fix: trim empty lines from remote file

This commit is contained in:
Mahdi Dibaiee 2017-04-09 17:04:09 +04:30
parent 9fe858ea5a
commit 5b76c2a15d
7 changed files with 84 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ module System.Serverman ( run
import Control.Monad.Free
import Debug.Trace
run :: Action r -> App r
run (Pure r) = return r
run (Free (DetectOS next)) = getOS >> run next
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ module System.Serverman ( run
run (Free (Call service remote next)) = callService service remote >> run next
run (Free (Remote addrs action next)) = mapM_ (\addr -> runRemotely addr (run action)) addrs >> run next
run (Free (Remote addrs action next)) = mapM_ (\addr -> unmountPath addr >> runRemotely addr (run action)) addrs >> run next
run (Free (FetchRepository next)) = fetchRepo False >> run next
run (Free (UpdateRepository next)) = fetchRepo True >> run next

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@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Call (callService) where
import Data.Maybe
callService :: Service -> Maybe FilePath -> App ()
callService s@(Service { name, version }) remote = do
callService s@Service { name, version } remote = do
done <- progressText $ "running service " ++ show s
state@(AppState { repositoryURL, helpArg }) <- get
state@AppState { repositoryURL, helpArg } <- get
put $ state { remoteMode = Nothing }
dir <- liftIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "serverman"
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Call (callService) where
let finalEnv = map (mergeEnv $ parseKeyValue stackSourceEnv '=') (parseKeyValue stackEnv '=')
backupEnv <- liftIO $ getEnvironment
backupEnv <- liftIO getEnvironment
liftIO $ setEnvironment finalEnv
func <- liftIO $ runInterpreter (getCall include entry)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Call (callService) where
handleRemote (Just file) action = do
list <- liftIO $ map read . lines <$> readFile file
list <- liftIO $ map read . filter (not . null) . lines <$> readFile file
mapM_ (`runRemotely` action) list
handleRemote _ action = action
@ -92,14 +92,15 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Call (callService) where
getCall :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Interpreter (Service -> App ())
getCall path entry = do
set [searchPath := path]
loadModules [entry]
setTopLevelModules ["Main"]
initializeInterpreter path entry
interpret "call" (as :: Service -> App ())
getHelp :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Interpreter (App String)
getHelp path entry = do
initializeInterpreter path entry
interpret "help" (as :: App String)
initializeInterpreter path entry = do
set [searchPath := path]
loadModules [entry]
setTopLevelModules ["Main"]
interpret "help" (as :: App String)

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
, Address) where
, Address
, unmountPath) where
import System.Serverman.Utils hiding (liftIO)
import System.Serverman.Actions.Env
import System.Serverman.Log
@ -22,8 +23,18 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
actionDelay = 1000000
unmountPath :: Address -> App ()
unmountPath addr@(Address host port user) = do
tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
let path = tmp </> ("serverman@" ++ host)
execute "fusermount" ["-u", path] "" False
return ()
runRemotely :: Address -> App r -> App ()
runRemotely addr@(Address host port user) action = do
verbose $ "running action remotely on " ++ show addr
done <- progressText $ "connecting to server " ++ show addr
tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
@ -58,7 +69,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
result <- execute "sshfs" (p ++ noPassword ++ uid ++ options ++ ["-o", "IdentityFile=" ++ keyPath, smConnection ++ ":/", path]) "" False
state@(AppState { temps }) <- get
state@AppState { temps } <- get
put $ state { temps = path:temps }
return result
@ -71,8 +82,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
case result of
Right _ -> do
state <- get
liftIO $ do
threadDelay actionDelay
liftIO $ threadDelay actionDelay
put $ state { remoteMode = Just (servermanAddr, keyPath) }
@ -82,10 +92,10 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
Left e -> do
info $ "it seems to be the first time you are using serverman for configuring " ++ show addr
write $ "remotely. serverman will create a user, and add it to sudoers file. an ssh key will be created"
write $ "and that will be used for connecting to the server from now on"
write $ "you will not be prompted for a password to connect to server with"
write $ "please enable password authentication temporarily on your server for this step"
write "remotely. serverman will create a user, and add it to sudoers file. an ssh key will be created"
write "and that will be used for connecting to the server from now on"
write "you will not be prompted for a password to connect to server with"
write "please enable password authentication temporarily on your server for this step"
write $ "Enter password for " ++ connection
@ -94,7 +104,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
done <- progressText $ "setting up serverman user in server " ++ show addr
execIfMissing keyPath $ execute "ssh-keygen" ["-N", "", "-f", keyPath] "" True >> return ()
execIfMissing keyPath $ void $ execute "ssh-keygen" ["-N", "", "-f", keyPath] "" True
publicKey <- liftIO $ readFile pubPath

