relu: run notmnist using relu activation and draw the chart

[wip] word2vec: work in progress implementation of word2vec
This commit is contained in:
Mahdi Dibaiee 2016-09-13 09:49:44 +04:30
parent bcc22465d6
commit 6b9cb1fa3e
13 changed files with 255 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -60,5 +60,8 @@ stack exec example-naivebayes-doc-classifier -- --verbose --top-ten
### notMNIST
notMNIST dataset, cross-entropy loss, learning rate decay and sgd ([`notmnist.hs`](
notMNIST dataset, sigmoid hidden layer, cross-entropy loss, learning rate decay and sgd ([`notmnist.hs`](
notMNIST dataset, relu hidden layer, cross-entropy loss, learning rate decay and sgd ([`notmnist.hs`](

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module Main where
let session = def { learningRate = 0.5
, batchSize = 32
, epochs = 10
, epochs = 9
, network = rnetwork
, training = zip trinputs trlabels
, test = zip teinputs telabels

examples/word2vec.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Sibe
import Sibe.Word2Vec
import Sibe.Utils
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import System.IO
import Data.List.Split
main = do
{-ds <- do
content <- readFile "examples/doc-classifier-data/data-reuters"
let splitted = splitOn (replicate 10 '-' ++ "\n") content
d = concatMap (tail . lines) (take 100 splitted)
return d-}
let ds = ["I like deep learning", "I like NLP", "I enjoy flying"]
let session = def { learningRate = 0.8
, batchSize = 10
, epochs = 1000
} :: Session
w2v = def { docs = ds }:: Word2Vec
r <- word2vec w2v session
{-print r-}
return ()

notmnist-relu.png Normal file

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ cabal-version: >=1.10
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Sibe, Sibe.NaiveBayes, Sibe.NLP
exposed-modules: Sibe, Sibe.NaiveBayes, Sibe.NLP, Sibe.Word2Vec, Sibe.Utils
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, hmatrix
, random
@ -52,6 +52,18 @@ executable example-xor
, data-default-class
default-language: Haskell2010
executable example-word2vec
hs-source-dirs: examples
main-is: word2vec.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
build-depends: base
, sibe
, hmatrix
, data-default-class
, split
, vector
default-language: Haskell2010
--executable example-sin
--hs-source-dirs: examples
--main-is: sin.hs

