tlsproxy ================= A most basic TLS man-in-the-middle forward proxy using [rustls]( and [Tokio]( This proxy allows you, given you have the certificate chain of the server, to replace byte sequences of length N with another byte sequence of length N in outbound requests. For example, you could replace `` with `?name=bar` This is a toy, proof of concept project. It is not thoroughly tested and will have issues with a very high probability. Sample usage: ``` $ cargo build && cargo run -- \ --chaincert test-ca/end.fullchain \ --key test-ca/end.key \ --cacert test-ca/ca.cert \ --replace 's/foo/bar' \ --verbose Listening on ``` Send requests to your destination through this proxy: ``` curl \ --cacert test-ca/ca.cert \ -x --proxytunnel \ --verbose ``` Please note this means you need to have a server running at ``, to do so, you can use the sample python server provided: ``` cd sample-server pyenv local # 3.6.4 version pip install flask python ``` You will then have a server running on ``. You can then point `` to this server by editing your `/etc/hosts`: ``` ``` Then you can try sending a request with a replacement: ``` curl '' \ --cacert test-ca/ca.cert \ -x --proxytunnel \ --verbose ``` The python server will log: ``` GET ```