# Telegram Bots Create and control [Telegram bots](https://core.telegram.org/bots) easily using the new [Telegram API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api). telegram-api is in beta, your feedback is appreciated, please [fill an issue](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/issues) for any bugs you find or any suggestions you have. ``` npm install telegram-api ``` # Example Take a look at [demo.js](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/blob/master/demo.js). [@JavaScriptBot](https://telegram.me/JavaScriptBot) runs on `demo.js`, you can test it. ```javascript var Bot = require('telegram-api'); // only require the message types you need, more coming soon! var Message = require('telegram-api/types/Message'); var Question = require('telegram-api/types/Question'); var smartBot = new Bot({ token: 'YOUR_KEY' }); // getMe is called before polling starts, setting info property of bot smartBot.start().then(() => { console.log(smartBot.info); }); // Create a new question // answers is a keyboard layout as defined in Telegram API // we're going to reuse this by modifying it's target const question = new Question() .text('How should I greet you?') .answers([['Hey'], ['Hello, Sir'], ['Yo bro']]); // Called when a message starting with Hi is received // You can use Regular Expressions, too // update is an Update object as defined in Telegram API smartBot.get('Hi', update => { const message = update.message; question.to(message.chat.id).reply(message.message_id); // Send the question, returns a promise, resolves on valid answer, // rejects in case of an invalid answer smartBot.send(question).then(answer => { const msg = new Message().to(id).text('Your answer: ' + answer); smartBot.send(msg); }, () => { const msg = new Message().to(id).text('Invalid answer'); smartBot.send(msg); }); }); // Commands are in the format `/command` or `/command@botusername` in groups const test = new Message().text('Test Command'); smartBot.command('test', update => { const message = update.message; const id = message.chat.id; smartBot.send(test.to(id)); }); const hello = new Message().text('Hello'); smartBot.command('start', update => { smartBot.send(hello.to(update.message.chat.id)); }); ``` This will result in: ![@JavaScriptBot](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/raw/master/demo.gif) # Bots using this module [@JavaScriptBot](https://telegram.me/JavaScriptBot) # Todo -[] BulkMessage Type -[] File Type -[] Sticker Type -[] Location Type -[] Contact Type -[] Allow remote control of bots (TCP maybe) YOUR IDEAS! [Fill an issue](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/issues)