import numpy as np import random from copy import copy GRAVITY = 2 FRICTION = 0.9 class Game(): def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.bird = Bird(width / 2, height / 2) self.wall = self.create_wall() self.lost = False self.score = 0; self.record = False self.states = [] def update(self): self.bird.update() self.wall.update() # 10 score for passing a wall if (self.wall.x + self.wall.width) < self.width / 2: self.wall = self.create_wall() self.score += 10 if not self.record: print("\033[32m+\033[0m", end='') if self.intercept(self.bird, self.wall): self.lost = True if self.bird.y < 0 or self.bird.y > self.height: self.lost = True # a constant score for each movement, this way # our birds will try to stay alive longer and # our evolution strategy won't start with zero reward self.score += 0.1 if self.record: rec = { 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, 'lost': self.lost, 'score': round(self.score, 2), 'bird': { 'x': self.bird.x, 'y': self.bird.y, }, 'wall': { 'x': self.wall.x, 'gate': { 'y': self.wall.gate.y, 'height': self.wall.gate.height } } } self.states.append(rec) # create a wall, the wall is between the 15%-65% of the screen def create_wall(self): return Wall(self.width - WALL_WIDTH, self.height * (0.15 + np.random.random() * 0.5) ) def intercept(self, bird, wall): return ((bird.x + bird.width) > wall.x and ((bird.y + bird.height) > (wall.gate.y + wall.gate.height) or (bird.y) < wall.gate.y)) JUMP_STEPS = 2 JUMP_SPEED = 7 class Bird(): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.width = 24 self.height = 18 self.velocity = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float64) self.acceleration = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.float64) def jump(self): self.velocity[1] = -JUMP_SPEED self.acceleration[1] = 0 def update(self): self.x += self.velocity[0] self.y += self.velocity[1] self.velocity += self.acceleration self.velocity *= FRICTION self.acceleration[1] = GRAVITY WALL_WIDTH = 30 GATE_HEIGHT = 60 class Wall(): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.gate = dotdict({ 'y': y, 'height': GATE_HEIGHT }) self.width = WALL_WIDTH def update(self): self.x -= 2 class dotdict(dict): """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes""" __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ # limit the game to 1000 frames while training, sometimes a game might take # too long to finish after a while of training MAX_FRAMES = 10000 def play(fn, step=None, record=False): game = Game(250, 200) frame = 0 # while showing to user, we want to update the GTK frontend # the `step` function is responsible for doing just that, see if step: return step(game, lambda: show_update(fn, game)) if record: game.record = True while not game.lost and frame < MAX_FRAMES: frame += 1 # input of the model: bird x, bird y, distance to next wall, height of wall's entrance data = np.array([[game.bird.x, game.bird.y, game.bird.x - game.wall.x, game.wall.gate.y]]) jump = fn(data)[0][0] if jump > 0.5: game.bird.jump() game.update() if record: return game.states return game.score def show_update(fn, game): if not game.lost: data = np.array([[game.bird.x, game.bird.y, game.bird.x - game.wall.x, game.wall.gate.y]]) jump = fn(data)[0][0] if jump > 0.5: game.bird.jump() game.update() return True else: return False