import {expect} from 'chai'; import M from '../index.js'; describe('Equations', () => { it('should work with one variable', () => { let equation = M.equation('x+2'); expect(equation(2)).to.equal(4); }); it('should work with multiple variables', () => { let equation = M.equation('x+y'); expect(equation(2, 4)).to.equal(6); }); it('should work with multiple instances of the same variable', () => { let equation = M.equation('x*x'); expect(equation(4)).to.equal(16); }); it('should only accept lowercase letters', () => { let equation = M.equation('X+2'); expect(equation).to.throw(); }); it('Test case', () => { let equation = M.equation('2+x*(y+4)+z^2'); expect(equation(2, 4, 3)).to.equal(27); }); });