feat(w2v): draw text charts for words
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ module Main where
import System.Random.Shuffle
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy as Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
main = do
-- random seed, you might comment this line to get real random results
setStdGen (mkStdGen 100)
@ -42,28 +42,25 @@ module Main where
let ds = ["the king loves the queen", "the queen loves the king",
"the dwarf hates the king", "the queen hates the dwarf",
"the dwarf poisons the king", "the dwarf poisons the queen"]
"the dwarf poisons the king", "the dwarf poisons the queen",
"the man loves the woman", "the woman loves the man",
"the thief hates the man", "the woman hates the thief",
"the thief robs the man", "the thief robs the woman"]
let session = def { learningRate = 1e-1
let session = def { learningRate = 5e-1
, batchSize = 1
, epochs = 200
, epochs = 1000
, debug = True
} :: Session
w2v = def { docs = ds
, dimensions = 25
, method = SkipGram
, window = 2
, w2vDrawChart = True
, w2vChartName = "w2v.png"
} :: Word2Vec
(computed, vocvec) <- word2vec w2v session
mapM_ (\(w, v) -> do
putStr $ w ++ ": "
let similarities = map (similarity v . snd) computed
let sorted = sortBy (compare `on` similarity v . snd) computed
print . take 2 . drop 1 . reverse $ map fst sorted
) computed
return ()
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ library
, data-default-class
, Chart
, Chart-cairo
, lens
default-language: Haskell2010
executable example-xor
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ module Sibe
@ -183,10 +182,10 @@ module Sibe
sig x = 1 / max (1 + exp (-x)) 1e-10
-- used for negative sampling
sampledSoftmax :: Int -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
sampledSoftmax n x = cmap (\a -> exp a / s) x
s = V.sum . exp $ V.take n x
{-sampledSoftmax :: Vector Double -> Vector Double-}
{-sampledSoftmax x = cmap (\a -> exp a / s) x-}
{-s = V.sum . exp $ x-}
relu :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
relu = cmap (max 0.1)
@ -16,19 +16,28 @@ module Sibe.Word2Vec
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart as Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Control.Lens
data W2VMethod = SkipGram | CBOW
data Word2Vec = Word2Vec { docs :: [String]
, window :: Int
, dimensions :: Int
, method :: W2VMethod
, w2vChartName :: String
, w2vDrawChart :: Bool
instance Default Word2Vec where
def = Word2Vec { docs = []
, window = 2
, w2vChartName = "w2v.png"
, w2vDrawChart = False
word2vec w2v session = do
seed <- newStdGen
let s = session { training = trainingData
, network = randomNetwork 0 (-1, 1) v [(dimensions w2v, (id, one))] (v, (softmax, crossEntropy'))
@ -49,6 +58,26 @@ module Sibe.Word2Vec
-- run words through the hidden layer alone to get the word vector
let computedVocVec = map (\(w, v) -> (w, runLayer' v hidden)) vocvec
when (w2vDrawChart w2v) $ do
let mat = fromColumns . map snd $ computedVocVec
(u, s, v) = svd mat
cut = subMatrix (0, 0) (2, cols mat)
diagS = diagRect 0 (V.take 2 s) (rows mat) (cols mat)
twoDimensions = cut $ u <> diagS <> tr v
textData = zipWith (\s l -> (V.head l, V.last l, s)) (map fst computedVocVec) (toColumns twoDimensions)
chart = toRenderable layout
textP = plot_annotation_values .~ textData
$ def
layout = layout_title .~ "word vectors"
$ layout_plots .~ [toPlot textP]
$ def
renderableToFile def (w2vChartName w2v) chart
return ()
return (computedVocVec, vocvec)
-- clean documents
Reference in New Issue
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