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@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ module System.Serverman.Log ( verbose
verbose :: String -> App ()
verbose str = do
(AppState { verboseMode }) <- get
AppState { verboseMode } <- get
liftIO $
when verboseMode $ do
when verboseMode $
putStrLn . format . F.gray $ read ("[verbose] " ++ str)
write :: String -> App ()
@ -50,19 +50,15 @@ module System.Serverman.Log ( verbose
clearLine :: IO ()
clearLine = do
putStr $ "\ESC[2K\ESC[0;"
putStr "\ESC[2K\ESC[0;"
hFlush stdout
backward :: Int -> IO ()
backward n = do
putStr $ "\ESC[" ++ (show n) ++ "D\ESC[0;"
backward n =
putStr $ "\ESC[" ++ show n ++ "D\ESC[0;"
progressText :: String -> App (App ())
progressText str = do
state <- get
p <- progressListener str
return p
progressText = progressListener
progressCharacters = [". ", ".. ", "...", " ..", " .", " "]
progressDelay = 200000
@ -85,12 +81,12 @@ module System.Serverman.Log ( verbose
liftIO $ do
backward strLength
putStr . format . (light . $ read str
putStr . format . light . $ read str
hFlush stdout
return ()
stop process = do
stop process =
liftIO $ do
cancel process
backward strLength

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Types ( Service (..)
readsPrec _ service = [(Service { name = service }, [])]
instance Show Service where
show (Service { name, version }) =
show Service { name, version } =
name ++ "@" ++ version
type Repository = [Service]
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Types ( Service (..)
instance Show AppState where
show (AppState { remoteMode, repository, repositoryURL, os, arguments, ports, processes, temps, verboseMode }) =
show AppState { remoteMode, repository, repositoryURL, os, arguments, ports, processes, temps, verboseMode } =
"remote: " ++ show remoteMode ++ "\n" ++
"repository:\n" ++
" - url: " ++ show repositoryURL ++ "\n" ++

