module Huffman ( tree, charSequence, decode ) where import Data.List import Data.Function (on) import Node import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import Data.Char (chr) pEOF = chr 999 -- Create initial nodes (forest of trees) for each symbol createNodes :: String -> [Node] createNodes s = map (\ch -> createLeaf ch $ charWeight s ch) $ nub s -- Coding table generation step (recursive) step :: [Node] -> Node step nodes = let cut = (tail . tail) sorted in if length nodes > 1 then step (merge:cut) else head nodes where sorted = sortBy (compare `on` weight) nodes merge = Node { symbol = Nothing, weight = sumWeights, left = Just first, right = Just second } first = head sorted second = (head . tail) sorted sumWeights = weight first + weight second tree :: String -> Node tree = step . createNodes -- Root-to-leaf search, find a character's sequence string charSequence :: Node -> Char -> String charSequence node ch = fromJust $ helper node ch "" where helper (Node { symbol = s, left = l, right = r }) ch sequ | (isJust s) && (fromJust s == ch) = Just sequ | isNothing l && isNothing r = Nothing | otherwise = let leftPath = helper (fromJust l) ch (sequ ++ "0") rightPath = helper (fromJust r) ch (sequ ++ "1") in if isJust leftPath then leftPath else rightPath -- Root-to-leaf search, find a character based on sequence string findChar :: Node -> String -> Maybe Char findChar n@(Node { symbol = s, left = l, right = r}) sequ | length sequ > 0 = let path = if head sequ == '0' then l else r in if isJust path then findChar (fromJust path) (tail sequ) else Nothing | otherwise = if isJust s then s else Nothing -- Encode an string into huffman coding encode :: String -> String encode input = let t = tree input table = charTable t input in concat $ map (\a -> fromJust $ Map.lookup a table) input -- Character table, a Map representing each character's bit sequence charTable :: Node -> String -> Map.Map Char String charTable t input = Map.fromList $ map (\a -> (a, charSequence t a)) (nub input) -- Each character's weight in string charWeight :: String -> Char -> Float charWeight s x = genericLength $ filter (==x) s -- Decode a string, given the tree representing it decode :: Node -> String -> String decode t input = let (valid, next) = span (isNothing . findChar t) $ inits input sequ = (head next) ninput = (tails input) !! (length valid) ch = fromJust $ findChar t sequ in if length ninput > 0 then ch:(decode t ninput) else [ch]