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2018-04-25 21:30:45 +00:00
* Copyright 2016 Henrik Ingo (@henrikingo)
* Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.
/* global document, console, setTimeout, loadIframe, initPresentation, _impressSupported, QUnit */
QUnit.module( "Non Default Values" );
QUnit.test( "Initialize Impress.js", function( assert ) {
console.log( "Begin init() test" );
// Init triggers impress:init and impress:stepenter events, which we want to catch.
var doneInit = assert.async();
var doneStepEnter = assert.async();
var doneSync = assert.async();
loadIframe( "test/non_default.html", assert, function() {
var iframe = document.getElementById( "presentation-iframe" );
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
var iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow;
var root = iframeDoc.querySelector( "div#non-default-id" );
// Catch events triggered by init()
var assertInit = function() {
assert.ok( true, "impress:init event triggered." );
console.log( "End init() test (async)" );
var assertInitWrapper = function() {
setTimeout( function() { assertInit(); }, 10 );
root.addEventListener( "impress:init", assertInitWrapper );
root.addEventListener( "impress:stepenter", function( event ) {
assert.ok( true, "impress:stepenter event triggered." );
var step1 = iframeDoc.querySelector( "div#step-1" );
assert.equal( event.target, step1,
event.target.id + " triggered impress:stepenter event." );
} );
// Synchronous code and assertions
assert.ok( iframeWin.impress,
"impress declared in global scope" );
assert.strictEqual( iframeWin.impress( "non-default-id" ).init(), undefined,
"impress().init() called with 'non-default-id'." );
assert.strictEqual( iframeWin.impress( "non-default-id" ).init(), undefined,
"It's ok to call impress().init() a second time, it's a no-op." );
// The asserts below are true immediately after impress().init() returns.
// Therefore we test them here, not in an event handler.
var notSupportedClass = iframeDoc.body.classList.contains( "impress-not-supported" );
var yesSupportedClass = iframeDoc.body.classList.contains( "impress-supported" );
if ( !_impressSupported() ) {
assert.ok( notSupportedClass,
"body.impress-not-supported class still there." );
assert.ok( !yesSupportedClass,
"body.impress-supported class was NOT added." );
} else {
assert.ok( !notSupportedClass,
"body.impress-not-supported class was removed." );
assert.ok( yesSupportedClass,
"body.impress-supported class was added." );
assert.ok( !iframeDoc.body.classList.contains( "impress-disabled" ),
"body.impress-disabled is removed." );
assert.ok( iframeDoc.body.classList.contains( "impress-enabled" ),
"body.impress-enabled is added." );
// Steps initialization
var step1 = iframeDoc.querySelector( "div#step-1" );
assert.equal( step1.style.position,
"Step position is 'absolute'." );
assert.ok( step1.classList.contains( "active" ),
"Step 1 has active css class." );
console.log( "End init() test (sync)" );
} ); // LoadIframe()
} );
QUnit.test( "Non default root id, API tests", function( assert ) {
console.log( "Begin api test" );
var done = assert.async();
loadIframe( "test/non_default.html", assert, function() {
initPresentation( assert, function() {
var iframe = document.getElementById( "presentation-iframe" );
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
var iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow;
var wait = 5; // Milliseconds
var step1 = iframeDoc.querySelector( "div#step-1" );
var step2 = iframeDoc.querySelector( "div#step-2" );
var root = iframeDoc.querySelector( "div#non-default-id" );
// Things to check on impress:stepenter event -----------------------------//
var assertStepEnter = function( event ) {
assert.equal( event.target, step2,
event.target.id + " triggered impress:stepenter event." );
assert.ok( event.target.classList.contains( "present" ),
event.target.id + " set present css class." );
assert.ok( !event.target.classList.contains( "future" ),
event.target.id + " unset future css class." );
assert.ok( !event.target.classList.contains( "past" ),
event.target.id + " unset past css class." );
assert.equal( "#/" + event.target.id, iframeWin.location.hash,
"Hash is " + "#/" + event.target.id );
var assertStepEnterWrapper = function( event ) {
setTimeout( function() { assertStepEnter( event ); }, wait );
root.addEventListener( "impress:stepenter", assertStepEnterWrapper );
// Done with setup. Start testing! -----------------------------------------------//
assert.strictEqual( iframeWin.impress( "non-default-id" ).goto(),
"goto(<nothing>) fails, as it should." );
// This starts executing the sequence above
assert.ok( iframeWin.impress( "non-default-id" ).next(),
"impress('non-default-id').next() called and returns ok (1->2)" );
// Things to check immediately after impress().goto() ---------------------------//
assert.ok( step2.classList.contains( "active" ),
step2.id + " set active css class." );
assert.ok( !step1.classList.contains( "active" ),
step1.id + " unset active css class." );
}, "non-default-id" ); // InitPresentation()
} ); // LoadIframe()
} );