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@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
import Data.List
import Control.Exception
import System.Exit hiding (die)
import Data.Maybe
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Posix.IO (stdInput)
import Data.Maybe
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
-- forward ports declared by `usingPort`
liftIO :: IO a -> App a
liftIO action = do
state@(AppState { remoteMode, ports }) <- get
state@AppState { remoteMode, ports } <- get
verbose $ "liftIO " ++ show remoteMode ++ ", " ++ show ports
case remoteMode of
@ -73,14 +72,14 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
tmp <- ST.liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
let path = tmp </> (user ++ "@" ++ host)
verbose $ "forwarding ports"
verbose "forwarding ports"
mapM_ (portForward rm) ports
verbose $ "chroot directory " ++ path
(fchroot path $ ST.liftIO action)
(\e -> err (show e) >> (ST.liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO action)
(\e -> err (show e) >> ST.liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO action)
portForward (Address host port user, key) (source, destination) = do
let forward = source ++ ":" ++ host ++ ":" ++ destination
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
(_, _, _, handle) <- ST.liftIO $ runInteractiveCommand $ "ssh -L " ++ forward ++ " " ++ connection ++ identity
state@(AppState { processes }) <- get
state@AppState { processes } <- get
put $ state { processes = handle:processes }
return ()
@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
-- this allows connections to ports on a remote server
usingPort :: String -> App String
usingPort port = do
state@(AppState { ports, remoteMode }) <- get
state@AppState { ports, remoteMode } <- get
case remoteMode of
Nothing -> return port
@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
clearPort :: String -> App ()
clearPort port = do
verbose $ "freed port " ++ port
state@(AppState { ports, remoteMode }) <- get
state@AppState { ports, remoteMode } <- get
let newPorts = filter ((/= port) . fst) ports
put $ state { ports = newPorts }
return ()
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
execIfMissing path action = do
exists <- ST.liftIO $ doesPathExist path
when (not exists) action
unless exists action
-- execute an action if a path exists
execIfExists :: (Applicative f, Monad f, MonadIO f) => FilePath -> f () -> f ()
@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
appendAfter :: String -> String -> String -> String
appendAfter content after line =
let ls = lines content
appended = concat $ map (\x -> if x == after then [x, line] else [x]) ls
appended = concatMap (\x -> if x == after then [x, line] else [x]) ls
in unlines appended
@ -214,21 +213,21 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
| otherwise = input
execute :: String -> [String] -> String -> Bool -> App (Either String String)
execute cmd args stdin logErrors = exec cmd args stdin Nothing logErrors
execute cmd args stdin = exec cmd args stdin Nothing
-- execute a command in operating system
-- if in remote mode, runs `execRemote`
exec :: String -> [String] -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> App (Either String String)
exec cmd args stdin cwd logErrors = do
verbose $ "exec: " ++ cmd ++ " " ++ show args
(AppState { remoteMode }) <- get
AppState { remoteMode } <- get
if isJust remoteMode then do
let (addr, key) = fromJust remoteMode
execRemote addr (Just key) Nothing "" cmd args stdin cwd logErrors
else do
let command = escape $ cmd ++ " " ++ intercalate " " args
let command = escape $ cmd ++ " " ++ unwords args
cp = (proc (escape cmd) (map escape args)) { cwd = cwd }
verbose $ "executing command |" ++ command ++ "|"
@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
return $ Right stdout
Right (ExitFailure code, stdout, stderr) -> do
when (not logErrors) $ verbose $ "command failed: " ++ show code ++ ", stderr: " ++ stderr
unless logErrors $ verbose $ "command failed: " ++ show code ++ ", stderr: " ++ stderr
when logErrors $ do
err command
err $ "exit code: " ++ show code
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
err stderr
return $ Left stdout
Left e -> do
when (not logErrors) $ verbose $ "couldn't execute command: " ++ show e
unless logErrors $ verbose $ "couldn't execute command: " ++ show e
when logErrors $ do
err command
err $ show e
@ -284,12 +283,12 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
cumulated = p ++ keyArgument ++ options
command = userArgument ++ ["sh -c \"", cmd] ++ args ++ ["\""]
complete = "-w" : "ssh" : (cumulated ++ [connection] ++ (intersperse " " command))
complete = "-w" : "ssh" : (cumulated ++ [connection] ++ intersperse " " command)
verbose $ "backing up environment variables"
verbose "backing up environment variables"
backupEnv <- ST.liftIO getEnvironment
when (not . null $ password) $ do
unless (null password) $ do
verbose $ "writing passwordFile for SSH " ++ passwordFile ++ " and setting SSH_ASKPASS"
ST.liftIO $ do
writeFile passwordFile $ "echo " ++ password
@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
setEnv "SSH_ASKPASS" passwordFile True
state <- get
let (AppState { remoteMode = backup }) = state
let AppState { remoteMode = backup } = state
put $ state { remoteMode = Nothing }
verbose $ "executing command |setsid " ++ show complete ++ "|"
@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
result <- exec "setsid" complete stdin cwd logErrors
put $ state { remoteMode = backup }
verbose $ "reseting environment and deleting password file"
verbose "reseting environment and deleting password file"
ST.liftIO $ do
setEnvironment backupEnv
execIfExists passwordFile $ removeFile passwordFile
@ -322,7 +321,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
foldl' rep "" str
rep acc n
| takeEnd (l - 1) acc ++ [n] == replacable = (dropEnd (l - 1) acc) ++ alt
| takeEnd (l - 1) acc ++ [n] == replacable = dropEnd (l - 1) acc ++ alt
| otherwise = acc ++ [n]
l = length replacable
@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
-- execute using sudo
executeRoot :: String -> [String] -> String -> Bool -> App (Either String String)
executeRoot cmd args stdin logErrors = execute "sudo" (cmd:args) stdin logErrors
executeRoot cmd args = execute "sudo" (cmd:args)
-- read password from user input (don't show the input)
getPassword :: IO String
@ -353,4 +352,4 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( App (..)
indent (keyvalue tabularized " ")
maxKey = maximum $ map (length . fst) entries
tabularized = map (\(key, value) -> (key ++ (replicate (maxKey - length key + 1) ' '), value)) entries
tabularized = map (\(key, value) -> (key ++ replicate (maxKey - length key + 1) ' ', value)) entries

