2017-04-09 17:04:09 +04:30

187 lines
6.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module System.Term ( initialize ) where
import qualified System.Serverman as S
import System.Serverman.Log
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default.Class
import System.FilePath
import Data.List
import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Serverman.Utils hiding (liftIO)
import System.Serverman.Actions.Repository
initialize = do
-- read arguments
args <- getArgs
dir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "serverman"
-- parse parameters
let params = parseParams args
isHelp = any (`elem` args) ["help", "--help", "-h", "-?"]
-- Fetch repository first
S.runApp $ do
when (verboseM params) $ do
state <- get
put $ state { verboseMode = True }
verbose "verbose mode on"
verbose $ show params
-- fetch repository if running for the first time, set state S.fetchRepository
-- detect local operating system S.detectOS
state@S.AppState { S.repository } <- get
put $ state { arguments = rest params, helpArg = isHelp }
case params of
-- list services in repository
Params { listServices = True } ->
mapM_ (write . show) repository
-- install a service
p@Params { install = Just service } -> do
verbose $ "preparing to install " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> handleRemote p $ S.install s
Nothing -> die $ "service not found: " ++ service
p@Params { update = True } -> S.updateRepository
p@Params { manage = Just (act, service) } -> do
verbose $ "preparing to " ++ show act ++ " " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s ->
case act of
Start ->
handleRemote p $ S.start s
Stop ->
handleRemote p $ S.stop s
Nothing ->
die $ "could not find any service matching " ++ service
-- install and call a service
p@Params { rest = (x:xs), remote } ->
case x of
(service, Nothing) -> do
verbose $ "preparing to call " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> do
unless isHelp $
handleRemote p (S.install s) $ s remote
Nothing ->
if isHelp then
die $ "could not find any service matching " ++ service
_ -> servermanHelp
-- after the program is done, terminate remaining processes
-- and unmount/remove leftover temporary directories
state@S.AppState { S.processes, S.temps } <- get
put $ state { remoteMode = Nothing }
mapM_ (liftIO . terminateProcess) processes
mapM_ clearTemp temps
return ()
clearTemp path = execIfExists path $ do
execute "fusermount" ["-u", path] "" False
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive path
-- if remote mode is set, read the file and run the action
-- on servers, otherwise run action locally
handleRemote Params { remote = Just file } action = do
list <- liftIO $ filter (not . null) . lines <$> readFile file (S.remote (map read list) action)
handleRemote Params { remote = Nothing } action = action
servermanHelp = do
write "serverman [--options] [command/service] [--service-options]"
write $ mkHelp "commands"
[ ("install <service>", "install a service")
, ("repository list", "list services")
, ("repository update", "update repository")
, ("service start <service>", "start the service")
, ("service stop <service>", "stop the service")
, ("--remote <file>", "run in remote mode: takes a path to a file containing username@ip:port lines")]
write "to learn about a service's options, run |serverman <service> --help|"
data Manage = Start | Stop deriving (Eq, Show)
data Params = Params { listServices :: Bool
, install :: Maybe String
, manage :: Maybe (Manage, String)
, update :: Bool
, remote :: Maybe FilePath
, rest :: [(String, Maybe String)]
, verboseM :: Bool
instance Show Params where
show Params { listServices, install, manage, update, remote, rest, verboseM } =
keyvalue [ ("list-services", show listServices)
, ("install", show install)
, ("manage", show manage)
, ("update", show update)
, ("remote", show remote)
, ("rest", show rest)
, ("verbose", show verboseM)] ": "
instance Default Params where
def = Params { listServices = False
, install = Nothing
, manage = Nothing
, remote = Nothing
, update = False
, rest = []
, verboseM = False
parseParams :: [String] -> Params
parseParams ("repository":"list":xs) = (parseParams xs) { listServices = True }
parseParams ("repository":"update":xs) = (parseParams xs) { update = True }
parseParams ("service":"start":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { manage = Just (Start, s) }
parseParams ("service":"stop":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { manage = Just (Stop, s) }
parseParams ("install":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { install = Just s }
parseParams ("--remote":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { remote = Just s }
parseParams ("--verbose":xs) = (parseParams xs) { verboseM = True }
parseParams x = def { rest = toPairs x }
toPairs [] = []
toPairs [x] = [(getWord x, Nothing)]
toPairs (x:y:xs)
| flagName x && value y = (getWord x, Just y) : toPairs xs
| flagName y && value x = (getWord x, Nothing) : toPairs (y:xs)
| flagName x && flagName y = (getWord x, Nothing) : toPairs (y:xs)
| otherwise = toPairs xs
flagName = isPrefixOf "-"
value = not . flagName
getWord = dropWhile (== '-')