--- layout: post title: "Let's Begin" date: 2015-03-09 17:13:46 permalink: beginning categories: self --- So, I've decided to write about what I do and what I love. It's possible that you find anything here, so don't be surprised, but most of it is going to be about my programming journey, what I learn, what I do, and my opinions. I like Medium, but I want a place in which I dictate, so here's my personal blog. {% highlight javascript linenos %} const SECOND = 1000; let style = document.querySelector('style'); setInterval(() => { const now = Date.now(), birth = new Date(2015, 2, 9).getTime(), color = `#(now - birth).toString(16).slice(0, -5)`, style.textContent = `#mahdi path { stroke: ${color} !important; }`; }, SECOND); {% endhighlight %}