from es import EvolutionStrategy import numpy as np from game import Game, play from win import Window, GAME_SPEED import gi from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, Gdk from datetime import datetime from os import path import os from draw_chart import draw_chart es = EvolutionStrategy(fn=play, noisep=50, sigma=0.1, alpha=0.001, layer_sizes=[[4, 500], [500, 1]], input_size=4) load = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'load.npy') np.random.seed(0) # if load.npy exists, load the parameters from it if path.exists(load) and not os.environ.get('SKIP_LOAD'): es.layers = np.load(load) # show the game every n iterations SHOW_EVERY = int(os.environ.get('SHOW_EVERY', 100)) # save the parameters every n iterations SAVE_EVERY = int(os.environ.get('SAVE_EVERY', 100)) # number of steps STEPS = int(os.environ.get('STEPS', 10000)) # an id for saving the parameters in a folder run_id = str( print("run {}".format(run_id)) os.mkdir(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'saves', run_id)) # this function is called when showing the game to user def step(game, update): win = Window(game) GLib.timeout_add(GAME_SPEED, lambda: timeout_kill(win, game)) GLib.timeout_add(GAME_SPEED, update) GLib.timeout_add(GAME_SPEED, win.update) win.show_all() Gtk.main() # once the bird has lost, kill the window and stop Gtk loop def timeout_kill(win, game): if game.lost: Gtk.main_quit() win.destroy() return False return True reward_scatter_x = [] reward_scatter_y = [] reward_line_x = list(range(STEPS)) reward_line_y = [] for i in range(STEPS): print("{}: ".format(i), end='') rewards = es.train() m = np.mean(rewards) reward_line_y.append(m) for r in rewards: reward_scatter_x.append(i) reward_scatter_y.append(r) if SHOW_EVERY and i % SHOW_EVERY == 0: play(es.forward, step=step) Gtk.main_quit() print(' shown') else: score = play(es.forward) print(' score: {:.2f}'.format(score)) if i % SAVE_EVERY == 0: p = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'saves', run_id, 'save-{}'.format(i)), es.layers) draw_chart(reward_scatter_x, reward_scatter_y, reward_line_x, reward_line_y)