Sketchy ======= Free Sketch / Paint application for Firefox with a lot of features. Key features: * Different types of brushes * Customizable brushes * Colorpicker * Unlimited Undo/Redo * Save your sketch to sdcard / PC * Save your sketch as a "Sketchy Project" and edit it later * Different shapes ( Circle, Rectangle, Square, Triangle ) * Fill / Stroke New features are coming soon! Contact and tell us what feature you would like to see in next version ( you can make an issue ). Found a bug? Make and issue and I'll fix it as soon as possible. Web version: Firefox Marketplace: Start ===== To start working on: git clone cd Sketchy npm install grunt Sketchy will be built to "build" folder, you can run `grunt watch` to automatically re-run tasks when you modify files. Changelog ========= **1.2** * Added an option to save sketches as a project, so they are editable[1] * Made Firefox Desktop versions working ( was blocked by [1] ) * Added an option to change board's color ( Background ) * Added Shapes (Circle, Rectangle, Square, Triangle) * Added Fill/Stroke option for Lines ( and shapes ) * Made Line Join working ( was disabled in version 1.1 ) **1.1** * Added "About" * No load-time for Mobile * Added preloader for images * Fixed low lineWidth for sketches rendering invisible in Chrome * Fixed background settings not applying ( save ) * Fixed Email link not working on Mobile License ======= GPL v2 Copyright (C) 2014 Mahdi Dibaiee