import test from 'ava'; import { list } from './crud.js'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import 'sinon-bluebird'; const METHODS = { GET: 'GET', }; test.beforeEach('setup server', (t) => { t.context.server = { route: stub(), }; }); test.beforeEach('setup model', (t) => { t.context.model = { findAll: stub(), _plural: 'models', _singular: 'model', }; }); test.beforeEach('setup request stub', (t) => { t.context.request = { query: {}, payload: {}, models: [t.context.model], }; }); test.beforeEach('setup reply stub', (t) => { t.context.reply = stub(); }); test('crud#list without prefix', (t) => { const { server, model } = t.context; list({ server, model }); const { path } = server.route.args[0][0]; t.falsy( path.includes('undefined'), 'correctly sets the path without a prefix defined', ); path, `/${model._plural}`, 'the path sets to the plural model' ); }); test('crud#list with prefix', (t) => { const { server, model } = t.context; const prefix = '/v1'; list({ server, model, prefix }); const { path } = server.route.args[0][0]; path, `${prefix}/${model._plural}`, 'the path sets to the plural model with the prefix' ); }); test('crud#list method', (t) => { const { server, model } = t.context; list({ server, model }); const { method } = server.route.args[0][0]; method, METHODS.GET, `sets the method to ${METHODS.GET}` ); }); test('crud#list config', (t) => { const { server, model } = t.context; const userConfig = {}; list({ server, model, config: userConfig }); const { config } = server.route.args[0][0]; config, userConfig, 'sets the user config' ); }); test('crud#list handler', async (t) => { const { server, model, request, reply } = t.context; const allModels = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]; list({ server, model }); const { handler } = server.route.args[0][0]; model.findAll.resolves(allModels); try { await handler(request, reply); } catch (e) { t.ifError(e, 'does not error while handling'); } finally { t.pass('does not error while handling'); } t.truthy( reply.calledOnce , 'calls reply only once' ); const response = reply.args[0][0]; response, allModels, 'responds with the list of models' ); }); test('crud#list handler if parseInclude errors', async (t) => { const { server, model, request, reply } = t.context; // we _want_ the error delete request.models; list({ server, model }); const { handler } = server.route.args[0][0]; await handler(request, reply); t.truthy( reply.calledOnce , 'calls reply only once' ); const response = reply.args[0][0]; t.truthy( response.isBoom, 'responds with a Boom error' ); });