
47 lines
1.4 KiB

'use strict';
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var _chai = require('chai');
var _indexJs = require('../index.js');
var _indexJs2 = _interopRequireDefault(_indexJs);
describe('Equations', function () {
it('should work with one variable', function () {
var equation = _indexJs2['default'].equation('x+2');
(0, _chai.expect)(equation(2)).to.equal(4);
// Issue #10
var subtraction = _indexJs2['default'].equation('x - 3');
(0, _chai.expect)(subtraction(10)).to.equal(7);
it('should work with multiple variables', function () {
var equation = _indexJs2['default'].equation('x+y');
(0, _chai.expect)(equation(2, 4)).to.equal(6);
it('should work with multiple instances of the same variable', function () {
var equation = _indexJs2['default'].equation('x*x');
(0, _chai.expect)(equation(4)).to.equal(16);
it('should only accept lowercase letters', function () {
var equation = _indexJs2['default'].equation('X+2');
(0, _chai.expect)(equation).to['throw']();
it('should work with NumVariable expressions like 2x', function () {
var equation = _indexJs2['default'].equation('2x + 6y');
(0, _chai.expect)(equation(4, 3)).to.equal(8 + 18);
it('Test case', function () {
var equation = _indexJs2['default'].equation('2+x*(y+4)+z^2');
(0, _chai.expect)(equation(2, 4, 3)).to.equal(27);