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
-- parse parameters
let params = parseParams args
isHelp = or $ map (`elem` args) ["help", "--help", "-h", "-?"]
isHelp = any (`elem` args) ["help", "--help", "-h", "-?"]
-- Fetch repository first
S.runApp $ do
@ -41,34 +40,34 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
verbose $ show params
-- fetch repository if running for the first time, set state (S.fetchRepository) S.fetchRepository
-- detect local operating system (S.detectOS) S.detectOS
state@(S.AppState { S.repository }) <- get
state@S.AppState { S.repository } <- get
put $ state { arguments = rest params, helpArg = isHelp }
case params of
-- list services in repository
(Params { listServices = True }) -> do
Params { listServices = True } ->
mapM_ (write . show) repository
-- install a service
p@(Params { install = Just service }) -> do
p@Params { install = Just service } -> do
verbose $ "preparing to install " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> handleRemote p $ S.install s
Nothing -> die $ "service not found: " ++ service
p@(Params { update = True }) -> (S.updateRepository)
p@Params { update = True } -> S.updateRepository
p@(Params { manage = Just (act, service) }) -> do
p@Params { manage = Just (act, service) } -> do
verbose $ "preparing to " ++ show act ++ " " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> do
Just s ->
case act of
Start ->
handleRemote p $ S.start s
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
die $ "could not find any service matching " ++ service
-- install and call a service
p@(Params { rest = (x:xs), remote }) -> do
p@Params { rest = (x:xs), remote } ->
case x of
(service, Nothing) -> do
verbose $ "preparing to call " ++ service
@ -87,12 +86,12 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> do
when (not isHelp) $ do
handleRemote p $ S.install s
unless isHelp $
handleRemote p (S.install s) $ s remote
Nothing -> do
Nothing ->
if isHelp then
@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
-- after the program is done, terminate remaining processes
-- and unmount/remove leftover temporary directories
state@(S.AppState { S.processes, S.temps }) <- get
state@S.AppState { S.processes, S.temps } <- get
put $ state { remoteMode = Nothing }
mapM_ (liftIO . terminateProcess) processes
@ -115,10 +114,10 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive path
-- if remote mode is set, read the file and run the action
-- on servers, otherwise run action locally
handleRemote (Params { remote = Just file }) action = do
list <- liftIO $ map read . lines <$> readFile file (S.remote list action)
handleRemote (Params { remote = Nothing }) action = action
handleRemote Params { remote = Just file } action = do
list <- liftIO $ filter (not . null) . lines <$> readFile file (S.remote (map read list) action)
handleRemote Params { remote = Nothing } action = action
servermanHelp = do
write "serverman [--options] [command/service] [--service-options]"
@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
instance Show Params where
show (Params { listServices, install, manage, update, remote, rest, verboseM }) =
show Params { listServices, install, manage, update, remote, rest, verboseM } =
keyvalue [ ("list-services", show listServices)
, ("install", show install)
, ("manage", show manage)
@ -177,9 +176,9 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
toPairs [] = []
toPairs [x] = [(getWord x, Nothing)]
toPairs (x:y:xs)
| flagName x && value y = [(getWord x, Just y)] ++ toPairs xs
| flagName y && value x = [(getWord x, Nothing)] ++ toPairs (y:xs)
| flagName x && flagName y = [(getWord x, Nothing)] ++ toPairs (y:xs)
| flagName x && value y = (getWord x, Just y) : toPairs xs
| flagName y && value x = (getWord x, Nothing) : toPairs (y:xs)
| flagName x && flagName y = (getWord x, Nothing) : toPairs (y:xs)
| otherwise = toPairs xs
flagName = isPrefixOf "-"