their land, and could only profit on a share of the crops from the previous year. The real ""hero"" was the government program which gave the farmers an ownership stake in the land which they farmed, thus giving them a reason to care about the health of the land in the long term, because it would make them wealthier several years down the line, and because they could pass it onto their children. "
"Still slanging wood, huh?"
"Your post (probably) hasn't broken any rules, but we see these kinds of things a lot. Look at our [most overdone items here](

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mildlyinteresting) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
This. Got suspended from elementary school for 3 days for being the supposed 'ring leader' of the creation/dispersion of pen guns throughout the school...gotta admit it was damn fun being a little kid and making elaborate multi-barrel pen guns. I was such a badass...
"SCB hade 49,8% svarsfrekvens i majundersökningen. Inte speciellt bra och SVT har även sätt en gräns på minst 50% svarande i sin policy, vilket SCB alltså uppnåde med nöd och näppe.

Tillägg: Inte uppnådde ska det förstås vara. Vad jag kan se så använde SVT den i alla fall."
"I have often said that a security guard is the illusion of security. 

I work construction and I am in and out of building all day and 90% of them the security is just a big scam. 

You walk in with a clipboard and people will let you in with almost no questions asked. "
I just got Minerva...the day after I finally awoken my first one =/
"Oh, because the statement he responded to was full of fact"
"> Bloatware

Never installed a desktop Linux distro?  Want to see bloatware?

OneDrive is ""bloatware""?  Your a bit off the mark."
Probably a fact that slap bag has never ended well for me or my friends
"Yeah, it's a surprise when people move here I'm sure."
"Yeah, right when they're all assembled in front of the door to the control station and that theme hits...... damn."
It's a 20xx feature!
"I'm going to guess if you dig through the e10s meeting reports (all of which are open meetings), and/or google for CPOW related work you're going to see plenty of discussion around the problem. The people *who actually work on it* have been dealing with the problem for *years*.

The first attempt at doing e10s was actually *halted* because of this exact problem.

There was a meeting in Whistler a few months ago, featuring the employees working on the relevant parts and the most active external contributors and stakeholders, where consensus was essentially reached regarding XUL deprecation.

It's not because people that never cared before about any of this are now suddenly making a bit of ruckus (while being completely ignorant of the issues involved) that this hasn't been in the making for a while.
"1: Forget you ever played CoD or any other trash shooter and try to exterminate all habits you might have from them.

2: Try to get 15-20 minutes of training every day (or as often as you can). That consists of ""Classic Aim Training"" -> Spray Training -> Deathmatch (Dont play on Valve servers... find a good DM server)

3: If you have time, go over your matches (preferably the ones you lost) and watch the replay to see your mistakes"
cool thank you for the explanation. I think I am too new for this then. Any tips on where to earn experience for CM other then playingpub games?
I wonder if that pop up Cannon on the Falcon is something that will actually happen in the movie? Did Han make some more special Modifications??
"It's OK, he's probably just an idiot.  Anyone who's looked at the photos of worlds in our solar system would pick out Europa in a heartbeat, ruling out the rest because they don't resemble the objects in our solar system.  To anyone who hasn't seen those photos, the rest aren't identifyable but don't really look like moons once you scrutinize them.  The patterns look flat, too."
"Sweet, I've always wanted people to know how bad at Missile Command I am."
"We had a (very brief) break from the 100 degree weather down here in Dallas, so I actually enjoyed being able to pick up a local autumn Oktoberfest.  For a brief couple of days, I could forget that it's August in Dallas.  

I say let the market decide.  If you're tired of seeing Pumpkin beers (or any out-of-season beers), just don't buy it.  The great part of the craft beer boom is we're rarely lacking for choices"
"The only thing missing was having the Destiny Ascension fire it's Fuck You Cannon at Harbinger. Would've loved to see the terrifying weaponry that gets put on a dreadnought "
pretty sure she just say a kree carving and feels the need to carve directions to an underground alien city...
"Cool. Thanks for the insight.

I agree with you on most of that. I would also like to see better social safety. (I'd totally be in favor of a guaranteed minimum income and I really want single-payer healthcare)

The only thing that I'm not totally onboard with that you mentioned is ""keep guns."" And even then it's more of a subtle difference... I don't have a problem with guns in principle, but I'd like better control on them (waiting periods, background checks, closing private-sale loopholes, etc).

FWIW, if there were a Republican candidate who had a platform like you mentioned (and didn't have misogynist/racist baggage), I'd totally vote for them over most Democratic candidates (not Bernie, but absolutely would vote for them over Hilary)"
"No we are not the world police but when you take an embassy hostage

it becomes fair game to bomb you into the stone age. Taking diplomats hostage is not how you get people to take you seriously, its how you get bombed out of the game.  "
"""Its white people that really punched that woman. They made those black guys into what they are"" - Liberal thunder cunt"
"People are losing their ranked rewards, some are nice people but then you have people like this guy getting away for free because Lyte"
"I've had a similar problem to /u/bash_brannigan caused by counterfeit condensers. I didn't want to diagnose it because of how sudden the cutout was. If your points are gapped correctly and your rotor arm isn't old and worn ([Red Rotor Arms]( are a good replacement if it is) then just drop in a new condenser and see if it helps. My symptoms were gradual cutout followed by failure followed by it working again if I left it to cool for a few minutes. "
"It's not even a contest. 

All the Arkham-verse versions of the Bat Fam are basically one-man-armies; it would be over before it even really got started. 

Nolan-verse Batman is good fighter but he'd probably be better off facing Batgirl without his armor than he would be facing her as Batman.  

The Nolan armor—whether its Begins or Knight—has a fair share of flaws, and both versions seem to substantially restrict Batmans maneuverability; heck, in Begins they actually make it in-universe canon that *he couldnt turn his head*.  

Batgirls got speed, maneuverability, superior armor design, and most importantly? Shes a better fighter. 
The Bat-fam in Arkham Verse have almost preternatural situational awareness and they all perform combat maneuvers, in full combat armor, that are remarkably dexterous and agile. 

Nolan-Bats has a repeated issue if not minding his surroundings and, due to the restrictive nature of his armor, is heavily reliant on grapples, blocks, and very close range fighting.  

Assuming theyre both in character then Batgirl encounters an alternate universe Batman and for some reason has to incapacitate him. She knows hes not a bad guy so she doesnt want to hurt him anymore than she has to… So all she needs to do is out maneuver him. Take a page of Muhammed Alis book and just dance around him, making him come to her, forcing him to wear himself out, and when hes tired she puts him down.

If they're out of character and going for blood then she can just cut loose and hammer him senseless. She's got greater speed, flexibility, better armaments, and she's hyper-aware to the world around her, using it to her advantage whenever possible. She'd crush him.

"I've heard people use ""great  President"" and ""Jimmy Carter"" in the same sentence before. It's usually in the form of ""Jimmy Carter was not a great President"" though."
"I love y'all! I'm packing right now to go to Austin for the weekend, but hopefully I'll be able to do this before I head out. Even when I don't submit, I still *always* check and read through the contest because I know how much effort y'all put into each and every Fandom Friday. <3<3<3"
"Yeah, that'd be a good factor to use I think."
I'm so glad I learned what *deus ex machina* means.
"[](/ajhay)...Not saying I AM a cannibal, but if I happened to be, how would I keep that fact hidden?"
All is great but I hate that hat
"oh, good! Hope it works OK for you (the connection speed) "
"100% real, man."
Thank god for the 2nd Amendment!
OOC: is the IC time and OOC time not different here? I thought it was established that a week OOC is a month IC for plot development.  If not I'll extend it by a loooooooot more

"X-com ufo defence, got pretty far and really invested on my troops

i had named them all and all of them had their little stories about how they pulled out a 10% shot or dodged 15 shoots in a row.

1 wrong move set off a domino effect, everyone died.

Rip X-com bros you will be remembered"
"Yep. Which reminds me, Do you want me to keep the dress here til the big day or do you?"
"Its only because you started playing so late into the games lifecycle. I'm in the same boat, i'm just trying to get as mechanically good as i can while getting stomped into the ground every match. Hopefully by the time 5 arrives i will be able to win a match every now and then "
200mbs yes please!
"I addressed the divorce topic in another question but the short version is that just because the romantic side of our relationship died it didn't kill the rest. 

I'm  doing something I'm not proud of, something I hide, and something that could hurt others. I can't pretend there is a way to justify that. But regardless I am doing it because I'm getting something I need, something I am not ready to live without , that I haven't been able to get in another way. I don't necessarily think that makes it all ok, but I've come to terms with it."
"We would assume he will pay if he breaks it. It's just about any unreasonable bills for small scratches. Unpaid invoice will be on them to take to court. Automatic credit card deduction would be your problem to try and fix. May as well leave the ""just in case"" ball on their effort. "
"I haven't actually seen his stream. Just been watching DOTA 2 for three years.

I think it'd be weird if any of them were on Puppey's team, since EE is a better carry than most of them and looks to be already on the team."


[I've masturbated...]"
"Does anyone here play the FastBreak Basketball simulation? Anyone in any leagues? I've been in a league for a few years now and I love talking about it with people. "
"I would try an epoxy if you would like to fix it. Something like
You may get lucky and find something at a local hardware store that would work. "

"he wrote the music. its a fun version but i dont think it touches the original. "
"So, there is Optimus hiding."
"You're wrong on that.  You don't just get picked up off of one game.  It really has to be a habit, and at that point, they're a piece of shit, so I don't really care if they get their rewards or not."
Have you talked to him about it?
"Yeah. He can win the rumble, win the title, and then get injured again. WWE should hire you. You know what's best for business. "
"lol at a 10 (which I can only reach after taking a long T-break) It just takes me 10 hours to do anything, I'll just be thinking about so much stuff that I'll lose track of what I'm doing constantly while doing it. The other week at a 10 I went to get a glass of water from the kitchen, took like 2 hours of searching."
"Well said. 

The fact that the Mets have had a great season despite all their injuries should be used to lift up the Mets, not bring down the Nationals. One team overcoming injuries does not mean that injuries can now never be used when discussing a team's under-performance. 

The Nationals have not played a single game all season with their projected opening day lineup. It's tough to win like that, no matter how many hypothetical wins the projection systems expected from you. "
"Plus it would make sense for Dio to start using money over flesh buds, since both Kakyoin and Polnareff  ended up joining the Crusaders. He probably figured it'd be safer to motivate evil scumbags to go fight than mind-controlling good men with a chance of joining JoJo."
"It's the timing. ""By February 2007, Clinton made a point of refusing to admit that her October 2002 Iraq War Resolution vote was a mistake, or to apologize for it, as anti-war Democrats demanded.""

""In the second Democratic debate of the 2008 presidential race, Clinton said that she voted for the resolution under the impression that Bush would allow more time for UN inspectors to find proof of weapons of mass destruction before proceeding. Reporter Carl Bernstein and others have questioned why Clinton would have voted against the Levin Amendment, which would have required President Bush to allow more time to UN weapons inspectors and also would have required a separate Congressional authorization to allow a unilateral invasion of Iraq, if her vote was simply a vote for strong diplomacy.""

I don't care about her admissions. Clinton will go along with whatever will get her elected, and for that reason, she could very well come out in defense of her vote in Iraq if the polls dictated it. 

"Thanks for posting.

I'm sure when I first moved here 15 years ago that white building used to be a garage called the clutch centre. 

That stretch of the A2 from Deptford Bridge to your corner has certainly been brightened up a fair bit since I first knew it, the new pavements a few years ago made a big difference. Still a little way to go though. The fire damaged corner under the DLR has been an eyesore for years that is finally getting redeveloped.

I always thought it was a bit of a grim welcome to London for all those folk on the Euro buses. "
You usually get crit to go with it.
"They didn't ban front loading altogether, just limited the degree to which a contract can reduce, I believe just tied to the same rates at which they can increase. His base salary and his bonus together gave him a $13 million cap hit in 2010-2011, which dropped to a $3.2 million drop in 2011-2012. Precipitous drops such as this are now no longer possible (AFAIK).


EDIT: words"
"Just bear in mind not to be over-confident about your ability to time the market based on having done it once before.  I'm sure you know that over the long run, most people who time the market underperform.

>right now I think capital preservation is a lot more important than some potential gains

Unless you're investing only for the short term because you need funds for other purposes, the only thing that matters is your long term returns, and statistically, those will be better if you simply buy and hold."
"Nice, so instead of actually discussing with me and countering my arguments, you just insult my person and think you have won? What makes you so superior, so able to comprehend and argue properly? So far you have demonstrated the opposite."
"No. "
"yea, I think the video is great, just trying to add more information about how technology will disrupt many people, particularly low skilled. "
" Clerks - At one point in High School I would rent it on DVD from Blockbuster and set it on repeat on my DVD player. Must have watched in a couple of dozen times my senior year alone."
Thank you! And thanks for showing me /r/kitting! I'm new(ish) to reddit so I appreciate it! :)
"How can you be born with something (gender) that is made up? Can I choose to feel like a woman? Can I just switch back and forth.