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@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ module Sibe
@ -30,7 +32,9 @@ module Sibe
) where
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import System.Random
@ -62,7 +66,12 @@ module Sibe
data Network = O Layer
| Layer :- Network
deriving (Show)
instance Show Network where
show (Layer biases nodes _ :- n) =
(show . length $ toLists nodes) ++ "x" ++ (show . length . head . toLists $ nodes) ++ " " ++ (show . length . toList $ biases) ++ " :- " ++ show n
show (O (Layer biases nodes _)) =
(show . length $ toLists nodes) ++ "x" ++ (show . length . head . toLists $ nodes) ++ " " ++ (show . length . toList $ biases)
infixr 5 :-
@ -75,7 +84,7 @@ module Sibe
, batchSize :: Int
, chart :: [(Int, Double, Double)]
, momentum :: Double
} deriving (Show)
emptyNetwork = randomNetwork 0 (0, 0) 0 [] (0, (id, id))
instance Default Session where
@ -132,6 +141,13 @@ module Sibe
randomLayer seed (input, h) bound a :-
randomNetwork (seed + 1) bound h hs output
buildNetwork :: Seed -> (Double, Double) -> Int -> [(Int, Int, Activation)] -> (Int, Int, Activation) -> Network
buildNetwork seed bound input [] (outputRows, outputColumns, a) =
O $ randomLayer seed (input, outputColumns) bound a
buildNetwork seed bound input ((rows, columns, a):hs) output =
randomLayer seed (input, columns) bound a :-
buildNetwork (seed + 1) bound columns hs output
sigmoid :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
sigmoid x = 1 / max (1 + exp (-x)) 1e-10
@ -172,6 +188,9 @@ module Sibe
crossEntropy' :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
crossEntropy' x = 1 / fromIntegral (V.length x)
one :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
one v = vector $ replicate (V.length v) 1
train :: Input
-> Network
-> Output -- target
@ -210,46 +229,6 @@ module Sibe
-- pass = weights #> de
in (layer :- n', pass)
{-trainMomentum :: Input
-> Network
-> Output -- target
-> Double -- learning rate
-> (Double, Double) -- momentum
-> Network -- network's output
trainMomentum input network target alpha (m, v) = fst $ run input network
run :: Input -> Network -> (Network, Vector Double)
run input (O l@(Layer biases weights (fn, fn'))) =
let y = runLayer input l
o = fn y
delta = o - target
de = delta * fn' y
v =
-- de = delta -- cross entropy cost
biases' = biases - scale alpha de
weights' = weights - scale alpha (input `outer` de) -- small inputs learn slowly
layer = Layer biases' weights' (fn, fn') -- updated layer
pass = weights #> de
-- pass = weights #> de
in (O layer, pass)
run input (l@(Layer biases weights (fn, fn')) :- n) =
let y = runLayer input l
o = fn y
(n', delta) = run o n
de = delta * fn' y
biases' = biases - cmap (*alpha) de
weights' = weights - cmap (*alpha) (input `outer` de)
layer = Layer biases' weights' (fn, fn')
pass = weights #> de
-- pass = weights #> de
in (layer :- n', pass)-}
gd :: Session -> IO Session
gd session = do
seed <- newStdGen
@ -324,6 +303,13 @@ module Sibe
learningRateDecay (step, m) session =
session { learningRate = max m $ learningRate session / step }
ignoreBiases :: Session -> Session
ignoreBiases session =
session { network = rmbias (network session) }
rmbias (O (Layer nodes biases a)) = O $ Layer nodes (biases * 0) a
rmbias ((Layer nodes biases a) :- n) = Layer nodes (biases * 0) a :- rmbias n
run :: (Session -> IO Session)
-> Session -> IO Session
run fn session = foldM (\s i -> fn s) session [0..epochs session]

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Sibe.NLP
@ -14,15 +13,16 @@ module Sibe.NLP
import Sibe.Utils
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Text.Regex.PCRE
import Data.Char (isSpace, isNumber, toLower)
import NLP.Stemmer
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Class = Int;
@ -73,13 +73,6 @@ module Sibe.NLP
concatDocs = concatMap (\(Document text _) -> text ++ " ")
ordNub :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
ordNub = go Set.empty
go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs) = if x `Set.member` s then go s xs
else x : go (Set.insert x s) xs
accuracy :: [(Int, (Int, Double))] -> Double
accuracy results =
let pairs = map (\(a, b) -> (a, fst b)) results

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Sibe.NaiveBayes
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ module Sibe.NaiveBayes
import Sibe.Utils
import Sibe.NLP
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace

src/Sibe/Utils.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module Sibe.Utils
) where
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
similarity :: Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Double
similarity a b = (V.sum $ a * b) / (magnitude a * magnitude b)
magnitude :: Vector Double -> Double
magnitude v = sqrt $ V.sum (cmap (^2) v)
onehot :: Int -> Int -> Vector Double
onehot len i = vector $ replicate i 0 ++ [1] ++ replicate (len - i - 1) 0
ordNub :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
ordNub = go Set.empty
go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs) = if x `Set.member` s then go s xs
else x : go (Set.insert x s) xs

