diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp index 59554d5..caf7c63 100644 --- a/main.cpp +++ b/main.cpp @@ -67,12 +67,15 @@ private: VkExtent2D swapChainExtent; std::vector swapChainImages; - std::vector swapChainImageViews; + std::vector swapChainFramebuffers; const uint32_t WIDTH = 800; const uint32_t HEIGHT = 600; + VkCommandPool commandPool; + VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer; + VkRenderPass renderPass; VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout; VkPipeline graphicsPipeline; @@ -100,6 +103,111 @@ private: createRenderPass(); createGraphicsPipeline(); + createFramebuffers(); + createCommandPool(); + createCommandBuffer(); + } + + void recordCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t imageIndex) { + VkCommandBufferBeginInfo beginInfo{}; + beginInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO; + beginInfo.flags = 0; // Optional + beginInfo.pInheritanceInfo = nullptr; // Optional + + if (vkBeginCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, &beginInfo) != VK_SUCCESS) { + throw std::runtime_error("failed to begin recording command buffer!"); + } + + VkRenderPassBeginInfo renderPassInfo{}; + renderPassInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO; + renderPassInfo.renderPass = renderPass; + renderPassInfo.framebuffer = swapChainFramebuffers[imageIndex]; + + renderPassInfo.renderArea.offset = {0, 0}; + renderPassInfo.renderArea.extent = swapChainExtent; + + VkClearValue clearColor = {{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}}}; + renderPassInfo.clearValueCount = 1; + renderPassInfo.pClearValues = &clearColor; + + vkCmdBeginRenderPass(commandBuffer, &renderPassInfo, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE); + + vkCmdBindPipeline(commandBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, graphicsPipeline); + + VkViewport viewport{}; + viewport.x = 0.0f; + viewport.y = 0.0f; + viewport.width = static_cast(swapChainExtent.width); + viewport.height = static_cast(swapChainExtent.height); + viewport.minDepth = 0.0f; + viewport.maxDepth = 1.0f; + vkCmdSetViewport(commandBuffer, 0, 1, &viewport); + + VkRect2D scissor{}; + scissor.offset = {0, 0}; + scissor.extent = swapChainExtent; + vkCmdSetScissor(commandBuffer, 0, 1, &scissor); + + vkCmdDraw(commandBuffer, 3, 1, 0, 0); + vkCmdEndRenderPass(commandBuffer); + + if (vkEndCommandBuffer(commandBuffer) != VK_SUCCESS) { + throw std::runtime_error("failed to record command buffer!"); + } + } + + void createCommandPool() { + QueueFamilyIndices queueFamilyIndices = findQueueFamilies(physicalDevice); + + VkCommandPoolCreateInfo poolInfo{}; + poolInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_INFO; + poolInfo.flags = VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER_BIT; + poolInfo.queueFamilyIndex = queueFamilyIndices.graphicsFamily.value(); + + VkResult result = vkCreateCommandPool(device, &poolInfo, nullptr, &commandPool); + if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { + std::cout << "error creating command pool: " << result << std::endl; + throw std::runtime_error("failed to create command pool!"); + } + } + + void createCommandBuffer() { + VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo allocInfo{}; + allocInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_ALLOCATE_INFO; + allocInfo.commandPool = commandPool; + allocInfo.level = VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY; + allocInfo.commandBufferCount = 1; + + VkResult result = vkAllocateCommandBuffers(device, &allocInfo, &commandBuffer); + if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { + std::cout << "error allocating command buffer: " << result << std::endl; + throw std::runtime_error("failed to allocate command buffers!"); + } + } + + void createFramebuffers() { + swapChainFramebuffers.resize(swapChainImageViews.size()); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < swapChainImageViews.size(); i++) { + VkImageView attachments[] = { + swapChainImageViews[i] + }; + + VkFramebufferCreateInfo framebufferInfo{}; + framebufferInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_INFO; + framebufferInfo.renderPass = renderPass; + framebufferInfo.attachmentCount = 1; + framebufferInfo.pAttachments = attachments; + framebufferInfo.width = swapChainExtent.width; + framebufferInfo.height = swapChainExtent.height; + framebufferInfo.layers = 1; + + VkResult result = vkCreateFramebuffer(device, &framebufferInfo, nullptr, &swapChainFramebuffers[i]); + if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { + std::cout << "error creating framebuffer: " << result << std::endl; + throw std::runtime_error("failed to create framebuffer"); + } + } } void createRenderPass() { @@ -708,6 +816,11 @@ private: } void cleanup() { + vkDestroyCommandPool(device, commandPool, nullptr); + for (auto framebuffer : swapChainFramebuffers) { + vkDestroyFramebuffer(device, framebuffer, nullptr); + } + vkDestroyPipeline(device, graphicsPipeline, nullptr); vkDestroyPipelineLayout(device, pipelineLayout, nullptr); vkDestroyRenderPass(device, renderPass, nullptr);