d8f5272947fix: add --verbose to help
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-04-24 12:46:28 +0430
160ef0479dfeat: getUserId and getGroupId
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-04-23 15:31:20 +0430
0ffb61533ffeat(monitoring): read status and logs of a service
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-04-16 16:50:20 +0430
5b76c2a15dfix: trim empty lines from remote file
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-04-09 17:04:09 +0430
9fe858ea5afeat(progress-text): progressText fix(progress): improve progress fix: add more logging to different parts
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-04-01 12:00:22 +0430
48c1208dc7feat(vsftpd): file sharing via vsftpd
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-03-04 13:47:24 +0330
3595464b11feat(mongodb): mongodb dummy data and initialization feat(utils, execute): executeRoot for running as sudo, by default runs as current user
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-23 12:38:39 +0330
b8fe5c304efix: write include statement in nginx config
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-22 13:16:25 +0330
bff0c6230bfix(webserver): directory must be absolute
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-22 12:58:34 +0330
9e8cc30744fix: port is string
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-22 12:56:32 +0330
8fa66bc96cfix(ssl): must listen on 80 before the challenge
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-22 12:55:48 +0330
41e016cf4bfix: do not look for cat in a specific directory
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-22 12:53:10 +0330
62fe10ece6fix: Install Nginx before trying to create a webserver fix: Nginx depends on LetsEncrypt/certbot
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-22 12:49:18 +0330
d86daa863dfix(install): don't show output of install to user feat(mysql): add mysql as a service, only installation works right now, there's no configuration feat(execute): internal function to execute commands
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-19 16:17:37 +0330
96d5eee027fix: restart after re-writing config file with SSL certificate
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-19 14:16:30 +0330
cd44b525d1feat(mac): add mac to Install and Env
Mahdi Dibaiee
2017-02-19 14:12:18 +0330