feat(monitoring): read status and logs of a service

This commit is contained in:
Mahdi Dibaiee 2017-04-16 16:50:20 +04:30
parent 5b76c2a15d
commit 0ffb61533f
8 changed files with 121 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ library
, System.Serverman.Actions.Remote
, System.Serverman.Actions.Repository
, System.Serverman.Actions.Call
, System.Serverman.Actions.Monitor
, System.Serverman.Types
, System.Serverman.Services

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module System.Serverman ( run
import System.Serverman.Actions.Env
import System.Serverman.Actions.Install
import System.Serverman.Actions.Manage
import System.Serverman.Actions.Monitor
import System.Serverman.Actions.Repository
import System.Serverman.Actions.Remote
import System.Serverman.Actions.Call
@ -35,3 +36,5 @@ module System.Serverman ( run
run (Free (FetchRepository next)) = fetchRepo False >> run next
run (Free (UpdateRepository next)) = fetchRepo True >> run next
run (Free (Status service next)) = serviceStatus service >> run next
run (Free (Log service next)) = serviceLogs service >> run next

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@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
, Action
, call
, fetchRepository
, updateRepository
, start
, stop
, install
, remote
, detectOS) where
module System.Serverman.Action where
import System.Serverman.Actions.Env
import System.Serverman.Actions.Repository
@ -37,6 +28,8 @@ module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
| UpdateRepository x
| Start Service x
| Stop Service x
| Status Service x
| Log Service x
instance Functor ActionF where
fmap f (Call service remote x) = Call service remote (f x)
@ -47,6 +40,8 @@ module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
fmap f (Remote addr action x) = Remote addr action (f x)
fmap f (FetchRepository x) = FetchRepository (f x)
fmap f (UpdateRepository x) = UpdateRepository (f x)
fmap f (Status service x) = Status service (f x)
fmap f (Log service x) = Log service (f x)
type Action = Free ActionF
@ -73,3 +68,10 @@ module System.Serverman.Action ( ActionF(..)
updateRepository :: Action ()
updateRepository = liftF $ UpdateRepository ()
status :: Service -> Action ()
status service = liftF $ Status service ()
readLogs :: Service -> Action ()
readLogs service = liftF $ Log service ()

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module System.Serverman.Actions.Monitor (serviceLogs, serviceStatus) where
import System.Serverman.Utils
import System.Serverman.Types
import System.Serverman.Log
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
serviceStatus :: Service -> App ()
serviceStatus s@Service { service } = do
result <- executeRoot "systemctl" ["status", service] "" False
AppState { remoteMode } <- get
let addr = if isJust remoteMode then " on " ++ (show . fst . fromJust) remoteMode else ""
case result of
Left e
| "Loaded: not-found" `isInfixOf` e ->
err $ "service " ++ service ++ " was not found" ++ addr
| "Active: inactive" `isInfixOf` e ->
warning $ "service " ++ service ++ " is inactive" ++ addr
| otherwise ->
err $ "service " ++ service ++ " errored!" ++ addr
Right out ->
success $ "service " ++ service ++ " is active" ++ addr
return ()
serviceLogs :: Service -> App ()
serviceLogs s@Service { service } = do
result <- executeRoot "journalctl" ["-u", service, "--no-tail", "--no-pager"] "" False
AppState { remoteMode } <- get
let addr = if isJust remoteMode then " on " ++ (show . fst . fromJust) remoteMode else ""
case result of
Left e -> err $ "could not read service " ++ service ++ " logs: " ++ e
Right out -> do
success $ "service " ++ service ++ " logs " ++ addr
write out
return ()

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
execute "fusermount" ["-u", path] "" False
return ()
runRemotely :: Address -> App r -> App ()
runRemotely :: Address -> App r -> App (Either String r)
runRemotely addr@(Address host port user) action = do
verbose $ "running action remotely on " ++ show addr
done <- progressText $ "connecting to server " ++ show addr
@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
serverPaths = ["/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server", "/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server"]
options = ["-o", "nonempty",
"-o", "sftp_server=sudo " ++ head serverPaths]
"-o", "sftp_server=sudo " ++ head serverPaths,
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"]
home <- liftIO getHomeDirectory
@ -80,15 +81,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
case result of
Right _ -> do
state <- get
liftIO $ threadDelay actionDelay
put $ state { remoteMode = Just (servermanAddr, keyPath) }
return ()
Right _ -> runAction servermanAddr keyPath
Left e -> do
info $ "it seems to be the first time you are using serverman for configuring " ++ show addr
@ -122,13 +115,21 @@ module System.Serverman.Actions.Remote ( runRemotely
runRemotely addr action
runAction servermanAddr keyPath
return ()
return ()
return $ Left ("could not run action remotely: " ++ show addr)
runAction servermanAddr keyPath = do
state <- get
r <- liftIO $ threadDelay actionDelay
put $ state { remoteMode = Just (servermanAddr, keyPath) }
return (Right r)
noPassword = ["-o", "PasswordAuthentication=no", "-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=yes"]
modPath path c

