# IPSUM.IR The code powering [ipsum.ir](http://ipsum.ir), a categorized ipsum generator with REST API for those who care. ## REST API The grammer of our API is as follows: http://ipsum.ir/:category/:unit/:amount #### Categories Available categories: news, design and normal We're planning to add more categories soon, feel free to add a category! #### Units Currently, units are paragraph as `p`, word as `w` and character as `c`. Please note, character doesn't include spaces. Examples: http://ipsum.ir/design/p/2 http://ipsum.ir/normal/c/250 http://ipsum.ir/news/w/10 ## Contributing Our dictionaries are simply an array of words, if you have a bunch of words (+35) in a category, you can add it yourself or contact me [mahdi@dibaiee.ir](mailto:mahdi@dibaiee.ir) and I'll add them. Any contribution is appreciated, new ideas, bug reports, etc.