I support transgender people, but I would have a harder time doing so if I actually thought that gender was nothing more than a social construct. If we are going to say that society is the sole source of men and women genders, then I could easily make arguments that transgender people are simply being rebellious and should conform to society."
"""sudo os-prober"" didn't give any output

I ran grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and it said:

    Found Intel Microcode image
    Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux
    Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    Found fallback initramfs image: /boot/initramfs-linux.fallback.img

But nothing seems to have changed in the GRUB menu"
"We're sorry, but the title of your post is incorrect in some way. Your title must appear *exactly* like this (don't use parentheses ""()"", and don't swap the order of appearance): [H] Item or items you have [W] Item or items wanted

If you are selling more than 5 items, you can instead use the [Store] tag. Note that all relevant trade info still needs to be within the post without requiring the user to view an external site. Simply linking to a pricing spreadsheet site or a different trade site to sell your items is not sufficient by itself to meet the pricing rule.

You may also use the following tags for *non-trade* posts:

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So sexy
"1 team vs 1 team makes the most sense -- that situation will play out in the real universe endlessly. FFAs make little sense, since they will be pretty rare and highly situational."
Why male models?
I try not to be a music elitist but...Babymetal...ech...they're basically just a manufactured J-pop group that got tacked onto a backing metal band when they got older.
"I really don't think we will sign him, but would be happy if we did."
"The ""human uterus"" prints in more than 3 dimensions."
"Where's rtj fit in?
"Can confirm, am Ronaldo"
"and they aren't removing them, they are still there.... less effective, but still there...."
Fuck off. You move here instead!
"You're making me seriously consider getting ""Queef Snob"" business cards printed."
"It actually is, it would use Engines located in Northrend, Uldum (and i think other locations) to Reoriginate the world, practically wiping the surface clean and restoring Azeroth to it's 1.0 mode, Old Gods would still be there, the corruption he speaks of isn't them but the Mortal races which have suffered the curse of flesh."
Death by cuteness
"What a lot of people don't realize is that a.) virtually every university is possible to transfer into out of community college and b.) you can be just as successful with a degree from a state school. 

The notion that high school and AP's are the end all be all is complete nonsense."
"New Japan World only has 30k subscribers. While its true that Japan isn't big on streaming services like Netflix the way the US is, only a few thousand of those subs are from overseas.  
If you enjoyed this match you should really consider subbing. There are 90k subscribers on this subreddit and I doubt even 1k of them are subscribed to NJ World. "
anything can be funny if the joke is good enough
Most quotable man in the movie 👍
"So I know that you might have heard about this before...but it's so incredible I _have_ to post it. [Backwards with Purpose: Always and Always]( is a Peggy Sue fanfic. It's the only Peggy Sue I've read, so I can't compare, but it is completely _amazing_. Several parts of it hit me like a ton of bricks, and, well...I haven't been this emotional with a book ever since I finished reading DH. There's a sequel, but it's not really 100% required far as I can see. It's good.

(Warning: Some sex scenes. It's M-rated, it's not smut but it has some sex scenes once in a while.)"
"1) Filtering the water will keep it clear, I'd probably just leave it as is.  While snails do a good job at cleaning up, they still add waste to the tank...but not that much.

2)  The medium sized plant looks like Anubias nana to me.  Unsure about the other plants.

3)  If they are Anubias nana, the plants shouldn't be planted in the substrate, they should have a think root like structure at the bottom and should be tied or held down by something.

Do you plan on putting anything else in?  You could get some shrimp or a betta fish if you wanted.

EDIT: Had an extra ""3)"" for some reason..."
"Contrary to what you often see in movies and on TV, CPR very rarely ""revives"" the victim and that is not what it is for. CPR is intended to keep oxygenated blood flowing to the heart and brain until the heart can be defibrillated with an electric shock. You're just keeping the person alive for a few extra minutes until help arrives, not restarting their heart yourself.

If someone has lost a lot of blood, it may or may not be a good idea to perform CPR. This is a situation where you would definitely want someone with medical experience guiding you."
"Wow, I'm the first one to say Speed of Sound?"
"Я не о приставке, а о том, что, относительно раходов на предоставление услуги в конкретной стране, эти 5 евро в Украине, могут быть , к примеру, равны 20 евро (или все 30) во Франции. И в процентном отношении маржа провайдера может быть даже больше в этих самых 5 евро."
When it was charging she called me but i didnt hear it then she was worried and came back home.
"if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear /s"
"If you're coming next weekend (the 29-30) there's [YXE Beerfest]( on in Rotary Park. It's also a free fishing weekend IIRC in Sask, although you don't want to go fishing within city limits (the storm sewer drains and low water levels make it stink). "
Why can't someone be a liberal and post to KiA?
I've been killing Fire Red. Lol.
"Of a litany of examples, the first to come to mind is koalas. They're notoriously fussy, and will eat only fresh eucalyptus leaves. "
"Way to smash a dry streak! Was the sex ""like it"", ""love it"", or ""gotta have it"" (again)? :D"
"I always find them in my box later, realizing I somehow missed it while looking."
I go to the gym regularly though and it didn't really help. Getting stronger was not the solution for me. My doctor can't seem to help either.
"""When?"" this guys says.  Oh moeburn, you're such a card!"
"Your submission was removed because it does not include a required Game System/Console tag. Make sure you include the Game System/Tag in the title surrounded by brackets [], not parenthesis (), such as `[PS4] VoG NM LF3M`. Please check our [Announcement Post]( for information about tagging your submission properly, then resubmit it with the correct tag.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fireteams) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
"Out of everything new I could have gotten, I got my fifth Meimei."
"Are you in a city of small town?  "
"Yep I wore it into her school to pick her up and would piggyback her to the car, But nothing gay/lesbian in his house or else you have a choice of outrunning bullets or leaving the state. So I feel for people in their respective fandoms who are actively hated on, that includes any fandoms like steven universe, mlp, furries, supernatural, etc. Oh well."
I love him. He's been my keeper since his rookie year! Never had to worry about my RB2 situation. Dudes a rock
"Neh, it does. You can use 'you' to refer to a group of people. Op's example is a fine example of this. Or say, for example, you're meeting your favourite band or sports team after a great show/great game/great whatever, you might say: ""Wow! You did great today!"", and you'd be referring to the band/team/whatever group of people they are.  

Now, a lot of the time this will be changed to ""you guys"", to specify, and to avoid awkward clarifications having to be made, but I think technically just using 'you' to refer to a group of people is a valid use of the English language."
"I've always liked Vela when watching La liga. 
I think he could be a solid squad player, whether or not he would wan't to sit on the bench, i dont know. "
"No man buns. "
"I don't think gaining 18-19k ip a day is an acceptable amount. "
Metal Gear has nukes.
That mentality gets us no where.
"Watch this stay/fold shit blow up in their face and pull an adc during the double eviction where their entire alliance gets out the first round "
"I did too... I don't think we are fully crazy if multiple people are remembering him already picking up a yellow, and Martinez too. Not sure if the ref is wrong or if we had the wrong impression that he was given a yellow earlier though."
"Ditto. I'm no teacher, but I busted my ass through college (while holding a job), worked four years to get to $14/hr. Now some dude at McDonald's is going to be making more than me. "
"You can use it as a server or as its own workstation (desktop PC). You can use it to learn more about server architectures by building VMs using VMWare or Hyper V. 

Google is your friend here, as well as some of the threads on this sub. Do your research and write a wishlist of things to learn."
"When who erases our memories? At the moment we don't really know enough about the brain to *intentionally* remove memories from one without also causing severe damage to other systems.

But if we're talking in terms of accidental memory loss (from head trauma, etc) then it's very common for one to lose more than just memory -- challenges interpreting or experiencing emotions or the loss of linguistic abilities are also common in cases of severe head trauma. So I guess the answer to your question is ""We do!"".

Generally speaking, retrograde amnesia (the loss of one's existing memories) is actually relatively rare, and sometimes it's even temporary. What's far more common (from my reading, at least) is anterograde amnesia, which is when the mind loses the ability for form *new* long-term memories. But in either case, loss of language skills isn't at all rare, just less widely featured in media. Memory loss stories are common in a lot of fiction, especially science fiction (and soap operas). In such stories, it would usually be far too inconvenient for a character to lose their memories AND their ability to participate in dialogue."
"Awh bro this is why you have a porn account.

Is it worth me searching your history for quality porn?"
"Tell that to potential employers when you apply with a Mohawk "
"Once you reach 41+ in FH, when actual rewards come out for them, will you get them or not?  e.g. If you reach FH rank 46 and then they release the 42-45 rewards, will you still get them or just get stuck with the Burst Emperor, Arton, etc.?"
"He must be so limber. "
"I have drill during the UND @ NDSU game and I have prime tickets, I feel your pain."
"I also just want to point out, GPD (Google Public DNS, of which you posted the DNS server IPs) is not the same as OpenDNS (which is owned by Cisco and has different IPs)."
I'm blue (Da Ba Dee)
"Last time this thread came up, I commented about the difference:

> Well, while I'm not sure a salad-spinner for menstrual pads really makes a difference, menstrual cups replace tampons and cloth pads replace disposable pads. They're not interchangeable, although some charities do also provide reusable menstrual cups.

> Cloth pads can be hung in the sun to dry, where a menstrual cup should be at least periodically sterilized with boiling water (which creates issues like access to boiling water, stigma about taking out a menstrual device in front of family, etc.) There may be stigma against unmarried women or virgins using vaginal devices (and in countries where the more severe forms of FGM are prevalent, impossible.) 

> Some women and girls may never be able to comfortably use menstrual cups, or may need to try different menstrual cups which is a financial barrier. The learning curve is higher. Using menstrual cups may increase the risk of infection if the girls or women don't have the means to wash their hands with soap and clean water before putting their fingers in their vaginas.

> Menstrual cups also don't provide protection for things like incontinence, spotting between periods, or post-partum.

> Menstrual cups serve a purpose and have many benefits, but they're not interchangeable with cloth pads.

I use cloth pads, and personally think this is a silly idea done by art students who don't understand the problem. There's a [lot of charities]
( doing sensible, appropriate work in this area. "
It's not a feminine trait. It's just a shitty trait to have. Whether you're a man or a woman
"Most of the fandom is beyond toxic. I'll be honest. However, there is a small percentage of people who aren't; and I think the subreddit is the best place to find them."
Looks like Kim jong un got stoned for the first time.
"Well, serving it in a sheep's stomach should remove any problems there might be with taste. I'll run right out and get some!"
"Why would you have grodin, on the team? The auto heal or the Stat stick?"
No prob. I should be eating soon.
"3gs isn't too bad, but I guess the re-entry capsules are pretty useless. Thanks for the info."
"Black face is a tool of oppression and ridicule. The guy is also a slave. I also forgot to mention that pretty much any culture in the World is made fun of. Most people are okay with this though because they are grown ups with jobs. "
They still are for the FNaF2 location not the FNaF4 one.
"Yay, i don't care each one, i dont have dratini on AS so i want it for dex xD deposited a male lvl one froakie my ign is Lucas thx =D"
me neither
What does the plaque read?
"Let me get this straight. According to you we have two options here:

 * Not use ""faggot"" ourselves, and keep being called faggot by other people.
 * Use ""faggot"" to refer to ourselves in order to make other people stop using it to refer to us.

I'm sorry, but I don't see why the second option is any better than the first? We're getting a word forced on us either way, and if that's happening I'd rather not be complicit in this out of a false sense that this somehow improves the situation.

Besides that, I don't even believe your premise that African Americans 'taking ownership' of the N word has actually reduced other people's use of the word. I mean the word isn't any less hurtful now than it was 50 years ago, and racists aren't confused about this fact -- they use the N word in a disparaging way even today. What did change is that it became less socially acceptable to be racist. In a few decades it will be less socially acceptable to be homophobic and disparaging use of the F word will similarly be reduced, but not gone. I don't see how us using the word in a 'positive' way would accelerate this process."
"yeah, no shit."
"I call them my celibacy shoes. But I still love squatting in them. Used to love running in them too before I become lazy and started just lifting. "
"Taking a look at [this]( order (secrets activate AFTER battlecries), the silence secret would NOT deny battlecries unless somehow hardcoded. However the concept of denying definitely is interesting.  

Otherwise it would be an uncontrolled 2-mana silence and priests don't even use their 0-mana one.

"Sir, I am going to ask to calm down."
"So strange. I've never heard anything about an incline, other than that it seems to help babies with reflux. The issue with swings is sometimes the baby crumples in them and that makes it harder to breathe, like this- Still though, for us, the swing was the only way we ever got a minute to breathe."
"Shh... don't give her any ideas... she'll put ""marathon record holder"" on her resume."
"I think I will still buy the stereo headseet but I will think about it, thanks!"
"I actually did throw my iPad across the room. Luckily I have an otterbox and I was too tired to throw my iPad too hard. "
"Yeah, that's why I said it."
"**Holyland** - ([MAL](, [ANI](, [MU](

^(Manga | Status: Finished | Chapters: 182 | Genres: Action, Martial Arts, Psychological, Seinen)


[^How ^to ^use]( ^| ^[FAQ]( ^| ^[Subreddit]( ^| ^[Issue/mistake?]([ISSUE]&text= ^| ^[Source]( ^| ^(New Feature:) [^Edited ^comments ^can ^be ^reprocessed.]("
At 1:15 you could pack two of the next green pretty cheaply and be right back in it. Don't think this will be a terribly hard set to scrape together a variant
That Davis glove looks really cool
"When you have to fart during a test.  "
I'm sorry to hear that :/
"Hot_blackdesiato "
"Chadli and Kane :(

Just not happening today."
"Not entirely. And he should never have developed himself as a WKB. But Kies was the better keeper at the time until his career ending injury. "
"same thing happened to me using heartharena. I stopped using it a while ago. I still learn frome watching their youtube channel  but my win rate has gone way up since i went back to drafting on my own. "
Don't forget about validation for life choices
My first AR owned / built is a JD lower from an ESEE group buy and I bought a matching upper. Great parts and I paid twice that.
"Link me it "
Great block by Jags.
"Slo Burn and others I would've mentioned have already been mentioned so... 

Only somewhat similar in style,  but regardless another great grunge/rock band is Clutch.  Highly recommend giving all their stuff a listen. 

A bit further away in style,  but some songs very similar chill feel,  is Down with Phil Anselmo from Pantera on vocals. 

when atheism was a default around the time of the great Aalewis
"It is NOT legal. On a red you don't just get to go, you are obligated to yield to cross traffic. If there's cross traffic you do not get to go, wait until you get your fucking green light you greedy ass."
"Finally. After I watched your video, I've made sure to try and post the source on freebooted videos."
Why put a spoiler in the title
"Intuition is one strong, mysterious thing. Good for you for being strong enough to listen to yours.

This totally sucks (to say the very least) but you're a successful woman who's doing well in life and will continue to going forward. When you do emerge from the dumps you'll be pleased to find a world of freedom where you can flourish in the things you're passionate about. That may or may not include having some fun dating. ;) it's strange to think of your husband as not being ""the one"" but he wasn't. That means your one is out there ready to be found. Yes I truly believe this.

So thank your POS ex for being so very clumsy in his affair and making this process quicker and easier. You've got better things to do with your time than spend another minute being underappreciated."
Glad to help out. I'm bummed I'm 45 min away in Detroit but can't go. Stupid work.
No you have a fair point! But Blair also made a couple from 30+ and 40+. He missed a few and made a few and were still going to the Superbowl!!!
"I think I'm set for now, thank you though!"
"I got him on my second hard run there. Anecdotal ofc, but I think his drop rate is equally high there."
"Question about solo tanking ravana, i was reading his moves and concluded that i pull and let him face party, then go alone when tapasya hits i go to the paarty for blinding blades and go asap alone and wait for tapasya then go to the party...etc  right?

The boss doesn't cleave or hurt the party this way right?"
"I kinda agree with you, these lower tier matches and BO1s are the most profitable from a bettors perspective."
You stole my answer!
"Company goes under, competitor raises prices since there is less competition to drive prices down. "
"How about 'Rabia, then?  That works in Spanish. ^^^^jejeje  "
"This is one of the reasons that all officers and cadets should be pulled from enlisted personnel, and the age of enlistment needs to be raised to 21 or higher. These academy officers are out of touch with reality, they leave normal society at 18 and never have anybody that can stand up to them for the remainder of their lives. Experienced soldiers have no influence over them, and so doctrine becomes almost cartoonish. 

Consider the difference between wars led by academy graduates and those lead by actual experienced soldiers like Colin Powell. The results are dramatically different. 

They need to stop teaching this BS and isolating their leadership from the real world. The last general to have been enlisted, NCO, and officer was Now retired Marine Corps General Oster. You may know him as the last head of Marine Corps development to produce anything successful. "
">Generally not covering 100% of the mortgage is okay if that's made up with gains in the house price.

Which of course, you cannot possibly know ahead of time."
"I just got HP two nights ago. On my first roll I got RedDotORS1/ThirdEye/BracedFrame/Headseeker. I'm too anxious about blowing through all my mats on rerolls after creating what I feel (having used it quite a bit since, and to good effect) is a monster. 

Should I reconsider? I really like ThirdEye on it, actually, and I have no complaints otherwise. 

Edit: I also have The Messenger (not adept) but ~~haven't rolled it~~ can't roll it (oops). I have been playing with The Summoner (adept) and really enjoy it!"
"I'd be glad to hear it from someone else.

I guess there's three main reasons I tell people.

1. I think that knowing what other people thought about you can make your past more understandable.   
2. Sometimes when I tell them that I had a crush on them, they tell me that they felt the same. This then helps me understand the past as well. Maybe in the future we won't make the same mistakes with whomever our feelings reside in.  
3. I think it is respectful to my past self. If I have a crush on someone but choose not to tell them, it usually means that I care very deeply for them and don't think that they would be happy if we were together. I tend to obsess over people, so they become such a large part of my life for a period of time, that I no longer feel like the same person once I stop caring about them. By telling them that I once cared for them, it is choosing to not discredit the things I once felt and the person I once was. 
"Did you watch the training [vids](  They cleared up all my questions, back when PP launched.  :)"
"Yeah they're so good! I always forget that they have that much alcohol content. Soooo dangerous. "
"remove engine from charger, install in scout."
"> I can't just not root for someone. I'm so confused

It's called a draw."
"I'm torn because I value willpower a great deal but Understanding is
one of my core values. I actually believe willpower is just another
form of understanding. So opposing will and intelligence is not how I
do things."
Can we continue this?

Source: Am overqualified and went infantry"
You'd better put the bag of scratch down and back away slowly...
"You are a renter so you should not be doing this type of work without the landlords permission.   "
I'm reel gud reporter eh guise? Pleas liek me.
Also found at fine dining supply stores.
I made [a calculator thing]( where you can see damage.
oh come on.. what are you doing hilbert?
"I'm saying it was too early to speculate in the hours before this guy was apprehended. 

Now, a suspect with a big pile of fake Turkish passports for (I assume) Uighurs, the knowledge that the Istanbul Thai embassy was attacked for deporting Uighurs, and Uighurs are known to be joining ISIS on mass... yeah it's a pretty safe bet to say Islamic terrorism."
"Order from

Probably something like 4460 + 280?"
"Im glad you tested it out, i'm at work so i wasn't really able to test out what i said lol.  It's interesting that what i said isn't the case.  I believe it should be the case though."
Might be in a bullpen role though since he's already thrown a lot of innings this year in the minors.
"The most boring girl I ever went on a date with had these traits:

1) No passion or wit in conversation.  Didn't make me laugh or illicit any meaningful conversation between us.

2) Had hobbies, but was very surface level in all of them.  She had an art degree and made art as a second income, but her art was not impressive.  Not bad at all, just not impressive.  That's kind of an asshole thing to say but it was true.  She liked running, but her idea of that was running around the block a couple times.  She liked video games, but only played COD.

3)  Not many long term goals.  I know many of us are just guessing and making our way as best we can.  She was in a tough place, working minimum wage at an art supply store at 27 with an art degree.  She didn't know what to do, whether to move out of the area, move back home, go back to school...etc"
"Foreplay?  So, that's what that was!"
I like Barry Davis because he tries hard. Real scrappy
Dad's day is on Sundays at Chik-fil-a.
"Whitest kids you know has a pretty funny and yet true take on it"
"Nanook of the North. it's totally made up and insulting to inuits. "
"I know haha, he probably downvoted me."
This book made me realize the error of my ways and the truth of life.
Get help.
This is a quality post.
">who the hell is talking here

Some anon on /tg/"
WFAS? With only companions? Fucking impossible I say.
"Strangers rifle. No bounce at all.  Not the best perks though. "
"Whoa, that's super cool. I'm gonna have to check that out. "
"Entoma, she's as creepy as hell!"
"I haven't played it on iOS, but Yoot Tower is very very similar to SimTower. It started life as a sequel, but ended up a ""spiritual successor"". It came out just 1 year after the original...  there are changes, but at its core it's the same game, I'd say."
"After the second time, you should've said you *still* don't work here 😁"
"So I'm guessing you think voter registration drives are also ""shenanigans""?

I have no idea whether there's any ""anti-sjw jihad"" respecting Ancillary Justice.  Off the top of my head, I don't know why there would be, nor why there would be any particular SJW enthusiasm (other than the fact that it was written by a girl rather than a boy, which sometimes seems to be enough. [Unless ""Ann Leckie"" is a pseudonym for a boy.])

None of this upsets me.  I'm an old man, who read Heinlein and Asimov as they were first published.  It just amuses me when people confuse their opinions with facts.  ""Water is wet"" is a fact.  ""Ancillary Justice is crap"" is merely an opinion. "
Don't you worry! I'll squeal along with you!
"Garlic, or cayenne"
"I would love Fallout 4, I've never played the other ones because I didn't care for them much but after E3 I think I missed a lot"
"As someone who professionally complains about shitposts.

The hardware pictures are not a huge problem, what really gets annoying are all the rage comics/memes. "
Omg. Im dying. This is pure win!
"Lol My god I had just woken up when I read this, I guess my reading comprehension is shit first thing in the morning."
"Not good from Alli on that penalty shout, and if he stayed on his feet could have made a chance. "
"Has he paid the stilt tax? "
"when the darkworld expansion was released the mods did not even include it in the weekly release schedule. Yes Towerfall is the most underrated PS4 game/PS+ game/and expansion on the PS4, hands down.

And the game is fucking amazing. "
"I'll be there in Nashville! "
Needs more Pjsalt
"Well its really hard to apologize for something you did, without admitting guilt.

Just generally saying you're sorry for someone's situation isn't. But saying ""sorry I falsely arrested you"" kind of implies that it was your fault."
We can be alone together
"You know it asks for the last 4 so that the cashier actually holds the card and verifies the signature, right? ;)"
"If Markovic is the best we have for a wide position, then we truly are garbage (and I rate Markovic, but he's done fuck all to warrant such praise!)"
Zaun is gonna be PISSED!
"Morale isn't so simple, saying ""ah yes that was a hard run but we will make it back"". Beating West Ham at home would have been something we can fall back on mentally, but now the whole complexity comes in where they may struggle to comprehend losing to the big teams and also West Ham.

Losing to West Ham at home is not an acceptable result, and it could play havoc given the upcoming games."
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by vidilux"
"sadly,  it also hurts us who were forced to look at those fashion abnormalities."
"In ranked you play your main role if at all possible and your main champ. In normals a Diamond adc main could decide hes just gonna have some fun and play toplane shyvana, knowing full well he will probably do shit"
"Do you also have the international version no brand? I live in Italy and I don't know what happens if I flash the h3g branded one, so if you were like I am now I'll flash right now :D"
"Have you ever followed the blogger [Margot Meanie](  She has the kind of style that you describe, and she lists product all the time that work for her more alternative style. She could kind of do the searching for you.  Natalie Means Nice is another good one.  

Also, check out our store [Cool Gal Blue](  We've got lots of trendy items like the ones you described.  :)  "
"Stewart's debunking claim is ""I've been found out....of course these meetings weren't secret!"". It's not relevant

And Fox News doesn't parrot the White House every day, so there's nothing questionable going on"
"I went to Job Corps, which was full of dumb rules. The dumbest one by far was about the word 'Monday'

Someone told them that Monday was a racial slur (because everyone hates Monday's.)

None of us had heard that, and nobody ever said it until it was brought to our attention."
"All they are is clean up crew when it's too late. They prevent nothing "
"Might I suggest Gamerghazi for yourself?

Wouldn't want to give worthless fucks like me validation by actually talking to them like they're people."
"Thanks for the help, gave me a better understanding. Will look through that link :)"
"My gawd, you get me right? I though the same thing, while talking to you. Considering that you still do not understand that apparently you get more IP this way."
"Sigh. And Season 2 comes out this fall.......... "
Snake and auction.
Would like to win Borderlands 2 + DLC 
i mean my computer said free when i got it so i guess its my favorite

Thanks OP :)"
I thought this was a crazy /r/grool post at first.
"I really dont mind, thank you =D, hooray!!!"
New... DayClocks
"I see no conflict -- at all -- with modern science and most forms of modern Christian theology.

These thought experiments always seem very dated to me, like early 20th century material. Back then, scientific literacy -- and literacy in general -- were not as widespread. 

Most educated Christians have no issue at all with science, and most non-reactionary scientists spend little time thinking about how they're going to reconcile/attack/etc. new theories with existing religious beliefs.

There's just no issue here. "
"ekko fits so well with a light saber! "
"> You gotta crack a few eggs ~~to make an omelette~~ when you're swinging a sledgehammer down at the bus stop

"Sarcastic or stupid?

