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2018-04-25 21:30:45 +00:00
/* jshint node: true */
"use strict";
// Browsers to run on Sauce Labs platforms.
var sauceBrowsers = [
[ "chrome", "53", "Windows 10" ],
[ "chrome", "52", "Windows 10" ],
[ "firefox", "48", "Windows 10" ],
[ "firefox", "47", "Windows 10" ],
[ "microsoftedge", "13", "Windows 10" ]
// These browsers have issues with the iframe based test approach. impress.js itself should work
// fine, it's just that the tests don't. We can figure out later whether there's some option that
// allows to access the DOM inside the iframe with javascript.
// [ "internet explorer", "11", "Windows 10" ],
// [ "safari", "9", "OS X 10.11" ],
// [ "safari", "8", "OS X 10.10" ]
].reduce( function( object, platform ) {
// Convert "internet explorer" -> "ie".
var label = platform[ 0 ].split( " " );
label = (
label.length > 1 ? label.map( function( word ) { return word[ 0 ]; } ) : label
).join( "" ) +
"_v" + platform[ 1 ];
object[ label ] = {
base: "SauceLabs",
browserName: platform[ 0 ],
version: platform[ 1 ],
platform: platform[ 2 ]
return object;
}, {} );
module.exports = function( config ) {
if ( !process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME || !process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY ) {
console.log( "Sauce environments not set --- Skipping" );
return process.exit( 0 );
config.set( {
basePath: "",
browserDisconnectTolerance: 5,
frameworks: [ "qunit" ],
singleRun: true,
proxies : {
'/test/' : '/base/test/',
'/js/' : '/base/js/',
'/node_modules/syn/dist/' : '/base/node_modules/syn/dist/'
// List of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// The QUnit tests
// Presentation files, for the iframe
{pattern: "test/*.html", watched: true, served: true, included: false},
{pattern: "test/plugins/*/*.html", watched: true, served: true, included: false},
// JS files for iframe
{pattern: "js/impress.js", watched: true, served: true, included: false},
{pattern: "node_modules/syn/dist/global/syn.js", watched: false, served: true, included: false}
// The number of sauce tests to start in parallel.
concurrency: 1,
// Test results reporter to use.
reporters: [ "dots", "saucelabs" ],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
sauceLabs: {
build: "CIRCLE-CI #" + process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM,
startConnect: true,
tunnelIdentifier: process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM
client: {
clearContext: false,
qunit: {
showUI: true,
testTimeout: 120*1000
// If browser does not capture, or produce output, in given timeout [ms], kill it
captureTimeout: 60*1000,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 60*1000,
customLaunchers: sauceBrowsers,
// Browsers to launch.
browsers: Object.keys( sauceBrowsers )
} );