import hapi from 'hapi'; import Sequelize from 'sequelize'; import portfinder from 'portfinder'; import path from 'path'; import Promise from 'bluebird'; const getPort = Promise.promisify(portfinder.getPort); const modelsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'models'); const modelsGlob = path.join(modelsPath, '**', '*.js'); const dbName = 'db'; // these are what's in the fixtures dir const modelNames = [ { Singluar: 'City', singular: 'city', Plural: 'Cities', plural: 'cities' }, { Singluar: 'Team', singular: 'team', Plural: 'Teams', plural: 'teams' }, { Singluar: 'Player', singular: 'player', Plural: 'Players', plural: 'players' }, ]; export default (test) => { test.beforeEach('get an open port', async (t) => { t.context.port = await getPort(); }); test.beforeEach('setup server', async (t) => { const sequelize = t.context.sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', logging: false, }); const server = t.context.server = new hapi.Server(); server.connection({ host: '', port: t.context.port, }); await server.register({ register: require('hapi-sequelize'), options: { name: dbName, models: [modelsGlob], sequelize, sync: true, forceSync: true, }, }); await server.register({ register: require('../src/index.js'), options: { name: dbName, }, }, ); }); test.beforeEach('create data', async (t) => { const { Player, Team, City } = t.context.sequelize.models; const city1 = await City.create({ name: 'Healdsburg' }); const team1 = await Team.create({ name: 'Baseballs', cityId: }); const player1 = await Player.create({ name: 'Pinot', teamId: }); const player2 = await Player.create({ name: 'Syrah', teamId: }); t.context.instances = { city1, team1, player1, player2 }; }); // kill the server so that we can exit and don't leak memory test.afterEach('stop the server', (t) => t.context.server.stop()); return { modelNames }; };