Just curious."
"But why? We are Liverpool, not Chelsea. Who gives a fuck what those rent boys do?"
I don't care about the ID.  Anyone who purchases is welcome to use it.  I'll be removing the payment info obviously.
All increases aren't taken into account.  The last increase was from 5.15 to 7.25.  This one would be 7.25 to 15.  A much bigger jump.
"Actually it was the tax payers window that was broken and as a tax payer I think it was okay to break it.  Not too hard to repair, and makes a point."
Good god the twitch chat right now.
..does... does that mean that... we're... f-f-friends?
"You are obsessed with talking about the Bazant paper.  Your sources only attempt to disprove the hypothetical model that he used in his work.  That's it. 

You make no attempt to explain the **bigger picture** or even to present an alternative hypothesis of what happened.  Who perpetrated the attack?  Why did they do it?  How did they get away with it?  These are all important questions that you refuse to touch (instead, you'd prefer to focus on minutiae such as the hypothetical collapse model in one paper).  

I won't even criticize you for [refusing the acknowledge the dozens and dozens of other sources]( that show the overwhelming evidence stacked against you.  

Let's just start on the who, why and how.  
"I guess it depends, it's weird because I played since shortly after release and didn't have many issues just occasional DCs, but it seems as if it was nearly unplayable for many people. Quickly became one of my favorites FPS"
"Compared to Dota, Dawngate (rip), and probably even Smite and HoN (not sure there) Riot is Vlad the Impaler."
It really doesn't
"it's the look of the whole situation. 

it's hard to sell in the middle of a construction site"
"Ass 8/10 :D
"They were getting the ball out quick.  They played better on the run I though but either way it was hard to tell.  Alex seemed to be bootlegging out of the pocket quite a bit.  But he was making some sick on the run throws.  Looked like Utah Alex. "
I think re would still happen
">writes [Spoilers] in the title

>puts a spoiler in the title

C'mon dude.

"I know you never said it, I said it to prove my point. I don't know about the long-term effects and there's no actual study done on those so why don't we just say ""who knows"". But if you're going to hypothesize and rely on anecdotal evidence, then there are actually people out there taking fin for 15-20 years with no problems at all... Again, your comments are great, you should write screenplays or novels with this ability of storytelling. I'd rather rely on scientific data. And that ""big"" section of fin users is still just 1-2% of the whole picture (just like the studies showed us)."
"Sounds like a perfect example of how an Oligarchy works. Not only is our government an Oligarchy, but so is our political party."
Some similarities to Red Dwarf. Rick and Morty isn't anything like Fawlty Towers though.
"I removed this post because it appears to be a generic or hypothetical question. Please take these to /r/AskReddit. "
"I figured he'd be worth that much. I have a relative who is an agent for actors in ads. She says anyone who gets a long run (like the Can you hear me now? Guy) are most likely multi millionaires. 

Given Jarod's decade plus relationship with Subway, the bounty of ads, his appearance on talk shows and NFL preface shows, and so on... I figured he had to be a millionaire several times over. "

"""Obligatory edit for gold! Thank you kind sir!"""
"Wait.. If they're doing this willingly, I'm seriously wondering what the catch it.. "
"E non mi stupirei se progettandolo bene comparisse pure su qualche quotidiano nazionale...

Comunque, visto che il successivo livello di sfiga è pagarli i like, i like sembra siano quotati a 40/$1, non poco:

Molto più economici i like sui post. Per intenderci, sempre su questo sito con 5$ si possono comprare 2000 follower twitter fake.
Chi ha un iphone avrà notato che tra le applicazioni top grossing, c'è quella per comprare i like su instagram :|"
"That is no longer a dog. At that point, it has become a horse. "
"I Will Edit This List . "
"I've actually used the line ""Any job you can do in your pajamas is not a difficult job"" in real life conversations."
"have you considered the possibility that people are not getting free cars as you say. you just dont have enough information, hence not knowing how the ""free cars"" system works"
"> 50% der Deutschen 2/3 seines Vermögens 

Wie gesagt, nicht pefekt, aber tausendmal besser als jedes andere System das wir kennen. Deutschland hat immer noch einen GINI Koeffizienten in den 30ern, also sehr sozial ausgewogen, und die Tendenz zeigt nicht wirklich nach unten. Wo Deutschland ein viel größeres Problem hat ist bei der sozialen Mobilität, da sind wir eines der OECD-Schlusslichter, und das wist wirklich schlimm.

> Was ist daran rassistisch?

Nicht jeder Nicht-Weiße, der hart arbeitet, ist ein ""Sklave"". Ich habe viele Jahre in China gelebt und gearbeitet, und echte Ausbeutung passiert vor allem dann, wenn *keine* westliche Firma involviert ist, also innerhalt chinesische Produktionsketten, zum Beispiel sehr lokale Branchen wie Ziegelstein-Produktion. "
"385, and I couldn't bear to part with my Next-Gen Crusher.

Thanks for the giveaway OP, may your wallet be ever full!"
from all these 2006-2008 mutes posted on reddit i'm starting to think that jmods used to mute people for the slightest thing just for fun because their jobs got boring
"The guy in white has gone rogue. "
Never fucking used it.
You laugh but I've seen a guy try to install his brand new AMD FX-60 (was like $1000 at the time) with a hammer. Also saw another guy cut his video card PCB because he thought it was a perforation line.
"Are we booing Manning? I'm in.. Booooo!! "
I'm with you. I think the endings are pretty good.
"Any interest for ST FN Bayonet Ruby with 0.03139328584075000000 float, top 8 on


"If the wave of astroturfing didn't cause it to take off, no amount of astroturfing will bring it back. BIP101 is dead. "
Every player not on our offensive line had never played any meaningful time in a sine college game. To think they'll just stagnate and remain that ineffective is silly.
cactaur thanks
What's the rule? 75 by end of day?
"There has been so many dirty tricks.  Its amazing people are not more outraged over it.  I guess they are too busy to find out the truth of what is really going on.  I got banned from /r/bitcoin too on my other name, for correcting their lies."
What's wrong with AMD?
Thanks for that!
"Think like extended trial, you can do all the base content but with restrictions for mail, whispering, map chat, etc.
Just so you guys don't misinterpret with P2W inc with cash shop, you still have to buy the HoT expansion pack if you want to access new content."
"So do I, but I'm not a heroin addict"
Only lurk. Never post.
Bortles shouldn't be on that list. At least not yet.
"No I shouldn't of let her have so much control, but it probably would of ended it much sooner, which could of been the best thing.  Like I said before she rarely communicated with me in the past, even when I communicated my issues with her.  I did establish some ground rules in the beginning of the relationship and she treaded on some of them so.. yeah I should of taken the reins there instead of being ""Well i'm sure it will get better"".  Seems I was being more of a ""Nice"" guy instead of a ""Good"" guy.  My parents always instilled ""Treat a woman with respect, love her and cherish her.""  but I should of taught myself along the road to stand my ground.   I understand now what truly are some major faults I have thanks to you guys and I am grateful.  Thanks."
This post confuses me. Maybe she was confused don't communicate clearly.
Beautiful! Looking forward to video with it wearing battery etc. like a backpack. :)
Or make the snacks as boring as the rest. Food shouldn't be your daily entertainment.
I got the fruit loops and mech milk. Is it good right out the bottle or should it really steep?
"Du bist eine hübsche Actionheldin. Bitte rette mich meine Heldin. 

Edit: Mein Satzbau is shit."
"So this may not be typical. But the NAACP group at my college had a memorial service for Michael Brown. (During the whole ferguson riots) and they wouldn't let me in because I was white. "
"Just watched Somm a couple of days ago and loved it. The amount of dedication those people put into that exam is absolutely insane, probably more work than I did at university."
"They should buff Rejack and Razorblade! I love dying to those!

[Literally me.](
I'll start it off with Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire by Ed Brubaker.
"I think I agree with the gist of what you're saying. Although for me there wasn't enough on-camera time of the actual shots to make judgements about anything being faked. If you're up to it, try to reference other shooting videos on liveleak or similar. After a shot it can take several second for blood to emerge from the wound?

"Yeah, but there's a reason for those subreddits. Do you want this to be full of progress pics? /r/food is also full of pics, but you wouldn't want them here, would you?"
Then try farther south.
"Yeah, I've played P3 a lot."
It doesn't exist :(
Lmao Thats d1
"They don't treat everyone like complete crap.

To get into the pro league you move up from premier league. How is it fair that the teams who competed in premier now suddenly have extra competition from Renegades?

Honestly, please quit fucking complaining about shit you obviously no knowing about. "
"Frederic played alright, IMO he had the best performance on his team, at least in game 3.
Does Mario Maker come with the classic Mario Amiibo?
"I'm not even gonna say it.  "
"To be fair, the post specifically says

>Please do not downvote other promotion posts."
"Lazarus Chowder is definitely a good alternative!  I forgot about that, I never really use it because of my high oxygen."
"Mourinho, 'beginner in failure'"
">My only excuse is the high dose oxycodone in the hospital that I just took lol

Was it supposed to be a high dose, or did you calculate it yourself? :p"
You... are amazing.
uh... yeah about that the first worgen were nightelves
added axpdozer
"Nice job on the swing door rather than the slider! Check out this classic for inspiration, if you haven't already:

Boat-like interiors are definitely the way to go for non-raised roofs like this."
"""Can't block"" as given by an external source isn't an ability, it's just something true about the card. The order of the card's text is fine, but I agree that it could be reversed for clarity purposes.

I'm not sure what your intentions with dreamwalk are. As written, it doesn't really do anything, Even though what you're doing is permitting it to be cast from exile as though it has flash, you're only able to dreamwalk any time you could normally cast the creature anyway, so the flash portion is pretty much meaningless."
wtf does it mean?
I think her face would look fine if she got braces.
"It's erasure of the real dysphoria that trans people suffer. "
I was there this summer (not cage diving) really nice area and some great diving to be had. Enjoy your trip!
"That brings back memories... The R1000 was my first ""big boy"" amp when I was still really new to gigging. "
"How about ""when I was a noob, I used Sharr as ST fodder because I had other strikers""? xd

Currently she's my main striker xd"
I think we overestimate how many people actually care about celebrities
"I'm pretty sure we can make a Bad Luck Brian moment here:

All 9 slots on the roulette are filled with Lockboxes

Still lands on a consumable"
"I'm pretty sure Animals as an album is a safe bet as far as sleep goes. "
"Any of the Elder Scrolls soundtracks, Ilomilo, and Transistor I think would all be good. 

The Elder Scrolls soundtracks are classical and very mellow. 

Ilomilo is harder to describe - it was an indie puzzle game on Xbox 360 and the music is very sweet and relaxing but also more...eclectic I guess would be the word for it. If you decide to try it, my favorite track is ""Jelly Moonlight"". The tracks have a folksy, fun feel and use some unconventional instruments. I just can't help but be happy and relaxed when I listen to them. 

And Transistor has one of the best soundtracks I've seen in a game in ages. It's very ethereal but also more modern than the others I mentioned. My favorite track here is ""In  Circles"". This is the only one out of the three I've mentioned that contains songs with lyrics, but only roughly 4 or 5 of the tracks have lyrics, the rest do not. "
[Fem!sniper Ninain is better](
Dang...a B-32?
"No it's a joke. This isn't tumblr, we can be adults here."
"Didn't know they had a subreddit. Will do then "
Most of my shit is in another folder but it just so happens i have 2 pictures on my desktop
"A genius, you are.

You, I fancy.

-Yoda 2015"
How can you go ***THAT*** long without checking your phone? The fuck
(nobody cares why you are ranked restricted)
Nice one.
"Not to get all serious, but if you're talking about the thing at the very top, it's a beehive.

EDIT: I'm a moron, you meant the bottom left quadrant in the middle. Nevermind."
Guess it's safe to say ISIS won't find a way to blow this one up ...
nice i just usually hafta shower before
i i can just use some topcock 
and im good to go"
"James buying cologne, honey I put on. Make them run and tell their friends like a fucking marathon"
So who will replace Draxler now?
Thanks I'll look into it
"Quite possibly. "
"It'll be my first year! How are you liking the program? "
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by vidilux"
"There's a ton of self improvement there actually. Sure, you'll see some radical ideas you disagree agree with.

Instantly labeling trp misogynist is truly due to lack of information. 

I read some there, learned that I needed to better myself and become more of a leader in my relationship and its never been better. 

Relax. "
I'm LE and I KNOW I am too high. Probably more suited at high MGE-Low DMG.
Oof. Indy's line is terrible. We're down to grabbing at their castoffs? That's a sad place to be.
"Does that mean only old people watch cable news? "
"Keep spares in a fanny pack. "
God damn do I love our Burger king sweaters haha
" recorded actual human deaths from Kangaroo attacks.

No doubt they can fuck you up, but there's no comparison between a 'roo and a bear, trust me. I've lived in both parts of the world.

As for bears in your shoes, you might find them WEARING or eating your shoes... They can get into a house or a motor vehicle if they really want to. Far more dangerous. No comparison.

Edit: for one, Kangaroos are all about avoiding humans. You would have to corner one to be attacked. Bears generally don't fear humans at all, and can have a pretty much ""fuck you"" attitude, and come right after you. And they're fast, way faster than you think those big fat fucks could be...