src/Sibe/Word2Vec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
module Sibe.Word2Vec
Word2Vec (..)
) where
import Sibe
import Sibe.NLP
import Sibe.Utils
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra hiding (find)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Function (on)
data Word2Vec = Word2Vec { docs :: [String]
, window :: Int
instance Default Word2Vec where
def = Word2Vec { docs = []
, window = 2
word2vec w2v session = do
return trainingData
let s = session { training = trainingData
, network = buildNetwork 0 (-1, 1) v [(v, 25, (id, one))] (20, v, (softmax, crossEntropy'))
print trainingData
newses <- run (gd . learningRateDecay (1.1, 0.1) . ignoreBiases) s
let (hidden@(Layer biases nodes _) :- _) = network newses
{-let computedVocVec = map (\(w, v) -> (w, forward v newses)) vocvec-}
let computedVocVec = map (\(w, v) -> (w, (fromRows [v]) <> nodes)) vocvec
print computedVocVec
{-mapM_ (\(w, v) -> do
putStr $ w ++ ": "
let similarities = map (similarity v . snd) computedVocVec
let sorted = sortBy (compare `on` similarity v . snd) computedVocVec
{-print $ zip (map fst sorted) similarities-}
print . take 2 . drop 1 . reverse $ map fst sorted
) computedVocVec-}
return newses
ws = words (concatMap ((++ " <start> ") . map toLower) (docs w2v))
vocabulary = ordNub ws
v = length vocabulary
cooccurence = foldl' iter [] (zip [0..] ws)
iter acc (i, w) =
let a = findIndex ((== w) . fst) acc
before = take (window w2v) . drop (i - window w2v) $ ws
after = take (window w2v) . drop (i + 1) $ ws
ns = if i == 0 then after else before ++ after
if isJust a then
let idx = fromJust a
new = foldl (\acc n -> add acc n) (snd $ acc !! idx) ns
in take idx acc ++ [(w, new)] ++ drop (idx + 1) acc
acc ++ [(w, map (\n -> (n, 1)) ns)]
add [] n = [(n, 1)]
add ((hw, hc):hs) n
| n == hw = (hw, hc + 1):hs
| otherwise = (hw, hc):add hs n
vocvec = zip vocabulary $ map (onehot v) [0..v - 1]
{-trainingData = map iter cooccurence
iter (w, targets) =
let ts = map (\(w, c) -> c * (snd . fromJust $ find ((== w) . fst) vocvec)) targets
folded = foldl (+) (vector $ replicate v 0) ts
input = snd . fromJust $ find ((== w) . fst) vocvec
in (input, folded)-}
trainingData = map iter $ zip [window w2v..length vocvec - window w2v] vocvec
iter (i, (w, v)) =
let before = take (window w2v) . drop (i - window w2v) $ vocvec
after = take (window w2v) . drop (i + 1) $ vocvec
ns = map snd $ before ++ after
new = foldl1 (+) ns
in (v, new)
add [] n = [(n, 1)]
add ((hw, hc):hs) n
| n == hw = (hw, hc + 1):hs
| otherwise = (hw, hc):add hs n
wordfrequency = foldl' iter [] ws
iter acc w =
let i = findIndex ((== w) . fst) acc
if isJust i then
let idx = fromJust i
in take idx acc ++ [(w, snd (acc !! idx) + 1)] ++ drop (idx + 1) acc
acc ++ [(w, 1)]

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module Sibe.Word2Vec
) where
import Sibe
import Sibe.NLP
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra hiding (find)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
word2vec docs session = do
let cooccurence = concat $ map co docs
a = (sigmoid, sigmoid')
o = (softmax, crossEntropy')
window = 2
s = session { training = cooccurence
, test = cooccurence
, network = buildNetwork 0 (-1, 1) n [(n, 300, (id, id))] (300, n, (softmax, crossEntropy'))
print $ network s
newses <- run gd s
return (newses, cooccurence, vocabulary, vocvec)
n = length vocabulary
vocabulary = ordNub . words . map toLower . concatMap (++ " ") $ docs
vocvec = zip vocabulary $ map tovec [0..n]
tovec i = replicate i 0 ++ [1] ++ replicate (n - i - 1) 0
co d =
let p = pairs d
in map (\(a, [b, c]) -> (f a, V.concat [f b, f c])) p
f w = vector . snd . fromJust $ find ((== w) . fst) vocvec
pairs d = concatMap iter [0..length ws]
ws = words $ map toLower d
iter i
| i > 0 && i < length ws - 1 = [(ws !! i, [ws !! (i - 1), ws !! (i + 1)])]
| otherwise = []
mapTuple :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
mapTuple f (a, b) = (f a, f b)