# Site settings title: mahdi email: mdibaiee@pm.me description: a rabbit hole baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/ url: "https://mahdi.blog" # the base hostname & protocol for your site github_username: mdibaiee repo: "https://github.com/mdibaiee/mahdi.blog" date_format: "%b %d, %Y" # Build settings markdown: kramdown permalink: /:title/ redcarpet: extensions: ["strikethrough"] collections: math: title: math output: true permalink: /math/:path/ path: /math programming: title: programming output: true permalink: /programming/:path/ path: /programming life: title: life output: true permalink: /life/:path/ path: /life travel: title: travel output: true permalink: /travel/:path/ path: /travel philosophy: title: philosophy output: true permalink: /philosophy/:path/ path: /philosophy contentsLabel: "Table of Contents" showToggleButton: true authors: Mahdi: url: https://github.com/mdibaiee/ scholar: style: apa