/** * Module dependencies. */ var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter , debug = require('debug')('mocha:suite') , milliseconds = require('./ms') , utils = require('./utils') , Hook = require('./hook'); /** * Expose `Suite`. */ exports = module.exports = Suite; /** * Create a new `Suite` with the given `title` * and parent `Suite`. When a suite with the * same title is already present, that suite * is returned to provide nicer reporter * and more flexible meta-testing. * * @param {Suite} parent * @param {String} title * @return {Suite} * @api public */ exports.create = function(parent, title){ var suite = new Suite(title, parent.ctx); suite.parent = parent; if (parent.pending) suite.pending = true; title = suite.fullTitle(); parent.addSuite(suite); return suite; }; /** * Initialize a new `Suite` with the given * `title` and `ctx`. * * @param {String} title * @param {Context} ctx * @api private */ function Suite(title, parentContext) { this.title = title; var context = function() {}; context.prototype = parentContext; this.ctx = new context(); this.suites = []; this.tests = []; this.pending = false; this._beforeEach = []; this._beforeAll = []; this._afterEach = []; this._afterAll = []; this.root = !title; this._timeout = 2000; this._enableTimeouts = true; this._slow = 75; this._bail = false; this.delayed = false; } /** * Inherit from `EventEmitter.prototype`. */ Suite.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype; /** * Return a clone of this `Suite`. * * @return {Suite} * @api private */ Suite.prototype.clone = function(){ var suite = new Suite(this.title); debug('clone'); suite.ctx = this.ctx; suite.timeout(this.timeout()); suite.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); suite.slow(this.slow()); suite.bail(this.bail()); return suite; }; /** * Set timeout `ms` or short-hand such as "2s". * * @param {Number|String} ms * @return {Suite|Number} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.timeout = function(ms){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._timeout; if (ms.toString() === '0') this._enableTimeouts = false; if ('string' == typeof ms) ms = milliseconds(ms); debug('timeout %d', ms); this._timeout = parseInt(ms, 10); return this; }; /** * Set timeout `enabled`. * * @param {Boolean} enabled * @return {Suite|Boolean} self or enabled * @api private */ Suite.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled){ if (arguments.length === 0) return this._enableTimeouts; debug('enableTimeouts %s', enabled); this._enableTimeouts = enabled; return this; }; /** * Set slow `ms` or short-hand such as "2s". * * @param {Number|String} ms * @return {Suite|Number} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.slow = function(ms){ if (0 === arguments.length) return this._slow; if ('string' == typeof ms) ms = milliseconds(ms); debug('slow %d', ms); this._slow = ms; return this; }; /** * Sets whether to bail after first error. * * @param {Boolean} bail * @return {Suite|Number} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.bail = function(bail){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._bail; debug('bail %s', bail); this._bail = bail; return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` before running tests. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.beforeAll = function(title, fn){ if (this.pending) return this; if ('function' === typeof title) { fn = title; title = fn.name; } title = '"before all" hook' + (title ? ': ' + title : ''); var hook = new Hook(title, fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._beforeAll.push(hook); this.emit('beforeAll', hook); return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` after running tests. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.afterAll = function(title, fn){ if (this.pending) return this; if ('function' === typeof title) { fn = title; title = fn.name; } title = '"after all" hook' + (title ? ': ' + title : ''); var hook = new Hook(title, fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._afterAll.push(hook); this.emit('afterAll', hook); return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` before each test case. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(title, fn){ if (this.pending) return this; if ('function' === typeof title) { fn = title; title = fn.name; } title = '"before each" hook' + (title ? ': ' + title : ''); var hook = new Hook(title, fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._beforeEach.push(hook); this.emit('beforeEach', hook); return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` after each test case. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(title, fn){ if (this.pending) return this; if ('function' === typeof title) { fn = title; title = fn.name; } title = '"after each" hook' + (title ? ': ' + title : ''); var hook = new Hook(title, fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._afterEach.push(hook); this.emit('afterEach', hook); return this; }; /** * Add a test `suite`. * * @param {Suite} suite * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.addSuite = function(suite){ suite.parent = this; suite.timeout(this.timeout()); suite.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); suite.slow(this.slow()); suite.bail(this.bail()); this.suites.push(suite); this.emit('suite', suite); return this; }; /** * Add a `test` to this suite. * * @param {Test} test * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.addTest = function(test){ test.parent = this; test.timeout(this.timeout()); test.enableTimeouts(this.enableTimeouts()); test.slow(this.slow()); test.ctx = this.ctx; this.tests.push(test); this.emit('test', test); return this; }; /** * Return the full title generated by recursively * concatenating the parent's full title. * * @return {String} * @api public */ Suite.prototype.fullTitle = function(){ if (this.parent) { var full = this.parent.fullTitle(); if (full) return full + ' ' + this.title; } return this.title; }; /** * Return the total number of tests. * * @return {Number} * @api public */ Suite.prototype.total = function(){ return utils.reduce(this.suites, function(sum, suite){ return sum + suite.total(); }, 0) + this.tests.length; }; /** * Iterates through each suite recursively to find * all tests. Applies a function in the format * `fn(test)`. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} * @api private */ Suite.prototype.eachTest = function(fn){ utils.forEach(this.tests, fn); utils.forEach(this.suites, function(suite){ suite.eachTest(fn); }); return this; }; /** * This will run the root suite if we happen to be running in delayed mode. */ Suite.prototype.run = function run() { if (this.root) { this.emit('run'); } };