Farooq Karimi Zadeh 32f3d0057c
Update README.md
2017-11-28 21:52:52 +03:30

103 lines
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Equation [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mdibaiee/Equation.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mdibaiee/Equation)
Solve math expressions or create equations for repeated and complex Math tasks.
To use in browser, download [`equation.min.js`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mdibaiee/Equation/master/equation.min.js).
_A similar library I wrote in Haskell is also available [mathexpr](https://github.com/mdibaiee/mathexpr)_
Install using npm:
npm install equations
#### Examples:
// solve
console.log(Equation.solve('4 * lg(4) ^ 3')); // 32
// equation
let sphereArea = Equation.equation('4 * PI * r^2');
console.log(sphereArea(5)); // 314.1592653589793
let test = Equation.equation('2x + 6y');
console.log(test(4, 3)).to.equal(8 + 18);
You can also register your own operators and constants.
// these options are explained in [`operators.js`](https://github.com/mdibaiee/Equation/blob/master/lib/operators.js).
Equation.registerOperator('$', {
fn: a => 1/a,
format: '10',
precedence: 2
Equation.solve('$2'); // 0.5
Equation.solve('$5'); // 0.2
Equation.registerConstant('N', () => {
return Math.random() * 10 + 10
Equation.solve('N'); // a number between 10 and 20
// Complex operators
Equation.solve('sigma(0, 5, 2@ + 5)'); // 60
For a list of operators and constants see [`operators.js`](https://github.com/mdibaiee/Equation/blob/master/lib/operators.js) and [`constants.js`](https://github.com/mdibaiee/Equation/blob/master/lib/constants.js).
#### solve(expression: String)
Takes a math expression and evaluates it, returning the result.
#### equation(expression: String)
Takes a math expression containing variables, returning a function which
replaces the variables with given arguments, and solves the expression.
#### registerOperator(key: String, options: Object)
Registers a new operator.
##### fn
The function which is run on arguments and returns the result
##### format
The format which specifies how arguments are placed relative to operator, this is a string in which 1 represents the operator and zeroes represent arguments.
For example `+` has the format `010` and factorial has `01`.
##### precedence
Specifies the precedence of operator. The less the value, the higher the precedence, resulting in sooner execution.
#### registerConstant(key: String, value: Function/Number)
Registers a new constant. value can be a function (takes no arguments), or a constant number.
That's right, we have named these *constants* but they actually can change, that's why we can use functions to define them. An example is the `RAND` constant which calls `Math.random`.
The code is commented and I hope you don't have a hard time contributing,
anyway, some tips about contributing:
The source code is in `lib` directory and is then transpiled into `dist`.
#####Grunt Tasks
Transpiles `lib` to `dist`
Transpiles, browserifies, uglifies
Runs ESLint on `lib` and `tests`
Runs the tests
Please make sure to run `grunt eslint` before commiting.
If you're adding something new, please add a test, too.