Umm, there's one right behind me now, isn't there? Now, about that ""fat"" crack..."
This made me emotionally erect.
Not talking about the team. Definitely not talking about Carson Palmer. Only talking about Derek Carr SAILING balls over everyone's heads. Don't even care about scores or TD's or completion percentages.
i bet it was a hoot
"Thanks for the heads-up. 

I haven't had an interest in Team Ninja ever since Itagaki left, but when I saw that huge row of DLC costumes for DOA5, I thought that they were all paid DLC."
Tumblr ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
"das clever, yaaaa."
"""My village? It's a fairly quiet place called Tabtby. It's a bit of a weird name, it means 'Lost Village' I believe. There's a little story behind it actually.""

*She leans forward slightly and rests her elbows on the table, hoping she was looking sufficiently dramatic.* ""You see, back in the day, the people of my village used to be in a little sea-faring clan. They were pretty good traders and even better warriors, they'd like to prove which one of them was best by seeing who could kill the most guys in battle, plunder the most loot, that sort of thing. Long story short, a bunch of them got shipwrecked on Vale after a storm, they went inland to find materials for some new ships, got lost for a while and thought 'Screw it, this is where we live now.'"" *After finishing, she leans back into her chair and assumes her previous position.* ""So there you have it, the story of my people, not a particularly good story mind you, but it's something at least. I don't know, maybe I'm just a bad storyteller."" *She says with a shrug.*

""As for my father, well, you couldn't get anything past him. I'd sometimes try and sneak out whilst he was out on patrol and cause mischief, but he'd always know exactly what I did, down to the last detail. He was pretty good like that, I always used to pester him to let me train with him and become a guard. Then one day, he just tossed me a weapon, said 'Show me what you got.' and my training began, just like that."" *She says with a nostalgic smile on her face. She could remember it like it was yesterday...*"
in sandlots
Just not the well known one.
"This isn't cringe, it's common knowledge that sex sells. Compare something ""normal"" like /r/gentlemanboners with 348k subs and /r/gonewild with 812k subs. The self-loathing is strong with you, OP."
"Or a snow avalanche. This is in the Alps, and there are massive glaciers above. They have concrete avalanche hide outs every half a mile. source: i was just there. "
"Meh, the internet sucks for conveying tone. 

As to your point, I think a big part of the two will be what form Wx Midrange-y decks take post-rotation. If WB is still big, and wants to push through damage, then Sorin is obviously the choice. If WR or WG become big, or if Wx wants a longer-term source of bodies/pump, then Gideon is the clear winner. "
Xpecial was right about those fairy tales though.
"There isn't a single 7.3 tank so to see any notable difference it'd have to be placed at 5.7 again where it joins the 5.7 black hole of tigers and Panthers.  "
What in the actual fuck does honey with the sugar removed taste like? It seems pointless.
"Ha, this is pretty much what I was going to say."
"I actually used to make and sell Enchanting Vellums on the AH on my scribe. I didn't even know vendors sold them. And people were paying like 50g for a stack of 20 lol "
"probably based on a true story. the interesting part is that David has full confidence in his abilities as a sniper. "
"the main criticism I heard from some of the pro players I've spoken to about it was that they couldn't crack the format. it was sufficiently deep that nobody really figured out the optimal strategy for drafting in the short amount of time the set was legal (it was a third set in the block with a summer core set release coming up behind it). 

from a pro player point-of-view, that is a serious downside. they are trying to get competitive advantage as rapidly as possible and come up with a strategy that produces more wins than losses, and do it before their competition figures it out. they weren't able to do that, and felt frustrated. these are the same reasons non-pro players praise the set. it is deep and nobody really completely figured it out, which is a lot of fun for most players, but a big let down for extremely competitive players focusing on their match winning record. "
"You are posting here too often! More Information about this rule can be found [here]( . 

Please also take time to [examine our rules]( for future reference. Thank you very much for your understanding.

--- Bot by vidilux"
Plus the judgements and skill drains?
"I live in a tiny village in rural England with about 50 people in it. We all get along nicely, I think I'll be fine."
"What is ""PJD""? Anyway, I do find the PS4 controller to be far superior to a dualshock 3. The touchpad button is handy in a few different PSTV games, too."
Any idea what causes them to float for so long?
Wow seems like Critical Mass rides attract the same types of people regardless of the city.
Not allowed to register players at all. Can buy players but can't register them so they can't play.
"The phrase ""wei ruan"" completly looses its original meaning when you use it in this context, nobody thinks about how Microsoft products are low quality or whatnot just by saying the name. ""Wei ran"" in its original meaning is grammatically awkward and not used often anyway."
">No one buys this defense. 

Yeah, except the people who actually do this for a living...

[WASHINGTON \(AP\) -- Experts in government secrecy law see almost no possibility of criminal action against Hillary Clinton or her top aides in connection with now-classified information sent over unsecure email while she was secretary of state, based on the public evidence thus far.](


Your analogy is crap, since no one has a sign on their house saying ""don't run into my house"".

Here's a better analogy:

""we have video of you running a stop sign at Maple and Elm on April 3rd.""

""Wait, there's no stop sign in that video"".

""That's right, because we just decided put one there in June.""


EDIT: BTW, since Trey Gowdy has had Clinton's emails for months now, has he been keeping them on a classified server?  Since they are retroactively classified now...

I demand an investigation!"
Feel free to pass my info along: - I love working with local businesses.
"Tried drafting from a music festival.. Didn't go well. More than half auto-draft picks.

Yahoo 12 team standard, 9th pick.

QB: Eli Manning

WR: Odell Beckham Jr., DeAndre Hopkins, Vincent Jackson, Wes Welker

RB: Matt Forte, LeSean McCoy, Ameer Abdullah, Duke Johnson Jr.

TE: Jason Witten, Jordan Reed

DST: Green Bay

K: Stephen Gostkowski"
"Every Black American is racially frustrated and if you think it's simply because ""White people can't wear dreads!"" you're missing the point.

edit: There's nothing inherently wrong with white people wearing dreads."
"There is none "
"Must be great to mentally dismiss other people's cogent arguments as ""nuh uh""."
"I hated vanilla d3, the current state of Diablo is quite possibly the best the series has ever been."
Started playing MM after 500h in-game. I thought 500 would suffice to grab the basics. It paid off.
There's always the wildcard teams bro.
"God, Vanish is and will forever be my favorite Markiplier videos. That part where he just went full-blown rage had me literally rolling on the floor laughing.

That and Kerbal Space Program :D"
Please tell me you are joking.
"Sounds great! Love beethoven 5. Can you guys make a full sackbut set now? "
"He is a baseball player.

Source: Pat Tabler"
this is what i have  and it is great for starting out.
"And even if you backpedal hard as shit now the word is out, the trust has been irreparably damaged and the same process will still happen, only slower."
"my uncle once told me ""I thought your generation was supposed to be colorblind"" I think that stands here "
"8 hours in the future and drunj. I don't think imma make it.

I'm leaving the tytpo."
Right ankle inflammation
Also is the colorful background/umbrella the artwork or is it just the black/umbrella?
Jim Fisher Volvo was really easy to deal with for my wife's car.
"> Basketball is the only sport where talent is not relevant.

So you're as good as Lebron, Durant, Nate Robinson, and Spud Webb?"
[Dominate this Worlds](
"If you could zoom and enhance like on CSI, you'd see that there's dog shit all over all of the grass. "
Watch the video in SillentStriker's comment.  Almost the same block in color
"cpu, i5?"
"It can work, I like it, maybe you can add a simple sharpened head at front (or maybe not xD)."
Room for two more for assistance?
"Nope this is the first time. Knowing PSU though, they will have free t-shirts up there for those who didn't wear the right colors."
"That's the thing... I'm like transitioning to that. But sometimes i don't recognize when I don't. That's when there's problems

I just need to pay a lot more attention i guess, make it literal top priority"
"Honestly, I believe they were trying out all their concepts offensively just to see what works and what does not. (e.g. our screen game does not work). There just isn't enough football to test out all your players (Trent Richardson had a good look though). This group is also still pretty raw. A handful of timing errors with Cooper and Crabs. I think it will start to gel around week 4 of the regular season.

EDIT: changed some words and ideas"
"Well, I did do a shit ton of reading over the summer haha."
Someone please photoshop draven's stache on sneaky
"I do the tuck between. 

Usually hides the tail pretty well."
"Maybe /r/conspiracy is a joke subreddit...?

Actually, that's probably too much to ask for.

EDIT: I just paid it a visit and... Oh dear. They're quite... imaginative, aren't they? "
I'm 6 weeks today and my cramping has mostly subsided unless I need to pee (often) or have some gas (often as well)

Not a chance."
But steel beams can dent dank memes
"San diego has a club in the 4th division of the american soccer pyramid. our 4th division isn't exactly supported like say Pompy. "
XWX boosts his way back to China
A hot British bloke.
I'll save you the trouble:
They are a pretty rad bunch of dudes!
Book marking for future use. Thanks!
Technically they were already sacrificing spawn so it seems natural
Well done dude!
"They sold out the day Lars Ulrich spoke out against Napster. "

Thanks OP, good luck everyone!"
Why do you keep wearing pants?
"""Del tingo....."" is very difficult to read due to the color choice, and as for the type on the bottom of the page it looks like you just put various words on the page, left aligned the them, and then scattered them throughout.  Every design choice you make should have a purpose.  I hope this helps."
"Wasn't sure about the first hundred times I heard it, but I'm starting to believe he was arrested falsely. "
"It's problematic. It seems to me that the intentional recording of information, even digitally so, can be considered kotev."
"Haha thank you, I struggled there. And yeah, I am debating trying to trade Evans for an RB but is it worth it in PPR you think? "
"I seriously doubt Fantano was specifically thinking of offended rape victims when telling people to ""fuck their feelings"""
"2 or 4 of the wire (probably 4).

"So now the truth starts to slowly reveal itself. I don't know about the previous person but be that as it may what gives you the audacity to condone such behavior as to take it upon yourself to repeat that bug abuse. Regardless of how you got the idea he was doing that, your immaturity proves itself by participating in such actions and thus further incriminating yourself. You instigated the whole situation, did you ever think that maybe the guy you saw could've started the confrontation as well, that is if there even was another person? Maybe it could've been another friend and they were having a laugh with each other, consider the possibilities before you jump to conclusions and create your own dilemma."
Hmmm maybe he could platoon with Schwarber or Coghlan and hit against lefties? He's hit .294 against lefties this year.
"no one will care; but even if they did, which group of people's opinions on your appearance matters more to you: 

- the handful of people in your bjj gym you see a few hours each week? 


- everyone, ever, for the rest of your life? 

gnarled ears are permanent. just wear the ear guards. 

anyone who complains about them being abrasive should  be framing more. high school wrestlers across the country use these things full time with very few negative consequences. "
"I don't know yet. I'm 24 and focused 100% on building my career. "
I had a friend in college who got hospitalized for drinking too much monster. It gave him a full on ulcer. Dave Grohl also got very sick by drinking excessive amounts of coffee while working on them crooked vultures.
"Unfortunately, the USA, through the CIA, has played a part in Tibetan separatism. It's a complex topic and of course I do not mean to deflect outrageous PRC abuses there, the things with which I'm sure everyone here is familiar."
"I had to use around 60 gems on my main to max WB, which ended up being around 40 skillbooks. However, my alt had amazing luck and maxed WB in 17 skillbooks while only using 15 gems. In the end, it's all about the RNG "
"Tarp is off and sun is peeking thru , we might be ok"
"It's a SSHD. Still much better than a HDD though. "
"Twelve team, two keepers per team league, with a flex position... 

Instead of one of Jamaal Charles, Marshawn Lynch, Randall Cobb, or Demaryius Thomas, our buddy took the Seattle defense because he was ""loaded"" with RBs already (Matt Forte and Jeremy Hill). 

Oh, and his last pick? Green Bay defense as a backup. 

That's right, first and last picks of the 2015 draft: Defenses.   o_O

His logic was ""I haven't won in a decade, I had to change things up...""  

I guess I can't argue with the logic, however, the execution was a little lacking... "
"Sometimes yes, but other times it is obvious the tech gap has more to do with it.

For example, two fully charged gunship shots hitting while a scout is unloading on the guy.  Tons of hits, but we both get taken out before we can kill him. "

This is the kit I used to do this. Still have LEDs left over for the next knight as well."
"/u/Achronos - any chance we could get a list, or perhaps a total count of Shield of Mythics emblems awarded?"
You might be the one not understanding it. You can choose which thought you wanna react to. I came up with a factual statement and you oppose with something totally different which has almost nothing to do with my comment. Stop smoking that shit dude.
I actually like the Los Angeles 405. I ride a motorcycle and it's the easiest for splitting lanes.  Can you split lanes on a motorcycle in Seattle now? I thought I heard that got passed but haven't heard anything since
"  "
"Damion was still in a foul mood as a result of the joust when he received his summons to join Lord Hightower. At least this would give him an excuse to avoid the other lords and ladies that saw him ride. He really had nothing to be ashamed about, he shattered two lances on the Redfort boy's helmet, but he was unhorsed all the same and his pride was a sensitive thing.

