# Telegram Bots Create and control [Telegram bots](https://core.telegram.org/bots) easily using the new [Telegram API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api). telegram-api is in beta, your feedback is appreciated, please [fill an issue](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/issues) for any bugs you find or any suggestions you have. For an example of a bot written using this module, see [Bots using this module](#bots-using-this-module) below. ``` npm install telegram-api ``` If you are cloning this repository, remember to run `npm install` to install dependencies. [**Documentation**](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/wiki) #Example ```javascript var Bot = require('telegram-api'); var Message = require('telegram-api/types/Message'); var File = require('telegram-api/types/File'); var bot = new Bot({ token: 'YOUR_TOKEN' }); bot.start(); bot.get(/Hi|Hey|Hello|Yo/, function(message) { var answer = new Message().text('Hello, Sir').to(message.chat.id); bot.send(answer); }); bot.command('start', function(message) { var welcome = new File().file('./some_photo.png').caption('Welcome'); bot.send(welcome); }); ``` # Bots using this module [@JavaScriptBot](https://telegram.me/JavaScriptBot) => [mdibaiee/javascriptbot](https://github.com/mdibaiee/javascriptbot) # Todo - [x] Webhook support (not tested, see [#4](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/issues/4)) - [x] Forward Type - [x] BulkMessage Type - [x] File Type - [ ] Sticker Type - [ ] Location Type - [ ] Contact Type - [ ] Allow remote control of bots (TCP maybe) - [ ] YOUR IDEAS! [Fill an issue](https://github.com/mdibaiee/node-telegram-api/issues)