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module System.Serverman.Log ( verbose
, progressText
, warning
, err
, success
, die) where
import System.Serverman.Types
@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ module System.Serverman.Log ( verbose
info :: String -> App ()
info str = liftIO . putStrLn . format . reset $ read ("[info] " ++ str)
success :: String -> App ()
success str = liftIO . putStrLn . format . F.green $ read str
warning :: String -> App ()
warning str = liftIO . putStrLn . format . F.yellow $ read ("[warning] " ++ str)

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@ -29,14 +29,16 @@ module System.Serverman.Types ( Service (..)
readsPrec _ addr
| '@' `elem` addr =
let (user, rest) = (takeWhile (/= '@') addr, tail $ dropWhile (/= '@') addr)
(host, port) = readHostPort rest
(host, port) = readHostPort rest "22"
in [(Address host port user, [])]
| otherwise =
let (host, port) = readHostPort addr
let (host, port) = readHostPort addr "22"
in [(Address host port "", [])]
readHostPort str = (takeWhile (/= ':') str, tail $ dropWhile (/= ':') str)
readHostPort str defaultPort
| ':' `elem` str = (takeWhile (/= ':') str, tail $ dropWhile (/= ':') str)
| otherwise = (str, defaultPort)
instance Show Address where
show (Address host port user)

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@ -63,6 +63,26 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
p@Params { update = True } -> S.run S.updateRepository
p@Params { status = Just service } -> do
verbose $ "reading status for " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> do
result <- handleRemote p $ S.status s
liftIO $ print result
Nothing -> die $ "service not found: " ++ service
p@Params { logs = Just service } -> do
verbose $ "reading logs for " ++ service
ms <- findService service
case ms of
Just s -> do
result <- handleRemote p $ S.readLogs s
liftIO $ print result
Nothing -> die $ "service not found: " ++ service
p@Params { manage = Just (act, service) } -> do
verbose $ "preparing to " ++ show act ++ " " ++ service
ms <- findService service
@ -112,11 +132,15 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
clearTemp path = execIfExists path $ do
execute "fusermount" ["-u", path] "" False
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive path
-- if remote mode is set, read the file and run the action
-- on servers, otherwise run action locally
handleRemote :: Params -> S.Action () -> S.App ()
handleRemote Params { remote = Just file } action = do
list <- liftIO $ filter (not . null) . lines <$> readFile file
S.run (S.remote (map read list) action)
return ()
handleRemote Params { remote = Nothing } action = S.run action
servermanHelp = do
@ -128,6 +152,8 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
, ("repository update", "update repository")
, ("service start <service>", "start the service")
, ("service stop <service>", "stop the service")
, ("service status <service>", "read service status")
, ("service logs <service>", "read service logs")
, ("--remote <file>", "run in remote mode: takes a path to a file containing username@ip:port lines")]
write "to learn about a service's options, run |serverman <service> --help|"
@ -141,16 +167,20 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
, remote :: Maybe FilePath
, rest :: [(String, Maybe String)]
, verboseM :: Bool
, status :: Maybe String
, logs :: Maybe String
instance Show Params where
show Params { listServices, install, manage, update, remote, rest, verboseM } =
show Params { listServices, install, manage, update, remote, rest, verboseM, status, logs } =
keyvalue [ ("list-services", show listServices)
, ("install", show install)
, ("manage", show manage)
, ("update", show update)
, ("remote", show remote)
, ("rest", show rest)
, ("status", show status)
, ("logs", show logs)
, ("verbose", show verboseM)] ": "
instance Default Params where
@ -160,6 +190,8 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
, remote = Nothing
, update = False
, rest = []
, status = Nothing
, logs = Nothing
, verboseM = False
@ -168,6 +200,8 @@ module System.Term ( initialize ) where
parseParams ("repository":"update":xs) = (parseParams xs) { update = True }
parseParams ("service":"start":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { manage = Just (Start, s) }
parseParams ("service":"stop":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { manage = Just (Stop, s) }
parseParams ("service":"status":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { status = Just s }
parseParams ("service":"logs":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { logs = Just s }
parseParams ("install":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { install = Just s }
parseParams ("--remote":s:xs) = (parseParams xs) { remote = Just s }
parseParams ("--verbose":xs) = (parseParams xs) { verboseM = True }