He approached the room with four of his household guard. He nodded to the giant man trusting he didn't need introductions. He wasn't in the mood for the courtesies of King's Landing. The man opened the door announcing his arrival and Damion dismissed his own guard.

Damion entered the room with something that resembled a smile on his face. In his arms he carried a cask of wine.

""Greetings Lord Hightower. I promised you wine last time we met, and I thought a Dornish Red was especially appropriate. Given the circumstances from the other night."" His gift brought a genuine smile to his face. He knew Leyton wouldn't even touch it in all likelihood, but if he didn't have any that only meant more for him."
"I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

- [/r/bestof] [Redditor attempt s the ""Snackman"" interrupt on a fight in Mumbai, fighters resume fight](

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"what I wouldn't give for a stargate spinoff series where Hit'Lor is the main villain and the stargate team has to travel the galaxy fighting space nazis. or, well, I guess they would be Na'Zis or something. Ach'tung Jaffa!"
"Oh my... I'm uninsured(legal), so if I ever go to the hospital I hope that if a vet needs it more they will let him go first"
"Approved, [here]( is your wiki!"
"I wasn't expecting this to have a 180° effect on anybody, just something I noticed while rereading. Tell me why though."
"Actually, my Samsung phone costs just about as much as your inferior iPhone, and I don't have to pay an extra $100 for more storage space."
Consertei pra você.
"Yes, but he argues like a troll. I'm not going to waste another day arguing against another anarcho-capitalist. I already did that with copycat042. Edit: and Sovereign_Curtis"
We don't talk about it
"Fair point, but I would argue that the majority of the player base won't operate in that individual-stat-bloating manner. There is definitely something going on with the individual stats, but it's not clear what, or how it might affect matchmaking. Rank is not the only determinant, and therefore neither is your ""rank score"". That's what I think, anyway."
"Dude this is clean, I'm trying to cop one now. What season is this??"
"To ensure the quality of our subreddit, we enforce a 250 character minimum on all text posts. If you are asking a simple question, please post it in the Mundane Questions thread instead.

If you would like to repost your question, please make sure you add basic information like your champion pool, your rank, and specifics about what you need help with.

*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerschool) if you have any questions or concerns.*"
The selling point of this fight is that we really won't know until we see it hit the cage.  The quality of the guys Punk is training with should be enough to get him by this guy and if they aren't I don't think we will see Punk again in the UFC.
3368 for /u/gayscout? Seems legit.
"honestly why they would put a monetary prize on a tournament like this with ZERO anti hack tools is beyond crazy. "
"He's attacking Seth because he hates the Authority, which was the whole reason for his debut. And this is the first time he's been on TV since the title has been with the Authority, and every wrestler wants to be champ."
Thx QQ
"I used to work in retail and they did the same to us.  We didn't clock in our hours were written down, like 10-4 etc.  But it would take at least 15 minutes to count the cash drawer at the end of the shift.  Never mind the fact that even if the stores close at 4 there were always customers who would check out late and THEN I could cash out.  I got into an argument with the manager because that extra 15 or 20 minutes off clock added up.  AND on top of that they wanted us to show up 15 minutes early, off the clock.  So between the two it was an extra half hour or more five days a week.  That's an extra 2 and a half hours a week that we weren't getting paid!"
Michigan state is trying that this year against Oregon I dunno how it will work though
No problem!
"I will get that when I smoke a pork belly. Eat loads of bacon no problem, but pork belly, which is bacon, will hit me. Go figure......"
Lol thanks Papi
"My recommendation would be to play on PvE servers until you are all experienced enough and move to PvP ones (if that's the type of gameplay you want to get into...).  "
You should talk to the teacher in Hopewell who lost her job after some students found videos of her performances on YouTube.
"The Iron Cross came into use in 1871.

Stop pretending to be retarded.  You're not being funny, clever, or thought-provoking.  You're just being tiresome."
There is no pre load for the steam version
you are way better explaining thing than me o_O i second most of what you said ^ ^
Yes it's common.  It's why products exist to correct the difference.
uhh...what's a CDO?
"keep walking in a obvious line. "
"Number of days in a row where I have some form of communication (text/call/Skype/in-person meetup) with my gf. "
That song is always stuck in my head and I love it!
"I'm guessing you haven't read Go Set a Watchmen "
"Just because someone posted this doesn't mean it's a good idea to try and use old addresses. In fact it's a very bad idea. "
Please David Otunga don't take a slot that another could take.
"Fuck idk, some 150 bpm dubstep song?"
"[stashmycomics]( dude. I love this site so much. Edit: It's the best, free cataloging site I've ever come across."
"The word has been used to such redundancy that it has lost all meaning in my mind. I looked it up afterwards and realized that they are synonymous. 

I am not TRP btw so we are both prone to mistakes. "
"The casting reveals - 

1st cast) both the current and past inquiries regard the same answer, if the decision is made the feet must carry it out. 

2nd cast) You have received an answer and the gods expect it to be carried out unquestioningly. It is important that this is understood, for the matter makes great enhancements in your power and life. You know what you must do. 

Hope this helps, and good luck on your journey "
"Again, type c is the shape of the port. Has nothing to do with fast charging."
"Oh god, they know she exists.. she's doomed. "
"Those points where it's inaudible, they were done intentionally."
"Your argument will inevitably lead to the ""Tragedy of the Commons"" as your splattery mess of overpowered WiFi will immediately and negatively impact anyone within range.

There are good reasons for cars to temporarily exceed the speed limit and email has legitimate use. Your WiFi doesn't compare to this as there is literally no way for you to muck with it that doesn't negatively impact something.

Upping your transmit power to beyond the legal limit overdrives the amplifier and degrades not only your experience but the experience of anyone within range.

Changing your frequency outside what WiFi is supposed to be using leads to clipped splattery signals and may interfere with licensed equipment in another band.

If you absolutely require more range or unflooded frequencies then you can move to a licensed band and buy licensed equipment.

What you're defending is no better than throwing garbage in a lake."
"Hidden hand barely even does anything for snipers though. It's way more effective on cannons and higher RoF weapons.

Final Round was good, but not the way everyone else used it. Dumping the mag for that final shot? There was two perfectly good kills you wasted.

Crowd control is taking the reigns now. Wonder how long it's going to take before that's nerfed."
"> You don't know the effect on your life because you don't know what it's like to have a foreskin. 

By the same logic, those with foreskin don't know what it's like to be circumcised.

It's never been any kind of problem for me (in fact, I'd say the opposite is true) and it's ridiculous to dwell on something that happened when I was newborn.

">During those hectic first few days when Star Citizen first exploded on Kickstarter, he went without sleep for 72 hours straight and, according to an aide, had to be forced to a hotel room bed by worried colleagues.

 Hehe! I miss those days. Too bad my guy got busted ;p"
"This is my thinking 2. Some kind of old type Gandal, Dumbledoor shit!! That stuff is always cool. Leader of some kind Magic School, Academy. "
"epic will be an enhancement
"it's not as competitive as you think it is.
though i'm not a college student anymore and haven't been for about 5 years so my knowledge is definitely not the most up to date version.
there's a separate cap for foreigners so it's definitely A LOT easier for us than it is for korean nationals.  for undergrad program entrance from high school if you maintained a 88%+ average you should be fine. 
if it's a transfer from another (reputable) college and you maintained a B- and above average you should be fine"

Thanks broseph"
"The one flip for me is really more about whether or not you know how to read the meat, for lack of better terms haha. When the top of the burger gets really juicy it's time to flip. "
"I know for a fact (well, just a hunch) that you'll kick ass when 1.0 sees the light. Thank you for making an already amazing game."
I think the MBTA just disconnected the wire to the CEL.
"Tortoises are part of the turtle order, to be fair."
Do you realize how long ago that was?
But why is the real question here.
"I've seen YouTube vids of her doing ab workouts similar to the ones Manny Pacquiao does, sets of crunch variations with no rest, about 2000 reps total.  Given they're friends, it's probably the same one he does."
Photoshopped.  You're too big of a bitch to post your own face.
I barely get those frames and I have a gtx970 and a i5 4670k with normal settings. Teach me your ways..
"Four way stops. Why is it sooo hard to understand right of way?? Also... ONE PERSON GOES AT A TIME!!! "
"I think the film will really hurt this game. Fury Road is already being considered a modern classic and its not even out on blu ray.

There was no way this game would maintain what began with that film. They were produced separately but at the same time, so I think this game will appeal to old Mad Max fans, but will struggle with those expecting the raw brilliance of Fury Road."
"Sneaky made more than a few dumb plays in their losses though. Don't get me wrong he played well but Incarnation hit another level in these series. Did not see this coming based on his performance this split. "
"The Xindi arc was a little too over the top in my opinion.

The 4th season was actually not that bad (except the finale which shall not be named). Actually, if you ax that last episode from ENT and make Terra Prime the series finale, the 4th season actually works really well as a prequel to all of Trek."
"I wanted to leave a comment so that I hold myself accountable for this challenge!

1. UD Naked Basics - Foxy; Finish

2. UD Naked Basics - Venus; Hit Pan

3. UD Naked Palette - Sidecar; Hit Pan

4. UD Naked Palette - Naked; Finish

5. UD Naked Palette - Buck; Hit Pan

6. UD Naked Flushed - Streak (Bronzer Only); Hit Pan

7. Mini NARS Deep Throat Blush; Hit Pan

8. Lorac Pro 2 - Rose; Hit Pan

9. Pixi Correction Concentrate - Brightening Peach; Hit Jar

10. Colourpop Lip Primer; Finish 

11. Any mini lipstick in my collection; Finish 

12. Any other eyeshadow in my collection; Hit Pan

I have so many mini lipsticks that I am hopeful I will be able to finish at least one by Christmas. Also, I have several other eyeshadows that are also close to hitting pan, so I will be satisfied if I can hit pan on at least one of those, I just didn't want to specifically choose one. I don't have pictures right now, but I do plan on adding them during the updates!

"Dvorak user here. I would recommend learning [colemak]( instead. I find that Dvorak overloads the right hand, and it makes most default keyboard shortcuts a pain to use."
"For the reverse, you mostly need to file taxes in the US, or go to a select few places - TD and RBC's US arms being two, credit unions being the other.

If you JUST want to spend US money in Canada, you can get one of the many US credit cards with no foreign transaction fee. VISA or MasterCard have the widest acceptance. For easy, the CapOne Quicksilver is good. For more complex, well, see /r/churning

If you really want a Canadian bank account, try the credit unions in the province you visit most, or give RBC Bank (the US arm of RBC) a call and see if they do the reverse - RBC Bank is usually for Canadian snowbirds.

Oh yeah, one more option - HSBC Premier, if you can put $100k with them (investments, mortgages, whatever)."
"And yet you have no reply to the statements people have made, way to have an open mind big fella"
"Nah man that's hilarious if it's true "
"Leave him be, it appears hes having a stroke."
"Trying to get a house in limerick and the amount of fucking ""post-grads only"" houses makes me think theres some sort of student apartied going on. "
"MFP is brodins_raven. I haven't been logging lately... This is a great reason to stay accountable. "
"well then just tell her. if my son wanted to do something that i thought was unhealthy, i would want him to tell me, rather than keep it a secret (im the strict one, BTW). also, show them [this]("
"im just now listenin to it "
"The Romans would have still burnt all his shit.  King Solomon should have invested in builder's insurance. "
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I understand. CIA stuff huh?
I'll go online as well. I also have an egg that matches your TSV 3811 as well.
Style fits jacket so well! Cool drawing.
"That looks like a pretty long rod for that kind of fishing so probably tough to hAndle. It also looked like he was trying to drop it on to the table. 

I think more an issue of underestimating his much the cat wanted the fish. "
"Could some one fill me up on what happened between drake and Meek Mill?

Recent fan. "
Uh... Try Tuesdays.
"No not all of them are, and not only black people are. No one here is taking some great stand against racism by bullying some dumb pop star at an even dumber award show. "
"[Version 2](

[B/w original]("
This post made me laugh because 100 years from now they/us will be saying the same about us.
"Talley whacker.  I'm 82. Not I'm not, but all the good dick names were taken. "
So this is how shadowrun begins..
Actually there is somewhat of a rule on how the soft g should be used. Generally when a g comes before i e or y and a hard g is used before a o or u. Words using a hard g before an i e or y tend to come from German.

Perfect for hunting demons and zombies."
"Congratulations!!!  You are the winner of a magnificent, brand spanking new, never before used, bye into the second round of the Reddit X-Wing Escalation Tournament.

(these winnings may be taxed. Void where prohibited)"
Transfers = FA
Have fun waking up tomorrow then :P
You've subconsciously changed your habits in order to justify getting the plunger. You're putting all sorts of crazy stuff in that sink you never did before.
"Don't you dare be sour.  Jerk off with both hands, and feel the power!"
Thank you! This game is awesome at showing how practice makes you better.
"My friend showed me the trailer and the first word that I thought of was ""masturbatory."""
"There's more than kind of strength, but it sounds like you are needing impact resistance. Take a look at the spreadsheet on this thread for some ideas:"
Ummm Marie isn't in this picture?!?!
"Good. It's nice to see the president recognizes how silly that prof was. "
"You're not shadowbanned.

