import API from './api'; import {EventEmitter} from 'events'; const DEFAULTS = { update: { offset: 0, timeout: 0.5, limit: 100 } }; export default class Bot { constructor(options = {update: {}}) { if (!options.token) { throw new Error('Token cannot be empty'); } this.token = options.token; this.update = Object.assign(options.update || {}, DEFAULTS.update); this.api = new API(this.token); this.msg = {}; // EventEmitter this._events = {}; this._userEvents = []; } start() { let poll = function() { this.api.getUpdates(this.update).then(response => { setTimeout(poll, this.update.timeout * 1000); const result = response.result; if (!result.length) { return; } if (!this.update.offset) { const updateId = result[result.length - 1].update_id; this.update.offset = updateId; } if (this.update) { this.update.offset += 1; } this.emit('update', response.result); result.forEach(res => { let text = res.message.text; if (text.indexOf('/') === 0) { // Commands are sent in format /command@botusername format const regex = new RegExp(`@${}$`); text = text.replace(regex, ''); } let ev = this._userEvents.find(({message}) => message.test(text)); ev.listener(res); }); }); }.bind(this); return this.api.getMe().then(response => { = response.result; poll(); }); } get(message, listener) { if (typeof message === 'string') { message = new RegExp(`^${message}`); } this._userEvents.push({ message, listener }); } command(cmd, listener) { this._userEvents.push({ message: new RegExp(`/${cmd}`), listener }); } message(chat, text, options = {}) { return new Promise(resolve => { let messageId; const params = Object.assign({ chat_id: chat, text, reply_markup: this._replyMarkup }, this.msg, options); this.api.sendMessage(params).then(response => { messageId = response.result.message_id; }); this.msg = {}; if (this.replyMarkup.one_time_keyboard) { this.replyMarkup = ''; } this.on('update', function listener(result) { const update = result.find(({message}) => { // if in a group, there will be a reply to this message console.log(, chat); if (chat < 0) { return === chat && message.reply_to_message.message_id === messageId; } else { return === chat; } }); console.log(text, '=>', update); if (update) { resolve(update); this.removeListener('update', listener); } }); }); } replyTo(reply) { this.msg.reply_to_message_id = reply; return this; } askQuestion(chat, title, answers = []) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.keyboard(answers, false, true).force() .message(chat, title).then(update => { const message = update.message; let answer; console.log(message); answers.forEach(function find(a) { if (Array.isArray(a)) { a.forEach(find); } if (a === message.text) { answer = a; } }); console.log(title, '=', answer); if (answer) { resolve(answer, update); } else { reject(update); } }); }); } keyboard(rows, resize = false, oneTime = false, selective = true) { this.replyMarkup = { keyboard: rows, resize_keyboard: resize, one_time_keyboard: oneTime, selective }; return this; } hideKeyboard(selective = true) { this.replyMarkup = { hide_keyboard: true, selective }; return this; } force(enable = true, selective) { this.replyMarkup.force_reply = enable; if (selective) { this.replyMarkup.selective = selective; } return this; } set replyMarkup(json) { this._replyMarkup = JSON.stringify(json); } get replyMarkup() { return JSON.parse(this._replyMarkup); } wait(miliseconds) { const self = this; return function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve.bind(self), miliseconds); }; } } Bot.prototype = Object.assign(Bot.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype);