fix(install): don't show output of install to user

feat(mysql): add mysql as a service, only installation works right now,
there's no configuration
feat(execute): internal function to execute commands
This commit is contained in:
Mahdi Dibaiee 2017-02-19 16:17:37 +03:30
parent 96d5eee027
commit d86daa863d
12 changed files with 168 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ library
, System.Serverman
, System.Serverman.Utils
, System.Serverman.Action
, System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx
, System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer
, System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx
, System.Serverman.Actions.Database
, System.Serverman.Actions.MySQL
, System.Serverman.Actions.Install
, System.Serverman.Actions.Env
, System.Serverman.Services

View File

@ -3,27 +3,33 @@ module System.Serverman ( run
, module System.Serverman.Utils
, module System.Serverman.Services
, module System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer
, module System.Serverman.Actions.Database
, module System.Serverman.Actions.Env
, module System.Serverman.Actions.Install) where
import System.Serverman.Action
import System.Serverman.Utils
import System.Serverman.Services
import System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer
import System.Serverman.Actions.Install
import System.Serverman.Actions.Env
import System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx
import System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer
import System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx
import System.Serverman.Actions.Database
import System.Serverman.Actions.MySQL
import Control.Monad.Free
run :: Action r -> IO r
run (Pure r) = return r
run (Free (NewWebServer params next))
| service params == NGINX = nginx params >> run next
-- | service == Apache = apache n >> run next
| serverService params == NGINX = nginx params >> run next
| otherwise = run next
run (Free (DetectOS next)) = getOS >>= run . next
run (Free (Install os service next)) = installService os service >> run next
run (Free (NewDatabase params next))
| databaseService params == MySQL = mysql params >> run next
| otherwise = run next

View File

@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
, Action
, newServer
, newDatabase
, install
, detectOS) where
import System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer
import System.Serverman.Actions.Database
import System.Serverman.Actions.Env
import System.Serverman.Utils
import System.Serverman.Services
@ -22,11 +24,13 @@ module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
import Data.Char
data ActionF x = NewWebServer ServerParams x
| NewDatabase DatabaseParams x
| DetectOS (OS -> x)
| Install Service OS x
instance Functor ActionF where
fmap f (NewWebServer params x) = NewWebServer params (f x)
fmap f (NewDatabase params x) = NewDatabase params (f x)
fmap f (Install service os x) = Install service os (f x)
fmap f (DetectOS x) = DetectOS (f . x)
@ -35,6 +39,9 @@ module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
newServer :: ServerParams -> Action ()
newServer params = liftF $ NewWebServer params ()
newDatabase :: DatabaseParams -> Action ()
newDatabase params = liftF $ NewDatabase params ()
install :: Service -> OS -> Action ()
install service os = liftF $ Install service os ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module System.Serverman.Actions.Database (DatabaseParams(..)) where
import System.Serverman.Utils
import System.Serverman.Services
import Control.Monad.Free
data DatabaseParams = DatabaseParams { database :: String
, databaseService :: Service
} deriving (Eq)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
module System.Serverman.Actions.Env (OS(..), getOS) where
import System.Serverman.Utils
import System.Process
import Data.List
import System.IO.Error
@ -7,11 +8,11 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Env (OS(..), getOS) where
data OS = Debian | Arch | Mac | Unknown deriving (Show, Eq)
getOS = do
arch_release <- tryIOError $ readProcessWithExitCode "/usr/bin/cat" ["/etc/os-release"] ""
deb_release <- tryIOError $ readProcessWithExitCode "/usr/bin/cat" ["/etc/lsb-release"] ""
mac_release <- tryIOError $ readProcessWithExitCode "/usr/bin/sw_vers" ["-productName"] ""
arch_release <- execute "/usr/bin/cat" ["/etc/os-release"] "" False
deb_release <- execute "/usr/bin/cat" ["/etc/lsb-release"] "" False
mac_release <- execute "/usr/bin/sw_vers" ["-productName"] "" False
let (_, release, _) = head $ rights [arch_release, deb_release, mac_release]
let release = head $ rights [arch_release, deb_release, mac_release]
| or $ map (`isInfixOf` release) ["ubuntu", "debian", "raspbian"] = Debian
| "arch" `isInfixOf` release = Arch