You can prove that to yourself by clicking your own username to go to your overview then logging out. You should still see your overview. If you were shadowbanned, it would go to [Reddit's 404 page](

If you're asking because something you posted isn't showing up in /r/<subreddit>/new, (or in your overview *when you log out*) [click here]( to learn  the procedure for dealing with the spam filter.

**Do not delete & resubmit your posts** as this will train the spam filter to continue doing this. You may have to repeat the procedure until the spam filter learns that your posts are okay.

*If this doesn't help explain the trouble you're having, first check out [Reddit's FAQ]( or consider posting in /r/help.*
"Also I think I found the best thing in this picture.

**Cough** 2 Villagers **Cough**"
as a computer idiot i seriously need a captain here. guess im some next level stupid xD
I don't follow your logic.
"Its commonly referred to as the University Magikarp and is one of the most sought after pokemon cards in the world. Collectors speculate that less than 50 were ever printed. "
Thanks ^^

Ul'dah is the easiest to get around, the city quests / clicking Aetherytes take the shortest amount of time, and the 1-15 quest experience in Thanalan IMO is way more efficient than everywhere else.

Gridania is awful in all these regards. Haven't done Limsa enough to comment, but getting Aetherytes in Limsa isn't the most fun thing in the world either. The main benefit to Limsa is you can get to the marketboards quickly (Ul'dah requires a loading screen from the nearest Aetheryte, which sucks.)"
Cole in armour has no legs
"They aren't wrong. Nor are you. Most people just don't care about the over-reaching effects things like this cause or even realize there are any.

Personally, I'd rather hold the torch to the publisher. They're aware of what they're engaging in much more than your average buyer.

Oooh :)

"Yes I do, it's been mostly used for Fifa but I always wanted to play the last of us since it came out on ps3."
"That sounds lovely! What books are you reading? I haven't read a book in quite some time. I've been too busy working. "
Is slamming the same as high siding really hard?
"Good for you !!! I have been writing applications for so long and still no luck :( "
go read his diary and actually pay attention this time
Not really. A criminal was caught. Corbyn says he should be entitled to justice. How is that sympathy?
"Why do they always say emanate?  "
You got that right. I made my comment before he 6-0'd leffen
"If I'm having a shitty day, a waffle from Waffles and Dinges"
"I can't speak for all phamacies but at the pharmacy I work in, common brand names are found on the back of the label, as well as generic name."
What!? Why doesn't the head to head record count?
"The ultimate agenda to doing something like this is exactly what your interpretation is: A way to reduce workforce without having to actually pay severance. They are, in fact, hoping you're going to *quit*. That's the cheapest method of getting rid of you and making their books look better. If you quit, you get no severance (although you won't anyway in this scenario), you also can't claim Unemployment (in most cases.) By quitting, you're just helping them. As others have said, the proper behavior here is to *milk that shit* until you've conveniently locked down new employment at someplace not run by Meg Whitman's wretched corpse."
something something locodoco
"Assuming treatment fidelity, and the amount of gluten consumed being enough to evoke side effects of consumption. "
"""....was a bad influence on a couple of young players and was conveying an anti-front office message.”  Jackson notes, however, that Baker was popular with teammates and media members""

Can you really blame him for conveying an anti-front office message?  It sends a really bad message to the younger players when you cut your players for crap like that.

Plus it kinda suggests to the players that the front office doesn't give a crap about winning. Jeff Baker was a serviceable utility guy, who definitely would be a better option than Rojas. Plus he would have given us some pinch hitting depth. "
Samsung 850 pro 256gb still new $90 shipped.
Which one of you is doing the sucking so they would agree to participate in this?
"You wont know before its too late though.

""Ring stuck on dick, had to have it amputated [NSFW]"" is not enough to stop me."
"Okay, but if you wanted Von to see this it's probably best to post it on /r/blackops3, that's where he takes feedback and stuff."
"It's a novelty thing. While it's not my favorite track, it has a sense of nostalgia and there's no doubt that it sounds great live. So what if it isn't a nectar track. Pink elephants and a reference to going down the rabbit hole is all a perfect metaphor for a nectar set. He doesn't drop it that often, so it's always a crowd pleaser... Don't understand why this bothers everyone so much. A significant portion of his sets are not his original music, it's always been this way. "
"I appreciate the advice. That's typically how I operate. In this case, I think this guy just has no idea what he's doing and he's about to give away one of the most important players for 3 bench guys. I think I will email the guy and explain why I think it's a horrible deal and if he still wants to do it, I guess I will let it go."
"That is your case to prove, not mine. I would start by first showing me proof of any action having moral value, or proof of morals in the first place. "
And the card text gets more and more convoluted and tiny.
well shit...there's 10 minutes spent on this video today. Just like yesterday....and the day before that.
"[HistoryFans]( | [Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
Smash Sonic please! Thanks for being generous OP!"
"This project is dead, regardless of what the so called devs say. "
Tesla? Is that you?
It's been a thing long before the internet.
"[the fuck are you, rekter the molester?]("
Lol! I hope so
"Notice how he said good. Not OP. But anyways He has great kill setups , good frame data, decent neutral and a good edge guarding tools."
Casually living my own dreams too
Goins is having a rough day
I honestly was not expecting it to be as good as it was.
"Mirrors are gone now too it seems, sigh."
"Oh, well, that's not to say that I did not welcome your interference, I just... I...

Are you disappointed?"
"Honestly, ""too much water"" is a valid criticism if it takes up 40% of the overworld and the gameplay in water segments is fucking awful.

The game deserves a solid 9, but the water problem is legit. Fuck team Aqua."
I could help! Do you have a skype?
"You give them money for a chance to win money based on your predictions.

Dont do it. You'll spend more money than actually win it, otherwise they would go bankrupt."
"Yeah it should really favor the owner, who has all the power, and a far superior asset portfolio. Why doesn't anyone think about the rich people!?

C'mon now. You'll get them out and then can go back to generating income very soon. You'll be fine."
"Spare shirt, ball and two gloves, pot and rolling paper, and sun screen.
Used to keep a hacky sack. 
...i miss those days.
-deep siiiggghh-"
"Haha I know that. Motivation is a bitch.  But hey, if you do it now it's done. It'll take  less time than you think"
* Name: Sam
* Age: 18
* Location: Washington
* boxers or briefs: Boxer Briefs 
* Whats the most exciting thing you've done this year so far: A lot of of things, including hunting vinyl, riding a lighting pony (blue minibike), adventuring, and the likes.
* Pics/Social Media:"
"Well, i'm back and added you already"
"[Belgian Study](

[Lane Splitting is Safe - Article contains a link to the study](

Plus 100k+ miles of collision free anecdotal evidence from myself and my family (we all commute on bikes and split regularly).

EDIT - I thought I was responding to a different comment, but those links are still relevant.

It's not really a gray area though, it is 100% legal. It's legal the same way it is legal to drive with your windows down or for you to walk down the street. Things are legal until legislation makes them illegal.

The only thing a law (AB-51) would do would codify ways for LEOs to enforce compliance. Right now that is where the ""gray area"" exists, since it is up to each individual officer to decided when a rider is riding recklessly."
"*Clives eyes widen as the girl suddenly appears in front of him.*

“Wha- How did you? Youre a meta?!” *Exasperated, he looks around wildly to make sure no one saw. Ok… she definitely could have outrun me.* “What are you doing?! People might see!” 
"When cyclists in a cycling reddit think you and your buddies are jerks, you've lost.  I agree 100% with /u/AudioPi.  The cyclist was the aggressor.  The driver of the Zip Car retreated from a bad situation as best as they could."
Glad to hear! 😊💜
Going on reddit
"I'll give you a young offensive prospect for a young pitcher in your organization.  We have plenty of offense prospects but no pitching. "
I wouldn't say it's a fraud but there are a ton of chiropractors that are frauds.   The real problem is there is no real regulation of them and anyone can practically call themselves one.   That's why it's best to do due diligence and check out your chiropractor throughly before using anyone.....even if you are in pain
He had some money left over after he funded the BLM racists
"D-do you like it? "
Cult of personality is a powerfulhuman construct.  Bernie was nothing but a wacko Senator that we reluctantly tolerated a couple years ago and now he's being heralded as some savior for humankind.  Reminds me of another guy back in 2007......
"It would be kind of funny if he decided to go this year just for fun. "
"Because these are flavors I'd NEVER think of ordering, i'm curious about the It's Toast flavor. And the Cornbread. And sticky rice. If you can't just surprise me with whatever you decide, I'd try It's Toast."
"Great film! I was lucky enough to see it in theaters during its limited release but it probably took me 2-3 additional viewings before I felt I really understood what all was going on (partially due to the brisk speed and unique style of the dialog) though it's definitely one of those films that you catch new things each time you watch it. "
"Mom's got jelly roll pans out the wazoo "
It's a game for kids bruh...
I didn't realize I was part of a worldwide community of these chairs!
"Not really sure, just a vague idea based on the 7-11 : Gamescom ratio, and the Gamescom : Sharpedo ratio. You can let me know what you were thinking"
The pack goes on sale every once in a while. May be cheap enough the next time around for both you and the bud
"interesting concept. it's strange though, many spend decades and decades, nearly entire lives in comas so it appears the body can be pretty reslient. but I do like the idea of looking after your own body whilst doing it, it can only make the experience better. but also - what a nice way it would be to die like that if the alarms were disabled? to go off during a great dream, without even knowing :-)"
"He means that it's not related to Zorro, whose various incarnations are usually set somewhere in the 19th century."
"Yep, the past 2 years I've definitely recognized two patterns

1) Rap is hard, why I trend away from it

2) Ballads or ""narrative songs"" are by far the easiest to write

And thanks! Figures for Let it Go with A&M, lol. Was one of the most fun to write, behind only the Les Miles/what does the fox say and the Tenacious D one"
* i chop of a snake ladys head right in front of you*
"A Thousand Suns isn't my favorite, but their new stuff is really great. The Hunting Party and Living Things were fantastic albums that get a lot of shit, and it's kinda frustrating."
"What happened to [Betteridge's law of headlines](

edit because wiki"
"Hell, some people think the prequels are fanfic ""quality"".  Everyone working for Star Wars from now on will be fans, so it'll be interesting to see how things turn out for people like you and the prequel haters."
" Done! I really hope they go home together! Or if someone could just look past the age and help make his life golden :)"
"Hey guise, he's a *doctor*.
"It's a big hat. It's funny. Ha. "
Your comments continue to indicate you know almost nothing about everything.
There's a blast from the past
"It cost less when I just tried.

EDIT: I'm a retard, it costs twice as much."
PSP had a shitty library?
"I quit console gaming because of the mods and steam sale. "
"40 years old, and still once in a blue moon..."
"Patient has a generous pedunculus = FUPA

FLK = (funny looking kid) babies that look weird

A case of hypodilaudidism = drug seeker

Do it faggot you know you want to
>[2015-08-19 03:00:23 UTC](

>\[[#에이핑크](에이핑크)\] Apink 2nd Concert \[PINK ISLAND\] D\-3 [#Apink]( [#PINK_ISLAND]( [#나은](나은) [#NaEun]( [**]( [^[Imgur]](


[^[Mistake?]](/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/3hjhlm%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.)
You're my grandmothers teacup?
That is so freaking adorable.
"I would say stubborn pride has almost earned itself a Latin alphabet symbol for use in equations. "
Leave highschool. Get an education. Help make it better.
"*Lyrah notices Akino picking up a guild application, but glances away because she wasn't so interested anymore. She kept her gaze at a wall; she picks up her drink from the table and took a sip, until Akino approached her without noticed.* 

""Hm?"" *still holding the cup close to her lips, she put her attention at Akino, who seems to be intimidating her, or at least trying to. It didn't affect her.*

*Soon he mentions that he have seen Lyrah before, which she also feels the same way towards him.* ""Really? Well likewise,"" *she replied, putting the cup down and looking away.* ""Where have you seen me before?"" *she asked, without looking at him.*"
"Ah, yes, that was the theory she got it from, she said so herself. Apparently he's got a lot of SJW and feminist fangirls. To be completely honest I've heard his name but I'm not that familiar with him aside from social justice people namedrops."
sorry im late but pls kill urself xD
"If Strange is anything like the recent New Avengers Annual he was the centerpiece of, I'll buy 2 copies a week."
"What if it isn't fun?  What if every time I know he's watched it,  I have to wonder if he contributed to sex trafficking, rape,  or abuse?  That's also a reality of the world - why ignore that to make masturbation easier for you?  

