/** * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog * minimal class for proxing functions to Path. Replaces old "extractSubpaths()" **/ import { Color } from '../../math/Color.js'; import { Path } from './Path.js'; import { Shape } from './Shape.js'; import { ShapeUtils } from '../ShapeUtils.js'; function ShapePath() { this.type = 'ShapePath'; this.color = new Color(); this.subPaths = []; this.currentPath = null; } Object.assign( ShapePath.prototype, { moveTo: function ( x, y ) { this.currentPath = new Path(); this.subPaths.push( this.currentPath ); this.currentPath.moveTo( x, y ); }, lineTo: function ( x, y ) { this.currentPath.lineTo( x, y ); }, quadraticCurveTo: function ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY ) { this.currentPath.quadraticCurveTo( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY ); }, bezierCurveTo: function ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY ) { this.currentPath.bezierCurveTo( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY ); }, splineThru: function ( pts ) { this.currentPath.splineThru( pts ); }, toShapes: function ( isCCW, noHoles ) { function toShapesNoHoles( inSubpaths ) { var shapes = []; for ( var i = 0, l = inSubpaths.length; i < l; i ++ ) { var tmpPath = inSubpaths[ i ]; var tmpShape = new Shape(); tmpShape.curves = tmpPath.curves; shapes.push( tmpShape ); } return shapes; } function isPointInsidePolygon( inPt, inPolygon ) { var polyLen = inPolygon.length; // inPt on polygon contour => immediate success or // toggling of inside/outside at every single! intersection point of an edge // with the horizontal line through inPt, left of inPt // not counting lowerY endpoints of edges and whole edges on that line var inside = false; for ( var p = polyLen - 1, q = 0; q < polyLen; p = q ++ ) { var edgeLowPt = inPolygon[ p ]; var edgeHighPt = inPolygon[ q ]; var edgeDx = edgeHighPt.x - edgeLowPt.x; var edgeDy = edgeHighPt.y - edgeLowPt.y; if ( Math.abs( edgeDy ) > Number.EPSILON ) { // not parallel if ( edgeDy < 0 ) { edgeLowPt = inPolygon[ q ]; edgeDx = - edgeDx; edgeHighPt = inPolygon[ p ]; edgeDy = - edgeDy; } if ( ( inPt.y < edgeLowPt.y ) || ( inPt.y > edgeHighPt.y ) ) continue; if ( inPt.y === edgeLowPt.y ) { if ( inPt.x === edgeLowPt.x ) return true; // inPt is on contour ? // continue; // no intersection or edgeLowPt => doesn't count !!! } else { var perpEdge = edgeDy * ( inPt.x - edgeLowPt.x ) - edgeDx * ( inPt.y - edgeLowPt.y ); if ( perpEdge === 0 ) return true; // inPt is on contour ? if ( perpEdge < 0 ) continue; inside = ! inside; // true intersection left of inPt } } else { // parallel or collinear if ( inPt.y !== edgeLowPt.y ) continue; // parallel // edge lies on the same horizontal line as inPt if ( ( ( edgeHighPt.x <= inPt.x ) && ( inPt.x <= edgeLowPt.x ) ) || ( ( edgeLowPt.x <= inPt.x ) && ( inPt.x <= edgeHighPt.x ) ) ) return true; // inPt: Point on contour ! // continue; } } return inside; } var isClockWise = ShapeUtils.isClockWise; var subPaths = this.subPaths; if ( subPaths.length === 0 ) return []; if ( noHoles === true ) return toShapesNoHoles( subPaths ); var solid, tmpPath, tmpShape, shapes = []; if ( subPaths.length === 1 ) { tmpPath = subPaths[ 0 ]; tmpShape = new Shape(); tmpShape.curves = tmpPath.curves; shapes.push( tmpShape ); return shapes; } var holesFirst = ! isClockWise( subPaths[ 0 ].getPoints() ); holesFirst = isCCW ? ! holesFirst : holesFirst; // console.log("Holes first", holesFirst); var betterShapeHoles = []; var newShapes = []; var newShapeHoles = []; var mainIdx = 0; var tmpPoints; newShapes[ mainIdx ] = undefined; newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ] = []; for ( var i = 0, l = subPaths.length; i < l; i ++ ) { tmpPath = subPaths[ i ]; tmpPoints = tmpPath.getPoints(); solid = isClockWise( tmpPoints ); solid = isCCW ? ! solid : solid; if ( solid ) { if ( ( ! holesFirst ) && ( newShapes[ mainIdx ] ) ) mainIdx ++; newShapes[ mainIdx ] = { s: new Shape(), p: tmpPoints }; newShapes[ mainIdx ].s.curves = tmpPath.curves; if ( holesFirst ) mainIdx ++; newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ] = []; //console.log('cw', i); } else { newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ].push( { h: tmpPath, p: tmpPoints[ 0 ] } ); //console.log('ccw', i); } } // only Holes? -> probably all Shapes with wrong orientation if ( ! newShapes[ 0 ] ) return toShapesNoHoles( subPaths ); if ( newShapes.length > 1 ) { var ambiguous = false; var toChange = []; for ( var sIdx = 0, sLen = newShapes.length; sIdx < sLen; sIdx ++ ) { betterShapeHoles[ sIdx ] = []; } for ( var sIdx = 0, sLen = newShapes.length; sIdx < sLen; sIdx ++ ) { var sho = newShapeHoles[ sIdx ]; for ( var hIdx = 0; hIdx < sho.length; hIdx ++ ) { var ho = sho[ hIdx ]; var hole_unassigned = true; for ( var s2Idx = 0; s2Idx < newShapes.length; s2Idx ++ ) { if ( isPointInsidePolygon( ho.p, newShapes[ s2Idx ].p ) ) { if ( sIdx !== s2Idx ) toChange.push( { froms: sIdx, tos: s2Idx, hole: hIdx } ); if ( hole_unassigned ) { hole_unassigned = false; betterShapeHoles[ s2Idx ].push( ho ); } else { ambiguous = true; } } } if ( hole_unassigned ) { betterShapeHoles[ sIdx ].push( ho ); } } } // console.log("ambiguous: ", ambiguous); if ( toChange.length > 0 ) { // console.log("to change: ", toChange); if ( ! ambiguous ) newShapeHoles = betterShapeHoles; } } var tmpHoles; for ( var i = 0, il = newShapes.length; i < il; i ++ ) { tmpShape = newShapes[ i ].s; shapes.push( tmpShape ); tmpHoles = newShapeHoles[ i ]; for ( var j = 0, jl = tmpHoles.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { tmpShape.holes.push( tmpHoles[ j ].h ); } } //console.log("shape", shapes); return shapes; } } ); export { ShapePath };