View File

@ -12,28 +12,30 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Install (installService) where
class Installable a where
dependencies :: a -> [String]
package :: a -> String
package :: a -> OS -> String
instance Installable Service where
dependencies _ = []
package NGINX = "nginx"
package Apache = "apache2"
package NGINX _ = "nginx"
package MySQL _ = "mysql"
installService :: Service -> OS -> IO ()
installService service os = do
let command = case os of
Arch -> "pacman -S "
Debian -> "apt-get install "
Mac -> "brew install "
_ -> "echo 'Unknown operating system'"
let base = case os of
Arch -> ("pacman", ["-S", "--noconfirm", "--quiet"])
Debian -> ("apt-get", ["install", "-y"])
Mac -> ("brew", ["install", "-y"])
_ -> ("echo", ["Unknown operating system"])
pkg = package service os
process <- async $ do
result <- tryIOError $ callCommand (command ++ package service)
result <- execute (fst base) (snd base ++ [pkg]) "" True
case result of
Left err ->
putStrLn $ commandError command
Right _ ->
Left err -> return ()
Right stdout -> do
putStrLn stdout
putStrLn $ "installed " ++ show service ++ "."
wait process

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module System.Serverman.Actions.MySQL (mysql) where
import System.Serverman.Actions.Database
import System.Serverman.Utils
mysql :: DatabaseParams -> IO ()
mysql (DatabaseParams { database, databaseService }) = do
return ()

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx (nginx) where
import System.Serverman.Action
import System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer
import System.Serverman.Utils
import System.Serverman.Services
import System.Directory
import System.IO
@ -13,19 +15,19 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx (nginx) where
import Control.Monad.Free
nginx :: ServerParams -> IO ()
nginx params =
nginx params@(ServerParams { ssl, serverService, domain, directory, serverType }) =
-- Turn SSL off at first, because we have not yet received a certificate
let content = show (params { ssl = False })
parent = output params </> "configs"
path = parent </> domain params
targetDir = directory params
parent = configDirectory serverService </> "configs"
path = parent </> domain
targetDir = directory
createDirectoryIfMissing True targetDir
createDirectoryIfMissing True parent
when (ssl params) $ do
let sslPath = output params </> "ssl.conf"
when ssl $ do
let sslPath = configDirectory serverService </> "ssl.conf"
writeFileIfMissing sslPath nginxSSL
putStrLn $ "wrote ssl configuration to " ++ sslPath
@ -35,36 +37,32 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Nginx (nginx) where
wait =<< restart
when (ssl params) $ do
case serverType params of
when ssl $ do
case serverType of
Static -> do
let command = "certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path " ++ directory params ++ " -d " ++ domain params
letsencrypt <- async $ do
result <- tryIOError $ callCommand command
result <- execute "certbot" ["certonly", "--webroot", "--webroot-path", directory, "-d", domain] "" True
case result of
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ commandError command
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> do
putStrLn $ "created a certificate for " ++ domain params
putStrLn $ "created a certificate for " ++ domain
writeFile path (show params)
wait =<< restart
wait letsencrypt
_ -> do
putStrLn $ "you should use letsencrypt to create a certificate for your domain"
putStrLn $ "and put it in /etc/letsencrypt/live/" ++ domain params ++ "/fullchain.pem"
putStrLn $ "and put it in /etc/letsencrypt/live/" ++ domain ++ "/fullchain.pem"
putStrLn $ "my suggestion is running this command:"
putStrLn $ "sudo certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path <YOUR_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY> -d " ++ domain params
putStrLn $ "sudo certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path <YOUR_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY> -d " ++ domain
putStrLn $ "for more information, see:"
return ()
restart = async $ do
let command = "systemctl restart nginx"
result <- tryIOError $ callCommand command
result <- execute "systemctl" ["restart", "nginx"] "" True
case result of
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ commandError command
Left err -> return ()
Right _ ->
putStrLn $ "restarted " ++ show (service params)
putStrLn $ "restarted " ++ show serverService

View File

@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.WebServer (ServerParams(..), ServerType(..)) whe
, domain :: String
, port :: String
, forward :: String
, output :: String
, ssl :: Bool
, serverType :: ServerType
, service :: Service
, serverService :: Service
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show ServerParams where
show conf
| service conf == NGINX =
| serverService conf == NGINX =
let https
| ssl conf = [ ("ssl_certificate", "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" ++ domain conf ++ "/fullchain.pem")
, ("ssl_certificate_key", "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" ++ domain conf ++ "/privkey.pem")

View File

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
module System.Serverman.Services ( Service(..)
, ) where
, configDirectory) where
data Service = NGINX | Apache deriving (Eq, Show)
data Service = NGINX
deriving (Eq, Show)
class Configurable a where
configDirectory :: a -> FilePath
instance Configurable Service where
configDirectory NGINX = "/etc/nginx/"
configDirectory mysql = "/etc/mysql/"
instance Read Service where
readsPrec _ service
| service == "nginx" || service == "n" = [(NGINX, [])]
| service == "apache" || service == "a" = [(Apache, [])]
| service == "nginx" = [(NGINX, [])]
| service == "mysql" = [(MySQL, [])]