Sounds like a poem :)
"[Link To Original Submission]( 


^^^I ^^^Am ^^^A ^^^Bot. ^^^Please ^^^Message ^^^/u/FurSec ^^^if ^^^you ^^^have ^^^any ^^^feedback ^^^or ^^^suggestions."
"But in that case, they probably are at the same level..."
Im on 4th now. U see me?
"so for $100 on ebay, you can get 500Gh/s from a bitcoin miner.  This thing for $20k doesn't even touch that speed.  I feel like someone should have figured this out by now."
everything was better in the pre alpha.
Ever tried making more cupcakes?

Many, many classic games completely destroyed via the magic of emulation. [Here's a good example of the sort of silliness people can pull off with frame-perfect input.]("
"Also it's easily the most accessible anime out there. OP you have to show this one to your parents. It's either that or Samurai Champloo which I like better, but Bebop is perfect for westerners."
"Ice cream or donuts, or both"
"In theory, I see why people might think this is a good idea. The High Line in NYC is really cool. However, they have a ton of volunteers who work every day to keep it clean, weed free (plants, not drugs, but probably that too), and thriving. I visited it this summer and there were people from all walks of life enjoying the walk and views. In the winter when there is snow, it is less crowded, but still enjoyed. I fear a High Line type park in Seattle would be run over with homeless people and drug users, not well kept because of a lack of volunteers or lack of buy in from the city/Seattle Parks. When it rains, there would be very few people up there. We don't have NYC's population or tourist influx and if it has a poor reputation among locals, the community won't work to protect it. Demolish the viaduct and spend the money on better things. "
"You make some good points,but amd isn't doing shit in the arm world so far. "
worst way to assassinate someone is to kill yourself in a car with them.
"Good thing Facebook is suggesting people you communicate with on Tinder, texting or Whatsapp even if you have no mutual friends right!?

Yeah, NSA shit. "
"Guess they had to draw the line somewhere?  Policing the entire universe isn't really an option, so you've got to pick a scope for your mission and stick to it.  The Milky Way was their galaxy to preserve, they were cool with that.

Besides, until we know more about how we're getting to Andromeda, there's very little that can be said for certain.  Maybe no one's ever gone to another galaxy before, maybe the Reapers didn't have the capability of doing it, maybe maybe maybe."
Crewnecks used to cost $98 USD years back
Brilliant perspective on the JT sub. ~~God~~ The Only One works in mysterious ways.
link please?
"I haven't seen any videos, but I might be able to help a bit with those gripes of yours in 3 points.

Farming: Last hit with Q and autos early game, barrels are only to be used for zoning. They take so long to arm before 7 that its hard to time them, and they don't do enough to one shot the casters until you get a sheen/avarice crit.

Ranged: Sorry man, every time I've gone against a ranged I don't do well, here you max range farm with q, hide in bush, and pop out for last hits, or if its a squishy teemo, you can place a defensive barrel, and chain them to him, run at him, w the blind, auto for passive, and run out. That wins trades with teemo starting about level 4. Vlad is just like, unwinnable solo.

Tanks: The problem here is armor, triforce > IE and barrels kind of shit on non 3 armor item tanks, so if you farm up till sheen, zoning with the threat of barrel you should be good. When you get sheen you can either power farm and try to carry, or go for the chunk/kills by putting a barrel on your melees and just waiting."
You had me excited that there was a fast food archetype ):
Haven't read it yet. I know about it but never really felt drawn to it since it seems a little to much of the parts I don't like about star trek.
I wish that were true.
Wood? Plastic? Any serial number?
"> Sure, in the fine print/TOS.

And by ""fine print"" you mean several times on the signup page with large print saying ""live out of market games"" and in the FAQ a link to a zip code checker to see what games would be available then yes it was in the ""fine print"". "
"It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to.

Yes, this is a real sentence. "
Pic had one red house and forest. Pressed randomly somewhere in Sweden and hit 18.8km. lol.
"I learned how to do the basic paperwork through an internship at a Case Management agency, and a co-worker at a nursing home who basically did everything involving them gave me the rundown on what's needed, how to do them, etc.

In a VERY basic nutshell, the application is the easiest part.  It's all the paperwork involved that's the problem (especially when families or resident's aren't so forthcoming with financials)."
"Thanks. I have been trying to unsubscribe from their spam emails for a month. "
Good start to the inning. Let's claw our way back into this
"Also a beginner, here's how I did it:

    from datetime import date
    name = input(""Name: "")
    age = int(input(""Age: ""))
    repeat = int(input(""Echo: ""))
    year =
    if age < 100:
        print(""Hello %s, you will turn 100 in the year %d, %d years from now...\n""
        % (name, (year + (100 - age)), (100 - age)) * repeat)
        print(""Good god man! You are already %d you should be dead by now!\n""
        % (age) * repeat)"
Ugh.  No one should know that sort of thing about their parents.  I'm sorry.
" So are you saying that exception to the law is in place more so out of convenience to public school teachers then anything else? "
"What is the meaning of life? "
"What would we do without a daily Pedro story to City, United, or the bus? Lol"
"They'd always won, by a landslide. They'd never practiced a situation where they needed to come from behind at the end of a game. "
"Dulekeo 34 warlock,
never attempted skolas but read a few guides"
It wouldn't even be hard to give it free. Your account is tagged with a alpha- or beta tester badge if you were Early Access backer. I am seriously having trouble understanding why they would do this. The damage to their reputation greatly overshadows their possible profits.
Underrated reference right here
International Studies! Also French and Linguistics
"That's a really interesting tip.  I wouldn't have thought to do that.  I'm just at Ostagar now, so sounds like it's a good time to check out the other origin stories."
Call The Joint Commission. Call the state hospital licensing board. Call the state nursing board. Call the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare. Call the state hospital association. Call the media. There are lots of ways to get this fixed quickly.
"Yeah, I definitely liked Oculus a lot! I'm glad someone else liked As Above, So Below. (Side note- don't know if you have watched Mad Men, but I thought it was nice seeing Ginsberg from that show (who played the lead male in As Above) in the horror genre.) 

I would have to agree with you about both horror and metal music. You win some, you lose some."
"I consider myself a fairly good sniper, and I won't challenge a set up sniper unless I know they are bad. Most of the time I try to get a different angle, or just let a shotgun teammate go take them out. It's too easy for them to get kills if they are hard scoping a choke point. "
">Jusquen 1875, il ny a pas disoloir ni de bulletin de vote aux élections. On se prononce à main levée, publiquement, et tout le monde sait pour qui on a voté.

>Bien souvent, des fiers-à-bras appuyant un candidat bloquent laccès au bureau de vote ─ le « poll » ─ à ceux qui ne votent pas « du bon bord ». Des bagarres éclatent pour savoir qui contrôlera le poll ou encore pour forcer sa fermeture dès que lon calcule avoir la majorité. La violence et lintimidation sont alors monnaie courante.

"Yeah I mean that's the other thing...1-2 gallons looks like absolutely nothing once it's poured into a sink. It's not nearly enough water to dump soap into and be able to submerge the dishes enough to wash them.

Think about how little your sink would fill up if you plugged the drain and dumped out a 2L pop bottle into it. The water would be like an inch high. That's 0.5 gallons."
I remember another team losing to the Red Sox that postseason
"Puma is another name for a mountain lion. They are native to North America. They also go by catamount, cougar, and sometimes panther (but that's stupid since that cat already exists).  As far as I know, they're the only ""big cat"" native to North America."
He's taking to the people of Israel
"Nice strategy bro. btw, I already beat this def last night using my dark barb king's ridiculuos RNG lol"
"Now you know how her dad feels. "
"A rusty nail at that. "
"Nile - Sarcophagus "
I fucking love pizza rolls. You're a goddamn saint for sharing them.
If you can ban out Ekko & Nidalee then beating TSM gets 10x easier.
"> I'm still living it.

I hope you're just joking, but if your thoughts are getting that dark please give Lifeline a ring. 0800 543 354 if you're outside of Auckland, 09 5222 999 if you're within Auckland."
"Let's go Jimmy!! "
"> Replace ""and"" with ""and"".  
Did I do it right?  
This truly baffles me.
"So, what would you do..assuming everything he is saying is true."
They left because the LD org was really shady and NiP was far more established and respected.
"No one ever said they had to be *precise*. "
That isn't a Star of David.
"""life is effort and i'll stop when i'm dead!"""
Poor Cooper
"And it's not like we're going out and smacking the shit out of kids or even touching them. Us just not wanting them around apparently means we're going to go kill kids or want them hurt. Pft, no I don't. I *want* them away from *me*."
"Definitely whales "
well... it is a 1 bedroom so I would be hard pressed finding someone willing to pay 5k+ for something like this
"Most (if not all) the cars are old and falling apart, the houses are run down, have metal fences and blankets/sheets for curtains."
"Swimwear inspired by 4chan's ""bubbling"" technique."
"Me too, the fried chicken is the best <3"
"9: Seth

10: Canas

11: Pent

12: Sain

13: Inigo

14: Reyson

15: Lyn

16: Soren"
"Ya what did you make OP, tell us!"
"Anyone who keeps up on current hardware can maybe answer a question for me: I've kept my pc fairly up-to-date (i7 3770k, 16gb ram, 1000w psu, etc.) but the one thing that's starting to really lag behind is my GPU which is an xfx 6870. I know it's been my bottleneck a while and I've been meaning to ugprade but I'm in school right now and having trouble finding the funds to dedicate to a new gpu (not to mention the Canadian dollar problems.) I had planned to wait until I can afford something good but I'm getting really sick of this card so I may just give up and spend just a bit of money I don't have for something decent. 

My problem is since I haven't kept up on the recent generations, I'm unaware which cards would be a significant upgrade while still saving me some $. While the cards were still being named in order (5870, 6870, 7870, etc.) it was easy to tell where I sit or check comparisons to nvidia cards that way but with the new naming and comparison websites being dated when comparing old and new, I'm a bit lost. If anyone has some suggestions on some decent bang-for-your-buck cards, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!"
It's simply gaining strength until it's ready to take over a young girl's body.
It's better than Infinity.
Be honest... who prepared for this day?
"You should have went for a more obvious stereotype. "
"I installed ubuntu first just to see what is was on my laptop at the age of 10, the wireless did not work so I forgot about it. I was then later reintroduced to it because on of my friends linked me to r/unixporn, and so the archlinux phase started. I just turned 15 and now all of my computers run linux. 

I use it because it is fun to use. I like programming on linux and the customizeability of it. I don't like how gaming performance is lower because I am somewhat of an obsessed gamer."
Replying to you again - I've found the subreddit we're looking for - it's /r/2XLite :)

again, learn how to count.  go count the marksmen then count the supports"
"Sorry, not an ETS worker, just a rail fan making educated guesses based on how other cities have rolled out Siemens and other platforms.

I'd enjoy an AMA with an ETS worker as well."
The death sentence.
"Get drunk off everything individually. Find what works for you and then find your limit. Life's a garden, puke in it every once and while."
add rabbits in Xbox and PlayStation .
You are awesome. We love you. (Please stay!)
"1. It's hard to say. I grew up with a somewhat normal life, so I was always pressured to have a girlfriend and lose my virginity like every other horny teenager out there. It wasn't until I grew out of the peer pressure phase (16-17) that I was able to sit down and think why I didn't look at females at the beach in a bikini... And why I was staring at the dog they were walking instead.

2. Very close friend of mine did, but that is because she's the one who introduced me to the porn in the first place! She liked looking at horse porn though. I'm more of a canine guy.

3. Other than that friend, I've tossed the idea of it with my mother, you know to test the waters. But she isn't the most nurturing type, so I didn't tell her that I was attracted to dogs.

4. I do want the normal life. I enjoy human company still, so hopefully I'll find someone, have a family, and keep that secret to my grave.

5. Gender fluid/neutral. 

Just kidding, dude with normal dude hobbies barring dog fuckery."
"who ever gets on the podium, is cheered for. Team first. Personally i love Kimi more buh Vettel seem to be the new guy, so of the two i'm always happier if Vettel comes on top. "
"I got on an online chat and the person reprovisioned both lines for me, so now dialing into voicemail gets me to two ""new"" mailboxes. I lost my messages as I had to set everything up from scratch, but all is good there. Thank you!

The second issue just might have been a tech issue this morning, as now I can send texts to that number and others and it seems to be okay. Strange that changing a plan would cause all of this. "
Just because you don't know how to use google doesn't mean it's darknet
"Hello /u/cssace,

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/r/videos requires users have, at a minimum, 10 link **and** 10 comment karma.  We suggest that you comment in some popular threads and submit links to other subreddits to build up your karma and then come back.

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I'm not a moat
Droid Maxx - 4.4.4 works pretty well
"a) It's Reddit.  Browse at work at your own risk.  Don't try to make it someone else's fault when you're burning company time on a gaming subreddit.

b) The funny thing about ""NSFW"" is that, given the wide variation in what is considered ""NSFW"" at any given workplace, I'm not going to try to accommodate every possible scenario."
Was totally expecting the frames of that gif to drop as soon as the bag was opened.
I can't sleep without a fan.
AKA; nerf the Longbow simulator?
"lol if you watch marion, even he got faked out"
Fix your fucking brake lights.  How many times do I have to screech on my brakes because your lights aren't activated you cheap fuck?