import numpy as np def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) class EvolutionStrategy(): # fn: function that plays the game and returns the rewards, this function must take as argument another function that # determines whether the bird should jump or not # e.g. def fn shouldJump = if shouldJump(some_input): ... return reward # noisep: noise population, how many different noises should be tried at each step # sigma: standard deviation of generated noise # alpha: learning rate # layer_sizes: sizes of neural network layers, e.g. [[4, 500], [500, 1]] # input_size: number of inputs def __init__(self, fn, noisep, sigma, alpha, layer_sizes, input_size): self.fn = fn self.sigma = sigma self.noisep = noisep self.alpha = alpha self.layer_sizes = layer_sizes self.input_size = input_size # initialize layers randomly self.layers = [] for i, layer in enumerate(layer_sizes): self.layers.append(np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, layer)) # forward propagation: sigmoid(xW) for every layer def forward(self, input): output = input for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): output = sigmoid(, layer)) return output # train the model def train(self): N = [[] for i in range(len(self.layers))] R = np.zeros(self.noisep) for i in range(self.noisep): noisy_layers = [] for j, (layer_size, layer) in enumerate(zip(self.layer_sizes, self.layers)): # for each layer, generate a noise n = np.random.randn(*layer_size) N[j].append(n) # add noise to layer noisy_w = layer + self.sigma * n noisy_layers.append(noisy_w) # generate another network with the same parameters, but with noisy layers es = EvolutionStrategy(fn=self.fn, noisep=self.noisep, sigma=self.sigma, alpha=self.alpha, layer_sizes=self.layer_sizes, input_size=self.input_size) es.layers = noisy_layers # run a forward propagation using the noisy layer and save the reward R[i] = self.fn(es.forward) # normalize the rewards A = (R - np.mean(R)) / np.std(R) # update layers for n, i in zip(N, range(len(self.layers))): n = np.array(n) #, A) scales each noise's contribution to the update by how much reward it had received update = self.alpha / (self.noisep * self.sigma) *, A).T self.layers[i] = self.layers[i] + update return R