View File

@ -2,11 +2,17 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( keyvalue
, nginxBlock
, nginxSSL
, writeFileIfMissing
, commandError) where
, commandError
, execute) where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory
import System.Process
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Data.List
import Control.Exception
keyvalue :: [(String, String)] -> String
keyvalue ((a, b):xs) = a ++ " " ++ b ++ ";\n" ++ keyvalue xs
@ -28,6 +34,21 @@ module System.Serverman.Utils ( keyvalue
commandError :: String -> String
commandError command = "[Error] an error occured while running: " ++ command ++ "\nplease try running the command manually."
execute :: String -> [String] -> String -> Bool -> IO (Either String String)
execute cmd args stdin logErrors = do
let command = cmd ++ " " ++ intercalate " " args
process <- async $ do
result <- tryIOError $ readProcessWithExitCode cmd args stdin
case result of
Right (_, stdout, _) -> return $ Right stdout
Left err -> do
when logErrors $ putStrLn (commandError command)
return $ Left (show err)
wait process
nginxSSL = "ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;\n\
\ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;\n\
\ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;\n\

View File

@ -12,18 +12,31 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
import Data.Maybe
initialize = do
let mode = cmdArgsMode $ modes [webserver, install] &= program "serverman" &= summary "serverman v0.1.0, (C) Mahdi Dibaiee 2017"
args <- getArgs
let mode = cmdArgsMode $ modes [install, webserver, database]
&= program "serverman"
&= summary "serverman v0.1.0, (C) Mahdi Dibaiee 2017"
&= helpArg [name "h"]
(CmdArgs args help version _ _) <- E.processArgs mode
let fixArgs
| null args = ["--help"]
| otherwise = args
let result = E.process mode fixArgs
case result of
Right (CmdArgs args help version _ _) ->
if isJust help then
putStrLn $ fromJust help
else if isJust version then
putStrLn $ fromJust version
case args of
p@(WebServerParams _ _ _ _ _ _ _) -> webServer p
p@(InstallParams _) -> manualInstall p
p@(WebServerParams {}) -> webserverSetup p
p@(InstallParams {}) -> manualInstall p
p@(DatabaseParams {}) -> databaseSetup p
Left err ->
print err
return ()
@ -31,11 +44,12 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
data Params = WebServerParams { directory :: String
, domain :: String
, port :: String
, ssl :: Bool
, forward :: String
, wService :: String
, output :: String
, ssl :: Bool
| DatabaseParams { databaseName :: String
, dService :: String }
| InstallParams { iService :: String }
@ -46,14 +60,18 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
, port = def &= typ "PORT" &= help "port number to listen to, defaults to 80 for http and 443 for https"
, forward = def &= typ "PORT" &= help "the port to forward to (in case of a port-forwarding server)"
, ssl = False &= help "create a letsencrypt certificate for this domain, defaults to false"
, wService = "nginx" &= help "service to build config for: (n)ginx, (a)pache, defaults to nginx" &= explicit &= name "service"
, output = def &= help "output directory for the selected service, defaults to /etc/nginx for nginx and /etc/apache2 for apache"
, wService = "nginx" &= help "service to build config for: nginx, defaults to nginx" &= explicit &= name "service"
} &= explicit &= name "webserver"
database = DatabaseParams { databaseName = "test" &= help "database name, defaults to test" &= explicit &= name "name"
, dService = "mysql" &= help "service to setup: mysql, defaults to mysql" &= explicit &= name "service"
} &= explicit &= name "database"
install = InstallParams { iService = def &= argPos 0
} &= explicit &= name "install"
webServer (WebServerParams { directory, domain, port, ssl, forward, wService, output }) = do
webserverSetup (WebServerParams { directory, domain, port, ssl, forward, wService }) = do
let serverType
| (not . null) forward = S.PortForwarding
| otherwise = S.Static
@ -65,22 +83,22 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
| ssl = "403"
| otherwise = "80"
let outDir
| (not . null) output = output
| serviceName == S.NGINX = "/etc/nginx/"
| serviceName == S.Apache = "/etc/apache2/"
let params = S.ServerParams { = directory
, S.domain = domain
, S.port = portNumber
, S.ssl = ssl
, S.forward = forward
, S.serverType = serverType
, S.service = serviceName
, S.output = outDir
, S.serverService = serviceName
} $ S.newServer params
manualInstall (InstallParams { iService }) = do $ S.detectOS >>= (S.install (read iService))
databaseSetup (DatabaseParams { databaseName, dService }) = do
let params = S.DatabaseParams { S.database = databaseName
, S.databaseService = read dService } $ S.newDatabase params